Harry Butler Has Been Taken Into Custody for Violation of Donlan Law
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people,of Montana, out of the great hearted generosity that has ever char acterized them, respond as liberally as may be possible in this emergency for- the relief of suffering that is daily becoming more distressing. Contri The Scenic theater was practically butions may be made to any member packed to its doors last Friday night of the Montana state board of the at 7:30, one half hour before the amaHarry Butler Has Been Taken Dilloninto Leads with Thirty-twoAmerican Red Cross, said board1 be teur performance began. Twelve num ing composed of the followingProposed citizens to Extend the Great bers were presented to an appreciativeCustody for Violation of Names, Wisdom next of this state: Edward J. Bowman, audience, Edward Hoffman receiving Anaconda, treasurer; Henry W. Row-Northern from Moccasin first prize, Miss Belle Holmes second Donlan Law. with Seven ley, Billings, secretary; F. S. Lusk, to the Capital and Miss Ruth Stoller third. The Missoula; T. A. Marlow, Helena; Ken SPEECH OF PATTERSON LIKED winner sang a song, little Miss HolmesSECURES VICTIMS WITH NOTES FIRST RAILROAD CASE MONDAY neth McLean, Miles City; W. M recited a poem and Miss Stoller sang Thornton, Great Falls. All fundsGILMORE thus & PITTSBURG LIKELY a song and then gave a fair imitationLuring Missives Will Be Used as received will be promptly remitted to Gives His Views on Roadways and Isof the skirt dance. The latter’s act Considerable Interest Manifested in A Portland Dispatch Says the G. A Interested in Park-to-Park Evidence Against Him in Com- These Cases—Burglary Trial the national treasurer of the Red CrossP. Is a Chicago & Northwest Highway. was, without doubt, the best of any ing Trial. Next Saturday. at Washington and will be immediate presented, but then age and popularity ly applied to the aid of the sufferers.” ern Project. seems to govern the judging of the John S. Baker, county clerk and re Harry Butler was taken into custodyConsiderable interest is manifested Whether the foundation be lack of corder, returned home Saturday winnersmorn to a great extent. the latter part of last week by Deputyin the’ two condemnation suitsSTATE being BULLETIN ÖF SNOWFALL Manager Hoffman announcesSheriff that Irwin and Chief of Police Sass- real news or actual inside information ing from a meeting of the countyhe is com thinking of having two amateur brought by the Gilmore & Pittsburgh is not known, but at all events there missioners, clerks and assessors of the man, and lodged in the countyrailroad, jail on which comes to trial nextSummary of Director Young’s Record has been a deal of railroad construction state in Missoula, while Commissionernights a week, one for the small childthe charge of being.a "white slaver.”Monday and Thursday. The onlyof Precipitation for State of ren, and one for the older ones.The prisonerPer has been under the sur Montana. in the newspapers of the northwest the H. C. Patterson and Assessor Normanhaps dividing the line as to the ages of other case of any * more, than minor past week, says the Helena Record. E. Holden-stooped off in Butte Satur veillance of the officers for someimportance, time which will be tried at the The Butte papers yesterday and to day and viewed the poultry show.,those The taking part at 10 years. andBy they believe a strong case willFebruary be term of court, is the caseDirector Young of the Montana this method an act that merits a prizepresented against him. He was given day did some railroad building for Jim . three visitors from Beaverhead countywill not be buried by applause for some against Fred Harkness on the chargesection of the, Climatological service,Hill. The accounts gave “an unofficial have only words of praise for Missoula a hearing in the justice court and ofdirect burglary, which has been set forrecently issued his record for October,outline of what the route of the main and the reception accorded them bysmall the child who wins the prize merelyinformation of violating theFeb. Donlan 10. November and December. The fol • citizens of that city, and the pleasant,because he or she is small. This planwhite slave law will be filed against Seventy jurors have been drawn,lowing al is a summary: line in Montana will be when the plans as well as instructive, meeting heldwould give every child taking parthim bya County Attorney Rodgers.most half of them being from Dillon,The snowfall was above normalare carriedin to maturity.” Associated better chance and the prizes would Butler’sbe method of getting into October and November, but was presssome dispatches from Portland last there. awarded more for the act itself, with 32 to be exact, Wisdom and Jackson night then got into the game and built Mr. Holden was appointed a member