Project Name: M/S
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Project Name: M/s. Privi Organics Limited, Unit-II Privi Organics Limited, Unit-II was promoted by Mr. D. B. Rao (Executive Director) and Mr. Mahesh.P.Babani (Managing Director). The manufacturing facility was commissioned in 1999 and commercial production commenced in same year. During the time of establishment of the unit, Environmental Clearance was not pre requisite. Later Project proponent obtained EC Dated on 2/11/2011 (EC No. : SEAC 2010/CR.824/TC-2) for Expansion of products. Consent to Establish (CTE) and Consent to operate (CTO) was obtained from Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) and the plant is in operation. The proposed project is for Proposed Expansion & Addition of Aroma Chemical Manufacturing Capacity in Unit-II. The Consent to Establish obtained vide consent order No. BO/RO Raigad/PCI-I/EIC-421- 06/E/CC-243 dated 19/10/2006. Similarly Consent to Operate was issued by MPCB vide Consent No. Formate 1.0/BO/CAC-Cell/EIC.No.-RD-2586-13/5 th CAC-5854 dated 20/06/2014 and is valid upto 28/02/2017 and Consent to Operate was amended by MPCB Vide Consent no.: MPCB/CAC-cell/Amend/CAC-17. The application for Environmental Clearance was made to SEAC/SEIAA Maharashtra and additional ToR was issued during 80th SEAC-I meeting, Maharashtra held during 30th-31st May 2014. Public Hearing was conducted by MPCB on 16/09/2014 and final EIA report has been prepared. The chronology of EC application is as follows: S.No. Chronology Date 1 Submission of EC application at SEIAA/SEAC, Maharashtra 28.02.2013 2 EIA conducted (Baseline Study) March’13 to May’13 3 ToR & ToR Compliance presentation infront of SEAC –I, 31.05.2014 Maharashtra 4 SEAC MoM reply submission 19.06.2014 5 MoM Compliance presentation infront of SEAC meeting 21.06.2014 Maharashtra 6 Public Hearing conducted by MPCB 16.09.2014 The above project falls within 5 Km radius from the boundary of Eco-Sensitive Areas (ESA) as per Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 by MoEF (F. No. 1- 4/2012 - RE (Pt.) dated 13 .11.2013 and EIA notification amendment dated 25.06.2014 (copy enclosed). Since the proposed project site falls within 5 Km radius from the boundary of Eco-Sensitive Areas (Village: Jite, Solam kond and Vashar KH) and as per EIA notification amendment dated 25.06.2014 the project is considered under Category A. As category A project is not under the purview of SEIAA/SEAC Maharashtra for appraisal, hence we have submitted all documents (FORM 1, PFR, Final EIA Report, ToR and Additional ToR received from SEAC Maharashtra and Annexures) at MoEF & CC for the grant of Environmental Clearance. Enclosed Copy: 1. SEAC MoM 2. EIA notification amendment dated 25.06.2014 3. EC Letter 4. CTE 5. CTO 6. CTO Amendment Minutes/report of the 80th meeting of the State Expert Appraisal Committee-1 held on 30-31" May, 1014 Committee opined that the efficiency of the biological treatment needs improvement. The overall operation and maintenance of the ETP also needs improvement. The case was discussed on the basis of the presentation made by the proponent. The Committe decided to approve ToR to the PP. Besides the ToR presented by the project proponent and the Model ToR for Synthetic Organic Chemicals, following points shall also be covered during the preparation of EIA report: 1. The plan for upgradation and imoprovement of the present ETP along with the plan for setting up the required ETP for expansion. 2. Streamwise treatability studies for the existing and proposed operations. 3. Compliance status of the present MPCB consent conditions. 4. Dedicated recovery plant for mica. 5. Details of chrome recovery system i.e. reduction from hexavalent to trivalent chromium. The environmental consultant to be engaged for preparation of EIA/EMP report should be accredited by Quality Council of India (QCI)/ NABET. For data collection and analysis only MoEF or NABl. approved laboratories should be employed. =000= Item 01 M/s. Privi Organics Ltd. : Proposed Aroma chemical production capacity in Unit I on Plot No. A-7, MIDC area, Mahad, Raigad Item 02 M/s. Privi Organics Ltd. : Proposed Aroma chemical manufacturing in unit II on Plot No. C- 3/4/5/6, 6/1, 8, 9, MIDC area, Mahad, Dist Raigad Item 03 M/s. Privi Organics Ltd. : Proposed Aroma chemical manufacturing in unit III on plot no A-3, MIDC, Mahad, Dist Raigad Decision (for item no. 01, 02 and 03): The cases were discussed on the basis of the presentation for the proposed expansion made by the proponent. The Committee noted that the PP has carried out EIA studies based on the model ToR for each project and submitted EIA reports. After discussions and deliberations, the PP was directed to comply with the following observations and submit revised EIA reports: 1. Stage-wise material balance for each product. 2. Water budget for both wet and dry seasons. 