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AI the News of AI the Pointes Every no' 'I~ ThllndlY Morning rosse r1nte ~ws Complete Ne'ws 'Coverage of All the Pointes

VOL. 38-NOo 23 'wltlllh .. a. hcond C.... Malt .. at the 10e 'or COP.!' 32 Pages-Two Sections-Section One '0.1 Offlco at Dotroll. Mlchl .. n GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1977 $1.00 Por Ve•• .

Voters to. HEADLINES School Board of the Choose T,vo Resolution Candidates WEEK --L A. CompUecl by !he Grone Pointe New. Polls at 10 Elementary Gets Sif,pport Schools Will Be Open from 7 a.m.~8 p.m. THE'I't1~:iE~1U1~~ATES Wayne County School District Representatives has told Cuba it bas no inlen- Adopt locally Approv~ Measure Against By Susan Mt:Donald Uo.n of re-establlshing full Proposed Teacher licensure Bill trade (and diplomatic reta. L 0 c a I con t r a 1 of schools, curriculum im- tioDS tIIS long .s Cuban troops By Susan McDonald _ continue radical ectivities in Representatives from all 36 Wayne County prov4i:ments and teacher- administration relations Africa; '& top U.S, foreign school districts last week took a united stand policy official said Wednes. against a proposed teacher licensure bill, adop~ing have become major is- day. 1I1e official said that a resolution written and approved by the Pomte sues in the race to fill while momentum has built Board of Education in April. two Board of Education up for normalization of rela. The resolution was ap- seats in the Monday, June 13, annual electh:il}: tiOI\J betwe,en the two coun. proved at the Thursday, B dE' tries,ibe U.S. intends to . f th W Y" maintain its trade embargo June 2, meetmg 0 e ayne oar es Voters will choose between County Assoc. of School eight candidates, including against Cuba while Cuban Boards in opposition to House .SU~llne.r Tax Barbara Youngs, Frances troops remain a c t i vein Bill, (HB), 4242. •• Twiddy, Paul M. Quint, Paul Africa. He said full diplo. Pointe Trustee Joan Han- C II a McCarthy, Dorothy" Kenne!. ' ,matic relations including an 0 eet.o.n. Laurance Harwood, Richard '.. exchat1ge' of '4lmbassadol"/l, peter, who .authored the res. II Robbins and Ann Ardussi. ' .J I bin C b 'th olution, said she" found the :~.~ so ge on a u an WI • lassociation's 'action signifi- J1011s at 10, local elemen-' cl.,.:drawal. cant because it indicates the Input Sought from Mun- tary schools 'will be open ~-'~' • • • systems are beginqing to icipalities on Plan Call- from 7 a.m ..8 p.m. The eftf.t~~MICHIGANFriday, BLUEJUlIe 3CROSS. work together . . 'Ing .for ObtaOln'ln'g League of Women voter~' will make available non.par: ME' ;'(t". Blue Shi.'eld was granted .. "This is about the first time Monies Twice a , . 9.45 percent rate increase Photo by ~om Gr~enwood I know of that all Wayne Year \. Thursday 'by Michigan 'In. Eight, candidates will compete for two THY KENNEL, and in \the back row, (from County districts have done ) surance Commissioner Thom. Board of Education ,seats when Pointers go to. left to righ.t), ~"RANCES TWIDDY, PAUL Mc- ,anything in concert," Mrs. , Id Hanpeter said. Susan McDona ~ as C. Jones. Th~ boost is ex- the 'polls ~n Monday; June 13, in the annual CARTHY and BARBARA YOUNGS. Incumbent By f Ed pected, to earJ1. an additional S ch 00 I B oar. d eIections. I n t h e f ront row, (f rom L aurance H arwoo d" IS pICt ure d' m co Iumn elg. ht Commission Viewed The Board 0 .. uca- $94. ,mi1llon in revenues for left to right), are candidates ANN ARDUSSI, as he was reportedly out of town when the pic- "School districts are very tion took the' first step I!i';.thehealth insurance organi. RICHARD ROBBINS, PAUL QUINT and DORO- ture' above was taken. independent, .and I like them toward implementipg a ~.;;...~ :lation ov.er an IS.month per. I that way, but we 'must work new cost-saving tax plan ,~fod beginning July I, Mr, J' together on soine issues." last month with inquiries ~;JtJones. said. The Blues bad F:r.emen :n Park' Fourth f. .uly F:nd Bod:es. The Michigan Education to six local muniCipal- ~"asked for approval of a 12.6 II II S,' 0 -II II Assoc., (MEA), backed bill ities. - " ['t ~:~~e~~~:M;~~th~k~:,ul~ Park Have Celebration Features In Double ~;I~ s~a:en%~m~~;b~:~~~~~ sa~~ ~~~n's~~l~ $~~~~~a~~" "': new money, he said. The I sion to set professional stand- interest 18St year alone, calls r i~~~;n~~~~~~s~rb::s~: tf~:: 3 Busy Days Big Pal"~de, Fun for All Drowning ~::~h:;: license the state's f~~:::oo~o;~~~t~o~:c~fy::~U- three years to 'more than 62 The proposed commission in July as well as the regli" f:{=~i::I,=::t,~~ Trio ~f ~llz~~ Brings Civ,ic: ~soc:I.~ion .~P..=.~'.i'\t.~i~h ..~tiq~e .De,ths. of G~uphdlu\ed~~~k~~~~ ~e tt~c~~~ la~Dae~:~~e~~~;:~i\ilPtl serlbers at cUlferent Ume'.-.s .-N.eded ...AsI'stanee;.'."'-" ...... -;Caq",FJQab,-~M g1l1ir:ee Mile Pa"lC- . ,Accidental "tn-First ,rid other farge teacher i'n all the Pointes and Har- their eontraet anniversary from Mutp..1~i~'" .,~~,., . .~,r..m.,o~-'.•~L~~~.f • .g~~c.AJ~~ .,." Sych 'nc:fc:lent in . uniOll$, a*!d two 'rnember~ of per Wpods,Sl'!llerintencient dat.~~e~up: 'a;<:~"> < '.'<"'i,Detroit 8rea in recent months. schools have participated in high rate of speed, possibly front lawn of the Shores this method, it took at least questions from concerned R. Haldeman were ordered your home. For amateur and over the last 10 years the this competition: Municipal Building Tuesday, 10 minutes before the man citizens. Robert G. Edgar. professional alike, summer national average involving Senior,Donna Sehulle's cut- knocking the young Lewiston May 31. according to an of. could be freed from the cab one of the present owners of Monday to start serving their means high profits and low nighttime B.E's rose 113 per. paper commercial design reo road couple into the water. ficial accident report. of the' pickup and placed in the theater, is scheduled to Watergate prison sentences risks in homes left l'irtually cent, while daylight burglar. ceived an honorable mention. The vessel was circling the The driver suffered six the ambulance. participate. June 22, yet 8nother step in defenseless during a tradi. ies rose 337 percent. Detroit and a pen and ink entry, intake buoy ,at about 10.12 fractured ribs and fractures Shores Off4cers Bruce Dar. The Unit~, Church has en. the scandal that toppled a tional time of rest and reo recorded 46,233 B~E's in 1975, "Old Man," won exceptional mph when the Coast Guard of both arms, It was dis. ~ington and Michael Kortas tered inlo a contract 10 pur. president. Nearly five years laxation. while nationwide the figure recognition for Melinda ~Iur. boarded it, Six orange life closed by doclors at Saint were in the squad room when chase the Punch and Judy, after the break.ins, U.S. Dis. "Our statistics show most reached 2,400.000, or one phy. vests sold with the boal were John Hospital. they heard a 'loud noise and and as prospcctivc bu~'ers. trict Judge John Sirica re- breaking and enterings today every 15 seconds. Melinda's work also re. still on board. Injured was Walter Lau. looked out the cast window must appear berore the jected petitions for delay duro are crimes of opportunity," Over 250,000 persons were ceived a Hallmark Award of ~Iet at U.D rence Supanich, 44, of 29336 of the room. Farms Council. Their appear- ing a four-minute proceeding said Jim MulI, director of the arrested for burglary last Excellence and a $100 prize Mr. Kane was born in Rosebriar, who was con. They saw the pickup trav. ance before the council is attended by both Mitchell, Crime Resistance Section of year, but this represents only as the (inest of all twodi- Wilkes.Barre. Pa., and came veyed to the hospital by eling at a high rate of speed. scheduled for Monday ('I'C. the former attorney general, the Detroit branch of the about 10 percent of those mensional entries from the to Michigan on a football Shores ambulance. Damage about 50 or 60 mph, come ning, June 20, bcgillnlllg at 'and Haldeman, Richard Nix. FBI. ,who commit these crimes. Southeastern Michigan re. scholarship to the University to the man's vehicle was to. across the front lawn of the 8 p.m. on's former chief of staff. "Here at the bureau, we Law enforcement officials gional show held in Fcbru. of Detroit. After bcing in. tal, officers said. police station. then disap. According to ~rr. Boland,

'During the brief hearing. work full.time to manage believe these figures could ary. jured in his freshman year, The impact was such Ihat pcar out of sight toward the I the meeting at the theater is Judge Sirica signed an order programs in crime preven. be cut by 50 percent if the Both works will be on dis- he turned to coaching at U.D it caved in t:le front end of south side of the building. I being held to dispel "rumOrs , J committing the men to tion. We try working with public were better informed. play from June 9June 30 in and was one of the youngest the pickup. jamming both Again, they heard a loud and misinformation that have prison. No pleas were made local police departments in "We're making headway," New York City as part of football coaches in the U.S, doors so tight that the use noise, ~irculatcd aboul Ihe nature 'by their, lawyers In court and utilizing the advantages of said Agent Mull, "because the 1977 National Scholastic He also was a member of of a pry bar to open thl,!m Officer Korlas ran oulside f of our church and its memo neither man spoke. nationwide information. We (Cont.mued on Page 8) Art Exhibit. (Continued on Page 6) was unsuccessful. (Continued on Page 4>. bcrship." ,

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G R 0 SSE PO t N E N EW 5 :r Th~;sday I .June, 9, 1977 , ' ANN B.oard,S~~ts (CORtiIlae4 from PI~e 1) , CWhoQln9' s. ~It men who cci1te AIDUSSI position, said, in response, comprehend efficiently Is the that an educator could bring most Important skill needed THE a much needed balance to to acquire knowledge," ac. the Board . cording to Mrs. Ardussi. "We Fllber', DI' I, JUl' 19 , ....,•••• CII"'" "Teacher morale is at an must insure that students .... all.time low," she said, "We are given the foundation for llOlIE ".TE have to stop looking at teach. learning and the skills neces- SCHOOLIOIID ers 8nd administrators as an. sary to communicate." tagonists. Mrs, Twiddy, who. still VIII ...., ..... 13 "Both groups ,work for tbe serves liS' e'Xecutive secre. Go-Togethers, same thing-the good of the tary of the Michigan Coun- children. If an ex. school cil of Teachers of English, Poplin Slacks, ~acher were on tbe Board, promises a strong, knowl. & Hathaway's maybe the two groups would edgeable emph8sis on im. \i be better able to work to. proving the English pro.' \Golf Classic l gether." gram,' \ ' ~ Responds to Charge She also is pushing for Tops .... changes' in. the evaluation Also labeled with the po. system for Pointe teachers, tential conflict of interest Hereistheonlygolf ,hirl JACK NICKLAUS was Mrs, Twiddy. 5be re. "Getting" tenure after just one and a half hours of su- weers, Finelyknil of tired several. years ago 100% coltonli,leand from an English teaching pervision -is not sufficient woshoble.Agreat position and her husband is evaluation," she said. giftfor 9AD. still employed by the system. Mr, Quint didn't attend any of the forums or respond S'r;p.d 18.50 She responded to the to any questionnaires, sourc- PIa;" Cola,. charge by pointing out ,that 17.00 e~ report. , pa~t Board President Wil- Thego.together liam Ada'ms served while his poplinslacksare wife was employed by the sturdily woven for longerwear, In system and that Mr. War" natural and no")'. ner's wife also works on a Child Safety Program RE~ELECT part . time basis at the from. . , , , 20.00 schools. I LAURANCE J.' Her working understandinll Subject of Two Meetings, of the system and the staff HARWOOD. will help her reSQlvl' ~Qme By Rog~r A. Wah. . sible for. the coordination of SCHOOl.BOARD of thl' conflicts h~tween the A. !>.egress report on th e the program," Board and teachers, Mrs. status of the community.wide l{enoted the draft of sug. 9:30 to 5:30 520 Woodward • ~:OOto 5:30 Fistler Bldr. Twiddy said.gestedguidelines for the pro. 9:30 to 5:30 2()3 Pierce, Birminghall But the two former teach. child safety program, coordi. gram, prepared by YSD Det. -'UN.13 :1321" )l",C'K A"t:Sl:t: nated by tbe Youth service Birmingham Store Open'fhurs: and Fri. 'tilg liT. CLAIMIjIlOR£S. Jlleu. "!lOtiO ers are not the only candi. Division, (YSD), was viewed P,trick Fagan, were distrib. Qates concerned with the utedto principals needing Working climate in. the at meetings hetween YSD them. \'1 also asked for addi. * Natural Shoulder Clothing schools. officers and schoo! officials tional copies of ,the booklet An insurance man, Rich. on Tbursday, June, 2, _t to be sent to the Board of 1957.1977 ard Robbins calls the teach. school offices, Educatign last week," added er morale problem "top pri. Two sessions were held »e. Dr. Spagnoli. ' FATHER'S DAY' IS JUNE 19 orl.ty." I.. 'mpro m'g the tween divisl'on detectives and ... 1 V sys. "We rehashed the program tem. Dr. Joseph Spagnoli, assis~ arid where we stood, and. ad, I "The' cardinal need right ant superintendent.instruction vised thelrl. of what we hav/ , now is to .bring to all groups and the School Board's rep. done," said _'Det. Fag8n. H, an 'atmosphere' of under. resentativeon the YSD's saitt the principals were told standing and trust," he said board of man age,rs. One was that Emergency' "E" cards at the""I:~.~e,~aouYgf~rTimum'e" with the 10 elementary schOol and bumper stickers saying, ~- Apr.incipals and the other with '~Kid8, ~n't.co with Strano A Mrs. Ardussi, a: housewife the three middle school prin. are available at all who has been associated cipals. ,er.," 'through mu"h of the earn. I JOell police departments, in- Palgn with " Mr, Harwood, "We discussed. the Emer" 'cluding Harper 'Woods. gency 'E'. "'rOgram 1lnd tbe H' _ .. th i said the school system Y e ISseS..... e sess ons as "needs more effective com. responsibility of the sehool primarily an update as' to munication bet wee n con. system," said Dr. Spagnoli. where the program stands, cerned groups to promote "The general impreulon from while noting, "No one ex. \mderstanding, cooperation the YSD and the princlP'alspressed 8nyparticular prolr and common goals." was that each Pro at the Iems or comp laInts •" •Mrs. You n g s proposes elementary s c h a a I level Honefully be added a poll treating "teachers 8S the pro. should have someone respon.' will be tak~n someti~e duro feulonals they are" to help ing the summer as to the resolve the dispute. Gh,a no Pro' "Iect Dumber of "E'"cards in the "I think these teachers community. should get a little more B. 5 For'his part, YSD Det. credIt," she said. "I'd like '9 uccess Wayne Baum indicated that to point out that none of our the entire scope of the pro- teachers left the school with The combined effor.ts o~ gram was reviewed with an FRED .~ERRYiP) blackboard flu last year, al. North and South High Scboola emphasis upon iJD1\king cer. ,tho~h, ,they,were,lJaving a. to help~l1ilc:h. middle.;sd1ool tain it 11 initiatedineaeh of. ,.; P9f ~e,AetiV~~~n(.!~pcLtA~~~e! Cot~on .;ery,'.rOugh tin\e, .. :she hid. in AlGOa, -Ghana. West At. 'thle'-Potntes' a.nd"H'e'i"4)er ),' " ; Mnh Sport ShIrt with Exua LongSpht,Talb. While!. On the' other hand, Paul rica were !8 h~. su~cess Woods. He saJd it appears to Navy. Augusta' Green, Yellow, ,Blue, Red. Sizes M McCarthy has. expressed 'a thanb to ~ ftlndrais.lnl be going well and wants 'each ~1_ @ thru, xx'L. $16.00. •, - mJstrustof -the- teachers ~. high schools ha«1 each of the ~lS :to become com. AFTER HOURS umon, and sees the state donated $650 from otheJr ~tu. 'pletely mvolved. union's attempt to promote dent aotdvitlies tte'uuzies. Woods Det. Lt.• Jack !'fAt. Johnston & Murphy has a regional bargaining as a Their $1,300 was matched by terson echoe~ this.. posltive threat to local control. fW1ds from the local Catholic reacUon, whJle Clting the sOft.stepping approach to pleasing _M_rs_,_A_r_d_u_ss_i_a_ls_o_ha_s_ex_"Churches and the Peace ~eed for the prog!am to ~on. Corps tinue on 'an ongomg baSIS. Dad ... two moccasin toe leather ~osse '. dd The .• YSD office reports carls/err Ga. These m~nJes were a ed that pamphlets viewing the casuals with full leather linings ON T,HEHILL to those r~llsed by the 10cal ,. . . vIDagers' effol'ts in Agona child in~lester and provlding 80 Kerchnal, Grosse Pointe farms - Pointe News by selling sand and stones to safety ~ps for parents can and cushioned ribbed sales. Hours; 9 10.5:30 Published Every ThursCIay puilders in the area. : ~ ob~~~. At th~ same by Robt. B. EcJpr A "night of fun" in April tim~, diVISion detectives are D/B/A 'Anteebo Publlshers be 'th 4'" sho...l...... of available to speak to any A. Bone or brown tie. 42.50 99 Kereheva 1 Avenue 'the'gan vieWll "Funny.... e Laiiy""-' at grouJ) or or6'CUUU..~_I tion on th,e Grosse Pointe, Mich. 48236 NO: 'and ended at South subject of chUd ~afety. . B. White or navy slipon w.ith Phone TU 2-6900 with a dance featuring the For further. I~ormation, SAVE THE GOODTIMES Second Clou Po.tage pcid al band "eontraband." call the YSD office at 886- Oetroit, Michigan. 2908. with twin. side gores. 42.50 -FATHER',S DAY -WEDDINGS SYbscriptlonRates $8.00 per year Tom Rou5se'8u,'North's . -IIRTHDnS -VACATIONS VIClA~;;U cllM,,;! (Subscriptions,Student Assoc. president. and Change of Address Forms 3579 10 Greg Jay, South'S. president, 99 Kercheval.Geos.. Pointe Farms, organ1z.ed the event. '!be Mich. The deadline for news copy is Monday noon. , _ monies raised were then With . All cdverti.ing cop'\' must be ,n used to r e im bur s e each the News Office by Tuesday noon school's tre"""'"". to insure 1nsertion. --oJ VIvitar's Jacob SonS BENNAGE .. •• aliag pocket , ~rlJ:t:;?if{w4~W&:;:~~l:RU@~:1W:Wfi*,M:>.;::;1~'l:::l;W:ml1@:1%:ll:i1*,:m:*:1f&:~~w::, ca.eras. CHEVROLET-OLDS, INC. 110 Broadway rb As seen on T. v, withArthurGOdfrey .... -Marin~ City, Mich. 48039 ~ *~~~: THE INDISPENSABLE ONE- ' .~~~~~ 1)l1evro1et 1~765-8868.", Oldsmobile '-'J "We give you a chOice OUR NA VY BLAZER

The coat for all occaJiom and all seaJons - Hickey'J year round blazer in wool and polyester hop. sack. ...•.. ... ~;~;~~\ Wear it with solid slacks all ~~@~ :::::: week to businesJ ~ have fun on :::::: Uttle pocket cameras that pack a great big wallop! V~vitar :::::: week-endJ with checks, plaids ,:::::: has the most exciting concept in pocket cameras-bullt~1n ::::=:",). or madraJ.' ",~.'.';:=* electronic flash, An incredibly fast flash that captures in- ~ "'" ,- door shots in an amazing 1/tOOOof a second-that's 15 .... ~ ~ times faster than flipllash or flashc:Jbes, And thst's impor- Make your selection of two great G.M. ~:~ A great Coalfor travel, il packs ~:~::: tsnt to get beautiful, sharp pictures indoors becau~e :::::: well and doem'l m"JS '/ :::::: Vivitar's built-in flash "freezes" any movement, Catch family aut~mobiles ... or try both. :::;:: H eas/ y~ :::::: and friends truly ::::::. ~100. :=:=:: being themselves, '..:', " ....•• Afterall, who's got SALES-SERVICE-LEASING ~ ~ lime for posing when you're hav...... :. ':.:.:. ing fun? Vivitar, The amazing little Jim Bennage-Owner - GPHS 1946 ~A ~ pocket camera. - - Pick one up today! ~*~~ ~~* When you want a real buy, ...•.•...... , . '..

m••••••• I:~*•••••• drive out and see me in ~~~@ ~~~~ The Marine City, on the St. Gair River W.~ ••• , ~I•••• ~ ~.M ~ CAMERA CENTER ~ ~ 17114 K.rcheval IT PAYS TO BUY FROM US ~ ~ in 'he Vii/age KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE Op.n Tllvmlay ••• ningl ',il 9 ~~.l1 ~:1r~ SA VE HUNDREDS ON A ~: ' _ Optn Th,md"y EVlnillgs 'lit 8:4' ~~:~ 885.2267 ~ d NEW CHEVY OR OLDS ';:~~;~';s:!!i~:~::;';~;K::!:"~~'~:';';-:-:':';';':~';';';';';'~';';.;..;.;.;.;:=.:.;.;.:.;.;.:(,:.;.;.~~.:.;.;.;,;.;.;~:::;••t';.;~:;:;:;:;:;:;~:~:;:~:;:~:;:;:;:~:.~.:.:..:.:.:-:-:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~:.:.:.:.:':.~:~~.~~:;:;:;!'"" -••~::':::::-::::~««...... :-=.;.:.:::.:-::~.~:~:::~:::~::~=::::::::::~~::.:~::::::::::::.::::::::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:-:.:::::::.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.~.:.:.:..:.:.:.:.:.:':':.:':':':':':':':-:':'.':':':':':~':~':~((-:" .

~ . ,,)', ___ ~ ...:.....J...~_ ~_ .e ~~~-----_"._"._._"."'_ •• 4' • ._._ ••_.__ .... _-~~-----~~~--~~-----_.- ~------~ - - - -

Thursday, June 9, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P"CJe Three Men. can be elected to of- N .th fice, but you can't make a man WI real spunk them think. can be classified as a good Park Officer Becolllcs PSO loser, GPT Concludes Busiest By James J. NJaim PSO Kortas, who comes . Mjchael C. Kortas, 33,an highly recommended, filled a Season with 'Cabaret' elght.year 'Veteran of the vacancy created by the re- For SCHOOL BOARD Park Police Department, tirement of Sgt. Donald Ja. Grosse Poi n t e Theater, Al'lene Schoenherr, of Lake. See Page 9 switched allegiance from The cob, who had to leave the (GPT), concludes .its 29th- pointe avenue, is .again servo Park to The Shores .as of department because of fail. and busiest-season with a mg as choreographer, 'a de. ------Wednesday, June 1, according ing health. 10.night run of the hit musi. manding task she fiirst under. ing to information released "Officer Kort'as is a wel. cal. "Cabaret." Opening yes. took with last season's "Ap. by Shores Public SafetyDi. come addition to our depart- terday, June 8, the show will plause." She has appeared reclor Joseph Vitale. ment," said Director Vitale. run conseculively through on stage in nearly all GPT Saturday, June 18, except for musicals lor the past decade. Unlike in The Park, Shores "We are very fortunate to get a 'man of his calibre and Monday, June 13. . David McDonald, of Ster. officers function .as both po. Curlain ti!lle is 8:30 p.m. ling Heights, 'also is repeat. licemen and firemen. I know that he will be .an asset to both the public safe- but will be 7:30 p.m. for the ing the dual 'function he The new public safety offi. ty department and to our Sunday and both Thursday handled on "Applause"-as cer, who served a four.year community. performances. (June 9, 12 vocal and musical director. hitch with the United States and 16). He made his GPT stage "Allhough he must serve Marine Corps before joining The saow is GPT's filth in debut in the season opener, The Park department on one year as a probationary .a season that also included "A LittJe Night Music." officer, he is an experienced April 24, 1968, will be on pro. hosting a successlul conven. Others on the staff include bation for one year, the same police officer and fireman, tion last month for more than co s turn e s, Mrs. Walter as any recruit who is ap. but still must undergo some 200 members of the Com. Maher, of Whittier road. and pointed to the Shores Public training, to bring him up to munity Theatre Assoc. of Cheryl Berteel, of Sterling Safety Department, the di. date on present day fircfight. Michigan, (CTAM). Heights; props and set dress. rector said. ing techniques. The award.winning musical ing, Mrs. Gwen Samuel, of Officer Kor.tas comes well "His past training with the is bas e d on Christopher Moran road. and Mrs. Dennis qualified as 'both a police of. Marine Corps will stand him Isherwood's "Bel'lin Stories" Wickline, of Detroit; make. ficer, by virtue of his service in good stead. He fits into and the 1951 B r 0 ad way up, ,Barbara Trudel, of Not- with The Park department, our department very easily." adaptation, "1 Am .a Cam. tingham road, and Kathleen ,and as a certified firefighter, PSO Korlas continuously era." A look at chaotic Ber. Grabruck. of Detroit; light- which he gained via training renewed and retained his cer. Jin during the rise of Hitler, ing. Dale Pegg, of Fair. in aircraft fire rescue while tification as a firelighter since "Cabaret" uses novel stage holme drive; sound, Dennis with the Marines, said Direc. his discharge from the Ma~ techniques and memorable WickLine, of Detroit; and set tor Vitale. rine Corps, it was disclosed. characters to show the com. design, Harry Albertson. of However, the officer will ing disaster in very human Warren. still have to undergo some terms. Appearing as the MC is Don 1-'1 comfortable calf Black, brown or cordovan. aspects of fire training, but linda Schmidt One such character, the Ross, of Warren 'a familiar Sizes 7 to J 3 in widths from A's to E's. will not have to undertake a unsettlin~ Master of Cere. perlormer who 'l1as acted. complete retraining course, Is Top Student monies, . serves throughout danced and sung many GPT he added. the playas welcomer, ob- plays and musicals. The leg. Officer Kortas and his wife, NOl'th High School senior server 'and mirror of every. endary Sally Bowles is play. Diane Marie, ,are residents of Linda Schmidt has been one's rea ct ion s to the cd by Mrs. Arthur ~utledge, ' East Detroit. They lare the a warded numerous honors irreversible flow of events. of Detroit, who agadn sings for outstanding. scholarship The rc1e .catapulted Joel ,the ,title song, I3S she did in parents of two children, and co-curricUlar activities Grey to stardom when the her GPT debut, in "Ap. Christina, 6, and Kimberly, 4. ,including a $1,000 fow--year show opened on Broadway plause." ffi'citefs Student Life Merit Scholar- in 1966. . The role 01 Clifford Brad- Since 1900 ship' from Oakland Univer. Director John Diebel, of shaw, (the autobiographical sily, University place, sees the Isherwood). !is perlormed by KERCHEVAL AT ST. CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE Joe Devine, North High Me as only one of the p1ay's Giro Vitale, of 'Roseville. J counse:lor, said Lindll has original and brilliant con. Another veteran musical per- 1 Open Thursday Evenings ',iI 8:45 m'ainta.ined 'an overall 3.9 ceptions. former, he recently appeared • honor point average at North "The MC .is the perfect as the stammering Bdlly of ~ ' •.= while serving as a tutor and device for keeping the .audi. "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's teacher's '8Iide at Barnes enceinvolved and aware Nest." ~~~~~6~6~6~6~~~~6~6~6~6~~~6~~~6~6~~ School and playing in the that what happened almost lIIrs. John Diebel, of Uni. clarinet trjo that received the 50 years ago should never be versity place, brings 14 years here's indoor-outdoor entertainmerit.' i .fATHER'S DAY JUNE 19th ~ First Di\'ision Award at the forgotten," Mr. Diebel says. of GPT work as actress, , Mich1gan Solo and Ensemble "His reappearances constant. singer and director to the ~ ~ ~ Festival. ' ly pick at any complacency part of Fraulein Schneider. ..for Father on his special day~. • - we might have -about the Herr Schultz ds played hy Sne was awaracd a Phi story that's developing.. Albert Berteel, of Warner compliments of you and Hitachi ~ U' PRESTIGIOUS KNIT Beta Kappa oertifd.cateat the "But other l'deas used by d h h I I I .A dit' C roa, w 0 .as p ayed a wide M F d ~ By Countess Maret tll ay. or d u onum. d onv().I'-ld" the nreators a"so.... ~dd to ,the variety of roles in his more ca tIon an reCelve a uv sense of ,involvement - the th ~ ~ Key for her dramatic script an 2(} years with GPT. ,m' .the "Detro!'t News" scho'. mirror, the tacky Kit 1{,at E t L d' th . ~ Add a crowning touch to your casual ~ '. Klub ~nd the basic structure rns U Wig, e Mce. ~ wardrobe with this distinctively .... asUc writing competition of of the p1ay. It builds lIS it guy.turned.Nazi, is played ~ ~ i/( styled knit sportshirt. It's fashioned ~ 1973, as well !liS honorable goes, until we know and by Clarke Scholes, of Alter mentdons 'and commendations understand why the ending road, a 13-year member of ~ of machine washable poly- ~ for 'poetry aDd iMterary ar. is, (and was), inevitable. GPT. A p pea r i n g as the ~ ester with ribbed placket collar, ~ ticles she has entered re. "There are few musicals scandalous Fraulein Kost is ~ . and bears the Countess Mara ~ cently. th'I kIill !'>Irs. Lois Bendler, of 51. ~ coronet mark of quality. ~ In the Math Com,petlitive f ~t m~ve s~ easoodslya~~ s - Clair Shores. The most reo Exams for the state, Linda ~t y t :~ugf m ....dtar~ cent of her many GPT shows ~ White. navy. light blue, ~ scored among the top four a, emat~ y ,t~ny and schilln-was "A Little Ni.ght !'>Iusic." ~ beige,maizedrmintgreen, ~ ' sh OUS, S Imp.a mg an c.. percen t.' In 'addit lon, ~. was ling." Other Pointers in the cast ~ $16.50 tll awarded the U.S. History., Directing his second GPT include Duncan .. Erley, of ~ ~l, J\W!\!:d:\P~ted by,North\s .• ,."t\.o . . . i.e1 hs Th1:ee .Miledr~v~~ -l~¥Ntl ~oial,&tudi_ deputmentrffot ~ d\!:fl..~. P..~. f' ~':':f" RUSlyn""r"oar",,,,,, .e'h.e1.e' ~ ~I. .. . appeare. In neaf.[y 20 0 ..~lle v v U o u~ S. t,a n d ~n g scholastic: ~up's_. shows and .. stage Karl, of St. Clair avenue; a~4iJlY&!P.1eJlt,C:.' .:1 . managed several others., A Mrs, J.ac Eurdon, of V:illage member of the GPT board of lane; Geraldine Reeves, of , COOKE APPOINTED ! I directors, his most recent Ridge road; and Aden Rus- }. Shirley Cooke, of Bniar- roles' were the Common Man sell, of SlIJUlingdaie drive. cliff drive, was recently ap- !in uA Man .for All Seasons." GPT is sam to 'announce pointed s81es diirec!or in the General Burgoyne in "The that tickets to "Cabaret" are Portable black and white, TV with. a 5'inCti diagon~' marketing organization of Devil's Disciple"and Alfred virtually unavailable _ but ~ I Mary Kay Gosmetics, Inc. measure picture. Operating on batteries. AC power or p. Doolittle an "My F'air .is grateful to all o!d:ts patrons ~ ~ Mrs. Cooke has been presi- car cigarette lighter adaptor, it can be usedanvwhere. Lady," for'We support .that has made dent of the Women's Mission. Another veteran performer the season successfuI,alK! Included: AC p'ower cord, cigarette lighter cord, sun- ary Society of The Pointe and director, Robert Mc. this show a sellout. shade, earphone plug, removabre shoulder strap. 7.7 Ibs. i~/~~ ~and is active in church af. Kenna, of SI. Clair Shores, B.3/4"Wx5.13/16"Hx 13-3/4"D~ $150 S ~A~~ ~ £airs. is the show's producer. OJ( l:PfT iHICACO' DETROn ~ EquaJ:ly at home in Sffi'aIa GP City Police ~ tll roles, ("The Imaginarym- , ...... ~ ~ "aUd" and "A Man for All Inspect Bikes .. ~ ~ SUNSHINE Seasons"),and ~ead parts I. ("Inherit .the Wdnd," "The City Police recently com. ~ ~ Man Who Dame to Dinner" ~ ~ pleted inspections of almost CLEANING and "My Fair Lady"), Mr. 200 children's bicycles at ~ ~ McKenna has directed five ~ ~ Maire Elementary School GPT productions. with the assistance of :Maire ~ ~ SERVICE Stage manager Chancey CMI'Ef I RM1lItE CWIlIIIG - duty boys Russell Brunke, ~ tll Miller, of 51. Clair Shores, WAU.WASIIlIII- WINIIOWCWIlIIll Eric Warner, Brad Langs has tw.ice won GPT awards ~, SMOKE I SOOT II.UWIE CWII-UP and Tedd Aurelius. r " ••••••••••••••• " ~ ~ for his handling of this job, .,'. ~ ~ ~ -1BIIJBfT1Al City Cpl. .George Brackx ' and is a board member of ..~. h and Cpl. Edward Behrend ••...•...•...... ~.. t ~ ~ \NOOO'INARDAVE: • SOMERSH MAll ~ 881-7229 . )he CTAM. ~ 1571 \MJOOwardAve.. Phone 964-2300.Detroit, 48226 ~ checked brakes, handle bars, •••••••••••••••••• t: ;.: The technical director for '.,...•...... ~. ~ ~~~1J

.~. . •" ... .'., • ~ '. ,.~1

5 $ Ph P • a 17'7 ' at or r • u r 7 5 ,.k extz" 'r'tM¥¥,tr"ft .rt'jttkWbt 't".It. g' "7 *mntrntstfFS)'1N • ... -; ~ - .... "'.- "'T.e- ~...""''',,_.~. __ • _. ( .W Q • ... iR. '.' .4 P .. $ .C P .. ~ « ¥ Aap , XS ¥S Ol$.$ Sta, a 6 £J 3=

. • Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------Thursday, June 9, 1«)77 '':1, dllEE SNO-WHITE LAUNDROMAT GP Park Firefighters Have Three Busy Days NHS Booster 'Cluh Meets 011 JUlie 16 , and DRY-CLEANING The annual meeting of the I Thursday, June 16, in the (Continued from Page 1) set them ablaze. the duration of the fire. Chief Costa said because North High School Athletic school cafeteria beginning at 11300 E. WARREN, Cor, THREE MILE DR. was extinguished in about 20 A fire of this nature can The chief said the fire, of . "Detroit's first, finest & best equipped" of the nature of the fire. and Booster Club will be held 8 p.m. i easily spread to 'other prop. an unknown origin, originat. 1eH...... 1ce tor "undry a rug ••• hlng minutes, but not before the the po s s i bi lit y that the ------~-- (EIgIlIJWuNng M.ehln" l Dr,.,,) rear wall of the build'ing was erty. especially if there is a cd in a bedroom and adjoin. flames might spread to the ~ - burned and scorched. No oth. high wind blowing. he add. ing bathroom. It was a full gas pumps and tanks. a I Drop oft. Llundry - Rugs er damage was reported, cd. hour before the flames were third and fourlh alarm were ~ Bundle Dry Cle.ning M&MHardware t~:~~~~~N~ I This led to a warning from' The other two fires were brought under control and ('ailed in 10 The Farms and ) In by 11 a.m. - Reedy by 5:00 of a more serious nature and put out. Firemen were at lhe chief to all residents-do Woods for assistance. ' PLUMBING SUPPLIES. ELECTRICALSUPPlIE took longer to bring under the scene for nearly three (Hol Wlter IInkl, Vlnili .. , Ample Parking • Pickup'" Delivery . not pile trash or debris Al Ihe scene, The Park had , I control and put out, Chief hours before Ihey returned against or near buildings of seven men and all equip. Costa said. - to their respective stations. Open Sunday ~ ...., -••• 0 any type because there arc ment, including its ambu. SEW ER Wasted Time Chief Costa salLl the fire -) always persons tempted to lance. The City had five men , The May 30 "alarm was was confined to the bedroom and its two fire engines, The , sounded at 3:21 p.m. and the and bathroom, but had Farms five men, an engine f fire had a good start be. burned through the ceiling M._ ~. JjCL~~!NG and ladder truck, and The 1;~•I cause of the difficulty Park into the allic. There was ex. Woods, five men, an engine I ~. 882-0808 COUMln"TLlIT and City firemen had in try. tensive smoke and heat dam. and the snorkel truck. ,• ing to enter a house at 589 age throughout the house. Chief Cos(a said the new FAUCET REPAIRING •, Pemberton road, occupied by On May 31, at 1:25 p.m., a type of paper cans, with I"DISHMSrEA': _ir Service) l Florence Flora. Lakepointe resident phoned , metal end covers, containing Wooden& AIWlIinu.5'01. Wi"- • $cr"" .ired i Time was wasted when the in an alarm that a gasoline the oil, burned easily and . firefighters tried to force service station, owned by fiercely, causing the fire to ------,• their way through a front Anthony Joseph, located at. , extend itself. i door, which was blocked by Kercheval and Lakepointe, A tow truck had to be 'The Ea.t Side'sl.t Kosher Deli' ,• furnishings. They had to en. was on fire. pulled out of the building be . '1 I r ter by chopping a hole Park and City firefighters fore the firefighters could Breakfast ".• I through the roof and the and equipment arrived at the battle the scaring £lames, lJIIch 1 UNCLE HARRY'S • HOT Farms Fire Department was station to find it closed for which they bl'Ought under CORNEll 1m called to .assist. the evening. The firemen control in about 30 minutes, I Dimer I• • PASTRAMI The Park dispatched six on. had to force open the large with all firemen I'oncentrat. . • K05HIR FRANKS Open 10-10 ~ duty and four oU.duty men overhead doors to enter. ing on the storage room. I • MATZAUll SOUP and all equipment, The City They found this fire, also The Park firemen re. Monday-Setwday I and .CW'(.()fJT sent four men and two fire of unkown origin, had start. mained at the scene for three 115-3120 RESTAURANTI, • Tll"'" SIRVlet , trucks and The Farms, four ed in the storage room, hours, but the other fire de. Uncle Harry, falmerly 01 . men and one fire truck. The where many cartons of en. partments were permitted to • Shores dispatched a fire en. gine oil and other combusti. 'Oa~land Heallh Club' return to their slations at E"je • formerly 01 21809 MACK AVE. .; gine to cover for The City for I ble materials were stored. 8:05 p.m.-with the thanks the 'ClamShop' & , ~------Be/ween Vernier 9 Mile • of Chief Costa for their aid. Something DiH!,entl! $,. Clair Shores : Ready to Assist I Acrossfrom 8ommori'o 8o.kery " Suffers Multiple Fractures "It is very difficult to say, " how much I appreciate the ------"•, (Continued from Page 1) I had seen Supanich tr:lveling assistance from The City, . to the accident scene,. while south on Lakeshore road, a~d Farms and Woods," said . PSO Darlington raced to the a.s he 3:pproached .th~ traffiC Chief C

!-. l;ion will be 'held on Monday. June 13, in the Board Room of ,the school sYstem's Ad. ministration Building, 389 St. tlair avenue, at 7:30 p.m, This Week's ~me Join Us This Sunday"June 12 The meeting is open to the , public. Bell Ringers- Prices ERective'June 9, 10 and 11 CLOSID SUNDAY We Close Wednesdays at 1 p.m.

