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6060 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 29, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS United States POLICY TOWARD States. In the 1960s and into the early tion-are facing their most serious chal CUBA 1970s, the CIA attempted assassinations, lenge. Shifting Soviet priorities have dam sabot age and, the Cubans charge, biological aged an economy already in trouble from in warfare. efficiency and from the plagues of most HON. GEORGE MILLER President Bush might reflect on the past, Third World countries: unpalatable debt to OF CALIFORNIA including the lessons of the 1962 missile Western and Eastern banks and the yearly IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES crisis, when the United States and the imbalance between what it receives for its Soviet Union terrified the world over the basic exports, like sugar and coffee, and Thursday, March 29, 1990 issue of Soviet nuclear weapons on the what it must pay for imports. Mr. MILLER of California. Mr. Speaker, the island. The reason for all this activity was to Dissent and demoralization are spreading, following article on United States policy remove Soviet influence in Cuba. and Castro has responded with increased re toward Cuba warns that recent and continued Now, ironically, after all of this effort, the pression as he did especially in the early United States is demanding that Castro re years of revolution. But by increasing at hostilities by our Government against Cuba store Soviet influence, lock, stock and peres will not bring about the desired democratic tacks against Cuba, Bush hands Castro pre troika. Castro, predictably, is having none of cisely the weapon with which he has histori changes in that island nation. The author, an it. In addition to his customary, and appar cally been able to mobilize the population: expert on Cuba, argues that the lesson from ently valid charges against the United anti-Americanism. The captain of the ship United States policy toward Cuba since the States for its imperialist behavior, he is ac attacked by the Coast Guard has returned revolution in 1959 is that aggressive attacks cusing Soviet leaders of political irresponsi to Havana to a hero's welcome. against Cuba only hardens its alliance with the bility: for bringing chaos and capitalism to their land and Eastern Europe. WHAT U.S. SHOULD DO Soviet Union and unnecessarily separates the "CIRCLING THE WAGONS" President Bush should look to Soviet be United States and Cuba. I submit this article havior in Eastern Europe for Cuba-policy by Saul Landau in the San Francisco Chron Castro sees attacks coming from both su perpowers, one anxious to recover its former guidance. There, people began their process icle for the benefit of all of our colleagues. albeit unofficial colony, the other, desirous of self-determination only after Soviet Mr. Speaker, I submit also, as the most of shedding economic burdens that it can ill President Gorbachev assured them, and the recent example of the aggressive United afford in its current internal reform phase. world, that he would abide by international States policy toward Cuba, an article from the As one Cuban diplomat admitted, "Fidel is law and not intervene in their political proc Washington Post on the insistence of the circling the wagons." And like the stero esses. typed Indians in the old Westerns, the U.S. The United States has given quite the op United States to broadcast TV Marti into Cuba posite message to people in the Caribbean despite Cuba's insistence to jam the signal government is increasing the pressure. Lots of wishful thinking is going on in Basin. Castro like the rest of Latin America, because it argues the show is a violation of Washington and in Miami's Cuba exile cir has noted the 1989 U.S. invasion and mili Cuba's sovereignty: cles, that Castro will fall from the East Eu tary occupation of Panama and the interfer [From the San Francisco Chronicle, Feb. 26, ropean domino effect, that the economy will ence in the electoral process in Nicaragua. 19901 crack because the Soviet and Eastern bloc "We have every reason to fear U.S. inter WILL THE ELUSIVE CUBAN DOMINO FALL? nations withdraw aid, that the Cuban vention," a high-level Cuban diplomat told me. "If the Soviet Union was our neighbor <By Saul Landau> masses will pour into the streets and create an ungovernable situation where the 63- who knows what kinds of open processes Flush with perceived triumphs in Eastern year-old president will be forced to resign might be occurring in Cuba?" Europe and Panama, the Bush administra Comparisons with Eastern Europe are mis tion appears eager to take on its next leading. The Cuban Resolution was an in [From the Washington Post, Mar. 27, 1990] domino: Castro's Cuba. digenous process, not one propelled by the In late January, a Coast Guard vessel rid occupying Soviet Army as was the case in TV MARTI: IGNITING WAR OF AIRWAVES.