Container 145 To
1/5/80 Folder Citation: Collection: Office of Staff Secretary; Series: Presidential Files; Folder: 1/5/80; Container 145 To See Complete Finding Aid: STATUS .-•-·'• ·, '._' • '• :�·; f\ .�.:= '•• • ,'_• •' .·:-,,.�·,_;-, .. �-�•·.•; I,J',', '"o'-ol.-1,;_,, . .� -: .... •,_,;:,.,.___:, ,.·_.,;.,·,,,__ ' ,,. � '"I NORTH CAROLINA ERA History 1979 Senate killed in committee 1977 House passed 61-55; Senate defeated 24-26 1975 House defeated 57-62 1973 House defeated in committee; Senate defeated 23-27 Present Political Line-Up Senate House Total l-iembers 50 120 Partisan Balance D-45 D-105 R- 5 R- 15 Need to Ratify Majority present 61 and voting (26) Estimated Pro-ERA 21 55-64 Leadership Mixed Mixed Lt. Governor/President Speaker J:immy Green (D) Anti Carl Stewart (D) Pro President Pro Tern Speaker Pro Tern Craig Lawing (D) Pro H. Horton Rotmdtree (D) Anti Governor James B. Hunt, Jr. (D) 1980 Pro Next Elections - 1980 Filing - Jan. 7 - Feb. 12 Primary - May 2 Rlmoff - Jtme 30 Senate - All (2 years) House -- All (2 years) U.S. Senate: Robert Morgan (D) Governor and all other constitutional officers Next Legislative Session - 1980 Session scheduled for May 5-17. Budget session. ERA cannot be reintroduced; could only be considered by a 2/3 vote of those present and voting. House committees required to report all bills; Senate not. Committees may report a bill favorably as amended, favorably as cornrnitee substitute, without prejudice or tmfavorably. Bills reported tmfavorable may be resurrected by a 2/3 vote of members present and voting.
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