"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good-except God alone." Mark 10:18

To achieve this, someone on behalf of God must be victorious over Satan, both as an individual and as an adopted son. Moreover, as a child of direct lineage, he must fight with the satanic world and win over it for God. CSG 192

Greetings! In Hyung Jin Nim's sermon on Sunday, he explained that thos e using a rod of iron especially need a sound mind. You never can take back a bullet. If you make a mistake, you are responsible for the consequences. Be slow to anger. That's why it's important to drill and practice. ALWAYS check any weapon to see if it is loaded. It's an inanimate object that needs to be controlled by a responsible person. Free enterprise leads to great wealth. But with wealth comes the danger that it can lead to relativism and corruption. That is why Peace Police Peace Militia training is so important, for developing self-control, humility and learning to relate to people of different classes and backgrounds.

Kingdom of the Rod of Iron 5 - February 18, 2018 - Rev. - Unification Sanctuary, Newfoundland PA

In Matthew 19:24, Jesus warned us that " Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God." Be careful not to be a moral posturer or practice self-idolatry. Jesus said no one is good except God. We all will have responsibilities in the Kingdom of Heaven. There will be no welfare for Christians. Jesus told his disciples, "Truly I tell you, at the renewal of all things, when the Son of Man sits on his glorious throne, you who have followed me will also sit on twelve thrones, judging the twelve tribes of Israel." Faithful Christians will have responsibilities in governance. will publish interview with Hyung Jin Nim in its May magazine. Also the Daily Mail newspaper. Sad to say, most such publications are indifferent or hostile to the freedoms in the Bill of Rights. All of our events are open to the media. The February 28 Book of Life Registration Blessing will be a beautiful ceremony celebrating the gifts of God. We must not worship the state. The rule of the Rod of Iron has the purpose to bring peace. We will bring this discussion to other countries around the world. T his is a spiritual fight, between worldviews and bloodlines. Satanic kingdoms cannot allow these ideas to be spread, otherwise their systems cannot continue. They would not be able to keep the Chinese, North Koreans, Iranians and Venezuelans under their boots. There is a b ig difference between homosexuals and the gay political agenda. We disagree with their lifestyle, but have no problem talking with them and respecting their freedoms. But we cannot allow leftists to smear, censor and criminalize Judeo-Christian views or to indoctrinate our children. The FBI was informed about Nikolaus Cruz' threats to do a school shooting. Local authorities were called to his home 39 times. Another "Gun Free Zone" shooting. Dangerous drugs that can cause hallucinations have been given too freely to young people. Nearly all of school shooters in the last 20 years were on SSRI anti-depressants.

GOA's Erich Pratt Debates CNN Host on Florida Shooting

Hyung Jin Nim showed a CNN interview with Erich Pratt, Ex. Dir. of Gun Owners of America, who made many cogent points: * 98% of shootings have been in Gun Free Zones. * We need to allow the arming of the real first responders, teachers in the schools. * 81% of police support arming teachers. and Ohio have been arming and training teachers. A survivor of the Columbine shooting is now in the state legislature and advocates arming teachers, which Colorado now allows. * Israel armed its school teachers and have had no shootings in its schools since then. Far more guns are used to save lives, than to take lives. * The socialist government in Venezuela confiscated guns from its population and now has a crime rate among the highest in the world. Our actions must be guided by truth, not by emotion. *******

IMPORTANT NEW UPDATE February 28, 2018 "Cheon Il Guk Book of Life Registration Blessing" Ceremony

Register for the Feb. 28, 2018 Blessing

********* Festival of Grace Activities February 22-28, 2018


Marshall and Christina on their Blessing- Part 3

The Staff and the Rod of Iron in Divine Principle

By Regis Hanna, D. Min.

Whenever a new facet of the Providence presents itself, it is helpful to see it through the lens of Holy Scripture and the Principle. Recent confusion and questions over Hyung Jin Nim's suggestion that members acquire a "rod of iron," a semi- automatic rifle for their self-protection, protection of their family and neighbors has been hard for many of us to integrate into our conceptual framework of what life in the Kingdom of Heaven should be like. In this context we offer the following thoughts and considerations, drawing largely from both the New Testament and Divine Principle.

(Rest of Regis Hanna's "The Staff and the Rod of Iron in the Divine Principle")


Divine Principle could be described as the story of God's "Backup Plans." What we as Unificationists never considered was the possibility that a "Backup Plan" would need to be implemented after True Father passed to the spirit world. Following are some thoughts about "God's Back-up Plan" from Jim Stephens.

Jim Stephens: When Hak Ja Han failed in her final responsibility, that brought up all of the implications from the failure of John the Baptist explained in the Principle. Hyung Jin Nim, being True Father's chosen heir, was kicked out into the wilderness which required a new providence for God. This one is not based on love and forgiveness, but God's judgment. The failure of Hak Ja Han has huge ramifications for the followers of True Father. Their faith, their families, and their fortunes may all be devastated. When Jesus was rejected and betrayed, it meant tragedy and suffering for the Chosen People for 1000's of years. Similarly, the future may hold tragedy for and anyone not within God's hedge of protection.

Rest of Jim Stephen's Jim & Hiromi Stephens "God's Providence Has Changed to a Backup Plan, Again"


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May God bless you and your families!

Sincerely, Richard Richard A. Panzer, Ph.D., President World Peace and Unification Sanctuary - USA Rod of Iron Ministries Highlights from the King's Reports ChristKingdomGospel.org KingdomReports.TV, Sanctuary on Vimeo Unification Sanctuary website, Sanctuary on Youtube, Spanish Sanctuary Sermons, Sanctuary on Facebook Korean Sermons on Youtube, Sanctuary Church - Japan "Sanctuary Church" is short-hand for "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary" which is from calligraphy on a scroll presented to Hyung Jin Moon by his father, Rev. . The purpose of the "World Peace and Unification Sanctuary, Inc." is to "preserve and propagate the teachings of Reverend Sun Myung Moon."

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