Forthcoming events: date food. We have bought some new tubs St Peter’s Catholic Church eternal life, and we believe; we know that Sunday 5 September, 7pm-8.30pm: Sixth and boxes for donations. Bags for Life used Portland Road Hove you are the Holy One of God.’ This by our clients to carry their goods home, profession of faith marks him out as pre- Session of Confirmation preparation. BN3 5GD also urgently needed. eminent among the Apostles. Monday 6 September, 8pm: Baptism course. 22 August 2021 Thanks to the generosity of Mary and Next Sunday 29 August is the Twenty- Friday 25 September, 7pm: Choral Mary, the following is on offer this Sunday. Second Sunday of the Year, and the concert Parish Priest: Fr. Alexander Lucie-Smith Tickets are £5, all of which goes to the Hall readings can be found in the blue Mass Priest’s House, Shelley Road, Thursday 29 September, 9am: Saint refurbishment fund. There are 40 tickets. Get books on page 126. In the first reading, Hove BN3 5GD Christopher’s School Harvest Festival. yours while you can. from the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses Tel: 01273 733840 Saturday 9/Sunday 10 October: Exhibition Hainault Fryers fish exhorts the people of Israel to keep the
[email protected] by Society of Catholic Artists. Law so that they may have life. We see the and chips2 Sunday October 10, 11.15am: Unveiling Law of God not as a restriction placed 6 Boundary Road of picture of Blessed Carlo Acutis. BN3 4EH 01273 422478 upon us but as a loving and life-giving gift, Parish Secretary: Aisling Brombley Any 1 Pie & Medium Chips the observance of which guarantees Sunday 10 October, 7pm-8.30pm:
[email protected] Please redeem before 26th September 2021 human flourishing.