FUO Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 8 March, Special Edition 2020 POLITICAL THUGGERY AND INSECURITY IN : COUNSELLING INTERVENTION

KINIKA CLIFFORD CHUKWUEMEKA Department of Social Science Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Rumuola,

EJIKE STANFORD OHAHURU Department of Social Science Captain Elechi Amadi Polytechnic Rumuola, Port Harcourt

ABSTRACT Over six years ago of self-rules, having gained political independence in 1960 the nation went into a civil war which claimed many life and properties worth Billions of Naira. Ever since then, political instability and insecurity have been the bane of society. In recent time Rivers State had experienced insecurity and political thuggery which is executed by cultists aimed at killing, assassination, arm robbery, loss of life and properties, kidnapping and abduction, raping, intimidation of innocent citizens and arson. This paper attributed these ugly situations as the upshot of political instability. All most, or if not all, political office holders or aspirants has chain of political advantages. This paper has reviewed the origin, theoretical frame work, the major causes and thuggery activities on the security and safety of Rivers State since Government seemed to have compromised and become incapacitated in her bid to address the situation. This paper has recommendation for several counseling interventions. Hopefully, if the recommendations are given due attention and implemented judiciously, the incessant cases of political thuggery will be drastically reduced in Rivers State, this will enhance experience of socio-economic political security. Keywords: Insecurity, Thuggery and Politics

INTRODUCTION Apparently, Nigerian politics is characterized by thuggery. It is beyond doubt that Nigerian politics is not free of violence. In fact, contemporary events, across the nation have clearly declared that Nigerian politics has been pigeonholed by political thugs. Militants. Fulani Herdsmen and Boko Haram activities are synonymous with thuggery. Currently in Nigeria, thuggery has been elevated to a fashionable but regrettable status within the Nigeria polity. The number of thugs a politician can keep serves as a determining factor for his electoral machinery. The more thugs a politician has, the more relevant he becomes in the society, closer to his political success and hijack of political power. Thuggery has become a means to an end in Nigerian politics. It is a means of sustaining power and life, an asset that brings money for thugs for life sustenance while it brings and sustains power for their barons. It is an indispensable instrument in the hands of hungry power seekers.

Kinika C. C. & Ejike S. O. Political Godfather is the name for barons / political leaders who use these thugs for their selfish reasons. Godfathers are themselves the ruling elite or potential ruling elite, their activities have been institutionalized to the point of subverting the constitution for parochialism and aggrandizement. According to Gboyega (2004), Political godfathers are by design placed above the laws of the land including the constitution. They and their thugs can carry arms without hindrances. They are entitled to Police escorts and are immune to the crime of abduction, harassment and maiming. Adeyemi and Adeyerni (2003) express concern over the situation of politics in Nigeria, when they observed that:

‘During the ward congress of the PDP, an ultra-party affair, many politicians went to the congress venue armed with assault, rifles and acid containers for possible use on opponents’.

In Rivers State, several thug and cult groups exist which cause problems such as killing, arson, election rigging and other electoral offences. The fear of intimidation has forcefully restricted people’s movement in all parts of the state. The insecurity caused by thugs and cult groups is a negative signal for any meaningful development. Many investors have deserted the area. The government and her agencies seem to be silent.

Patterns of Insecurity Since the 2009 Presidential Amnesty program went into effect, 2015 has represented the most violent year in Rivers State. As outlined in the above right graph, 2015 had the highest number of reported fatalities in the past six years. Violence perpetrated by suspected cultists makes up a significant proportion of those incidents.