I . ,. "'- U.S.D.A. CHOICE BONELESS I, GRAND OPENING by Fred Seltzer R.Ph. THE PI\llK PKARMAI'V The widespreaa use of frozen f.. ods is one of BEEF STEW LB. ohe major changes in the (Cut Chuck) * Champagne * Hors d'Oeuvres ',0m .... I BASH food industry. Results of • soudies show that there ,..------,81IF IN SOURC.IAM--~--...., , , f ~ is only slight loss in 4 slices bocon, diced v.. tIp. mariaram i , 4 onions, !hopped 1 pin' dairy $Ourcroom r nutrient value of freshly i 1 clove garlic, mincecf 2 IbI, beef Ilew mea'. cu' in 1 in. cubes I frozen foods. The high 2 tIp. sail 'I. lip. pepper chapped panley - at our newly enlarged facilities retention of vitamin C in 2/3 cup while loble wine Paprika -frozen citrus juices makes Coo" bocon in heavy "III. or Dvtch oven unlil brawned_ Remove bocon; set aside. Add these concentrates a de- !t' beef 10 fal remaining in "ellle; brawn an aU sides. Add onion and gorlie, cook a few minutes. pendable source of one ~ of the nutrients com- Sti, in boean, sail. pepper. marjoram and wine Bring to boiling. Caver tighlly and simmer ~ - STARTING AT NOON - monly lacking in Ameri- 1v.. hours, or until meat is tender. Add 0 li"!e b,ath Or wale, if mix'u,e becomes dry. S"im ~ can diets. Failing to serve oK any exceu fal. Slowl'( stir in SOurcream; heel gently. Sprinkle wilh parsley and popri"o. vegetables immediatel)' after cooking, storing fruits and vegeoables im- FROELICH'S GERMAN STYLE ~Enjoy our Complete RAW BAR properly, throwing awa) ~.. the grcens and skins of • vegetahles, using large KNACKWURST $1.27L8. .. amounts of cooking water . Featuring SHRIMP - CRAB - FISH - Ihese waste nalural I BONELESS ROLLED SHOULDER •" nutrienls. ~" Make sure your family CHOWDER - FRESH Ml)SHROOMS diet includes the nutrients .." VEAL ROAST $1.9818. . for good health! Visit I " THE PARK PHARMACY, " U.S.D.A. CHOICE STUFFED WJTH CRAeMEAT 15324, Easl Jefferson, Grosse Pointe Park, for quality vitamins, min- BONELESS ENGLISH CUT BAKED SCALLOPS erals and other food sup- plements. We also ha\'e POT ROAST $1.39 LB. .. a complete professional .- prescription department EXTRA FANCY LARGE 24 SIZE SUPREME and more offering prompt, person- •" CALIFORNIA ..• alized and dependable CALIFORNIA ... senice. Our friendly BING HEAD ... Your Host pharmacisls are always . .. happy to advise you and ,l ... answer questions on med- CHERRIES LETTUCE j ..~ ie.lions. Stop in for greet- ,• .. ing cards, convalesl'ent • e e I aids, baby supplies, and LB. EACH ~;u tfth/ liquor, beer or wine. We 88 3g I• are open daily from 9 GEORGIA STRIPE 1\.1\1. until 8 P.M., Fri. NEW CROP i days and Saturdays unlil CALIFORNIA WATER- 9 P.M., and Sundays from SEEDLESS PIPER'S ALLEY 10 A.M. unlil3 P.M. Call us at 822.2580. MELONS HEf,PFUL IIINT: GRAPES .'. 18696 Mack.Ave., (near Kerby) Put a brick in your toilet e 20 LB. lank '0 rai.e ,he water 8g LB. AVG. $2.79 lACH level and lelllen the quan. ,1... ",,,,'#D'# tn (,lImn/e'e


. t+1nM • .. • tn' xc •• 0Cz. • .. - '.- ae_ ThursdlY. June 9, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Pige Five I , PROBLEMS WITH YOUR HOME? Girls Facing HI A Charge "SEMTA Begins Park Service J Ir'IATH? l~Y PIPES? T h r e e 17.year-old girls sure, and on:l girl from Organizations, groups or er, charter reservations for IEW IARA8E? CRACKEDCEMENT? were arraigned on robbery Fraser, Laure Alln Trexlis, associalions can charIer a the Mclroparks special can IVEILDADED ELECTRICAL? IIEW ROOF? armed, (R/A), charges be. police said: SEMTA. (Southeastern Mich. be cancelled, without charge. fore Woods Municipal Judge' All tl1ree stood mute at igan Transportation Author . prior to 8 a.m. the day of .IF YOU HAVE PROlLEMS LIKE THESE J. Patrick Denis on Thurs. Lheir arraignment and a p~ea ity>. or Detroit Department the scheduled charter. day. JWle 2, for their alleged of not iuilty was entered in of Transportation. (D.DOT). SEMTA also has made ar_: involvement m robbing '8 man their behaU. They wcre then bus to any Huron.Clinton rangements to prov.ide access who had picked up the bitch. transported to the Wayne Melropolitan Park for $50 to Metropolitan Beach via hiking trio early Wednesday County Jail after a $5,000 round tr.ip beginning Monday. connecting service on regular ROMANO MODERNIZATION morning, June 1, in Detroit. bond. two sureties' each or 10 JUlie 13. scheduled Gratiot and East Those charged In the ~nci. percent, was set. Parks included in this fare Jefferson routes. These servo 824-1292 dent are two girls from The i r examination was arc Melro !leach, Lower ices run weekdays from June Roseville, Sheryl Lynn Wood. scheduled for yestcrday. J L\IIe lIuron, Kcnsinglon. Stoney 20-Septembcr 1. r,ing and Sandra Lynn Bra. 8, reported Del. Charles Creek. Oakwood and Willow Service requires transfer Phi13p Hamel. Metroparks. The program 10 Tower Bus Lines at Gra. 16711 MACK AVE at YORKSHIRE The complainant, a Detroit ends Septcmber 4. tiot and High Street or OPEN 9.S.Daily M & M DISTRIBUTING CO. Pastor Lentine man, said, after picking up Funded throug:l a special Crocker and Jefferson. 885 - 7140 OPEN 10.'2 Sunday Cleaning Materials & Equipment the giros, he ultimately drove program of the Michigan The round trip fare, in. New Area Vica r the trio to the rear of Par. Stale Highways and Trans. cluding transfers to Tower cells School, 20600 Mack ave. pot1ation Departmcnt. the buses, ~s $1.05 on the Gratiot PACKAGE LIQUO., WINEI Saint Philomena Parish nul', -to drop {hem off. At this me:roparks' bus special is service and 90 cents on the Fi,st of the Season WE DELIVER pastor, Father Peter Lentine. lime, the gil'ls produced two available weekdays from 9 Jefferson service. FANCY GEORGIA was recently elected to a pocket knives and a night a.01 ..3 _p.m. and also from Timetables for these scn MORRELL three.year term as vicar of stick, while demanding his 6.9 p.m. ices are available by calling 884 ..0520 wallet and car. 962.5515. the Detroit.Grosse Pointe Vi. He sa'id he gave them his Melroparks offer a range of PEACHES BACON cariate. w811et, containing around $13 activities from hiking, biking, CLIFF PROMOTED 16734 E. WARREN DETROIT, MI. 48224 Father Lentine will serve in cash. When they began to sports, swimming. boating, The First National Bank 39- LB. 1.29 l-LB. PKG. as a representative of Car. argue. he J'umped from the pic n i c kin g and nature f M"' h sludies. and Trust Company 0 IC' dinal John Dearden to the auto, ran to the Jack in the For arrangemenls. call igan has announced the ap. EVERY FRIDAY . area, exercising religious Box restaurant. 20599 Mack. SEMTA's Departmcnt at 581. pointment of former Pointer leadership among the priests IS BEER DAY SCHWEPPES NEW HOURS and called. police. 4503, Reservations. which Th omas. V Cliff as a T ru st ami laity of the local parish. O[heel' Paul Sh.ield~ broad- will be taken on .a first.come. Officer of lhe Bank. Mr. Cliff TONIC es. cast the description of the f' t b. I II is a graduate of Amherst vehicle and the suspects and, Irs .servc as!s. s lould e Special Open 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 Daily except He will be installed in his made at least lhree weeks in College and Harvard Law 2 28-oz. Bottles for _ Fridays 'iii 8 p.m. and Saturdays new role at ceremonies on a short time later, Officers advance. School. He .and his family J2.Pac Ronald Hayden and Donald SEER SALE Sunday, June 12, at Saini Sun found the 1977 car in 1 __ l_lI_c_a_s_e_o_f_in_c_lc_m_enl\_\'e_a_l_h._n_o\_v_l_iv_e_in_K_a_la_m_a_z~oo_.__ Philomena, 4281 M'arseilles EVERY DAY 89- road, during the 10 a.m. front of a Christine court residencc. B•• mass. At .the same time, Woods Dirty Have Your Carpets & BORDEN NABISCO O;:tC';'Shop All ,members of the com. •. pOlice )earned that Harper j 15102 KERCHEV,AL munity are invited. to the in. Woods officers' hadappre' . Carpet? Rugs Professionally OREOS stallation. ' hended three girls matching MILK 1.34 GAllON , 'i: 821.8200 the description which was SAYE Pointe parishes and instltu. CLEANED " 19-01. Pkg. tions included in the vicar. broadcast. They proved to be We Have The Cor,ect Method the trio allegedly tinvo)ved 20% PINTS SOUR CREAM iate include Our Lady Queen ON CASH To Clean Your Carpet of Peace, Our Lady Star of in the ,incident. c KEEBLER'S NEW .· ,. At The Woods station, two • We do all types of carpet repair 49 ,ovest ro u.9h S the Sea, Saint Ambrose, Saint & CARRY . CAU fOR fREE ESTIMATE E , Clare of Montefalco, Saint pocket knives. cash. clothing TUe CRACKERS 5" ALUMINUM - 5 COLORS . John Berchmans, Saint Juli- and other articles \verc con. RUG East Side Carpet Cleaners ICE CUBES r fiscated from the girls, while CLEAtING 14111 KerGhevalbe. 822-1481 10.oz. Pkg. . s. c','RSEEAEMNlESS& - Schoolana, Austinand BishopCatholicGallagherPrep the night stick was found in sOt LG•• AG 69- OWNED AND OPERATED sy rHE BABtCH fAMILY SINCfI94' t High. . the ear. . More .are Saint Martin, .POI NTE SASH, tHe. .. Saint Matthew, Saint Paul, t Saint Philip Neri, Dominican High School, Grosse Pointe 20497.MACK TU 1-6130=I.. Academy, Saint Joseph Home for 1he Aged, ,Bon Secours ...... I . . ,and Saint John Hospital. L:: ~ Father Lentine has been with Saint Philomena for 10 ------...------1 years. He also has served .T,W.. o' 'Car. . GARAGE Assumption Grotto, - Saint Elizabeth, Saint Matthew and .PAINTED Saint Rita parishes. ~!'.. ------The ti!I' . Includes minor scraping ~;: Pointers Sing f!.. and quality point. '.149 In Glee Club. l!N

IPRAYCO PAINftllG CO. Eighteen of the 19 memo • RESIDENTIAL. COMMERCIAL PAINTING CONTRACTORS bers of the 1957 Wayne Sbate Independent C:mdidate Un1~rlllitY'1I Men's Glee Club. 882.-7980 :':~. 776-0403 or 881-3403 some of whom live as far away as Hawaii .Dd Texas, will retum to Detroit to-ce1e. ,<\' e"', •.,'.dO~\;


_..... __... ._. _1 _ d,hrM .. ~'," ,' ...... " ..... ,-: l". ~"-/,",..•~'l'~

{ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1977 ~, Park Judge Urso Will Pair to Face Murder Trial Landscaping Two men who are charged whose body was found at the oo NineססS&L COMPLETE SERVICE Not Seek Second Term with first degree murder In Shorian'Motor Inn, 2 the slaying of a Woods man Mile road. -lawn maintenance & tree removal In a letter to Mayor Mat., will complete his first and in January, ~ere bound over The pair were arrested in , • LICENSED • INSURED thew C. Patterson and the only four.year term in Janu . to Macomb County Circuit early February in a Pitts. 'City council, Park Municipal ary. Court for lrial. • burgh cafe after. police spot. 521-1011 839-5061 Judge John R. Urso announc. Judge Urso, who was elect. This action was laken af. tedan illegally parked pick. ed his intention not to seek ed to office in !'Ilovember 1973 ter the examination of two up truck which matched a Louisiana, men, Donald B. re-election this fall. Thejudge cited hisploanA to enter the description given by MieN' There has been a lot of taiL about high fiber food Clements, 30. and James A. private practice of law. He gan authorities in the inci. these days. Especially now that we have many convenience expressed his appreciation to Dunn, 34, concluded on the ,mayor and council for Wednesday June 1, afler dent. foods that have been processed and smooth.d out so that Police had' earlier learned they are very easy to digest, there is some queslion their cooperation, and recom. four days of testimony which from witnesses that the suS. h h d mended that they consider began the latter part of MlIY, peets were motel guests, who W et. er or not o~r igestive s~stem. is getting enough the possibility of a District said st. Clair Shores Police gave Louisiana addresses exercise. Some dorm also that m. the long run, fibrous Court System for The Pointe. Sgl. William Hannah. and who had arrived in a foods will save us money. They can serve to displace the Mr. Patterson's term also The suspects are currently pickup with Louisiana li. most expensive portion of the diet, meat. They are in will expire ,in January. as being held in the Macomb cense plates. After officers themselves less. ~lIpensive .than . processed foods. Finall)'. County Jail. pending their will that of Councilmen Doug. traced the vehicle's plates •. they are very fillmg and WIll satisfy anyone's appetite with RICHARD D. ROBBINS las Graham a~d George Ver. circuit court arraignment an all-points bulletin was less food. So, for the health of your body and your pocket. donckt and Councilwoman date. put out. book, add fiber to your life. " believes . Camille Peterson. The may. They were extradited in The extradition of the pair The knowledgeable people at VIM & VIGOR HEALTH or's tenure :is for two years, April from Pittsburgh, Pa., was approved by a Pitts- FOODS, 21151 Mack, 886-9466 invite you to come in and Understanding & Trust while councilmen serve for to Macomb County for the four years .. murder of Jack Whileley. 60, burgh judge after a hearing talk to us about. your health needs; we'll treal you to acup Is the key to an effective was held on Michigan's reo of herb tea while we talk. If you would like professional City Clerk Nunzio J. Ortisi quest. h I viable school system! said that petitions from per. _____ . naturopot ic consu tation for nutritional guidance, please sons seelting the post of FOltrth of Jltly RUBLE APPOINTED call for an appointment. Hours: 9,30-9 Mon ..Sat.; 11.5 Sun. judge, mayor and councilmen Paul Ruble, a 1974 grad. HEAL TH TIP: must be presented with at (Continued from Pag~ 1) least 25 signatures and filed uate of South High School, For more fiber, try a fresh orange in the morning in. Jim Turnbull is the mas. was recently appointed stu. stead of orange iuice. by 4 p.m., Tuesday, June 14, ter of ceremonies. while Mr. at his office in the Municipal dent representative to the ------.-- _ T h-q mas is entertainment Policy, Admission and Fi. Building, 15115 East Jefferson chairman. There will be nancial Aid Committee at :tl~Undera"ndlng • Trutt Is the catalyst that will allow the School Board the Super- avenue. / ganies and prizes for chil. Marietta College, where be !~fletendent and the teachers of our community to deal with o~r many pr,oblems. If enough petitions are reo dren of all -ages. and hot ceived to warrant a primary dogs and pop will be avail- is a junior. Paul is the son of Dr. .and Mrs. Paul E. :~~rWe can talk about our needs for proper budgets. and better use of tax dollars . election, this will be held in able. August. The regular election Ruble, of East JeCCerson ave- .~I';'.fpr Improvltd reading and writing skills - for lOcal control of our schools - for Improved Swing Your Partner BELLE ISLE :!t<-ltisabilltles programs - for more vocational classes, etc., etc., etc.- is held ill November. with nue. ~qC~' . the'successful c a.n did a,t e s In relation to the overall I.t.,-'~.".~.,#''...".' taking their oath of office in air of celebration. the civic association is planning a I~"'.''',,''' ~ January 1978. . I t - ~. square dance Saturday. June 'AWNING CO. BUT FIRST... . The mayor and council IV"',,' 18, from 9 p.m.-12 midnight I~.~ '. members serve without com. ; '....-;-::iJlthln the many groups concerned with education In our schools, we need the pensation. The judge's sa1ary on the sun deck of the bath. RE-ELECT VInvl ~ Aciilan • Dacron, : :::,,;'Joundatlon which makes all else posslble ...Underallindlng • TN'" is $6,000 a year. house at Windmill Pointe If:" .. ~.:JI.;JI'' Park. l".~"'.#" ...' LAURANCE J. :~::~:: Callers will be Wes and . c.-» ... VOTE JUNE 13 FOR Find Bodies Julie Rea. . , Buy. NOW and SAVE j ,. .. HARWOOD __ A featured part of the 1 ".11'.... 11..'tJ.'" SCHOOL BOARD 81CHARD D. ROBBINS (Continued from Page It dance wil} be a ~eauty con. ~.nl•• Grou.'oi.f. SiM' '93' :'.. ': ...... '.~".. the coaching staff of' the I tes.t to select Mls~ Gr:oss.e •' , • resident of Grosse Pointe since 1936 Oakland Ra'd r Pomte Park who will be eh. JUNE 13 774-1010 22704 Harper ; ~~" • graduate ot Grosse Pointe H.S. 1943 I e s. gible to enter the Miss Mich. St. Clair ~hor.. _ :; :~:.: .. attended Indiana UniverSity He was the owner of Kane igan World contest. :~:.:.:., profession - Insurance Agent i a.nd Co., a impp!!er .of cIa:;s I Judges for ta':e :::;nt~st will rmgs y Scouts and past active as coach .In Little League baseball and , -- :', basketball nouncements.. who attend. Mrs. Kane was a graduate For further information i ..wife, Wanda, grac;tuate of Wayne State Unlverslty'1989, M.A. 1971, teacher In of the University of I)etroit; about, the beauty contest, , lakeview SChool District, at. Clair Shore•. where she 'met her husband, contact Cleve Beauchamp at W'ORRIED? : _,. five sons: three graduates of G.P. South; one graduate of G.P. North; one and worked as' an art instruc. 823-1880 or Sue Dotson last ~UPSET? : ' attending G.P. North; on. graduate of MSU; one graduate of U of M; one tor at Mason School before year's winner, at 824-1681. : attending San Diego State; and one attending U of M. her marriage. Tickets for the dance are Looking For Direction Or Guidance? t The Kanesbad two daugh. $5 per couple and can be ob. I I ters, Kelly, 11, and Kerry, 7. tained from civIc association' I According to their uncle, members or at the door. For a message of HOPE and ENCOURAGEMENT, ,. ,I I Robert Kane, of Philadelphia, Park passes are required. • I Pa., tlIe. girls "have done Pre-dance get acquainled r I some crying, but they'te hold. parties also are being plan. call the ;5 : ( I ing up Pfe.tty well. ned. For more information, ;: I. Express your good taste "Children are iIlmazingly call Mfs. Brooks at 821-4238. t : resilient aUhat age," be said. --~-- UNITY ~. I !\ I Mr. Kane had praise for his Board' Eye A" L - in flawless brother's neighbors. saying, - S ' "Tb,e citizens of Grosse Pointe responded fantastically to our (Contullled from Page 1) . DIAL.A. THOUGHT i tr ged ,It' ha I b d to find out ltthe.l~plan . a y. sa s me '~,' ," 'eutl,l.u, .n' ',.:1'~i~(ifni~~L..i.l'_ to C!ome fromPhlladelpbla. ," ,n':~,~ ',""f~;. " £E'.c:,"~"1J . ~~;~;;::,-':;~=~'~~;~~::.l~;'t1n.111:11~1;~'?i~:.;.~.~rcc,'.''/ J or under these circumstances to burseus' or some'ur me ex. ~-~ ITftliftn r .meet such \V()ndei1~ people."tra expe~ses bef~r~:~'te ap- The children are currently prove It, .one s~ld. .,(24)hours a day} being cared for by Mrs. All the CIty. offices contact; Kane's parents, who reside in ,ed hav~ received Dr. Coats MfDlrmRfttifftn The Shores letter, dated Mon,day, May, A rosary for the Kanes was 16, ~ut some. don t p~an to 'ted t th A H P t conSider the Issue until late reel a e . .' ~ ers June or July. Preuss Bedroom Funeral Home on Fnd?y, Dr. Coats' letter' states J.une 3.. They were bur~ed that if the plan is imple. slde.by-slde at Resurrection mented "the interest now TENNIS INSTRUCTION Cemetery the next day. . being paid for such borrow------ing could be used to provide WINS SCHOLARSHIP educational opportunitie~ for for

f Susan L. Jones, of The students." t Farms has been named the The.summer c,ollection pro- n wumer' of a Kenyon College posal. has been raised reo ADULTS l[ Merit Scholarship, joining cently by a few candidates more than 3,800 students all running for Monday, June over the country selected in 13, election to the Board of Classes Begin the Week of June 13th and Meet Twice Per the 1977 merit award compe- Education. Assistant to the tilion. A graduating senior Superintendent Dr. George Week,for Three ,Weeks. Class Size Will Be Limited. from South High School. Miss T. Eddington said the issue Jones has become eligible! has come up serveral times BEGINNERS ADY. BEGINNER for a four year Merit'Schol- in the past years but has Mon. & Wed. 9-10 a.m.-2-8 p.m. 'arship of between $1,000' never been formally acted Monday & Wednesday $6,000. on. 7-8 p.m. - 9-10 p.m. Tues. & Thurs. 9-10 a.m.-1-2 p.m. Tuesday & Thursday IITERMEDIATE & ADI. 9-10 ~.m. Monday and Wednesday , 10-11 8.m. - 8-9 p.m. - 2-3 p.m. 1-2 7-8 UNIVERSITY LIGGETT p.m. - p.m. Tuesday and Thursday 10-11 a.m. - 2-3 p.m. - 8-9 p.m. NEW ADULT CLASSES WILL BE FORMING EVERY ANTIQUES THREE WEEKS THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER SHOW & SALE PRIVATE LESSONS AVAILABLE BY APPOINTMENT. your choice: italian Each including triple L1GGETI CAMPUS . . CHILDRENS, SUMMER TENNIS CAMP 850 BRIARCLIFF DRIVE • GROSSE POINTE WOODS, MICHIGAN prov~ncial or ~~~~~~r,c~~~~r~;d , Phone (3131886-9229 WILL BEGIN THE WEEK OF JUNE 13th me~lterra~ean 5199. full or queen size 1.94 TO VERNIER '-VERNIER PAST MACK TO WEDGEWOOO- 4-plece sUites headboard. , LEFT ON WEOGEwOOO TO BRIARCLIFf' Enrollment Weekly for: . Nightstand $125 BEGINNERS INTERMEDIATES TOURNAIEIT PLAYERS CLASSES MEET MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY


Classes will be under the direction of John CC)()k. Bill Struck • John Trump. Mr. Cook, Mr. Strump and Mr. Struck are registered teaching Professionals with the United States Professional Tennis Association. Russell Carrell, Manager Admission $3.00 Class size will be limited and applicants will be accepted on a first call JUNE 16 • 17 · 18 basis. For futher information call Thursday & Friday -l'ioon to 10:00 p.m. fJ Saturday - Noon to 6:00 p.m. e () Group Rates. Call for Reservation 774-1300 776.9290 Luncheon Served 12 Noon 10 1:30 p.m. Many other bedrooms by leading manufacturers Tea Room Open 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. also featured at sale prices. WALKING TOUR OF THE SHOW Conducted by Exhibitors Included In the Admission "['~A[R t17J. WIMBLEDON LAKESHORE Friday and Saturday at 10:45 a.m. .;!!:~'1:Jheiiii"k;nil~;~ Sl/d~ L~cture followl", Silturdtzy WIllkI"g Tour by Racquet Club Tennis House Dr. Robert Bishop, Director of MlIStum of Am.rlCtln 20250 E. 8 Mn. Rd. 23125 M.rter Rd, 16200 HARPER (at Bedford & Ford Xway) Phone: TU 2.1020 Folk Art, New York City. St. CI.lr Shor .. 41080 si. CIIIr Shor. 41010 Open Mon Thurs" Fro. Unl,19; lues ..Wed, Salurday Untol 6 OA~'A"'fR'CARD M.Sl£RCHAR(;E EXTENDED TERMS AVAilABlE

,/0 ...... : ' .. " ... ,,', ', ' . " , , , ~ .. ./ ... .. " , . ... • • I 4 , ..... , .... , . .

\ Page Sevel't Thursday, June 91 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS . ' .. Park Provides Many Le~sons --Guard Battles Biting Woman QUESTION: WHAT IS RED, HAS FOUR BEO; are cordially invited ROOMS, MODERN KITCHEN .-\NO BATH,.DEN, PLUS 2 CAR GARAGE, to attend a An entire s'ummer regis. nized 'Swimming also will be ~ C. Penney security of. with the man glvmg chase AND WILL MAKEYOU HAPPY FOR tration for ISwimming, tennis offered. ficer in the Seven.Mack Shop. but he ultimately lost her. $34.5OO? and gall lessvns will be can. Tennis lessons are slated ping Center battled a woman while the woman lost her FESTIVAL of MUSIC ducted Frida,.-SundllY, June for both children and adults, shoplifter and received threeo right shoe. at the 10.12, from 9 a.m ..3 p.m. at as well as golf inslruction. bite wounds for his efforts Officer. Schuster noted that , The Parx's Windmill Pointe Tuesday evening, May 31, ac. teeth marks and blood were -1 The summer lessons are cording to a Woods police prominent on the man, who , , Park. divided into three sessions report. Grosse Pointe Baptist Church Registration is limited to ., ft. k was advised to seek medical can s 1s tin g 0 wo.wee Officer Carl Schustftr reo one dassper person and '00 h f II " treatment. 21336 Mackr Grolle Pointe Woodl pen's. T ey are as a ows: ceived a run on the man The suspect was described there will be a $5 instruction session one, Monday, J une 20, chasing the woman through fee per person, per class. th h F 'd J I 1 as black, around 5'8" tall and Lessons are restricted to roug fl ay, u y ,ses. the shopping center area but between 160170 pounds. She Saturday, June 11 and sion two, Tuesday, July 5, met with negative results in il •• had black medium length residents only and park throug h ~rJ" 'd,ay, J uIy 15,an d locating the suspect, who es. passes must be shown. Only . h M d J I wavy hair and was wearing '" Sunday, June 12 at 8 p.rn, sessIOn tree, on ay, u y caped with a shopping bag, a blue bandana, a blue or 'I. immediate members of the 18, through Friday, July 29. contents unknown. family may register one illn. beige shirt. white shorts and other. . These dates do not include The security officer said he blue shoes. A 60 voice Festival Choir and 21 weekends -as there are no spotted the woman placing The following swimming . piece orchestra presenting classes on weekends.' Times pant SUits in another shop. B b Sh lessons will be offered: gup. of the classes will 'be' avail. ping bag before leaving the ar er Op pies. non.swimming begin. able at registration. sore.t AIt er Jdenl1. 'f'ymg h'1m. C S h ners, beginners, advanced be. self, he requested that she oncert et "JESUS IS COMING" ginners, intermediate and "For further information, re.enter the store. ' . by John W. Peterson swimmers. ,beginner and call the park at 822.2812 and At this point, the suspect The Grosse Pointe Chapter intermediate d i v in g and ask for Jane Gail!ey or Star' handed hima bag later found of the Society for Preserva. Ed Steiflhart, Directing basic, (junior), and advanced. Hessburg. to contain seven women's tion and Encouragement of (senior), lifesaving. Adult In other news, the Grand pant suits, valued at around Barber Shop QlUrtet Singing 1257 LAKEPOINTE " swim classes and synchro- Fishing Rodeo will be held $163.60, that she had taken in America will perform in OPENSUNDAY 2-5 ~ Saturday, July 9. Entry without paying. She wouldn't concert Saturday. June 18,at forms will be available on let him have the other bag. Regina High &hool, 20200 * * * * * * :. Saturday, July 2. and (nust The woman then began Kelly road. at 8: 15 p.m. THROW AWAY YOUR TOOLS. AND THOSE be submitted by Fr:day, July pulling the security officer Adult tickets for the Har. DECORATING BOOKS JUST MOVE IN! 8, at 3 p.m. in the direction of Wool. many Education benefit are The Annual Tennis Tourna. worth's and a struggle en. $3. Children and senior citi. ment is set for Monday. sued. Saying she was preg. zens will be admitted for Saturday, July 25.30. Entry nant, the man said he didn't $1.50. forms will ,be av,ailable on use much force. For more information. call "I. ERVI July 8. The' fOl"ms will be While in front of Lernel"s Bob Agius at 526-1517. :~ .0 accepted only at designated Shop in the Seven.Mack com . ~ ,',. ...another good reason to plex, the security officer JOHNSON NAMED r'.. times which will be an. stated he was bitten on the Dale R. Johnson, of The .~ nounced later, officials add. left forearm, right hand and Farms, has been appointed ,it buy your next Cadillac from Seymour , , " ------on his chest, police said. director of the health facill. " We feel it is fair to say that Add to that the dedication to Youth Nabbed After breaking away, the ties division at Smith, Hinch. "':1 suspect ran south along Mack man and Grylls Assoc., Inc. ~i SeyniourCadillacoffersthe BEST perfection of the city's largest ;, CADjLLACSERVICEin all Detroit "factory trained" service staft In MOP Case ------.'.~ ~~ andSouthe'astern Michigan. You'll then see why "Service You see. Seymour Cadillac is After the Sale" has become the A 13.year-old Harper Woods ~ the ONLYCadillac dealership to credo of our dealership's con- boy, who threw a smoke bomb into ,the ,interior of a "I'.' offer "Computerized Service", a tinuing success. And your con- parked car will be placed .',~ tot~lIynew electronic marvelthat tinuing total satisfaction. Yes, on the YQ~th Servuce Divi. ~.'" ~ predet~rll:ljneswhat's wrong with bring your Cadillac to Seymour sion, (YSD), co u ns e Ii ng your car, how lOtlg it for service. We'll p r og r ,a m with restitution wllIJ'l1

',' ( '1. • '", •• '" I, ~....

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1977

.I Advice Offered on Preventing Burglaries ~~ (Coatullied from Page 1) dows, so intruders are not systems use (orms o( can. immediately. The burg 1m For SCHOOL BOARD citizens are becoming more hidden (rom view. Exterior tact devices on doors, wi~. may have a duplicate of your See Page 9 aware. People are taking pre. lights are recommended, es. dows and other strategic key in his ~session. Barbecue Grills and '", cautions. 'It can't happen to pecially in back and hidden locations around the home. The best advice to prevenl me' is no longer the attitude. areas o( the home. Don't use This type of detector is not burglaries is {or you and Complete Parts Center This type of approach can pay the lights only on nights you recommended for m 0 s t your neighbors to keep a AIIENTION GOLF.R. off." are away, this only advertises homes because of its histoJ;Y watchful eye on your prop. 1I Contrary to popular belief. your absence. of false alarms. erties and the surrounding FLAM! FURNACE COMPANY OIfCl 1.. 51GIIAT PitaS fOI filIUS DAY , •I the average thief is not a Obtaining a dog always Motion detectors establish are~. I "ServingtIte Gross. P.;1rfeA,.. Sillce' Hr' member of a professional I CWts I IU'•. adds to home security. They a "trap zone" within the Cooperative community ce. , I POM roM IIAKOVERS burglary ring. He's under 25, can create a lot of noise, but home, but the intruder must forts lessen criminal acHvi. 11621 VAN DYKEDetroit 571-4610 • CWts I $5.7S •• of normal intelligence, mini. I a determined burglar will be inside be.fore these device, ties in concerned neighhor------~------~-- Set.f 4 '5.00 C/ub$ lIepoi,ed 01 mally educated and has a find ways to by.pass them are effective. Motion detec. hoods. Neighbors should : Mode,o'~ ",ice. history of juvenile trouble. , WALTER HAGIN so don't depend entirely on tors available include ultra share responsibilities in safe , lAM, GARY PLAYER, "The average burglar is a dog fOI' household saCety. sonic, radar, microwave. in guarding a neighborhood. ne Tired of Excessive - • ULTIADY.U usually not an ambitious, Don't store ladders out. frared photocell and passive port all suspicious persons , 'HEAT and NOISE i 4 Woods, 9 Irons SIGNATUItl hard working person. That's infrared. to the police. Request ade. . , 3 Woods, 8 Irons why he's a sneak thief," said side. If you cannot put it Both lypes oC alarms sys. quate lighting on city streets Coming from Your • Agent Mull. "He will prob- safely inside, lock it securely. ternS can be tied in with .. '260.00 Suggest your neighbor do the and encourage. neighbors to Engine Compartment? . '90.00 ably by.pass homes hard to same. Don't hide keys outside local police deparlments or join in engraving property .• Pr. l.. Nt...... wo4tn: negotiate, and m 0 veto I ROYAL'S NEW 'TEE the door. under mats or in private security firms. for future identification. INSULATE Your , rrtloist, lYJII, 1.,.1 hisy, houses posing~ less problems Use common' sense when "Intruders do not operate , e.-s.le, SteI, .... TO GItIEN' GOLF SHOES security wise. flower pots. If you can hide leaving for vacalions. Have Hatch Cover By the , in a vacuum," said Agent , "Fully 20 percent of all it, a burglar can find ii Store inside and outside lights on Spray Foam Specialists , Men's IZOD Goll Sweaters '27.00 pro extra keys wit h trusted Mull. "He has pressures on vandalized homes are left neighbors. timers or photocells. Lights him to complete his job AS LOW AS $14.85 . ., unlocked. That's why we call left on all day will stand out. quickly, quietly and in se. . 200/0 OFF FAMOUS BRAND them 'crimes of opportunity,' The most neglected area Cancel deli','cries of milk and elusion. Anything you can Custom Van Interiors,' Conversions, Accessories lADIES GOlf AND TlNNIS SPOIISMAI Home owners should protect of home protection arc ga. newspapers. Ask the post do to make him take more their homes internally and rages. Thieves love garages. offic(' to hold your mail or lime, make noise or put fear externally to stop rip.orc They contain boats, bikes, have a neighbor pick up into him will be a plus for IHE SPORT NOOK, LID. artists," cycles, tools and other prop. deliveries daily. your security program," 1845 fleetwood al Mack, G.P. Woods, Mich. Outside pro tee t ion of erty on his shopping list. M a k e arrangements to 881.4774 homes begins with installing In aUached garages, replace have your lawn mowed, or CUDUP PROMOTED 4 B~OCKS SO. Of V{lNIER RD. ACROSS fROM BONANZA. {ences, wherever possible. hollow doors with solid types snow shoveled from walks. McLouth Steel Corp. has Trim shrubs away from win. and install locks. Close and Leave a second car parked in named Farms resident Jack .. lock your garage doors, even the driveway, and if neigh. M. Culilip vice-president of while at home. Often bur. bars are watching your home, forward planning. Mr. Cudlip glars enter a garage, then have them reposition the caI' joined McLouth in 1955 and the home, looting at leisure. every day. has broad experience rn 1 Put as many valuables as For internal s~curity,. place possible in safekeeping such. sales. special projects and I DAY f'ioance. He ds a graduate o{ solid locks on doors and as a safe deposit box. Don't SERVICE Cornell University '3nd the glass patio doors. Use tem- discuss vacation plans in Harvard Business School. fREEWAY CLOSEI pered glass where possible. public, and don't _publicize A simple and effective way upcoming trips in local news.

to lock patio doors is to cut papers. Always notify the • ~_-t off an old broom handle to police to watch your home the proper length and fit it while away. into the door track to pre. If, in spite of all precau- 17319 EAST WARREN vent the sliding glass from tions, your home Is vandal. (near Cacl}eux) 10th Anniversary being lifted up anc! out of the ized, don't panic, don't touch track. anything and call the police ~~utdjiffil DON'T FORGET Sixty.five percent of all and your insurance agent. V&, OF ,~~MINGHAM SALE. burglars come through a Don't clean up the ransack. "FATHER'S" DAY home's doors, the rest pry ed area or touch it in any ~(:~.?!~....~~',~{d I ,. ~". " . ;,.: .:l(_;-i-'~~ Get our Low,. Low Priceson up or break windows. way. "(JIVE 19th A previously prepared in- . SEVILLES CPE. OEVILLES Have effective window ventory list of goods will i SEDAN OEVILLES locks. The commonly used help itemize stolen articles . latch can be opened too Property engraved with so- SUPER SALE 20903 Harper easily with a knife from the cia! security 'or license num. ~_." 1-94 & 8 Mile, (Vernier) outside. A safe and effective bel'S will make identification ~ :- $ lock can be made by drilling easier if recovered later. If .IS STILL ON '. .. loP '.,', ... . 881-6600 through the top of the bot. a lock has been forcibly by- :::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::;:;:;:::::::;:.::;.:.:.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.;.:.;.;.:.;.:;;.;.;;;;;::;;;;;:;:;;;;::::::;:::::::;:;:;:;:::::::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::: . - '. ~ tom window sasb and the passed, take photos of the ::: 10pen Mon. & Thun. 'Til 9 P.M. ,-,ur of Town Calls Accepted. ~~~~~n;f ath:m~~f ~~~ri~~~ ~~:ag~re:~ti?O;;~iC~e~~i~ 30% OFFALL PIPES ~~~30% OFF on ALL PIPES the hole. ' insurance agents have made Briar, Meerschaum, Woter, Cloy, :~: and CIGAR ACCESSORIES Install alarm systems. The their inspections. Corncobs, Imports. from Denmark, ::.: Pipe Stands, Humidors, Ash Tray.s, two basic categories are If you suspect no force , FIRST OFFERING perimeter alann.s and motion was used to gain entry, have England, Italy, Spain, France, Ire-::: Lighters, Fluid, Tools, Pouches, detectors. Perimeter alarms a locksmith change the locks land, etc. '::: Cutters, etc. --Ea-s-t-D-e-t-ro-ite-r-'-A-w-a-i'-ts-T-r-i-a-I-~:':':~~:~:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:;:.:.:::.:.:.:.:.:.:.,:;:.:.:;:;:::;:;:::::::::::;:;:;:::::~~~:::;:;:;:::;:;:;:;:~;:.:.:.:.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.;.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:.:

,.: .. 0 .... ".,.;: < 'lIl~i~ . "1~1' (';(;S trial at the next session of through s eve r a 1 Shores. ::: '" Wayne County ~i~cuit Court st.reets as she tri';d to elude (Name Brands) by Shores MUnICIpal Judge hIm on the April 21 date TO.BACCO :.::~: J. Patrick Denis on Wednes- sh?rtly after 2 a.m.,\poUce (N '8 d) ::~ BOX ONLY day. May 25. saId. arne rat:' s ::: The suspect remains free When the woman got out :::: on $2,000 bond pending his of her car in front of her .. tri~t~:t~; charged in a war. ~?smtig~u~~lojr~~~:n~u~laoJ LADIES! Don', Forge' "ANNIVERSARIES," "BIRTHDAYS," rant-with third degree crirn- only in a tee-shirt. and tack. Remember, Pipes and ,Accessories Will Keep For Chris'mas - I inal sexual conduct in the led the victim, according to SAVE NOW! attempted April 21 rape of a the report. 22-year-old Shores woman on The woman's screams and the front lawn of the woo sounds of the struggle wak. , . This Sale at Warren Address Only, , COUNTRY CLUB DRIVE man's home. ened her mother, sister and a neighbor. All three wit. 17319 EASI.WARREN AI CADIEUX , nessed the struggle as the Onrl of Ih9se rare and instantly appealing residences. Court~ Resolution victim fought her assailant, yard, foyer, higher ceilings, generous master bedroom suite, who was frightened away maids bedroom and bath, etc. . . . Tailored to provide very (Continued from Page 1) when the trio went to her gracious living. Excellent provisibns for storage'; Meticulously cooperate with universities on aid. maintainea. Be sure to contact one of our consultants for teacher education curricula, Aiuto was arrested by complete details. develop criteria for accredi. Woods public safety officers LEARN TENNIS tation of schools I3nd review a short time later in front of complaints against teachers. Mason School, 1640 Vernier road, after Shores authori. L 0 c a 1 Education Assoc. President Doris \ Cook de- ties broadcast a description of the would-be rapist and 395 FISHER Rp. TU 6-3800 fended the proposals saying. his vehicle. When arrested, NOW .-• "Teachers feel a strong re- Aiuto was fully clothed. • sponsibility for their actions The victim positively iden. ." and the future of their profes- tified Aiuto in a Wayne Coun- . sion. from the professionals at . ty Jail line-up as the man ... . MEMBERS OF GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTAT,E BOARD "All other professions and who attacked her. . trades, fr 0 m doctors to If convicted of the charge, plumbers and lawyers to bar- Aiuto can receive up to 15 Desirable Woods Location - 15?3 South Renaud Road bers, have members on their years in prison, according EASTPOINTE Racquet Club licensing and certification to Shores Det. Sgt. Frank boards," she s,aid, adding Mustazza, who was assigned OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 that teachers currently "have to the case and who ob. no voice on who is granted a tained the warrant against .• teaching certificate." the accused man. . MORNING ...AFTERNOON - EVENING .• CLASSES - FOR BEGINNER INTER- .• OWl AREA-PEAK PI~TURES FO MEDIATES OR ADVANCED PLAYERS • GROSSE POINTE

1-1/2 hrs. twice per week for two weeks "INI'N~ LOW COST - SMALL CLASS SIZE CHROMA ENNA II SPECIAL ADULT CAMP - JUNE 20-25 YOU WON'T BELIEVE THE SPACE in this well-maintained ANTENNAS Cape Cod situated on a lovely large 83x 145' site. Four bed- (3 hrs, of Tennis Daily) TV antennas designed for area.pea. k piclures rooms; 2 upstairs and 2 down, 2 full baths PLUS an extra in color or black and white. Minimize bedroom and beautiful full bath on nicely finished lower level. NEW Interference wherever you live. . AS lOW AS JUNIOR PROGRAMS - CAMPS AND CLINICS This home provides terrific accommodations for the large • HIGH GAIN-the power to strengthen THROUGHOUT THE SUMMER family and is offered at a good value price. Stop by Sunday TV signals for better pictures. $85 and see for yourself! • FLAT RESPONSE-Io more effectively 0 minimize interference. 884-0600 SENIOR CITIZENS - SPECIAL CLASSES .., • PLUS EXTRA DURABILITY-to assure Rotor Extra 'I AND PRICES ;," 3 Grosse Pc.,nte you of greater performance for yea~s ,; to come. Aluminum construction With golden-color Offices Alodine finish. Stainless steel terminals. ~ " SEE THE CHROMATENNA 0 ANTENNAS .'.: At is;:. lUiIii_ BY ZENITH NOW! CALLTODAY774-1000 ..", ..t' Heaq Professional - Gary Bodenmiller .., Yorkshire TV Service ,.. MlMaI" 0' THI DITltOIT AND•• 0.. 1 NtiNTI ..... L UTAT. 10AIlDI Assistant - Brad Thompson 21915 MACK 778-4050 ,• """

.. --"";'''-'''';' d _ -_-.....:.-_---' - ....- .- ... Thursday, June 9, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nine . Center Offers Variety \.. Of Clmses for Summer More than 500 friends and I "Parents' Candidate" colleagues of public school Art, Bridge. Dance. (both bidding and the nuances of Ballet and Ballroom), Karate play. and who wisll some in. and library staU members ,. and Nursery School are all troduction to d u p I i cat e who are' retiring this month included in the War Memo. bridge, . wHI be held on paid tribute to them at an rial's schedule of classes this Thursday nights. June ~. for open house and ~ception summer. August 11. from 8-10 p.m. hosted by the Board of Edu- There wHI be three art Ballet classes for children, School camps for children taught by cation on Wednesday, May 25. ages four through their teens, Board Donald Schrom. Art Camp I will be held T u e s day s eM" Dunng a social hour in the is on weekdays, June 2O.July through the days beginning DOROTHY M. KENNEL lobby of North. High School, 1. Art Camp II, July 5-15, June 28 and con till U i n g Ilonored guests and Board and Art Camp III. July 18.29. through August Z. On the trustees greeted visitors' in In each camp. younger stu- same dates in the evenings. a receptlion line. dents ages liive.nine meet classes will be held for 13 T-mIl.... I . 12495 from 9.10:30 a.m. 'BOd boys adults. '14 VW VAl .. . $3495 Activ ity then shifted to .the and girls ages 10.15 convene The classes wiII be taugllt auditorium where Superin. '12 - 8U95 from 10:31>0000. Classes will by Mary Ellen Cooper, mas- tendent Dr. WiIlliam Coats, '14 .STAII, air • . • . $2595 meet outdoors on the lake ter teacher of the Center's Board President Robert War- side terrace wllenever pos- Corps de Batlet for the past '}1 POIITIAC • • . • . • . 8995 ner and the other trustees sible. two decades. '1~fIREIIRD ..•••• 81395 presented tile retirees wHha Pupils work in all media. A graduaote of tile Royal '11 CAllUO ..... LIKE .e- resolution. a cerHmcate of Botll the ma,terials fee and Conservatory, Toronto. Miss '13 Itu TIfIu S4Ittt .. 81995 retirement, a book, a lifelong tuition are the same as last Cooper lis on the Internation- '75 tiM, INRI 86595 public Ubrary card, and a year. $5 for materials. $30 al Board of Directors of '14 T" ... ,..f 13995 "gold card" from the schools' for instruction. Art Camp H Teachers of the Cicchetti Dorothy M. '13 PlIITO, Z5.0lIII III. . . 81695 Department of Community is only $27 due to the loss method, (traditional Italian '16 PQ-UP WIpeR ... ~ Services. entitling th('m to l'f one teaching day on July ballet). ,admission to various system 4. Those wishing to study Kennel is activities. Memorial bridge lessons with Miss Cooper are asked for beginners will start Wed- 10 come for interviews Sat. Twenty-one employes who nesday. June 22 and continue urday. June 25 between 10 will Deave the employ of the on Wednesday nights through a.m.-12 noon so.they may be an educator schools and libraries were August 10 from 8-10 p.m. placed according to age and honored at the ~cepldon. Mrs. CaT r i e Kiley. who abmty. The instructional fee teaches for tile Board of is $15 for ,the six weeks sum. to serve the Education through the win- mer session. QUILTS & ter. os the instructor. Two ballroom dancing clubs The basics of tile Goren are scheduled this sum,mer people of system of contract bridge are at the Center under the direc. • PILLOWS ~ion of Ted and Ullian For- • taught for 'a fee of $12.50 for • eight two-hour classes. rest. TI](~y wHl be held on Grosse Pointe • A refresher bridge course Thursday evenings, June 23- .• for :those with basic knowl- August 18. . .• edge of contract who wish to The group meeting from • • be brought up to date on 7:30-8:30 p.m. will be for col. ,• legians, young adults and young marrieds and, in addi- ,I • FEATHER BEDS • -~ Made into Quilts & Pillows CIub to Offer tion ilo basic ballroom, will ~ include the latest in disco "Dorothy Kennel will provide the climate in which effective learning .• Camping Trips dancing. The group for the can take place. She has consistently sh~wn good judgement, pride in • BERLIN'S QUILT I PILLOW CO. -872-7554 more mature sing3e and mar. ..• 10001 Joe. Campau, Hamtramck, MI. 48212 - ,-- ried people will meet 8:30. the community and knowledge of its problems. She will be a splendid • We Carry a Complete Line of New Quilts & Pillows The Neighborhood Club 9:30p.m. Membership in • '1M PIcIl up • D.... ." win again be offering ex- both groups is $18. member.of the Board." • • tended wilderness trips this Karate will be taught on • summer for area teens. the Iake side lawn on Friday • For teens jn grades seven. evenings, . June 17.August 5, Alice Mary Hykes • nine. two trips are oUered. from 7-9 p.m. This class lis • FOR EVERY TRIM The first is a backpacking taught by members of the Memller Grosse P()inte • trip in the Porcupine Moun- Karate Club under the dire<:. :~ : .Board of Education, 1962-1970 ..... '- " tains Wilderness State Park ,~on of Sang Kyu Shim, who • • JOB AROUND THE HOME .i • from July 5-11. Backpackers wlroduced Korean Karate or President, 1967-1970 -. IlIi will hike to the famous Lake the art of the open band. • of the Clouds and along the The C'O u r s e emphasizes • '",'i : , G~~ I beautiful L a k Superior mental and physical disci. 1kJltiSkeoJv e a: .. " shoreline. pline and alertness and en- Another trip is a canoe- abJes one .to~ome se1f INDEPENDENT Dorothy Kennel is uncommitted to any special interest group. ~~tl~ . 1Jefight. camping adventure in On- protective. Different colored lario's Algonquin Provincial belts are added to the loose She cares for our children and their learning environment. Gift.' .. Park from August 2-8. The fitting exercise uniforms to fee for each trip is $95. 'indicate degree of proficiency EDUCATOR Dorothy Kennel is retiring after 13 years teaching our chil: S e n i 0 r high students, reached. dren. She taug_ht at Poup.ard, Trombly.,.Kerby & Richard schools. grades nine.12, should be Both sexes and both stu. suUiciently' challenged by dents and adults may enroll. the Club's plaJlne~ backpack- .,The. fee is $2S for eight JAlANCE ,'.'!jlll (tip. to:,lIsle.>Roya1e Na- '\veeu. "i ,,' ;; "". "r:. f: , ~ .~:;~~~:n~:~~~~~~1~~~~i~~'~~r~{~l~~~~~~aj~..'4 tional Park. .. . A :new nursery school is I 'the, nine day. triP. (July: strating •.tllissummer ;at the lOCAL CONTROL Dorothy ~Emnel 'believes it is essential ,'that the ~o'mmunity 1~.27), will mclule an over-Center for children three-five night stay in a farmhouse on years of age. It will be under maintain local control of the schools, reflecting neighborhood Lake Superior. visits to his- the superv:isioD

) \, ns_ d , ,- ~ ,- •• -,'.~ '-.-'-,~'~' -, ~",--- -"'-,.~"'" ~,'".,..".,,~,.,...... ,.,""•• ,...:':....., ,,",,':1"~,~~~. ,.~.~~,~. "llP~."'}.O::~Q""'¥...,,;4-."!", "!""!".\"'lpa":!':""'.~.-~.?'!"i?~'.;;;IIII!'..."""","IIIII!.~. .,.c~" 'II!', "'!'ii, . "',....UI!iI' ~ ... $"'. $I'II;lIIJI;~'lPJjll!l.e!" 1I!I$.bI!lI, ~IIlIllllIll!IIl I!III!lI!II•••• III••••• '';.0 '" .. '. ~ • .: .' ••• " • . ',.' '~O-, ", ' •. " I" T'l~~--;'.- .....--., ~. ~I ~~ '~ -.- ~ ---.. " , . \ " . . : ~ .... '. ';. ~ .

