CONNECT Component Review

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CONNECT Component Review CONNECT component review CONNECT component review Date: 4 May 2020 Authors: Gordon Freer and Edward Hedley Submitted by Itad Itad 4 May 2020 CONNECT component review Acknowledgements The review team acknowledges the support of the Connect programme team in providing documentation and helping the team to arrange interviews. The review team also expresses thanks to our field team in conducting interviews and collecting data in the field. Disclaimer The views expressed in this report are those of the evaluators. They do not represent those of Connect or of any of the individuals and other organisations referred to in the report. ‘Itad’ and the tri-colour triangles icon are a registered trademark of ITAD Limited. Itad 4 May 2020 i CONNECT component review Contents List of acronyms iii 1. Introduction and scope 1 1.1. CONNECT component background 1 1.2. Review purpose 1 1.3. Review methodology 1 1.4. Review limitations 2 1.5. Structure of the report 2 2. Theoretical framework Error! Bookmark not defined. 2.1. The M4P Theory of Change 3 2.2. The CONNECT Theory of Change 4 2.3. Intervention Theories of Change 5 2.4. Commentary on intervention design 6 3. Findings 8 3.1. Relevance 8 3.2. Effectiveness: were the interventions effective in promoting changes to practice? 11 3.3. Impact: did the changes have value for the beneficiaries? 13 3.4. Sustainability: Are the changes likely to be implemented in the future? 15 4. Conclusion 18 5. Lessons and recommendations 19 List of references 21 Table of respondents 22 Annex A: Case study – Belpata Dairy Cooperative 24 Annex B: Case study – Organic Mountain Flavor 29 Annex C: Case study – Unilever Nepal Ltd 34 Annex D: Case study – Hatemalo Seed Promotion Cooperative (HSPC) 38 Itad 4 May 2020 ii CONNECT component review List of acronyms A360 Adolescents 360 BDC Belpata Dairy Cooperative DAC Development Assistance Committee DFID Department for International Development FGD Focus Group Discussion IP Implementing Partner KII Key Informant Interview LRN Local Road Network M4P Making Markets Work for the Poor MSMEs Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises OMF Organic Mountain Flavor RAP3 Nepal Rural Access Programme Phase 3 SED Social and Economic Development SHF Smallholder Farmer TOC Theory of Change YV Yuva Vayu Itad 4 May 2020 iii CONNECT component review 1. Introduction and scope CONNECT is a component part of the Nepal Rural Access Programme Phase 3 (RAP3), one of the longest- standing and largest Department for International Development (DFID) programmes in western Nepal (Provinces 6, or Karnali Province, and Province 7). It is well recognised and accepted that new roads and connectivity alone will not be a sufficient kick-start or generate economic activity along transport and economic corridors. To address this, a subcomponent of RAP (and the forerunner to CONNECT), the Social and Economic Development (SED) programme, provided direct agricultural inputs (e.g. seeds, fertilisers) and training to targeted members of communities (direct beneficiaries) residing by or close to RAP roads to develop small agribusinesses. The SED component was closed and reviewed in 2015. It was reconceptualised as CONNECT, with an aim to reduce poverty by increasing incomes and resilience through jobs, local roads, social protection support, market links to agribusiness and women-led micro-enterprises and small community infrastructure in 10 districts in the provinces. To this end, CONNECT applied Making Markets Work for the Poor (M4P) thinking in its interventions’ conceptualisation and design. 1.1. CONNECT component background CONNECT as a component of the larger programme works with micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) in Provinces 6 and 7 by facilitates linkages between them and other market players to support and harness available commercial opportunities in agriculture. The programme also seeks to ensure Nepal’s local governments have capacity to tackle the challenges impeding growth, hindering geographical and socio-economic inclusion and limiting resilience. CONNECT initially had nine interventions, of which it chose to continue to work with four, ‘graduating’ or exiting from supporting the remainder.1 This report focuses only on the remaining four interventions. 1.2. Review purpose This report reviews the purpose and process of the CONNECT component of RAP3 with a view to identifying what has worked well and where improvements might be made in future programmes. The CONNECT component applied an M4P approach in designing and implementing its interventions. DFID requested that the review explore the extent to which CONNECT had successfully applied this approach. 