• • • ss» a Q IS ass s a au JIG a QI AI the News of AI the Pointes Every no' 'I~ ThllndlY Morning rosse r1nte ~ws Complete Ne'ws 'Coverage of All the Pointes VOL. 38-NOo 23 'wltlllh .. a. hcond C.... Malt .. at the 10e 'or COP.!' 32 Pages-Two Sections-Section One '0.1 Offlco at Dotroll. Mlchl .. n GROSSE POINTE, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 1977 $1.00 Por Ve•• . Voters to. HEADLINES School Board of the Choose T,vo Resolution Candidates WEEK --L A. CompUecl by !he Grone Pointe New. Polls at 10 Elementary Gets Sif,pport Schools Will Be Open from 7 a.m.~8 p.m. THE'I't1~:iE~1U1~~ATES Wayne County School District Representatives has told Cuba it bas no inlen- Adopt locally Approv~ Measure Against By Susan Mt:Donald Uo.n of re-establlshing full Proposed Teacher licensure Bill trade (and diplomatic reta. L 0 c a I con t r a 1 of schools, curriculum im- tioDS tIIS long .s Cuban troops By Susan McDonald _ continue radical ectivities in Representatives from all 36 Wayne County prov4i:ments and teacher- administration relations Africa; '& top U.S, foreign school districts last week took a united stand policy official said Wednes. against a proposed teacher licensure bill, adop~ing have become major is- day. 1I1e official said that a resolution written and approved by the Pomte sues in the race to fill while momentum has built Board of Education in April. two Board of Education up for normalization of rela. The resolution was ap- seats in the Monday, June 13, annual electh:il}: tiOI\J betwe,en the two coun. proved at the Thursday, B dE' tries,ibe U.S. intends to . f th W Y" maintain its trade embargo June 2, meetmg 0 e ayne oar es Voters will choose between County Assoc. of School eight candidates, including against Cuba while Cuban Boards in opposition to House .SU~llne.r Tax Barbara Youngs, Frances troops remain a c t i vein Bill, (HB), 4242. •• Twiddy, Paul M. Quint, Paul Africa. He said full diplo. Pointe Trustee Joan Han- C II a McCarthy, Dorothy" Kenne!. ' ,matic relations including an 0 eet.o.n. Laurance Harwood, Richard '.. exchat1ge' of '4lmbassadol"/l, peter, who .authored the res. II Robbins and Ann Ardussi. ' .J I bin C b 'th olution, said she" found the :~.~ so ge on a u an WI • lassociation's 'action signifi- J1011s at 10, local elemen-' cl.,.:drawal. cant because it indicates the Input Sought from Mun- tary schools 'will be open ~-'~' • • • systems are beginqing to icipalities on Plan Call- from 7 a.m ..8 p.m. The eftf.t~~MICHIGANFriday, BLUEJUlIe 3CROSS. work together . 'Ing .for ObtaOln'ln'g League of Women voter~' will make available non.par: ME' ;'(t". Blue Shi.'eld was granted .. "This is about the first time Monies Twice a , . 9.45 percent rate increase Photo by ~om Gr~enwood I know of that all Wayne Year \. Thursday 'by Michigan 'In. Eight, candidates will compete for two THY KENNEL, and in \the back row, (from County districts have done ) surance Commissioner Thom. Board of Education ,seats when Pointers go to. left to righ.t), ~"RANCES TWIDDY, PAUL Mc- ,anything in concert," Mrs. , Id Hanpeter said. Susan McDona ~ as C. Jones. Th~ boost is ex- the 'polls ~n Monday; June 13, in the annual CARTHY and BARBARA YOUNGS. Incumbent By f Ed pected, to earJ1. an additional S ch 00 I B oar. d eIections. I n t h e f ront row, (f rom L aurance H arwoo d" IS pICt ure d' m co Iumn elg. ht Commission Viewed The Board 0 .. uca- $94. ,mi1llon in revenues for left to right), are candidates ANN ARDUSSI, as he was reportedly out of town when the pic- "School districts are very tion took the' first step I!i';.thehealth insurance organi. RICHARD ROBBINS, PAUL QUINT and DORO- ture' above was taken. independent, .and I like them toward implementipg a ~.;;...~ :lation ov.er an IS.month per. I that way, but we 'must work new cost-saving tax plan ,~fod beginning July I, Mr, J' together on soine issues." last month with inquiries ~;JtJones. said. The Blues bad F:r.emen :n Park' Fourth f. .uly F:nd Bod:es. The Michigan Education to six local muniCipal- ~"asked for approval of a 12.6 II II S,' 0 -II II Assoc., (MEA), backed bill ities. - " ['t ~:~~e~~~:M;~~th~k~:,ul~ Park Have Celebration Features In Double ~;I~ s~a:en%~m~~;b~:~~~~~ sa~~ ~~~n's~~l~ $~~~~~a~~" "': new money, he said. The I sion to set professional stand- interest 18St year alone, calls r i~~~;n~~~~~~s~rb::s~: tf~:: 3 Busy Days Big Pal"~de, Fun for All Drowning ~::~h:;: license the state's f~~:::oo~o;~~~t~o~:c~fy::~U- three years to 'more than 62 The proposed commission in July as well as the regli" f:{=~i::I,=::t,~~ Trio ~f ~llz~~ Brings Civ,ic: ~soc:I.