communication with girls and followluring with the next largest number,what deficient in December. In thea few hundred miles of railroad for the on two committees, being Livestock,out regard for age. Mr. Hoffmanthem is in the downward path is saidbeing to seven and six respectively.higher Themountains a large percentage also planning to,, make everybe. night to atwalk along the street ahead of of the early fall of snow is stillChicago on & Northwestern. and Mines and Mining Machinery.the ScenicHe a special show of some kind, list of names follows: The Butte accounts changed the was very much impressed with the a number of them and drop a noteTrugatt in Ackermann, George Ainsthe ground, and has become mainvery line of the Grea4 Northern speech of Dr. C. A. Duniway, bywho having a certain night comedytheir path. Naturally enough, lie,these H. H. Brown, Alfred I. Cashmoresolidly packed. In most of the sub night, another ladies’ night, etc. notes are picked up and read, and a drainage basins of the Missouri therethrough Montana. As doped out theta spoke on the subject of "Montana’sThe announcement was made last E. M. Connelly, E. H. Churchwell the line will leave the present road at university.” number of the missives are in the handsJohn W. Early, William Fruin, Georgewas more than the usual amount of Friday that amateur night wouldof be the officers and will be used as P.evi Hughes, Fred Huber, B. F. Htipi-snow on the ground at the closeNew Rockford, of N. D., and cut through In the notes of the meeting inmade the as much of an amateur nightdence. as The officers report that Butler December, and the general conditionsDawson and Fergus counties to Lewis- Missoulian appears the following:possible, and in the future some ama melt, William C. Jennings, John Kent town, then swing northwesterly to admits writing these notes, and withGrant Kenison, John Lakner,were S, Afavorable for a late flow of Greatwater Falls, and thence up Sun river “Commissioner Patterson of Beaverteur would sing the illustrated thesong missives as evidence, together withLangdorf, J. L. McFadyen, J. B. inMe the streams.. In some sections the head is interested in the park-to-parkon that night. Catholeen Stoller thecredi- testimony of the officers, they be ground was frozen before beingto covAugusta and over the range to Flat- highway, and says his county itablywill do sang the song last Friday and Laren, W. B. McCormick, Charles head lake, connecting with the pres lieve that conviction is certain.Niblack, Claude H. Phillips, Charlesered with snow, and is not thereforeent line again at Libby. its share. His side of the Gibbon passLillian Stanfield is to sing tonight.Butler is 27 years of age and’hasE. Robbins, Wm. H. Spearin, Shermanin good condition to absorb the water is easy to climb and he thinks theThe Scenic theater is becoming morebeen around Dillon for aboutSapp, a year, Fenwick U. Shaw, George Stimp-from the melting snow, but this is From Moccasin to Helena . Ravalli side of the hill can be negotiatedpopular every day. The class of pic son, Harry Schuler, W. S. Tash, A,largely J offset by the saturated condi’ Generously, the Standard brings easily, if it is surveyed carefully.tures He shown at the popular playBranch house Store in Deer Lodge. Wedum, I. V. Warner, Earl L. Wheattion of the soil, resulting fromHelena the into the account as follows: thinks this is the best route suggestedare the best produced anywhere. EveryR. E. Foster of the Foster Candyand Thomas Warner of Dillon; rainsClar in September and October. “ It is also planned, it is said, to for the park-to-park trip.” Saturday afternoon the children’sKitchen Sil- of this city announcesence that France, Fred Francis, FrankWest of the main range there is extenda the lino from Moccasin to Mr. Patterson also made a speechver-Dollar at matinee is given, andhe willthe open another candy kitchenRitchel, in Fred Scuulz, Daniel Toveyslight deficiency in the Bitter RootHelena, which would save Butte trav the meeting which was greeted with price of admission to the childrenDeer is Lodge about the 15th of thisJr., and 0. J. Woodworth of Wisdommountains, and the snow is elersdrifted several hours. It would not be much applause. A portion ofonly it follows: five cents. month. He has decided ‘to name Oscarthe Foreman, Jesse W. Finsley,comparatively little. There is aboutnecessary to go to Havre to reach the “This talk of beautiful roadways, new kitchen the “Sugar Bowl,” andHerman Jackson, Joe Cramer, Frankthe average amount in the Cabinetmain line, an easterly line being avail displaying the wonders of the WILLwest DECIDE DATE OF .FAIR has purchased the necessary equipmentLandry and Martin , R. Quigleyand of Purcell mountains." able from Butte to connect at the for the benefit of the eastern tour in Butte to make his own candyJackson; for John H.