Copyright 0 1997 by the Society of America

Linkage Groups of Protein-Coding in Western Palearctic Water Frogs Reveal Extensive Evolutionary Conservation

Hansjiirg Hotz,* Thomas Uzzellt and Leszek Berger:

* Zoologisches Museum, Universitat Zurich-Irchel, CH-8057 Zurich, Switzerland, tAcademy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19103 and $Research Centrefor Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences, PL-60-809 Poznali, Poland Manuscript received October 14, 1996 Accepted for publication April 21, 1997

ABSTRACT Among progeny of a hybrid (Rana shqiperica X R. lessonae) X R lessonae, 14 of 22 loci form four linkage groups (LGs) : (1) mitochondrialaspartate aminotransferase, carbonate dehydratase-2, esterase 4, peptidase 0; (2) mannosephosphate isomerase, lactate dehydrogenase-B, sex, hexokinase-1, peptidase B; (3) albumin, fructose- biphosphatase-1, guanine deaminase; (4) mitochondrial superoxide dismutase, cytosolic malic enzyme, xanthine oxidase. Fructose-biphosphate aldolase-2 and cytosolic aspartate aminotransferase possibly form a fifth LG. Mito- chondrial aconitatehydratase, a-glucosidase, glyceraldehyde-3+hosphate dehydrogenase, phosphogluconate dehydroge- nase, and phosphoglucomutase-2 are unlinked to other loci. All testable linkages (among eightloci of LGs 1, 2, 3, and 4) are shared with eastern Palearctic water frogs. Including published data, 44 protein loci can be assigned to 10 of the 13 chromosomes in Holarctic Rana. Of testable pairs among 18 protein loci, agreementbetween Palearctic andNearctic Rana is complete (125 unlinked,14 linked pairs among 14 loci of five syntenies), and Holarctic Rana and Xenopus laevis are highly concordant (125 shared nonlinkages, 13 shared linkages, three differences). Several Rana syntenies occur in mammals and fish. Many syntenies apparentlyhave persisted for 60-140 X lo6years (frogs), some even for 350-400 X lo6 years (mammals and teleosts).

growing body of recent evidence suggests that Hemiclonal reproduction characterizes the wide- A some linkage groups (LGs) and syntenies of pro- spread and abundant natural interspecies hybrid lin- tein-coding genes have been highly conserved during eages of western Palearctic water frogs (Rana escuhta the evolution of vertebrate animals (e.g.,MORIZOT 1983, group, Amphibia; GRAFand POLLSPELAZ 1989 provided 1990,1994; STALLINGSand SICILIANO1983; GRAF1989a; a review). These hybrids (AB; AA X BB) exclude one MORIZOT et al. 1991; O’BRIEN1993b). New molecular parental genome (B)in the germ line, endoreduplicate techniques have greatly facilitated the identification of the other (A”* AA), and produce haploid, unrecom- genetic markers, many of them anonymous, allowing bined gametes (A), whether ova or sperm; hybridity rapid construction of genetic maps for many organisms (AB) is restored in the following generation because (e.g.,BERNATZKI and TANKSLEY1986; BARKERet al. 1987; hybrids mate with parental species BB (hybridogenesis: LANDRY et al. 1987; MICHELMOREet al. 1991; OSTRANDER SCHULTZ1969). Inter- as wellas intraspecific genetic et al. 1992; TANKSLEYet al. 1992; COPELANDet al. 1993; variation in traits connected with the hemiclonal ga- WILLIAMSet al. 1993; GYAPAYet al. 1994; POSTLETHWAIT metogenesis of hybrids hasbeen detected inMendelian et al. 1994; RABBITTS et al. 1995; MA et al. 1996). Never- species of these frogs (HOTZ andUZZELL 1983; HOTZ theless, it is important to map specific genes of known et al. 1985; BUCCI et al. 1990; GUERRINIet al. 1997). coding function and relatively easily determinable ho- Hemiclonal reproduction precludes direct geneticanal- mology among distantly related taxa (for example, us- ysis of hybridogenesis, because the clonally transmitted ing protein electrophoresis),because it permits recon- genome acts as a single recombination unit, but the struction of ancestral arrangements, and because intraspecific variation found can be used to circumvent a comparison between protein-coding genes and func- this difficulty and analyze the genetic basis of hemiclo- tionally different genome regions is essential for an nal gametogenesis. As part of such an analysis, we have eventual understanding of whether long-term LG con- begun to determine LGs in western Palearctic water servation has an adaptive significance. While searching frogs, using backcross progeny of highly heterozygous, for genetic markers to study an unusual reproductive nonclonal hybrids ofseveral parentalcombinations. mode in a group of frogs, we have found strong support- The genetic markers assigned to LGs can later be tested ing evidence for such evolutionarily conserved LGs. for association with traits affecting hemiclonal gameto- genesis in progeny of F1 hybrids that are genomically Cmesponding author: Hansjurg Hotz, Zoologisches Museum, Uni- venit& Ziirich-Irchel, Winterthurerstrasse 190, CH-8057 Ziirich, Swit- heterozygous for presence/absence of such traits. zerland. E-mail: [email protected] We here present linkage data obtained by protein

Genetics 147: 255-270 (September, 1997) 256 H. Hotz, T. Uzzell and L. Berger

electrophoresis of backcross progeny using the species the supernatant containingmitochondrial proteins was stored pair R. lessonae/R. shqipm'ca. We found four LGs con- at -80" for later electrophoresis. To assess locus homologies between our data and those on Nearctic Rana, we also used taining 14 protein loci and sex, and a possible fifth LG mitochondrial proteins from three commercially obtained with two additional enzyme loci. Virtually all testable (Nasco, Wisconsin) R pipiens. One kidney and heart and, linkages are shared with eastern Palearctic water frogs separately, '/3 liver from each individual were pooled, and and with Nearctic Rana.Utilizing published data, at mitochondrial proteins were enriched similarly, except that least 44 protein loci can now be plausibly assigned to two rounds of low followed by high speed SS34 spins were used rather than a sucrose stepgradient. Loci coding for 10 of the n = 13 chromosomes in Holarctic Rana. This cytosolic and mitochondrial enzymes are designated with the comprehensive summary of Rana linkages reveals that prefix s and m, respectively. for protein-coding genes there is complete agreement Goodness of fit tests of single-locus segregations for confor- between Palearctic and Nearctic species, and that a ma- mity to the expected Mendelian ratios used chi-square statis- jority of testable linkages are shared between Rana and tics. For two-point linkage data analysis we tested all pairs of informative loci, including sex, for conformity to independent distantly related pipid frogs (Xenopus). Several synten- assortment by contingency table chi-square statistics. Because ies are even shared with mammals and with teleost fish. in our data set linkage phase of the informative parent is An extensive set of linkages thus has apparently been known in eachcase, chi-square is a maximum likelihoodstatis- conserved for 60-140 million years in anurans; some tic for detection of linkage (MATHER 1957). An excess of syntenies may have persisted since the early divergence parental over recombinant genotypes is expected for linked locus pairs, so one-tailed tests for significant deviations from of the vertebrates, over 400 million years ago. random assortment are appropriate (DOERGE 1995).Because of the multiple comparisons made, we used a sequential Bon- ferroni test (RICE 1989) to evaluate significance of chi-square MATERIALSAND METHODS over the set of 231 tests. For constructing linkage maps we A femaleR. shqipetica from Virpazar, Skadarsko Jezero, Crna used the program MAPMAKER version 1.9 (LANDER et al. Gora, Yugoslavia was crossed with a R lessonae male from near 1987). Poznah, Poland (cross 7/83c), and a male hybrid from this Homologies of the loci that we and others have studied cross was backcrossed to R. Zessonae from Poznan (cross 8/ (APPENDIX A) were established using several criteria, including 84a). We analyzed 73 progeny of this backcross family. Cross- subcellular compartment localization, substrate specificity, tis- ing of adults and rearingof larval and metamorphosed prog- sue distribution, tissue-specific relative activity, inferred sub eny followed standard procedures (BERGER1988). Ploidy of unit structure, and relative mobility of translation products progeny was assessed by erythrocyte size (UZZELL andBERGER (APPENDIX B) . 1975; GONTHER1977; POLLSPELAZ and GRAF1988). Frogs were anesthetized with 3-aminobenzoic acid ethyl es- RESULTS ter (MS222) before removal of tissue samples, which were storedat -80". Protein electrophoresis followed standard All 73 backcross progeny analyzedwere diploid methods (WRIGHTet al. 1980; HOTZand UZZELL1982; HOTZ judged by erythrocyte size (data not shown). Electro- 1983). Liver or muscle samples were crushed in homogeniz- phoretic for products of seven (sAAT, ALB, ing buffer (WRIGHTet al. 1980) and applied to horizontal 11- Am-2, LBH-B, MPI, PGDH, PGM-2) of the 21 informa- 12% starchgels on filter paper tabs. We scored 21 informative protein loci that were segregating in thehybrid parent (Table tive protein loci scored in this family (Table l) have 1; APPENDIX A). Products of the 20 enzyme loci were assayed been described earlier (HOTZand UZZELL1982; HOTZ on 1 or 2 mm thick gel slices, using three continuous buffer 1983). Notes on electrophoretic phenotypes, especially systems (Table 1); all except AAT, EST,GAPDH, and X0 particulars relevant to assessing homologies of the loci were stained using 1% agar overlays rather than in solutions. scored by us to those reported in other studies (APPEN- Plasma proteins (ALB) were separated on vertical discontinu- DIX A), are presented in APPENDIX B. ous polyacrylamide gels (Table 1). For pairs of enzyme loci encoding proteins with alternative Segregation of individual loci: Goodness of fit tests subcellular compartment localizations (AAT,ACO, IDH, for conformity to the expected Mendelian 1:l segrega- MDH, ME, SOD), the translation products located in mito- tion ratio of backcross-parental (R Zessonae) to hybrid chondria were identified by comparing the observed electro- genotypes in the B1 progeny are presented in Table 2 phoretic patterns with those obtained from a tissue fraction for each of the 21 informative protein loci and for sex. enriched in mitochondrial proteins. Oocytes, livers, hearts, and kidneys of two R. lessonae and of two R. esculenta from Because sex determination in western Palearctic water Switzerland were each homogenized in STE buffer (0.25 M frogs isby a male-heterogametic XX-XY mechanism sucrose, 0.03 M Tris, 0.1 M EDTA pH 7.4) and centrifuged at (BERGERet al. 1988) and the male hybrid used stems 3.5 krpm (SS34 rotor) for 5 min; the supernatant was centri- froma R shgiperica female X R. lessonae malecross, fuged at 12 krpm (SS34) for 20 min and the resulting pellet female progeny are assumed to have inherited R. shqip- was resuspended in 2-3 vol STE and subjected to a 0.9 M/ 1.5 M sucrose step gradient (26 krpm, SW41 rotor, for 1 hr). erica sex determinants from the hybrid father, male The fraction at the 0.9 ~/1.5M interphase containing mito- progeny, R. kssonae ones. For most loci, segregation was chondria was collected and centrifuged in 20 ml of 25 mM in good agreement with the expectedMendelian values; Tris, 5 mM MgC12, 25 mMKC1 pH 7.4 at 12krpm (Ss34) the sex ratio conformed to the 1:l expectation. For two for 20 min. The resulting pellet was resuspended and the of 21 protein loci however, segregation deviated organelles lysed in 1 vol of the same solution containing 1% (lo%), Triton X-100 and 0.01% P-mercaptoethanol (GW 1989b). significantly from the expected 1:l ratio: AD-2showed After centrifugation at 12 krpm (Sarstedt MH2-K) for 10 min, a deficit of hybrid (heterozygous) genotypes (0.01 > P Conserved Frog Linkage Groups 257

TABLE 1 Protein loci used for linkage analysis of B1progeny of the species pair R kssm/R shqiperica

of loci No. of Segregatingallelesb Protein“ ScoredInformative Locus kssonae shqiperica system“TissueBuffer

AAT 2 2 sAAT g TEB, TC7, TC6 Muscle, liver mAAT a Liver, muscle ACO 2 1 dC0 b TC7 Liver ALB 1 1 ALB a PAGE Plasma ALD 2 1 AD-2 a TC7, TEB Muscle CA 2d 1 a-2 d f TEB Liver EST 3‘ Id EST4 a* b* TEB Liver FDP 2 1 mp-1 b C TEB Liver GAPDH 1 1 GMDH a d TC7 Muscle GDA 1 1 GDA a b TEB Liver aGLU 1 1 a GLU b* a* TEB Liver HK 2 1 HK-1 a* b* TEB Liver LDH 2 1 WH-B e d TC7, TEB, TC6 Liver, muscle MDH 2 d TC7, TEB, TC6 Muscle, liver ME 2 1 SME a* b* TC7, TEB, TC6 Muscle, liver MPI 1 1 MI h d TC7, TC6 Muscle PEP 5 2g PEPB b* a* TEB, TC7 Liver, muscle PEPD a* 6* Liver PGDH 1 1 PGDH C h* TEB, TC7 Liver, muscle PGM 2 1 PGM-2 C b TC7 Muscle SOD 2 1h &OD b* a* TEB Liver x0 1 1 x0 a* b* TEB Liver

Abbreviations are listed in APPENDIX A. * are designated by lowercase letters (HOTZand UZZELL1982; HOTZ1983; BEEFXI 1994); newly designated allelesare marked with an asterisk (aand b in sequence of decreasing anodal mobility). “PAGE = polyacrylamide gels (stacking gel, 2.5% acrylamide + 0.6% bisacrylamide; separating gel, 7.5% acrylamide + 0.2% bis; electrode buffer, 5 mM Tris + 38 mM glycine pH 8.4);starch gels: TC6 = low pH Tris- citrate (gel buffer, 8 mM Tris + 3 mM citric acid; electrode buffer, 220 mM Tris + 90 mM citric acid pH 6); TC7 = Tris-citrate (gel buffer, 9 mM Tris + 3 mM citric acid; electrode buffer, 130 mM Tris + 43 mM citric acid pH 7); TEB = Tris-EDTA-borate (gel buffer, 50 mM Tris + 65 mM boric acid + 1.6 mM EDTA electrode buffer, 500 mM Tris + 650 mM boric acid + 16 mM EDTA). CA-2 products also show up on stains for esterases ( ‘EST 3”). “A mixture of a-naphthyl acetate, a-naphthyl butyrate,and a-naphthyl propionate was used as substrate. fThe locus sMDH was used for linkage analysis in another taxon pair, R kssonae/a related Sicilian taxon (H. HOTZ,T. UZZELLand L. BERGER, unpublisheddata). Substrates used are L-leucyl-L-glycylglycine for PEPB, L-leucyl-L-proline for PEPD (proline dipeptidase). ‘Also scored on GDA stains.

> 0.001), GDA an excess of hybrid genotypes (0.05 > 33(14%) deviated significantly fromrandom assort- P > 0.01). It is possible that preferential scoring of ment at P < 0.01 in individualone-tailed tests with homozygotes(heterozygotes being more likely to be an excess of parental (individuals with two backcross- omitted from analysis as “uncertain”) accounts in part parental or two hybrid genotypes) over recombinant for the large hybrid deficiency for ALL)-2. genotypes (Table 3);an additional pair (HK-I/PGM-2) Linkage: All 231 possible pairs of informative protein had a significant excess of recombinant genotypes. Over loci and sex were testedfor linkage (in contrast tomam- the entire set 231 of tests, using the conservative sequen- mals, sex in Ranais determined by a small region, possi- tial Bonferroni test (RICE 1989), 20 (59%) of these 34 bly a single locus,of the sex chromosomes that in meio- pairs deviated from random assortment at P < 0.001, sis otherwisebehaves like a homologous pair of au- and two (6%) at 0.01 > P > 0.001 (Table 3); the re- tosomes;Table 3; e.g., ELINSON 1983; WRIGHT and maining 12 pairs (35%) did not deviate significantly RICHARDS 1983; HOTZet al. 1993). Because the allelic from independent assortment(P > 0.05 for each com- differencesbetween the parental species are known, parison). We interpret the 22 pairs with significant ex- linkage phase in the hybrid parent of the backcross cess of parental genotypes in table-wide tests as classi- progeny is known for each pairof loci, and all offspring cally linked. These linked pairs contain 14 protein loci genotypes can unambiguously be identified as “paren- and sex (68% of the tested loci, including sex) and tal” or “recombinant.” Among the 231 possible pairs, form four LGs, arbitrarily numbered 1-4, containing 258 H. Hotz. T. Uzzell and L. Berger

TABLE 2 criterion that the likelihood for the best three-point Segregation of 21 informative protein loci and of sex in the map for each set is 1000 times greater than for any of hybrid parent, inferred from all scorable individuals among the five other possible three-point maps for that set, 73 B1progeny of a male hybrid (Rshqiperica X R Zessm) we accepted the ordermAAT-CA-2-PEPD for LG 1, MPI- backcrossed to R lessme Sex-PEPB for LG 2. Alternative placements are thus possible for three marker loci: EST 4 of LG 1 may fall Offspring genotype between CA-2 and PEPD, or between mAAT and CA-2, Locus R kssonae Hybrid x' 1:l (1 d.f.) but not distal to mAAT or to PEPD. HK-1 and LDH-B sAAT 43 27 3.7 of LG 2 may each fall in three places: between MPI mAAT 26 33 0.8 and Sex, between Sex and PEPB, or distal to PEPB, but mAC0 6 7 0.1 not distal to MPI. Double-crossovers occur for thetwo 30 43 ALB 30 2.3 LGs with more than three markers: each of the two AD-2 36 13 10.8** alternative marker orders for LG 1 requires one dou- 33 37 CA-2 33 0.2 ble-crossover event for one of two central markers in 32 38 EST 4 32 0.5 one meiosis; each of the 12 alternative marker orders 27 43 FDP-1 27 3.7 GAPDH 12 18 1.2 for LG 2 requires one double-crossover event for each 25 45 GDA 25 5.7* of three centralmarkers in three meioses. None of the 32 30 aGLU 32 0.1 central markers of LGs 3 and 4 requires a double- 36 34 HK-1 36 0.1 crossover. 37 31 WH-B 37 0.5 37 28 SM 37 1.2 25 34 MPI 25 1.4 DISCUSSION 36 32 PEPB 36 0.2 32 38 PEPD 32 0.5 Linkage groups detected in western Palearcticwater PGDH 38 31 0.7 frogs: Heterozygosity and fertility of F, hybrids both 30 38 PGM-2 30 0.9 depend on genetic distance between the parental taxa, mSOD 12 7 1.3 but are negatively correlated with each other. Among 38 31 x0 38 0.7 the taxon pairs of western Palearctic water frogs that 38 34 Sex 38 0.2 we have used for linkage studies, R lessonae and R. shqzp- * Significant at 0.01 < P < 0.05. ** Significant at 0.001 < m'ca so far gwe the best combination of a high number P < 0.01. of loci with allelic differences and sufficient viability of first backcross generation progeny. The two species are four, five, three, and three marker loci, respectively genetically quite distinct: using electrophoresis of 51 (Figure 1). The 22 linked pairs comprise each of the protein loci, CAVALLI-SFORZAand EDWARDS' (1967) possible pairs among loci assigned to individual LGs. chord distance between our samples is 0.65, NEI'S Of the remaining 12 pairs deviating from random (1972) standard genetic distance, 0.72 (H. HOTZ and assortment at P < 0.01 in individual tests but at P > T. UZZELL,unpublished results). The two species have 0.05 in table-wide tests (Table 3), one (sAAT/ALI)-2) fixed or major differences in frequency in 25 of possibly represents afifth LG: in the individual test, the the 51 loci; 21 of these plus Sex were scored and infor- parental genotype excess is significant at P < 0.001, and mative for linkage analysis. That each of these loci evi- the deviation from random segregation among progeny denced segregation in the hybrid parent, most of them scored for Am-2 products (Table 2) may indicate bi- in good agreement with the expected1:l genotype ratio ased omission of heterozygotes. (Table 2), is concordant with results from cytogenetic The five remaining loci (mAC0, GMDH,aGLU, examination of meiotic chromosomes and electropho- PGDH, and PGM-2) were not linked to any other locus resis of oocytes I (HOTZet aZ. 1985); it confirms that of the set at P < 0.001 in individual tests and at P < hybrids betweenR lessonae and R. shqiperica have a Men- 0.05 in table-wide tests. delian rather than a hemiclonal gametogenesis, which Linkage maps: Linkage maps for the four LGsof would preclude linkage analysis. which we are confident are presentedin Figure 1. The Of the 22 informative loci, 14 protein loci plus sex locus orders given for LGs 3 and 4, each containing were assignable to LGs. This large proportion (68%) is three markers, are those having maximum likelihood probably related to the informative hybrid parent of (generated by MAPMAKER using two-point map data) the backcross analyzedbeing male. The recombination among thesix possible orders for each; thelikelihoods rate in hybrid water frogs was found to be substantially of these orders are 1000 or more times the highest lower in males than in females for at least two locus likelihood for any other arrangement. For LGs 1 and pairs of two LGs in other crosses: we observed reduced 2, which have four and five member loci, respectively, recombination, in male hybrids between R. lessonae and the order of some loci is ambiguous. We considered a related Sicilian taxon, between two protein-coding the members of each LG in sets of three. Using as a loci each of our LGs 2 and 4, but not among fourloci of Conserved Frog Linkage Groups Linkage Frog Conserved 259

TABLE 3 List of 34 locus pairs deviating from random assortment (P < 0.01 in individual one-tailed tests) in all scorable individuals among 73 progeny of a male R shqiperica X R lessonae hybrid backcrossed to R lessonae

No. of No. of parentalsb recombinants“parentalsb Table-wide Locus pair“ Locus LL HHHL LH Td x‘ (1 d.f.) p“ significancef mAAT sAAT 22 14 17 4 0.368 t 0.064 5.80 0.016 NS mAAT CA-2 25 29 1 4 0.085 t 0.036 41.09 0.000 *** mAAT EST 4 24 29 2 4 0.102 t 0.039 37.50 0.000 *** mAAT PEPD 21 26 5 7 0.203 t 0.052 20.69 0.000 *** sAAT ALD-2 26 10 3 8 0.234 -+ 0.062 11.35 0.001 NS sAAT EST 4 23 19 19 6 0.373 t 0.059 6.04 0.014 NS sAAT MPI 19 18 15 5 0.351 -t 0.063 6.56 0.010 NS sAAT PEPB 26 17 14 8 0.338 t 0.059 6.72 0.010 NS sAAT PEPD 23 19 19 6 0.373 -C 0.059 6.04 0.014 NS sAAT Sex 28 18 8 15 0.333 t 0.057 7.66 0.006 NS ALB FLIP-1 27 42 1 0 0.014 t 0.014 65.93 0.000 *** ALB GDA 25 42 3 0 0.043 t 0.024 58.33 0.000 *** AD2EST 4 17 11 18 1 0.404 t 0.072 6.12 0.013 NS AD2PEPD 17 11 18 1 0.404 t 0.072 6.12 0.013 NS CA-2 EST 4 32 37 1 0 0.014 -+ 0.014 66.09 0.000 *** CA-2 GAPDH 8 14 4 4 0.267 t 0.081 5.93 0.015 NS CA-2 PEPD 29 34 4 3 0.100 t 0.036 44.73 0.000 *** EST 4 GAPDH 8 15 3 4 0.233 -+ 0.077 7.75 0.005 NS EST 4 PEF’D 28 34 4 4 0.114 t 0.038 41.47 0.000 *** FLIP-IGDA 25 43 2 0 0.029 t 0.020 61.93 0.000 *** HK-I LDH-B 34 29 0 2 0.031 t 0.021 57.43 0.000 *** HK-1 MPI 23 29 3 1 0.071 t 0.034 41.22 0.000 *** HK-1 PEPB 35 31 1 1 0.029 t 0.020 60.21 0.000 *** HK-1 PGM-2g 10 13 22 20 0.646 -t 0.059 5.63 0.018 NS HK-1 Sex 35 32 2 0 0.029 t 0.020 61.43 0.000 *** LDH-B MPI 25 28 4 0 0.070 -+ 0.034 43.00 0.000 *** LDH-B PEPB 34 27 2 0 0.032 t 0.022 55.40 0.000 *** LDH-B Sex 36 30 1 1 0.029 t 0.020 60.18 0.000 *** sME mSOD 11 6 0 0 0.000 -+ 0.000 17.00 0.000 ** SMEx0 35 27 1 0 0.016 t 0.016 59.06 0.000 *** MPI PEPB 23 27 1 3 0.074 t 0.036 39.35 0.000 *** MPI Sex 25 30 4 0 0.068 t 0.033 44.88 0.000 *** PEPB Sex 35 30 2 0 0.030 t 0.021 59.42 0.000 *** &OD X0 11 7 1 0 0.053 t 0.051 15.24 0.000 ** NS, not significant (P> 0.05); **significant at 0.001 < P < 0.01; ***significantat P < 0.001. “For sex, males are treated as “lessonae,” females as “hybrid” genotypes, in accordance with an XX-Wmale determining mechanism. Parentals: both loci homozygous for R lessonae alleles (LL) or both loci heterozygous (hybrid; HH). “Recombinants:one locus homozygous for R lessonae alleles, the other heterozygous (hybrid; LH and HL). Recombination fraction; values are tSE. The Pvalues are associated with individual chi-square tests; linkage phase is known,so the criterion for inclusion in thetable is set as a significance level of 2a = 0.02 (one-tailed tests). ’One-tailed evaluations of table-wide significance were made using a sequential Bonferroni test (RICE 1989). Excess of recombinant over parental genotypes.

LG 1 (H. HOTZ,T. UZZELLand L. BERGER,unpublished lation of the centimorgan units (Figure 1) into physical data). Reduced recombination rates in males compared distances thus requires caution. to females also occur in eastern Palearctic water frogs Among western Palearctic water frogs, linkages of (NISHIOKAand SUMIDA1994a) and in the brown frog protein loci have been tested using another species pair R japonica (SUMIDAand NISHIOKA1994). The large pro- (R. lessonae and an unnamed related Sicilian taxon; H. portion of detectable linkages may also be related to HOTZ,T. UZZELLand L. BERGER,unpublished data). the informative parent being an interspecies hybrid; All seven linkages that are comparable (among UT, in females of eastern Palearctic water frogs, crossover (24-2, EST 4, PEPD of LG 1, and between HK-1 and MPI frequencies of hybrids were lower than those of the of LG 2) occur in both data sets. parental species (NISHIOKAand SUMIDA1994a). Trans- Comparisons with other Holarctic Rana: Within an- 260 H. Hotz, T. Uzzell and L. Berger Linkage Group



ALB FDP-I GDA -"---.t

&OD sME X0 sMDH 0- 5 CM

unlinked loci: SAAT, mAC0, ALD-2,GAPDH, aGLU, PGDH,PGM-2 * * FIGURE1.-Tentative linkage maps for 14 protein loci and sex detected in progeny of a male R. shqzpm'ca X R lessonae hybrid backcrossed to R lessonae. Numbering of the fourlinkage groups is arbitrary. Distances in cM, calculated using HALDANE'S (1919) mapping function, aremaximum likelihood estimates generated for each pair of adjacent marker loci by MAPMAKER (LANDER et al. 1987). EST 2 and sMDH are unmapped additional loci of LG 1 and 4, respectively, as revealed in backcross progeny of hybrids between R lessonae and an unnamed Sicilian taxon (H. HOTZ,T. UZZELL andL. BERGER,unpublished data). Homology of EST 4 and EST 2 of LG 1 to EST loci in other studies is unknown. Of the seven additional informative loci that each appear unlinked to any other locus of the set, sAAT and AD2(marked *) possibly form a fifth LG, with a distance of 13.8 cM between them. urans, linkage has been investigated mainly in frogs of tional locus (sMDH) can becompared because in the Holarctic radiation of Rana and in the pipid frog WPWF it belongs to LC 4 (Figure 1).Of the minimum Xenopus laevis; limited data areavailable for discoglossid of 36 locus pairs thus available for comparison, there frogs, genus Bombina (SZYMURA1995). Among Rana, is complete agreement between the two data sets: seven linkage has been extensively analyzed in both the Ne- pairs (six among HK-1, LDH-B, MPI and PEPB, our LG arctic R. pipiens group (WRIGHTet al. 1980,1983; 2; and one between sMDH and sME, our LC 4) are WRIGHTand RICHARDS 1993) and the eastern Palearctic linked in both species groups; all others are unlinked R nigromaculuta group(NISHIOKA et al. 1980, 1987). in both. Moreover, the group of four EST loci syntenic The striking similarities in LGs revealed by these and with PEPD on chromosome 10 in the R nigromaculata our studies are summarized in Table 4, which includes group may well contain our EST 4 and/or CA-2 loci shared linked locus pairs and syntenic groups built from (APPENDIX B), both linked to PEPD in our LG 1, which them. contains an additional EST locus (EST 2; Figure 1). It For the eastern Palearctic water frogs (EPWF), the is thus likely that our LC 1 is also shared with the R sister group (UZZELL1982, unpublished data;NISHIOKA nigromaculata group. and SUMIDA1992) of western Palearctic waterfrogs Combining our data on WPWF with those reported (WPWF), seven LGs of electrophoretic markerloci have for EPWF results in a total of seven LGs comprising 30- been established, and 24 protein loci have been as- 34 protein loci, of which five to eight are analyzed for signed to nine individual chromosomes (NISHIOKAet WPWF only, 12- 16 for EPWF only, and nine to 12 for al. 1980, 1987) of the n = 13. Of these loci, eight to 10 both (the ranges indicate uncertain homology for EST (ALB, ALD-2, HK-1, LDH-B, sME, MPI, P-B, PEPD; and loci and the possibility that sAAT and Am-2 form a possibly one to two ESTloci) are also used in the present fifth LC in WPWF) . Based on chromosome assignments paper (involving allfour of our LGs; Figure 1); an addi- of one to several loci in them, each of these seven LGs Conserved Frog Linkage Frog Conserved Groups 261 has been assigned to a differentchromosome in EPWF; contrast to the generally consistent linkages detected two additional loci (ADAand PEPA) have been assigned among protein loci, the LG assignment of sex in Rana to two additional chromosomes in EPWF. We have sum- shows major inconsistencies. Although in each case marized the resulting nine synteny groups of Palearctic tested it has been readily possible to assign sex to a water frogs, together with data on Nearctic Rana, in particular LG when using male hybrids, there is consid- Table 4, which provides a comprehensive summary of erable variation, even among closely related species, as Rana linkages. This data set comprises 51-57 protein to which LG this is. In Holarctic Rana, sex has been loci, of which 44-46 can plausibly be assigned to 10 assigned to a minimum of four linkage groups, appar- of the 13 chromosomes (the ranges indicate uncertain ently comprising the four largest chromosomes (1-4; homology of ESTloci); 15-26 of these loci, depending Table 4): in the R catesbeiana group, sex is assigned to on homology, are representatives of the 321 anchored chromosome 1 (Rclamitans) or 4 (Rcatesbeiana); in reference loci proposedfor comparative vertebrate the R. pipiens group, it has variously been assigned to gene mapping (O'BRIENet al. 1993). chromosomes 2, 3 and 4, depending on the species In Nearctic Rana, 18 protein loci have been studied tested; in the R. nigromaculata group, it has been as- that have clear homologies with loci studied in Palearc- signed to chromosomes 3 and 4; and in the R escuhta tic water frogs (mAAT, sAAT, ADA, ADH-2, ALB, FDP-1, group, to chromosome 4 in the present study, but to HB I, HB II, HK-1, sDH, LDH-B, sME, MI, PEPB, PEPC, some other chromosome in R. ridibunda (H. HOTZ,L. PEPD, PGM-2, sSOD; Table 4). For 123 of the 153 pairs BERCERand T. UZZELL, unpublishedresults). among these, both loci have been examinedin Nearctic Comparisons with Xenopus: Linkage analysis in the Rana and eitherWPWF or EPWF or both and can thus distantly related allotetraploid pipid frog X. laevis has be directly compared; for another 16, comparisons can revealed 10 LGs containing 25 of 33 informative electro- be made by inference because linked loci have been phoretic markerloci and sex (GRAF1889a,b, 1993; GRAF examined. Twelve locus pairs cannot be tested because and KOBEL1991). Omittingtwo ESTloci with unknown one member of the pair (and all other members of its homology, results for nine informative protein loci of LG) has been examined only in WPWF, the other (and Xenopus (mAC0-1, ALB-1+2, sME, MI-I+ 2, PGDH-2, all other members of its LC) only in EPWF. These pairs PEPB, PEPD) can be compared with ours. Four (mAC0, consist of sAAT (examined in WPWF) and ADA, HB I, ALB, A4PI, and PGDH) reflect the genome duplication HB II, sDH, PWC,and sSOD (examined in EPWF); and that has led to the tetraploidy in X. Zaeuis, although for of PGM-2 (examined in WPWF) and the same six loci. two (mAC0 and PGDH) only one of the duplicate loci Two pairs (sAAT/mAAT and sAAT/PEPD) are omitted is informative; each can be compared with the corre- from the comparison because they are not certainly sponding locus in Rana (mAC0, ALB, MI, PGDH). linked in WPWF and were not directly tested in Nearctic Thus 21 pairs among the seven protein loci in Rana Rana; it is plausible that they are syntenic but too dis- can be compared with 36 pairs among the nine loci tantly located for detection of linkage (Table 4). Thus, in Xenopus. Although the number of comparisons is 139 pairs are comparable between Palearctic and Nearc- modest, there is complete agreement between the data tic Rana. Among these pairs, agreement is complete: sets: one pair (MPI/PEPB in Rana; MPI-l/PEPB in Xen- 14 linkages aswell as 125 nonlinkages are shared in opus) is linked in both groups, 20 are unlinked in both both groups. The 14 shared linked pairs involve 14 loci groups. When using the extended dataset on Holarctic situated on five chromosomes (Table 4): chromosome Rana (Table 4), 18 protein loci assigned to LGs in Rana 1 (three pairs among the three loci ADH-2, ALB, ZDP- (sAC0,mAC0, ADH-2, AB, FH, aGDH, GLO,GPI, 1), chromosome 2 (one pair: PEPC and sSOD) , chromo- IDDH, aMN, mME, sME, MPI, PPB, PEPD,PGDH, some 4 (six pairs among the four loci HK-1, LDH-B, sSOD, T4 can be compared with loci in Xenopus. Of MPI, PEPB), chromosome 6 (three pairs amongthe the 153 possible painvise comparisons, 11 are not testa- three loci HB I, HB II, slDH) , and chromosome 10 (one ble because one locus of the pair (and all other mem- pair: mAAT and PEPD). The MPI/LDH-B linkage (Ne- bers of its LG) have only be examined in one Rana arctic R. pipiens and Palearctic R escuhta and R nigro- group, the second (and all other members of its LC) maculata groups; Table 4) also occurs in R clamitans of in another. Among the 142 testable pairs, there is again the Nearctic R. catesbeiana group (ELINSON1983). In a remarkably high concordance: there are 125 shared sum, thereis very high concordance of linkages among nonlinkages, 13 shared linkages that comprise four LGs and between Palearctic and Nearctic Rana; the only two (corresponding to Rana locus pairs sACO/ADH-2, possible inconsistencies in LG assignment are discussed SACO/ ALB, ADH-2/ ALB, a GDH/ mME, a GDH/ sSOD, in APPENDIX C. Data are generally insufficient to com- GPI/PWD,IDDH/aMAN, IDDH/MPI, IDDH/PEPB, pare gene order within LGs; the single comparison pos- aMAN/MPI, aMAN/PEPB, mME/sSOD, and MI/ sible suggests a gene rearrangement among MI, HK- PEPB) , and only three differences (sACO/ TF and ADH- 1, and PEPB that possibly occurred within the R pipiens 2/ TF linked in Rana, unlinked in Xenopus; FH/ TF un- group (APPENDIX c). linked in Rana, linked in Xenopus). Only single loci Inconsistent location of sex determining region: In for sAC0, FH, and TFare known in X. laeuis (GRAFand 262 H. Hotz, T. Uzzell and L. Berger

TABLE 4 An overview of sources of syntenies and linkage groups for proteinloci and sex in frogs of the Holarctic radiation of the genus Raua

Observed linkages* Nearctic Rana' Palearctic Rana catesbeiana pipiens group group Synteny/linkage esculenta nigromaculuta ~ pip/ pip/ sph/ sph/ group" group group cat cla Pip bla pal ber sph bla Chromosome Id SAC0 6 15,16, 17 - 17 ADH-2* 10 17 ALP 1 9, 10 16,15, 17 - 4 17 17 17 RIP-I 1 17 17 GDA 1 PGLU - 17 17 PGUS 15,16, 17 - PGM-1 - 17 17 17 17 Sex 6 - - - 17 17 - TF 4 Chromosome 2d (Y GDP 9, 10 mMDH 17 mME* 10 PEPO 10 13, 14 13 17 Sex 14, 15, 16 17 - 17 SSOP 10 13, 14 13 17 17 TYR? 11 Chromosome # Sh4DP 2 10 SME* 1, 2 9, 10 11 Sex - 8" 11 mSOD 1 x0 1 Chromosome 4d EN0 7 HK-I * I 10 15, 16 17 LDDH 7 LDH-P 1 9, 10 56 17 17 (YMAN 15 MpI* 1 10 13,15,6 17 17 17 PEPP 1 10 13, 15, 17 17 Sex 1" 8" 5 Chromosome Sd PEPA* 10 Chromosome Sd HB I* 9 15 3 17 HB IF 9 3 sIDP 9 15 17 Chromosome 9' ALD-2 10 PROT c* 9, 10 Chromosome 1 od mAAT 1 15 sAAT - 17 Conserved Frog Linkage Groups 263

TABLE 4 Continued

Observed linkagesb

~~ Nearctic Ranac

~~~~ Palearctic Rana catesbeiana pipiens group group Synteny/linkage escuhta nigromaculata pip/ pip/ sph/ sph/ group" groupgroup pal bla PiPcat cla ber sph bla CA-2 1 EST I*/ 16 EST 2*r 2f 16 EST 4*/ 1/ 16 EST 5*/ 16 GPZ 15 17 17 PEPP 1 10 15 17 TPZ 17 Chromosome 1ldsg ADA* 10 Chromosome 19 PGM-2* 17 Unassigned to a chromosome (Ul) "I 16 "2 16 EST 9 16 GLO 16 Unassigned to a chromosome (U2) EST If 16' EST 4 16* EST d 16 EST 16 16' Unassigned to a chromosome (U3) MPDH 12' PGDH 12' Unassigned to a chromosome (U4) FH 15 References: 1, This article; 2, H. HOTZ,T. UZZELLand L. BERGER,unpublished results (pair R. lessonae/Sicilian taxon); 3, DUNLAP1979; 4, DUNLAP1982; 5, ELINSON1981; 6, ELINSON 1983; 7, NISHIOKAand SUMIDA1994a; 8, NISHIOKAand SUMIDA1994b; 9, NISHIOKAet al. 1980; 10, NISHIOKAet al. 1987; 11, TAKASEet al. 1992; 12, WRIGHT1975; 13, WRIGHTand RICHARDS1982; 14, WRIGHTand RICHARDS 1983; 15, WRIGHTand RICHARDS 1993; 16, WRIGHTet al. 1980; 17, WRIGHTet al. 1983. Within syntenies/LGs, loci are listed alphabetically; no mapping sequence is intended. Locus abbreviations are listed in APPENDIX A. In case of different naming conventions, locus names used in the present study or those indicating subcellular localizations are given preference. Loci that have been assigned to a chromosome are marked by an asterisk. bFor each LC, numbers indicate studies demonstrating linkage of genetic markers in a taxon. -, markers not linked (in studies indicated in the same column of an LC). "Abbreviations for species: ber, R berlandieri; bla, R blain; cat, R catesbeiana; cla, R clamitans; pal, R palustris; pip, R pipiens; sph, R sphenocephala. Chromosome assignment for the R nigromaculata group (NISHIOKAet al. 1980, 1987). "Variable among species and populations. fHomology of EST loci across studies is not known. gADA has been assigned to chromosome IO for the R. pipiens group (WRIGHTet al. 1993), probably a result of different numbering of the similarly sized small chromosomes (a problem occurring even within the R. esculentu group; BUCCIet al. 1990). Chromosome assignment for the R piphgroup (WRIGHTet al. 1983). 'The informative parents used were probably hybrids between R pipiens and either R. magnuocularis or R f0rr.r. 264 H. Hotz. T. Uzzell and L. Berger

KOBEL 1991), but presumably all loci were duplicated groups, the extensive conservation here documented in the tetraploidization that gave rise to the X. .!muis for linkages or syntenies among protein genes within lineage. It is thus possible that duplicate sAC0 or TF anurans duringtime spans of wellover 100 million years genes, not yet detected because of silencing is certainly impressive, although its causes remain to be or tissue or developmental specificity, showthe two link- determined. The rapid expansion of genetic mapping ages seen in Rana. using recent improvements in DNA techniques may Conservation of linkage groups: Our results and soon lead to answers to some of the questions raised. published data together permitus to identify an exten- We expect especially important evolutionary insights sive set of linkage groups and syntenies that can plausi- from a comparison of the relative amounts of synteny bly be assigned to individual chromosomes in the genus or linkage conservation between protein-coding genes Rana (Table 4). Among protein-coding loci, such LGs such as reported here and functionally different parts or syntenies show a remarkably high degree of evolu- of the genome such as the various types of noncoding tionary conservation in anurans: between western and regions. X eastern Palearctic water frogs (divergence -35 lo6 PETERBEERLI (Seattle) and CHRISTINASPOLSKY (Philadelphia) years ago; UZZELL1982; T. UZZELL,unpublished re- helped in mitochondrial protein isolation. DAVIDA. WRIGHT (Hous- sults); between Palearctic water frogs and Nearctic Rana ton) kindly communicatedto us unpublished results on Nearctic (divergence -60 X lo6 years ago; UZZELL1982); and Rana. Two anonymous reviewers provided constructive criticism. This even between Rana and the but distantly related pipid research was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation grant BSR 8614881 (H.H., T.U.) and by the Swiss National Fund frog genus Xenopus (conservative divergence estimate grant 31-37579.93 (H.H.). Field work was supported by the National - 140 X lo6years ago; e.g., CARROLL 1988). Such conser- Geographic Society grant 280484 (T.U., H.H.). vation parallels synteny conservation observed within mammals (e.g., STALLINGSand SICILIANO1983; &LEY LITERATURE CITED et al. 1989; O’BRIEN1993b; O’BRIENet al. 1993), but ADAMS, M., P. R. BAVERSTOCK,C. H. S. WATTS and G. A. 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~~ ~~ ~ Enzyme Synonyms used Synonyms Enzyme Commission No. of in other Rana Abbreviation studiesProtein linkage Locus no. loci AAT Aspartate aminotransferase 2 sAAT GOT-1 mAAT GOT-2 ACO Aconitate hydratase 2 sAC0 ACO-1 mAG0 AGO-2 ADA Adenosine deaminase 1 ADA ADH Alcohol dehydrogenase 1 ADH-2 ADH-A ALB Albumin - 1 ALB ALD Fructose-biphosphate aldolase 1 ALL-2 ALD Ap Acid phosphatase 2 "1 AP-2 CA Carbonate dehydratase 1 "2 EST?" EN0 Enolase 1 EN0 EST Carboxylesterases 3.1.1 76 EST 1 etc. FDP Fructose-biphosphatase 1 rnP-1 Fl6DP-2 FH Fumarate hydratase 1 FH FUM GAPDH Glyceraldehyde-%phosphate dehydrogenase 1 GAPDH GDA Guanine deaminase 1 GDA aGDH a-Glycerophosphate dehydrogenase 1 a GDH GLO Glyoxalase I 1 GLO GLY aGLU a-Glucosidase 1 a GLU PGLU ,&Glucosidase 1 PGLU GGPDH Glucose-6phosphate I-dehydrogenase 1 G6PDH GPI Glucose-6phosphate isomerase 1 GPI @GUS &Glucuronidase 1 /3 GUS HB Hemoglobin - 2 HBI HBII HK Hexokinase 1 HK-1 HK-2 IDDH L-Iditol 2dehydrogenase 1 IDDH som IDH Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 slDH lDH-1, lDH-B LDH L-Lactate dehydrogenase 1 LDH-B aMAN a-Mannosidase 1 aMAN MDH Malate dehydrogenase 2 sMDH MDH-1, MDH-B mMDH MDH-2, MDH-A ME Malic enzyme" 2 SME ME-I, ME-B mME ME-2, ME-A MPI Mannose-Gphosphate isomerase 1 MPI PEP Peptidases 3.4 4 PEPA PEPB PEPG PEPD PGDH Phosphogluconate dehydrogenase 1 PGDH PGM Phosphoglucomutase 2 PGM-1 PGM-2 PROT Plasma proteins - 1 PROTC SOD Superoxide dismutase 2 sSOD SOD-1, SOD-B &OD SOD-2, SOD-A TE Transfemn - 1 TF TPI Triosephosphate isomerase 1 TPI TYR Tyrosinase 1 TYR x0 Xanthine oxidase 1 x0 CA-2 products are revealed on EST stains (Table 1). Homology of EST loci across laboratories is not known. ' NADP-dependent malate dehydrogenase. dFormerly 268 H. Hotz, T. Uzzell and L. Berger

APPENDIX B ported in other studies (which maywell include CA) cannot presently be assessed. Electrophoretic phenotypes and homologyof protein HIP: Products of the HIP-1 locus have major activity lociused for intergroup comparison: Homology of in liver tissue;by tissue-specific relativestaining intensi- ADA, ALB, FH, GMDH, GDA, aGDH, GLO, aGLU, ties it corresponds to Fl6DP-2 reported for the R. pipiens PGLU, G6PDH, GPI, PGUS, IDDH, aMAN, MI, PGDH, group by WRIGHTet al. (1983); it is this locus that is PROT C, TF, and TPI is obvious because only a single linked to ALB in the R. pipiens group (D. A. WRIGHT, locus is known for Rana. For six locus pairs (AAT, ACO, personal communication). IDH, MDH, ME, SOD), homology is assessed among oth- HB: Electrophoretic HB phenotypes of adult Rana ers by alternative subcellular localization of the prod- usually show two bands or sets of bands, the less anodal ucts; given functional constrai.nts,it is difficult to imag- band or set (“HB I”) being more intense. Although ine that cytosolic and mitochondrial location of such sometimes interpreted as products of two codominant enzymes encoded by independent loci have reversed in alleles at a single locus (NISHIOKAet al. 1980), several two Rana lineages since their common ancestry. observations suggest that these patterns reflect products AAT: Products of the sAATlocus (our former AAT-1; of two distinct loci. The patterns observed in different UZZELLet al. 1980) are slightly more active than mAAT species often differ in position of each band, and there products in skeletal muscle, equally active in liver tissue. is wide variation among species in mobility difference Products of the two loci separated best but still over- between the two (e.g., KAWAMURA and NISHIOKA1986, lapped on TEBgels; mAAT phenotypes sometimes Figure 10; NISHIOKAand SUMIDA1992, Figure 2). Occa- could not be reliably determined for sAAT heterozy- sional intraspecific allelic variation, in which one of the gotes. sAAT and mAAT correspond to GOT-1 and GOT- two bands is monomorphic but the other reveals one- 2, respectively, reported for R. pipiens (WRIGHTet al. to two-banded variation as expected for products of a 1980: Figure 3), confirmed by a stronger band in the segregating locus (e.g., for HB I: R. nigromaculata from cathodal “GOT-2’’ position on TC7 gels for mitochon- Beijing; NISHIOKAet al. 1992, Figure 1), also supports a drial protein-enriched solutions of R pipiens. multilocus interpretation. The HB phenotypes of hy- ACO: The mAC0 locus refers to the less anodal of brids between R. nigromaculata and R brmipoda consist two activity zones using liver tissue; ACO-1 and ACO-2 of four bands, a summation of the two-banded patterns reported for the R. pipiens group correspond to sAC0 of each parental species in position and relative inten- and mAC0, respectively (WRIGHTet al. 1980: Figure 4); sity; 80 backcross progeny, some to each parental spe- using mitochondrial protein solutions of R. pipiens, faint cies, showedeither the hybrid four-banded or the back- bands occurred only in the less anodal activity zone. cross parental two-banded pattern;none had three- ADH: ADH-A ofEPWF (NISHIOKAet al. 1987) and banded combinations (NISHIOKAet al. 1980, Figure 17). ADH-2 of the R. pipiens group (WRIGHTet al. 1983) We assume that on chromosome 6 (NISHIOKAet al. probably correspond to the same locus, the cathodal- 1980; I$ Table 4) there are at least two HB loci closely most and strongest activity zone using liver tissue (NIS linked to each other. All phenotypes pictured for adults HIOKA et al. 1992: Figure 1; D. A. WRIGHT,personal com- of Palearctic water frogs (e.g., SUMIDA1980, Figure 1; munication). KAWAMURA and NISHIOKA1983, Figure 12; KAWAMURA ALD: Products of the informative Am-2 locus have and NISHIOKA1986, FIGURE10; NISHIOKA and SUMIDA major activity in skeletal muscle; it corresponds to the 1992, Figure 2) and of the Nearctic species R. pipiens, ADlocus analyzed by NISHIOKAet al. (1987: Figure 7 R. blairi, and their hybrids and backcrosses (DUNLAP p. 37), and to AD-2 reported for the R pipiens group 1979) are consistent with HB being encoded by a mini- (WRIGHTet al. 1983). More anodally moving products mum of two independent loci. An anodal-most pheno- of another locus (AD-1)are active in brain and eye type apparently reveals an additional locus expressed tissues, and less anodally moving products of a third in the larvalstage (HB III; WRIGHTet al. 1980, Fig- locus (ALD-3)in liver tissues (WRIGHTet al. 1983). ure 1). CA-2 and EST: CA was visualized both with CA stain HK: The HK-1 locus refers to the main activity zone and under UV light using fluorescein diacetate as sub- in liver tissue; in tissue-specific relativestaining intensity strate (“fluorescein deaminase”). CA-2 products were and mobility its products correspond to those of HK-2 also scored as one of four esterases with major activity reported for the R pipiens group (WRIGHTet al. 1983, (“EST 3”) using the conditions listed in Table 1; this Figure 3; D. A. WRIGHT,personal communication). identity is conclusively confirmed, both by shared mo- IDH: sIDH and mIDH correspond to IDH-B and IDH- bility and inferred monomeric subunit structure and, A, respectively, reported forEPWF (e.g., KAWAMURA and more importantly, by identical patterns in several water NISHIOKA1986: Figure lo), and to DH-1 and IDH-2, frog species with fixed allelic differences, as well as in respectively, of the R. pipiens group (WRIGHTet al. 1980: individuals from a R. permi population in which two CA- Figure 3). 2 alleles are segregating (H. HOTZ,unpublished re- LBH: LBH-A and LDH-B correspond to the loci pri- sults). Homologies of the EST loci scored to those re- marily expressed in skeletal and heart muscle, respec- Conserved Frog Linkage Groups 269 tively(EPWF: KAWAMURA and NISHIOKA1986, Figure ancy may be explained byLGs I and VI in R pipiens 11; R pipiens group: WRIGHTet al. 1983, Figure 10; R being syntenic (Table 4); ADH-2 and ALB, both linked catesbdana group: ELINSON1981, Figure 2). to PGM-I in backcrosses of R sphenocephala X R berlan- MDH: sMDH and mmHcorrespond to MBH-B and dim' hybrids (WRIGHTet al. 1983), have both been as- MDH-A, respectively, reported for EPWF (KAWAMURA signed to chromosome 1 in EPWF (NISHIOKAet al. and NISHIOKA1986, Figure ll), and to MDH-I and 1987). Even if LGs I and VI in R. pipiens are syntenic, MDH-2, respectively, of the R pipiens group: only the however, these data suggest rearrangements within this less anodal MDH-2 products in R. pipiens yielded bands chromosome in the R pipiens group (unless the differ- using mitochondrial protein solutions ($ also WRIGHT ent genome combinations in hybrids cause markedly 1975, Figure 4D). different recombination rates in the chromosome seg- ME: The sME locus informative in this paper corre- ment containing these loci). sponds to ME-B of NISHIOKAet al. (1987), as shown by Comparison between Palearctic and Nearctic Rana the pattern pictured for R lessonae by KAWAMURA and reveals one inconsistency for protein loci that is possible NISHIOKA(1986, Figure 10); andto ME-I, sex-linked in but not required (EST loci are not considered because R. pipiens (WRIGHTand RICHARDS 1993; D. A. WRIGHT, their homology across laboratories is not established; personal communications); only the less anodal ME-2 Table 4). In the R. pipiens group, GPI, PEPD and mAAT products in R. pipiens yielded bands using mitochon- (GOT2) are linked in R. pipiens (WRIGHTand RICHARDS drial protein solutions. 1993), and GPI and sAAT (GOTI) are linked in back- PEPB and PEPD: Homology of the loci encoding crosses of R palustris X R. pipiens hybrids (WRIGHTet these enzymes to those reported in other studies (.g., al. 1983), suggesting that mAAT and sAAT are syntenic WRIGHTand RICHARDS 1982 for R pipiens) is ascer- (Table 4). In our data, mAAT and sAAT are not linked tained by concordant substrate specificity (Table l), at P < 0.05 using the sequential Bonferroni test (Table tissue distribution, relative staining intensity, and in- 3), although they may be syntenic but too distant from ferred subunit structure of the enzymes. each other to show linkage. A direct linkage test of this PGM: Products of the PGM-2 locus yield the zone of locus pair was not possible in the R. pipiens group, and highest activity in skeletal muscle tissue; it corresponds the two AAT loci may well be situated on opposite sides to PGM-2 products pictured for R pipiens by WRIGHTet of the GPI locus. In WPWF, PEPD and mAAT are also al. (1980, Figure 5; 1983, Figure 2). linked (Figure 1); and it is worth notingthat sAAT SOD:mSOD refers to the minor activity zone using compared with each member of our LG 1 had excess liver tissue, near or cathodal to the origin on TEB gels; of parental over recombinant genotypes. Of the four sSOD and mSOD correspond to SOD-1 and SOD-2, re- possible pairs, sAAT/mAAT, EST 4, and PEPD deviated spectively, of WRIGHTet al. (1983: Figure 6), andto SOD- from random assortment at 0.001 > P > 0.01 in individ- B and SOD-A, respectively, ofKAWAMURA and NISHIOKA ual tests (Table 3), and sAAT/CA-2 at 0.05 > P > 0.01 (1983, Figure 12; this is consistent with the genotypes (data not shown). If in WPWF sAAT and mAAT are of western Palearctic water frog species reported by KA- syntenic and if the uncertain linkage of sAATand ALD- WAMURA and NISHIOKA1986, Table 14). 2is real, however, then aninconsistency between WPWF XO: This multimeric (probably tetrameric) enzyme, and EPWF would be revealed, because ALL)-2 and PEPD with strongest activity in liver tissue, can be revealed have been assigned to different chromosomes in EPWF both by using X0 stains and using stains for xanthine (9and 10, respectively; NISHIOKAet al. 1987; Table 4). dehydrogenase that differ from X0 stains only by con- For only one LG the gene order of the same set of taining NAD (cf: ADAMS et al. 1984; RICHARDSON et al. more than two loci has been determined in two differ- 1986). ent groups of Rana and can thus be compared: HK-I, LDH-B, MPI, and PEPB of LG 2 in WPWF (Figure 1) APPENDIX C and LG V in the R. pipiens group (WRIGHTet al. 1983). The order PEPEMPJHK detected in crosses within R Inconsistent linkage assignments and gene orders in pipiens (WRIGHT and RICHARDS 1993) is inconsistent Holarctic Rana: Within the Nearctic R. pipiens group, with the order MPJHK-PEPB in WPWF (Figure l),sug- one inconsistent assignment of protein loci has been gesting that gene rearrangement has occurred within made using different species combinations. In crosses this LG. The inconsistency is not revealed in R. sphene within R. pipiens, ALB and PGM-I belong to two differ- cephala X R berlandieri backcrosses (order MPI-PEPB- ent LGs (I and VI), whereas they are linked in back- LDHB-HK; WRIGHTet al. 1983); the much smaller map crosses using R palustris X R pipiens, R sphenocephala distances in this cross, similar to our WPWF values (Fig- X R blairi, and R sphenocephala X R. berlandim' hybrids ure l), probably reflect reduced recombination rates (Table 4; WRIGHTet al. 1983, Figure 9). This discrep- in hybrids relative to parental species. 270 H. Hotz, T. Uzzell and L. Berger APPENDIX D A partial list of Rana syntenies shared with mammals or teleost fish

Chromosome Syntenies compared" Taxa compared* or LG Reference' Rana chromosome 1 (sACOADH2-ALB~Pl-GDA-/3GLU$GUS-PGMl-TF)d GBA (PGLU) -PGMl M: Homo 1 10 ADHl,2,3,4,5-ALB-PGM2 Homo 4 10 Adhl-A16 Peromyscus VI 1 ADH3-ALB sus 8 3 Adhl,3.5-Gba (BGLU, Mus 3 5 ADH2-PGM2 " Bos 6 15 Acol-Pgml Rattus 5 6 Acol (SACO)-PWP Mus 4 5 Albl$Gus-Pgmj Mus 5 5 Rana chromosome 2 (aGDH-mMDH-mME-PEPGsSODTYR) Mod2 (mME)-TYT M: Mus 7 5 SOD1 ( sSOD) -TyR sus 9 3 G3pl (aGDH) -PepC2 F Salmonidae' 2 7 Rana chromosome 3 (sIWH-SME-~SOD-XO) ME1 ( sME) SOD2 (&OD) M: Bos SG2 15 Canis u10 8 Felis B2 11 Homo 6 10 Mustela 1 13 Rana chromosome 4 (ENOHKl-IDDH-LLlHBaMN-MPI-PEPB) EN02-LDHRPPB M: Homo 12 10 LDHRPEPB Bos 5 15 Felis B4 11 Mustela 9 13 OViS 3 2 Eno2-Ldhb Rattus 4 6 HKl-PEPB Cricetulus 1 14 Hkl-Peb2 Mus 10 5 &Ol-hKl Mustela 2 13 SORD (IDDm-MANA (aMAN)-MPI Homo 15 10 Felis B3 11 ENO2-LbHGMkI F Xiphophorus I1 9 Ldh3-PqBl; Ldhl-PqB2 Salmonidae" 7; 8 7 Ldhl-Ldh5-Mbi Salmonidae' 13 7 Rana chromosome 10 (mAAT-sAAT-CA24 ESTs-GPI-PEPDTPI) Got1 (AAT)-Gpi-Pepd M: Rattus 1 6 GPI-PEPD Cricetulus 9 14 Homo 19 10 GOT2 (mAAT)-CA W, VII-CESl (EST)-ESB3 (EST) Homo 16 10 Got2 (mAAT)-Cesl (EST)-11 Es loci (EST) Mus 8 5 GOT2 (mAAT) -ES (EST) Equus u2 12 3 ES loci (EST)-GPI-PEPD Mustela 7 13 Es8 (EST)-Gpil-Pep4 Mus 7 5 mAA T-GPIl-PEPD F Xiphophorus N 9 GPIl -PEPD Poeciliopsis Iv 9 Cpil-PepDl; Gpi2-PepD2 Salmonidae" 3; 4 7 3 EST loci-GPl2 Xiphophorus I1 9 ~13-Aat5 Salmonidae' 13 7 Rana chromosome I0 (mAAT-sAAT-CA24 ESTs-GPI-PEPD-TPn and LG U2 (4ESTs) Oryctolagus VI 4 Mus 3; 8; 9 5 Mustela 7 13 2 Es clusters (bn Peromyscus VI11 1 12 ES loci (E~T)' Rattus 19 6 Rana LG U1 (APl-ABan EST-GLO) GLO-ESD (ESn M: Cricetulus 1 14 Rana LG ~3'(G&PDH)-PGDH) Gpdl ( G6PDH-Pgd (PGDH) M: Mus 4 5 G6PDH-PGDH F Poecilia, Xiphophorus I 9 Poeciliopsis I11 9

-~ ~ ~ ~-~~~ a Loci are listed with their original names used for the mammalor fish taxa compared; for certainloci, in which these names are quite different from those we use, or for which homology is known, the Rana name is indicated in parentheses. Several locus homologies cannot be established with certainty on the basis of data in the sources cited. M, mammals; F, fish. "References:1, DAWSONand ROGERS1993; 2, ECHARD1993; 3, ECHARDet al. 1993; 4, FOX 1993; 5, HILLYARDet al. 1993; 6, LEVANet al. 1993; 7, MAY and JOHNSON1993; 8, MEERAKHAN et al. 1993; 9, MORIZOTet al. 1993; 10, NIH/CEPH Collaborative Mapping Group 1993, STEPHENS1993; 11, O'BRIEN1993a; 12, SANDBERGand ANDERSON 1993; 13, SEROV and PACK 1993; 14, STALLINGSet al. 1993; 15, WOMACKet al. 1993. The synteny lists and chromosome assignments for Rana are those of Table 4. The lists of syntenic Rana loci are alphabetical. Salmonid fishes are tetraploidderivative (e.g., OHNOet al. 1968; ALLENDORF et al. 1975).