Nexus between Rivers Politics and Cultism Political tensions in 2015 were sharply elevated in Rivers State in the run-up to the March federal election, the April gubernatorial elections, and the May local elections. Based on Peace Map analysis of Nigeria Watch data, political tensions far exceeded ethnic/communal tensions during the period. As noted in the publications cited above and consistent with recent Peace Map and IPDU research findings, cult violence tends to escalate during the election cycle. This is typically because many cult groups depend on the patronage of politicians, who either employ them as informal security or use them to intimidate, attack or kill their opponents. Due to the political underpinnings of cult violence, many cult groups are either community-based or built around certain charismatic individuals who serve as rallying points for members. In addition to community-based groups and those built around certain individuals or groups of individuals (including ex-militant leaders), there are also what is known as ‘feeder groups’. These are associations that may have direct or indirect affiliations with the more prominent groups in the state. Furthermore, many of the hotbeds of cult violence are located in centers of political activities such as the state capital (Port Harcourt) and other local government headquarters. The emergence of known ex-agitators and cult leaders in the current Rivers State House of Assembly suggests a further linkage between the struggle for political power and cult violence in the state. Gang violence and cult clashes have also been observed in connection to oil bunkering and illegal refining activities. There were multiple reported incidents of clashes between rival cult groups over issues such as access to illegal bunkering camps, royalties from oil businesses, and job opportunities provided by oil companies in Ikwerre, Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni, Port Harcourt and LGAs. Communities in LGAs such as Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni, Akuku-Toru, Asari-Toru, Degema, Eleme

FUO Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 8 March, Special Edition 2020 and Port Harcourt have been witnessing increasing cult and gang related violence. Against this background the objective of this paper is to examine political thuggery and insecurity in Rivers state. Specifically, the paper intends to x-ray the origin of thuggery, theoretical framework, causes and effect of thuggery, recent thuggery activities in Rivers state and suggests the roles of counsellors in addressing this menace.

The Origin of Thuggery The word thug or thuggery was carved out from a Hindu word ‘THAG/THAGI’ which refers to a murderer, a swindler, as assassin, cut throat, violent criminal, ruffian. ‘Thugs are members of a religious sect in India who, in honour of ‘Kali’, the Hindu goddess of destruction, strangled and plundered their victims. The thugs considered their victims as pious rites, performing them in accordance with a set ritual. Its membership was usually hereditary and opened to both Muslims and Hindus’ (Encarta Dictionary). A criminal with an intimidating, unseemly appearance and mannerism, who treats others violently and roughly, especially for hire. Historically, one of a band of assassins formerly active in northern India who worshipped Kali and offered their victims to her. Thuggery is the violent criminal acts that are associated with thugs and / or the fashion, manner of speaking and demeanor associated with them (wikitionary). It is suggested that the sect known as the thugs came into existence at about the 13th century. Infer from the above, a thug is someone whose behaviour is violent. He /She can kill and destroy fellow humans without any feeling of remorse. He /She concern, is to achieve a set target by eliminating every obstacle, whether human or object to satisfy his desire or of his/her master. In Nigeria one cannot state categorically when political thuggery started. Since 1960, Nigeria gained her political independence no regime can claim to be free from political thuggery but its intensity is increasing each day, Rivers State being among the leading states.

Theoretical Framework of Thuggery Instinct Theory This theory by Freud is grouped into two categories: - Life Instinct and death instincts. Life Instincts serve the purpose of survival of the individual, it is oriented towards development and growth. Death Instincts, Freud proposed that people have an unconscious wish to die. One of the components of the death instincts is the aggressive drive. The aggressive drive compels an individual to destroy, conquer and kill. The character deficit of an individual could be linked to the Oral and Anal Stages of psychosexual development. Persons fixated at these levels are prone to hostility, cruelty, destructiveness, aggressiveness, envious, sadistic and they view other people as objects to exploit and be oppressed. They equally have holes or slits (problem) in the formation of superego - behaviour which children are punished form the conscience while behaviour for which children have been praised form the ego-ideal. As suggested by the theory, aggressive instincts can be channeled to school activities, hobbies, sports, debates and hunting. The theory has been criticized - some aggressive behaviour can be linked to differences in culture and it can be influenced by other factors such as alcohol etc.

