2016 World Waste to Energy City Summit

Sustainable – Waste Management and Waste-to-Energy in a global city

11 May 2016

Kan Kok Wah Chief Engineer Waste & Resource Management Department National Environment Agency Singapore Outline

1. Singapore’s Solid Waste Management System

2. Key Challenges & Opportunities

3. Waste-to-Energy (WTE) and Resource Recovery

4. Next Generation WTE plants

2 Singapore

Country and a City-State

Small Land Area 719.1 km2

Dense Urban Setting 5.54 mil population

Limited Natural Resources

3 From Past to Present

From Direct landfilling From 1st waste-to-energy plant

Ulu Pandan (1979)

Lim Chu Kang

Tuas (1986) South (2000)

Lorong Halus

…to Offshore landfill (1992) Keppel Seghers (2009)

4 Overview of Solid Waste Management System

Non-Incinerable Waste Collection Landfill 516 t/d Domestic Total Waste Generated 21,023 t/d Residential Trade 2%

Incinerable Waste Recyclable Waste 7,886 t/d 12,621 t/d 38% 60% Ash 1,766 t/d Reduce Reuse Total Recycled Waste 12,739 t/d Metals Recovered 61% 118 t/d

Industries Businesses Recycling Waste-to-Energy Non-Domestic Electricity 2,702 MWh/d 2015 figures 5 5 Key Challenges – Waste Growth and Land Scarcity

Singapore’s waste generation increased about 7 folds over the past 40 years

Index At this rate of waste growth… 4.00 New waste-to-energy GDP 7-10 years 3.00 Current Population: 5.54 mil Land Area: 719 km2 Semakau Landfill Population Density : 7,705 per km2 ~2035 2.00 Population 30-35 years New offshore landfill 1.00 Waste Disposal 8,402 tonnes/day (2015) But… 1,200 tonnes/day (1970) 0.00 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year there will be less & less land available 6 Waste Management Strategies

To enhance the sustainability of our system as solutions to the waste growth challenge are being developed

Minimisation / Prevention

• Promote efficient use of resources in production processes • Promote 3Rs & waste segregation at source in homes & businesses

Recycling • Maximise resource recovery from waste • Adopt better recycling methods to sustain clean environment

Waste-to-Energy / Volume Reduction

• Adopt innovative technology to maximise energy recovery, minimise ash & land use


• Minimise waste to landfill

7 Waste-to-Energy Facilities in Singapore

Ulu Pandan WtE Plant Senoko WtE Plant Keppel Seghers Tuas (Decomm in 2009) Privatised in 2009 PPP DBOO approach

1979 1986 1992 2000 2009 2019

Tuas WtE Plant Tuas South WtE Plant TuasOne WtE Plant Government owned & operated Government owned and operated PPP DBOO approach

8 6th Waste to Energy Facility

Project Public Private Partnership (PPP) scheme Design, Build, Own and Operate (DBOO) Model Expected operation 2019.

WTE Facility Domestic & industrial solid waste 90% waste volume reduction 3,600 tonnes/day 24% net efficiency

This is an artist impression of a possible design 9 Energy from Waste for Utility Steam

WTE Facility Capacity: process up to 1,000 t/d industrial & commercial solid waste Produce 140 tonnes per hour of steam to serve the needs of petrochemical manufacturers on Island Expected operation in 3Q 2016

10 Source: http://www.volund.dk/~/media/Downloads/Brochures_-_WTE/Sembcorp_-_Singapore.pdf?la=en Biomass to Energy


• Utility purposes for industries Cogeneration • Drying of Spent Grains • Gardens by the Bay

Electricity(Gardens by the Bay) • Supplied to Grid • Internal electricity consumption Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) Realising Waste-Water-Energy NEXUS

Integrated Electricity for used water treatment Tuas Water Waste Reclamation Management Plant Facility (TWRP) (IWMF) Reclaimed water for non-potable uses and incineration of sludge

12 Incineration Bottom Ash (IBA) Metal Recovery Increasing Resource Recovery

• Increase resource recovery and extend the lifespan of Semakau Landfill • Capacity of 1,800 t/d of IBA • Resource recovery: 90% of the ferrous metals of size above 4mm and non-ferrous metals above 2mm • Commenced operation: July 15

13 Semakau Landfill Phase II Development

Maximise Lifespan of Semakau Landfill

A single cell was created to form Phase II of the landfill, which was designed to: • maximise the landfill capacity • minimise the amount of sand used • lowering the overall construction cost

14 A Vibrant & SSB 2015 Sustainable City To strive towards a “ZERO WASTE NATION”

• Reduce consumption, reuse and recycle all materials to conserve precious resources and free up land for more meaningful uses

• The Government, community and businesses will come together to put in infrastructure and programmes

15 Safeguard • Nurture • Cherish