Mrs Meglena KUNEVA


Brussels, 27 NOVEMBER 2006

Madam Chairman, Honourable Members, I should like to thank you most sincerely for your warm welcome. It is a great honour and a great privilege to be nominated as the with exclusive responsibility for consumer protection. Consumer protection is central to the interests of every European citizen. It is one of those European policies which make the European Union visible to citizens in their daily lives. It is a policy which affects things which happen in real life. I am gratified and inspired by President Barroso's decision to entrust me with this important portfolio. I am grateful for the opportunity to stand before you and to seek endorsement of my nomination. I should like to tell you about the part of my professional and political experience which I shall rely on to achieve success in the post for which I have been nominated. Twice in succession in general elections I was elected as a member of the Bulgarian National Assembly. I know what it means to be answerable to people, when you are trying to be worthy of their vote and when you have to give an account and continue working as an elected member again. I was lucky enough to work in two successive Governments on a matter which produced a concrete result: the accession of to the European Union. It was work which demanded a joint effort and a series of reforms, accomplished through frank dialogue. As chief negotiators, my team and I successfully concluded the accession negotiations. I know the importance of team work: - working with the administration; - working with the majority in the Parliament; - working with the opposition; - working with the general public. The support for Bulgaria's accession to the European Union is currently over 70%, as it has been constantly for the last five years. I am convinced that my political experience will help me in dealing with and protecting the interests of consumers also at the European level. Because the accession to the EU and consumer protection are a cause. My experience has shown me that to defend a cause you need belief, knowledge and frankness. I believe that consumer protection is one of the most important policies. Because it covers the most important matters – man's development and the organisation of interests. With this policy Europe is closer to its citizens. Knowledge: this alone gives strength to policies. When a policy applies to life, health and the economic interests of millions of citizens, it needs to be based on serious investigation. Frankness through communication and dialogue. The ability to listen is important, with time set aside for considering arguments, dedication to spreading knowledge, meeting worries with discussions and explanations. Communication fosters a common desire for success. I realise I shall be faced with taking difficult decisions, for which there are no simple solutions. We may have different opinions. But I can promise you that I shall listen. I shall make decisions on the basis of frank dialogue with you and with other interested parties. Because to reach a given objective, in the case of consumer protection, the methods used are also important. I should now like to outline how I envisage my role as a potential Member of the Commission.

2 First, I must stress that it is a most challenging role, demanding effort and responsibility, but it also provides a tremendous opportunity to make a real difference, whereby the work of the Commission and the at a specific moment in time can be remembered. I am tremendously enthusiastic about the opportunities afforded by this post. I am ready to take on the challenges with enthusiasm and determination. I am aware of the specific fact that, if I am confirmed, it will at a time when the current Commission is approaching the middle of its mandate. Allow me, therefore, to reiterate my assurance that I shall be a team player: - I welcome and fully accept all the institutional requirements incumbent on every Member of the ; - I pledge to work independently of all forms of national, local, party political, professional and economic interests and persuasions; - I fully appreciate the need for the total acceptance and implementation of EU law, the acquis; - The arguments needed to convince and gain the support of the general public must be political and expressed clearly in terms that people can understand. Madam Chairman, Honourable Members, I should like to convince you that for many of the important topics in my mandate I shall also rely, not only on my experience as a politician and parliamentarian, but on my professional qualification and experience as a lawyer. If confirmed, I shall do everything in my power to explain to the citizens of Europe the importance of constitutional reform and its successful completion. Wide-ranging debate on the matter is a basic condition for this. Better regulation is also crucial for attaining the fundamental objective of the Lisbon Strategy and for sustainable social and economic development. I hope that as politicians and parliamentarians we shall focus our debate on the main political issues affecting all those to whom we are answerable: the citizens of Europe.

It is also important to speak of our achievements. Members of Parliament have told me how difficult it can sometimes be to communicate to the voters the benefits of the work done here and in Strasbourg. I fully understand this from my own personal experience over the last few years in my own country. The European project is not about individuals acting in isolation. It is about joint action and commitment, leading to real benefits for people. If confirmed, I shall endeavour to develop the partnership with you, the elected representatives, to add to our achievements and to communicate them to the citizens of Europe. When the citizens perceive the European Union as working for their interests, we shall reap economic as well as political rewards. The Commission of Mr Barroso rightly places our economic development at the centre of its programme by means of the Lisbon Strategy. This can be successful only if business has the trust of the consumers for active participation in the opportunities which the market provides. This is an objective which Commissioner Kyprianou has focused on and strived for. My objective is to ensure the consumers' trust in the internal market, as well as providing effective protection for their rights. I should like to place consumer issues at the centre of the formulation of European Union policies and to demonstrate to the citizens of the EU that Europe can enhance the quality of their daily lives.

