Tillerson Hails Kuwait's Role in Resolving Gulf Crisis

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Tillerson Hails Kuwait's Role in Resolving Gulf Crisis BUSINESS | Page 1 SPORT | Page 1 El Arabi nets a double INDEX as Duhail DOW JONES QE NYMEX QATAR 4-10, 24 COMMENT 22, 23 ‘Uptick in infl ation’ REGION 11 BUSINESS 1-6, 17-20 see off likely on rising 23,277.00 8,172.18 51.84 ARAB WORLD 11 CLASSIFIED 7-16 +163.00 +28.07 +0.33 INTERNATIONAL 12-21 SPORTS 1-8 hydrocarbon prices Umm Salal +0.71% +0.34% +0.64% Latest Figures published in QATAR since 1978 SUNDAY Vol. XXXVIII No. 10614 October 22, 2017 Safar 2, 1439 AH GULF TIMES www. gulf-times.com 2 Riyals Tillerson hails In brief Kuwait’s role QATAR | New premises Doha Municipality to relocate to old airport in resolving arrivals terminal Doha Municipality announced through a tweet that its off ices will be relocated to the old arrivals terminal at Doha International Airport (old NHRC Chairman Dr Ali bin Smaikh al-Marri speaking at the opening of the Arabic calligraphy exhibition on ‘Human Rights in Gulf crisis airport) at Ras Abu-Abboud area Islamic Culture’ in Madrid yesterday. from Al Sadd area, with eff ect from O US Secretary of State trip to the region in July. October 24. The phone numbers arrives in Saudi Arabia on Before his arrival at Riyadh’s King are 44347777 and 44347506, Salman air base yesterday, Tillerson in- hotline 184, fax 44320709, e-mail: visit to region dicated there had been little progress in [email protected] and O US top diplomat also to the mediation eff orts. “I do not have a website www.mme.gov.qa Siege violates all charters of visit Qatar lot of expectations for it being resolved anytime soon,” he said in an interview ARAB WORLD | Unrest with fi nancial news agency Bloomberg. 16 Egyptian policemen QNA Tillerson has blamed the Saudi-led Washington bloc that has imposed a blockade on killed in shootout human rights: NHRC chief Qatar for a lack of progress in solving Sixteen Egyptian policemen were the Gulf crisis. killed in a shootout with militants QNA culture of incitement and violence that religions, civilisations and cultures. S Secretary of State Rex Tiller- “There seems to be a real unwilling- on the road between Cairo and Madrid contributed to the spread of extremist He said that the committee held the son has praised the role being ness on the part of some of the parties the Bahariya oasis in the Western ideas and organisations as well as hate exhibition in several European cities Uplayed by Kuwait “to diplomat- to want to engage,” Tillerson said in an Desert, the interior ministry said speech and attempts to associate Islam and capitals, adding that the creative ically seek a resolution” to the ongoing interview in Washington. “It’s up to the yesterday, in a rare flare-up outside he National Human Rights with terrorism. paintings received good response and Gulf crisis, the Kuwait News Agency leadership of the quartet when they the Sinai Peninsula. Funerals were Committee (NHRC) opened The exhibition presented a true im- have been welcomed by all attendees (KUNA) yesterday said. want to engage with Qatar because Qa- held in several provinces for those Tthe ninth edition of the Arabic age to the Western societies about the and visitors. He noted that the com- Tillerson’s statement came on the tar has been very clear - they’re ready killed, whose coff ins were wrapped calligraphy exhibition about “Human status that Islam has given to human mittee is holding the exhibition at a eve of his second visit to the region in to engage.” in Egyptian flags. Page 11 Rights in Islamic Culture” in Madrid rights. time when Qatar is subjected to an un- recent months as he seeks a break- In the interview, Tillerson empha- yesterday. In a speech delivered on the oc- just siege that violates all charters and through in the diplomatic crisis grip- sised that the main responsibility for a EUROPE | Politics The exhibition, which is open to all casion, NHRC Chairman Dr Ali bin principles of human rights. ping the Gulf. way out of the crisis now rests with the segments of the Spanish society and Smaikh al-Marri strongly deplored “The inhuman siege imposed on Speaking at a gala dinner for UN- countries at the centre of it. ‘Czech Trump’ clinches Arab and Muslim expats residing in the terrorist attacks in Spain that he Qatar caused several violations of hu- HCR, hosted by Kuwait’s ambassador “Our role is to try to ensure lines of election victory European countries, has received great said are not condoned by any religion. man rights, notably those aff ecting the to the US Sheikh Salem al-Sabah, US communication are as open as we can With voters upset over traditional attention as in its previous editions, He expressed NHRC’s solidarity in the right to family reunifi cation, where President Donald Trump