Kinika C. C. & Ejike S. O. Adlerian theory Alfred Adler proposed that inferiority feelings are the source of all human striving (Schultz & Schultz, 2005). Individual’s growth results from compensation from our attempts to overcome our real or imagined inferiorities. Throughout our lives, we are driven by the need to overcome the sense of inferiority and strive for increasingly higher levels of development. When an individual (child) is unable to compensate for his or her feelings of inferiority, it leads to inferiority complex. Inferiority complex equally arise from spoiling or pampered and neglect or neglected children. Spoiled children are the centre of attention, in the home their every need or whim is satisfied. When they are no longer the focus of attention they feel worthless. Neglected or rejected are never cared for or love, they are badly treated children, with erroneous impression about the nature of the world and how life ought to be lived. They become distrustful and hostile toward other people. Adler believed that humans develop a destructive unique pattern of characteristics, behaviours and habits which he called ‘styles of life’. The style of life is learned from social interactions that occur in the early years and it becomes the guiding framework for all later behaviours. The theory proposed four basic styles of life. The dominant type — dominant or ruling attitude with little awareness. Such a person behaves without regards for others. The more extreme of this type, attacks others and becomes sadists, delinquents, and sociopaths. The less virulent become alcoholics, drug addicts or suicides; they believe they hurt others by attacking themselves. The getting type expects to receive satisfaction from other people and so becomes dependent on them. The avoiding type makes no attempt to face life’s problems by avoiding difficulties; the person avoids any possibility of failure. These styles of life are not ready to cope with the problems of everyday life. The clash between the styles of life and the real world, results in abnormal behaviour. The theory holds the idea that human behaviours are learnt. The learning that takes place in the context of the socio situation (Eriga, 2013). Aggression is behaviour that is intended to inflict, physical or psychological harm or others. Akinade (2005) maintained that aggression is largely learned. For instance, an individual who grew up in an environment that is violently charged is prevalent at risk of becoming aggressive and violent or a child that grew up in a family that aggression and violent are the order of the day will indeed become aggressive and violent. Osarenren (2000) asserts “that when some individuals are brought up in an environment where they witness violent displays, they tend to conclude that violent is a way of life”.

Behaviourist Theory is adapted for this paper because political thuggery among youths of today is perceived in perspective of the behaviorist theory. At Present, there is no week in Nigeria that passes without news of violent fighting with weapons, burning of houses, cars, killing human beings as if they were flies, the youths who perpetuate this violence are never brought to book or before the law, it seems some thugs are above the law. Children are growing to believe that aggression and violence are part of Nigeria’s culture. This is a dangerous trend that must be addressed with all amount of urgency. Hence this paper.

FUO Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 8 March, Special Edition 2020 Sociological Theory The theory states that ‘social factors are the reason for aggression and violence, such factors as unemployment, social isolation, stress, poverty diseases, hunger and illiteracy’ (Akinade, 2005; Ortese, 2004; Osarenren, 2000). Ortese and Ada (2000) revealed that the most prevalent among them is unemployment. Youths under the age of 30 constitute over half of the approximately 150 million Nigerians (National Population Commission, 2001). Unemployment rate in Nigeria is growing at the rate of 16% per year with the youth impacted the most (Doreo Partners, 2013). The youths account for 41.6% unemployment rate in Nigeria (National Bureau of Statistics Labour force survey, 2009). Government no longer employs, youths after graduating move around for job, those in civil service who are due for retirement don’t want to. The oil companies are relocating; the youths who are not employed see thuggery as the only avenue/resort for survival. Political thuggery in Rivers State appears to be the only means of gaining political power without any consideration for meritocracy and popular opinion of the masses. Members of thug groups are predominantly youths (male and female). if the youths who are the leaders of today and tomorrow are deeply entrapped, entangled and entrenched in violence, what then is the future of the society? The order of the day, may become political insecurity and instability. “Political thuggery is an organized act of violence, intimidation and black mail, directed against a political opponent to achieve a selfish political objective”. (Ortese, 2004). Thuggery is not only instrument of terrorism organized against political opponent but to innocent citizens and society at large.

