Sustainable Livelihoods Project Locations CHINA

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Sustainable Livelihoods Project Locations CHINA S u s tt a ii n a b ll e L ii v e ll ii h o o d s P rr o jj e c tt L o c a tt ii o n s 96°E 98°E 100°E 102°E N N ° ° 4 4 2 2 \! INDIA CHINA ! Muse S.R.1 XSPK26: Increasing Food Security ! BMZ- Government Namkham \ and Promoting Licit Crop Production Laukkai of the Federal C H II N A Republic of Germany and Small Farmer Enterprise Development in Lao PDR and Myanmar Mabein Kutkai ! ! Kunlon! ! ! Hopang - Food shortages are estimated to affect 60-70% of sampled villages. Manton ! Theinne - 40% of the farmers do not have access to irrigation system. Momeik Namtu - Competition for land to plant food crops increases and poses a threat LAO PDR ! ! to food security Mongmao Namsang Lashio - 10-15% households moving back to opium poppy cultivation due to ! \! \! Food Insecurity. -Only 7 % of villages have access to health facilities; estimated 30 % NORTH SHAN of school children drop out school after 4 standards. Kyaukme ! - Only 18% of households has own production and enough food THAILAND ! Thibaw Tangyang Mongyai ! S.R.2 from their paddy land. Nawnghkio ! - Opium poppy cultivation remains attractive although as a ! cash crop ! N N ° ° 2 2 ! 2 2 ! ! Kye-thi Mongshu ! ! Makmang ! MANDALAY Mongkaing Monghkat Opium poppy cultivation density - 2010 SOUTH SHAN S.R.4 High Yaksawk ! MMRJ94, MMRJ95: 2007 Low Lai-hkia ! ! ! Mongpyin \!! Food Security Programme Ywa-ngan Kunhein Kyaing tong Mong-yawng ! \! ! for Myanmar No authorization area Pindaya European Union Opium poppy free area ! #0 Namsam EAST SHAN ! Monghpyat ! - !Food shortages are estimated to affect 75% of sampled villages. Taunggyi ! \! #0 Loilem - 72 percent of the farmers do not have access to irrigation system. Hopong - 90% of HHs exhibit food deficient intake. #0 Project site ! Kalaw ! Mongsat - Irregular weather patterns may turn 45% of agricultural farmers Mo-ne ! Nyawngshwe ! Tachileik Project township !to opium growing - 10% households moving back to opium cultivation due to ! ! Mongton Town ! ! Food Insecurity Mawkmai Lin-khae \! Major city ! Mongpan - Only 7 % of villages have access to health facilities Pinlaung ! ! - 20% of school children drop out school after 4 standards N N Township boundary ° ° Hsi-seng - Only 20% of households produce rice from their own land. 0 0 2 2 - The remaining 80% of households have to purchase food from market. Region boundary Pek!on - 77% of households borrow money for food State/Division boundary - 67 % of households are not eligible to borrow money from financial International boundary \!! Loikaw institution - 24 % of landless household with lack of assets are more at risk due to Data Source: Myanmar Opium Poppy Survey 2010 MMRJ94/95, XSPK26 0 50 100 150 lack of ability to cope with income fluctuations and shocks. Km Map 05/Project/COMYA 2011 25 April 2011, A4 size ! KAYAH Projection/Datum Geographic/WGS84 96°E 98°E 100°E 102°E Map produced by the ICMP/UNODC Myanmar The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations..
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