.. Page Ten GROSSE POiNTE NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1971 . ;! ~..:.A scand~l is just something I. Look beyond your trouble. J Mel" Gardeners Meet ]ulle 16 y:<.that has to be bad to be good. and you wlll see the rainbow. ,Obituaries The Men's Garden Club of Brownell Middle School, 260 Grosse Pointe will have a Chalfonte 'avenue, at 8 p.,m, I flower arranging progMm. Parking is available in the CUARLES A. DuCHARME stores in Detroit until 1950, followed by a membership rear of the school. S~rvices' for Mr. Du. when she moved to Grand summer flower, fruit and Charm,e, 65, of The Faruns. Rapids. Mrs. Bruce Romant will be For SCHOOL BOARD vegetable show. for its Thurs. were held Thursday, June 2, Mrs. Stcketce is survived the guest speaker and will day. June 16. meeting. at, Grosse Pointe Memorial by her husband, Judge John See Page 9 demonstrate and expl-ain the The meeting will be held at. Church. P. Steketee; two sons, John . fundamentals of fine flower He died Monday, May 30, W. and Joe; two daughlers. If you want a Bo~deau~ ~ine from france, ;you arranging, She plans to make at Bon Secours Hospital. Betsy 'and M a I' t h a; her, do not hll~e I~ pay an eXlraordinary. price. The por- arrangements depicting mod. Mi': DuCharme retired in mother, Mrs. Mary Wade; Ideaux re~lOn Is.lmo~n for, the extraordinary variety ern themes for competition, 1974 as an investment broker and one sister. and quality of lis wmes. from delicate, full-bodied conversational pieces for holi. with Watling. Lerchen and Me m 0 ri a 1 contributions reds, 10 dr~', sweet wines, you clln find almoslany ~illtl days and lovely bouquets for Co" Inc., and Nauman Van. may be made to the Grand of w~ne ~'ou wou.ld like. Yo.u c~,! buy Bordeaux: for the home. derVoort Co., both of Detroit. Rapids Art Museum. pennies a boule If you are III france and, hit a place One of the prominent ar. Mr. DuCharme's father and Interment was at Rest, where the wi".c is not worlh enough for shipping, or rangers in Michigan, she was grandtather were founders of Lawn Memorial Park, Grand you could eas,lly pa)' ,~I 0.00 per boule in New '(ork selected to serve on the the Michigan Stove Co. Rapids. for a ~ood vmtage. I he qualit). varies liS muc~ as American Rose Society's Ar. He is survived 'by his wife, • • .. the .prlce, bul when they are good the)' are extra- rangement Committee -and Janice; two daughters, Mrs. I\IRS. lIARRIET PIERSON ortlmary. and. thai, of course means II high price. if has won the prestigious Mich. Pryce M. Hayes II and Mary TAYLOR you are look 109 for II better Bordeaux, ,look for a igan State Fair Sweepstake J.; a son, Charles A. Du- Services for Mrs, Taylor, ,",'ine 11I.beUe~ not jusl 8ortit'IIUX. bul 80rdeaux from Award. She has won many Charme III; his mother, Mrs. 78, of Hillcrest road, were a certam region. arrangement trophies - from Charles B. DuCharme; one held Wednesday. May 25. at A d'f I k' f ; the Delroit, regional 'and na. brot/lee and five grandchil- n I ~'ou are 00 m~ or any kind of wine. ft' 011I the William R. Hamilton Co, B d B d lional rose socieHe.~. dren. . or eau~. to urgun y. see us at PAnKIE'S PAWl''' and Christ Church. SHOPPI-., 17255 Mack, corner of St. t:1air, 885-0626. Her 'other accomplishments Funeral arrangements were She died Monday. May 23, See_us 100 for gift su~~eslions for Father's Da~": we include the selection as an handled by the William A. at Cottage Hospital. can. euslo,m ,create a /(ifl basket filled '.wilh . ~~our American Rose Society Can. Hamilton Co. suiting 'Rosarian and she is Mr. DuCharme was ere. The widow of Clifford T'ay. chOices 01 WI~CS a~d dlceses. or you ma)' choo~e II a qualified specimen rose mated. lot, Mrs, Taylor was a -memo boule of speCial wme or dlllmpagne. t'ree deliven. show judge. • • • ber of the Country Club of Hours: 10-10 I\lon.-Thur. 10-11 Fri., Sal. . . Detroit and the Tau Beta MRS. CECILY WADE Assoc. ~. liVE U"lSlJO.u: Following the flower ar. STEKETEE She is survived by a daugh.. J'he proper amount of Ilordeaux wine per sen'- rangementprogram will be Services for Mrs. Steketee, , the review of the exhibits and ter. Mrs. Henry T. Ewald Jr., ing four ounce.~. COMPI.EJ( 47, formerly of The Pointe, FOR winners in the garden show. late of Grand Rapids, were one brother and six gl'and. 1NFORMA11ON: Refreshments will be served held Friday, June 3. at the children. I duri,ng the, survey of the Me m 0 ria I contributions Romeo And Juliet •• Our free brochure contains Metcalf and Jonkhoff Funeral show. . may be made to the Thomp- Miss full information on this Home 'and Fountain street Julie-Strindberg son Home, 119 West Hancock, T"".,laud h)' .\/i" anniversary season. For your This meeting is Ladies' Church. Grand Rapids. The Detroit. Ghosts-Ibsen copy or for re~ervationS, write Night so both women and She died Monday, May 30, .1 "lU' by Li"8ard Mrs. Taylor was cremated, Ironsla,i,. lolul Stratford Festival, Stratford, men are invited to ,partici. at the Blodgett Memorial Business Breakfast. The Guardsman-Molnar Ontario, Canada, N5A 6V2 or pate in the program. Me d i c a 1 C~nter, Grand • • • WILLIAM M. BROWNE Breakfast can mean business- Hay Fever-Coward telephone (519) 273-1600. Rapids. Nearly 60 {>Crcent of Mich. Born in The Pointe, she was Services for Mr. Browne. at Stouffer's. '-IVehave just the igan's college freshmen and a gl'aduate of the University 75, of The Farms, were held ,place for private, away-from-the- of Michigan, She worked as Saturday. June 4, at the Ver. ';: IBM .'.[1m r'~'0...I,lrl h", N'rnr:u~< f'0"'~It>:c sophomores are ImroUed in phones morning meetings. 'I thR':.lf. ... ill j(:.mr irr"': I~\\ (:~ ...J,J Lid. a copywriter for Crowley, heyden Funeral Home and ~ cOmmunity and junior col. A very efficient and low

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J ?, . ' , M s • sri" ••••••••• • • Tn , Thursday, June 9, 1977 ( G R 0 SSE POI N TEN E W S Page Eleven _ Don't let well euough alone ------""',r '.t Jeast attempt to im-I M1$ LYDIA H. Half the work in the world I The cost of hig~ living is ~ve .it. , MOTSCHALL Center Holding N.ursery School is done in an effort to dooge the reason a big salar)' won't Obituaries work. meet the high cost of living. ;Services for Miss Motschall, The War Memorial Center, Chilcken wUl be "guide4" ------.....1 83, formerly of The Pointe; 32 Lakeshore road, opens '8 ra,ther than "directed." Pro- ' ' (CoD&lDued from Page II) late of Indianapolis, Ind., late of St. C1air Shores, were new Nursery School for a portionate to their develop- BLUE SKY AND WATER LOUIS H. KAPPEL were beld Friday, May 27, at held Monday, 'June 6, at the six.week session this sum. ment, they wiLl, with appro. Services for Mr. Kappel, the Verheyden Funeral Home. Verheyden Funeral Home mer. July 1l.August 18. priate mater.ia~, be intro. METRO TOWERS 82, of The Pointe, will be held She died Tuesday, May 24, and Saint Mary's Church, duced to physical movement, It will be under the direc. Friday, June 10, at Our Lady in Indianapolis. Detroit. drama, art, science, music Star of the Sea Church at Born in The 'Pointe, she tion of Ronoa Wagner York, and language sk&!ls. 10 a.m. was a prize.winning editor of She died Thursday, June MA, Uriiverslty of Michigan, the "Indianapolis News'" 2, at Bon Secour~ Hosp:!al. who has a permanent cer. There will be profes~onal He died Monday, June 6, women's pages. A 1949 grad. A native Detroiter, she was tificate .in Elementary Edu. observation of the children's 26450 CROCKER ILVD. in Bon Secours Hospital. uate of Mich:ig.an State Uni. the retired secretary.treasurer cation. hearing, v'ision, muscular co. I & 2 Bedroom Apartment' Born in Fort Wayne, Ind., verSlity, she went (0 Indian. of the Motschall Printing Children may be enrolled ordination and emotiooal de- Open Fr. 9 t. 9Dlily he worked as tlln electrical apolis in 1965 after service and Lithographing Co. ve~opment so (hat potential I lOCAnoNUI jobber for Splane Electric as assistant women's editor ei:her for two-, three. or 2M:ni. .~.l.9~X.WA'f. AU oo LMNGסס In the lale 1920's, she and problems can be spotted and J,M[H:lfS fOIl for ,35 years, retiring in 1959. of ,the "Detroit Free Press." five-day sess,ions during this 1 her broth~rs were involved in perJod. The hours are from steps taken in early preven. Mg/ ... a-••• 7 " He was a member of Gabriel Prior 10 that, she was are. establishing the parish oC 9.11 a.m. ,and 1-3 p.m .. and tative or corrective 'action. 557-ono 3 Acr ... Si'. Richard Council 2463 Knights porter ,and home furnishings 569-2758 .. ening. 1'il .~ , .... of Columbus. During World editor for the Gary. Ind., Saint Clare de Montefalco. the schod is for children Tht're also wm be daily She also was president of its between tbree-five )'ears. War I, he flew with Eddie "Post. Tribune." She had won treats of juice. fruit and car- COMFORT fEATURES Altar Society ,in the 1930's • SlJP£I ICtT01EN • AU Rickenbacker in France. four first place ,editorial The School is fully licensed ....PlW«:.! 5 • Ale • SIOAAG~ and played a vital role in the rot strips to break the rou. lOCI(US • CAIl'OIIS. OWfS Mr. Kappel is survived by 'a~ards from the Women's in accordance w.ith Act. No, support for the Monastery oC tine of each session. • 'Ill! AND' SOUNO PlOOF • Press Ch.lb of Indiana since 116. Public Acts of Michigan, I HKTIONIC SKilliN SYS1EM.• WE SPEClAUU IN two daughters, Mrs. Mary 1970. the Blessed Sacrament. 1IA5I1CHUlt and reg,istration by !interview Fl;lr further informaWon, RISURFACING Lou Walch and Mrs. Ellen She is survived by her She is survived by two sis. will take place on Wednes- Rose Fitzgerald; two broth. mQther, Mrs. Dorothy A. eall 881-8885. ASPHAlT & (ONCRUI RESURfACING ters, Antonette and Marie, day, June 29, from 10 a.m.- AND ers; one sister and six grand. Beranek, and one brother. and a brother, Anthony. 1 p.m. jn the Terrace Room children. 'Interment was at Wood- Memorial contributions may of Alger House. '. Prolective Coaling of histing Interment will be in Saint lawn Cemetery. , . . Driveways or Parking LoIs be made to the Monastery of Paul Cemetery. • • • the Blessed Sacrament. The aim of the Nursery 642.9169 School program is to help • • • MRS. GERTRUDE SATl'LER Interment was at Mount 341.3880 children develop skills and MRS. MARGARET S. Services for Mrs. Sattler, Olivet Cemetery. ItQN GREINER attitudes that will aid their "He Who Pays the Piper HARRJS 86, of Mount Vernon road. Services for Mrs. Huns, were field Monday, June 6, oat self image. The school will Cultivate the habit of con- be held in the airy Terrace 59 formerly of The Pointe, the Verheyden Funeral Home verting enemie.> into friends Room and on the Terrace laie 'of St. Clair Shores, will and Saint Paul Church . .' WHEN PAINTING - it's the best kind of in- and protected lakeside lawn Can Call the Tune'oJ: be held at Christ Episcopal She died Friday, June 3, vestment. of the Center. Church today, Thuasday, at the Father Murray Nurs- L~. . PROTECT June 9, at 11 a.m. ing Home. - ~, :T~~ She died Monday, June 6, A native Detroiler, she is In a recent article in The Detroit News, columnist David Ashen- -'; ..:•":9'.0 at ber home in St.Clair survived by lj daughter, Mrs. 1JJ.-W-'r.-"' felter revealed the extent to which the. Michigan Education '.1 ."\~ Shores. Kenneth Kratz; a son. Dan; ~ ~---_ .. \ Local arrangements were one sister; six grandchildren Association (MEA) is willing to commit union funds to support ':: handled by the Verheyden and one great-grandchild. candidates favorable to their point of view. last year $136,000 :: Top Qualily Funer81 Home. Interment was oat Mount was spent to eject their candidates. .. A native Detroiter, she was Olivet Cemetery. CARRY - HOMEQ'> a member of the Country • • • The same kind of support is being given local candidates for the 'l Club of Detroit and tbe Wom. MRS. ESTElLA M. Grosse Pointe Board of Education by the union-sponsored Grosse . en's AuxiUary of 'Detroit WlNDGARD Pointe Action Committee (GPAC). In the GPEA newsletter dated " i 111lJ Commandry #1 KT. Services for Mrs. Wlndgard, o £R AL II. She is sur~ived, by a son, 83, of Cadieux road, were May 17th they disclosed, "The GPAC Committee voted a mone- ,~ C. V Frederick E. Ill; a daughter, held Tuesday, June 7, at the tary donation to Mrs. Kennel. As stipulated in the letter of ar. Mrs. Wendy' Barhydt; one Verheyden Funeral Home BmE rangements to the candidates"the financial and people resources brother; one ,sister .and four and Saint Clare Church. 'SULLIVAN IS of GPAC are to be available to any preferred candidates. Mrs. grandchildren. She died Friday, JUlie 3, Illtel1ment was at Wood. at Bon Secours Hospital. TRAVELING AGArNll1l Twiddy will be informed of this help that is now available to her." lawn Cemetery. Born in Saginaw, .she is The MEA ha~ admitted spending more money than any other • • • survived by a nephew. , MANFRED G. Interment was at Saint The Manager of Mr. Q. TraveL, Inc. .special interest group in Michigan including the UAW in support WJIIT11NGRAM Mary's Cemetery, W.ayne, is flying. to VeniceJu~y 1 to bQard of. political candidates. services for Mr. WbiUing. Mich •. ham, 72, of Kenwood ~, • • • the CARRAS SHIP, MTS DANAE The voters of Grosse Pointe should be told that electing candi- were .held Wednesday, June KATHLEEN TJIELMA sailing to Athens, Istanbul and Rus- dates who Qre supported by this special interest group to Boards 8 at the William R. Hamil, BRADY of Education in the' State of Michigan is one of MEA's objectives ton Co. and Grosse Pointe Services for Kathleen, 11 sia, returning July 17. Danae offers Memorial Church. h f W'll T 1 for 1977. He died SWlday, June 5, in mont s, a I ow ree pace, you her hospitality and the luxurious Cottage Hospital. were held Monday, June 6, . ',' And we questionlhe wisdom of electing union financed and A native Detroiter, be was at the Verheyden Funeral fa_cilitiesthat will make this voyage a supported Board members who will be voting for salaries and an executive 'with the Radio Home and Our Lady Star of !memorable one, You will sail. upon workina conditions of teachers .. DWributing Co. A graduate the Sea Church. of both the University of She died Friday, June 3, at the Hospitable Sea - the Black Sea After all, there are only 7 Boord members and about 600 mem- Michigan .and ~arvard UIIi- Saint John Hospital. bers of the union. They now want two of their c;andidates to be verBY, Mr. WhittinghaJIl was Born in Detroit, she is sur- --as well as sample the delights of -a member of the University vived by her parents. Ed. Ad riatic and Aegean. \ / on the Boord - and we are concerned with local control of the Club, Prismatic Club, Nayers 'mund M. and Marie Brady school system remaining with the residents of Grosse Pointe and Club Grosse Pointe Camera Jr.; paternal gNlndmother, not with any special interest group. Club' Emeritus Gub, Detroit Mrs. Edmund. Brady. Sr.; WOULD YOU LIKE TO JOIN HER? " . '.... / 'matern'al~dmother.~rl4 ~i . . ~: ,\'; R4!i~r H.S:W'a)n~J;~tirothei CEf1t%,t88':OIO&;-" ~".;; .. ~."'He" Wife, attd~'bl'1~f sJjter;'':-~ ."n.', . i ~~

A LOSING BATTLE! thousands of neckties. Please join us in the Village

where the shopping is convenient, the service is,cordial

and the parking is free (merchants will gladly validate

your ticket for free parking in the attended lots) .



GROSSE POINTE NEWS ThursdlYI June 'I 1977 '.Ie Twelve ,'" .1 Facing C~arge.o Theft Case' 1 A 2O.year.old Detroit man Upon seeing the employe, ~ charged with receiving and the men rln lOI blue van ~ • ~ncealing stolen propert)" and Oed east .through the lot ; over $100, was arraigned in to Mack avenue. . ; off the Woods Municipal Court The victimized vehicle, ro, • , $40 Thur9d.ay, June 2,a(ter being ported stolen to. Utica poHce ! charged in an incident which three- and a half hours, ear. on a very special chaise. occurred Tuesday. May 31. lier, had two (ront seats reo J The suspect, Mark Ray. moved, the radio apparently 2 mond Marcin, stood mute missing and ti:e air condi- I' ':', for Now, just $109 and a plea o( not guilty was lioning unit /lad be..n ,tam- \ entered in his behalf, police pered with. ~place s~id. Bond in the amount oC The arrest was made when j This sturdy, extra wide mesh chaise lounge $20,000, two sureties, or 10 patroling Officer John Har- .' .. percent was set and the sus- In white Is now In stock for Immediate delivery. wood spotted a blue van go- i''': intl1e pect was transported to the ing north on Mack several' From the Midwest's largest selection of Wayne County Jail pending hours later. Because a ve- patio furniture, Its graceful styling and lasting his examination, which was hicle fitting the description "4 finish will please you for many summers scheduled for yesterday J of the want~d van hadlleon ~ .June 8. sought earlier, the oUker ~ to come. In his report, Officer Mi. checked the license number ,,' Colorful, co-ordlnated, weather resistant chael Van DeGinste said he and ,it proved to be the Vll- "1 pads also available. . responded to the Saint John hicle in -question. ~li Hospital parking lot on a Bul hurry. Quantities are limited. It was stopped at Mack ~ burglary or a vehicle report. and Cook -and the five oecu- ~ At the scene, a hospital pants, including Marcin," employe said he spotted four were transported to tIie sta- 2~.', men loosening the lugs on tion. the previously stolen van. Del. Thomas Podcszwik ;; said Uie other occupants, in- '., Single Parents eluding three Detroit boy~ t~ and a Detroit girl, will not '.: Slate Auction be charged at this time, al. though the investigalion is A White Elephant Auction continuing. ; will highlight the F!1iday, June 10,. meeting of The D' D'.:; Pointe Chapter of Parents lsea. allcl~lg, Without Partners, (PWP), at S t t Ct." lhe War Memorial, 32 Lake- e. a ell er : shore road, beginning at 7:30 :~ p.m. Anyone wh01hinks the :-.:. IIR ... _I\M I ROYAL OAK I PiORTHL.ANDI EASTLANO IWESTl.ANO I AN" ARBOR IS.... Rood. In m"_ .... "'.' 110;_1 World traveler Larry Smith War Memorial is Ii. trifle oPEH 10 A." to ., ... lB'R"'''GHAM TUES- AHD WED. UNT'L 5.lCl/PAl" BeACH AND NORTH PAL" BfACH I WORR£LL'SI will conduct the auction, stuffy at times should visit;~ which wiIJ be followed by a the disco dancing evenings :; Sadie H a IV kin s .: l" days of each month at the uninhibited music and dance .~. , Nancy Dickerson, prominent natlonal War Memorial., A1:l PWP with .everyone participating :::~ j" membllrs are invited, .as well and becoming at ease with all :> correspondent, reports for Detroit Edison: as eligible guests; (widowed, the new movements, dances :": divorced and separated). and styles in vogue in the ;::: Residency in one of the country's ~eading discos. <~ I Pllintes is not a prerequisite Admission is $4.50 arid re-:.; for attendance. freshments are available. ..;:. For more information, call The. Center is located at 32 ::: 779.1490 or 882.0316.' Lakeshore road. :.~ "See.how homes winning ...,," :=: CITY OF, ••j Detroit &&on EEE Awards arebtiilt to save 'to-.':~ .....,~~ ~rrililit 'ntute 1J1arms "'.i! on energy costsfrom top to bottom." ."'.!~ MICHIGAN •••• -t• ~;1.~,. . . NOTICE ".'" OF LAST DAY FOR FILING ::i ~.~1t~,4 Detroit Edison is a concerned Detroit. Edison EEE Award If you're interested in finding NOMINATING PETITIONS ..1". participant in America's crusade for homes must meet or surpass out more aboutenefgy ..efficient ,.~~:: conservation. The wise use of the following standards: living, call these builders. FOR CITY OFFIC,ES ;;, energy is a national goal, but it r:! .Th~y'll be happy to give you ..'" " .... ~otice isheteby given that pursuant to t'~ . . "reqWres a:working relationship '" ~n\;' :~moredetaUs .,~. '.",.c "1. ';~~i~~iid~.*!4ichigan Election' .. - ,...,'.'-., l:'" "".'> 6e~~'h'\lib~\vl\If8dA1rv ~~th!...... ''''': ~L1Wiorlg~ d!i.ffienae~uesday, Ji.tnel4;tlt ~ and those who use it. To about the' >;J977Js,1Ji~ last. day 'for filing Nominating Pe;;' , ",,' titions for the following City Offices: i!.1 demonstrate publicly the desire to benefits you FOUR (4) COUNCILMEN ~ take a leadership role in this enjoy in EEE ~ crusade, Detroit Edison has Award homes. Gnd ONE (1) MUNICIPAL JUDGE ~ established the Energy .. ~ Efficiency Excellence (EEE) • Briarwood Builders, Inc., Petitions will be received by the 'City ,~ Clarkston. Call 625-9229. Clerk until 4:00 o'clock p.m., on Tuesday, June ~'! Award to encourage .the • Michael J. Endres 14, 1977. f~ building of more ene!""~ Custom Builder, Marine City. Call Nominating Petition forms are available ~~ 765-5425. In Marysville, call 364-5353 .. at the Office of the City Clerk, 90 Kerby Road, "?,: efficient homes. • Larry Lada Builder, lexington. i.... Call 359-7022. Grosse Pointe Farms, during regular office ;~ • Marquis Homes, Hartland. hours . r~ Call 632-7118. RICHARD G.SOLAK EEE Award homes • OlendorfBuilders, Inc., Utica. CITY CLERK. t~ Call 254-1522 or 731-31.60. GPN: 6-9-1977 are designed with • Rider Custom Homes, Millington. ~ Call 517-871-4588 or 631-6620. conservation in mind. A. Energy-efficient heat-pump heating • R. J. Smith Custom Honies, ~ and cooling system which conforms Marine City. Call 765-8651. NOTICE'OF. ili;~ Detroit Edison presents the Energy to design and installation standards ~l~~ established by the electric utility ,,, Efficiency Excellence (EEE) Award PUBLIC HEARING •.: industry. Yes,you can make your present "",;~.;. t, to builders whose homes meet B. Maximum insulation including home more energy efficient. OF THE ~';~:. .maximum standards in insulation, R-t7 material in exterior walls, R-44 _.. -,0'.; in attic, and fully insulated basement CITY COUNCIL, ACTING AS A BOARD '.ad' lighting, wiring, appliances and Detroit, Edison's Home Insulation *+... walls with an R-B value. OF APPEALS UNDER THE PROVISIONS oJ,.' are comfort-conditioned with an ,-~ Finance Plan is designed to help you j..c energy~efficient electric heat pump. C. Windows with wood sash and /I -;;. bring your present home up to OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE 4'" ,. insulating glass or single glass with ~.~ From attic t~fbasement,EEE full storm. Or aluminum sash with today's energy~saving standards. CITY OF .: Award homes are designed to keep thermal break and insulating glass Ask about it at your Detroit Edison ,..:; ~ your heat inside during winter or single glass with futl storm. --"."~...;- Customer Office. Here are other ~::~ and your utility costs down. These D. Exterior doors with foam core .and ~rnl1lir Jniute JSnn~l1 ~~ things you can do to help conserve 4'~. ~ magnetic seal. .. same features also make EEE Award energy and also save money: Put MICHIGAN : a,. E. Refrigerator and freezer must be ,,,..... homes easier to cool in summer. ;. energy-efficient if provided by builder. up storm windows and doors; Check NOT~CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City ..~ The heat pump that keeps EEE ...... "'if F. Water heater is energy-saving type, weatherstripping and caulking; Council, meeting as a Board of Appeals under Award homes comfortable all year located as close as practical to point Dial down in winter and dial up in the provisions of Section 5-11-6 of the 1975 t:~' round is an efficient way to heat, of Use. Hot water lines wrapped in summer; Lower furnace fan settings; City Code, of Grosse Pointe Woods, wiII meet cool, filter and dehumidify ~:' insulation are recommended. in the Council-Co\lrt Room of the Municipal K~ep electric appliances in good Building, 20025 Mack Avenue, Gfosse Pointe electrically. At today's energy costs, G. Interior lighting that conforms to repair. That way, we'll all be Woods, on an EEE Award ho~e could save you the Illuminating Engineering Society standards for energy efficiency in using energy more wisely. MONDAY EVENING, June 20, 1911 more than $260 a year, compared residential lighting. to homes using oil, propane or at 7:30 p.m. o'clOCk to hear the appeal of Mr. H. Exterior security lighting, if and Mrs. Mark Gregory of 495 Deeplands, electric resistance heating. provided, has automatic dusk-to-dawn Grosse Pointe Woods, who 'are appealing the -. If you're planning on buying or control. denial of the :euilding Inspector to ,issue a building a hew home, take a look I. If home has a fireplace, it must Building Permit for property described as: have a tight,fitting damper and glass ...... at the Detroit Edison EEE Award Lot 231 of Deeplands No. 3 Subdivision ' ..~ screen, and if practical, an outside Pick up a free copy ... homes. These homes will help you fresh-air supply. and being Private Claims 620 and 621 and "f "Planning a recorded on Liber 78, Page 2 of Wayne conSClve energy and keep your New Home?" at J. Materials, equipment, design and County Records. :~.... operating co.,b at rock bottom. construction of all electric devices any Detroit and wiring must comply with all local Edison Mr. and Mrs. Gregory propose to construct a ~: and national codes. Customer rellr addition to the b&.ckof their home at 49~ ~:: Office. Or call Deeplands. Said Building Permit was denied '.~ Detroit Edison for because Section 5.4-2 (F) (Schedule of Regu- .~' . more information. lations) of the 1975 City Code requires a rear ... ,.. yard setback of 35 feet for a home in an R~lB ....:- Residential District; Mr. and Mrs. Gregory de- ,". r ..... sire to add a Florida room onto the back of ...... their house that would extend past the rear .... @ Conserve for all it's worth. The power is in your hands. yard setback line. According to Section 5.4-2 ':.. of the 1975 City Code, an addition such as pro- :f-1 posed by Mr. and Mrs. Gregory cannot. be ::i built on said lot unless a variance is granted. ••• This will be a public hearing and all interested ."•••.'.. Detroit parties are invited to attend. ••*. CHESTER E, PETERSEN ••-. ".


I'.,•.' '.' '."''"',, '" ...... ,'.; ...... If. 't"'';r'~'''''' - .... .- .,'.,..' '" •. , ,.. , •...... , .", ...... ,. ...~,. " • t h< _ ,_~'_,~ .. _ -. ! Thursd.y. June 9, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS P'ge Thirteen -_.- - .,_._-- To Show Films to Tour Group I WEEKDAY' What Goes On Prior to its limited educa. Bahman Armajani, native HOU.S tional group tour to study and of Iran, ~11 tell of the splen- MON., TUES., at v. w th "ncient g'lories of dors of his oountry.also seen OPEN Ie e it in the color mm, "Sights of WED., THURS. •b Persia, Amritsar-the Mecca Iran." 9 A.M. to 1 P.M. YOllr LI rar1 of the Sikhs, the mysteries AnQther film, "Glimpses of FRIDAY SUIIDAY of Kashmir and the Taj Northern India," will be 9 A.M. to 8 P.M. By William T. Peters, Mahal, the War Memorial !is pre s en ted, while Grosse 10 a.m. Director of Public Libraries hosting an informative eve. Pointe's own world traveler. SATURDAY ,------' I ning for interested pal1iici- Raymond Walk, will tell of 9 A.~. 106 P.M. TO Despite jets, missiles and Parks, tbis book blazes a pants on Thursday, June 23, his experiences in Afghanis- electronic devices, man has clear traU to a variety of in the Crystal Ballroom. 32 tan, Iran and India. incor- Prices Good th". r"el., J"ne 14th 5 p.m. ~~lg~~~ f:s~:~t::ana~y~~a~ ~~~ft~~:c~ ~~:c~~~~ C~~~~ ~a~es~~!:~ r_oa~, at 8 p.m:_ poratin~!!~~e~_ , _ w. reMfYe .he right •• tion. and on the Continent. Specific Limit q"o"litift. Our ;nbraries are full of and praoocal chapters deal books about faraway places with pack-t rip p Ii n g, trail W!ithstrange sounding names, rides dude.ranching, fox but det me 6uggest some hunts and outstanding rodeos, BE~CIJ()f books that tell about unusual ~hows ,and dnformation on vacations that are within summer riding camPs for easy reach of your home and youngsters. your pocketbook. Cervantes observed that, "Riding a horse makes gen- CAR AIR CONDITIONER The remnants left in mid. Uemen of some and grooms America whereby we may of others." The neophyte will aehievea wilderness experi. find that learning to ride a ence are comparatively few, horse may be difficult; the TUNE.UP:~765 yet they do exist. In the book animai is uncomfortable in MID.AMERICA TRIPS AND the middle. and dangerous at 'I TRAILS, oy Bill Thomas, both ends. i (Stackpo'le Books, 1975), Camping today is segment. 11 there are .descriptions of over ed, departmentalized and BEAT THE HEA T i' 50 unspoiled wilderness areas personalized. The pur i s t s Have your (or ~ir conditioner tuned up • in 11 states. still hike deep into the woods at only $1.65 labor plus Freon and taxes The first section of the carrying spartan supplies on book is about Michigan. The their backs, but now there Hiawatha National Forest 01 are also campers who don't Michigan's Upper Peninsula, mind spending up to $200,000 Isll~ Royale National Park, on deluxe motor homes. Seney National Wildlife Ref- Others prefer the "theme uge and Sleeping Bear Dunes camper" with a personalized are described using a simple interior, like the Winnebago format which ~s fo1lowed Coach Car decorated in plush throughout. scarlet and dark grain wood. First, a three or four para. Of course your little castle - graph description of the area, on wheels may bean inex- how to reach U, where, to pensive trailer with a can- drive, where to hike, back. vas pop-up top or a van, packing oppor!unities, where suitably decorated. ( REMODEL NOW! to camp and where to obtain, A publicatJion that meets information 'and a line map the many needs of the recre. of the wilderness area. ational vehicle, (RV), owner, States covered in addition except money, is TRAILER to Michigan are W1sconsin, LIFE'S 1971 RV CAMp. ..W-'-'-I-Nz~ - lie. 'Iocll niditl Minnesota, Nor t h Dakota, GROUND AND SERVICES .. IIiiN .codes requiie t11lt Nebraska, Ohio, Indiana, Uti. DIRECTORY, e d it e d and a~cf.w\.g - ,our ,rOptrty, .. nois, Mis sou r i, Kentucky, published by Traller Life. A , fl updated prior tt Tennessee. Arkansas, Okla. complete guide to RV parks ~,.fJJ. ADDITIONS se.'1f re.re .... homa, Alabama, Mississippi, and campgrounds in the REMODELING bit' litis Louisiana and Texas. U.S.A., Canada and Mexico; 9~ • ill,,,,,•. INTRO'DUCTION TO FOOT ,this 1;000 plus page guide 777 -6840 ~::'I .ellt .1IiIe y•• Ire TRAIlS IN AMERICA, by will help you plan your trip; bile in JIIII' "'. e. Robert Colwell, (Stackpole give the rules of the roads IVIHrloIGSGP TU1.'7" for each state, customs' in. IA" SIDI AND Books, 1972), gives location, formation and detailed maps. GaQSSI POlloi'" trail data, maps and reler. One .thing these books don't ences ,to 81 day hikes, over- mention when wriUng of the UPDATEYOURBAT'" KITCIIII, nights or week.long outings great out of doors are black in the wiiderness-a 6elector and to tralls in ."- East, Mid- flies, mosquitoes, gnats, deer PL" meTRIC "''\11 fllesand all the other flying, west, West and Far West. Un nd b'tin . ts This book is 'a, starter for eraw' ga ,1 g wec AU HOME & OFFICE SERVICES that can, ruin an otherwise beginners, a ready reference beautiful holiday-so pack a INCLUDING WAll WASHING, CARPn for the experienced. can or two of Off, or some CLEANING AND PAINTlMG! It rates trails according to other effective spray, before their ease or difficulty. their you venture forth. suitability for a family group with children. the" time and t, ':~.':;;~~.. ~:\~~l' ::-/ L ,:'_:l~I,.:':': ril.1leage involved'!or each. All the speclflcs' are here, on "YOUR SCHOOL 80ARD.UNIC8ETWEENAGE GROUPS" how each t1'aiI, is marked, ' Wh8t :landmarks to watch for, Ie-Elect where water ~md .shelter are avaRable, what wdldliife might be sighted and what LAURANCEJ. scenic views to enjoy .along the way. Michigan has 'a 210 mile HARWOOD trail which winds its way SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE across the northern part of the Lower Peninsula from • Experienced Lake Superior to Lake Huron. However, some of the state's • Independent best trails are Iin the Porcu- pine Mountains. They vary • Retired Business Executive in length from three miles to 36. • Concerned Tax, Payer Tired of walking? Try a horseback vacation. Steven '. Parent of 4 Graduates D. Price, .author of HORSE. BACK VACATION GUIDE, • Serving the Total Comm.unity (Stephen Greene Press,1975), considers his book the Bae- • Proven Administrator deker of the bridle trails. Including the National ELECTION - JUNE 13 Party Honors Dedicated to Continued Improvement of Our Schools D~~ :,~:':tt::"~rF....R....E....E....I..:u:::::::::~:T.l lic Works Director Anthony • THE REGULAR PRICE AND • Guaresimo, 57, who joined •• • GET IDENTICAL PIZZA fREE •• the city in May 1948, will officially retire on Thursday, July 5. I PICK-UP ONLY - ONE COUPON PER CUSTOMER! I In his honor, a retirement • • party will be 'held Wednes- • • day, June 15. at the Harper • • Woods Community Center, I • 19748 Harper, beginning with I ruES. & WED.- Good through June 25th • dinner at 7 p.m. Tickets at $8 per person include the cost • • 0 • of ,the dinner, dancing, a gift. beer and mix, and are avail. II 1. 0 OFF EXIRA LARGE •• able at the Woods Municipal I Buillding."He has20025certainlyMack avenue.been a = P III A .1 most dedicated and loyal em- plo~'e," said City Administra- I THU.S.& F.'. through June 24 • ~or Chester E. Petersen. "Hc I • hasas andoneemploye.an outstanding(includingjob II EXIRA LA . GE PillA for = work .as a highway depart- ment laborer .and water and I sewer supcrintendcnt), and I PRICE OF A LARGEI• •I as director of the public • works department." • SAT•• lUll. through June 26 • Mr. Guaresimo was named I r------., DPW director in 1968 after_ SpVI11 AlL RATES TO • holding the po~ of 'assistant • ~ ~ It' • di~~~O~'as always been very = GBflD(}ATION PflRTI~S : ~i~~ ~t~~~~;:nt~1Sa~I~~~.• FREE DELIVERY ANY DAY! • as well ras in maintaining • lhe high ~ev~ of servdces our II ~'- J.' . residents haVe become ac II \~ '-y, O~0 S • customcd to. He will be ,I (.~.../ili/:;.,. • ( , - • missed in our oity," said Mr' ~(ll • Pelersen. ll / _'I J' The NEWS attempted to • c- ..1:IJ, ~) C . & P' . • contact Mr. Guaresimo on his • I~ ,~_\..-- aterlng lZZerla. careerwas reportedwilh theto citybe butout heo! I• 19873 MACK at TOR.REY • town last week. No decision as to a replace- II Grosse Pointe Woods 881-91 70 • ment will be made unlJil I early July. • NEW SUMMER HOURS: • Jl takes some dissatis!ac. I OPEN 4 P M Open Sat, at 3 p,m, Open Fri. & I tion to make for eUicicnt [L e. Sat. Until 1. Closed on Monday, .1 I~~m_ I ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ' , \, l' ~

L E 7 7 7 7 7 7'777 7 IS??; m I I I • 576mm trhnr's •• ww' ttX tmtzhWbl:: 7 7 7 r • ? 7 .. .: ' . .~..~. . ' .

. ,l GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 9,J977 BARR RECEIVE$ APPOINTMENT Propel.ty Owners to Meet Sale to Offer ,Pool Hours Set for City P~u'k National Bank of Detroit banking. He joined the bank Grosse Pointe City has es. three.four), ymmg adult Ilc. has announced the promo. in 1973 as a cre~it analyst. The annual. meet,ing of the dent, and a member of fle 'Fine ]unque' Audubon. WhUlier Property Grosse Pointe P-ark Civic tablished schedules for pool ginner and diving courses Mr. Barr is a graduate of tion of Pointer Donald G. Owners' Assoc. was hetdat Assoc., spoke of the history hours, swimming lessons, will meet 10.11 a,m, Barr Jr. to assistant vice. Eastern Michigan University the Grosse Pointe Hunt Club of his group and invited Grosse Pointe Academy's, team meets and tennis courts From 11 a.m ..12 nool1, be. ginners. advanced beginners pre sid e n t, correspondent and North . Wednesday, June 1. members to jojn. (GPA), newly refurbished for this summer. The president. 111u r ray barn will be the scene of the 'and introduction -to competi. The large pool at Neff Park tive swimming will holl! Fordree. introduced George At the d~e(l~or's meeting school's "Cine junque" sale will be open Monday.Friday P. JO:lnson, 89, honorary which was held dmmediately scheduled Friday.Saturday, class. Adult women will meet for early bird swim from 7.8 life member, who is remem. after theannllal gathering, June 10.n, from 10 a.m ..3 on Monday, Wcdnesday and a.m. and open swim from 10 bered for the Christmas dis. the foHowing officers were p.m. Friday from 12 1100n.l p.m. a.m..lO p,m. plays at his Whittier avenue elected for 1977-1978: Donald Two Saturdays last month Residents can register for home over the years, as well R. Berschback, president, fe.und GPA parents and fac. On Saturdays and Sundays, session one, runnillg from as his beautiful garden. Herb Schervish, vice.presi"J1ty garbed in blue jeans the large pool will be avail. June 20 July 8, on SatunJay, Four ','ock directors on the dent, and Bruno Domzowskli, and wielding paint brushes able for open swim Crom 10I June 11, through SUilday, two streets, who will remain treasurer. to restore the drab structure a,m ..l0 p.m. June 19. Session two, from is proud to announce the appointment in office for one more year, T:1e Audubon.Whittier Prop. aating back to the 'early Open swim hours for the I J~ly IS.August S. rl'idstr

John Prost, a Park resi goal. School, where a farm was a n June 2O.Audust eludes Junl? 2;>, relay mecl: ______. ._____ once maintained to produce 51 881.6600 ~~e~os;vim ,at both p;ols wili Jun~ 29, C:ity at .The ~arm~: food for nuns and students. not begin until 12 noon. July 6. City at rhe ShmC's, o 20903 Harper The first school building . ' ! July 13, Woods nt The City; ~ 1.94 & 8 Mile (Vernier) was constructed in 1883, and T.essons will cost S3 per July 16, 51. Clair Shores

~:.) ,t;} 'III tfll' .Jldl l'lIju\'(l neu' tlillillf( "'I'"ri"IIII' ~~""'~'E', . " . ' ...... exreilent{'llillirU' ... ltrlll'iou,- .. . , . " ('ollljt)rlrrbf., .•. It.W"' ... n...kllli/~ . ,," • beer 011 111/1 ••• IImfile ,mrkill/: .-/ SllI,all (;rolllJJlaruIIH.t H.... III '\1 Open Sundays Noon.1 0 p.m. 13330 E. Ten Mile Rd. ',.', Warten, Mich .Across from Bi.County Hospitli/. 754-5555

'Fine Food and Coclctoi/sSince 1948' luncheon from 11 a.m., Dinners from 3:30 p.m. CLOSED SUNDAYS

, 16023 MACK at DEVONSHIRE 885.-9758 Mariann Kopitzki, Prop. TO THE QUALIFIED 'ELECTORS OF SAID SCHOOL DISTRICf: PLEASE TAKE NOTICEtha~ the Annual Election of The Grosse Pointe Public School System, Wa)'ne County, Michigan, "viII he held in said School Dish'ict on Monday, the 13th day of .TOnite's June., A.D. 1977. The polls of election will ,be open fro III , 7:00 o"clock A.l\l. to 8:00 o'clock P.M." Eastern Daylight Tinle, on said June 13, 1977. thenite! $ 400,000 The places of election will he the duly desi~ated voting places in each election precinct in the ~GRAND CIRCUIT School District and are as fol1o\vs: '. ,- STARTS SATURDAY The World's Best PliaNCY NO. 1- Voting place at the ROBERT TROMBLY SCHOOl, 120 'IKINCT NO. 6 - Voting place at the DeTEI M. FURY SCHOOl, 741 Harness Racing ... Beaconsfield, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan, loslyn load, Grosse Pointe Woods, Miclligan. you can bet on it! PRECINCT NO.2 - Voting place at the GEORGEDEFERSCHOOL,15425 Ker- PRECINCTNO.7 - Voting place at the STMNS T. MASON SCHOOL,1640 , cheval Avenue, Grosse Pointe Park, Michigan. Vernier Road, GrosSI Pointe Woods, Michigan, PRECINCTNO, 3 - Voting place -at the LEWIS E. MAIRE SCHOOl, 740 PRECINCTNO. 8 - Voting place at the JOHN MONnlTH SCHOOL, 1275 Cadieux Road, City of Grosse Pointe, Michigan, Cook Road, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan. PRECINCTNO. 4 - Voting place at the PERE GABRIELRICHARDSCHOOl, PRECINCTNO, 9 - Voting place at the CKARW A. POUPARD SCHOOL, WOIVet1ne Championsf1ip 176 McKinley, Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan. 20655 Lennon, City of Harper Woods, Michigan. . Mile TraCk Han1eSS Racing AT SCHOOLCRAFT AND MIDDLEBELT IN LIVONIA PRECINCTNO. 5 - Voting place at the.KERBY SCHOOL,285 Kerby Road, PIECINCT NO, 10 - Voting place at the JOHN I, BARNESSCHOOL,20090 INFORMATIONI RESERVA HONS -421 - 7170 Grosse Pointe Farms, Michigan, Morningside Drive, Grosse Pointe Woods, Michigan, .

Over 800.000 At said election there will he elected two (2) Dlenlhers of the Board or Education or said School ~ CUSlOm~r\ h,1''J€' ~ been serverl hy District for teruIS of four (4) years each, heginning July 1, 1977and ending June 30, 1981. US In Z years RAM'S HOR may we selve you? Candidates for said four (4) year terallsare: CARRY. RESTAURANT OUT 17410 MACK AT 51. CLAIR AVAilABLE ANN C. ARDUSSI PAUL M. QUINT Kiddie. MIn. Autl.bIe! We Are Becoming RICHARD D. ROBBINS SEA FOOD : Famous For Our LAURANCE J. HARWOOD Alaskan King Crab Legs. •.~.';;;'I! Desserts I Stuffed Flounder 3 •• 5 39 Varlel1es01 DOROTHY M. KENNEL FRANCES TWIDDY Surf & Turf, , , , ".2. Sandwiches FIsh and Chips a.2., Watermelon & Fresh Water Perch. , 3.29 lean'a/oupe melor PAUL D. McCARTHY BARBARA W. YOUNGS Jumbo Fried Shrimp , 3 .St I Deep Sea ScallOps" ' a:•• i served fresh daily

Fisherman's Wharf ' 3' •• 1' 8 DAtLY Shrimp In A Basket ,. 3.29 SPECIALS $2.99 Each person voting in said election Inust be a registered elector in the City or Township within Fried Clams ...... a.... ~:~::d..:r:a':.;.~~...~~~.ga FROM THE BROILER 1:--':''''''''''00' this School District in which he or she resides. BoneleSSRainbow Trout" 3 •• 51::~:~;~:'~~~"::." ,80neless Haddock Fillets ,3 •• 15 ••~" ..., e&arltl O'P " .. 11 (h- d ,.,. 00. vegetable. collee. tea or m,lk . • " I,,'.. w,o.,," •• System, Wayne County, Michigan. ._--- Breakfast Special 5 a.m... 11 a.m. 2 eggs, any style, bacon or sausage $1 59 MELISSA MAGHIELSE with hash browns. toast and jelly. . • Dated: April 4, 1977 Secretary, Board of Education Senior Citizens Discount 10% 1 p.m,-10 p.m. 885.1902

, ( { J

'~~ ' "" ';' ,. .... ~ • -,,, ...... ~ .... ' '.,,'1 .... ., .. _ .-.\.:;. .... fil ....\)'. ""'-r4: ...",.,"""', ... "- ... ~ .... '• I .. ... ", ...... ,.. ~.~.' -' ~ " ..~.. ..- - ..... - ...... ~.-...... ,.~... ..~ . . ~ ':"-' , . 1 .' ~.... Thursday. June 9. 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS , !age Fifteen.