1.3. Review methodology The CONNECT review used a theory-based approach to assess the intentions, outcomes and impact of the programme. Given the budgetary and time limitations, we gathered only qualitative data from a series of interviews with programme staff, partners and beneficiaries. We sampled four of the nine interventions,2 doing this by gathering the information through both semi-structured key informant interviews (KIIs) and focus group discussions (FGDs) with stakeholders and presenting the findings in case studies. The review was conducted in two phases: ▪ In the first phase, the team examined programme documentation and conducted some KIIs with programme staff to review the rationale and decision-making process followed by the programme. We focused specifically on the programme choice to concentrate support on a smaller number of interventions while determining that other interventions had ‘graduated’. The results of this phase 1 The first phase of this review commented on this selection process (Itad, CONNECT Review, 1st Phase, August 2018). 2 The interventions were purposively selected based on their potential for comparison with the Samarth evaluation and for lesson-learning. We also limited our selection to interventions the programme had chosen to continue to support, because of the more readily available data. Itad 4 May 2020 1 CONNECT component review were presented to the programme, which was given an opportunity to respond. The short report containing the results was presented to DFID.3 ▪ The purpose of the second phase was to ascertain the viability of the programme Theory of Change (TOC) and its outcomes and impact. For this phase, we reviewed a wider set of programme documentation and conducted interviews with programme staff and beneficiaries and staff of partner organisations. 1.4. Review limitations There are several limitations to this review, mainly to do with budgetary and time constraints. We did not verify or attempt to verify any of the quantitative evidence the programme presented, and do not at any point venture an opinion as to this area. We gathered evidence in the second phase only on the four interventions that CONNECT continued to support until the end of the programme. As such, the lessons learnt and recommendations draw only on this limited review. While we were able to interview programme staff and conduct field research with beneficiaries of all four evaluated interventions, interviews at the support market level and with Implementing Partners (IPs) proved difficult. As a result, analysis of changes and impact at the support market level is less extensive than anticipated. In the original scope of work, we identified that we would not examine Efficiency as a Development Assistance Committee (DAC) criterion, although we proposed that we would conduct a ‘high-level’ Value for Money review. We did not have sight of the financial data from the programme, and so were not able to conduct this review. We were not required to review the progress of the project against the project logframe and therefore do not speak to this in the review. 1.5. Structure of the report This report has four sections: ▪ Section 1 provides a background to CONNECT and the review process, including the methodology used and its limitations. ▪ To provide a framework for the later presentation of findings and analysis, Section 2 provides the M4P TOC, as well as the CONNECT TOC, and collectively outlines the four case study interventions’ aims and objectives. We also provide a commentary on the strengths and weaknesses of intervention design. ▪ Section 3 presents the findings of the review, organised by DAC criteria. Under each criterion we draw on evidence presented in the four case studies annexed to this report. We first summarise how the interventions were intending to work and then provide our analysis of the underlying factors that explain why the four interventions succeeded or failed, organised by the DAC criteria. ▪ In Section 4 we draw our conclusions. ▪ Section 5 provides lessons and recommendations and draws comparisons with the review team’s recent evaluation of DFID’s Samarth programme, the first M4P programme implemented in Nepal. The stand-alone case studies of the four reviewed interventions are included as annexes.4 For the sake of completeness, the Phase 1 Report of this review is also included as an annex. 3 Itad, CONNECT Review (1st Phase), August 2018 4 Annex A is Dairy, Annex B is Ginger, Annex C is Hamri Didis and Annex D is Seed. Itad 4 May 2020 2 CONNECT component review 2. Theoretical framework This review serves as an input into assessing the extent to which CONNECT has been able to successfully apply the M4P approach (see Box 1) in the design and roll-out of its interventions. As such, this section describes a generic M4P TOC, the CONNECT TOC and the intervention-specific TOCs.5 This section provides the framework for the analysis presented in Section 4. The section ends with a brief tabular description of the rationale and aims of each of the four reviewed interventions. TOCs for programmes of this nature act as frameworks or roadmaps for the potential path that the programme anticipates taking. Regular review of the theories allows for a programme to update this framework to reflect progress or additional unanticipated barriers.
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