also thanked help them be, that messages not be mis- parties and orders from Brussels, which were held in Brussels, Geneva, face of the poisonous and extremist their ties were cut off and families were the Emir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah al- understood,” Tillerson said. “We’re ready billionaire populist Andrej Babis, Paris, Berlin, Tunis and Kuwait, along ideas. dispersed, including women, children, Ahmad al-Jaber al-Sabah “for all that to play any role we can to bring them to- dubbed the “Czech Trump”, clinched with locally-organised editions within Dr al-Marri noted that the exhibi- people with disabilities and elders, and he is doing in the region,” saying “there gether but at this point it really is now up victory in the Czech Republic’s Qatar at Hamad Bin Khalifa University tion includes creative paintings of mothers and fathers were deprived of is a lot of things happening in the Mid- to the leadership of those countries.” election yesterday. State election and Katara – the Cultural Village. diff erent types of Arabic calligraphy, staying with their children,” al-Marri dle East”. Trump lauded the Kuwaiti While Qatar has repeatedly said it off icials citing results from 99.9% Over the past years, the exhibition including verses from the Qur’an and said. emir for his infl uential role in the Mid- was ready to settle the dispute through of polling stations said Babis’s anti- has become a powerful window to in- hadiths that are directly related to “The siege and arbitrary meas- dle East region. Trump has called for negotiations that are based on mutual corruption and anti-euro ANO (Yes) troduce Islam and promote a culture of the Universal Declaration of Human ures and decisions have all prevented mediation and recently predicted a respect, the blockading countries have movement won with 29.7% support peace, tolerance and dialogue among Rights and international human rights hundreds of students from complet- rapid end to the Gulf crisis. refused to respond. (78 parliament seats) followed by religions and civilisations, which Qa- conventions in order to promote the ing their studies in fl agrant violation Meanwhile, the US Secretary of State The blockade, now in its fi fth month, the eurosceptic right-wing ODS tar has repeatedly advocated in inter- principles of Islam through art, and of the right to education, as well as has arrived in Saudi Arabia on a trip has failed to break Qatar’s resolve to party on 11.3% (25 seats). Turnout national forums in order to counter the support the eff orts of dialogue among the denial of using or disposition of that will take him to Qatar, Pakistan, defend its sovereignty. Most of the de- was at 60%. Page 16 private property, which constitutes a India and Switzerland. mands made by the quartet to lift the gross violation of the right to private Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United siege are aimed at making Qatar a vas- AGHANISTAN | Rampage property.” Arab Emirates and Egypt cut ties with sal state, observers have said. Saudi bloc’s plans refl ect Al-Marri noted that the violations Qatar in June, accusing it of supporting Qatar has also maintained that 15 Afghan army cadets also included the right to movement terrorism. Doha denies the charge. whatever decisions are taken to end the killed in Taliban attack ‘intentions against Qatar’ and residence; the right to health; the Tillerson made an unsuccessful at- stalemate must be applicable to all the A suicide bomber killed 15 Afghan right to work; freedom of opinion and tempt to resolve the dispute during a parties involved in the dispute. army trainees as they travelled home expression; and freedom of worship from their base in Kabul yesterday, The plans of the siege countries, the world at large, in parallel with and practice of religious rites. Since off icials said, as militants intensify including military threats and the insistence on prolonging the the beginning of the crisis, he said, a deadly rampage that has claimed attempt to overthrow the regime in siege and its serious humanitarian NHRC has received more than 4,000 more than 200 lives this week. It was Qatar, reflect deliberate intentions consequences,” Dr al-Marri stated. complaints on these violations and the second suicide bombing in the to attack Qatar, and a threat to The NHRC Chairman stressed that others, while the actual number of Ashghal implements projects Afghan capital in 24 hours. international peace and security, the the four blockading countries victims of the siege violations is much National Human Rights Committee have taken arbitrary and unilateral higher. (NHRC) chairman Dr Ali bin Smaikh actions and decisions that affect As for the moral message of the exhi- worth QR2.2bn in Al Shamal al-Marri said.
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