.,• FEDE 'S GROSSE POI , . .., -. OFF-ICE A

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We're happy to announce the Installation , HERE'S WHAT THE NGHT OWL • Pay utility bills by cash, check or from NOW, HERE'S HOW. of our sixth Night Owl Window in the , WINDOW CAN DO FOR YOU. your regular savings account. metropolitan area. It's at our Grosse . When you have a FirstFederal , And you can do any of these things 24 Pointe office, located on Notre Dame It can let you do a whole lot of Important Cosh-Master regular savings account near Kercheval. and vital things ~uch as: hours a day, seven days a week, at your and a balance of $300,00 or more, you convenience. qualify for this freeservice. Our Night Owl Window isjustone of many • Cash personal checks up to $100a services available as part of First day, In multiples of $25 or $50. Upon your request, you'll receive a First federal Savings of Detroit's exclusive . • Withdraw up to $100a day from your Federal Prestige Card and .a personal Cosh-MastersM regular savings . regular savings account, in multiples identification number. The card and account plan, of $25 or $50. your number (which only you can use) are the key to operating the Night • Ma~e deposits to your regular savings Owl Window. NOW WE'RE NMR REAllY CLOSED. account In any amount. The Night Owl Window is a 24.hour electronic teller that allows you to do • Make FirstFederal loan payments by cash, check, or from your regular most of your first federal business any . savings account. tfme of night. Or day, And all around town, too. First Isavings of Detroit In the Village: 633 Notre Dame, near Kercheval. Phone: 882~7697

Main OffIce: 1001Woodward Avenuel Detroit Michigan 48226, Phone: 965-1400 I

.\' -' " \ ,--"'- ",-- -'",.-:,.,.,~.:-:-:-:~,-.--,.";'II: ~,' ~: ,,'" , " ' "', , , " ~.', ...... ", " . .. , ~

\ Page Sixteen GROSSE POINTE NEWS lhul'$day, June 9, 1977 Grosse Pointe News Know Schools ROBERT B. EDGAR D/B/A Anteebo Publishers. Letters to the Editor YO.ur OfFICES UNDER THE ELM AT 99 KERCHEV A4 By Dr. William Coats, GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN 48236 Su)?erintendent of Schools ------Second (;1011POlto;. Pold 01 Detroll. Mlthigon To the Editor: would also be availab1e on FULLY PAID CIRCULATION I, wIsh to commend your Wednesday evenings. 1I(.e~er Mich. Prell Aaloclilioll Ind NllIonll Edltorlll Anoelilion excellent editorial dn the It would appea'r to be a fine In addition to finishing Jhe all of them to s~port the May 19 "G r 0 sse Pointe gesture on'the parl of the 1976-77 year and lay.ing con. Hou~e Education Committee's Classified Ads, 882-6900 • 882.0294, Editorial News," concerning the pro. churc:l to offer the Use of its crete plans for a successful subsldtute version of Senate By Pat Rousse .... DisplaY"' Advertising, 882-3500 posed 'purchase of the old auditorium when available to ~978.79 year, .a ~umb~r of Bill 170. Punch and Jud T....ater b th . th Important legISlative Issues I .. . The Pearl , , . is the birth- . U 't Ch ~ h."j tte .y 0 er groups m e commu- also are recelving the aHen. Vje favor lhls .plec~ of legiS. ROBERT R EDGAR....EDlTOR and PUBLISHER stone for the month of June. See WILLIAM ADAMO ADVERTISING. MANAGER n; y urc.. IS e ~ IS n.:ly. tion of Board members and latlon because 1t would: (1), .0t express my own vIew- H I h '1 ... clarl'fy th SC'l' cen the display of lovely pearl jew- JOANNE BURCAR, , " ,.,.,ACCOUNTS point in support of the Unity owever, am .sure t. e the admmlslrall\':.e stafr. e .0(>. sus JANET MUELLER. FEATURE, SOCIETY EDITOR roposal. church. can be entirely, se:.f. provisions to make them op- . elry in the window of Po'ngracz; ROGER A. WAHA , " .., , ,.. NEWS EDITOR P . ,supportmg, eve n WIIthout For example. as a result of tional. and delete the "aller. 91 Kercheval. So many' more JAMES J. NJAIM , , , .. , ,.., , ..,~,.. ,NEWS l)ome persons are. reslslin~ such possible revenue, a fact recen:1y.p ass e d 'legiS'lation nate procedures" language; pearl rings, bracelets, necklaces TOM GREENWOOD"...... SPORTS, NEWS the proposed plan because of which should convince .any w:lich became effective Wed. (2), correct the conflicts in' and earrings inside. . SUSAN McDONALD ,., ,..,.." EDUCATION, NEWS a .misconcepti0!1 that the doubtful person of the under. nesday. June 1, all present current school boa,rd mem- MARY LORIMER, , ADVERTISING Umtr Churc~ mIght bea fly. ly:ng strength of tJ.e church. members of boards of educa- bers' compensation language; bY-D1ght cultIs.t group, which . t:nn must form, a "candidate • PAT ROUSSEAU,...... , , ADVERTISING ' Waterford Crystal ... the might serve only to drag the In short, It would be an committee" and file a state. (3), Change the new man. _. . perfect gift for a wedding, anni- CHARLES DICKSON , ,..:.ADVERTISING neighbor:100d down enor~o~s loss .to the com- ment of organization for that datory school breakfast pro- PHYLLIS NEAL ADVERTISING . ,. mumty Ifthts hlgh:y respon- commmee. gram to an option a! one, left "versary or even for Father's JO MULHERIN...... CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Nothmg cou.d be further sible church is prevented to the chcdce of the local "7k.lejut' Day. Give father a Waterford DOROTHY SCHlMANSKY, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING from the truth.. . . from return:ng to Grosse Incumbents who are not communities and s c h 0 0 I ~ _~ captain's decanter or beer tank- SHIRLEY ARNOLD ....CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .The ~hurch IS affilia,t~ Pointe now. It cou~d easlly seek,:ng re.e!ection this year boards; and (4), permit an "'7 ard .. '. 98 Kercheval. , JEAN LOUGH .. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .w~th UDlty School of ChrIS- resu1,t in the deler,ioration of ne!!d not fil~_pre-election and optional de~ay for up to one LINDA LOUGH .. " CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING nanily,. headquar,tered in LeI'; .the his!oric Punch and Judy post.election reports of con- year of the new mandatory F~AN BACHA., " , ,,,.., ,CIRCULATION Su!"mlt, Mo., w~ere the building and ,the eventuaa tributions and expenditures school lunc:l program, (this Travel With a Celebrity• ..• Urnty Press publishes the demdition of it. under the Campaign Finance delays changes in the imple. well-known "Daily Word" . .' Reform Act. see the new shipment nf Cele- magazine and other materJal Sincere.ly you~s. mentation date froin October ,brity travel' kits and canvas', 'S"". TWiddy, Harwood Get Nod of a religious natu,l'e. FrederIC M. SIbley. Readers of lhis paper know 1, 1977, to October 1, 1978). totes in a new navy pin stripe "" .... _" This is a solid, respected O! vQen~ome read that the Board of. Edueation ------pattern with zipper compart-' .' I denomrnation established 100 ar.d many members of tlre C.t Off. ments outside and washable . , '. Eight candidates are vying for' two Board of years ago, with churches all To The Editor: commuJi.lty have taken an . I Y ICer vinyl lining ... 121 Kercheval. :7-- Education seats in the Monday, June 13, election. over the country, Which at- Attached is a copy of a active part in attempt,ing.-to G D It is the consensus of the NEWS that five of the test to ,.the vigorous growth letter to Mayor' James H. raise' the legal drinking age ets egree . , can.didates are qualified for the ppsts based upon of the Unity Church, Dingeman of Grosse Pointe in Michigan. A New Shipment ... of U neck T shirts thelr experience, inter¥t, viewpoints on the issues .The local Unity Church was Farms. I have his verbal The Board's rationale was has arrived ... navy, white. red and ecru, situated the Grosse Poin,te permission to give you this that certain 18.year.olds were New City Chief of Police and responsiveness in public forums and to ques- in ol1ly $7. All summer jewelry is 20j( OFF at ~. area from 1950-11170,when it copy for publication. Thank making it tl'etatively easy for Bruce Ken,nedy announced Personally Yours, 84 Kercheval. . tionnaires. moved to 14843 Coram from you for all your help in this schoc1~age young people to that Patrolman Edward Mil. They include Frances Twiddy, incumb~ntLau- the Grosse Poil1te War Me- ma~ter. securealco~olicbeverages'.ler will graduate this week rance J. Harwood, ~arbara Youngs, Ann Ardussr moria I location. It is tbere. Alger Shelden Jr. As a result, (hey offered their from Wayne State University Hamlin's Has . . •. a special on Perrier and Dorothy M. Kennel. Of these candidates the fore only natural for the '* '* *. support by collecting peti. with a BS degree in police water, the natural French sparkling water. \ , two who appear best qualified for the four~year church to return to Grosse Dear Mayor Dingeman: tions to raise the age. administration. 59c a bottle ... $9.95 for a case of 24 ... 89 terms are Mrs. Twiddy and Mr. Harwood. . Pointe to estab::ish its per-As you know the Unity Sena,te Bills 31 and 32 Officer Miller is a 10-year Kercheval, TU 5-8400. Mrs. Twiddy, 30, of Rivard boulevard, is a for- manent home. . Chw.ch 1s in ,the process of passed the Senate on Tues- . veteran of The City force. mer teacher of English at North High Sfhaol and As Grosse Pointe residents buying the Punch and Judy day. May 31, and went 1\:0 the He joins .twd other City po- • • Wayne State. University. She has demonstrated a for a great many years, my Theater-all subject tocoun. House. of Representatives, lice officers, who hold police Albert Nipon . . . knows how to answer summer evening invitations with style .. His s~lid .expertis~ in education and would be respan- wife and I ana family have cH's approval of a zoning where "there ,is some senti- administration degrees and slve m tackling the problems of the day-to-day a,ttended this church regu- variance.. ment for raising the ag& to are currently working on two piece dresses and sun dresses with jackets operations of the school system. lar1y and received great I heartily endors~. Unity'S 20 or 21. Mastel:S programs. at Maria Dinon, 11 Kercheval, are perfect for spiritu3!l, Christiall inspira- ti h d .th' .t i . summer parties. The NEWS feels Mrs. Twiddy has shown a tion from the serwces. ac on ere an urge', e CI Y 'We sent telegrams to C-ov. . Four members of the force 1 council to approve the zoning Will' Millik S h Id . steadfast independence in stating her views. She ,I would of course prefer to variance. lam 'en, ens. Wdil.j Q associate degrees in has an understanding of the educational process and worsliip in the church of ,my lia.m Fitzgerald. Joseph Sny- police administration' and five The Adorable Sun •Suits And Sun Dresses choice in my own commu- I've been a member of the der and John Hertel, and to City ffrefighters are pursuing a'sympathy to the needs of the system on all fronts. . for toddlers, boys and girl~ 'and infants nity, if possible. 1;J[1 sure Unity Church for four years, Rep. William Bryant urging degrees in fire science. . S~e sees h.er role as a Board member'in rep- . are nicely priced and. of course are easy care Ithat many ot:le!: Pointers, serving now on its board of resentmg the mterests of thecammunity and in who attend this. .ehurch, wrectors as vice-president , . ' .. Young Clothes, 110 Kercheval. directing the adminiStration af the school system woilld like to enjoy ,the same and treasurer, !lnd I can .a~, for the benefit of the children whom she calls privilege. .' sure you that the church Ijl THE LOWEST PRICES IN TOWN- • t - For .Father's Day buy' him a sailboat, "tpe clients of our school syste~." As to the proper upkeep of no "store front church" or lobst'er, dog, cat or bird.Sunoatchers of course! .: Mr. Harwaod, 65,. of Maran raad, would bring the proposed church prop- "cult" as we have been BAR-B-Q-RIB DINNER ,..... ;..•,•..$4.95 At Seasons of ,Paper, 115 Kercheval. four years of needed experience to the Board. A erty, I would Jiketo suggest ca1le~ by. some rumors .cir- ( re~ired b~siness executive, he shows a community- that Qne need only attend a culatmg m Grosse POInte .' servdee ~t the Coram loca. Farm •. .WHOLE SLAB BAR-B-Q RI"BS...~7.95 . onented mterest to all groups with an added focus A Beautiful Experience ... is a facial and on the needs of senior citizens. tion .m order to see that this Unfortunately, these ru- makeup with Anna. She has been with The is an obViouslysuccessfu1 mors have frightened many Meaty an~ Delicious ~ He has sh0'Y'l.a willingness to speak out and C:tW'Cb with orderly, inspir. people and have caused Greenhouse for the past nine months. Anna . r~}se c~ntroverslal ISSues at Board meetings, espe- 18310 MACK ii1g services and well-main. much u~necessary concern. was trained' and worked in ;Europe and was Cially SInce the 1l000n Meeting'S Law" took effect 885-4453 tamed' p~mises. .. I .have lived in Grosse with a well-known skin care salon in New on April 1, and has taken stands when. necessafy 885-4790 ~here 15 ~ further obJ~cbion Pointe just about all of my POINTE .WHARF. York before coming to Kitty Wagner'in De- ir;: wh.at has often been a "rub.ber stamp" opera- that 'a par~g problem !s apt life and my parents have troit. Not only is shean expert' fa~ialist and tlo.n, I.e., attempting to. resolve certain issues in to o~cur wIth. 600 persons at. lived in The Farms on Pro- , designs her treatment to suit your skin needs pri.vate before going to the public 'thereby negating tending. servlceS.. Ho,?ever'vencal road for 30 years. I whether it is oily, dry, combination skin or healthy, open discussians. ~ to,'al. of people IS, of would have no part of,' nor' problem skin, but she is a very nice, relaxing .. course, .divided. between !he would I .endorse •..any group ~__?;-~ .Dish nctive /. ,. c' ' Y{hj.le t~. ..~WI.~:gi,v~.l"i~. "':;..Il~~:P~,~r~'l ~;Wiq~ I, H!,!r~HJ1. ~hftO~l R~ilt ,~,lng Compound _ -.mtng F8llI1c 10 0r1gInaJ same day service. CURIOr AND KNIGHI =e_-~E:'.f'*~~ES~~ Gr. Pte. Wds. Detroit I For Take-Down & Flehanll Call 122.7055 ~APERIE •. DYED Mt. Clemens I' K.rch.... 1 19391 Mack NeDr Moron 14600 Harper tJ-r eha',,*, 15 Mil. N, 01 Grotiot 822-7055 WA 1-0043 331.0028 PR 8.9456 TU 5.177(1 HOUri 10.4 15019 KfllCHIVAl 0,'. ID315 f, WAllIN 1413S I, _1tSON 2172\ HAmR'ST, Cl. SH. AT MARYLAND AI IIWICK AT AU'll JUST N. OF 1 Mill 885.1700 VE 9.5050 791-2700 Ovt 35th Yo.,'

\ . - .. Thursday, June 9, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Seventeen

End Year~ Officers for 1977-78 to 'Be Elected at Annual Luncheon Meeting Next Thursday; Piano Duettists to Perform

The annual luncheon, meeting of the Grosse Pointe Symphony Women's Committee is set for next Thursday, June 16, at the. Grosse Pointe War Memorial, with the business session scheduled for WOM •• 'S PAG.S 11 o'clock, luncheon for noon. Grand finale of the day will be a musical pro- Decorative theme for the gram by piano duettists luncheon will be keyed to From Another Pointe. Short and to. Alice Ellison and Laurie "Musical ~Ielange." wit h Lindemulder who have real musical instruments been performing together and fresh flowers forming of View The Pointe throughout M i chi g a n centerpieces for the tables. : By Janet Mueller since 1963, first as duo There also will be an inter. Airman KEITH J. HALL- pianists, later in their esting display of antique and MANN, a Grosse Pointe Honored at Children's Hospital present capacity. "conversation piece" instru. : It will be A Gala of Note at Smiley Brothers North High SChoolgraduate, avenue, pictured in Children's The two artists. who bolh ments, including a euphon- Music Company in Woodward avenue next Wed. son of. tie DONALD J. Volunteer Appreciation Day for their "Something Special Shop," where . ium, a tuba.type German' outstanding record of service were teac.h privately in The Pointe horn of the c:uly 1900's-its' nesday when the board of trustees of the Detroit HALLMA.~NS, of R \) b e r t they have spent hundreds of hours area, perform regularly on ~ommunity Music School pays tribute to Anna John road, has been gradu. (left to right), ELIZABETH (Mrs: buying, selling, bookkeeping and the concert series "Music owner still plays it in a Husband. ated from the United States Floyd) VINEYARD, of Beaconsfield managing the myriad details neces- For A While" at Grosse German band - as well as : She's a Pointer, one of "ours" ... but more Air Force technical training avenue, ADELE (Mrs. Edgar) SE~ sary for the successful operation of Pointe Memorial Church fine violins with handmade than ours alone. She has influenced and is loved course for jet engin'J me- GERLUND, .of Bedford road, TRU- a hospital gift shop. The Pointe quin- Mrs. Robert J. Crossen, coffin cases, rare ,in the Uni- chanics at Illinois' Chanute DEE (Mrs. William) MUNRO, of Lin- program chairman for the ted States. and respected throughout, the entir~ metropolitan Air Force Base and assigned tet are listed among Children's "Top Detroit community. coln road, PAT (Mrs. Joseph) CA- Ten" - volunteers who gave the Women's Committee, made Important items on the . to March Air Force Base in the arrangements for their day's agenda include an. . • • California for duty with a ROLLO, of Trombley road, and Miss greatest number cf hours to the hos- CLARA MILLAR, of Beaconsfield June 16 appearance. nouncement of the amount Ms. Husband retires this AUlUst after 13 years unit of .the Strategic Air pital in 1976-77. Mrs. Ralph Urso is overall the Women's Committee, as director of the fine music sehool founded 50 Command. chairman of the day, assist. raised during the 1976.77sea. years ago by. the late Mrs. Edsel Ford and her .. .. The Something Special urer, Mrs. Caro:~o,the buyer. Children's volunteers are ed b)' Mrs. Edward F. Suits. son 10 benefit the Grosse friends. Playing tuba in the Univer- Shop, housed in ,the main The Top Ten volunteers reo i;etween 14 and 85 years old. Mrs. Henry Drettmann, Mrs. Pointe Symphony, announce. Located at Kirby and John R in the Detroit sity of Michigan-Dearborn's visitor 1obby, ofiersgames, ceived American Beauty They work in ptient care. Richard Mertz and Mrs Eu. ment of winners of the Tri. .Cultural Center, it offers class lessons in all phases annual Spring Festival Con- toys, sundries, cards ... a'] roses at the Volunteer Appre. rehab1'itative services, in the I gene K. Groves. The hostess bute Fund Awardsan.d the cert was Poi n t e r ERIC the things to 'help make a ciation Day: tribute to ~.heir recovery room and in the list includes Mrs. Richard O. election of officers for the .of dance, piano, theory, beginning music, history of TOTZ. music, accompanying sight reading and opera work. child's hO!:.p:tal:stay a little many hours of dedicated serv- parent..;' waiting rooms as Burr, Jr .. Mrs. E. D. Flinter- coming year. " • .. easier... ice. w€Has in the Something spe'l mann. Mrs. ArthUr O. A. Luncheon reservations, at shop, as well 85 private lessons in piano, voice, harp. Grosse Pointe South High It IS e~tlCely volunteer. They were among almost cia~ Shop. Schmidt and Mrs. Floyd I $6 each, are being taken by sichord, organ and all orchestral instruments. School graduate WILLIAME. 'Sta~:ed, w~th all proceed" 300 Children',; .Hospital vol. Person; interested in be. StraUh. Mrs. Urso at 882.0588. . Its diversity of curriculum and teaching talent PHILLIPS, son 'of MR. and (.lh.!>year 5 were $29,000), unleers who enJoyed an Old I . . provide a broad experience not generally available MRS. OWEN M. JEAKLE, going to Children's. World Market featurin" folk commg vclunteers at Chtl. from private teachers and studios. Ms, Husband is of BerkshIre road, has been ~:s .. M~ i~ the.. 'Ch~ir. dancin.g. ethnic pa;strie~ and dren's Hospital may contact Slate Ketchum. Group Meeting responsible for much of this: under her direction, promoted to airman first man o~ .::lomet~mg i:lpeClall.,craftl; at the Appreciation I the Votunteer Office at 494. _ the Detroit Community Music School has expend. class in ,the United Stales Mrs. Vmeyard 15 the treas- Day ceremonies. 15326.. Members of the Elizabeth IMount Vernon road, tomor. ed, both in quality of instruction and number of Air Force. A jet engine me. !Ketchum Group of the row, Friday, June 10, at 1 students enrolled. chanic, he ~assigned at Weekend act i vi tie 5 this SCOTT PAUL, Apri:l17. Mrs. KALER, of' Stanton lane. Grosse Poi n t e Memorial o'clock.. . Adzona's Williams Air Force s p r i n g~ Cadet Scott was Smith is the former JANA d ' .. DevotIOns at thiS regular It was the first institution of its kind in Mich. Base with a unit of the Air graduated last year from Paternal gran parents are Church Women 5 ASSOCiation1 monthly meeting will be igan accredited by the National Guild of Com. Training Command. Grosse ,Pointe South !Ugh SUE KALER, daughter of MR. and MRS. WILLARD will be entertained by Mrs. presented by Mrs. Jan Ny: munity Schools of the Arts. • • • School, MR. and MRS. JAMES B. SMITH, of Hastings. FrederiCk W. Evans, of boer. • • • MR. and MRS. DWIGHT * * :;: Honorary chairmen of the 5 to 8 o'clock fare- BROWN, of Moross road, visited C'8det M1ICHAELR. Navy Midshipman First well, a champagne reception featuring television C I 'll 5 s CHRISTOPHER T. personality Bob Allison at the piano, the Red Gar. SCOTI'. a freshman at :the United States Military Acad- BURNETT, a Grosse Pointe ter Band and a youthful string ensemble from the emy. during Plebe Parent South High School graduate, school, are Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Ford. son of MR. and MRS WES- That's fitting, for Mrs. Ford is the former Jose- TON BURNETT, JR., of phine Ford, a "Ford Ford," only daughter of the Woods Garden Westchester road, has been late Mr. and Mrs. Edsel Ford. named to the Dean's List for the 1976.77acadernic year at Their committee includes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Club to Meet the United States Naval (Continued on Page 32) Academy. Grosse Pointe Woods G8r- den Club members gather at .. .. 7 in the moming next Tues- Grosse Pointe South High WANT A CHANGE? day, June 14, at the Grosse School graduate KATHLEEN A New Look? A New You? Pointe Woods Police Station, POTTER, daughter of MRS. ~,.~~~~ri~J.'\n~.;o~...~'6J;P.'l!~~~V~~Klli~ ;;,~~:.~!.~~::~.~i...,9ts. . ciai. Un jt.~~: .~te.~~Jjidus~l for 19'77.18lBheaded by Mrs. _~~b~a~~.College, Where 6he is a jun. Valde carlson, president. ior.. Th~ US1C, 4. priv-ate or- ,..• r/4.~ /~ . ",--, Vice • president is Mrs.gamzatIon of busmess. 'lead- .... "', \.. Frank Dettmer. Correspond. ers, eaeh year presents a ing and recording secretaries cash award for excellence are respectively Mrs. Char- in the study of Economics les 'Brownell and'Mrs. George and Business Administration. PACKAGE Miles. )Irs. Neil McDonald .. • * ~ MAKEOVER! will serve as treasurer. Mrs. . MR. and MRS. WILUAM Includesshampootreat- Frank A. Morgan is handling F. SMITH, o~ Hastings, an- ment, design cut, cap I. publicity. nounce theblCth of a son, lustro styling or blow drying,completemake-up andmake-up tlps, 11IIfor Farm, Garden Club to Meet GIlly US The Intercoiffure Look A bus will leave the Coun. front showplace. try Club promptly at 11:15 The day's hostesses arc Call for Make-over appointment today. o'clock Monday morning, Mrs. WilUam.Denler, who ac- June 13, carrying members cepted reservations, Mrs. B.rt IelmonelH.lr 6. Skin Salon of the Grosse Pointe Farm Robert Weber and Mrs. Ed. GROSSE POINTE WOODS and Garden Club to Renais- ward Wishropp. 21316 Mack Ave. sance Center for. their June .meeting, luncheon and a tour Offer Defensive Driving 886-6060 of downtown Detroit's river- Sessions for Seniors

For the ath consecutive year, the Detroit Association of Retired School Personnel will present a Defensive Driving Course, using a pro. gram developed by the Na. tional Safety Council in an effort to reduce deaths, in. juries and property damage caused by traffic accidents. The course is offered in sessions Tuesday, June 1, Are You Read" Thursday. June 9, Tuesday, June a, .and Thursday, June 16, from 10 to noon at Bush. ( '( I nell Congregational Church, for Summer? Southfield at Grand River. Instructors are James \ Brighton, Virginia Ramsey and Clara Sinclair. Fee ds $2 for members of the National Retired Teachers Association from our collection and/or the American Asso. of wash and wears ciation of Retired Persons, $5 for non.members. Anyone 55 or over may participate. Further informa. tion may be obtained by call. :ing 835.2503.

at Flther loa«l :(tJrle' "'.th .... Jud, .10<1 TU 1.1505 .ANTIQUE GALLERIES ANTIQUES-GIFTS Jht shops of GREETING CARDS-DOLLS ANTIQUE JEWELRY 5toI. HOIl II, .23220 MACK at , MILJ ROAQ. Open Dally "'0 a.m. to 5,30p.m. 775.1970 Watton~Pi~..,~ ClOsao SAfUlDA YS 16828 KercheY. • Grosse Poilte 'toe1 ~_A ...""...... T......

, t I ( 'rz 7 n 7 7 • 7 s m? t rea 7 '2 wi 7 ma 't2? t .J.,b"hW4 eena' ,'r-n'€ E "",'ii' Nler. '('","',".."2«" i'H"~,"" ',r..,"~'" h •••~l GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1'977 ISociety News Gathered from the Pointes . Mus Meehan Wed June 4 Married In May Margaret AM Meehan and Ox for d road, wore her Miss. Brucker Wed To Steven D.Triggs , John Hiram Longstreet ex. mother's wedding gown of . III, and Paul Bra d for d School and Trinity College, , changed marriage vows sat. (lale ivory parchment satin. Pair Travel Down lakeshore Road Via Horse and Brucker, the bride's broth.' Hartford, Conn. urday, June ., at oa 1 o'clock Pearls and sequins trimmed Carriage to Reception at Grosse ers, Stephen Gilligan, of New. She is the grandda\lghter of c:eremony in Saint Joan of the deep, square neckline of Pointe Hunt Club Canaan. -and Roger Schreck, Mrs. Wilber M. Brucker and Arc Church. her long-sleeved fitted bod. ______of Clevel'and, O. Ithe latl! Mr. Brucker, former Father Edward MitcheU ice. ' Grosse Pointe Memorial Church was the set- The mother of the bride and 'presided at the ceremony, Her full, gathered skirt ting Saturday, May 28, for the marriage of Barbara wore blue, green and white Secretary of the Army, and . which was followed by a re. ended in a train, and her Ann Brucker, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilber M. chiffon, styled with a V-neck. of Mr. and Mrs. Bertram P . .' ception at Hillcrest Country fingertip v.eil, fashioned of Brucker, Jr., of Merriweather road, and Steven line, tucked bodice and float- Shover, !J"/i"'''''J h daisies in their hair. Grosse Pointe Hunt Club Ibin~ndskdirts anbd white. demt' 9 l: The Mariners of Grosse Go d I l ,Pointe Woods Presbyterian r on Longstreet, Jr., was b Y Leroy Mclnally a rO! ere over ouses tiC a ..... ' best man for his brother. law par t n e I' of 'Mr. their waists, styled with three. ~ Ross & Seeley's i , Churth invite the community They ue the sons of Mr. and Brucker's. quarter length puffed sleeves ~. to participate in their annual Mrs. Gordon C. Longstreet, For this memorable ride and round collars. ~ ------s--SIGN OF THE LION a- Ice Cream Social, scheduled of Sharon, Pa. out Lakeshore road the bride. They carried cascades of lj' ~ for this Sunday, June 12, Glen Corlett, of Columbus, groom donned the' stovepipe white Eleganee c~rnations. 'e.. ~ <- from 6 to 8 o'clock on the church lawn in Mack avenue 0., the bridegroom's brother. hat worn by the bride's cornflowers 'and IVY, -and S I o' , in.law, and Joseph Meehan, grandfather when he was wo~e tin.y floral wreaths in ~ • ~ ~ <, -indoors in Fellowship Hall, the bride's brother, seated inaugurated Governor of their hall'. . ! 20311 MACK ' A tr._""'- . if the rains come. W It C Ch be I J Q K"04SERLY KORNER ...- ~ Tickets are 6S cents for hot the guests. Michigan in 1931. a er. am r alD. r.. i 882.0052 ~ , • of New Clinaan, Conn., acted ~- - " fudge or strawberry sundaes, The bride's mother wore Bar.bara wore her moth~r s .as best man. Guests were :;. :.:. '. brownies a la mode or straw. pale yellow Qiana. The bride- weddmg gow~ of Chantilly eated by Wilbe M Brucker £.• ..Anli'l"'J • ..AcceH,!rieJ - printJ - Oil fJuj"li,,~j • ~ ~: berry shortcake. Coffee and groom's :mother was -in lace over sahn. The close. _s r_~. '_~ __'_ _'== :~ lemonade are included at no melon~ Both mothers selected fit ling bodice was sty Ied with 1II11111111111l111U1111U11II1II1111111II11II1II111II1I11II1I1II1II1I1II11II1I11II1II11111IJ 111111111I11111111111I11I11I1111I111I1111I111I111111I1111I11I1 • extra charge. corsages of roses and cama. a round collar and bishop ,~. Special entertainment will tions complementing their sleeves. The full skirt extend. : be provided by Grosse PoInte gowns. ed into a cathedral train. ~:..North IDgh SChool's Women The former )fiss Meehan. Her fingertip veil was her DON'T KILL THE UMPIRE • • • '.Folk group led by Miss Beth a Grosse Pointe North High grandmother's Spanish man. :: Ward, under the direction SChool alumna, wi:ll grad. be tilla, .. of Herman Clein, and South uated from Cornell Univer. She carried a cascade of Wlh's Crazy Eight and Tower sity's School of Hotel Admin. SEND HIM TO BAYNE Belles, led by Miss Mar')' istration in December, The Eucharis lilies, stephanotis, cornflowers and ivy. Allee Hoeks. bridegroom is ill Cornell Hotel Gartner-Thoen Rites Revealed ,.. Proceeds will be to AdmiD.lstratlonlraduate, 'and used I A Teceptiou at ,the Grosse :: further benevolent causes of has accepted a position as a Miohael Thoen, Brent Jones Pointe War '~lemorial foliow. and Mike Selby. 0; the church and the commu. mana,ement consultant with ed the Saturday, May 14, :: nity. Hotel Enterprise •. The newilyweds vacationed wedding of S usa n Mary on St. John in ~he Virgin Thoen and Richard Lewis ISlands. They are making ;: ST. PAUL Gartner, I .' their 'home in Germantown, Monsignor Francis X. Can. Md. I :: EVANGELICAL field presided at the 11 o'clock rttes in Saint Paul's. ~: LUTHERAN CHURCH on.the.Lakeshore. .,' and The bride, dau~hter of, Mr . and Mrs. Paul G. Thoen, of " Belanger road, wore a peari. ::: GROSSEPOlm trimmed Qlana gown and matching veil. Stephanotkol, CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH 1f000S, babY'l-breath and ivy Jointly Provide formed ber bouquet. She was attended by honor SUMM.R VACATION maid Cheryl Zauner and CHURCH SCHOOL bridesmaids Bonnie ,Gartner, Jeannll Snyder and PatrIcia June 20~h- Jul,1at, 1:15- 12 ~.n'l ~,~ .:."". ,.,.i. I t ~d".a~S01eMld~},.,~...cr.ix/f.ml" f""~,;' "(;""'~~aHner;(Soh of -Mr,; • For infq~lJfation and Pre-Registration csll ~~. E. Lee GaIl'tner, of ~ GaithesbUJIg, Md:, a s k.-ed ,;:.;.; .,"' TU 1-6670 TU 4-3075' .Barry Gartner to act as best . ..,. man . .. Guests were seated by P . ...,.. Do your home in pri~ts. "One for the New Nursery Screened pIints, florals, documentaries, If you question the umpire's eyesight, perhaps he GOOD GUISE" School Starts geometries, plaids, stripes, contemporary- needs glasses. Send him to Bayne Opticians for the and more fabIies than you could wish for. '\ }- best in precision ground lenses and quality frames. At \ . ;, The Grosl~ Pointe War :1. N. savings you never hoped for, up to 5(}%! Memorial Nursery School, ill :. \Ilk recommend custom v.orkr()()ll"fj. Bayne we provide fast, expert eyeglass service and ), , fuUy.HeellSed Child Care Cen. counsel to all our customers ... even umpires. ter, WIder the direetion of ~ Ronna York, ill former Grosse ~, In fact why not come in yourself and see about a pair Pointe kindergarten teacher, :.' ~LICO ' begins its programs this sum. of sunglasses so the sun doesn't bother you in the mer with a six.week session bleachers! ltarting July 11. Tuition will ~.~.CORN(I!S be $'8. Mrs. York bolds ill Masters '; MlUlT1£IIACl .11..1933S ..TWQlAPH degree in Early Education St.CIai Sllni BIoomlield .. . 407 FISHER 885-5400 from the University of Michi. • 775.0071 • FE2-9163 BAYNE OPTICIANS gan. The class is designed to ..'iW~~ ...• 111111111I1111I11111I1111111I11I11111111I11I111I11111111I111I1111I111I1111111111I1111I11I11I111111111111111111I11I1111111111I1111I11I111111I111111 01111111I1 - -_.__.. _~.. . . ~." . help children develop skills and attitudes that will aid their seli'image, encouraging further development of their individual talents. Partici- pants mUit lIle three before the session begins. A special class, with em. phasis plaCed on readiness skills that will 'be helpful to. ward a successful adjustment to school, will be offered for children starting kindergar. ten in the faU. We invite you to The group will meet in' Alger House's Terrace Room. attend our informal showing ~ormaUon ~ane~ and application forms may be of the Ciao F~II Collection of wool picked up at the War Memo- I LILLY PULITZER OF BLOOMFIELD HILLS, INC. rial of1ice. Further informa. I 51 West Long Lake Rd" Bloomfield Hills, MI 48013 Uon is oavailable by contacting knits and Ultrasuedes (313) 645-1790 Mrs. York, 881-8885. Monday, June 13 - 10 A.M. to 5 P,M. SUMMER PROGRAM ,a collection of soft. easy one piece dresses. Jun. 20 through July 29, Mond.y through jacket dresses and pantsuits spotlighted Frld.y, 8:00 - 12:15 by beautiful new colorations ranging UNIVERSITY LIGGETT ELEMENTARY SCHOOL • Verbal Skills Development Program from muted neutrals to winter 1045 COOK ROAD • Mathematics GROSSE POINTE WOODS • Small Classes (four to six students) brights. Sizes 4 to 16, MICHIGAN 48236 - Selected faculty from our staff

COLLEGEPAEPARATORY - Small classeS' allow for strengthening and advanced work in mathematics, English, and foreign languages • Advanced credit courses in history, science and English.

For In'ormation t.t.phone DARRELL C, WAT80N, Dlr.ctor .venlng.) Jacob SonS 114.4444 (.. 5.5184 GROSSE POINTE ,,~W ..•...... -~....'...'lo' .. "-'" ••• ' • '\0. 'I ~", - t ,-'" ~,. to .. ', -. ,r -~: .~ I

Thursday, June'9, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS i:Wornen's Page by, of and for Pointe Wornell Late Summer The J. E. 5chmitts, III Wedding Set Miss Burt Married To J. E. Schmitt, HI AUending the bride, who I Heather Hillman, daughters An August 21 wedding is Bride's Three Nieces Are Flower Girls; Saint wore a wng, while knit dress of the Jon Hillmans, o[ Elk. being planned by Karen Mar~' Thomas Apostle Church in Elkhart, Ind., and carried an arrangement hart, and Jennifer Burl, of white Sweeth"artroses daughter or Mr. and Mrs. Friedhoff and Patrick E. Is Setting for Rites Donahue whose engagement and baby's.breath, were Teri Doug Burt, also of Elkhart. Burt, her sister, as honor . ,has been announced by her At home in Detroit until August, when they parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert maid, aoo bridesmaids :Mrs. Bob Sch.mltt acted as best leave for Phoenix, Ariz., are Mr. and Mrs. Joseph V. Friedhoff. of Anita avenue. Ken Christian, the bride. man [or hiS brother. Grooms- .. " .. Eugene Schmitt, III, who vacationed in Ephraim, groom's sister, and Carole men we~e .AI Backman and The bride elect, 'a Grosse Wis., following their mid-May wedding. Overpeck, the bride'" co;lege Mr. ChrIstlan. Usher~ were Pointe North High School Mrs, Schmitt is the ------roommate. Doug Burt and Mr. Ihllman. alumna, holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Consumer former Susan Elizabeth Country O~ub fonowed the 2 They wore emerald green The mother of the bride " . Community Services from Burt, daughter of Mr.i o'cJock ceremony Saturday, gowns and carried spring wore a long, green gown, The Michigan state University. and Mrs. John D. Burt, ~lay 14, at Saint Thomas bouquets. brideg,room's mother was in Apostle Church in Elkhart, pale blue chiffon. White car- Her fiance, son of the Rich. of Elkhart, Ind. wi~h Father Ri~h3rd Smith Flower girls were the nations and roses formed ard Donahues, of Royal Oak. Mr. Schmitt is the son of presiding. bride's nieces. Heidi and both mothers' corsages. received his Bachelor of Arts the Joseph E. Schmitt" Jr., of Kerby road. Photo by Collingwood Studio degree in Philosophy from A reception at ,the E1co:la M'aking plans for an Au. the University of Detroit, . gust wedding are COLLEEN where he affiliated with Phi . -. ANNE WOODBURY and Kappa Theta . . ~Roch Leonard Morin whose Fall Weddin'g , engagement has been an. and Registered Nurse certi- In Saint Thomas Apostle Church, Elkhart, : nounced by her parents, Dr. fication. Ind., Saturday. May .14, SUSAN ELIZABETH Date Is Made . . and Mrs. Ralph Woodbury, Her fiance, son of Dr. and BURT, daughter of the John D. Burts, of Elk- .,: of Greenbriar lane. Mrs, Leonard Morin. of hart, was married to Mr. Schmitt, son of Mr. An early October wedding in Clawson United ~Iethodist "_ The bride.elect is an alum- Southfield, is a graduate of and Mrs. Joseph E. Schmitt, Jr., of Kerby road. Church is being planned by : . na of Saint Joan of Arc Ele. Brother J Rice High School Debra Lynn Cochran, daugh. .: mentary School and Our La. and holds a degree ,in Biol- tel' of the Walter Cochrans, :: dy Star of the Sea High ogy from Wayne State Uni- Focus: Michigan Women of Royal Oak, and Guy Robert ; - School. She is presently a versity. Willetts, son of ),11'.and )'Irs. :". senior at the University of He JS manager of J. A. Guy B. Willetts, of Univer. . ~Michigan Nursing School, Herbert and Son Pipe Organ Slated for June 10 and 11 sity place . . c where she is an Angell Company, and a student pi. Miss Cochran was gradu- . :Scholar, working toward a lot. continuing flying lessons The s tat e coordinating Polls will be open for dele. ated from Royal Oak Kimball . - .. Bachelor of Science degree to achieve his pilot's, lice~e. committee for ~fichigan's In- gate voting from 2 to 8 Fri . High School. The prospective ._I~.------ternational Women's YellLt' day and 8 to 11 Sat\U"day. bridegroom, an alumnus of meeting, ,"Focus: MiclUgan Results will be announced at Grosse Pointe South High Women," has announced its the 2 o'clock closing plenary School, was graduated from program for June 10 through session. Voting on resolution'S Northern Michigan Univer. 11 in ,the Lansing Civic Cen. (Continued on Page 22) sity. ter. Registration begins at 8 .lamia o'clock Friday, June 10.' The Grosse Pointe Academy men Qnd womena halrcu"'nt by John E. Brink opening plenary IS e s s ion ... 16239mock 885-5946. starts at 9:30 o'clOCk. Gov. "Why Grosse Pointe? What makes it a better cammunify ernor 's for my famify to graw up in?" welcome' to eonference 'par' ART CAMP Creative Instruction Tailored to the That's a questian our associotes are answering repeatedly ticipants wR! be fd1lowed by "YOUR SCHOOL BOARD LINK BETWEEN AGE GROUPS" a showing of the Interna. Interested Child - limited Enrollment for out-of.town buyers-ond one which we answer with eose. tional. Women's Year film, JUNE20.24 By showing a mop of the metropolitan area, we are ople "Decade of Our Destiny." Re-Elect to point out the proximity af our secluded communities to Dr. Eudora Pettigrew, of 886-1221 world 'famous industrial, commercial, finoncial and professional East Lall'Sing, will preside at _ LAURANCEJ. centers.the Friday and Saturday (I 0 f C"l ('J,t, A plenary sessions. • oLaml'~. ccuJiona Jur-niilln - ~iflJ - finti'l""~' We can call their ottention to beoutiful Loke St. Clair. its The nominating committee . ~""}7 • HARWOOD exceptional fishing, booting and numerous social cuubs. We ex- will present a slate of dele. .5 SCHOOL BOARD TRUSTEE ploin the layout of the historic French "strip" forms and show gates during the opening ses. :! sian. Nominations fu'om Ibhe t:'o'~ how they hove influenced our City layouts. floor will fo1l1ow. '""l.., • Experienced Our associates drive them along the tree.shieldedovenues, Elizabeth Athanasakos, of ...... • Independent. pointing out the mansions of our famous residents. the splendid Wilton Manors, FJa., wi;l1 C5 , schools. the woter-front parks, the magnificent churches and speak on the topic "To form • • Retired Business Executive a more perfect union ... " convenient shopping cente~s. Eight workshops will be • Concerned Tax Payer ... ond after we've acquainted them with our outstanding' 'held in various ~ooms of the Police, Fire and Public Service Deportments. and shown them Civic Center from 1 to 3:30 • Parent of 4 Graduates the reosonable tox bases, our on'ly remaining job is to help o'clock" .' ",_ t'hem select a h'6me fit their/by'ket! ~e.wor}cshoP!; an~ n! ,'ll ~:._~,~,~I~~~'9\~~~j~~"~~~i;.t to ...., venal'S ue: \vomen IIII' e ';: \,Gk>ss,. f,!lnt""R~I~~stQ"'~~nr'~iQliZ;"' In finding ~Wrf~ki Place, DOrodiy, .~. >1 .. :,) :.Proven AdininittrolO't' ti pre.tigeGro.se Pointe homes for out.;gf.town' buyers. If yau wont J1e~IThe Woman E'otre ~. 'e: to sell your property qulckly-ond for top price, call us at 882- ncur, Rae Levis With a pres- ~ ..~ t nicrlOii':' .-JUNE13 entation by the Smal1!l BtJ\Cii- ) , 0087 for full particulars and a free oppr~i5(l1. n8&S Administration; Double • Burdens, Victoria Barner; Dedicated to Continued Improvement of Our Schools The Political Rlaces, Jean King and Represen~ative Bar. For Father's Day! bara Rose Collins; Education, Open Thursday and Friday evenings Holly Greer; Child Care, • .WEFEATURE Shirley Oczus; Rural and All FAMOUS Farm Women, Collette Mo. ser; and Substance Abuse, • SMOKERS' PIPE BRAND!\ ACC ESSOR IE5 Marianne Brickley. • t • ~.zn OlJR W4LK-IN the Internationad Woman ~ CIGAR "HUMIDOR" Workshop, con v en e d by many colors. • FlNESI TOBACCOS HAND Bt.ENOfO and Sarah E slyles ~ SINCE 1928 Goddard Power, will run VI from 4 to 6 o'clock in the '; Ross & Seeley's main auditorium. ' l: Eastland Shcpping Center Virginia Allan, of Fans .~ SIGN OF THE LION In Th. Grand Court IIoD Ohurch, Va., will address the ~ w.~. 839.5844• • 7:30 o'clock session. Her c5 Ow ... , 1928 • topic is "Peace, Deve1opment, _ EquaJ.ity." Concluding the day'~ ac. } 20311 MACK KIMBERLY KORNSA' tivities will be ethnic cuI. ~ e82-0052 ".;.,r------~--...,tural presentations in the 11 H'~ Women ~ main auditorium. • .Anfirl"d • Accej~ori"J • prin/j - 0;/ pain/imjJ - Saturday's activities begin at 9 o'clock with a repeat J~~be e -!.rp~;:~6'h showing of "Decade of Our Destiny." Eight worJoshops NATIONAllY ADVERTISED BRANDS are scheduled !£rom 9:30 to noon. GOWNS DRESSES SPORTSWEAR The workshops and con- SWEA TERS BLOUSES LINGERIE venor, are: Teenage Preg. HOSIERY BRAS GIRDLES nancy, Lorraine Beebe; Vio. SCARFS HANDKERCHIEFS HANDB'AGS Ience Agamst Women, Jan Bendor; Aging. Marg Barto. Try us for hard to find items & Personal Service sek; Health, Dr. Linda Logs. don; Poverty and The Work- ing Poor, Janet Good; Full -9jabelle ~1 Partnenship for The Home. 104 Kercheval, "On The Hill" 886-7424, maker, S h i rl e y Monson; 16434 E. WARREN at E. OUTER DRIVE - 884.7980 Speakout, Special Prob1ems (Nul to Sond",,) and Concerns, Patricia SLlea; MASTER CHARGE 8ANKAMERICARD and Women and Sports, Women's Sports Foundation. :H Andrew Geller. Amalfi. Palizzio, Joyce, ..: ~[ Men's Florsheim Naturalizer - Treat the Caressa and many other important names BIG CHIEF ii Buster Brown 'Sebago Docksiders in your fam; Iy to a HEAP BIG in footwear, now at outstanding savings Tennis shoes for the family FATHEWS DAY "?"i.l! DINNER ,I .dress pumps, casuals and sport shoes i ...•.••....•i; ,.. .. .11 Utlafje SHOES SJiR1NriJ~~lIlV FA$HI~II you'll want to add to your summer wa rdrobe. Included are sa ndals and (formerly IACOBELL SHOES) Theultimate flower stickpin in 14K yellow .1 tailored pumps, slipon classics and suit gold with a diamond center. $~O i I shoes, All are from regular stock. A wide

1 Matching earrings. $115 i selection in Ollr Miss J Shop, also at savings, A 14K yellow gold comb to sweep back spring hair styles. $85


1\1 ,ight, In while. JaeObS()I1S blu•• bon. and S429~ Ja/cobson'S brown p'0fent • , .


