Research Journal (2019)

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Research Journal (2019) Divina M. Edralin Editor-in-Chief San Beda University, Manila, Philippines Nomar M. Alviar Managing Editor San Beda University, Manila, Philippines Ricky C. Salapong Editorial Assistant San Beda University, Manila, Philippines Oscar G. Bulaong, Jr. Ateneo Graduate School of Business, Makati City, Philippines Christian Bryan S. Bustamante San Beda University, Manila, Philippines Li Choy Chong University of St. Gallen, Switzerland Maria Luisa Chua Delayco Asian Institute of Management, Makati City, Philippines Brian C. Gozun De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines Raymund B. Habaradas De La Salle University, Taft Avenue, Manila, Philippines Ricardo A. Lim Asian Institute of Management, Makati City, Philippines Aloysius Ma. A. Maranan, OSB San Beda University, Manila, Philippines Djonet Santoso University of Bengkulu, Bengkulu, Indonesia Lauro Cipriano S. Silapan, Jr. University of San Carlos, Cebu City, Philippines Marilou Strider Jersey College, School of Nursing, Fort Lauderdale, Florida, U.S.A. From the Editor Divina M. Edralin Editor-in-Chief Research Articles Stewardship Towards God’s Creation Among 1 Early Filipinos: Implications to Faith Inculturation James Loreto C. Piscos Sustainability Repoting of Leading Global 24 Universities in Asia, Europe, and USA Divina M. Edralin and Ronald M. Pastrana The Impact on Life of Estero de San Miguel 46 Noel D. Santander, Josephine C. Dango, and Maria Emperatriz C. Gabatbat Capitalism vs. Creation-Spirituality Resolve (C.S.R.): 72 A Tete-a-tete of Two Cultural Consciousness Jesster B. Fonseca Caring Behaviours, Spiritual, and Cultural Competencies: 98 A Holistic Approach to Nursing Care Gil P. Soriano, Febes Catalina T. Aranas, and Rebecca Salud O. Tejada Restoring the Sanctity and Dignity of Life Among 116 Low-Risk Drug User Surrenderers Neilia B. Ramirez, Noel D. Santander, and Kim S. Guia The Athletes After Retire ment: How are they Doing? 136 Bayani C. Matitu, Rosalinda B. Santiago, and Michael C. Pasco Correlation of Spiritual Care and the Quality of Life 161 among Institutionalized Older People Health Care Facility Walter Jerome S. Cabale and Margarette C. Cayetano Contextualizing Laudato si in the Philippines: 176 Environmental Problem in Purok 1A, Hapay na Mangga, Barangay Dolores, Taytay, Rizal Melanio L. Leal The Church’s Response to Earth’s Healing in the Face 192 of Ecological Crisis Arnold B. Donozo, Julius B. Tutor, and Kim S. Guia The Contributors 216 Guidelines for Contributors 221 This volume is a collection of research articles focusing on the San Beda University Academic Year 2018-2019 theme: “Stewardship towards God’s Creation.” The ten featured articles tackled from various experiences and lenses how the Church as an institution, other organizations, and the people from various sectors, respond and manifest their concern and love for God’s creation like all the living things around us and our Mother Earth. The first paper by James Loreto C. Piscos on “Stewardship Towards God’s Creation Among Early Filipinos: Implications to Inculturated Faith” examined an integral inculturated faith that is anchored to the Filipino cultural heritage and identity. He asserted that primal cosmic beliefs and practices carried the holistic customs of stewardships towards God’s creation where it embodied the union and mutuality of the natives to nature rather than control and subordination. The research utilized primary materials written by Spanish ethnographers in the 16th-17th century. Although their observations were from the colonizers’ perspectives, it still revealed beliefs and practices at that time common among early Filipinos. Piscos asserted that one needs to filter and decipher those accounts to unearth early Filipinos experiences of oikenomous. Although the study was limited to the Tagalogs, still the dynamics of power-relations between the inhabitants and nature were demonstrated using the lenses of Foucault’s discourse on power. His findings implications to inculturated faith given the open atmosphere of the Church for its renewed evangelization that includes stewardship towards God’s creation where harmony and communion with Mother Earth strengthens our bonds with God and find each other in a place we truly call a home. The second paper by Divina M. Edralin and Ronald M. Pastrana on “Sustainability Reporting of Leading Global Universities in Asia, Europe, and USA” determined the sustainability reporting of selected leading global universities in Asia, Europe, and the USA. Using the descriptive and comparative research designs, fifteen higher educational institutions from leading global universities with business schools and institutional sustainability development programs were used as sample cases. Their results