Issue No. 3 Published by The British Harpsichord Society NOVEMBER 2010 Guest Editor- PENELOPE CAVE, A prize-winning harpsichordist and well known as a teacher of the instrument, is currently working towards a PhD on ‘Music Lessons in the English Country House’ at the University of Southampton. CONTENTS Editorial and Introductions to the individual articles Penelope Cave Reading between the Lines – Couperin’s instructions for playing the Eight Preludes from L’Art de toucher le clavecin. Penelope Cave ‘Whence comes this strange language?’ Jane Clark Writing Harpsichord Music Today. Raymond Head We live in such fortunate times… Helena Brown The Gift of Music. Professor Barry Ife A Joint Outing with the British Clavichord Society. A visit to Christopher Hogwood’s collection Dr. Micaela Schmitz Historical Keyboard Instruments- the Vocal Ideal, and other Historical Questions. Paul Y. Irvin An Organ for the Sultan. Michael Ackerman and finally.. Your Queries and Questions…..hopefully answered. Please keep sending your contributions to
[email protected] . Please note that opinions voiced here are those of the individual authors and not necessarily those of the BHS. All material remains the copyright of the individual authors and may not be reproduced without their express permission. EDITORIAL The editorship of Sounding Board has fallen to me this Autumn, and I have the challenging but interesting task of accepting the baton, knowing it is, literally, for a season only as I shall pass it on to the next editor as soon as I have completed this issue. In addition to a passion for playing the harpsichord, we all have our specialities and as Pamela Nash was able to give a focus on contemporary matters and William Mitchell concentrated on the instrument and its makers, I wanted to present some articles concerning learning the harpsichord, with which intention I submit something on the Couperin Preludes.