Volume7Numberl1998 Nonorc JounN¿¡, on ArnrcnN Srunrgs Editorial Board NonoTC JOUnN¿.I, oF AFRICAN STUDIES A¡vi Hurskainen, Editor (Univ. of Helsinki), Rolf Theil Endresen (Univ. of Oslo), Abdulaziz Y. Lodhi, (Univ. of Uppsala), Gísli Pálsson (Univ. of Iceland), and John Stotesbury (Univ. ofJoensuu). Contents Nordic Journal of African Studies is published by the Nordic Association of African Studies (NAAS) biannually. The Editorial Board welcomes scholarly contributions concerning studies on various aspects ofAfrican language studies as well as on literary, cultural, anthropological and historical studies. It also publishes news regarding ongoing research, workshops and conferences. ARrrcr-Bs Correspondence All correspondence concerning editorial matters as well as manuscripts for H. Weiss Relieving but not preventing - Public famine relief in publication should be sent to the Editor, Departrnent of Asian and African Studies, some British colonies in Africa up to 1930 Box 59 (Unioninkatu 38 B), SF-00014 University of Helsinki, Finland (fax: 358- 9-19122094;e-mail:
[email protected]). Please read the insrucdons M. Vehnämäki Adjusted environment: Evidence from Ghana's to authors, printed on the inside back cover. structural adjustment program 27 Subscriptions in Scandinavia A.M. Nangendo The heartbeat and rhythm of life: The cardinal points Members of the NAAS are automatically subscribers of the periodical. The in the socio-cultural construction of Bukisu (Swedish membership fee per calendar year in Scandinavia is SEK Crowns) 140:- personhood 39 for individuals and SEK 170:- for institutions. Fees should be paid to the account the Association: Bank Acc. No. 3867-45-084-56 (Nordbanken Uppsala in of P. Mikkola Random coincidence in mass comparison: Sweden), Postgiro Acc.