Border Regions: Area of Cooperation and Good Neighbourhoods
Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies “Jean Monnet” European Centre of Excellence University of Oradea University of Debrecen Volume 29 Border Regions: Area of Cooperation and good Neighbourhoods Edited by Florentina CHIRODEA, Khrystyna PRYTULA & Klára CZIMRE References by Ioana BORDEIANU & Fabienne MARON 2020 Eurolimes Journal of the Institute for Euroregional Studies ―Jean Monnet‖ European Centre of Excellence Editors-in-chief: Ioan HORGA (Oradea) and István SÜLI-ZAKAR (Debrecen) 2020 Volume 29 Border Regions: Area of Cooperation and good Neighbourhoods Edited by Florentina CHIRODEA, Khrystyna PRYTULA & Klára CZIMRE Honorary Members Paul Alliès (Montpellier), Robert Bideleux (Swansea), Erhard Busek (Wien), Jean Pierre Colin (Reims), George Contogeorgis (Athene), Gerard Delanty (Sussex), Gennady Feodorov (Kaliningrad) Chris G. Quispel (Leiden), Anatoliy Kruglashov (Chernivtsi), Jarosław Kundera (Wrocław), Ariane Landuyt (Siena), Ewa Latoszek (Warsaw), Thomas Lundén (Stockholm), John Mearsheimer (Chicago), Kalypso Nicolaidis (Oxford), Adrian Miroiu, Iordan Bărbulescu (Bucureşti), Frank Pfetsch (Heidelberg), Andrei Marga, Ioan Aurel Pop, Vasile Puşcaş, Nicolae Păun (Cluj-Napoca), Carlos Eduardo Pacheco Amaral (Asores), Daniela Preda (Pavia), Richard Sakwa (Kent), Barbu Ştefănescu (Oradea), Maria Manuela Tavares Ribeiro (Coimbra), Dusan Sidjanski (Geneve), Maurice Vaïsse (Paris), Alexis Vahlas, Birte Wassenberg (Strasbourg). Advisory Committee Czimre Klára, Kozma Gábor, Teperics Károly (Debrecen), Ioana Bordeianu, Mircea Brie,
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