CURRICULUM VITAE GREGORY A. WASELKOV Present Position: Professor Emeritus of Anthropology, Department of Sociology/ Anthropology/Social Work, University of South Alabama, Mobile, AL 36688; email:
[email protected] Areas of Specialization: Historical Archaeology, Paleoecology, and Ethnohistory of Eastern North America; Faunal and Shell Midden Analysis; Creek Indian Archaeology and Ethnohistory; Archaeology of French Colonial America Education: PhD 1982, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Anthropology with specialization in Archaeology; Dissertation: “Shellfish Gathering and Shell Midden Archaeology” MA 1977, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill; Anthropology, specialization in Archaeology; Thesis: “Prehistoric Dan River Hunting Strategies” BA 1974, University of Missouri, Columbia; Major in Anthropology; Honors Thesis: “An Ecological Analysis of Two Faunal Samples from the Lilbourn Site (23NM38), Missouri” Professional Honors: 2019 Alabama Archaeological Society President 2018 Southeastern Archaeological Conference’s Patty Jo Watson Award for the best article or book chapter on Southeastern archaeology published in 2017 (with Marvin T. Smith, Jon Marcoux, Erin Gredell, and Penelope Drooker) 2017 Granted Emeritus status by the University of South Alabama, Board of Trustees 2017 Symposium: “A Golden Bough in the Southeast: Papers in Honor of Gregory A. Waselkov,” Friday, November 10, Southeastern Archaeological Conference, Tulsa, OK. 2016 “Top Prof” recognition by the Azalea Chapter of Mortar Board, University of South