•~ , '.de 'bN .. *Os h It - .... el''''''.'' trtt"t , tttt en" ,,$ p,,,ent-,-S','c'.,;pii.;. '. G RO SSE PO I N If ENE W S Thu~sday, June 9, 1977 1 Society News Gathered from the Pointes Cottage Employes Stage The David A. Tracys Miss Willits Wed To David A. Tracy Show of Arts and Crafts ~ ~. • R' . I. I . row, of Kalamazoo, to act its Icrepe. Pink roses and white Spring ,tes In C arkston Are Fol owed by Recep- best man. carnations formed her cor . . Betty Bultindt, a nurse Sharon DeFabio, first place aide, woo the Best in Show in macrame; Vir~nia Kunce. tion at American Legion Hall; Bride's' In the usher corps were II sage. trophy at the annual CoUage honorable mention in the Sister Is Honor Maid Kenneth Tracy. the bride. The bridegroom's mother tIospital arts and crafts hooked rugs group; Cheryl groom's broth,er, Larry Ahee, chose' a long, sleeveless, blue show (or e m p 10 yes this Brqwn, third place hooked In a gown of lace and net over ivory satin and R.onald Camerand Mark polyester print, with 13. match. mooth. Her winning entry rugs; George Verras, first a veil trimmed with matching lace, carrying an Simon. ing chiffon poncho, and a 'cor. 85 a charcoal drawing. place d e c 0 u p age; Grace arrangement of white roses and .star mums, Debra The bride's mother was in sage of pink roses and car. : Patricia Kenning, an occu. Gariepy, second plilce cera. Kay Willits spoke her marriage vows to David floor length, pink polyester nations. palional therapist, was a mics; and Tom Spiewak, Andrew Tracy. I.. . ------Close competitor with her first place in jewelry. Setting for the evening Hinz preSided at the rites. I d' V.il S h d I toUy: a ceramic figurine. Detroit resident winners If'" ceremony Sat u r day , Th~ bride was atte~d.ed by It Ul~l I age Celt es Tour She was given an honorable were Mar ,i l'Y n Goodenow, :~.~, f A '1 2 . th S"t her Sister, .Pamela Wllhts, as mention ribbon for Best in third place crocheting. third P~l ,was e pIrl - honor maid, 'and bridesmaids Historic Indian Village, an them is 'a Regency house $how as well as a first place place in pillows and second uahst C h u r c ~ of t~e Mrs. Michael Hardy. of Pan. eastside neighborhood close w.lh Georgian roofline de. ribbon in the ceramics cate. place in Christmas decora...... ~ .•....~ '..,t'.A~,..' '..; ~. ' Goo d Sam a r 1tan In tiac their cousin and Clau. to downtown, wil1 offer house signed by .Louis Kamper lory. tWns; Joy Dise, second place Clarkston w her e the dia 'Allen of Clarkston. and garden tours on Satur. architect for the Book.Cadi1: :' Other winners included needlepoint, see 0 n d place bride's parents, Mr. and They w~re 'Sleeveless poly- day. June 11. lac Hotel, Book Building, ~inu:rs Rosemary Syivie, hooked rugs and first place Mrs. William Bur ton ester frocks with .hooded, Indian VilJage is a coUec. Hecker mansion and other first place in the crocheting in sewing; Jane Shorts. first Willits, reside. chiffon jackets in pink, yel. tion of the work of Detroit's' Detroit landmarks. ' category; Deborah Wheeler, place needlepoint; Sheri Val. ~J, ~ The 7 o'clock ceremony was low and blue, ~amous architects of the past Tour hours are 11:30 to third place for macrame; enline, second place knitting followed by a reception in Mr. 'Tracy, son of the Ro. includiing Albert Kahn, Smith 5:30 o'dock. Tickets for the Jacqueline Pluff. third place and third place handpainted Clarkston's American Legion bert T. Tracys. qf Devon. H~nchman & GryIls. William house tour, at $4, will be for sewing; Lynn Peabody, articles; Mar i a' Carmen Hall. The Reverend Allan I shire road, asked Brent Mor. H. Stratton a~d 'Robert O. available on Saturday at tint place in crewel; Denise Moreno, second place in Derrick and is lisled as 'a Christ Lutheran Church Ver. Danielson, tbird place in macrame and first place in Belle Biscayne Plans historic district in local, sta,te I nor and Iroquois. TiCk,eis for crewel and second place for draped dolls; John Ragels, Pointers Plan and national registers. the house tour plus a three- draped doBs; Marija Dura. first place hooked rugs; and 'Boss Night' Program Six: houses ,and four gar. I hour conducted wa1k.lng tour kavlc, third piace for Christ. Elaine GranviBe, first place A ugust Rites dens \\\ill be open, Among. are $6. . mas decorations; Nan c y bandpa.inted articles. Belle Biscayne Chapter of Stems, second place for hand. Mount Clemens winners in. the American Business Worn. An August 26 wedding is painted articles; and Patricia cluded Dli~abeth Kincaid, en's Association celebrates being planned by Mary Eliz. erend HOHI.I:tJl'E'dl\(;E\ Waller, second place in paint. third place in knitting; Wray. "Boss Night" this evening, abeth Ryan and Edward Blay ing and drawmg. jean Peck, honorable men- Clarkston's Spiritualist Church of the Good Thursday, June 9, at its reg. &hoenherr, II, whose engage. ~ ment has been announced by ,. St. Clair Shores residents lion !in macrame; Janet Val. Samaritan was the setting Saturday, April 2, for ular monthly meeting, to be her parents, MI'. and Mrs. ,. cited were Bernadine Osin. enline, honorable mention in the evening wedding of DEBRA KAY WILLITS. held at &hiavi's Restaurant where cocktails at 6 will be Francis J. Ryan, of East ~ Iki, first place in Christm~s pillows, third place in decou. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Burton Willits, Williams court. LAST WEEK! 4ecorations and second place page, third place painting f Cl k t d M T M followed: by dinner at 7 in crocheting; 111ado n n a and draw.ing and first place (l ar s on, an r. racy,. son of r. and Mrs. o'clock. The prospective b rid e . Sale Ends June 181h . 'Lauth, first place knitting, country carving. Robert T. Tracy. of Devonshire road. Deborah Lovens, B 0 s s groom is the son of Mrs. - Charles Smith. of Grosse ~ place in the pillows From Warren, Pauline Hus.. . ,. .. Night chairman, will an. =- nounce the chapter's selec. Pointe boulevard. and the .. category. first ~ce in the ton took first place in pillows, Fr?m. Rosevill~, Leonar~o Judged the entrIes. They oIJ1. inisce1laneous grouping and Michele Stuperasecond place StasleW1cz took first place 10 eluded Nona Herzog, owner tion '8S Boss of the Year. late Edward J. &hoenherr. ~ ~ place in needlepoint; in decoupage. paper tole, second place liD I ofllie Coach House Gallery Guest speaker William ~ 0l OFFALL CIlIN.\ P.\TTERNS I" .,.------country carving and second in Van Dyke place, Sylvia Kalmar, vice-president of De. 20 70 STOCK OR SPECIAL ORDER place In rMscellaneous. Smith, associate editor of the troit Bank &: Trust Company, A New Ballimore winner Parke, Davis Review, and will talk a b 0 u t "Slick was Diane Snellgrove, second C. R. Shelton, manager of Swindles." Vocational speak- RE-ELECT GJP place in sewing. From liar- pubLic relations services for er is Juli K. Graser. per Woods, .SCIlveig Hecker Parke, Davis. Scholarship awards voted LAURAHeEJ. THE SIGN°/HE MERMAID took second place ~ crewel The aMs and crafts .show, by Belle Biscayne members, 75 KERCHEVAL AVENUE and second place 1n paper held in the Cottage Hospital announced at a May meeting HARWOOD GROSSE POINTE FARMS, MICHIGAN Don't tole, and from East Detr?it, board room, was on displ8Y at the Polish Century Club, Magdelan Green won. third for' two days during which it go this year to Bonnie De SCHOOL BOARD pl~ce for her entry 10 the attracted more than 400 hos. Meyere, to further her Physi. 882-1610 nuscellaneous group.. pital employes and their cal Education studies ~t 'UN113 more A panel of three persons friends. ~orthem Michigan Univer. sity, and SUri Elizabeth War. RoyalWorcester ROYAl. CROWN .DER8Y l.-imoges CandIdate for vicE!'.presi. nero working toward a Mas. dent of the Ferris. State Gol- ters degree at Western lege Associated Student Gov- :Michigan University. $26anight ernment was Pointer MARY Other applicants are under Open Thursday and Friday evenings ELLEN McDONALD, a stu. consideration for scholarship dent in the School of Educa- awards~ Their names will be inToronto. tion and Learning Resources. 8nnounced at a later date. ~use for $~6 a night on~e~pr ,'two pers

The Mellenthin Family's tradition since '97' TRENDY PEWTER The SCUlPTURES Jefferson ctColonnabt sg to $15 24223 Jefferson Ave. 779-4720 ., wide vo,iefy of ,ubiecls

•na ~ .....""h,ory ...... GIft .OunQUI • Stroh's Ico Croam ALLEY SALE •...... , eo_.tIc B.AUIIQUI .... ~ hlNley IfIW YO•• liMES •• 0"", Ier Cfthon Dluount on Proscriptions Saturday, June 11 NotrtDame PHARMACY r VALUE ~ 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. "laure'" blanket, by Faribo, made of 60% wool for warmth and wear, blended with J 40% acrylic for softness and easeof care. ~ plus 30% off" in store ' RED TAG merchandise Wide nylon binding is trimmed with Shiffli tn event of rain will be held June 18 embroidery. Colors are white, yellow or blue. tJ' Twin size, $19; full, $23; queen, $26; dual, $33 16926 Kercheval, in.the.village Jacob SonS ~ o;tiy ... 36 ...... 9 p.,", (Mon. m,. f,; ,) 885-2154 ~O@c?~~ . ~. 1,)0 . 7,(1;), ""'day> . HolidoyI 9.30 .• llEJGNRRrJJ firsT •• ck••• tI LICluorD.al.r 19849 MACK Corner HUNTINGTON .fhtes. I~,,!~, Dom•• t~c ~In~s, B•• rs ,., AJ~ 2 HOURS FREE PARKING ... JACOBSON'S WILL VALIDATE YOUR TICKET ~ .. ~iftiiftiifti .. - -.~ .,,'.~". ...~. .; '-~'T',~,~".l'-:-~"~-~""<.~~- .."""",,;,,,,"'-r--'~""~~,,:-~~'-I!';"',' ~---'-~,~r~' r "'.:". :f:";? ~ "'~,":,:,o-;."':!",-'---.-""l'".""-~",:,-'-~~r., ",:,.. ,., .... ,...... ~. ~,.~T~~~~-~----~~.~..~~~~--~--... '~ Thursday, June 9, 1977 GROSSE POINTENEWS Page Twenty-One W(i)men's Page -by, of and for Pointe Womell . t' .,

University of Michigan stu'J chosen to participate in thl! Dinner Dance Raises Funds for Hutzel Dossin- Wendt dent SUSAN MOGK, daugh. Center for Foreign Study's Splash I Bash '77 ter of the WIlLIAM MOGKS, Academic Year Program~ Troth, Is Told of East Ida ~ane, hat; been! Dijon. France. ./

Planning an August 13wed- ~AidsY outheatre ding .are Diane Pat r ice Wendt and Douglas P'aul ",Celebrity Fashi~n Doubles" Is Theme for Poolside Dossin who s e engagement has been .announced by her ., . Party at The Pontchartrain, Chaired parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert " by Andrew and Gayle Camden H. Wendt, of O1ayton,Mo. . Entertainment, dancing, refreshments, fashions /' ...... f'l.. The bride.elect received .and fun for. everyone ... the Junior Council of the her Bachelor of S c i e nee , '.".,. i'" degree in Business Admin. Founders Society Detroit Institute.of Arts extends tr ~.;" istration from Valparaiso its o~en invitation to Splash/Bash '77. The gala . University and is currently benei)t happens at the Hotel Pontchartrain this ~~'\;' attending Law School at Monday, June from 6 to o'clock. , 13, 10 ,1fI6II'~ Stanford University. ~.! ' .. r ., The Junior Council an. " ..,.•.. ~ '~'-.'~ Mr. Dossin, son of Mr. and nually sponsors Splash I $8.50 per person are avail- ~,\, ,.,' To. \' Mrs. Ernest J. Dossin, of ,Bash on the hotel's open- able from Junlor Council ....l' ' <".' ' .. North Oxford road, holds a ,. ~,)o f . '~ir .poolside terrace, to members 'and at the Art In. I .'ie. Bachelor of Arts degree in ~ 'help sunport the muse- stitute ticket office, 832.2730. 1 '. "f H ii s tor y from Valparaiso ...'" The Junior Council concen. ~~~:} University. where he affili. urn's You theatre. trates on promoting member- ~ .. '-'l.' ated with Sigma Phi Epsilon I c Familiar celebrity faces ship in the Founders Society • • j :1'_.. 1 fraternity . 'and figures will model and by offering lectures, Satur. _._-- ...... '.receive bids on the latest .in day art seminars behind.the...... fI..' kJ ',,\'." ..' .," • 'sportswear, . equipment and scenes museum' tours and ,'A-~,~ accessories, man y with dinner tours of exhibitions. :,["~""lll."<~~i 'matching ,bonus prizes, in Membership in the Founders Among Grosse Pointe residents TOMMY N. EVANS. Dr. Evans is -keeping with the theme of Society, open to the public, who attended Hutzel Hospital's sixth chief of the Department of Gyne- !the evening: "Celebrity Fash. qualifies those under age 40 cology and Obstetrics at Hutzel Hos- ion Doubles." for the Junior Council at no annual fund-raising dinner dance ; Following last year's suc- additional cost. May 23 at the Detroit Athletic Club pital. Mrs. Evans is a member of the ~essft4 format, Splash/Bash The Delroit Institute of were, (from left), MRS. JOHN N. Hutzel Auxiliary. More than $40,000 :fovi1~~gain ~ffer dancing com. Arts' Youtheatre-the nalion's FAILING, chairman of the hospital's in proceeds from the dinner dance t1hO~S, light refreshmenls, .largest program of its kind boa r d of t r u s tee s, HENRY T. will be used to help finance the : oCkta.ilsand the disco music -sets a high standard in pro. EWALD, a t r u s tee, and MRS. hospital's newly completed south- Sf' popular spinner Donnie fessional performing arts. E W A L D 1 and DR. and M R S . west addition. :pak. ' It annually serves nearly , ;1 Junior Council ,president half a million young people, illenry'Wineman, of Hunting- their parents ,and teachers. Circle Players Smith College Club Convenes :ton WOOds,and Splash/Bash Youtheatre presents films, :~hairpersons And r e w and puppet shows, concerls. musi. Open June 9 The Smith College Club of Jr., of Newberry place, out. I ~'Gayle. Gamden, of Rivard cals and plays in the museum Detroit held. its annual meet. going president, announced 1 ,'boulevard, are being abetted auditorium and school loca- The Circle Players will ing and luncheon Wednes. the club's officers for 1977- !!byM'arvin-and Peggy Daitch, tions throughout the state. present an evening, of one. day, June I, at the Oldbrook 78. They include Mrs. George I~~H.unting!on Woods, cOor. Essentially self.supporting acts, "Twentieth Century lane home of Mrs. Jonathan A. Nicholson, Ill, of Renaud l'

mati1d.a. •••• HAIRDEESSERS Call 343-9441 or 20951 MACK 882.2239 GEORGE KOUEITER Diamond Settings '8045 EAST JEFF'EHSO:'il [)E1'RQTT, ~IICII. .. (,. . '. and Jewelry ~.....' ~~ 21019 Mack Avenue bONNiE cAsltiN 82i-3525 ~ ~-~'"- .~.. 882-1110 You're invited to our informal showing THINK OF US FOR of the Bonnie Cashin Fall Collection ~ GRADUATION DAY Tuesday, June 14 ~ FATHER'S DAY from 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Complete line of custom made jewelry ..: . . . designed especially for you! The simple, uncomplicated, uncommon ~. ~ ALL WATCHES DISCOUNTED 30% classics of Bonnie Cashin wi1J be presented \ ".-, .. coats and jackets with coordinated dresses, , F8fhet't Oay BEER BASKETS skirts or pants for wardrobe flexibility and '...... , ::; for Father's Day on-the-go mobility. You'll see soft, soft suedes, WI DllIVIR ••• • Che.le Tray. , Miller • Michelob • Bud 886.2362 (3) leathers, wools, canvas, haberdashery ., '" ION.- TUES ..WEDS. ("">~.~. • Gift Basket...... SPECIAL Pabst • WineBalk.t. tweeds, heathery shetlands, and ..'. •1/2,9>." .. ... 1/7.9> II: fruit Beer Mug Cooler 21131 MACK flannels to mention a few of the AU PERMS beautiful new fabrics. ""'.. .,'\ Including hcircul. $25 • PIZZA Sizes 6 to 16. "... Shampoo & Sel. 1;::1. =;;:=n ... Ca,.~ • LUNCHES. SALAD BAR " .... • COMPLETE DINNERS ,.• VITO & JOHN • HOME COOKING .., 63 Kercheval -. family (e/tauront .-s, ,--,.TIon4tI II u. t. I U. - ~ IColonial Fed. Bldg.) "1 o FrlIIy II U, II • lJI-Sallr.., 4 U. II • U. ... 886-3730 20745 MACK AVE. . GROSSE POINTE WOODS GROSSE POINTE ... - s.toJ U .. II I U. ... T.M. Mack and 8 Mile (Vernier) Phone: 882.1600 ".~ MUNICIPAL PARKING BEHIND STORES AT HAMPTO~ AND MACK ...:;~

aw2'S SF 7 in SSS5SSmQ''Zt are t.s 77 ej"f .~- • ... I .. ',...... "'\ ../'" ". -..,,'" . .. , ' ... " ,. Ilo" ... .. '. ill " .. " •

'Ige Twenty-Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1977 t fSociety News Gathered from the Pointes

~ ------' ._-' , ' Women's Confe'rence Detroit Retired School Personnel Change Guard Yachtswomen Pointe Alliance Rewards. French Students The Detroit Association ofl President-elect is Emilie Meet Tonight ~ (Continued from Page 19) wiU be a<:<:ept~ up to the Retired School Personnel Stern. Serving as recording ~ from the workshop.> 'Will take week of lihe conference and will ins~all officers for 1~7. ~nd corresp~nding secretar- Yachtswoinen gather th'lS 78 at Its annual luncheon les, respectively, wm be 'to p~ace at this time. at the door. but prea-eghstra- meeting set for noon tomor. Tessa Taylor and Edith Otle. evening, Thursday, June 9"at is Dr, Nelilie Varner, of De. tion urged. row, Friday, June 10, at the Treasurer and assistant treas. the Great Lakes Yacht C~b troit, wi.!! address tile closing FUl'lther information may Grosse Pointe War Memorial. urer are, respectively, Mabel for their regular' montl1ly '3ession. be obtained by calling 517- Ruth Winter is program Matthews' and Elsa Holder. meeting,. which wm f~at~re Regisbr8tioos at a $1 fee 482-1695. chairman. rJed. Legislative officer is a pr.ogra~ on ,the makmg. of C' S' I' exotic drinks. La Belle Miel Students to Exhibit on June 12 . C?Utgoing president Vir. .,ara me aIr. Hostesses in c 1u d e Lou gmla Ramsey will swear Wal. Musical selections will be t Dennis. Barbara Orr Alice Original wOll'ks of art by day, June 12, from noon to ter Kendall, of Harper Woods, under the direction of Van- Stewart and Nona •Smith students of La Belle Miei Art 8 o'clock. into office as presiden!. I tella Robinson. chairperson. ' Sch~ will. be exhibited at Lilly Ma'o'caccio, of the the home of Honey Be:lle- LakClSide Padlette Olub, wilil percbe, 10754 Duprey off judge the oil paintings, water- Moross road in Detroit, Sun. colors, di'awings and clay. Francesco presents ... GOOD RESALE MERCHANDISE A REPEAT OF Our sales room will be open all summer Wednesdays and Fridays only HIS STAFF'S SPECIAL 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Consignment merchandise for resale re- 00 ceived Fridays only 10 8.m. to 2:30 p.m. STYLED HAIRCUT $1 ', THE LITTLE THRIFT SHOP With. Blow Dry or Shampoo Set $7 ANY DAY .~ Gathered a r 0 u n d MIREILLE South High School's .ELIZABETH ST. MICHAEL'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH • WITH THIS AD 20475 Sunningdale • (Mrs. Warren S.) WILKINSON, WARD, first runner-up, who re- Complete ... Expires June 30, .911 ; (standing, center). president of the ceived $100, grand prize winner -Grosse Pointe Woods • Alliance Francaise de Grosse Pointe, 'LISA. ANDREWS, of University No merchandise received during July. WALK IN OR PHONE 882-2550 : are winners in the Pointe Alliance's Liggett SChool,$1,500,special prize Fall clothing received beginning August 12th : fifth annual scholarship competitiont winner KATHERINE COLES, a on 2nd and 4th Fridays of each month only. (standing left and right, flanking South High- student, $500, and $50 Ffa Tl cesco VILLAGE HAIRDRESSER Mrs. Wilkinson). Austin Catholic winner ALEXANDRA GEORGA- 884-7840 17007 Kercheval Ave., Across f,rom Jacobson. Prep SChool's JAMES DRAPER; a LES, a North High student. Not pic- runner-up in the prize competition, tured. but also awarded $50 each .wwm~wliD.~~UftM1fjl.' and University' Liggett's KEVIN were Mark O'Conner and Abigail' P I (7 I . CONLEY, wh~ received $5(), (seat- Van Slyck. :~ c:::J..uncheon JlJec;a - . ed, left ~r}ght), Grosse Pointe i r Ii FATHERS Five scb~ls - Austin, publkity-English, Mr. Rob-.. jhoum. s.chOlarShiPS, the Mes-I; /0" a limilf!J Umf! onI" 2. 50 al I Grosse .PolDte North and ert~,pubJiclty ..Frencb, Dr. dames ~ewhouse and Au~er, II alli DL\Y IS South Highs, Our Lady ~ .Mart McQu1ggan, Dr. Arthur Ischools, and ,Mrs. Denise ml r1ZJ " ~ ,of the Sea t3nd University Seski and Dr. Antoine Na- Controulis, memberships. 1m uiJ~/&t2~';" A. JUNE 19 :~:gfo~:;ve~e~reie~:'Dted in Kimb:;'-;~;~()f :oPS 1m ~ Besides those pictured M'EN ' ONLY:. 'I ml 20311 Mack Avenue at Lochmoor I : above, contestants in Illuded iIlJ. ll!l : Fernando Verrego, Jill Ste- ~ Soup II : vens, Jennifer Ktato. Marisa I ~ ~ , Disante,' Kathryn McLaugh. Tuesday Nights 5 9 P m!!ll . \Ill : lin Melanie Samm .. Adam .,..' • "!i'!ll Bay Shrimp Salad Garni with Ii : Ro'~SkBi, Mark wbea~~r'LiYir. 886-3050' II! Somer;::.1!..ressinK ~ • ginla erry, lsa.... co, aJ:rl i'!ll ~ iIil : Mary MeUssa O'Brien, Paul ' 20902 MACK' !m ~ . Lewis, Ann Rabideau, Phyl. ~ rt.Pr_.!:J ~ Breast of Chicken Garni lis Hogan, Mary Huetteman, ~., /Ill ~ I Grosse Pointe Woods Pamela Abbott, Paula Disan- ! Tuna Salad . te, Elizabeth Barrett and I ~ . Carol Cazabon. • Hair Cutting • Blow Dry !ill C d Ch L e Mrs. S. Sidney Newhouse !ll reame iCdn with Rice $ and Mrs, Pierre Augier were S l' P, jjl ~ 1(1 .'in charge of the 1977 event. • ty tng • erms !ill Cream Cheese Olive and Nut Sandwich . ,iii! The ~even finaHst6 were in. !lYl 'ol!l .~ 1,diVi.dUa\\yinunieweli and ~ ..... ~ •. ...., . asked five questions each. • Coloring • Manicuring m1 Ham and Swiss Cheese Sandwich E5 Jafter which t1Jelr respective P,efmhly by Appoi>t/men/ Parking In back ill ~ Ii '1 ':rankings were determflled. ~I With one coffee, tea or sanka 1m -' : The contestants were fetedz Il!i I at the Pointe Alliance's ,tra- ;!}!l . ~ ,ditional Distribution des Prix PhotoGlraphy :. No Credit Cards No Checks.' ), and Student Reception. held ~. )n late May at the Wilkinson _~fi'lmmmmlifi'll'il3l'lii1mmmm~r*-uill6! ~home at the foot of Woodland by ;place. "Eighteen Ninety" rocker by Woodard ... : . The scholarship c:ompe* MARK : tion is open annually to high shaped like a delicate bentwood rockers of yester- :school student or famlly DOMIN year and made with the comfort and durability of . members of the Alllance ,Francaise de Grosse Pointe today. With an eye-catching brass finished frame. who furnish letlers of iDten- /'. . .~tion to participate and letters And softly contoured cushioning covered in hand- . , ':of recommendation from some saddle-tan vinyl. A chair everyone in the : their schools. , , : The Alliance Francaise de family will claim for the solid comfort it gives. Now : Grosse Pointe, com~leting its 'seventh successful year, bas at a very special price ... $299 a membership of t.lmost 300. :1t is a non-profit org.aniza. :tion. Its object is to fllcrease • contacts and underst'anding :'between the French and ~American peoples., :: Assisting Mrs. Wilkinson. JacobSOn'S :president, this year are Rent. 'Robert and Mrs. Karl Bert- UNIVE'RSAL MALL ~ram vice.presidents. Marco ~:Nobili, treasurer, I3nd Mrs. > Anthony Vermeulen, secte- :tary. ~TIQUE Com.mittee chairpersons in- FIRST OFFERING .c1udeMrs. John Marshall, SHOW AND SALE :program; Mrs. Woalter Isley, Dequlndre and 12 Mile Ad. .' Sunda" June 5 through :Set Deeplands Sunda" June 12 ~:Club'sMeeting Weekdap 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. '. Sunda, 12 noon to 5 p.m. o Deeplands Garden Club members will meet in the FREE ADMISSION, FREE PARKING Grosse Pointe War Memorial ,parking area at 10:45 o'clock ,next Monday, June 13, from where they will travel to L' Auberge in Wind5(}r for A 51.Charleskitchen is custom-designedto mirror -luncheon and to Jackson your individual lifestyle. Choosefrom contemporary Park for their annual field ••••••••••••• andtraditional motifs, and a wide arrayof trip. Grosse Pointe exquisite furniture woods, textured metalsand Officers for the coming designercolors. Comebrowse in our showroom. year include Mrs. Thomas L. Munson, president, Mrs. Jo. Laundry 'seph Lenz, vice.president, Free-our colorfully illustrated 44-page Kitchen Ideas Mrs. Eugene K. Groves, reo Book, just for coming in. $3.00 by mail. cording secretary, Mrs. Rich. Hours: Weekdays 9:00-5:00; Sat. 9:00-12:00 ard Stein,correspondlng sec- • Bathroom Rugs ST. CHARLESKITCHENSOF DETROIT retary. and Mrs. Robert 2713 N. Woodward Avenue NEAR THE LAKE Schlaff, treasurer. Bloomfield Hills, Mich. 48013 (313) 334-4771 • Table Cloths (Just South of Square Lake Road) In Grosse Pointe Shores. 4.bedrooms, 26' family room, den, Among 31 students cur. recreation room, 3 fireplaces, and a large kitchen are just some renUy enroUed in the Univer. • Sleeping Bags of the features of this custom home. Consult with our firm for sltyof DetroIt Dental School's Name . _ additional information. one.yea~ Dental Assisting • General Laundry program are Grosse Polllte Address______Phone_ South Higb SChool graduates RITA SUMAN and MARY ___ ._County_.__. ANN IME.~. PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE City _ S181e Zip- _ 395 FISHER RD. TU 6.3800 21138 Mack - Grosse POinte WOo(Js 881.6942


..- _ Thursd.y, June 9, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Thr~e fWomen'sPage-by, of and for Pointe Women

Grand Marais Guild Gives Its Gift to Bon 5ecours Symphony's Season Ticket S(lle.~Clin"b Ends Season If the pace of early returns al c amp a i g n which was I concerts to as few as. {our continues. the Detroit Sym. spearheaded by Mrs. Joseph per series. including family Grand M8rais Garden Club phony Orchestra will. open Stern and her committee,". concerts, You n g People's members end their year with next season _with a record says Wayne Brown, DSO as. Con c e r t s, pops concerts, a field trip Monday. June 13. number of season ticket hold. sistant manager in charge chamber concerts and coUee They'll gatber 'at 10:30 in the ers and an accompanying of season ticket sales. concerts in addition to the morning af the Grosse Pointe record high in revenue from "We feel t'onfident that the more. traditional symphonic Memorial Church parking aot. ticket sales. new sales campaign, under programming. ' . from where they'll travel to According to DSO reports the leadership of Pointer Also. ne"t faU there wIll Windsor to visit the Jackson made public recently. sub. Mrs. John Deaver and her be a special two,week restiva1 Park rose g'llrdens. scriptions for next season assistant co-chairmen. Mrs. devo~d to the life and works A subscriptIion luncheon in topped $420,000 in the six. Paul Schaller and Mrs Felix of Beethoven, commemorat. Windsor will precede return week period ending May 1. Resni~k, will surpass all ing the lSOth anniversary of to Grosse Pointe. Mrs. Ed. That figure amounts to 73 pre v i 0 us campaigns and the great composer's death. ward Harrigan is hostess for percent of the total realUed achieve th!is year's ambitious Season ticket information the day. through season ticket sales goal." is available by writing De. The club's slate of officers for the 1976.77 season, and The Detroit Symphony Or. trolt Symphony Orchestra. for 1977.78 is headed by Mrs. represents subscriptions by chestra is offering 15 differ. Ford Auditorium, Detroit, Donald Schuur, president, and 9,500 individuals. ent series next season, rang. Michigan 48226, or by calling t~", ,Most o{ the sales to this ing from 3.S many as 20 962-0975. Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Mrs. PhiHip Skillman, vice. president. Mrs. Don Miller point have been renewals by ------enoweth; form~rly' of Mo. persQM a~ady nQ!ding sea- ~~M!ii'il an road~ ,now of. Akron, 0., and Mrs. John Foley -are cor. responding and recording sec. son tickets. I aye announced the engage. The campaign for new sea. ent of her daughterELlZ. retaries, respectively. Treas. ANN urer is Mrs. Kenneth Locke. son subscriptions was offici. 'ETH TOMKINSON, of ally launched Monday, May apleton road, to Arthur H. 2, with a goal of increasing ARDUSSI etz, Jr., son of Mr. and Pre.Nuptial Tea Party the number of season ticket rs. Arthur II. Getz, of Honors LuAnn Parthum holders to a record high THE uckingham road .. 18,300. Independent Candidate IBride-elect LuAnn Parthum, The total searon subscrli~ far An October 22 wedding is tion revenue goal is $126,000. lanned.' . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Parthum, of Harper "The excitement in antici. GIOSSE POINTE Betsy, Who. Js also the Woods, was honored Sunday, Highlight of the May annual dent, and Mrs. Raymond Victor, in- pation oC Maestro Antal Do. SCHOOL BOARD aughter of'. the late .Rich. May 15, at a tea given by her meeting of the Bon Secours Hospital coming president. The contribution rati's arrival as music di. Vote Monday, June 13 F. ;Tomkinson, was grad. aunt, Mrs. James Masten. of Guild was tp.e official. presentation will pay for construction of a con- rector is reflected in the ated from University Lig. Lancaster road. of $6,500to BARRY M. SPERO, hos- sultation room. A portion will be record success of our renew. ett SCpool, Pine .Manor Jun- Miss Estelle Gundeau, an. other aunt, poured at the pital executive director, by MRS. used to meet next year's pledge for or College and Denison Uoi. ELWOOD WACHTER, Guild presi- a labor room. ersity. : event. . Miss Parthumis the grand . . - Her fiance 'attended Uni. daughter of the late Mr. and During .the business meet . Mrs. Edward Howell. ~ublic.1 Decker, treasurer, who was versity Liggett School and Mrs. Charles Parthum, of ing, annual reports were read ity chaJirman, and Mrs. Ray. unable to attend. Wake Fore!!t University. Nottingham road. by Mrs. Raymond Kraus, sec- E/iz'abeth's FASHIONS mond Victor, courtesy chair. P t tin Guild ond vice-president, Mrs. Rod. man os .mee g, memo erick McKnight, correspond. . bers were feted by the Sisters 24627 HARPER - IMPERIAL PLAZA I ing secretary, Mrs. Herbert 'The treasurer'lS report was of Bon secours with tea lfLORIO-ROS. Kelleher, financial secretary, read by Mrs. Frank Hilton in sandwiches and petite 1'3s- Just South of 10 Mile Road EN'YERTAINMENT AGENCY the absence of Mrs. Louis tries. Across from St. Clair Shores National Bank , Versatile, music to satisfy all ages. i Contemporary groups a specialty. Card Luncheon D...... -~ ...... ~~...A...:=....~ .s.O;" ~1 St. Clair Shores • 775-1730 Cindy,Navprro, G.P. Rep. 884-0300 To Aid Sisters ~ ~ !!l The Friends of the Sisters 9~ . Designers, of. Saint Joseph P,eru Missions ~~ i Will. sponsor a carll party ~~ HIMELHOCH'S luncheon benefit next Thurs. ~1~DIAMOND . day, June 16, at noon in the ~~ 3 II Name Brar.ds Shoe Salon of Grosse Pointe basement of Saint Clare de W 77 FISHER RD. ~ now hast~.~very finest in shoe styles Montefalco ':h1;irch, Mack ~~~ SHOP Fisher Mlws II avenue at Whlttier road." I B P Finns Y'c . Donation is $3.50. Prizes ~u~ 88'6' 8826 Sizes 6 to 18 will be featured. Tickets may ~~ . • be obtained at the door, or ~ l'I , .i 04>po.~a reserved in advance by call. i i SALE ~ ing Mrs. Norbert Madison, PS . _ II Personally selected by Elizabeth Shore, buyer. owner 885-1747, or Mrs. John Madi. ~ G' f St I' h ~ son, 37..."4658. ""'i~ roup 0 y IS ~~'1 • Dresses • Co-ordinates • Skirts • Blouses ~ ~ ~ • Suits • Accessories • 100% cottpnsand-.silks .4.~'<~~" , lxs RAINJ::,OA 15. "I ,,,\~;,~.~.,.., l,r !f';:" 'l"~",'''-1',- ...\r-.~'''''',. 0 \\":.:o'.~i.;~ !...:}./~:;n.::dl

~.~r~ '10R~fTUKf :1. ,,""'I >73';~ff.8 I~ ~ ~'fo. celebrafii"o(jicJp~;'ing:- :'''. . S1. CLAIR SHORES Long gow!,s, Dresses, ~ Knit Tops, Blouses ~1f 20% OFF all merchandise U EX elT'''G. Eli ~ GREA TLY REDUCED W I REGULAR HOURS: Monday through Thursday 10 am. to 1p.m., Fridays 'til 9, Saturdays 'tir s SAI.E.~ l!a:t:OXC:*~T..D::o:rgr..c:(

I ~ •f ~~ i in eyelet and embroidery with whispers of sweet i I dreams and gentle mornings, ~. Polyester/cotton so fine, yet . ...' ~ ' . ..;- easy care ... so feminine in white -_."~-_-.-:.~ .- . .:.- ~---- delicately laced with satin ribbon, . ~.._' ~ ...: I• SAVE .;.. ~~- .. /. '. From Juli Jrs. in 5 to 13 sizes, I: .~ ','" c UP TO .... .: ~; ~-=\.'-,... i, - \~ . / I .,''''' A. Romantics ... all-eyelet camisole t t THU'RS., FRI., SAT., SUN. :~ ,• top and tap pant. The set, $29 •~ EVERY CHAIR IN STOCK, EVEN RECLINERS, REDUCED IN PRICE! ~ • TOP MAKE STYLES. TRADITIONAL • PERIOD • CONTEMPORARY t, B. Soft float of a sleepgown with ,• • MANY ONE-OF.A-KIND • LARGE SELECTION TO CHOOSE FROM Chairs and Recliners fashioned for comfort and upholstered in a wide eyelet bodice and flounce hem. $26 selection of designer fabrics. This is your opportunity to purchase the - chairs you've wanted. Enhance the beauty of your home ... FROMOUR ~,1~~ AND SAVE UP TO fJOOfo FREE DELIVERY. LIMITED QUANTITIES • ALL SALES FINAL Convenient Termsl . • .. • ". We hOnor Master Charge and BankAmericard , / • ,• 30123 HARPER AVE • • ST. CLAIR SHORES • VAN FURNITURE (between 12 and 13 Mile Roads) •, I Jacob SonS PHONE 774-3010 !• ...;£//~£M ~1~~1'n/~1 • ,I HOURS: Mon .. Thurs .• Frl. 10 8,m, to 9 p.m. OPEl SUIDAY 12, t. 5 , .•. . Tues,. Wed" sat. 10 I.m, to 8 p.m.

, , -..," -;,.,' ,,""/ ... ' ...... ~' ..... -:.. ... -110- ;t~,,-.;;~.....~-.~"'-:"~ ...... ---7"1.~" 'i ...... • . '~~',,":,,'-: ..""'''!':~~:~,'~~.~,i~$:~""':'.'.~::;~,-:,.'~. "',~?,'-'!fi""K~'••~,::-,!'II, 4""')~,"S "'!'} !'..'-"!; -_. __ • __ •••••••.• $l"WIl!I!II.l!l,IU.'.' , • .. .. • .'...... ; '. , ~ • I --.!'!!I, ,

Plge Twenty-Four GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thur$day, June 9, 1977 _._------'.'