-AS dled a Cuban-chartered vessel with bullets Eastern European communism. THREE-MONTH TEST NEARS, CUBA THREAT in international waters when its captain re Although Castro is ideologically alone in ENS RETALIATORY JAMMING fused a demand to board and search for the Communist world today, he has separat <By Laura Parker) drugs. In a subsequent search of the ship in ed his Marxism-Leninism from state diplo MIAMI, March 26.- As Cuba attempts to a Mexican port, no drugs were found. Cuban macy and trade policy. Foreign investors avoid the tumult sweeping the rest of the officials complain that there is a pattern of have not flocked to the island, nor have communist world, a U.S. plan to bombard harassment, including an increased number they boycotted it. Spanish entrepreneurs the island with television images from out of military flights and incursions into are constructing several hotels, while Argen side has touched off a war of the airwaves. Cuban waters. tine, German and Canadian businessmen TV Marti, named after Cuba's 19th centu In addition, President Bush is planning to are putting together joint tourist ventures ry national hero, Jose Marti, and modeled beam new television ·programs onto the with the Cuban government. on the five-year-old Radio Marti, is poised island. Telemarti is expressly designed to AMERICAN FOIL. undermine Castro's authority, by presenting to begin a three-month test run of game Castro has used U.S. hostility as a foil to shows and basketball games to Havana sev news and political analysis from a pro-U.S. eral hours a day. point of view. It will complement Radio put Cuba in the mainstream of world histo Marti, which for several years has been ry. Fidel is seen in much of Africa as a hero. But TV Marti does not plan to stay with Cuba's decisive defeat of South African the soft stuff for long. Visions of Tianana sending the U.S. version of reality on AM men Square and bloody revolution in Roma radio in Cuba. forces in Angola in 1988 at the battle of Cuito Cuanavale forced the apartheid nia are just around the corner, and Cuban TURNING THE SCREWS regime to come to the bargaining table, a President Fidel Castro apparently is steam U.S. thinking on Cuba is that the Castro process that led to Namibian independence. ing. He has threatened to jam TV Marti's regime is in deep trouble and by turning the In 1990, all but the most subservient of signal and disrupt U.S. television and radio screws it will force it to crack. U.S. ·clients have restored relations with if the telecasts proceed. Neither the thinking nor the current ag Cuba, or have announced plans to do so, Friday evening, in what American broad gressive posture toward the Castro regime is Even the ingratiating Honduran regime in casters viewed as a "warning shot," a radio new. What is striking is how little the ad vited a Cuban parliamentary delegation to speech by Castro was beamed toward the ministration has learned from the past. visit last year. Cuba enjoys relations with U.S. mainland, disrupting six AM radio sta Bush is the eighth president who has tried 110 countries, double the number in 1959, tions along the Florida coast. Castro came to destroy the Cuban Revolution and when the U.S. backed Batista dictatorship in loud and clear on radio at 11:00 AM in remove its leader, Fidel Castro, from power. governed. Miami, and radio announcers as far away as The attacks on Cuba, however, have tended For all of his external and internal accom Nashville reported picking up portions of to strengthen Fidel and hurt the United plishments, Fidel-and the Cuban Revolu- the three-hour speech. e This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. March 29, 1990 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 6061 "It certainly appears to be a warning Marti, abruptly removed from his job this Following his graduation from high school, shot," said Susan Kraus, spokeswoman for month, accused the powerful Cuban Ameri he answered his country's call when his coun the National Association of Broadcasters, can National Foundation of muscling him try needed him. He enlisted in the U.S. Navy which opposes TV Marti broadcasts. "Cuban out in order to gain control over Radio officials made it very clear that they intend Marti and TV Marti. and served in the Pacific during World War Ii. to retaliate if TV Marti goes on the air." Aside from the political implications, Today, David Jaicks is an active supporter Indeed, the Cuban government regards many technical experts expressed doubt of many local, State, and national organiza TV Marti as a violation of international law that TV Marti, which is expected to cost $40 tions as well as the benefactor of numerous and broadcast regulations.