191 Abstract—Full life history informa- Spring feeding of Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas tion is lacking for Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus), a species of con- lupus) on Stellwagen Bank, Massachusetts cern in U.S. waters. Scientific stud- ies indicate that Atlantic wolffish 1 are found in low densities—either Elizabeth A. Fairchild solitary or, during spawning season, Shelly Tallack2 paired. Groundfish surveys show Scott P. Elzey3 wolffish abundance in U.S. waters 3 is highest in the Gulf of Maine– Michael P. Armstrong Georges Bank region, especially in the southwestern portion at depths Email address for the contact author:
[email protected] of 80–120 m. Contrary to these data, commercial fishermen have reported, 1 Department of Biological Sciences and we have validated, that high University of New Hampshire concentrations of Atlantic wolffish 38 Academic Way are found in specific shallow loca- Durham, New Hampshire 03824 tions and at specific times on the 2 Gulf of Maine Research Institute Stellwagen Bank National Marine 350 Commercial Street Sanctuary (SBNMS) in Massachu- Portland, Maine 04101 setts Bay. From 53 tows conducted 3 during May–June 2011, 395 Atlantic Annisquam River Marine Fisheries Station wolffish were captured on the SB- Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries NMS. Average daily catch per unit 30 Emerson Avenue of effort ranged from 0.6 to 37.8 fish Gloucester, Massachusetts 01930 h−1 in an area characterized by shal- low (depths: 27–46 m), cold (5–7°C) water, and a sand and gravel sub- strate. At this site, wolffish were mature (mean age: 20 years; range: 7–33 years) and in prespawning con- dition, both sexes were equally rep- Atlantic wolffish (Anarhichas lupus), a directed fishery for Atlantic wolf- resented, and 99% of the fish were 1 of 3 wolffish species found in the fish; it is thought that they are typi- feeding actively.