3 I should like the citizens of the European Union to know that in me they have a protector who will vigorously defend their health and safety and their economic interests. In achieving this aim I shall be guided by the following principles: The first – as I have already mentioned – is greater communication. I want to have a sustained dialogue with consumers and the organisations which represent their interests, as well as with other legitimate stakeholders, the European Parliament and national governments. I also want to generate greater interest in consumer issues in the media and enlist their help not only in raising the political profile of this policy area but also in promoting the assertiveness of consumers. The second principle is in-depth analysis based on solid evidence. My decisions will be guided by the facts and by a thorough appraisal of the benefit to the consumer. The third principle is effectiveness, proportionality and subsidiarity. My aim will always be to deliver what is necessary for consumers in a way that is enforceable, that is least costly and disruptive for business and other legitimate stakeholders, and maintains a proper balance between European, national and regional level. I shall be taking office at a decisive time for consumer protection policy in the EU. Review and amendment of legislation Important decisions will have to be taken over the coming year on how best to complete the task of reviewing and amending the legislative framework in the field of consumer protection, which began with the adoption of new rules banning unfair commercial practices in Europe. My main aim in the follow-up to the review of the acquis will be to ensure that consumers will be equally well protected wherever they are in the EU – and irrespective of the transaction medium they use. Application of consumer-protection legislation An equally important task over the next few years will be to realise the full potential of the measures already adopted to improve enforcement of consumer-protection laws. I intend to do everything possible to consolidate and develop further the progress already made in the area of enforcing product safety rules. Administrative cooperation I also intend to ensure that the new enforcement cooperation regulation quickly becomes an effective tool for combating those who seek to cheat and defraud consumers. Enlargement of the Union has also increased the challenge of developing a viable and effective consumer movement in Europe. Raising the capacity of consumer organisations I intend to reinforce the existing initiatives to raise the capacity of consumer organisations by encouraging national governments to establish a sound and permanent dialogue with consumer organisations and to provide the necessary financial support. I also intend to examine whether existing mechanisms for consulting consumers when developing EU policies can be improved.

4 Now I would like to finish with the most important part. Allow me to turn to you, the European Parliament, the biggest directly elected transnational Parliament in the world. I am well aware of, and very grateful for, the leading role that this Parliament has played in pressing the case, and helping to create the environment, for the historic enlargement to 27 Member States from 1 January 2007. Parliament has also played a key role in driving forward the process of modernisation and reform. I would cite in particular: - the work leading to the development of the draft Constitution; - the development of greater democratic accountability in the decision-making process through the introduction and broader use of the co-decision mechanism; - and more recently, the drive to improve the quality of legislation. This bears witness to a dynamic Parliament and invaluable partner for the Commission. If confirmed, I should attach a strong priority to developing a specific relationship of trust and understanding with the Parliament and especially this Committee. And I should welcome the opportunity to appear before this Committee on a regular basis, to ensure a constructive and ongoing dialogue with you, and to develop a relationship of trust. Your Commission played a significant role in the preparation of the set of Reports adopted earlier this year on Better Regulation. I welcome that, and fully endorse the principles of better regulation and good governance. Any proposals I make in the future will fully respect the requirements as regards impact assessment and stakeholder consultation. And crucially, I shall ensure that the legal text of any such proposal is clear and unambiguous. I am aware that a great deal of progress has been made within the Commission in this regard, and I am impressed by the seriousness with which this is taken within the Directorate-General for Health and Consumer Protection in developing future initiatives. The Inter-Institutional Agreement on Better Lawmaking demonstrates the commitment of all three Institutions to producing better legislation. This is important to ensure that when we take political decisions they are founded on the best available basis. But better lawmaking does not stop when legislation is adopted – it must then be made to work, so that the benefits of all the hard work can be truly realised. And that brings me to my final point. I am a firm believer in the old saying: "Actions speak louder than words." My chief intention, should I be confirmed, is for my words to be turned firmly into actions. Madam Chairman, Honourable Members, I have given just a brief outline of how I would embrace the challenge of being the European Commissioner responsible for consumer protection. I thank you for your attention and look forward to addressing your questions.