Nusantara Geopolitic and Rising Tide of Colors: Indonesia Cultural Strategy at Asia-Africa Conference, * 18-24 April 1955 Haryo Kunto Wibisono Faculty of Administration Science, Magister Public Administration Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia, 2011
[email protected] Abstract Map of the global condition in the 21st century after Cold War, is a reflection of superiority in field of economy, politics, culture from the North (Europe-North America) over the South (Asia- Africa-Latin America). In the end, it map will build Empire formation and New-World Order in accordance with the spirit underlying age. The historical roots, post-World War II, in addition to the rise of Asian-African nationalism, there was also conflict between the world, which began declare on “two power” of the Soviet Union represented of East Block, and West Block was represented by United States of Amerika. This variety of clash field’s ranging from economics, politics, culture, and even technology. Of course, this affects how the two powers were run its foreign policy in Asia, Africa, Latin America commonly known as the South Region or the Third World. Indonesia's position is in cultural crossbreeding Asia and Australia, in anthropological give ethnic and racial diversity in the archipelago, says historical reading of the cultural centers and international trade routes could not let go of two Empire of Sriwijaya and Majapahit archipelago. In this position, clearly crosses resulted in the production of knowledge and culture resulting from geopolitical position and geohistorical. Perspective from Rising-Tide Colored that the pattern of expansion-colonialism by "whites" against the "skin color".