3. Incorporate MSDS of raw materials and finished products. 4. Details of domestic effluent treatment. 5. Chronological details of hazardous waste disposed to CHWTSDF for last two years. 6. Chronological details of byproducts disposed / sold for last two years. 7. Details of fly ash disposal. 8. Compliance of environmental clearance and MPCB Consent granted to existing products. 9. Details of accident statistics till date. 10. Photographs of existing water / air pollution control system in operation. Further, it was decided that a sub-committee comprising Shri Kulkarni, Shri Sehgal and Dr.Dod shall visit the three units to inspect the following: 1. Effluent collection, transfer and treatment between Units 1, 2 and 3 — physical verification of tank sizes and actual treatment. The sub-committee shall collect samples of treated effluent and bring the test results on the effluents in the meeting of SEAC-I fixed on 19th June 2014. 2. Transfer of treated effluent to Common Effluent Treatment Plant, Mahad — physical verification of facilities (pumping, records, etc.) 3. Inspection of Storages of flammable solvents, fuels and safety measures provided at the site. =000= Page 6 of 19 Chairman F. No. 1-4/2012 - RE (Pt.) Government of India Ministry of Environment and Forests Paryavaran Bhavan, CGO Complex, Lodhi Road, New Delhi - 110003 Dated: 13 .11.201 3 Sub: Directions under Section 5 of the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 WHEREAS, Western Ghats is an important geological landform on the fringe of the west coast of India. It is the origin of Godavari, Krishna, Cauvery and a number of other rivers. It extends over a distance of approximately 1500 km and traverses through Six States viz. Gujarat, Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu; 2. And whereas, Western Ghats is a global biodiversity hotspot and a treasure trove of biological diversity. Western Ghats harbour many endemic species of flowering plants, endemic fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals and invertebrates. It is also important center of evolution of economically important domesticated plant species such as pepper, cardamom, cinnamom, mango and jackfruit. Western Ghats has many unique habitats which are home to a variety of endemic species of flora and fauna such as Myristica swamps, the flat-topped lateritic plateaus, the Sholas and wetland and riverine ecosystems. UNESCO has included certain identified parts of Western Ghats in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List because Western Ghats is a Centre of origin of many species as also home for rich endemic biodiversity and hence a cradle for biological evolution; 3. And whereas, the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoE F) had constituted a High Level Working Group (HL WG) under the Chairmanship of Dr. K. Kasturirangan, Member (Science), Planning Commission vide office order dated 17.8.2012 (0 study the preservation of the ecology. environmental integrity and holistic development of the Western Ghats in view of their rich and unique biodiversity; 4. And whereas, the HLWG submitted its report to the MoEF on 15lh April 2013 and it was thereafter put in public domain by hosting on the website of the Ministry, and also disseminated to all stakeholders including the six State Governments of Western Ghat region for their feedback and comments. All stakeholders were also invited to offer their views on the HL WG report. Thereafter, on completion of a transparent process, the Ministry has accepted the HL WG report "in principle" with certain stipulations; 5. And whereas, HL WG noted that approx imately 60 per cent of the Western Ghats region is under cultural landscape i.e. it has human dominated land use of settlements, agriculture and plantations (other than forest plantations) and around 40 per cent of the land area is under natural landscape. Of the natural landscape, the biologicall y rich areas, with some measure of contiguity are roughl y 37 per cent of the Western Ghats whi ch is 2 59,940 km . HLWG identified thi s 37% of natural landscape having high bio logical richness, low fore st fragmentation, low population density and containing Protected Areas (PA s), Worl d Heritage Si tes (WHSs) and Tiger and Elephant corridors as an Ecologically Sensitive Area (ESA); 6. And whereas the li st of State-wise, Di strict-wise and Taluk-wise vill ages in ESA identified by the HL WG is at Annexure - A; 7. And whereas, because of unprecedented threats to natural landscape of Western Ghats region by development projects and urban growth, the Worki ng Group has recommended a non-tolerance policy with respect to highly interventioni st and environmentally damaging acti vities like mining or polluting industries. HLWG has highlighted the need for urgent action for protection of biologicall y rich, diverse and natural landscape of Western Ghats; 8.