lA-PERSONALS I 2F-5CHOOLS 4-HELP WANTED 4-HELP WANTED 4A-HELP WANTED S-5ITUATION ~FOR RENT ,I ~FOR RENT I ':'1~ GENERAL GENERAL DOMESTIC WANTED UNFURNISHED UNFURNISHED lfll NEEDLEPOINT .and crewel WOODS MUSIC I , ~\,; pillows blocked and. fini~'h. STUDIO BABYSITTER for s eve n. SECRETARY LIVE IN housekeeper for COMPANION. Nurse. Night EASTLAND AREA - 24575 ATTRACTIVE 2 bedroom "J:' ed. Also needlepomt JD. • • month infant, 25 hours per To executives in central of- family oC one. Call 886.6316. shift. Love elderly people. Kelly Road, East Detroit, Townhouse with central air ~} t tion. TU 1-7073 TU 6. ~rlVate l~strucU~n week. transportation. Ref. Cavalier Manor, large lux- conditioning, stove. rcCrig. ;-h: s rue , Plano. VOIce, GUItar fice of fine women's spe $3 hour or $40 day Live.in. erences required. 923-6829. S Michigan driver's license. ury 1 bedroom apartment. erator and dishwasher. This - - . 6318. Theory (College Review) cialty stores. Requires good 4B-SERVICE TO typing and shorthand' ex. EXCHANGE Sleady employment. Refer. New appliances. carpet. loeation offers the use of l' (i WEIGHT REDUcrION, milk- 885.0024 LICENSED Journeyman fam. perience. Good salary, ben. SEMI.RETIRED School Ad. ences. 831.6030 or 891.4453. carport. air conditioning, swimming pool. ten n is":'" shake diet, no drugs, guar- 20551 Mack near Vernier i1iar with residential. com- pool. $230. 772-3649, 961 courts. clubhouse and an;" efits and working condi. ministNltor, Japanese, wife I anteed weight loss. 881.8290. 3-LOST AND FOUND mercial, industrial work. FIFTEEN DOLLARS for 7411. easy walk to shopping and';\ 882.9420. tions. Liberal merchandise and children wishes to Ihree hours of housework transportation. $350. Please ,,", CALLIGRAPHY ------discount and free parking. house sit/occupy Carriage GROSSE POINTE WOODS- call for an appointment. !l'. INVITATIONS ADDRESSED LOST CAT, vicinity Windmill COUNTER HELP wanted in House in return for serv- beCore or after special oc. 5 or 6 bedroom, 3 bath 881.4999. ' ..I 889-0756 Pointe Dr. Gray/black, old fashion ice cream par. B. SIEGEL CO. MR. LEVINE ices. Overseas for 20 years. casions, Very experienced. house. Carpeted. new 1 y ~ __ ,,'. semi.long hair, flea col. lor in Indian Village. 331. 886.1666. With references. 885-7485. 965.6400 painted, beautiful kitchen. GROSSE POINTE WOODS- .,.' LOSE WEIGHT FAST! TAKE lar. 821-9628. 7100. Walk to schools. $650 Large 4 bedroom colonial. . NEW ALGINESS DIE T ------ATTRACTIVE woman, good 4C-HOUSE SITTING EUROPEAN - ProCessional PLAN AND AQUAVAP LOST: kitten, grey with black I UNENCUMBERED mal e SERVICES gar den e r. Landscaping. month. 886.8733. 21h baths. family room, ai- -{;C J with people. experienced ------tachee! garage, central air, ;J! "WATt.:!t PILLS". BOB'S st~ipe. I;akep<;inte'Charle' drh'er. RetireJ, single, mid. Care of Pcrcnni:lls, Roses. preferred, 4:30 through 9:30 3 BEDROOM house on Lor Fully carpeted. 8860478. '~Jr; DRUG CO.• AND DEVON. VOIX. Children s pet. Re-l dIe age. chauffeur license. Monday through Friday , YOUNG Professional wants S h rub S. Made Terrace aine. Available June 25 for q SHIRE DRUG CO., DE. _w_a_rd_._822_._3669_. ' 884-8654. Shapely Lady Spa, 372-1060 house to sit in Grosse Japan garden. Formal gar. as little as two months 3 SP ACIOUS rooms. clean,~; TROIT. 4-HELP WANTED P-A-R-T-T-n-IE-f-ro-m-th-e-P-ar-k Pointes for sum mer den. Call after 6 p.m. 882. Furnished or unfurnished quiet building. Reasonable - .- " DRUG CLERK, experienced months. Very reliable, ex. 2285. $350 per month. 886-2139 Ideal for- retired pcrson. ~.~ ~ -P-U-P-P-Y-S-I-TT-E-R-se-r-vi-c-e,-e-x--GENERAL area to drive child 3 times preferred, . Grosse Pointe cellent references. Will care I ------'-- 884.6262 'c •• perienced, small dogs only. ------.3 week. Must be respon. area. Call after 5, 881.1385 for plants and animals. COURTEOUS phone service TWO BEDROOM apartment. . if: no tinklers. References, BOOKKEEPER-full or part sible, 18 years or older. or 884-2893. Available immediately. Re- in my home. Will take meso Grosse Pointe Park. Cal I GROSSE POINTE PARK. 2 - - $3.50 day. VE 9.1385 inelud. time. Retiree. Assilt down. 331.1062. ply Box S.5O. sages, appointments, reser- after 5:30, 822.5025. bedroom upper available '....','1 town law cHice. 961-9139. ------ing portions of 1st and last EXECU'I1IVE.LEGAL secre. DENTAL assistant. Chair I vations or sell product. August I, $225 per month .. p" Looking for a gal who likes EXECUTIVE and wife will Call 885.7307. LARGE 5 ROOM upper. no 884.3784 after 6. ' )h day. REAL ESTATE salespeople I ,tary, shorthand requi~ed, to work and have fun do- house sit July and/or Au. I c:li~dren or pets. $190 a '311 GROSSE POINTE NORTU wanted for Grosse Pointe for East Jefferson fIrm ing it. Not a job but a gust, 259-6624days, 882.2134 OLDER LADY will babysit month. 885-6503. MORANG.LAKEPOINTE- --= -- • and Macomb County. Co.... near ;Ren.Cen. Call 962-4286 High school Class Reumen ...- career. Experienced in 4 evenings except week-endS. 5 days per week. Own Executive type 3 bedroom'?}!: handed dentistry. Reply ------transportation. 885-5453. GROSSE POINTE upper 5 brick. Knotly pine sun iA 1972, Saturday, June 18. mission split negotiable. TYPIST and readers need- rooms, adults only, no pets . h n b 'P" Grosse Pointe Yaeht Club, Partnership available to ed. Call Ray 886.~. with resume to Box F-50, 5-SITUATION security deposit 884.3635 porc. J easement, 2 car I' Grosse Pointe News. WANTED STARBURST Painting Com- garage, yard. $260 Avail- J J Chair person of ticket sales, brokers. Vanchuk Realty, pimy. Interior.' graphics, Mary Larco 886.2733. 822-2334, Grosse Pointe TEMPORARY convalescent Can after 3. able now. 294.2642. . II:; HANDYMAN - Repairs and 'i.' Park. care, live-in, references. EXPERIENCED BUTCHER, ext e r i 0 r s. Experienced no nights or Sundays. Ap. builds just about anything. painters. Lowest rates CONDOMINIUM - Townhouse 2 BEDROOM upper in Grosse .r ~ LOOK OUT WORLD! Call aCler~. 293-9315, 884- ply in ,person at Farms Midlile of the night emer. around. 884.7957-885.2921. in Shorepointe. Central air. Pointe Park, fully carpeted, -.'- KERI IS NOW 18, AND IS BEAUTICIAN needed. Also 2893. Market, 355 Fisher Road, gency service. My price Call between 4-7 p.m. 1 car attached garage. 2 with a nice porch, refrige. -,r'. " GRADUATING FROM 2 chairs for rent. Grasse bedrooms, 2'f2 baths. Fully , , PART.TIME clerical: Experi. Grosse Pointe. . can't be beat. 773-4355. carpeted. $550 mo. Lease rator and stove. All utili- SOUTH. Pointe Beauty Shop. 885. ,OCCUPATIONAL Therapy i'. U66. enced. 884.2145. only. ties plus washer and dry-' : CONGRATULATIONS! BOOKKEEPER needed 1 day MATURE woman wishes ba-' student desires to aid a , HIGBIE MAXON er privileges. $250. 8B5.2983.. ~:; ":'. MOM, DAD AND SISTERS. WATERFRONT DIRECTOR a month. Could 'be Satur- 'bysitting in my home. handicapped per son on I: MACHINISTS for girls camp in Northern day if desirable. 259.1010. • Lakepointe. 822-3293. week nights or week.ends. 886-3400 PARK, Somerset, upper '6' ,; FOREIGN STUDENT desireli ARC WELDER Oakland County. Must be Call Denise. 882.3804. 69 MAPLETON, G r 0 sse rooms. $225. plus security .i' summer home with Amer. Small shop has opening for at least 27 years old with APPRENTICE Carpenter - TONY VIVIANO I . Pointe Farms. 3 bedrooms, deposit. Available July 1st. '(.j ican family. Will pay ex. people with lathe and mill WSI. Please call collect 1. inside shop work. Apply FOR HAND waxing of wood dining room, garage, walk. 821.9549. ~: penses. For details call experience. Also light metal 616-924-0651 for more in. Bee b y Industries; 7550 Handyman furniture or floors call Jim .,j ing distance to schools, LOVELY DUPLEX, 3 bed- ':. Colleen 5.10 p.m. weekly, arc welder.' On Grosse fonnation and application. Chrysler Service Drive: Carpenter Work at 882.6824. transportation, and shop. room, }I/~ 'baths, natural,' all dayweek.ends, 886-8587. Pointe bu. line. Some part Clay.E. Grand Blvd. exit, and All Other CLEANED by ex- ping. Lease $300 month. fireplaee. Carpeted thru.: time for retirees to $3,000 LPN or experienced medi- Detroit. No phone calls. Miscellaneous POOLS perienced high school stu. VACATIONING, sociai security maximum. cal aSsistant for Grosse Repairs 885-2546. out. Some appliances. Ex- ':< SUMMER OF '781 Apply in person Friday Pointe internist. Please HAIRDRESSER with love for dent. Call Scott 885.8847. UPPER FLAT, 3556 Beacons- cellent location, close to " Protect your house by rent. 8:30 a.m., US Adair St., send resume to Box P.l, hair, Grosse Pointe Salon, 881-2093 field near Mack !in Detroit. Village shopping. Please -,' wallpapering ingit to longtime Grosse corner of Wight, Detroit (3 Grosse Pointe News. Call aiter 8 p.m. 884-0479. after 5 p.m. PAINTING, Shown everyday from 5 re~ly to Box R-90, Grosse' '.' Pointe residents who s e blocks south of E. Jeffer. REAL ESTATE salesperson and paneling at lowest o'clock. $15() month. Pomte News. present house Is too small son). PARENT hCooperative Nur- that. loves to work and ac. NEED SOMETHING moved, cost. Estimoate cheerfully for eontemplated visit of I sery sc 001 is seeking a delivered or disposed of? given 'at no charge. Call AVAILABLE July 1st. Very CLEAN, lower 6 room flat. :- MEDICAL Tr aUCllp. ti.oniIt part'tl'me tea cher. Must be tive with people, will train , Two Pointe residents will daughter, husband and two opportunities u nIl' mI' t • 882.9234, deluxe duPlex, latest ap- Adults. Rent $100 month. -< . J I A t d experienced in discharge ,exper ienc ed .and have at move or remove large or bales.b u y, ugus an Ieas't 15 credit hours l'n ed Call Mr Anl'el 886 pliances, $450. For 'appoint- 1156 Newport. Detroit. ' either June or september. summaries and operaUve '. . , . small quantities of furni. EXPERIENCED motber of ment, 882-0014 eves. ': Will keep household and report. For iDterview call. Child Development courses. 1190. ture, appliances or what .presehooler desires baby. UPPER 1 bedroom ineome. .0 yard help. Minimum three 881-8240. U interested send resume SALES POSITION with local have you. Call for free esti. sitting, my home, full.time LOWER FLAT, 3 bedroori15, Middle aged couple pre. , bed roo m s, 2~ baths. to Buttons and Bows Nur. real estate company is mate. 343-0481. or occasional. Babies wel. living room, dining room. ferret!. 371-7328after 8 p.m. " 1.: Wouldn't it be nice to be HOMEMAKER who enjoys sery School, 18495 West. available to 'an energetic come. References. 886.9134. Co u p~ e s only. No pets. or 8 and 9 a.m. Available July 1st. 331.6652 able to get plans reaDy selling; ean. on metropoli. phaDa or call 571.9161 or individual who is wjlling to PRIVATE NURSING TWO U. of M; STUDENTS after 6. MOROSS near Kelly, lower 2 . settled well in advance? . tan better gift and Bower 521.2063. work full-time. Expected Around the Clock bedroom income, carpet ~ ;(-. Ple .. e)"begi.n by :calling. " shp,p,s~2.to 3 days a week,., !::1O'C,R""'"',A'R'Y"fO~"l ...... E' • "first "vear . eo.mmissions .G:~PSSE'.JPQINll'E iPARK,..... ,_t, . , . e ',In hom.e.ltIOSpjill<:i,.c! r j aDl$;'1ive.fns: ~dlfd a'ia EDUCATION Call collect evenbJ'I,W'eek. ' grammar:.'f.YPln~ rat~ !it'. PO!I1.tei,-N~~s.'". ,.'.,:. '", " . in', "'carp'entry and gutter dren; no'pels. 882~3705; .'. 2 BEDROOM ranch in the :";'.~ JU bonded. 24 hour service. ends Mercalor Co. }.513- least 60 wpm. 'Y tram lD INT' ERV IEWI NG ' installation and repair. Ref. Farms, central air. Gentle- ''; PIANO and Guitar LeslODl, 771 ,,~n legal. Phone KeIth Jones at Licensed nurses for insur. erences. Doug. 882-1826. LARGE, clean 2 bedroom up. mati or working couple pre- \' ~ ...... 962.7444. NOW ance cases. Woods Music Studio, 20551 \ per. Rent reduction in ex. ferred. $375. 886.2Q99. .;0', Mack near Vernier. IJ85.. DRIVER-part time 8 a.m., POINTE AREA NURSES NURSES AIDE wants private change for light mainte- 2 p.m. for drapery clean. Both men and women for high OOU. AVAILABLE - Immediate TU 4.-3180 duty, Grosse Pointe area. nance. No laundry facilities. NEWLY DECORATED 2 bed- - ' ing route. Pleasant work, paying Position as realtor. openingS for summer help. Excellent references. No 526-9686. room upper. Private en- MILDRED BRIGGS will train. Apply Custom Several positions. Golden Free training,free school. PAINTING, w a 11 papering ing. Call Mr. Alastra. 778. and paneling at lowes t live-ins. 882-0708. , PHILIP near Kercheval - 3 trance. Chandler Park-" 1< PIANO AND THEORY Draperies Cleaners, uno opportunity for those who Outer Drlve area. $225 plus ~,,:', PUNCH AND JUDY BLDG. J05. Campau, lOuth of Da- qualify. Not under 18. Can 4720. cost. FAtlm8Jte cheerfuliy room lower. Stove, refrig. given at no charge. 5A-SITUATION erator, utilities. Older sin. security. 343-0885, after 8 ":- TU 2.5680 viaon. 881-6266. for interview before 5. 755- can DOMESTIC 6172. RETIREES 882.92134 or 779-6823. ~e or couple only. Security p.m. weekdays.~"; . , PIANO LESSONS, URGENTLY needed. Light deposit $110. 885-6166. GETTING CABIN FEVER? PAINTING, interior, exter. EUROPEAN CHAUFFEUR, SHORT TERM - 4 bedroom.,';. U. OF M., B.M. housework. 2-4.hours a day. BABY SITTER nee,ded Mon- 12 years of 331-4.725 885-6605. Will discuss wage's. ior. References. Dick, 293. age 44, with GROSSE POINTE PARK - family room, appliances in. ;.':;"-' day through Friday, 9:30 We could use you 5 half days Grosse Pointe Lake Shore 9484, or Jim 779-4547. Maryland. 5 room upper, eluded. Available immedi. ,~.( a.m. to 6 p.m. My home. a week. Must have car. experience. Seeking em- PIANO LESSONS, qualified WANTED experienced sales immediate occupancy, no ately. Yorkshire, Grosse.j teacher, my home. 882-7112 person famil;ar With typing 2 children, 5 and 7. Must Apply Friday, June 10, 1 COLLEGE GlIRL wishes out ployment. Please call eve. I pets. $175 monthly plus $175 have references. 885-4036 nings 469.6831. Pointe Park. 823-4223. ~..~ 2~TUTORING AND - figures, and telephone p.m. Mr. Lewis, 6363 .John of town baby sitting job - 'security deposit. 882.9206. after 7 p.m. 1st 2 weeks in August. Very I, 'sales. Z9U700. Lodge Service Drive, cor- INOlAN .VILLAM: area - '_:-: EDUCAnON reasonable. Cait Anne - TROMBLEY - 3 bedroom, RN. LPN ner Baltimore. HIGH SCHOOL student Large one ,bedroom apart.::". 886-0860 after 6. jobs. 2 bath, family room with LET ME HELP your child R.N. ~ L.P.N. Full and part Now accepting applications wanting summer ment. Has large living' ,,11 . ..,. time. All shifts. Good pay CLERK-TYPIST House cleaning on regular natural mreplaee, all kitchen stre~g then. an d Improve 1WI . and many benefits. Imme- for an shifts. Salary com- QUALITY HEALTH CARE in room, dining room, full~i~ during summer. appliances, garage, central mensurate with experience. 'Your home or hospital by basIs carpeted, appliances in-,:n reading skIlls over the su1!l' .te openings. A great Full time position. Main of- Thorough. 881-5092. Ask for aIr. d.i v ide d basement. mer. Masters degr~ 10 place to work. Rose Villa A p ply Belmont Nursing Professional Registered cluded. $125 per month plus ~G fice. Some experience de. Sarah. Adults only. No pets. Ref. readi~g, 5 ~e~r~. teach_ing. Nursinlt center, 25375 Kel. Center, 19840 Harper. 881. sirable. Nurse, Licensed Praooca I erences and lease. July oc. utilities. Security deposit,J~ I,;au Vlane atter I ly Road, Roseville. 773-6022. 9556. iiurse, l-J"urse".Aide ~r c{'m- EXPERIENCED woman cupancy. 823.3514 7.9 p.m. required. Available June~;l :~.=: PEOPLES FEDERAL I panion 'sitter. 24 hour serv wants work day or week. 15th. Call for apopintmc::t_?ii DENTAL Assistant. Experi. MANUFACTURER r e pre. SAVINGS dee, 7 days a week. Phone ALTER RD. - Studio apart- Cooking, sick care, child 569.1684 Monday. Friday,': EXPERIENCED C e r t i • enee preferred. Full time. sentative downtown Detroit 882-6640, Medical Perso~ . menl. aU utilities, stove and , £0 general, references. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. lied Teacher will tutor your m-3440. desires alert all a round of- 751 GRISWOLD, DETROIT nel, Pool for more infor - care. I refrigerator. Adults only fice Secretary in a 1 gal 898-7870. .~~ child. For more info call mation. I $9B. Can after 2 p.m. 882. UPPER FLAT, 2 beqrooms.l. ' 884-0912. WAlTERS. Waitresses, Bus set up, pleasant surround. 961-0170 i1 7613. carpeted, heated garage. 3~ boys, Clean up people, ings and attractive situa. TWO COLLEGE girls wi!1 REFINED, trustworthy, nea Equal Opportunity Employer Chalmers - Chandler Park ... __ READING Tutorial Program Cooks, Salad prep person. tion for a dedicated girl help with parties-waitress worker wishes day work 1 BEDROOM Garden apart- area. Adults. No pets, $200.{Og -15 years experience in $3 to $4 an hour. 822-1234. who knows how to assume ing, etc. Very capable and ment near Whittier and I- 4A-HELP WANTED Call after 5:30. 923-6764. VA 1-8510, ,1(; teaching students -of all responsibilties and take DOMESTIC reasonable. Call Kim, 886 94. Air conditioning. appli- EARN $2 to $3 per hour. De. HOUSE MAN - Experience d :," ages improve their reading, charge of the every day 5450. ances and carpet. $195 per OUR FAMILY flat. Stove.:: liver flyers. Call 885-4790 cooking, driving and clean F spelling and writing skills, routine, necessary for the WANTED - Live in or out month includes heat. Phone reCrigerator. 860 Beacons.,:, afler 4 o'clock. IF YOU'LL NA'ME the job ing. Nursing. References. 882.0670. efficient functioning of a Housekeepers, C 0 up I e s, 884.3555, Thursday 9 p.m.' field. 885.8236 sales office, renumeration Maids, Cooks. Day Work you want done, we'll do it No Sundays. 822-0711. 11 p.m. only. Available im. RNs/LPNs open. Call 961-9211. ers for private homes Stokes Multiple Services mediately. THE READING EXPERIENCED woman 6A-FOR RENT Grosse Pointe Agency. 885. Licensed Ins u red. VA 4-9172. . wishes days, $25 plus fare. FURNISHED RAILROAD .i576. EASTLAND-E a s t Detroit- 823-4388. New 3 bedroom ranch. At A Reading Improvement Cen. PART DIETARY COLLEGE S'TUDENT (sen - 3 BEDROo:\l house on Lor- ':: ter Professional Fael.l1ty. COMPANION for elderly la- I ior with a good average) ~FOR RENT tached 2 car garage. No aine. Available June 25 for ". Now enrolling for spring day. Live-in. Nice home at SI. Marys, Notre Dame , UNFURNISHED children, no pets. $450. 839 as little as two months.,l and summer progrAm. TIME SUPERVISOR plus modest salary. Mack. Jndiana. Eager for experi 5537. Furnished or unfurnished. '-:,1 Outer Drive area. 777-2817. ence in accounting field NEW DELUXE HI.RISE $350 per month. 886-2139.;' 886-0750 Days, nights, evenings . • • 11:15 a.m. to 7:45 p.m. shift 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS MARYLAND - 6 room up- :(~ 775-2525. per flat. Garage. 5140. Se. - PRIVATE TUTORING when and where you want .•. Formal training or experi- RESPONSIBLE girl to help TV SECURITY ROOM for rent, furnished. ,. it's up to you as a member with light housekeeping 3 DA Y CARE for children Many More Features curity deposit. ALSO. 5 Kitchen privileges. Alter ~ in ence in Dietary Supervision. room lower. Maryland. No YOUR OWN HOME of America's leading nation. Must rotate week.ends and half days per week. Lake- ages 4 through 10, super Lake st. Clair Area Metro J.94 Road south of Jefferson. "k' al nursing service. Receive children, no pets. $115. 885- All subjects; aU levels. holidays. shore.Fisher area. 881.8529. vised by two college jun - 296.2320 463.5857 557-077o Bus stops and shopping. ~ top pay, fully paid malprae- iors at Grosse Pointe (569.2758 Evenings) 7307. close by. Mature lady only: " Adullt aDd children. Cer. 1------1 Uee and liability insuranee, EXPERIENCED part. time Farms Pier. Runs from Phone 331-5068 after 6" tified teachers. APPLY IN PERSON e SCHOENHERR. 7 MILE-5 bonding and workmen's com. housekeeper • laundress. late June to late August 3 BEDROOM house on Lak 0a11: , room fiat. Separate base- ______p.m. r,r;.;, pensation. PERSONNEL DEPT. Long references necessary. Monday through Friday, 10 Huron. beautiful beach DETROIT AND SUBURBAN t ment and utilities. No chilo Offices throughtout U.S. 964-0194. to 3. Attendance may be woods, fireplace. Quie ALTER ROAD - 1 bedroom ,,: TUTORING SERVICE o dren, no pets. $160 per Be a daily or weekly. Arts and neighborhood. 1- hour t upper, C'3r~ted. drapes,.,' JH-008I COTTAGE month. 371.8980 MPP NURSE HOUSEKEEPER for busy crafts and field trips of Detroit. $1.000 per month air, newly decorated. ga. " 1-385-5729 evenings. rage. After 6. 331-3157. ,(. 2D-CAMPS FOR professional couple. 1 floor fered. Please call Marya t LARGE 3 bedroom colonial, HOSPITAL house on busline. Plain 885.7376. CONFIDENTIAL decorated 3 bed 1 1 BEDROOM apartment, fur. -' _ DA Y CAMP for Grosse 159 KERCHEVAL cooking. Live-in. 882.0899. I NEWLY family room. 2 ,2 baths, 2 INTERVIEW CALL room, wall to wall carpet Pointe Park children, 5 GROSSE POINTE FARMS COI:;LEGE Studen1(s) want fireplaces. finished recrea. nished plus utilities, $90," years and UP. 10 a.m.' 2 MEDICAL ELDERLY COUPLE would I ing odd jobs. gardening , stove and refrigerator, no tion room. 2 car attached Retiree. TU 5-3443. p.m. Can 885-1532 or 886- PERSONNEL POOL like an experienced house-I cleaning. windows, etc. Ref suitable for pets or chil garage, 1 block from Stllr dren. $225 a month. secur HARPER WOODS. Grosse, 8640. at 882-6640 884-8600 keeper for 3 days per week erences. 885.9460. of the Sea Church on quiet Tuesda'y, Wednesday, and ---. ity deposit $275 plus a street. S575 month. 882.4659. Pointe schools. 3 bedroom 2F-SCHOOLS Thursday. Get breakfast, do MATURE ~ADY demes gen lease. Wayburn - Gross e i ------ranch, new I y decorated. References. security. 884. laundry, and general house. eral .offlce wo~k. Prefer I Pointe Park. 864-4666. ,NEFF ROAD;-2 b~drooms. 7152 evening best time. GROSSE POI NTE k 0 n transportation part tIme. ExperIenced also I ------1 $350 month Includzng heat. RN & LPN'S ~o~ . bl w W have other in switchboard. Reliable. MT. CLEMENS - new large No children. '10 peJ.;. Near ------_. INSTITUTE OF eSlra e. e . 771-8317. luxury 2 bedroom. 2 bath I shopping transportation. 6B-ROOMS TO ~l:Nj' " Modem nursing home requires RN and LPN's, MUSIC help for Monday and Frl- . Townhouse. Walk.in clo'l JOHN S GOODMAN. IINC. FURNISHED apartmer', ga. • day. 885.1130. I FORME" ~xecullve se~re. set. carpeting throughout, 886.3060' 886-3060 Regilter NoW' day shift 8 to 4. rage space ex~ra. 1)82-1262. .' For Fourth Semester ---- tary deSIres part lime stove, refrigerator. diSh',------Private or Clall lutrucUon Apply in person to- HOUSEKEEPER wanted to work. Exce~l~nt skills, ref. washer, central air, full , 6C-OFFICE FOR RENT ,. MUSIC-piano, voice, string" live.in for Grosse Pointe erences. WIlling to do typo private basement. carport.' HARBOR SPRINGS GEORGIAN EAST COLONIAL EAST - 9 Mile., guitar, wind in.truments. family with 2 young boys. ing at home. Call 886.5542. 1.465-3981 - 1.468-5495 -I Charming home available ART-Drawing and painUng Duties include laundry but NURSES AIDE for invalid 961.7411. by week or m?nth, .ex. Harper. 1300 sq. ft. Private entrance aD

I I I L ., L__ c- c' S 1 d p 'psp en •••••••.• +."* •• =s'= •• ~•• r s. ' .. 2pd •• .•.... - .. e .~\,: .;: >",~~..,..'y~,"'.r;;:i-7'!.~'~,~'~~';_:-,',,-:,;".:,".',i'-I~;, 4~;""""~"'".F"'~""_.;?"JP~"'.F".'_. "':~"'.,., ;' "..:4,.,~ ~ ~ ;~<,: "",,,,,,~,"""'''''''"'''.'l'''hl!'''',f'''P''''7-; , O:"!"I.>"".-, ~~~%:a". ""l.~""••~,.p"'S;""'!''''''~'''f ".>j~~P,S'III.".'''''.~.$;'''('''''.''''''''''~I'''¥ p"'. ? A""?"'. '''f''''; ."'l."' , ."' ; Pili, g $~?..$ .'~$,'"..?,lPl) .. ,".~a ..a a , 11I.11 1 ,' 1I!JI !11'!'..,..,..,..,."'""!III'!' .. .,..,..,.------(.!!Ii, __ I

Thursday. June 9, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty.Five rl~ 6C--OFFICE FOR RENT 6D-VACATION I-ARTICLES FOR SALE I- ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SA~E 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES FOR SALE 8-ARTICLES fOR $ALE SMALL OFFJ;CE 17xll. 20961 RENTALS 1------"ALMOST.NEW" APPAREL MOVING SALE-Old trunks, lo'RJGlDAIRE refrJgerator. Al ~ CONDITIONER, West. GARAG,E SALE - Anlique 3 WHEEL adult tricycle, yel. .. )[ack • Hampton. Carpeted, S M 0 K Y MOUNTAINS Carefully selecled current washer, dryer, refnigerator, freezer, 12.3 cu. ft., harvest inghouse 8700 BTU. $50. Oak buffet, cane wing low. Villager Ill. TU 4-2716. paneled, air. Of( street Cobby Nob-Gaeinburg. 2 ronrite ironer $25. 884..9625. chair, portable color TV, .slyles of designer and bet. stove, loads of new plastic gold, 3 years old. 3 student I LIVING ROOM and dinette parking. 886-4700. bedroom, 2 bath Town. No' runner. 885.5645. baby clothes and supplies, ter apparel, accessories, flowers, lots of misc. desks on mach':ne, good conditIon, MEDICAL SUITE _ Grosse ho\l'Se. Sleeps 6. 18 hole furs, jewelry and "old. pre.s'ates. Friday, Jl.me 10, LARGE PEDESTAL, electric women's clothes, sizes 12. FAMILY garage sale, 65 $50. TU H385. Pcdnte Farms _ Paneled golf, tennis, pools • .houses. tiques". 10 to 5. 569 No:re Dame. 2 barbecue, ice cream tablej 16. Thursday, Friday, Sat. and 69 Moran road. 30" gas Consignments Welcome 4 chairs $50 each. Baby urday, 9.4. 420 Notre Dame. ANTIQUE treadle sewing .reception -area. Office and 884.3620 4lfter 4. GREEN velvet love seats, stove. some furniture. Sat. 2 highchair. lIS5-2761. 885-~. chine good condition, $50. 3 examining rooms. Air FOUR BEDROOM C h a let LEE'S perfect condition. 885.5699. urday. June 11. 9 unlJil 4. . conditiqned. Lease onlly. with TV, fireplace 'and 20339 Mack (near 8 Mile) Absolutely no pre.sales. MOVING-Garage Sale, June REFRIGERATOR, RCA Whirl. TU 4:0385. 881.8082 ALITY household items. HIGBIE MAXON laundry. Set in Sugarloaf QU 9 thru 12. 10946 Whitehitl. poGI, good condition. $30. KLIMA.GRO indoor elcctric antiques, si!1verand furnish- GARAGE SALE Frway, comer of Courville. 881.6292. 886.MOO Village nea'!' Traverse City. ANTIQUE pocket watches- - greenhouse, model 200. Tennis, 'Bdl!, swimming and ings of all sorts. Many rare June 10. One day only. As- OFFICE or small retadl space Buy.SeH-Repair, Kiska Jew. b'argains, no pre.sales. sorted. porch furniture, GARAGE SALE - Lots of HEAVY duty sears Kenmore Never used. $250. 886.5082 for rent. 19822 Mack. Avail. acceS'S to Lake Michigan. elel' J 1"J 1.. 21jA gu t.tB' '.~~ry2.. lll,'~.!,~~_r~~[7 1>.,~.. mOl!ej.~sat.;"Sii.n.:", 10-4.'184. "W1\i,t's"new~plde~~ UDe:J: v U y... \ us., "lIo - ~..o6411J1.G.,) r'19'qQIJ moo'([)~.H.j "" p.m-.~"Ilr-~ ~Y"" .. ~~. Mofl.l'I!!,.,"/:'"i ..,''I:~' " "1 ", I. ~91ul, ~Il~, must~~o! FIirn1tnie, h.'~; Hotel.Recreataion facUities lated new redwood Iou. 1 vered door, $13. House o:d Hotpolnte washer and 0709. will sacrifice $650. Must. and Shop Tuc,d,.,., 1\",1,:<:h HALL FOR RENT for ail ages. Supervised MOVING SALE-Furniture, sell! 268-8269.881.4500. plants. 882.9258. gas dryer. $200. Large top Saturday, noon Iii seven In Amvets Post #57 youth activit4es. Tours. wooden desk, (3 ft. x 5 ft.), GARAGE SALE-Saturday, boy's clothing. toys,' mis. 884.1672 or 882.1872. the evening. BOOKTIOUE. • All Occasions SECT ION A L conversation with typewriter compart. 10.5. 630 Pemberton. aJf.'" cellaneous. Friday and 4H.78.14 ATLAS steel belted . 15243 Mock Avenue, (be. • CATERING G.E. STOVE. Deluxe model. pit, rust. Purchased from ment. $50. 12 ft. x 18 ft. oval tiques. furniture, house. Saturday. 10-6. 10991 Craft, New, 4-8.85 x 14 Dayton tween Lokepoinle and Bea- 19730Harper, .Harper Wds. hold. boy's wear sizes 8. between Outer Drive and Thoroughbred. new. $35 $50. Excellent condition i(lterior decorator studio, braided rug, $75. Moving. I consfielrll 8852265. Hall manager, 774-1155 882.5171. like new. 838-6211after 5: 30. must sell. 882.4464. 10, miscellaneous. Whittier, off Whitehill. each. 885.6026.

\ tv .n • S rssiats? 971'77'275700. 55.75 sCrfS r~'-",{'¥::':¥'stf:"" •.,o'!.'r ~.! ,"'- ....7..,.1t~$ 0('0 ...,.n,~'''''':'1'~~M:~~''.,u :~l.~'h'•.1 l',JJ~._lftISt "

Page Twenty-Sill: GROSSE POtNT-e NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1977 8 ARTlCLU--=-'O-R-SA-L-E-' -A-RT-I-C-LE-S-F-O-R-S:-A:-:-L-=E-'=-I:-A~N~T:=':I:-::Q":":U-='ES:-- l1-CARS FOR SALE ll-e:ARS FOR SALE '11-e:ARS fOR SALE " ------' FOR SALE n-e:ARS FOR SALE llA--eAR .REPAIR ESTATE LEFTOVERS - BASEMENT SALE, nice AUTOMOBILE OWNERS! As 1971 TORINO. Air, power 1976 PACER X. Medium blue. 1973 FORD Galaxie 500, 2. TUNE.UPS ai1d miDQr repair. Sheraton dining set 2 buf. wooden, chairs, need re- ABLE TO PAY top dollar surance. 881.2316. steering, brakes, vinyl toP, air, AM.FM. All. po~er. door, small V-8, automatic, Mobile aervice at your fets table 6 chairs $400, pairing. Glass, silver, lin- for used Oriental rugs. low as $22 quarterly buys clean, $895. TU 1.5743. Tointed glass, ]lOSltract1oR, power steering, power home and shop repairs. mU;krat ~oat, $35,' porch ens,. s"}aU lamp, la~ge SfS..f483. C I N F oJt I " Ziebarl., new tolres. Grosse brakes, air conditioning, O• .u 521-5152 or 881.9151. ompu $Ory 0 a n. 1973 DA~T SWlD8er. Air, Pointe ear. $3,350. 885.3362 glider, $15, guitar, $25, pa Inti n g •. much RUSe. UNIVERSAL MALL excellent tires, recent ex. Moderate prices. Ask for Lawson couch, $125, misc. Thursday, F1'IIday, Satur. ANTIQUE SHOW AND 19'73 CADILLAC Sedan de automattc. One 0 w n e l' . after 4. haust, runs perfect, spot. Larry. chairs, toables, brie.a.brac. day, 905. flM Grayton. SALE Ville, :U.OOOoriginal miles, $1,600. 885-8438. 76 CADILLAC Coupe de Vdlle, less body, low mileage. 118--CARS WANTED All cheap. Thursday an~ GARAGE SALE, 10 Wdllison, Dequindre and 12 Mile Road mint, loaded, $3,200. Ga. 1971 PINTO. automatic, radio, loaded, 19,000 rno]es, ga. $1,595 or offer. 526-8429. Saturday, l-4. No sales Fri. Thursday, Friday, Satur. Sunday June 5 thru Sunday raged. 886.8852.. heater, 75,000 miles, good '>' TO IUY raged. 886..,.,..... -1971 VEGA. Runs. Body day. 441 Fisher across from day, 1<1-6. June 12 weekdays 10 a.m. tires; $350 or best offer. 1975 MUSTANG II, 20 mpg, . needs repair. Call after 6. football field. ------to 9 p.m. Sundays 12 noon 885-7474. 1970 CHEVY wagon-1974 en. VOLKSWAGENS automatic, power steering, 886-0148. ------RUMMAGE SALE-Ice box, 10 5 p.m. Free admission, AM.FM. $2,300. 296'()306. gine, full power, air. Needs WANTED CHINESE carved chair and oak table, and 4 dEairs, free, parking. 1973 MUSTANG Grande. 45,- some work. First $400. 886. 1974 VEGA GT Hatchback. Highest Prices Paid marble inlaid lamp stand. other misc. Wednesday, 1973 PONTIAC Station Wag. 000 miles, V-8autom'atic. 7023 after 5. WOOD MOTORS V.W. $2,100. 822-5'778. 4 speed. Excellent condi. Chinese lamp, solid bl'3sS June 8. 5929 Bishop, 882. A PAIR of reeded bannister on Grand Safari, 9 passen. tion. 885-6625 after 6 p.m. Gratiot" at 8 Mlle 372.2600 chandelier converted from 3273. back side chairs. Interested ger. .B ur gun d y, power 1976 CHEVETTE, automatic, 1973 DART Swinger, dark AM.FM 8 track, new tires, STOP! Don't jonk that car. oil. Other' items. 331.8633. FIRST ANNUAL block ga. dealers, collectors call 822- steering/,brakes/door locks. 1973 98 OLD8-All power, Call Bill for estimate. 885. ------3387 evenings. brown tan v.myl top and brakes, tune. up, good mile- 2 SCHWINN girl's bikes. 20" rage sale - '3ntlque9 to 45,000 miles. Original own. interior. 6 cy<1inder auto. age. $2.900. 882.3813. extras. Excellent condition. 2221. er. $2,395. 882.9085 between ~o rust. Steel belted tires. with training wheels and junk. 10 famd1ies using ELEGANT hand carved side matic, AM.FM, power 8-4 $2.650. 884.6986 or 571. Stingray conversion, 'also front yards -and garages on board buffel. Over 200 p.m. steering, power brakes. 1973 MACH IV, showroom llC-BOATS AND 1550. MOTORS 24", Excellent condition. Hillcrest (1 block .south of years old. Also, complete 1966 CHEVELLE super sport rear defogger, only 15,000 condition. Low miles. Ga. miles on steel belted rad. rage kept. Loaded. Must 884-5636. Moross) between Picke and brass fireplace set. Besl convertible. 40,000 miles, 1971 FORD Custom 500-4- RHODES 19' keel 4 sails. Ex. Williams. 9-3 Saturday. offer. 839-6472. il'.~s. Regular ma.antenance, sell. 886.6955. GARAGE SALE -Saturday. new motor and trans., only 1 owner, good shape, door sedan, ,V.8, power cellent outboard. Cradle Sunday after 10 a.m. Cloth. GARAGE SALE - Old casb needs paint, best offer. good mileage, good buy, 1969 'CHRYSLER Newport steering, only 55,000 miles, and cover. Extras. Have . f 'ture register, $25. Violin, $30. BOOKS. All second ,hand and well maIntained, clean new boat-must sell. 822. 1 1976 Chevelle super sport, $1,450. 719'()128af,ler 4 p.m. custom 4 door. New front es. app lances, urm . Life Magazines, etc.. etc. rare books plus old maga. tires. $495. After 6 p.m. $850. One owner. 889-0448. 7979. 5266 Kensington. June loth and 11th, 16-5. zines .. 'h price from now 30,000 miles, one owner, all CUTLASS S 14, air, new 886.3386. original. best offer. After 1974 GOLD DUSTER. 6 cylin.. - ANTIQUE rope bed, 1840, 290 Ridgemont. thru Sunday, June 12, 10 radials, r ad i 0, power der, automatic, AM.FM 24 FOOT Sea Ray 1968. 250 6 p.m. 331-2401.' steering/brakes. 881-6380. FORD '72, Custom 500 4 door. Pristine condition, $150. MOVING SALE _ Washer, a,m. to 6 p.m. daily. 214 air, Ziebart and extr:as. Ex~ h.p. $4,5O().8ll6.3371 or 889- Bagley, Michigan Theatre il Very good condition, $700. Oak spindle rock, 1185, $45. dry"r misc"l1aneous bouse. 1976 CHRYSLER New Yorker 19H CHARGER SE 388, pow- cellent for graduation or 0307. Building, Downtown De. 884.4199. 885.6604. hold items. Books. Friday, Brougham. All options in. er brakes, power steering, number one car. $2,495. 882 MICHAEL'S BOAT troit. cluding Ziebart. 331-2309. air, new steel radials. Best 1973 BUICK Century wagon. PROFESSIONAL electronic June 10, Saturday, June 11, 1145. RE.FINISHING offer. 881-0984 after 6 p.m. Power steering, brakes, debugging equipment. Make 10.5 p.m. 16403 Manning, LARGE BAYRE bronze tiger, 1976 LINCOLN Town Coupe, 1972 THUNDERBIRD - Air, All types of boat work. H!lll sure your phone is safe. Detroit. 839-0643. $2,000. 823-4550. air A'M.FM radio. Excel. fully equipped. $7,500. 822- 1974 MUSTANG II, automatic lent condition. Call 9.6;30, AM.FM stereo, recent tune, paintings, bollom paintilJg. Private. 343-0075. KENMORE GAS dryer, lI'11 '-ARTICLES WANTED 2866. V.6. Power steering, FM. 886.0257. up. $1,850. 881-4003. staining and varnish work GARAGE SALE _ 365 Me. features, still in warranty. Excellent condildon. 881. E DE ELEGANCE _ Call Michael, 889-0406 be. TOP $$ paid for color TVs. 1976 CHEVROLET Malibu 0141 -afler 6 p.m. 1971 CHRYSLER Newport, UP I Kinley. Antiques, rummage _88S-_5984__ • _ CO fore noon. Needing repairs. 774.9380. Classic, 6 passenger wagon, power steering, power 1974. Excellent condition 1974 OLDS 98 Regency 4 door. New tires, battery. Velour and collectab.1es. Bra s s SCHWINN Collegiate 5-speed .air' roof.rack extra clean. brakes other extras. Sin. ELECTRON:12, center board, WANTED TO BUY-furni. power, air. cruise, 34,000 interior. $4,400. 465.2207 bed; iron 'and brass bed; boy'.s, 22" frame, 26" wheel, $4,200. 882.5805. gle ownership. Excellent fiberglass .s3Jilboat. Wood. square oak table; glass- good condition, $45.00. 824- miles. Must sell. 881.8659. ture.' 1 piece or whole condition. 884.3018. en hydroplan'e, home buill. " .' ware; silver; Clwistmas 2932 house, glassware, dishes, 1973 CAPRI, sun roof, stereo, 1973 DODGE T100 Van. 6 , decorations; toys, knick' decor group, Michelin tires, 1974'1.: MG ROADSTER. Ex. '71 SEDAN de Ville, once cylinder, automatic. cus Motorized surf board. 12 I odds and ends, paperback cellent condition. AM-FM, ,• knacks. Collectables from ICE CREAM chairs, TU 2- 4 speed, V-6, $1,400. 839- great - needs body work, tom interior, stereo. Must ft. 882.5666. books, old guns, old toys. radials, rust proofed. 28,000 ,I families and 3 generations. 3821. 6052. $350 or best olier. 882-3395 see. 881-0832. , Friday 10-4. Saturday 10.4. _ 774-4399. mdles. $3,000. 521-4257. 17 FOOT Thistle Class sail. , after 3:30. 1972 DODGE Polara Custom No pre-sales. Everything TAKE YOUR GRANDClULD WILL BUY garnet jewelry 19'73 B U ,I C K Luexus. Low boat-2 sets sails,spina~er 1977 BONNEVILLE. Loaded. Excellent condition, 51,000 must go. TO SWITZERLAND July and small diamonds. VA mileage, factory air, stereo 1972 DODGE Polara, 4 door and cover, former Nation. 114-1123. , miles. $1,650. 881-9387. 24-August 8. Expert care of 3-4888 or PR 6-8976. tape. Lots of extras. $2,300. hardtop, power steering, als Contender. 882.6472., TWO LADIES' Free Spirit youth provided _ Luxury power brakes. Excellent SHOTGUNS and rifles want- Call 'after 7. 886-6512. 1971 OLDS Cutlass Supreme. 1973 CADILLAC Fleetwood CHRYSLER Charger 186, 17 26" bicycles, good condition, Hotel - heated Pool, tennis, condition, $950. 884-0327 ed. Parker, Fox, Smith, Fao~ry air, automatic, Ex- All options. Mint condition ft. 120 h.p. Outboard with $40 each. 881.2532. hiking, indoor lice skating, after 3. Winchester and others. Pri. 1972 MERCEDES Benz 2,50;- cellent mechanical condi. Ziebarted. G 0 Ide n tan power tdm and tm. A'lI DINtING ROOM set, 6 chairs, recreation arena, to u r s . vate collector. 478.3437. Excellent condition. Load. tion. Body needs work. COUPE de Ville, '76, loaded, Cream. vinyl toP. tA)oks, options. Premium, condi. buffet China cabinet, elec. 884-1672or 882-1812. -"--'-'--- - _._~.. - ed. 779-9422. $950. 886-5893 'afler .5. white with red leather, $7,' drives like new. See and t,:on. TraBer with brakes. WANTED: China. ----Minton, , tric stove. excl?'lIent condi. 90PIECE dining room Bet, 1971 CADILLAC Coupe de 1972 CHEVROLET station 200. 886-0681 or 939-5653. buy. 885-8958. Well 'Bvailable. $4,500. 839- Hampshire pattern. Bread 0662. : ~ion. TU 5-1668. beauWul walnut, perfect Ville. 44,000 miles. Mint wagon, 9 passenger. AD.r, and butter plates, sman 1960JAGUAR XK.I5OC Road- 1974 OLDS Delta 88 2 door, : GARAGE.MOVING SALE - condition, $375. 171-5143. . I afle power steering, power ,'bowls and serving pieces. condition. $2,195. Cal r brakes, steel radials, 45,000 ster-with overdrive. Com. low mileage, air condition SUNFISH - Good ~ondition. : Wednesday, Thursday. Fri .. MULTI ..FAMILY Garage sale VA 1-3092. 6 p.m. 886-'7751. 'miles. Exl.'eYent ~ondition. pletely original. Excellent ing, power brakes/steer complete and ready to sell. : day. 11072 Courville. 10.4. _ Adult clothes, toys, furn. condition. ,Inquiries. Phone ing, good condition, $2,500 Must sell now! Brand new 1970 PONTIAC LeMoans, V'8, $1,295. 886-5530. rutter and seaboard. $300. : . MOVING SALE - Lots of iture and misc. goods. WANTED: Electric trains. 616-256-9450. TU 1-7552. 350 4 door, air, power 1974 LUXURY LeMans. AU, 886.9535.. , furniture and miscellaneous .June' 9, 10, 11. 10 to 5. f243 886-5157. 'brakes, power steering, stereo, low miles, mUi:h '75 FORD Country Squire- 1977 COUGAR XR.7-Loaded, : item'S with some 'lIntiques. Grayton. No pre~ues. TALL GIRLS clothing, size new exhaust system, new more. Must sel[. $2,8.50 or Loaded. Many extras, low electric sunroof. $9,000 i971 THOMPSON - 17!},' : June 10 and 11, 10 a.m. to 14 or 16. 1.794-4444. tires and more. Excellent ff 881-3334 mileage. 882-3705. list, $7,500. 886-2448 eve- fiberglass. 125 h.p. Evin SPECTACULAR 4 familyga. ~ 2 p.m. 711 B'lIl!our. condition. $750. 885-7212. 0 cr. . nings. rude. Trailer. $1,995. 719 r08ge sale. 294 Lincoln. In. NEWLYWEDS despentely 1970 STATION WAGON Pon. , • UPRIGHT FREEZER, not CHEVY VAN 19'76 - $4,400 1784.,_ ; door and outdoor furniture, need wicker, rattan or barn. tiac, air., luggage rack, FORD 1967 Galaxie 500-2 frost free, used 18 months, 1976 OLDSMOBILE 98 Re or best offer. Call after 5. sports equipment, clothing boo couch. Will refinish. gency-Very low mileage 37U1661. clean. 882-8283.' door hardtop, V.8, automa. LASER SAILBOAT #3714 $140. 776.2702after 5. and jew~, paintings, ,Jug- tic, power steering, excel- Fine condition.' Car top 882.2197. extra clean. 713-7124. \0,' I 4 nn carr.ier. $895. 886.9475. ~ GROUP GARAGE SALE - gage, children's needs, and 1975 CHRYSLER C u s tom BURGUNDY and WUtle '" lent contUtion. $695 or best 10 to 4. June 9, 10, 11. 200l nUsc. househOld !items. Fri. WANTED: Size HI maternity 1969 MUSTANG, 29,000 miles Newport. 4 door hardtop, Lincoln Continental. Load. offer. 886-7274. 1974 BOSTON WHALER., ~7 Country Club Dr. day, Saturday, Sunday. clothes. Baby due Novem- $675. TU 1.2098. a,ir conditioning, power ed. Best. oHer. 343-0293. ber. Phone 884-1672. Judy. 1973 IMPALA Custom Coupe. fr. Catamaran, 85 horse ALLEY SALE - 10 a.m. to GIANT GARAGE SALE '73 DODGE Polara Custom steering, brakes, AM.FM, 1973 CORVETI'E convertible. V-8, ~utomatic, air, power Johnson. fully equipped 5 p.m. Saturday, June 11 Saturday, June 11, 9 to 5. ELEC'f.RIC roaster. '174.3256. 2-door ,hardtop air, stereo new tires. $3,395. 886-5256. Execllent condition. 331- steering and brakes. AMI Like new. 343(1150. I 2 steamer trunks, poker vinyl top and more. Clean DUSTER-1973 Honey Gold. 6642 or 8116-6951. only. Behdnd the Squirrels INDOOR 'exercising bicycle FM. $1,595. Call after 6. 14' O'DAY JAVEL.IN a~d : Nest, 19849 Mack. Nuttiest tab Ie, photo developer, 886.3806. 46,000 easy mues. 6 eylin- , with speedometer. TU 884.7054. tr3!iler. Like new. 1-7~4 I i Bargains ever. men's the r mo cam,ping , del', power~, auto., ¥ER~UR,Y" 1971 wagon! 3~,-; boO\5I'< girl's: e104he5; (~~ \t3v~K:n9>; :;:0 i 1968 DEL~~;:> gpq4~onjii i trans., vdnS'1- oiOp,'( At:elltl U '00lr I"tnifes, power, ~no,W1 1973 MGB.'.:NEW.i to~\.J*lf.":~':\'~~; i \ l!XTENSION hilder, 32 fl., 1% and 14). Toys,1ncludibg tion. $250. 'tU'6-249S.- . : tires ~nd; bt.akes. ':. $1,500. ; tires '. :!lnli' wheels. Very FM.r.-UD4e.t;eoateci., ExC&h Q ~ ~YS-J,. 'i~}~'; sailbrtt, 10A~OTORCYCLES lent,'conclition~' 1-'184-534.3.'-" "1.975. ilYh.p. SaJlor mot r ,wood. ExcelIent condition. roc kin g horse, smail 1975'CAMARO, - 'air, - power. ; ~~ •. ' .;.,; •.-'",,', ,;,~JeaJl .• -.5666., " '884.2676. . , c., "FOR SALE . Fully equipped. 371.4581 . r Schwinn .bike, books, and steering/brakes, FM;.8 cyl- 1916 BLAZER Cheyenne V-a, '76 GRAND PRIX, tr,iple 1970. FIAT Spyder convertl. 772.3700. Harry.. ' i FANTASTIC 3O-family Ga- games, etc .• ete. 962 Berk- 1974 HONDA, CB 125. Like ,inder, 10,500 mofies. Excel 350 cr, 4 wh~l drive, cruise 'black, Hurst roof, loaded, ble. 1,900 miles. Best offer , rage Sale, Friday, June 10. shire. new. $350. After 5, 884. lent condition. $4,000. 886 control, AM-FM radio, tilt rust proofed, low mileage. over $1,300. ~6271. MYERS. 12 foot alumin* 2872. 9-3 336 Merriweather be. 0 K FFICE d k "'''l< 4 4979 steering rally w h eel s After 6, 881-4493. boat, 5'h horsepower Jo r- . heavy duty springs and 1972 JAVELIN SST. Power son 'and 18 horsepow tw~en Charlevoix ' Sport. 886-2665. All extras. After 5:30, 521. radio. Good condition. One Sleeps 8. Low miles. Exc'1' 5. of caning. Free estimates, air'. power steering/brakes. I 4546 console, bucket seats, clean, 1963 CHEV NOVA, stick shift, . owner. $2.300. 881-0508 lent condition. $9,000 qr 474-8953. 1973 DODGE Tradesman - 6 . best offer. 331.2767. ANTIQUES and mjs~eNane. cylinder, automatic, power. low mileage, $795. Best . excellent tires, decent body .11974 BUICK Apollo 4 door. 1971 FORD Torino 302 V.B. ous items. Satui'day-Sun. KENNARY KAGE flea mar. steering, full custom, excel. of{er. 886-5698. nms absolutely perfect.!~ Power s tee r i n g. 27,000 Fair condition. $300. 886 12-SUBURBAN day, 12.1. 46023 M.ilc Drive. ket, every Saturday only, lent conrlition. $2,995. 774. Only 63.000 miles. $195. miles. Like new. 18 miles 2134. ACREAGE 9 to 5 p.m. Come sell your 1969 PLYMOUTH 2 door 526-8429. per gallon. 881.6299. 5287 after 5. Fury. 886-3854. RANGE - G.E. double oven antiques and junk with us 1976 ELDORADO Convertible. 2 PARCELS on Black River wit h built.in rotisserie. PINTO 75, Runabout, four DODGE Station wagon, 1972 Dealer space avai1'able, if AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE brand new. no mileage. near Broswell. 10% down. Good c:'ondition. $175. 885. CADILLAC. 1975 Sedan de speed, trans, wide sleel _ power steering and interesled call 882-4396.4928 as' low as $33.15 for 6 loaded with tape deck. 8% % land contract. In. 9232. Vi':le. By owner. Powder radia' mag wheels. ex. brakes. air. luggage rack. cludes oil and gas rights. Cadieux at East Warren months. Call Chesney Insur. blue, w hit e toP. wlUte cellent cor.dition. $2,100. $865. TU 2.9362. White exterior. Red and 4x6 FT. MIRROR, Baldwin 'ance Agency for your over leather ;jn~erior. full power. 882.3716. w hit e leather interior. Parcel 1-7 acres. woode4. organ. mahogany bachelor ENGLISH Antiques - Grand. the phone quotation. 884. c r u i s e, s~ereo, sentinel 1976 CHEVROLET Monza Sharp. $15,500. 885-5453. river on 2 sides. $15.000. chest, bright green Armori father clock. Long case 5337. lights. Many extras. 34,000 1971 MONTE CARLO. Clean. Towncoupc _ 4 cylinder. Parcel 2-26 acres. well. 1984 MERCURY Convertiblc. approximately Ih mile Qf chest, 2 tables for basement clock with oak and mahog. mi':es. Must .'iee to appreci. Good condit,:on. Power (60,000 miles) factory 1975 D 0 D GEM 0 n a c 0 Mint condition until recent river frontage. woode9. or cottage. After 12 nGOD. oany case, 30 hour ,move. ate. $5,900. 886-0594. steerJng, brakes, defogger. warranty), 5 speed, factory Brougham station wagon. rear damage. Parts or car 870 Blairmoor off Wedge. ment. Circa 1820. Victorian radio, new tires. Only 53,000 air. AM.FM stereo tape, $40,000. 1313.984-5094. , to highest bidder. 881.7798. I furniture. Circa 1837. 2 Vic. Full power, stereo tape NEEDS GOOD HOME, 19'73 miles. $1,000. 881-8986. undercoated, many extras. wood. deck low mileage. Excel. 12A-SUBURBAN : tor.ian pine washstands. Chevrolet Suburban, stick, 1964 OLDSMOBILE F-85. 4 $2,550. (Must s~ll). Days 1976 SUNBIRD, 5 speed, sun HOME KENMORE ~ectric dryer, Beautiful grandfather chair, lent condition. After 6 p.m. pom-traction. power steer. door sed.a n. Automatic, 827.2818, evemngs 881- ing, power brakes, good 0987 roof, radials with rally mint condition, $100. 331. mahogany frame. George 155.0199 or 754-7997. IDEAL SUMMER or perma~. condition. Must sacrdfice. power steering. Runs fine. I . wheels. Many extras. Mint 2378. IV 1820 needlework and condition. Best offer. 871. ent home on Lake Huron. TORONADO '74, blue, cruise. 881.7534. $125. 886-6384. . 1970 VOLVO 144, very good II) FOOT slate snooker pool leather c8ndle screen. Very vel 0 u r upholstery, tilt 8500, ext. 334. Port Sanilac area. 13~' unusual brass fender, cop- wheel. No rust or scratch. 1971 MONTE CARLO. .4.uto 1970 PONTIAC Lemans. Good condition, $2,400 or best fron~age. Very scenic. can table, cherry wood. excel. CLASSIC 1951 MG, like new, per kettle Victorilln Bric.a. es. Needs nothing. $3,325. matic. a.ir, AM.FM. condition. $1,200 or best ~~~:~, ~a~~m~7378, showp Paul Van Dyke Realty Dent condition. $1,500. 778- $850: $10,200. Lou Corte, 772.8050. 5028. Brac. 881.1286. 884.3736 885-8438. offer. 822-9676 after 6 p.m. agent 376-4326