revealed that all the sampled universities in Asia, Europe, and USA publish their Stand-Alone Sustainability Reports annually, as well as publish parts of their sustainability performance in their Annual Reports at the end of every academic year. These reports are made available in their websites year-round. Their findings also showed that in terms of reporting framework, the universally recognized Global Reporting Initiative is predominantly used by universities in Asia and Europe, followed by the Environmental Management System certifiable under ISO 14001 standards. USA universities, however, use a combination of standards, some not formal, but patterned it after the models such as the UN Global Standards, Corporate Knights, International Sustainability Campus Network/GULF Framework, and People and Planet Green League. Among the four priority concerns on sustainability reporting, environmental indicators obtained the highest average frequency; followed by governance, social, and economic indicators among the three regions, led by Europe and US universities. The paper on “The Impact on Life of Estero de San Miguel” by Noel D. Santander, Josephine C. Dango, and Ma. Emperatriz C. Gabatbat provided a better understanding of how different creatures relate to one another in the ecosystem. Through semiotic analysis applied on the life sharing of the local people and some images, their research yielded a deeper appreciation of the impact on life of Estero de San Miguel. They viewed that the estero is an abiotic component of the local ecosystem within the district of San Miguel, Manila. It had freely offered greater provisioning, regulating, cultural, and supporting services before to local communities and other life forms within its immediate ecosystem than today, when it had been relegated only to serve as a tributary of Pasig River and sewer of human waste. They further observed that the present status of the estero shows lesser impact on life within its local ecosystem. While there is still time to finally halt this local ecological catastrophe, people must actively contribute in creating a serious awareness of, respect, and love for the estero and the environment at large. A serious awareness that focuses more on their intrinsic value, apart from their services being offered. The next paper argued that religious conviction is contributory to the making of the culture of Capitalism in the West. This paper by Jesster B. Fonseca “Capitalism vs. Creation Spirituality Resolve (C.S.R.): A Tete-a-tete of Two Cultural Consciousness” presented his argument by annotating Max Weber’s Sociology of Religion where Capitalism’s cultural values influencing the behavior and attitude of the modern man. He established how the values of Capitalism, in the global extent, became the main culprit in the destruction of the ecological system. To see both sides of the story, he examined how capitalists respond to this environmental crisis created mainly by them and why the ‘method’ of most economic experts, including those of the philanthrocapitalists, fails in resolving the problem of sustainability vis- à-vis environmental wellbeing. Opting to take the position of Creation spirituality, the author showed how to counteract the “colonizing” position of Capitalism is for religion to take charge. In the end, the author argued that only in paradigm-shift where the position of Creation spirituality is taken, that genuine solution can be achieved in this pressing environmental crisis. Fonseca recommended to utilize the principles and values of Creation spirituality via incorporation of it in religious academic curricula. Likewise, it was proposed that the same in the wider sphere of interreligious relations and communications that religious leaders, preachers and teachers should consider as a course of action to take. The paper by Gil P. Soriano, Febes Catalina T. Aranas, and Rebecca Salud O. Tejada, on “Caring Behaviors, Spiritual, and Cultural Competencies:A Holistic Approach to Nursing Care” determined the extent of influence of cultural and spiritual competencies to the caring behaviors of nurses who were employed in Level 3 hospitals. They collected the data by survey using three questionnaires on caring behaviors, cultural and spiritual competencies. The extent of influence was determine using a univariate linear regression analysis. Their findings revealed that nurses rated themselves very good in terms of caring behaviors and good in terms of spiritual and cultural competencies. Spiritual competencies showed a significant influence in the caring behaviors of nurses; however, no significant influence was noted between the cultural competencies and caring behaviors of nurses. Another paper is on “Restoring the Sanctity and Dignity of Life among Low Risk Drug User
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