Causes of Political Thuggery in Nigeria The reasons for the use of thugs by Nigerian Politicians cannot be over emphasized. One of the major reasons for political thuggery is the determination of the political Godfathers/Lords to perpetuate themselves in power at all cost. Because of the selfishness and corruption that surrounds Nigerian politicians they do not want to relinquish political power. The fears of living a frustrated and regrettable life if not in power force them to struggle and remain in power through the use of thugs. Secondly, Sit-tight Syndrome — This has become a phenomenon in Nigerian politics. This is a situation in which an individual tries to hold on to power for personal aggrandizement or gains. In an attempt to hang on to power, leaders often create a regime of violence, repression and bloodshed. They organize political thugs, hooligans and scavengers to sing their praises, intimidate opponents and kill them if they become intransigent (Oyatope, 2003:115). The unnecessary and uncoordinated urge to control, dominate and amass wealth for their progeny in the infinite future by the politicians inform the emergence of the sit-tight phenomenon In furtherance of this, it is the desire of the ruling class to plant an unpopular candidate who will be a stooge and be manipulated to their advantage. While the electorate would prefer to vote for a candidate that delivers his manifestos. Through the use of thugs, the ruling class ensures that the robot wins. Closely related to this, is the notion and slogan ‘winner takes all’ because they have invested and will not want to lose, since the looser is not compensated or given any

Kinika C. C. & Ejike S. O. consolation. People have to die, in time dated for the politician to have his way. This can only be achieved through thuggery. Furthermore, the notion that political power is the only access to economic power. This category of politicians aspires for political power basically for acquisition of wealth at the expense of service to humanity. This has clouded Nigeria’s political climate, the evidence is seen on the corrupt practices of political office holders. That is why they acquire power by all means. In Nigeria, politics is conceived as an investment. The politicians, having invested colossally on campaigns and other political activities, coupled with the existing system of winner takes all, would want to win at all cost. And the need to employ the use of thugs and touts to destabilize and rig elections becomes inevitable, especially when such politicians are not popular candidates. Finally, unemployment and hardship is another major issue, the majority of youth in this nation are jobless, with no means of livelihood, they are impoverished, and mercenary politics becomes the way out. The politicians capitalize on this and recruit the youths who do not only constitute the pillar of society but also the most vulnerable to the self-inflicted poverty, as their thugs and touts to perpetrate violence. In line to that, is refusal to accept electoral defeat in good faith is also a fertile factor that can breed thuggery and trigger violence in politics. Politician who lost in the poll will try as much as they can to distraught and even involve thugs. In the same vein, absence of good governance and low political culture are also contributive factors to the menace of thuggery and violence. Hunger, marginalisation, incapacitation, intolerance, domination, apathy and cynism etc. can also cause political violence. Ethnicity and Religious affiliation is another major factor of thuggery in Nigerian. The country has groups of people speaking different languages and having different cultures, customs, traditions and religion. The problem caused by the British rulers before Independence has not been addressed, some ethnic groups were favoured to the detriment of others. When an ethnic group feels that her people have been cheated in the distribution of resources of the nation by the Federal Government, Senior Officers of government and Companies are of a particular ethnic group, other ethnic groups will cry for recognition and attention through violence which may be thuggery. Esew (2003) Summarized the causes of political thuggery as ‘Domination and marginalization of sections and groups and persons in the acquisition and sharing of political positions, rigging of elections and manipulation of political process in favour or against certain groups, sections and persons; and falling apart of sponsors and those sponsored (Godfather and Godsons) over contracts, appointments or methods of management of states’.