n .. ,~._~4 •. ~ t,"4 .. ,.r;" .... ~',. •• " " t " ... t:""~~" ;,...~. f .. f.. '_'.' .., . _.....__~..''!'.J~_ L .'_ ~____'.' _~'~_"~:"'''~''''''''_!'f¥'hhft;U''''4_. • ....:z..~;...... t;-...;;~ezc!;( _ ...;' ...., .... ,.";,..,.;,, ..•. ~ 1:, ....' .'.,w' ~,'"="" .."y ~,."~ ."i£t+-.+>Li"' ',-' '''''~'''''' "-'it." -. '@'c'ttrt e' rI' 'F': L...~".,. . • r.'; .•.:!. Thursd.y. June 9. 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Seven \.r l~SU'UR'AN 12D-LAKE & RIVER , 13-REAL------ESTATE------13-REAL ESTATE _._------,-"t 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE--- 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HOME PROPERTY FOR SALE 'FOR SALE - NEAR HARBOR' BEACH on 2-WOODED LOTS in Ellt ST. CLAIR SHOISES, 20850 ST. CLAIR on the Lake. ',,' Lake Huron - just two Tawas near Tawas Lake', CHAMPION Crowley, 'large Ranch, 3 Luxurious condo overlook. Grosse Pointe Real Estate i" hours from Grosse Poinli. sewer. $4,000 each. 821. bedrooms, IIh baths, 3 ing beautiful Lake St. Clair. fireplaces, 19lhx181h fam. 3 bedrooms, 21h baths, na. OPEN SUNDAY 2:30.5 ':,:~:~:ti::w~~':~~~~~. i1y room. $54,300. 886-1190. tural fireplace, attached co. ,', Can be purchased fur- LAKE HURON 0/.. acre lot, THE HOME WARRANTY PEOPLE Dished or unfurnished. For north of Grand Bend On. garage, terrace, 24' balcony FIRST OFFEJUNG -1450 HAMPTON - Don't ,ale by 'owQer .. ShowJl:by brio. Offers invited, 'Yan. off bedrooms, many desir. miss this delighlful three bedroom IIh story appointment 'only. 1.517- chuk. 822.2334. able features. Upper SO's. house. Living room with fireplace, dining Appoinlment only. 293.89'5. L arid large family room with fireplace. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 •79-6481 or771.~73. ST. CLAIR ANIEL Beautifully decorated throughout. Low 40's, Stop in and visit us 12a--VACATION Located on ~autiful wooded 1343 Berkshire, 4 bedroom, newer PROPERTY' lot in North end. 4 bed. SPACIOUS RANCH 234 McKINLEY - New England Charm and 1046 Yorkshire. 4 bedroom, garage apartment room, 3 balh home, fire. By Owner quality in this 4 or 5 bedroom, 2 bath 1215 Audubon, 5 bedroom, English Tudor Colonial. First Floor lav. and a nice den or YEAR - AROUND vacation place and family room. Charming entrance, Jarge living room, formal dining 482 St. Clair, 4 bedroom, conQominium children's dining room, Finished basement ,',; home. Fishing, hunting, $69,500. room. Very large breakIoast room and GE kdtchen. 2002 Roslyn, 5 bedroom, multi.level Recreation room and a perfect laundry set snowmobiling. Two .. bed. AH built.ins. Paneled library, 3 large bedrooms, 434 McKinley, 3 bedroom, Colonial ,1'~ rooms, bath, living room SOLID BRICK 4 bedroom up. Early occupancy. Priced at $64,500. 2 extra sized baths. 211.1 car garage. Must be seen 1799 Kenmore, 3 bedroom, Bungalow ~" with brick fireplace, kitch. home on Clinlon Street, 1156 Nottingham, 4 bedroom, Colonial to - appreciate. Mint condition. Low 90's. 1000 YORKSHIRE-<1ne of the most CHARM- en, dining area. Complete. $39,500. Appointment Only ING COLONIALS we have ever o£fered. Sl) Mapleton, 2 bedroom"Cutie 1446 Nottingham. 3 bedroom, Bungalow ~y furnished. Part base. ON THE st. Clair River, 886-1408 Situated on two beautifully landscaped lots ment, 10x12 storage sbed, just north of town. 3, bed- that assure utmost privacy-Five bedrooms, 1458-60Lakepoiflte, 5.5, Flat on 11,2 lots four miles from rooms, 2 baths. $79,500. three and one half baths. Tastefully deco. Glennie. Call (517) 874-4337 BEAUCHAMP REALTORS rated throughout and priced under $100,000. :,; 8fter 5 p.m. 1.329-4755 SUPER HOUSE-GROSSE POINTE SHORES HARPER WOODS-19l05 KINGSVILLE-Spar- Private swimming pool and deck area touch off '!WANTED - Large cottage, ST. CLAIR RIVER - Near Grosse Pointe Real Estate kUng three bedroom bungalow. 2 down, 1 the elegant feeling throughout this exceptional ,r:, Southern Michigan, near River Dislrict Hospital, 3 large up. Full basement. Great starter or residence. Many bedroom suitcs have attached Lake Michigan part of . bedroom, 1 floor horne; retirement home. Two blocks from major balh and fireplace. Paneled library with cozy fire. August. 882-9540. 17'2" x 31'6" living room co. ,\-' bus line. $25,500. place. Family room fantastic. Home has old fash. ''''UKE MICHAYWE-Wooded with fireplace, 3 large bed. ioned plaster work. You must see to appreciate. rooms; 2 baths; modern NEWER COLONIAL ST. CLAIR SHORES-21911 MARKS COURT- One year $100 deductible warranty included in - goll course lot. Reasonable. Sharp thre'e bedroom Ranch. One and one. 1-338.2661. kitchen; 91' lot w/steel Is it the newer feeling your searching for-and if asking price, breakwall; 2450 sq. ft. liv- you're willing to pay just a little more-this is it! half baths, Florida room, full basement, two 121),.;..LAK'E & RIVER ing area with large at. Attached garage. four bedrooms, naturally a fam. car attached garage, Located off Avalon on a shady court. Mid 30's. .,_. PROPERTY tached garage. $87,500. ily room. Large lot-ready for you to move into VERY RARE this week if you like. We are pleased to announce a price reduc. ~I\LGONAC AREA - spend tion on this lovely 4 bedroom Condominium. BEAUTIFUL FRENCH COLONIAL .;J, your summer vacation in ED SASS SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT This is one of the loveliest complexes in ',. your own year .. round • Plus a garage apartment! There are four good sized bedrooms, two with a sun deck plus three FIRST OFFERING-1029-31 MARYLAND-Excellent the Pointes and the condition of each unit horne on the water. with proves it. Our unit is being sold to facilitate .- view of 2 channels, 120 feet REALTOR bath rooms. Huge fayer plus. vestibule apens onto brick Six 8< Six, two family flat. Crllod rental reo 29x16 living room with beautiful fireplace. How turn. Separate basements and heating units. Lower the owners next move to a larger home. If ,l,' on the, water six bed. st. C}air Office you appreciate hand crafted beams and dark .b rooms," 'garage, 'boathouse. Phone (313) 329-9003 long would you say we'll have this listing for was owner occupied and is now vacant. Priced sale? You'll also be pleased to know its guaran- at $33,900 to settle estate. stained oak floors, you'll flip over this. .'1 $49,900. A!so others. Marme City Office Priced in mid 50's. An exceptional value. ~'i Phone (313) 765-4013 teed with our one year limeted warmnty which is included in the asking price, Call us now, now! FIRST OFFERING - Super three bedroom, 2 bath, PEARL BEACH Family Room. Priced at $41,900. FiRST OFFERING 12E-COMMERCIAL Large, comfortable English Colonial .on "r~/ REALTY PROPERTY FIRST OFFERING-Detroit-Grayton-Brick bunga. quiel, heavily wooded Audubon Road. Five -,',;~ HWY.>r-29, ALGONAC , low, beautiful condition. Large livin'g room with spacious bedrooms, three baths and two 'I, 1.794.3445 116254, 12 MILE RD., Groes. 882-0087 fireplace, dining room, updated kitchen and bath, h~lf baths. Two natural fireplaces, library, ,CHALET of outstanding qual. b~ck, 5 acres .. Multiple, 2 good size bedrooms and expansion attic. Car. Mutschler kitchen. paneled recreation room 7! ity on lake between Petos. fight for sboppmg center. peted thruout, new roof, aluminum trim, garage. and two car garage with electric opener. Ii;. key.Harbor Sp ri n g S , in TU 5-4364. Grosse Pointe Real Estate $19,900. Excellent condition. If you appreciate the ,. priv8te, woode~. setting. CORNER KERCHEVAL and traditional Grosse Pointe style of living, BERKSHIRE-HANDSOME' ENGLISH' with magnifi . you'll fall in love with lhis one. Don't dela)', .'\, Plank ~herry liv~g room Beaconsfield. 6 apts. plus cent pegged flooring thruout first floor. Sweep- .. a!,d kitchen, split slone 3 storllS. One store for co. see this home quickly because it will sell - ing staircase leadiny to fi'l,e bedrooms and three in a hurry for $6!l,750. (Includes our one ,~, fU'l!Place.. l~eal «a~ut for rent. Good income! Why baths. MANY EXTRAS including an exceptional year warranty.) . couple thinkwg retireJJle~t, not make an offer to.day. The Community Builders recreation room with natural fireplace. . p!e!1ty of r.oom for family Yanchuk 822.2334. VISitS. Furmshed or unfurn- 1344 SOMERSET-Solid Brick two family flat with 5 BEDROOM UNDER $60,000 ish.ed. Two bedroom guest VACANT - Grosse Pointe. three bedrooms in each unit. Separate furnaces Impossible? Please call us about this one. We're "I cabin with acreage also Mini..News Business site~ and hot water heaters. Excellent investment prop. proud to offer such a wonderfully consu:ucted available. (616) 347.2844. Terms .. Parker. TU 5-4415. erty-PRICED TO SELL. residence The craftsmanship throughout IS suo perb! There's also a country kitchen, a beautiful 12E-COMMERCIAL PROPERTY 23240 SHOREVIEW-ST. CLAIR SHORES-Immacu- family room. You can even sectian off 2 bedrooms Schweitzer late 3 bedroom Ranch on one of the nicest streets and a bath for mother or father.in.law or guests. in St. Clair Shores. Priced in the low thirties! GROSSE POINTE PARK New carpeting - matching stove, refrigerator, A great family horne. 3 story office building with elevator. Excellent invest- NEW OFFERINGS washer and dryer. TYPICAL PARK VALUE , ~.' ment. 12% net, priced $67,500. Terms. . Priced in mid forties and worth far more. First .~ floor has living room. dining room, kitchen with GEORGE PALMS REALTORS OPEN SUNDAY 2. 5 eating space, study and lavatory. Three bedroom.> 886-«44 CHAMPION -master with fireplace and bath on 2nd floor. 'I' 1300 NORTH OXFORD Third floor has fourth bedroom and lavatory. You Four bedroom farm colonial with 'a very .!argEJ Rachel Clark Shirley Kennedy really shouldn't purchase any house in this price ~'~.:13-REAL ESTATEF01t SALE private yard. Well .insUlated. Formal dining Sally Clarke Lorraine Kirchner range without considering this very substantial room. Screened porch. Partitioned base- Ann Dingeman Evelyne Rupp and elegant home. Owner anxious for offer. ~1' ; ment. Attached 2 car garage. Dorothy Healy Mary Walsh GROSSEPOINTE WOODS 886-5800 Catherine Champion, Broker .' :-"'! ~ . ",' ,'•. ",;",j (' ~ ,.::,' ~''':.~'-'~, ..'~' ~"i\l',i l ' p, ,~IB.ST :OFEElUNG ,... - ... H',OC; 14?J J~OC!:1~O~.R:'BLY~.li:21i,;>' I ,QRENoSUiWDAY'.G1:-Qr'i-' -";",,, , t"J8~:~l?7~,~'cc,:~~~."'"::'\ 1_~~ ~~r~heva\ ' i', .: GROSSE POINTE 'FARMs-:-.'McKinley .-, '." -_ .. - .. - Priced about eight thousand below compar. .:! .... , / ~t~SJ'~qfF,E,~ING'~.~jOW,~~R~.,:. '<, r .'\ 2 ?~l., d ~i'Ji~jb~~~~o:~~~~~"Jil)j~i' I ,/I' H' \"" able houses on this street, you'll be sur- '.;, Large center entrance colonial, attached 2 car garage, room, large family room, fireplace, fifst prised at the value. Owner desires a fast t 3 bedrooms, 21,2 baths, living room, dining room, floor laundry. Attached 2 car garage. Quiet sale-which is your gain. 3 bedrooms, one large kitchen, family room, first floor laundry street .with little traffic. an a hall baths plus TV room. A must see. , and rec room. Completely redecorated throughout. 886.4200 Kidney shaped pool and complete cabana. Many PURDY & TOLES CUTE-COMPACT-COMFORTABLE extras. No agents. IN THE WOODS FIRST OFFERING-Extremely fine English in Grosse Beautifully maintained 3 bedroom Bungalow with Three belkoom home with central 'w condition- central air conditioning. Two car garage, recrea. 886-0398 ing. BeauLiful1y landscaped yard. Two full Pointe Park. Sprinkler system, almost new car- tion room and Ph baths. Lot backs up to beautiful baths and a powder room. Formal dining peting, updated kitchen, great breakfast room Ghesquire Park. Close to bus line and within plus 4 bedrooms, sun room and recreation room. room, family room, two mreplaces. Attached walking distance from major shopping center. 2 car garage. All for $59,500.-Buy Of The Week! 886-5800 Heats for only $26 per month. Priced in mrd. FIRST OFFERING-599 RIVARD: forlies. Don't miss this value! SELLING YOUR HOUSE? Charming Farm Colonial with an attached ga. ~ ~ I TWO BEDROOMS "IN" STREET IN THE WOODS rage, large modern kitchen, family room, 4 bed. They buy them, fix them up, make dream homes Then think about this ... rooms and 21,2 baths-this is only the begiiwing. Three bedroom brick ranch. Modem kitchen with dish. of them, sell them. make a lot of money, QUY Who bette~ than you can show your own washer and dispos.al. Beautiful finished basement Recreation room, great yard and carpeting-sen- another home, etc .• etc. "They" are the founda. house - really point out its advantages, its with a bath. Two car garage. sational. Also, Buy Of The Week-Won't Last! tion of our Grosse Pointe young buyers group. 886-4200 We couldn't do without them. So come on. bache- " nooks and cranriies, and its good points? OPEN SlJNDA Y 2:30 to 5:00- 33 SOUTH DEEPLANDS: lor, or bachelorette. young couple-who ever you Grosse Pointe homeowners are lucky-most of IN THE PARK Amazing house in an ideal location. Includes Cen. are. This liny horne needs some love right now, Five bedroom .brick colonial on 'a large lot. Form-a[ our houses don't need "selling", they just need tral Air-security System-FaU Out Shelter and dirJing room, huge Boil'conditioned family room BARGAIN! features 3 bedrooms, 2lh baths down plus 4 bed. ~. exposure. equipped for enter Iawing. paneled Ilibrary. Two Beautifully maintained Grosse Pointe Bungalow. rooms and 2 baths up. Family room and Florida If fireplaces. Recreat:on' room. Attached '2 car ga. Three bedrooms (with room for two more). P2 you're thinking about selling, and decide room and then add the utility room on the 1st. , i"age. baths, formal dining room, TV room, playroom. <.' to, try "by-owner" first. floor-WoW! [ 886-5800 2 car garage and much, much more. An excep. 1) Have your house independently OPEN SUNDAY 2;30 to 5:00-1350 BERKSHIRE: tional value at only $30,900. appraised. IN THE WOODS Close to schools, shopping and transportation. Ex. Three bedroom brick bungalow on a large picturesque PAYS FOR ITSELF! _ citing 5 bedroom Center Hall Colonial with an If you want a comfortable home. with all of th~ 2) Retain a !awyer. lot. Formal dining room. The (.arge bedroom down updated kitchen. Nice extra room-fantastic yard Grosse Pointe homeowner benefits al a price you can be a fam.;.ly room. Fireplace. Recreatiot;l for all the recreation activities-Good solid house. 3) Then ADVERTISE. room. Two car garage. can handle with ease-DON'T MISS THIS BAR. 886-5800 SHOWN BY APPOINTMENT: GAIN! 5.5 income in exceUent condition. Lovely And remember the NORTH DEEPLANDS-A rambling Early Amer- first floor apartment for 'you. Rent from upper IIat Grosse Pointe ican Colonial with 5 bedrooms, 4 baths and a covers % 's of the low mortgage payments. Priced "For Sale By Owner" OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 family room-Great for the family with 4 or 5 at only $28,500. Newsletter children. DETROIT 1353 CADI EUX ON THE WATER-Il4' lot of lake frontage with su- A very special 3 bedroom home for Detroit em. 881-2044 Four bedroom 2 ban bpick home all carpeted. per boat dock-Sea wall-the works. Features 3 ployees. Newly decorated throughout, beautiful New roof. Fireplace. Screened porch. Pan. master bedrooms plus a family bedroom and a new carpeting. Good room sizes. Call for an eled basement entertainment center. Two 2 bedroom garage apartment. Add a paneled li- appointment today. car garage. brary and huge umty room, 886-4200 ABOUT OUR ERA WARRANTY GROSSE POINTE SHORES-l th story living room for Our ERA one year $100 deductible warranly openers-2 bedroom'11Ouse that's perfect for the A SPECIAL OFFERING is protection when you nced it most. It's 454 McKINLEY single. couple or small family. Beautiful grounds! W€Jl insulated 3 bedroom bnick colonial. New assurance that everylhing You are purchas. carJ:eting. Beautifully landscaped. Screened GROSSE POINTE FARMS-Delightful little Bunga- ing is in proper working order. Look at these NOTHING LIKE IT porch. Basement. Two car garage. low with room for expansion and the 2nd. floor. benefits: 886-4200 2 Bedrooms plus a living room and full dining I. The central heating system _ ANYWHERE! room-Priced for ~mmediate sale. 2. Wall and floor heating units. 3. All types of hot water healers. 2016 ANITA 491 RENAUD-4 bedroom. 2 bath Early American YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT when you discover Three bedroom brick bungalow in ready to movc 4. The elect~ical system. Colonial with Out.of.this.worl

\ " ,i " .. :.~ "1 ...... ; .. :;. ~-" ---" '-..-.-,..-'- ... -,---,.-....-:-" ..... ----.~, • ..-... :r,~ ..... ~ ... ,•._,', .. ;;_"'" " .. ~ .. ... '. '~ .. -...... , -.~ . '. -'I I ' •••• - .' •

Page Twentf.Eighf GROSSE POINTE NEWS Tbursday. June 9. 1977 . 13-REAL ESTATE fOR SALE 13-lEAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE .., WOODS, 1364 Brys. Cape Cod, FIRST OFFERING HARPER WOODS - Grone 1595 FORD COURT - BY OWNER 2 bedrooms, 1~ oaths, den, Pc.inte school!s. 4 bedroom Grosse Pointe Woods QUEEN 2~ car garage. 886.1190. THREE BEDROOM Colonial builtin 1950. Home In brick ranch, 2 baths, rec 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, newly-carpeted, iivm, room with excellent condition and tastefully decorated. Just room, carpeted and pan. fireplace, 16x16 family room, brick patio, $51,500. TRY TH,IS HOME FOR SIZE! what everyone is looking for ... realistic price, eled. Excellent conditdon. Open to offers. '. breakfast room, den. recreation room, convenient 5 bedrooms, 3~ baths, 20' Sun Room, 16,,28 liv. 20428 Van Antwerp. 884- OPE NSUNDAY 2 - 5 - 884-5806 ing room and all in line condition. location, possession before school starts. 1369. Open saturday, Sun. ANIEL day 1-5 p.m. YOUR THREE WISHES! 2100 VAN ANTWERP-Three bedroom Colonial that FARMS - 2 story, 2 bed. has been meticulously maintained by present own. (1) Comfort (2) Location (3) Eye Appeal, granted rooms. 11,02 car garage, ers. A few of the many features that make this GROSSE POI NTE SHORES - -: in this 3 bedroom 3 bath home in the Woods. CLASSIC fenced yard, easy mainten. a special house ... aluminum siding, aluminwn BY OWNER Lovely library and garden. ance. By owner. 92 Muir storms and screens, two and a half car garage, CENTER I Road. 885-6730. nicely finished basement. unusually large bath. HALL 6 Bedroom top quality home on preStigious street , A 14x16 FAMILY ROOM room with vanity. ~ block from lake. 50400sq . .it. of beautifully A real "plus" for any home but equally impor .. COLONIAL maintained living space plus lovely basementi.nd tant are the 3 good sized bedrooms, a large 808 PEMBERTON ... A charming french normandy on one of the Farms love. attached garage. Built in 1970, redecorated 1975. kitchen and formal dining room. Situated on an JOHNSTONE & style home. The old world charm shows in the liest streets. 4 large bed. Many extras. $189,000. established and attractive street in the Woods. living room and dining room which both have rooms. 3 full baths, pow- JOHNSTONE fireplaces. The modern kitchen and family room der room, large living 882-7796 I A PRICE REDUCTION!! Open Sunday 2 - 5 and library add to the livability. room, formal dining room, I Should make this immaculate 3 bedroom brick library, breakfast room, 408 CHALFONTE ... This custom built ranch offers ranch even more appealing than ever. In HARPER 1808 Hampton Mutschler kitchen. Formal WOODS. three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The Master gardens, patio and spaci- bedroon, livin~ room and Florida room has a 379 Hillcrest ous porch. I UNCOMPLETED NEW HOME great view of the golf course and the den has a G. L. _J In Farms, near lake. Larger 4 bedroom 2 bath parquet floor. This home has excellent quality OWNER SELLING 785 Lakeshore throughout. no agents PALMS home with library, family room, butler's pantry. I 886-2080 - I Call for more details. 122 Moran 452 MADISON . . . In the Farms a three ])edroom I I home with a modern kitchen and a finished base. First Offering COMMERCIAL VACANT PROPERTY 458 Moran ment. I Beaconsfield.Eight Mile MARINE CITY Gentle. 340 Kerby r I ! 1589 Newcastle 23 PROVENCAL ROAD ... A large step down living man Farm. 13th acres. ,Near Kerby .and Brownell Schools I room and a charming dining room greet you when Two road frontages, Four 20383 Sunningdale you step inside this most gracious home. There miles from blacktop. Brick Charming brick bungalow featuring large,liv. Wm. W. Queen are three family bedrooms and four maids bed. house, three bedrooms, ing room with natural fireplace, country ! I Park rooms which could be used for the family if you vestibule, family room, kitchen and dining room. paneled den, half I I 886-4141 19846 MACK AVE. so desired. family dining room. Liv- bath, rear stairs, glass enclosed poreh. sec.' : I JOHNSTONE & ing room with fireplace, ond floor-4 bedrooms and 2 baths .. 60 ft. Member Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board I r mud room, tile bath, hard. lot. 2'h car detached garage. Only $58,500. I I JOHNSTONE Danaher and Baer wood floors. 19x40 u~n. ished upstairs with water 1259 WAYBURN-Colonial, 3 bedrooms, }I,~ baths. I REAL ESTATE and heat. Four.car ga- , "$21,000., I . rage.. 30x40 pole barn. j Loadad wit h hardwood If You ARE thinking of Selling L'r: ' ' I, 84 KERCHEVAL trees, more acres avail. ONE FIR~ OFFERING "On The Hill" - CALL US- able. Land contract. $67,' , It OPEN SUNDAY, 2-5 885-7000 500. Julie Doelle George Pail1'ls I I 21134 PARKCREST-Located in finest area of Harper Woods, this 2 bedroom Members Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board 765-8743 Gerard A. Leone Ernest Beck I brick Ranch features a large family room, natural fireplace, central air, Kay Reed Jack Lilly t finished basement with wet, bar, formal dining room, kitchen with lots of eating space, covered patio, new carpeting and much more-Call for your GEORGE PALMS REALTORS ; I personal toW'!! National Association of IndependentFeeApp~aisers ; ,\ 2048 COUNTRY CLUB, Grosse Pointe Woods-This horne has had only one Member I owner. AU brick with aluminum trim for low maintenance. Featured are GROSSE POINTE 886-4444 formal dining room, large living room with natural fireplace, 2 bedrooms ! down, kitchen with lots of eating space, 2nd floor could be finished into Member Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board large bedroom, luD basement mith recreation room, aluminum storms A Family Business For Over A Century.

" and screens, completely fenced yard, 11,02car garage, newly insulated for- The place to live! .~ ,~- ~ow heat cost .•. believe 1976 heat bills totalled only $190 for the year, professiohanIy landscaped yard W1ith 2 dwarf fruit trees. See this one in a hW'ry, truly won't last, priced in low $40's. An outstanding residential community affording the advan- tage of Lake St. Clair, good schools, excellent shopping, estab- , 220 McMILLAN, Grosse Pointe Farms-Prime location, immaculate 3 bed. , lished municipal ,services, and unsurpassed "conveniently I room, Ilh oath Colonial complete with paneled f",mily room, eating space I located" activities for children of all ages. Each one of the I in kitchen and formal dining room, 2~ car garage and stockade fence, BISHOP ROAD-A stunning home !!! 5 family bed. I new roof. offerings below has these features ... and is ready to be i rooms - maids quarters - swimming, poOl- car. ,I 2041 STANHOPE, Grosse Pointe Woods-Just reduced in price, owner wants sold! Save time and confusion. Get the facts from one of our riage house - beautiful grounds - A .HOME TO . BE LOVED AND LIVED IN BY AN ACTIVE I to sell! To believe the value you have to see this immaculate home in consultants today. i person, features include 2 large bedrooms, formal dining room, updated FAMILY I I kitchen, finished basement with wet bar, additional space for more bed. COMING FROM OUT OF TOWN?? NEAR GROSSE POINTE:; , . I rooms on second floor 2-car garage. Don't miss this value packed home! I You should know that we presently Jillve a good variety of homes for. you to 2 FAMILY FLAT-Alter Road, built in 196O-exce.llent I choose from . . . in all price ranges and from small to large homes. For you , 1226 ROSLYN, .Grosse Pointe Woods-Newly carpeted, with updated country condition-2 bedrooms each-family room-separ. t >:~~ to be certain that you receive the benefit of the latest information and service I kitchen, large living room, natural f'U'eplace, 3 bedrooms, IIh baths, full ate furnaces. I from full. time professionals, we suggest you contact our firm. I basement located near transportation and schools, Woods Park bus stops I OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 to 5:00 I on comer for kids. Super value-hurry! Low $4O's. I Example: 4529 HARVARD-Spacious semi.rancll~wel1 maintain- , 2064 OXFORD, Grosse Po.inte Woods - A spring deligbt! 'This 3 bedroom IDEAL FOR FAMlLY ACTIVITIES ed-living room with fireplace-finished basement •I Roomy Center Hall Southern Colonial surrounded by individually designed I Bungalow 1n the Woods could be the bouse you have been waiting for. -excellent storage space. I 1- Among ,the nice features are a natural fireplace in the living room, dining homes. Fine detail. 4 bedrooms, 21h. baths, large fllll\ily room, large modem, I , :J-' , ''') r"~~ qI.,AIRE ~ORES ;' "L" , \buUt.in :dishw.. b~r;"eQPper"PNm.biJ!.l: 'JJ,2' ~ari.n alumifluillI,carage, ,,' ,i i , ::.::.I!\:~=.'~t~',":::~XO~~lY,,~:~l~~~i~~'l~;~ef~J~~p&l'k202' lot. Many extras. I \ :','~;: recreatiOl1. rodaI"i\W 'Viet''l)'r ll1fd(1]ii'f'i1tory;'LOCllt'forward tiUiJfemtiD.C,tbe ," fr ~.; ll\!, bp.~. (~A Y!-@:30 to 2:00 I summ~r relaxing in,' y;our, air condItioned;. gJ,tss~ iapI screened.in porch. 22445 DETOUR,-2 bedrooms-family room w.tth fire- ~ 3 BEDROoM"COLbNiALs"""; ,::;1J/lC)~ j'l i Undoubtedly a "murt see". . ,,' ' place:'" -lot' 61 x 150 cycloned fenced - enormous ""' .in Grosse Pointe Woods. We just happen to have two of the better ones available possibilities. I 563 VERNIER, Grosse Pointe Woods-Charming is the word for this sharp today for you. Both are brick for easy maintenance, have fireplaces, garages, ~ We have four rentals - CALL US ;-i brick Ranch featuring large living room, natural fireplace, dining "L", separate dining rooms, extras, etc. . . . and are near elementary schools. One ,~ kitchen with eating space, full basement, gas forced air heat, l.car _..iI :.:. for $35,900 and the other at 546,000, both good buys with quick possession. I attached garage, built in 1950 and walking distance to the Shores Park. JOHN S. -- ~::. CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING 1782 KENMORE, Grosse Pointe Woods-See tb.is sharp brick Ranch before plus the surrounding trees will allow you to be very comfortable this summer it's sold. This home featW'es large living room, dining "L", 3 bedrooms, if you're living in this charming 3 bedroom Ranch home in the Woods. Many family room, full basement finished with wet bar. Low $40's will buy this GOODMAN,~c other extras. Priced at $46,500. Arrange your appointment today by contacting beauty. . , one of our consultants. INC. 1489 ROSLYN, Grosse Pointe Woods-Price reduced for quick sale. Perfect for the large family wanting an oversized lot with a .spacious horne, be- SADDLE LANE ... 93 Kercheval "On The Hill" sides having a living room, formal dining room, large kitch~n and 3 bed. near Grosse Pointe Hunt Club and University Liggett or Star of Sea schools. rooms. There isa cathedral beamed family room with raised hearth This attractive six bedroom Colonial has a first floor laundry room, large family 886-3060 886-3060 Franklin stove, H', baths, a sewing room, 2.car garage. room and modem kitchen ... Be sure to see this one if you want that secluded location for your family. MEMBERS OF GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE BOARD ., 22943 LAKESHORE, S1. Clair Shores-Last of the 3 bedroom Condominiums in Lake Shore 'Village available, this immaculate condominium faces the PERENNIAL FAVORITE Woods Park .and Lakeshore Drive, has a large yard and a park.like Lovely Colonial set in a choice location-close to elemp.ntary and middle schools, ~ atmosphere. Includes updated kitchen with birch wood cabinetry, central and 2 year round lake front parks. Only 15 minutes to downtown Renaissance , . air, pool, club house, tennis courts, low maintenance fee, covers all out. Center. The quality and charm of a by-gone era are found here. 4 bedrooms, 2th JUNE: IS THIS THE MONTH YOU'RE side work-perfect for the newly married couple who wish all the finer baths, library, family room, etc ..•. $71,000. GOING TO PICK A REALTOR TO things in life! REPRESENT yOU? .. FAMILY HOME AND CARRIAGE HOUSE Near everything ... in the Village ... The setting provides the peaceful small THEN CONSIDER THIS: BY APPOINTMENT, PLEASE town atmosphere . . . the main home o[ Colonial style, gives the space and Only a few brokers ever sell more than 80% of GROSSE POINTE FARMS-English Colonial, large updated kitchen with eating hominess to accommodate a large family or the extra room for a writing or the properties they place on the market; most painting studio . . • The guest house provides for investment income and is area, formal dining room, 3 bedrQOms, 1~ baths, recreation room with bar. "A brokers are more than satisfied with a' 75% very charming. Total package for only $67,500. Call us for arrangements. must see". success factor. Yet, over the last three years, GROSSE POINTE PARK-We are offering this spacious 5 bedroom (large), 2 full Strongman, Kelly & Associates has sold 90.8% of McKINLEY. all the Grosse Pointe properties we were entnlst. bath brick horne, living room and recreation room having natural fireplace; All brick Colonial with family room. 3 bedrooms. Transferred owner offers ed with. Our marketing program works. Our sales formal dining room, country kitchen, family room, located near schools and quick possession and an excellent price. transportation. Asking $49,000. associates are skilled, knowledgeable and success. YORKSHIRE ... oriented. When the time comes, whos'l success GROSSE POINTE PARK-Lovely executive home ready for your immediate inspec. story will you be part of: Theirs or ours? tion. Located in a beautiful section of the Park, this 4 bedroom, 2th bath Colonial with large rooms and a spacious lot. 3 bedrooms. Excellent value. . Colonial is absolutely superb in every detail. Call today as it is one you won't Dedicated to representing' you 'want to miss. "FIRST OFFERING" . - through knowledge and service. Grosse Pointe Farms. Brick bungalow. 3 bedrooms. Mutschler kitchen. $42,900. 889 0800 GROSSE POINTE CITY-Take advantage of the price reduction on this beautifully JUNE'S BIGGEST BARGAIN decorated spacious 4 bedroom all brick Bungalow that has to be seen to be appreciated. Modern kitchen with formica cabinets and counters, new flooring, OPEN SUNDAY 2:30 - 5 OPEN SUNDAY 2 - 5 dishwasher, disposal, new carpeting, nice office and lavatory in basement. For 483 CHALFONTE the extra large family, there is open space on the 2nd floor that can be com- 2110 VAN ANTWERP SO close to the golf course you may occasionally pleted into additional bedrooms and bath, or in.law quarters. 2.car all brick Still possible to enjoy the entire summer at the Woods park and also find a ball ... if a sanely priced two bath garage. All this priced unler $40,000. enjoy the very convenient location this all brick Colonial provides. Well semi.ranch in mint condition ;s what you're GROSSE POINTE WOODS-The best buy on the market today in a brick Colonial, maintained and ready for your family today. aiming for. better reserve your time to see features include large living room, formal dining rocm, kitchen with eating il, before this bargain becomes history! space, F:lorida room, 3 bedrooms, recreation room. 1~ car garage, assumable ___ JUNE'S BIGGEST BARGAIN mortgage-6~4 % with payments of $218 including taxes an insurance. KENSINGTON ROAD ... Not an ordinary house, but one that provides [or family viewing and enjoyable CHOICE LOCATION IN mE FARMS-Owners transferred out of town-price NO DECORATING NEEDED! " living. Proudly resting on its 63 x 163' lot, this sound Center Hall Colonial is If dull Colonials needing lots of repairs and dec. reduced and occupancy at close on this lovely 3 bedroom Colonial in choice one you must not miss. Large family room. Low price. location. Brick with all aluminum trim and new roof. Famiiy room, 1'h baths. oration have you down. read carefully. This pleasing 3 bedroom Colonial could be the answer kitchen has new flooring, new formica counters and formica pedestal table, KERBY ROAD ... dishwasher, disposal and pantry. Recreation room in basement, new 75 gallon to your prayers ... and there's a den and two Ranch home, 3 bedrooms, family room, etc .... very handy location. Excellent car garage, too. At $52,500, shouldn't )'ou call? hot water heater. House in mint condition-buy it and move in. SI. Paul's value in the 30's. Immediate possession. Parish and School. MOVE IN THIS WEEKEND ESCAPE TO 36 ACRES of gently rolling terrain nestled in a private country setting. PLUS OTHERS If you can close that fast, you can have the keys North of Rochester and minutes from Metamora Hunt Club. Artisan wells and for additional information to Ihis extra nice four bedroom Colonial with ponds highlight its desirability. Mineral rights are also available. Ideal for the modern kitchen and bath. There's even a den ,,'!,cI family who desires that peaceful country atmosphere-or the developer with CONTACT good carpeting and drapes, too. Now the surprise estate residential purposes in mind. Survey and additional data available upon ... $34,500 is the full price! Richard E. Borland William R. McBrearty request. M. Lee Hennes William G. Adlhoch $21,500 AND IT'S GROSSE POI NTE! Elaine L, Lemke Katherine n. Stephenson 3 bedrooms, two full baths, den, if this excites James P. Fabick John D. Hoben, Jr. your interest, wait 'til you find out how easy it SHOREWOOD is to buy! E. R, BROWN REALTY, INC, Borland • McBrearty 889-0800 20431 MACK AVE., GR. PTE. WOODS, MI 48236 REALTORS GROSSE POI NTE WOODS OFFICE STRONGMAN 886-8710 395 Fisher Road TU 6.3800 MEMBERS OF THE GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE BOARD MEMBERS OF GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE BOARD KELLY & ASSOCIATES


,.o" ',< '1 P,>' p .. , :-h, p';;a:a.A'fJW.• $;::;;S$~~.?'f' .00. P'?f¥ ... :u;: •• , ••••• p' .. .4 ; ';""i" " .. ~ .J P "5P;;"""':'

.Thurscl.y, June 9, 1977 GRCSSE POINTE NEWS Page Twenty-Nine lJ-lEAL ESTATE FOI SALE ------13-REAL ESTATE I 13-REAL ESTATE FOR SALE I 13-REAL ESTATE U-REAL ESTATE 1~REAL E$TATE FOR SALE tVK )AI.a:. FOR SALE FOR SALE : " DEPETRIS WAY-GROSSE POINTE FARMS : 6 bedroom eolonial. Master suite on first floor. Thomas GROSSE POINTE WOODS, BY OWNER GROSSE POINTE FARMS- HOMEOWNERS INSUlt. GROSSE POINTE CITY : Jefferson study, large studio ceiling family room, Park in your back yard, By owner. Walking dis. ANCE Policy for your clOil. Spacious house in great location. Large opcn foyer. INDIAN j pantry, laundry, 4 car garage. 23250 Doremus. Large liv. tance to schools, shopping, ing. Call Chesney Insurance ing room. separate dining Living room with fireplace, formal dinin/( room bus, lake. 3 large bed. Agency. 884.5337 for your : DAVID WILLISON, BUILDER room, 2 bed rpom s. Only and sunroom. Kitchen with breakfast room, Lav. rooms, 1 small. Cape Cod VILLAGE quotation. 884-2106 atory. Summer room overlooking lovely deep $28,500. 886.1190. custom built brick home, Lovely, large all brick on yard. 4 bedrooms, bath. sunporch. 5th bedroom CUSTOM BUILT Bungalow, 2 full and 2 half baths, Iroquois-6 minutes to Ren, with bath on 3rd floor. Walk to "Hill," "Village," large living and dining 451 Maison. Grosse Pointe labrary, public, parochial schools. Price - lower Cen-5 bedrooms (the Mas. Farms. Center foyer, 26 ft. room, den. extra large ter bedroom has fireplace 60's. living room, dining room, kitchen, centcr island, brick and private glassed sun. ANIEL 881-3955 fireplace, screened in porch. natural fireplace. den. 3 porch) 3 full baths. 2 half iI PRICE REDUCED! Priced in mid 70's. No bedrooms, 1 bath, 2 half , bath" Modern Kitchen with GRACIOUS COLONIAL on brokers please. Call 884- baths, h cat e d inground I spacious 5 acre estate with disposal, dishwasher, in. pool circle drive, 2 car I 1822 Prestwick In the Woods 0026 for appointment. I orchard, tennis court and cinerator. butler's pantry, brick garagc. High 60's. I ATTENTION INVESTORS-We have a well located large formal dining room, 886.9572. No Brokers. guest parking area. 4 bed- f;ve.fam',:y in Grosse Pointe P'ark that offers a ALLARD.MACK, WOODS - ILovely 3 bedroom center entrance colonial rooms on second floor, 1 3 bedroom brick bungalow, living room with fireplace great return with very easy management, good and sunporch. Brick 2 car ! remodelled kitchen with built-ins, extr~ bedroom and siting room 2'h car garage. Aluminum parking, and a solid history of low tenant turn- garage. Many lovely trees HIS TOR IC : bedroom with tile bath in finished base- on 3rd floor. Caretaker's over. Can for further details and terms. trim. Finished basement. apartment over garage, pri- By appointment. 885-5118. and plantings. Immediate 'REALTY :- ment. Many extras, Monteith, Queen of vate office and bath off ST. CLAIR SHORES RANCH-FIRST OFFERING- occupancy. Mr, Hampstead : Peace schools. By appointment. 884-5827. garage. Better hurry If you're interested in an extremely 8.5 weekdays 875.5721. Excellent buys for trouble j well maintained 3 bedroom brick Ranch with 1380 Devonshire CENTURY 21 GROSSE POINTE. Owner. I free living. : Avid, Inc. 118.8100 updated kitchen, large 2 car garage and a pro- BeautHully Dee 0 ra t e d fessional finished recreation room with bar. This home for family !iv,lng. Custom built. immaculate. HARCOURT fine investment, : horne is located near shopping at Jefferson and 17x23' family room with ly clean 3 bedroom, fire. 2 unit duplex, 3 bedrooms. I Marter as well as a short distance to St. Clair b e a m e d ceiLJng, ra.ised place. finished basement. 2'h baths. full basements, I electric garage, air condi. separatc utilities, rents I Shores Park and recreation facilities. hearth fireplace overlook- ,I OPEN SUNDAY 2 UNTIL 5 ing a landscaped patio lioned. Il's Beautiful! Come from $360 per month. COMMERCIAL PROPERTY-l,GOO square foot office with gas grill. Roomy and see! 8828960 or 882- l 3555. CONDOMINIUM - Charming I 14 LAKESIDE COURT. New In 1976. Four bedrooms, library with shelves or retail facility near Vernier on Harper Avenue. center entrance cOlonial I I I I I 1 bedroom on transporta- a~d storage, a. speetacular beamed cathedra'l ceiling in the family room This building is beautifully finished and' has offers 2'h baths, 3 spac-ious 1 I cenlral,air. Priced reasonably in the mid.thirties. bedrooms plus study/guest . tion, near shopping, nicely WIth wet bar, brst floor laundry and the kitcJen is a homemaker's dream. BY OWNER decorated. newer appli- Turn toward the [ake from, JeUerson opposite the entrance to Bon Secours. I room, living room with I 1026 BALFOUR anccs and carpeting. I fireplace, I a r g e formal 4 bedroom Colonial, extra I SHO~EPO~E CONDOMINIUMS. We h~ve two, in the mid.$60's .to the YOUNGBLOOD REALTY dining room. paneled rec' large lot. $67,500. For ap. I, hl~ $00 s. 1,400 square feet to 2,250 square feet. You will enjoy the I room wltil bar and a HISTORIC prIvacy and sound-proofing of the 16 inch thick common- walls. Located pointment 822-2202. maintenance free exterior. I 7 blocks north of Vernier off Mack Avenue. 886-1000 Open Sun. 2.5 or caH 882- REALTY I BY OWNER in the Farms, I 20525 MACK AVENUE GROSSE POINTE WOODS 9152 for appoin-tm'ent. No 488 Fisher Rd., 3 bedroom AT 295 WASHINGTON ROAD in the first block off Jefferson is this French brokers. $69,900. ... 82{:2Zo..Q 1 influenced colo11'lalwith four bedrooms. In addition' W the !living room and brick colonial. Dining room, ~ormal . dining room there is a library and family room. Ready for IIh baths, rugs, drapes, 2 PLYMOUTH _ PILGRIM I unmedlate occupancy. car 'block garage, lot 12,000 HILLS area. 3 or 6 acres I sq. ft., fireplace, new roof. with 4 bedroom ranch. SEE IF YOU don't agree that this is a great BUY! This fine three bedroom extras. By appointment. Family room, recreation I colonial at 874 LORAINE is located within walking distance of the TU 5-9091. area, 2 fireplaces, 2 baths, I Village. Priced in the low $40's. TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES pool, b ea uti f u 11y land- ,l yoy-a WA~T WAS ,!ORTHWHILE if you Ilrolonged buymg until just that BARGAIN! East Warren near scaped. Asking $95,000 or Grosse Pointe corner Bea . $110,000. Open Sundays 2-5. I . right Farm cololual came a~ong with four bedrooms lInd ill library and The Gallery of Homes @ i family room. This one is in the first block oU Lake Shore at 491 RENAUD consfield. Whole block ,brick 4459 Napier Road, 'h mile , FIRST OFFERING-418 McKINLEY-A guaranteed pleasant surprise upon entering building. 13 units, two slor- south ot M.a. 453.5243. I .ROAD 'and bas a heated swimming pool automatic sprinlcler system I and nagnificent landscaping. In the f~rst block off Lake Shore Road. this charming 3 bedroom Colonial, formal dining room, 11,2 baths, large modern ies, full basement, gas \ kitchen, new carpeting, freshly decorated throughout. This will go quickly. it is heat. Need money. Sell for DELUXE TWO FAMlI,Y priced to sell. On this one don't be Johnny-corne-lately, because it will be $59,000 cash. 882-3046. IN GROSSE POINTE ! GONE-call NOW! . DESIGNER'S home. superbly FIRST OFFERING maintained and decorated. FIRST OFFERING-A gracious, traditional English Tudor bome, beautifully main- Two twin sized bedrooms. I. HEAJ.l:r OF THE FARMS. Great neighborhood. Very .attractive three bedroom tained, that you will be proud to call your home. Lovely spacious living room, FAIRHOLME - brick home. Ooly $44,500. In the Farm'S near Kerby and Brownell SChools. two fuli baths. Central air I large fonnal dinmg room, library, sun room, 4 bedrooms 21h baths, lots of - 1357 conditioned. Four car ga- BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE closets and storage area. Modern kitcnen with built.ins plus jenair. grill, griddle Spacious, immaculate. 3 rage. Patio with Barbeque. - and rotisserie. This charming home has many outstanding and exciting features. bedroom, 2 bath colonial. Many fine extras .. Prime WELL BUILT COLONIAL in desirable area of Grosse Pointe Woods. A super vaZ.ue Call us today to see this smashing home. Large family room, new income property. $125,000. priced dn the mdd-$30's which includes aU 'appliances. 1386 WHITrIER-OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 p.m.-Beautiful COlOni81built In 1950 with !witchen, newly carpeted. For appGintment call 8il5- star of sea, Monteith, 6556, after 6 p.m. 821-6408. WELL DID YOU EVER hear of .a three bedroom cOl~on1alwith '8 family room, new roof and aluminum siding new in 1973. It has 3 bedrooms with 3 full baths Brownell Schools. OPEn firSt. floor lavatory and attached garage being oUered in the Woods for less upstairs; plus lavatory on first floor. Lovely fam;iy.room added in 1975. Priced GROSSE POINTE FARMS, Sunday. 884.1526. than' forty thousand dollars? We can deliver this property on July 1st if you to seU. Come today to see this home. small two bedroom house, act promptly. 1140 LAKEPOINTE-OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 p.m.-This home needs no salesperson- 71h% mortgage, price $22,- 500. 822-4920 .. JUST THE THING for a low budget buyer who wants 'an east side location at a its charm and decor will sell it. Large rooms, newer kitchen. newer carpeting minimum cash outlay. Tl-.dstwo bedroom bungalow is listed at $14,900 and is and dr~pes. aluminum sided, maintenance free, 3 bedrooms, 11,2 baths, TV BY OWNER curtenbly onamonth.to-month lease. Cash flows prove tbis to be '8 good room. IT IS A DOLL HOUSE. Certificate of occupancy is completed. QuIck IN THE PARK GROSSE POINTE WOODS investment either as a landlord or occupant. ' occupancy. Call now to see your new home. SpacioUs brick center en. NEW HOUSE trance colonial on large 568 Coventry. off Morning- HAVE WHAT YOU WANT-"House Beautiful" would classify this as the PER- r wem landscaped lot. Living . side, near Vernier road. FECTLY DECORATED and MAINTAINED home in and out. No work for year5 room with firepLaee, for- Custom built brick, 2 fur- to come-just live and enjoy-3 bedrooms, formal dining room, new Mu~hler mal dining room, 1ibl"ary, naces, each with central kitchen and bathroom and 500000 much more. When you see this DREAM it modem kitchen, jaloUSlied R. G. EDGAR will become your REALITY. QuIck occupancy. air and electronic filters. porch, .3 !large bedrooms, 5 bedroom Colonial. Mar- \, ,207C)7,>L!lE,>COURT.;..oPENcSUNDAY.2-5 Jl;rii~This 3 bedropm, ;J.t,2:,~a1:bL'.Ranch l~ :;2}2"ba~I., ti"i~~,~e:., ' 'i••ib1ed~er.l:spacious oa~ J . \ ~ ilo,/~~.~:8r~!;:A$$.GCIATES.":i, .. offers charm and gracious llving-exc1elltftf 'traffic pkttern,. modern; ~kitcll'eJi,!c . , !!lent W~ f~~ace ..•Qutl., ;\' kitchen plil'!.rmany other. 11 ~~~8'",C9Ic1ditiPn! - i. Midi,. centralail'. Mo~~.frt_CO.DI,Iiti~~.,~9~'.";;Jc..;" i: ",.,,) " i<;;',." " :. .(eatures. Open Sunday 2 'T"lP'T vJi" '1-: "')~l~ar'E~tate",.,:: 60's. to 6. BUilder. ' 380 McKINLEY-OPEN SUNDAY 2.5 'p.m.-This popular 3 bedroom, Hi bath 882- 1094 Center Hall Colonial oUers large rooms and charm. :Mutschler kitchen and TU 4-1340 TU 4-2750 , 114 KERCHEVAL 886-6010 breakfast room, fast occupancy, move-in condition. FIRST OFFERING. BY OWNER 1090 CANTERBURY, GROSSE POINTE WOODS _ TAPPAN & ASSOCIATES Beautiful 5 bedroom newer Colonial 2~ baths spacious living area, family room 'with raised hearth fire~lace, living, room, dining room, large The Gallery of Homes@ carpeted kItchen WIth pantry and dining area, HIGBIE MAXON mud room, screened porch" new carpeting cen- 90 Kercheval 884-6200 31ST OFFERINGS tral air, electric air filters close to school~. Ex- IS! OFFERING-3 bedroom 2 bath 11h story residence conveniently located ~ cellent, condition; For app~intment caU 882-6992. .:. block Off Jefferson. in the Park. ~pacious living room, 22x22 paneled family room. Finished basement with bar and lavatory. Central air conditioning and 2 car attached garage with circul~r drive. PRICE REDUCED TO $44,500 1ST OFFERING-Grosse Pointe Shores on beautiful boulevard street. This English JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE r Tudor residence offers a library with fireplace plus a family room with fire- OUR 58TH YEAR OF SERVING GROSSE POINTE Larg~ 4 bedroom, 1% bath, new kitchen, den. llv. rm. I place and bar. 2nd floor has 4 king sized bedrooms and 2 baths plus a 5th WITII TIlREE GROSSE POINTE OFFICES FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE Wl~ natural ~r:eplace. Won't last long at new t bedroom and.3rd bath over the 2 car attached garage. Rec. room with fireplace pme. OPEN Fnday 1-3, 781 Fisher Rd. 1 . in. basement. central air conditioning and electronic air cleaners. l00xt62 lot 16610 MACK 82 KERCHEVAL 19750 MACK ; with lawn sprinkle~ system. AT HARVARD ON THE HIll. NEAR COOK ROAD '881-4200 884-0600 881-6300 DETRQIT BOND & MORTGAGE CO. lIST OFFERING-4 bedroom IIh bath bungalo,w in the Woods. 19 foot living room 882-3073 I with fireplace. Enclosed terrace. 2 car garage. 45 foot lot. Built in 1952. COUNTRY ENGLISH on prestigious Lochmoor with 4 bedrooms, 21,2 baths, family I JUST OFF LAKE SHORE in the Farms on a dead end street this 4 bedroom 21h room. library. summer porch, games room centra] air and lovely 125x162 site. ~ bath Colon:'81 has an excellent center hall illoor plan. P-aneled library. Large 881-6300. I fimDy room with fireplace, bar. and adjoining palio. 1st floor laundry with 2nd JUST LISTED on Country Club! Here's a sparkling COLONIAL that you won't Freshly decorated 3 bedroom home with 2 baths. I lavatory. 2 car attached garate. Circular drive.- l00xl65 lot. I . want to miss if you're looking for a well maintained 3 bedroom in a convenient Large living room with nalural fireplace. The air- IEXCELLENT LOCATION on a dead end street leading to the lake. Close to City . location near Si:hools, shopping and transportation_ The tasteful decor has been condWoned fam,:ly room overlooks a profession- I laketront park and transportation. IIh story centrally air conditioned French recently redone throughout-nothing to do but move in- A hard to match value ally done flagstone patio-in the beautifully land- I residence on 149 foot lot. 1st floor master bedroom with bath. Den or extra priced in the 40's. 884-0600. scaped yard. Other features include plush wan. I ~room. FanUY room w.ith fireplace and bar. 1st floo~ laundry. Powder room. to-waal carpeting, full basement with bar alld lay and a 2 car garage. I 2 twin bedrouns and bath on 2nd. 2 car attached garage. Lovely decor and HAMPTON BUNGALOW with 3 bedrooms, terrace, dining room, fireplace, paneled I carpeting. Price reduced. games room, all blue decor immediate occupancy and PRICE REDUCED to $39,900. 881-6300. Price reduced to $47,900. Immediate occupancy. No STEPHENS ROAD-Early American Colonial. 5 bedrooms, sewing room and S- ,agents please, Call for appointment. baths on 2nd. Library and garden room on 1st. Rec. room. Lovely deep yard POPULAR McKINLEY ROAD and a 3 bedroom English with Florida room plus with patio.' 2 car attached garage. Central air conditioning. nice eX'tr.a room just right. for a .study or office. Games room with fireplace, brick patio, fenced yard with lots of beautiful flowering trees, summer occu- 885-0079 ENJOY THE BEAUTY of the Detroit Country Club which adjoins the yard of tMs pancy and 'Price just 'adjusted to $58,S

FIRST OFFERING .in Harper Woods oC popular 3 bedroom, 1'h bath COLONIAL 'I with family room, kitchen appliances and built. ins. and 2.car garage. One owner home in Grosse Pointe school district. $46,500 and HURRY. 881.6300. I GOODMAN HIGBIE MAXON INC. 93 Kercheval "on the Hill" "Rea Itors " JOHNSTONE & JOHNSTONE 886-3060 886-3060 886-3400 :83 Kercheval REALTORS MEMRERS OF GROSSE POINTE REAL ESTATE Memben Grosse Pointe Real Estate Board BOARD

\ , . ~ 7 7 7 :ri~:, .