~ion .~P..=.~'.i'\t.~i~h ..~tiq~e .De,ths. of G~uphdlu\ed~~~k~~~~ ~e tt~c~~~ la~Dae~:~~e~~~;:~i\ilPtl serlbers at cUlferent Ume'.-.s .-N.eded ...AsI'stanee;.'."'-" ......-;Caq",FJQab,-~M g1l1ir:ee Mile Pa"lC- . ,Accidental "tn-First ,rid other farge teacher i'n all the Pointes and Har- their eontraet anniversary from Mutp..1~i~'" .,~~,., . .~,r..m.,o~-'.•~L~~~.f • .g~~c.AJ~~ .,." Sych 'nc:fc:lent in . uniOll$, a*!d two 'rnember~ of per Wpods,Sl'!llerintencient dat.~~e~up: 'a;<:~"> < '.'<"'i,</' ;i~I~'l'I0v::,,:!,,~ ;<,,::."~';:;:~~tf:~;~~~rd:~}~hOOl.'to ~:'e' :"",\Far.~$!.Historyc.,' , ,,' ~~:t~td'~~~~~:Jri,~~:~~i;W~:n~Q.a~e:sk:l:: LAURANCE J, HARWOOD Saturday, JUlIe 4 Three fires occurred in Ml'le Park will begin the. Fourth of July celebr"atl'on ..By Tom. Gree. nwood Th(! Boarc!statement reads double tax' cOllectipn; The tisan voter guides at the CUBA INFORMED mE in part "We do not favor liB Board cannot unilaterally or- poUs 'as well' as at local li. F Id th t it as many days ~ The in The Park. Last year, more t~n 200 children and. A.funeral Mass ~or the 4242 b~cause we are opposed ~er the cities to cooperate braries. United States r .ay a Park on Sunday-Tues- 150 adults marched or rode in the--35 different VICtimS of an aCCIdental to the control of public edu- 1nthe program. In the wake of a bitter, f~an.:~~ri~:as:r::~~ua::l~ ?ay, Ma~ 29-31, .accord- parade sections. ,double .drowning in Lake cation by a special interest . Avoid BOrrowiDg atlon year:long contract dispute, on drug ~barges and,cwlll re.' mg to' mforn: re- Ai '!bomas and Cynthia "We are hoping that this St. CI~lr was held Sat';lr- group. ~lth a summer tax. col. aiscussions of mistrust" and view the cases of 20 others leased b8 FIre Chief Brooks are co.chairmen of year some Little League day, June 4, at Samt "If the bill were passed in lect~on, the, system could a poor working relationship includin(" seven America~ Phillip ~ost~. ' .' i this year's parade, which is teams and other 'athletic ,Paul -on - the-Lakeshore its present' form, public l':01.d borrowmg nearly $8.5 between local teachers:and poU.'cal"prlS' oners .. Tbe State The chief said the f1I'&t.f1I'.e sponsored by the Grosse groupS will march with us," Church. school teachers would re- ~illion each year to cover .. ., Its July-December expenses. the Board' have dominated Department coupled news of was doused with~ut ass~st- Pointe Park Civic Assoc. said Mrs. Brooks, president The tJ'llgedy, which claim. c.e~ve self.lice~sl,ng an~ po- The system pays at least candidate meetings thus. far. the prisoner release with an ance from The City, which T~ose wishing to partici- of the civic association. ed the lives, of William T. hcmg p~wers, ~t. contin utes._. $200,000 on that loan a year, The conflict has figured announcement that the two normally responds automat. pate should bri~g their. floats Festivities Planned Kane Jr. and his wife, Bar. The bill was Jo~tly m. ro according to chief accountant largely in several candidate countries will exchange diplo. ically to any Park alarm; or large vehicles to the Trophies will be awarded :bara, marked the first acci- ?uced by 32 represe~tahves James Gunter. platforms, and two fOrmer mats for tbe r~t time in'18 the second was a. thr~e. Pierce School playground at to the outstanding parade dental double drowning in the m early .March ~nd IS cur- The letter 1s not a formal teachers running for trustee years. U.S. officials described. alarm blaze, to which City 1 p.m. on the 4th. The adult participants. history of The Farms. rently ,bemg con~ldered by a request for a shift, to a sum. seats have been attacked be. the latest developments as. and Farms f1I'efighte~s, re- motorized. section will ~- According to Fred Camp. Mr. Kane; 38, and his wife, Ho~se sub.commlttee on edu- mer collection, although Dr. c~use of their past or pres- major steps toward improv- sponded; al!d the ~d, a clude antique cars, fa~y bell, parade marshall, the 36, were last seen alive about cation. Coats notes that may come ent association with the. jng relations between Wash. fou~-alarm flJ'e, r~ulred the a~d ~roup floats, bands, dlg- adult motorized section will lO~30 a.m.
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