Effects of Thuggery on Socio-Political Economy and Insecurity in Rivers State Political thuggery in Rivers State is now seen as a way of making quick money and to be in the corridor of power by youths. Majority of them are interested and want to be part of this ugly trend. Youths are recruited by politicians to carry out electoral violence and rig election in their favour with many promises. After the elections most of the politicians fail in respect to their huge promises and dumps them with the ammunitions still in their hands, they turn into armed robbers, kidnappers, cultist, etc., causing all sorts of mayhems in the state. The different

FUO Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 8 March, Special Edition 2020 cult groups receive their patronage from politicians. The evidence is seen in our schools and communities where cult activities and communal crises have increased. There is no week that passes without news of violence activities, killing, burning of houses and properties. In Local Government Area, it has been the order of the day, killings of innocent citizens, burning of houses and other valuable properties as well as Ikwerre Local Government Area where series of killing, kidnapping and abduction where carried out as some communities are in desolate. Closely related is the fact that political thuggerv has led to increase/high rate of armed robbery in Rivers State. Rivers State used to be a peaceful state. Today armed robbery has become very rampant that one cannot dare talk about it. Armed robbers are not only on the roads and streets but house to house with sophisticated weapons, if it is not your turn today. tomorrow may be your turn. The citizenry are living in fear each day. Many investors have left the state which is affecting the economy and social life. In an atmosphere such as this, there be no development projects, most investors have left the state, business are not flourishing because of insecurity. The government seem to be incapacitated 2015/ 2019 THUGGERY ACTIVITIES IN RIVERS STATE In November 28th, 2014, 3 persons were shot dead at Ogbakuta Community, same day 2 person were killed at .. Rampage on 11th April, 2015 at Obrikom in Onelga/Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area resulted in the killing of Chief Adube (traditional ruler) two of his Sons and seven others. The house of Vincent Ogbuagu was equally destroyed. At Okrika Local Government Area party office was razed down with dynamites. During party’s campaign, a police officer was killed. During 2015 elections, Urnuikpe Obono community in Ozuzu clan and Ojia, Obono oboku, Akuzor - oboko clan and Abara villages in Etche Local Government Area destruction of properties and arson were committed in these communities. The Rivers State Commission of Inquiry which started public hearing on Monday 4th May, 2015 visited the scene on Tuesday 12th May, 2015. Rivers State Commission of Inquiry which started public hearing on Monday 4th May, 2015 and ended on Friday 16th May, 2015 reported that 97% of killings during the five months of election period represented a monthly Average of nearby 19 persons. Rivers State was the killing field of 2015 elections in Nigeria. The Punch Newspaper called it “Rivers of Blood” (wwwy.nairaland.com/2240237/rivers.st) Re-run of election on 19th March, 2016. 2 persons were killed at in Asari- Toru Local Government Area and I person at Ornuanwa Community in Ikwerre Local Government Area. In Etche Local Government Area there was exchange of fire, many innocent citizens were injured. Nigeria Police Command Zone 6 reported that total number of various electoral offences (22 male & 2 female) (www.thisdavlive .com) On 21st April, 2016 hoodlums struck Gokana & Eleme Local Government Areas killing Fred Teedorn at Bomu and Lekia Nzeregbara at Ogale. Vincent Embee was equally shot

Kinika C. C. & Ejike S. O. dead by the same hoodlums, he was a Senior lecturer at the Ken-Saro Wiwa Polytechnic, Bori. On Saturday 23rd April, 2016 a related attack killed 2 persons at Elele in Ikwerre Local Government Area. (River Today Weekly Vol.2, No. 17, 2nd — 8th May, 2016) On 4th May, 2016 Rhythm FM (93.5) 7am news reported the arson in Ahaoda East for over four months have claimed an average of 3 persons a day. Godwin Mba revealed that April 11, 2015 governorship election in Rivers State was spearheaded by cult groups and thugs, he added that by his assessment the election was characterised by violence, intimidation harassment and irregularities. Ignatius Chuwu Reporter of Business Day Feb 24, 2019 Confirming the situation, of APC spokesman, Chris Fineface said in a statement that “Gunshots were everywhere and nobody can come out to vote. PDP thugs are chasing people away with guns. In addition to the Report of Ignatius Chukwu, PDP confirmed massive killing and disruption. Emma Okah, the commissioner of Information as well as Director of Communications of the PDP Campaign Council in the state, said: “It is a black day in Rivers State as the Presidential and National Assembly elections turned bloody with many PDP members shot dead by the military in Akuku Toru Local Government Area. “In addition, reports from other parts of the state show a pattern of organized violence and shootings in some cases with the military, police and APC as the main actors.”

“In Gokana LGA, thugs came in military trucks and carted away voting materials, shot people to death.

2019 Election. A lecturer in Ken Saro Wiwa polytechnic was shot to death by men on uniform.

METHODOLOGY Data for this paper were derived from secondary sources including previous research and analysis by scholars, government documents, newspapers/magazines, journal articles that are related to the subject matter reviewed on recent activities of political thuggery.

Counseling Intervention/ Recommendations Infer from the above it is of fact that political thuggery had claimed many lives and properties in Rivers State. The citizens are living in fear. The government and her agencies seems to be silent There is urgent need for the Counseling Association of Nigeria to rise to the occasion. It is pertinent to make some suggestions on the way forward. Political Education - Counseling Association of Nigeria should organize political education which will involve political stakeholders, political office holder, traditional rulers and political party members. This will afford counselors the opportunity and privilege of inculcating sound virtue. Virtue - Respect for others, honesty, tolerance, dedication and assist politicians to develop the consciousness of hard work, team spirit/work and politics with the spirit of sportsmanship devoid of rancor and thuggery.

FUO Quarterly Journal of Contemporary Research, Vol. 8 March, Special Edition 2020 Vocational Counseling Service - Most youths that are easily used as political thugs are unemployed. Since Government cannot fully employ the teaming youths who are in search of job, efforts should be made by Counseling Association of Nigeria to establish functional career counseling centers in our schools. The focus should be more on entrepreneurship and skill acquisition. This should be extended to the youths who do not have the privilege of attending school. if there is functional and committed Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) most youth will be gainfully employed, the menace of political thuggery will drastically reduce. Sensitization Campaign - Counselling Association of Nigeria should embark on intensive Youth Sensitization Campaign through electronic and print media as well as regular visit to the communities to educate them on effects of political thuggery on the socio-political economy. To equally inculcate in them the value of life, let them be aware that the politicians who are - them for thuggery flown their own children abroad. Family Counselling - Parents should be aware that the thuggery activities going on today is the failure of the parents on their role on upbringing of their children on the way that is acceptable in the society. Most of the youths who are thugs, are from neglected, broken or polygamous homes where proper attention is not given to the child. It is clear that youths who had proper child upbringing will not allow themselves to be used as thugs. Parents should regularly be sounding it to the ears of their children that thuggery poses security threat to human life, society and national development. Value Re-Orientation - Any meaningful effort that is aimed at addressing the problem of political thuggery which youths are deeply involved must have value re-orientation as its foundation. Any discerning observer would have noticed that the core values such as honesty, dignity in labour and hard work have long evaporated like spirit and gases from radar of the culture of Nigeria. The youths have been disoriented by the politicians with the ‘get rich-quick syndrome’ through political thuggery, that hard work does not pay in Nigeria. This value re- orientation and change of mindset can only be done through Counseling. There should be counselors in our Primary, secondary and Tertiary Institutions (Private and Public) that will offer this service. The counselor should not be giving any other responsibility other than Counseling for effective service. Courtesy Visit - Counseling Association of Nigeria pay regular visit to the traditional rulers to educate them on how they coronate thugs and see them as responsible citizens, they are endangering the future of the society by such practice. Coronation and recognitions should be given to those who achieve their wealth through hard work and honest means. Finally, Counseling Association of Nigeria should through her information services and seminars/workshops provide general information on the world of work, requirements for different business, how to start and manage a business, how to source and access funds, availability of raw materials and where different business should be located for maximum profit. Through this, more youths will become employed even entrepreneurs and shun thuggery.

Kinika C. C. & Ejike S. O. CONCLUSION This paper has established that political thuggery in Rivers State had claimed many lives and property. The social political economy of the state has been highly affected. Its antecedent, causes and effects has been discussed, some counseling interventions have been identified, it is hoped that the acceptance and implementation of these interventions will bring about reduction in thuggery activities in the state and ensure sustainable political security.

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