Page Thirty GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 9,1977 U-IEAL ESTATE t3-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE lS-BUSINESS 21 C:~ELECTRICAL 21G-ROOFING ~l.I-PAINTING, ~~ FOI SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE .• SERVICE DECORAT~NG "GROSSE POINTE FARMS- ACTIVE REAL CHANDLER PARK - Chal. DUPLEX-6 by 6, immacu. FAMILY BAR, Chesterfield GROSSE POINTE'S ONLY AINSWORTH Maintenance . MICHAEL'S 3 bedroom bung.low. Fam. mers 4.Unit, brick, never late condition 436 St. Clair. on Gratiot, has 2 bedroom Co. Aluminum gutters and HOME i1)' room, bath and a half, ESTATE CO. vacant. Excellent return. $79,000. 884.6i137. house. Gross $100,000. $80,' -HOOVER downspouts. Roofing and completely flDished base. ANITA 1358, Colonial. big Owner, 775.5444. 000 down. 886.1190. FACTORY AUTHORIZED repairs, 20 years' experi. IMPROVEMENT beautiful 3 bedrooms, 1* GROSSE POINTE FARMS ence. Local references. 779. Inte'rior and Exterior Work, .1 ment. 412 Lothrop. Open. SERVICE baths; open for all' and any ALGONAC-Large 4 bedroom 446 COLONIAL CT. 9075. Painting. Varnishing. GROSSE PTE. custom built. offers, Open Sunday 2 to 5. frame home with 2 story First Offering by Owner. 3 POINTE VACUUM Wallpapering, Carpentr)' .. Cannot describe the beauty Call Stephen Simon, 882- boat 'house on SI. Clair Bedroom Brick Colonial FREE PICKUP AND. ROOFS REPAIRED Wood Staining & Refinishing. and immaculately clean 3 54«. River. $72,000. For brochure with a remodeled kitchen ANIEL DELIVERY CALL ~IlClIAEL NEW REBUILT PARTS Gulters cleaned, flushed and bedrooms, fireplace, air listing all details - Call and custom family room, GIFT SHOP repaired. Small jobs my BEFORE NOON - 889.0406 conditioner. Come and see! WATERFRONT 794.3452. both by Cox & Baker. For. Grosse Pointe location. Ex. TU 1-0700 specialty. P A IN T E RS EXTHAORDI. Owner. 882-8960 or 882.S555. HOME mal dining room, living cellent investment. 21002 MACK NAIRE - Antiquing _Wall. LAKESHORE ROAD, Grosse room, 1'12 baths, central FREE ESTIMATES BEAUTIFUL EAGLE S & J ELECTRIC Jack D. Totty papering . Interior and cx. 1693 BRYS, Grosse Poi~te POINTE Pointe Shores overlooking air, 2 fireplaces, aluminum WILCOX 884-3550 Woods. 2 bed:room coloma1- Residential . Commercial 885.6026 ter;or painting. Profession. ST. CLAIR SHORES Lake SI. Clair. By owner. trim, 2 car garage with al work donc by cxperi. modern kitchen, central air, EXCEPTIONALLY NICE 2 Beautiful 4 bedroom home, addition on back for stor. YOGURT FREEZERS No, J~~5.~~Small SPR1l'JG carpeting throughout, 1'>2 enced painter for reason- bedroom, 2 bath modern 3 baths, 2 powder rooms, age. large lot. fully land- BY SANI-SERV ROOFING DISCOUNTS able price, Free eslimate~. baths. Florida room. fin- RANCH with kitchen built. walk-in closets. Large liv. scaped, a patio and gas Custard - Soft Ice Cream - ALL TYPES of electrical • 240 'Ib. seal down shingles C"J1 Jam:e, 884.7515. ished basement with wet ins, handy first floor laun- jng room, fireplace. spaci- grill, Montieth school dis. • Customer choice of brands, ---- bar, 2 car garage. Open Slush, Shake '- Pretzel work. Ranges, dryers in dry room, large screened ous family room with fire. trict. Open Sunday 1 to 5. stalled - remodeling. Elec. colors. NEED EXTERIOR '. 2 to 5 Sunday. 882-o~33. bakers. Complete service, terrace room and all dou. place, wet bar, gas grill, 884.1674. trical repairs, fixtures In • 15 year guarantee. PAINTING? I parts and supplies. Don Call two reliable, expcri. ble insulation. IMMACU- ,brick patio adjoining and I stalled, city violations. Li. SHORES CONSTRUCTIO;'I/ :sr. CLAIR SHORES. 3 bed- Preston & Associates. enced college students, For LATE! Private beach priv- facing lake. Second brick 370 McMILLAN I censed 'and insure1. Col. 884-5990 room brick Ranch. attach. 885.6675 free estimate, 886.9237. Ask ileges. An unusual value at patio off formal dining 3 BEDROOM, 1'>2 bath Colo. ville Electric Company. ed garage. 3 baths. Custom for John. $6!l.900. 884.0600. room and breakfast room. nial on large lot. Hou~e in C B E:NTHUSIASTS 21 H-RUG CLEANING built. 772.3381. Evenings 774-9110. lJays JOHNSTONE & Mutsdchler kitchen, dist floor move-in condition. Mid- C.B.' L I N G 0' AND C.B. LA 6-7352. CALLEBS & SON GROSSE POINTE I ENJOY e'ds choice Farms JOHNSTONE aun ry room, mu room, sixties. 882.6042. CODES for your sun visor, Carpet and Upholstery clean. PAINTERS, lNC, location. This 3 bedroom large 2'12 car garage, cen- send one dollar with self HARBOR ELECTRIC ing. Fast drying. Free esti- Painting interior . exterior, Colonial has it aU~ Large 1'111 ONLY 12 years old'i tral air conditioning. Phone ROMEO AREA - 11 unique s':amped and addressed Violations Corrected males. Fully insured. 772'1 paperhanging and paneling. kitchen, 1'>2baths. spacious Grosse Pointe Woods, 3 886.3099. rooms plus extras. 3112 #10 envelope to William 9555. Free estimates cheerfully fover den formal dining bedroom, brick bungalow. GROSSE POINTE PARK _ haths. "Wet" heal. 1.5 Lynn Co., 2054 Vernier FREE ESTIMATES ------given K-CARPET . 882.9234 room: livi'ng room with c~untry k.dtchen. natural By Owner. Colonial, 3 bed-I acres. Terms. Parker. TUI R~., Grosse Pte. Wds., 882-9420 CLEANING natural fireplace. Easy care fireplace ill basement. $43,. rooms 1'>2 baths living 5-4415. Mich. 48236. PAINTER - Exterior and .a I u m in u m self-storing Licensed and insured con. 900. 884-3114. room, 'dining room: kitchen i 16-PETS FOR SALE tractor, residential, com. COMPANY inter.ior. Free estimates - storms and screens. New (new) and nook. Open Sun- 5 CAMERON PLACE. B)' CARPET exce;lent workm anshill - B E AUT I F U L 2 bedroom mercial and Industrial. drive leads toa 2-car ga- day 2.5, 885-4586. owner. Year ?ld luxurious BORZOIS - 2 male puppie.s. SPECIALISTS low price - college student. Condo on court yard. excel. - rage and yard with gas French Colomal near the E n g 1ish and callfornaa 21 E-STORMS AN D • Steam Extraction Ask for Dennis. 822.4518. grill. By owner. 886-9067or lent location. Lakeshore 646 F AIR FORD - Custom lake. Exquisite family room 'lines. Reasonable. 886.2448 SCREENS • Shampoo 885-7031. and Marter area. Central built 3 'bedroom profcs,sion- and s t u d y. Spectacular even:ngs. • Spot and Stain Removal TEACHER with 5 years ex- air, fully carpeted, drapes, ally decorated ranch, 2V2. kitchen and balcony'lounge, ALUMINUM doors, windows, • Upholstery Cleaning perience as professional new1Y remodeled kitchen, baths, family room. spa. 4 bedrooms, 3 baths. No SHELTIE. tri-color, AKC. 3 and doorwalls. Screen re- ... at affordable prices painter des ,i res exterior ROCHESTER refrigerator, se~.cleaning clous Mutschler kitchen listers. By appointment. months old. $75. 823-0110. pairs. Free estimates, work 882.0688 painting for summer, Free Approximately 3.3 wooded oven, dishwasher, pool, with new no-wax, floor, fin. 885.1002. done myself. ~o job too estimates. 885.2073. acres, with custom ranch, club house, tennis court, FREE to good home, loveable Ished basement with fire- small. Fred's Storm and WE SHA.m>OO AND STEA.\f offering more than 3 300 playground. $27,500. By gr,ay female short haired CLEAN YOUR CARPET I N T E RIO Rand exterior place and shower, covered Screen, 83~4311. sq. ft. of living area, lea. owner. Weekdays after 6:30 FIRST OFFERING - By cat. Spayed, shots. 821-3678. for IOc square foot, $30 pa,inting. No job too small. tures 2 fireplaces. 2 walk. p.m, 774.9758, rear porch. Low 90's. 881- owner. G r ass E; Pointe' EASTVIEW minimum. Couch $30, chairs Call Bob, 881.8763 or VA in pantrys. Spadous cus. 1~2. Woods-Roslyn Road. Newly FREE. T~o kittens. one male, one female. 8 weeks $15, love seat $25. Velvets, 1.0892. tom family room, corn. LAKESHORE VILLAGE. decorated 3 bedroom ranch ALUMINUM, INC. FIRST OFFERING old. 884-9647. 15030 Houston.Whittier whites and bleeders, couch BROTHER'S PAINTING plete with bar, and kitch. Completely remodeled 2 -Built 1956. Large rooms. $35, chair $17, love seat enette for entertaining and N. Brys - Attractive 3 bed- Kitchen with 'built.iti dish. LICENSED • INSURED EUROPEAN EXPERTS bedroom Condo. Fully car- YORKSHIRE TERRIER - $30. PR 8-1680. " fenced tennis court, $135,- peted, central air, humidi. room ranch, 1'>2 baths, fin. washer and ,ample eating ALCOA PRODUCTS Interior.Exterior, wallpaper- ishedbase!"!\ent, 2 car at. Female, 1'h years Old, 3'12 Storms, Screens, Siding, Roof. ing, patching. plastering, 000. fier, finished basement, 'area. 2V2 car garage .. 881- pOunds, housebroken. 331- 21-I-PAINTING, , new kitchen with frostfree tached garage. ing, Awnings, White seam- window puttying. caulking. -CHARMING OLDER Farm 8268. 1123. DECORATING refrigerator, self c I e.a n less gutters, Vinyl storm Free estimates. Good work. .. llouse. on approximately OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 I oven, dishwasher. Many 4 BEDROOM.' 2l/2 bath pan. do 0 r s, windows, siding, WHITEY'S Reasonable prices. Grosse 1:3 acres. Offers 5 bed. Lincoln 991 large 3 bedroom BLUE CREAM Persian cat, other extras. Cllubhouse, elled den Colonial, finished Wrought Iron, Porch en- • Wall Papering Pointe references. Call rooms, formal dining, den, ranch, 2 'full baths, family year C'~d, papers, female., pool, tennis court. $30,500. basement with fireplace. closures. • Interior Painting John an)'time. pantry and family room. $100. 331-2866. 771.2311. room, central air. ice machine, professionally 527-1230 or 527-5616 • Reasonable p'rices 368.5098 A rare find. $79,900. WILCOX 884-3550 landscaped yard, screened DOBERMAN PUPS, 8 weeks, CALL ANYTIME • Good Work CUSTOM COLONIAL with NEAR EASTLAND. 2 bed- porch. 885-5179. • Call- no job too small TED'S AKC. 725.3740. 21F-HOME 4 bedrooms, formal dining, room brick bunga[ow, ex. CLINTON-lh .. ere with 3 WALLPAPER REMOVING IMPROVEM,ENT 526-9987 family room. 2* baths, .pansion a'ttic, near schools 'bedroom .aluminum ranch. MECHANICALLY - MINDED UlASA - Poo pupp:es. $50. EXCLUSIVELY basement and nice land. and all faciUtdes. $17,500. Family room, attached ga. -Two spacious garages. 885.5072. ALL CITY VIOLATION CALL US for your painting ,Free Estimates - Insured scaplng. $70,900, No FHA. 882.5280, weekends one 3.car, one 1'>2 car, ane:! needs. College students. 531.7555 rage .. Recently decorated. 16A-HORSES FOR CORRECTED 886.5207. cute bungalow in Grosse KITCHEN REMODELING Referimces. Free estimates. Only $33,500. SALE GROSSE POI NTE :LIKE NEW COLONIAL with HARPER WOODS _ Grosse Pointe Schools and parks, ONTARIO Call Rene 881-5811, Steve almost 2,500 sq. ft. inc1ud. Pointe schools. Brick bung. STERLING _ New listing. 3 reduced. 822.8099. 884.2519. CONTRACTORS 3-YEAR.OLD Red Roan. CONSTRUCTION ing family room with wet alow, huge master bed. 'bedroom brick ranch. Fain. Registered quarter horse CUSTOM PAINTING AND bar and fireplace. Carpet. 343-0060 R. & T. PROFESSIONAL ; lng, basement, and bonus room, catbedral ceiling, full ily room with fireplace, H!i REDUCED $1,850 for quick mare. 15 hands. Grand. painting, interior and ex. WALLPAPERING area for, future expansion, bath up. 2 bedroom, bath baths, 2'>2attached garage, sale! Good brick 2 family daughter of 'Sugar B'ars. ALUMINUM and vinyl sid. terior, wall papering. Free' EXPERT AL~TIQUING and one haif, natural gllS basement. 16.Mound area, 6-6 with separate utilities. Greenbroke and needs ex. ,ing machine cleaned and estimates. 462 Roland, 900 Be first to make your offer 885-8155 $66G'I ROOTRA' INC., fireplace, aarge enclosed $53,500. peniencedrider. 886-2518. waxed. 521-3833 or 725. Grosse Pointe Farms. 882- FREE ESTIMATES porch, basement summer through Yanchuk, 822~2334. 7857. 2O-GENERAL SERVICE 4586. INSURED REALTOR kitchen, car end one b'a1f ROSEVILLE _ FN.zho.Groes. Michael Satmary Jr. _ BY OWNER - If you are JIM'S Quality Modernization, 651-5005 insulat~d gara~e. MaIl)' beck area. Super clean 3 ECONO installation - Dish. INTERIOR and exterior i: looking for a ranch home roofing, siding, carpentry. pain'ting and paper hang- EXPERT PAINTING, paper . ~ extras mclude iiII' 'and car. bedroom ranch. Basement, decorated Colonial style. in was her s, di!'J>Osa1s, ice : ROCHESTER STORYBOOK peting. No agents. $42,500. garage. Nice large rooms. Licensed and insured. Free ing. Reasonable rates, 30 hanging. Free estimates. G. ;. blue with ,accents of red makers, etc, Free esti- mates. Call after 6 p.m. .smoke alarm with every years experience. Ray Bar. Van Assche. 881.5754. :, 'p~~M:~AR. 886.2209. $27,90. located in a convenient )ob: 739.5410. " nowsky,' 371'2384 after 6 )~1A~,,<~""''''_ ~,.'.' GROSSE' POINtE'WOODs-!,.. area in St. Clair Shores- 884.8721)"'1'j(1''-' f"l ~1';'; EXTERIOR ,EXPERTS. Paint. ;'-'p;.~;/: -. ,:.,- - - ing by ,< colle~e students , D1BABAmy,"'.BDE'I!'1,yeaiS' experience . l. Can sleep in p".la"e"".. .jn~ this 1mo ern c en,I gasd ea,'" .ment, garage. Ready to go • PLASTERING HOME 884-3736. - cozy air conditioned bi~ 8rge garage, ence yar ... dining room. com pIe t e • PAINTING ishes, dark staining our IMPROVEMENT specialty, 3rd generation. : level Contemporary under Land contract. Mid 20's. at $27,900. kitchen, Florida room, • CARPENTRY HI NEIGHBOR! Wall wash. Interior and Exterior Work, Licensed. 371.0830. " the Pines. Libr8ry.den for Owner 881.2773 for appoint. STERLING _ Large rooms large garage, air.condition. • MASONRY ing, painting. Reasonable .. ed. $39,500. For appointment Painting, Varnishing. Papa Bear, brand new kit. men!. No brokers. in this sharp 2 'bedroom • VIOLATIONS ANDY KEIM, DECORATOR Efficient. 881.5306. '177-8497. Wallpapering, Carpentr.y. , chen with corning stove RADNOR 5735, cute brick condo. 14-Van Dyke llrea. CORRECTED -Professional painting and • NOTHING TOO SMALL Wood Staining & Refinishing. INTERIOR and exterior : and oven for Mama Bear, Cape Cod, 4 rooms, expan- Only $23,500. HARPER WOODS CALL MICHAEL wallpapering. Free esti. painting, all custom work. mate. References. 881.6269. : and 3 (possibly .4) bed. sion second, garage. Only 20434 WOODMONT GUY DE BOER BEFORE NOON - 889-0406 Work guaranteed. Free es- , rooms for the Baby Bears. $15,900. 886.1190. WARREN - Anxious owner 776-3708 885-4624 MUST SELL. LEAVING CALL JOSEPH now for all GROSSE POINTE PAINTERS, timates .. Dan, 839.0931. : Beat Goldilocks to this 1m. says $28,300 on this mint AREA DELIVERING commercial !t~ges of carpentry, re- INC. • ul't 1 8 acre priva.e condition 3 bedroom brick 3 Bedroom Ranch, huge fam- PROFESSIONAL H 0 use : ~a~~d~~ $97,500. ~ A N I- E. L ranch with finished garage by J and W Delivery Sys- modeling, electrical, plumb- Painting interior . exterior, ily room, finished base. Painting. Will beat their tems. Call for low freIght ing, exterior, interior paint. paperhanging and paneling. : DAMSEL IN DISTRESS! for. possible rental. Take a ment, beautiful lot, 2 car price. 331-3230. . ~~ rate. 773-4355. ing aud redwood porch Free estimates cheerfully :Sweep her off to this crea~ve brick garage. Price just re- decks. Financingavai'lable. given. PROFESSIONAL Floor Sand. Contemporary Castle; GIve LAKESHORE VILLAGE con- ROSEVILLE - Custom brick duced. 20A-CARPET LAYING 885.7053. 882-9234 779-6823 ing and finishing. Special- • her a tiger carpeted fire- dominium, 2.bedroom town- ranch 2,000 square feet. OPEN SUNDAY. 11-3 HAVE AN architecture stu- izing in dark staining. , place room or the relaxing house, excellent condition, Family room, fireplace, CALL 771-6570 CARPET 'CLEANING GUTTERS • SIDING "Supply own power." Call , outdoor deck overlooking call 771.0366 after 5:30'l8ttached garage. Much dent padnt your house. PORT HURON area. 67'h and insulation specializing in TRIM • ROOFING Specializing in exterior. for free estimate. W. Abra- , Paint Creek Valley. 5 bed. MORANG • LAKEPOINTE. 'more. Sits on nearly lh acre executive ranch. 5 bed- the best s(eam cleaning SHORES For quality work call Bob, ham, 979.3502. , rooms are here for all your Executive type 3 bedroom acre lot. Well worth $42,990. room horne, guest house, method. CaU for our low CONSTRUCTION 822-8008. Princes and Princesses. b . k K tty . INTERIOR.EXTERIOR Paint swim pool, barns, horses, rate by the yard. 773-4355. 884-5990 • Entertal'n Royalty I'n the rlC. no pme sun ST. CLAIR SHORES - See EXTER'IOR pa,inting. Gutters ing. Free estimates~ Good porch, tile basement, 2 1 3 b d ponds. Equipped and fur- • formal dining room or re- d this squeaky c ean e - CARPET UYING cleaned and repaired. Free work. Fair price. Call Harry car garage, yl.\r . $26,900. b ' k b 1 .... nished. 464-6065 or 679-3905. tire to the seclusion of the Available now.'1294.2642. room rlc unga ow WI.., NEW AND OLD 21G-ROOFING eslJimates. 779.4245. 331.3312. , Studio.den, w h i c h also full basement. Huge 2'>2 WOULD YOU live on Bar- Stairs Carpeted Shifted SERVICE. • boasts a view of the trees 1179 WH ITTI ER car garage. Extras. $34,900. Repairs of All Types rington. in Grosse Pointe SPECIALIZING and valleys. $129,9~. GROSSE POINTE PARK CLL~TON-Over lh acre' lot Park? Why not see 504 Al- Cig.arette Burns Re.Woven ALSO IN f BRING YOUR TRUSfY with this nice 3 bedroom ter Road which offers a ALUMINUM GUTTERS I • STEED TO METAMORA. Beautiful 4 bedroom center brick ranch. Full finished well maintained brick 6 NEW CARPET SALES t Samples Shown in New Roofs and Repair Work. .0. DU.E~ 'To these 5 acres of "Para. entrance Colonial. 2'>2 basement. Huge garage. room ,house for only $19,900. For Estimate Call TU 1-8170. JOANNA WESTERN . dise for pets". Own your baths, 2 natural fireplaces, LQ~g list of extras. Be first to call Yanchuk, Your Home PLUMBING Iftd HEATING . BOB TRUDEL RICHARD WILLERTZ WINDOW SHADES Licensed Master Plumber -.1 own Colonial Kingdom finished basement,. 2 car 822-2334. I 294.5896 • 50 ROSLYN ROAD PAINT, SHUlTUS. BLINDS . SEWER CLEANING, away from the smog. 1m. brick garage, High 60's. KAUFMANN ! EARL KEIM srORM llOOIlS AND WINDOWS SPRINKLER REPAIR, etc .. • agine your self after a Open Sunday 2.5 p.m. 294-3088 791-3570 ALLSTATE HOME OWNERS IlrouI Pl...... I -Please ask for Norman 20£-1 NSULA TION hard day of fire.breathing 882-6999 RE-ROOF •••• 3•• 7 GROSSE POINTE WOODS, Koester. 575-9200. , dragons in this ample liv. OPEN SUNDAY 2.5, Allard pREPARE now for skyroc. 1,000 Sq. Ft. 00 1675 Fairholme. Immediate Ranch Home $395 r ing room or snuggle your 2254. Stop In and see this keting fuel bilk; while in- possession, all newly car. 13A-LOTS FOR SALE INCLUDES GRA' TOP ~ little loyal subjects in their fine 3 bedroom ranch, ]iv- sulation costs are reason- peted and decorated. Brick, • 240 lb. seal tab shingle~ ~ four cozy bedrooms. $79,' ing room with fireplace, CORNER Lakeshore 'and Ros- ahle. Insulation is blown in SALES AND SERVICE 3 bedroom spacious Colo. lyn. 1BO'x153', Make offer. walls and ceilin~ from 15 years guarantee I TAXI I 900. JEAN N E'S snug kitchen. paneled rec. nial. Fireplace, fa mil y • All labor and material !SOil KflCHEVAI HO 8-7832. outside today - no mUSlS h.t .. AIl.t • '" t .... P.r" TUS-5.5.S.5~ room, central air, 2 car ga. room, knotty pine basement • Expert in aluminum TU 5.6000 or fuss. It doesn't cost, it c..- _,. EAST SIDE CAB CO. ! DUNN & DUNN rage, ..11 aluminum on ex. with wet bar. First floor LAKESHORE between Blair. • Siding-Gutters.Trim RadiO ConHolled Pa<:kitge Delivery i i pays to insulate your home. 652.1223 terior. • Roof Vent-Repairs Serving Eas' Sjckl De'rOff and SuburbS I and basement lavatories. 2 moor and Moorland in Comfort at lower tempera. car garage. Upper 50's. No Grosse Pointe Shores. 135x FREE ESTIMATE D, DAY REALTY tures. Sudro Insulation To Advertise Under GROSSE POINTE agents. 885.2342. 190, By owner. 886-8388. since 1948. 881-3515. X-ELENT ROOFING THIELE FARMS 886-3300 CONSTRUCTION CO, :. 764 RIVARD - New 4 bed. 2 LOTS -' Port Charlotte, 21A-PIANO SERVICE 757-2953 "GUIDE TO '. BY OWNER OXFORD ROAD - Assume room 21,".!bath. family Florida. Near golf course Fireplaces, One of : Custom built, spacious 1 floor PIANO TUNING and repair- J. D. CANDLER GOOD SERVICE" 71~%. 3 Bedroom Brick, room: large living room, and school. 1'12 acres on Our Speciallies, , ranch, 2 bedrooms and one ing. W 0 r k guaranteed. dining room, fireplace, 1'>2 1st floor den, 2 car garage. the big island of Hawaii ROOFING CO Priced from $19 SO. bath, powd~r room, panel. Mem,ber AFM. Ed war d 97 Years Reliable Service CALL 882.6074 baths, enclosed porch, new. large lot. Open Saturday near Hilo. 371-2484 work, 775.23230r886.2139 ed den, combination break- Felske. 465-6358. Residential and Commercial ly decorated. carpeted thru. and Sunday by appoint- 884.9282 home. fast room and kitchen, pan- All types of Roofs and Decks out. Excellent condition. ment. Herbert D. Ralph, - COMPLETE piano service. eled recreation room with Gutters .and Downspouts ATTENTION Tuning, rebuilding, refin. bar. Very desirable loca. 882.5042 - 884.5577. Builder. 882-2823. REPAIRS BUILDERS! ishing. Me m b e r Piano ROAD SERVICE TOWING tion. Must be seen to be ap- 258 KEN WOO D COURT. I WOODS-One owner home. No Job Too Large-

v '1 ~ _"'~ .."''', !Do' ...... , .... ~, .... ~.;...,. '. ": .... ' ...u.l.. ... ',.. , " : j. ~.\. *r.~"f:t' .... .' ...... ' __ ,..... ft,. "",'""""'..1"".1'''" 'f." " .',,'~'~ " ..... ~ ••.•. ~ • .:..•..•• , .... ,., •. ,", ..... '.... ~ .' .. '.• ~.,_, -,.' , .... " .::;'l~'''~:''':ii'j,,... ',~!,,"" ,--- _~ ...... :.&o .••.• ~ 1,1r-;'~~~~'~'~~-~-~"!'~'~'-'~P-_-F-<-P-'._'_••_._r._.-.->W-'-'-'-4;-'~.P~M~A_'W~~~P'~~~P~;#A~$_.•P'~$~A.!~+~j\~]?~$~$.?~.$~~P_P.P~p'~i4~e?~,$.'.'._'.'.,~$'-'.'•••~~~~~~S~)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~e~,~p~s~~.,~p~.~.~~~~~~~;~.~/~ .•.•,

Thursday, June 9, 1977 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Thirty-One 21-I-PAINTING, . 21O-CEMdIiT AND 21P-WATER- DECORATING 21~ARPENTER 21S-CARPENTER I 21S-CARPENTER 21T-PLUMBING AND 21Z-LANDSCAPrNG & BRICK WORK PROOFING SERVICE SERVICE SERVICE HEATING GARDEN SERVICE f STEVEN COOK L. VERBEKE CONTR. CODDENS HERB RUSSELL QUALITY WORK by carpen.1 BARKER ALL PLUMBING Professionol Painter Drives • Walks • Porches CONSTRUCTION ter .with ?ver 20 years. ex. CONTRACTORS. Inc. NO SERVICE CHARGE THREE CrS Interior Plaster Repair Patios • Chimneys • Tuck. MAl NTENANCE ESTABLISHED 1924 penence m Grosse POInte. Modernization • Alterations Small or large jobs, electric Exterior Trim Refinishing pointing • Basement Water. REMODELING A Ii types of basement water. Kitchens remodeled, bas~" Additions. Family Rooms sewer cleaning. Private LANDSCAPING 549.5156 proofing NEW CONSTRUCTION proofing. 7 years guarantee. ments paneled, room addl. Kitchens & Recreation Area.\ plumber. Small home reo 19 Years in the Pointes LA 7-5144 * Commercial and residenli:ll References. 822~94. tions. etc. Conscientious. Estate Maintenance pairs. Also, lawn sprinkling 'Ii Lawn and Garden CERTIFIED No Job Too Small Small jobs acceptable. 882- JAMES BARKER W. KLEINER CUSTOM repairs. Reasonable. 886. Maintenance MAINTENANCE Licensed Free Estimates J. 1004. 886.5044 3537. CEMENT CONTRACTOR HOME REPAIR * Sodding and Seeding Exterior ,painting, don't start 885-4391 CEMENT • BRICK • STONE * Power Rakin~ exterior painting until it's Remodeling, ropairs of any WAYNE'S CUSTOM 21 W-DRESSMAKING GRAZIO CONSTRUCTION Patios. walks, porches, steps CUSTOMCRAFT TAILORING * Topsoil had a chance .to dry out. kind, work alone. no job & Cement driveways, floors, Flagstone repair too big or small, rolten Conslruclion Company REMODELING * Sand Free estimates for June, Interior paneling, carpentry, CUSTOM SEWING and alter. pat i 0 s of any design, Tuck pointing, patching window cords, window sills, * Peat .' July and August painting. wallpaper, susp. ceilings, ations. Men and women's Fertilizing porches new steps, old ga. SPECIALIZING IN jambs, d 00 r s, porches, BUJLDERS'• * 526.2242 37~.7407 linoleum' and tile floors. ultra suede and furs. Tree Removal and Repair rages raised -and repaired, basements, attics. Call Bill, & REMODELERS * SMALL JOBS, Complete kitchen, ,bath and 8236837 822-5093 Shrub and Tree Planting new garage doors, new ga. 889'()298. * DON'T PAINT until the time FREE ESTIMATES basement modernization. Landscape Design and rages custom built. Li. Additions,•Dormers * is right. Your home must LICENSED Formica counter specialist. 21Z-LANDSCAPING & Construction censed and insured. FRANK S. WILLIAMS. Li. Rec. Rooms. Bathrooms GARDEN SERVICE have the chance to dry out TU 2-0717 Kitchens, New Homes Guaranteeing low bid, guar. * Fully Licensed and Insured from a 'hard wet winter. We censed builder. Specializ. 774-3020 772-1771 ing in home up.dating and anteeing best of work. Call MICHEL PILORGET Land. Gerald J. Christ will provide you with the R. R. CODDENS Custom Garages• and Doors for free estimate and ideas. scaping. <:omplete service, - best job in town, the finest all minor or 'major repairs. Clement A. Chargot , HAROLD Doors a d jus ted, book. 773-4355. planting, custom built flag. paint most reasonable Cement Contractor • CHAUVIN Family Business for 51 years shelves instadled, paneling, Free Estimates and Planning stone patios. 823.6662. 757-5330 price and the soundest ad. CEMENT CONTRACTOR New and repair work new counter tops, vanities. FINISH cabinet maker. will I • LAWN CUTTING, weeding, vice to protect your most ALL TYPE OF No job too small Code violations corrected. FINANCING •ARRANGED rem', del your kitchen, base. valuable investment. Please • cultivating, shrub and ever- POINTER 1 Dr.iveways and porches ment, bathroom or atljc . , " CEMENT WORK • For courteous expert assist. green trimm:ng. Tree trim- be sure to get our free es. our specialty ance in improving your • Total formica kitchen, will • Walks • Drives • Porches ming. LANDSCAPING timate. Interiors also. • Patios • Waterproofing • Patios home in any area, please 881-1024 res1l1'face you.r old cabinets. R. C. MOW~RA Y • Pre.Cast Steps • Chimneys call me at 882-7776. Complete interior work. SHOREWOOD • Weekly Lawn Care 331-3230 • Tuck Pointing • Waterproofing Can Scolty, 885-0278. LANDSCAPE CO. • Fertilizing ALBERT D. THOMAS • Bed Work COMPLE1'E decorating. Pa. • Chimney Repair CALL ANYTIME HARRY SMITH CARPENTER WORK _ Pan. 773-2828 No job too small BUILDING CO. INC. • Bushes Trimmed , perhanging. Inllured, guar. eling, partitions. ceilings, ROTO.SPADE your garden. Free Estimates 822-6694 Established in We are general contractors. • 10 Years Experience '. anteed. Al Schneider, TU kitchens, small jobs, reo Student will roto.spade up • Sodding Licensed ALL TYPE brick, stone, Gro~se P?inte Area Since 1~37 One call takes care of all 1'()565 or Ralph Roth, 886- pairs etc. TU 2-2795. to 1,000 square feet. $20. i7 Years in Pointe block, concrete driveways; ReSldef}hal and ~ommerclal your building. remodeLing • Licensetor vehicle to sell or offer for sale, dce cream, ice milk, frozen Worship Services : pany. storms, screens, gut. dairy products or ice flavored with syrup, to persons other than at the entrance 10 a.m. 'ters, aluminum cleaned. Chtirch School Day to the residence of such persons, sh~l, in addition ,to the meeting the general . Insured. Free estimates. First English Exercise 882.0688. requirements for a Vendor's license, have such vehicle equipped with the Crib Room Available following: Ev. Lutheran WINDOW Sermon by WASHING (A) Signal lamps mounted at the same level and as high and as widely spaced Church Dr. Roy R. Hutcheon .. COLLEGE BOUND Rev. Terry J. Ging !lalerally'as practicable. These ~amps shall be five (5) to seven (7) inches Vernier Road at Wedgewood Complete window service DriYCl, Grosse Paint. Wcocls . with all type glass and 'in diameter and shall display ,two (2) -alternately flashing 'amber lights 884-5040 screen repair. For free es- on the front of the \'e)jcle and twO' (2)alternate1y flashing red lights on Church Services St. Paul Ev• ~timates phone Brian at the rear of the vehicle. Both front and rear !lights shall ba u I kin g. The first p.tlo cover designed for fine hom••• such truck be backed up to make or attempt to make ~ sale. Rev. Fred F. Campbell joInt sealer with Ri.Tex. Looking For New '.tlo Id••• ? Chimney repair and 1'e. 4.}.15: DUTIES OF MOTORISTS: The driver of a molar vehicle meeting or built. Bas em e n t water. We Have A Full Color Brochure proofing 8M carpentry overta~ing an ice cream vend:ng lruck slopped on the street shaH stop before St. James '. work. 2S years expel'llence. Available - Free of Course reaching the vending truck when the flashing lights and stop signal arm are Ebenezer AU work guaranteed. Don. in use. After stopp:ng, a driver may proceed past such truck at a reasonable Lutheran Church Boptist Church '. 181dMcE'achern. 526.5646. and prudent speed. not exceeding fifteen (I5) m:!es per hour. and s:,all yJeld 21001 1\101'055 Rd. ALUMA-CRAFT LTD "On The Hill" 882.2728 GENERAL MASONRY 10 YEAR WRITTEN GUARANTEE the right of way to Rny pedestr.:an who crosses the roadway 10 or from the CONTRACTOR ,ice cream vending truck. McMillon near Kerchnal Sunday School 9:45 Brick, block, concrete work, UCENSED/INSUR ED FEA TURING TU 4-0511 Worship Service 11:00 driveways, porches, rore. Worship Services "Soul Set On Fire" p I ace s, stonework. tuck Grosse Pointe, Mich .•• 9:30 and 11:00 a.m. Rev. Wm. Cummins poInting, etc. Residential, r;:l (Nursery, Bolh Services) Evening Family Service commercial. No job too , CHESTER E, PETERSEN smaU or big. Free estd. ~ 343-0043 ,-~ Cily Adminislrator.Clerk 9:30 a, m. Sunday School 6:30 mate. Call casper Con. Rev. Gear •• E. Kun: 1 CAl.L us FOR FREE ESTIMATES _"d service, Farewell for the Deckers stnlctlon Company. 772. P'_""'"" Rey. Georg. M. Sch.lt.r 6430 • 463-0707. I and Youth Musical , i. L me 7 .... ~ ."" '. ".. '..... -'.. .~---."~ , . '''''. .. '\; .. ...

PaCJe Thirty-Two GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, June 9, 1977 * * * * Feature Page * * * * Pointars of Interest Schedule Rose From Another Pointe of View ShOlV June 17 (Continued from Page 17) flJ- last year's show, on loan I and lions. Michael will be glad to do a grouping She's a Middle SCho01ernow, from the Ford Museum. will garden. Kathy enjoys gar- Military School where he is l for you in your home. Prints already framed and just graduated from the sixth be a Map of the British and dening w;th her husband. a first-year student, in the bunch ready to hang $12 to' $90. A great selection from grade. Richard has completed French Dominions in North Linda ~ikes to grub around sixth grade. i 51.49 i f which to choose. Call 881-0182 or stop in for a peek the first. America with the Roads, Dds. in the dirt, too: flowers are • • • I With Coupon I Be's An Associate Curator tances, Limits and Extent of her forte. THOMAS F. LECHNER, I ... 18318 Mack Avenue. Past years' University Lig. whose wife is the former Regularly 1.69 bunch Valid 'iii 6. J 3.77 .. . . WaJter is ,the Ford Mu. the Settlements. drawn and I I seum's 'associate curator. published by John Mitchell, gett Antiques Show Cata. MARIA WARD McKNIGHT, Pick A Lilly Bouquet .•. at Bartley's Country Lane, logues have contained arU. of The Pointe, recently re- 20841Mack Avenue. Tbere are smart noral prlDted blazers; Metals, and also in charge dated February 13, 1755 - ..----_ ...------and used up to the present cles by Walter Simmons, n. tired as Deputy Commander ,------, noral jeans with matcblng utton polyester bleDd bU tops of the Painting, Sculpture and Folk Art collections. century to adjudicate bound. Once he wrote on the Silver. of Naval Electronic Systems 00 and pleated Dylon caftlns In gay Ully Plllllze'r prints. smiths of Early Detroit. in Washington, D.C., and has He's been involved with the ary disputes between con. I '1 Off All Rose Bushes I • • • ULS Antiques Shows for some tiguous states and between Another time he offered ad. been named business mana. I I Needlepoint Belts ... from England, they're time; they, too, run in the the United States and Canada. vice to collectors of antiques ger at Hood College. one of a kind at Two's Company, 399 Fisher Road. , All Colors, Hundreds I or needs repair Wright's can take care or that, too . • . Free Summer Cruise For Kids ... under six- 18650Mack Avenue next to the Grosse Pointe Post OfCIce, I to Choose From I :-. .'i~. A Ha:dso~e Bri:fcas,e ... or leather teen on board the mls Boheme are presently avail- , I , ;' ,04 envelope from HARVEY S COMPLEAT ... : .." TRAVELER will be a .great success for able from July 2nd thru September 10th. Sail every • Saturday from Miami to the Caribbean. For fur- Martha of Martha's Closet has a varied selec- I With Coupon I i .' 'I Father's Day 345 Fl.Sher Road. .' .. ther details on this summer saving spree contact tion of gifts for the graduate ... Shetland sweaters, IL Valid 'tit 6.13-77 ~, . 1I"'RA"ELW~RLD, 21127 Mack Avenue (north of cardigans and pullovers, dressy and tailored in all l. New Arrlva's • , _ wicker tnmb In so ,~ shades of pastel, also navy and white ... a unique Vernier) 882-8190. many sCyles and Jn wiDow, rauall core, ... peel cue allO oUve wood chesb 'rom .AI ' • '" selectien of white summer jewelry ... a back pack 1 Spain, Comc see tbem aU at Wicker World, 'f'!-..I.4f Now's The Time ... to order your indoor-out- tote bag, in the shape of a tennis racquet with an I 20643 Mack Ayenue. '4I'f:T door carpeting. Ed Maliszewski has a wide selection ample pocket for accessories or cosmetics in dif- .. . . including luscious green Astroturf and they come ferent sizes and styles ... casual patch-work bags Allemon Florist .' 'Day's Separates . . . three piece vested in many colors and patterns. 21435 Mack Avenue ... all at Martha's Closet. 375 Fisher road. L .'suit's are made of light weight cotton and ... 776-5511. * '" • .polyester in a special varie~y of summ~r fas~: • '" • on E. Warren We Will Teach Vou proper skin care and the \ ion colors ... now a Father s Day SP.ecla~ 20 It Gifts And Cards . . . for lhe graduale and Father T abound at Wright's. Also it's so convenient to bring in ~. art of applying your makeup. Call Pat Seller and I 17931 East Warren TU 4-6120 off at Limited Editions, 16227 Mack m Tiffany Shelle Cosmetic Sludio, 884.5446or Jonl, 294.:r091. o your lamp base lor a proper fit and If It has a frayed cord i • Lane.

. ~ " I i m L. w&tr f ,*-~ ..~r__. ... ~ ...... 'r ...... _cZ"'e&.~r-. iF"Ss;.,.,.....e&>.''Si&'q ....b- ..... "2 'n 'n :. "~adr: