Hostage Ihanrltpater
Hostage iHanrltpater Situation £p r n t u n lUrralJi T - • _______ __________ H I VolV. oXlC. IXXC, IXN,o .N ^o. t—o —Ma MncahnMchtwM, tw(io, ntino.n, nF.r,i dFaryid, aDy«, cD«*mc«bm«rb 7«,r i, • Si•n cSein 1c8eB 1 8•8 12 0•« 2S0i«n gSlien gCloe pCyo •p y1 5•c1 5Hco mHeo mDie Delivered I unceriain^-------------------------Jobless TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) - Iran’s — the only man who can free them — foreign minister said today some of and the militants themselves. the 50 U.S. hostages will be freed In his first personal reaction to the F igu res shortly and others tried as spies, with United Nations resolution calling for possible death penalties. But the release of the hostages. Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini quick- Khomeini denounced it as a "plot by ly jeopardized the promised releases the American Security Council, CIA D ecline with a blistering attack on the United and SAVAK” — the former Iranian States. secret police. Khomeini said Iranians should Khomeini urged all Iranians to go WASHINGTON (UPI) - sever all ties with the United States to the rooftops of their homes this Unemployment edged down to 5.8 and "rub America's snout into the evening and shout "AIlah-Akbar” percent in November, with most of dust.” He dismissed the U.N. Securi- ("God is great” ) and "Death to the the improvement among women and ty Council resolution calling for world-eating American im- blacks, the Labor Department said release of the hostages as an perialism" today. "American plot.” He charged the United States is Militant students, too, denounced hatching plots daily against Iran and The decline, from 6 percent in Oc- Foreign Minister Sadegh Qodb- he is “expecting new bitter tober, came at a time when most zadeh's statement on the release of happenings” soon.
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