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Research article International Journal of Poultry and Sciences Open Access

Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, , Akinrotimi OA1*, Ukwe OIK2 and Amadioha F3 1African Regional Aquaculture Center of Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, , Rivers State, Nigeria 2,3Department of Fisheries, Faculty of Agriculture, Rivers State University of Science and Technology, Nkpolu-Oroworkwo, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria

Received: December 04, 2017; Accepted: January 06, 2018; Published: January 09, 2018

*Corresponding author: Akinrotimi OA, African Regional Aquaculture Centre of Nigerian Institute for Oceanography and Marine Research, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, Nigeria, Tel: +2348065770699; E-mail:[email protected]

to date [5]. Morphological differences based on general body type Abstract or unusual anatomical forms have been used to distinguish and An experiment was carried out to assess the morphometric compare among species and groups dimensions have been used measurements and meristic counts of black jaw tilapia, Sarotherodon melanotheron (Ruppell, 1852) from Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria. The study was done to determine racial to describe body shape [6]. variations between this specie in the three environments. Fifty work and plays a key role for the behavioral study. Morphometric specimens were collected monthly from each location between April measurementsIdentification and of speciesmeristic is acounts primary are step considered towards any as research easiest and June 2017. The results revealed that they were phenotypically P < is termed as morphological systematic [7]. Morphological 0.05) were recorded in body depth, and caudal peduncle length in each and authentic methods for the identification of specimen which separable populations of the same species. Significant differences ( measurements, meristic counts, provide data useful for taxonomic which were suggested to have occurred as a result of difference in the environmentalmonth between conditions the fish sampled in the three from creeks. Buguma The and results other also two implied creeks, morphological traits both within and between populations than otherstatus vertebrates [8]. In general, and are fish more demonstrate susceptible greater to environmentally variances in breeding programmes. induced morphological variations. The cause of variation in the that fish from Buguma creek could be preferable as brood stock for Key words: Tilapia; Morphometrics; Meristics; Racial Variations; morphometric and meristic characters may range from variability Niger Delta; parameters [9]. The morphometric relationships between Introduction to the intraspecific which is under the influence of environmental Tilapia culture has increased in Nigeria in recent times. This of individuals and to determine possible difference between various body parts of fish can be used to assess the well being is particularly because of its fast growth and the fact that it can separate unit stocks of the same species [10]. Fish are very sensitive to environmental changes and quickly adapt themselves the country [1]. However, after decades of introduction and by changing necessary morphometrics [11]. Information on the easily reproduced in many confined water bodies throughout of geographical locations and have shown phenotypic variations relationship among them are essential for taxonomic work. domestication of the fish, they have highly adapted to a wide range morphometric measurements of and the study of statistical with respect to the pure tilapia strains of the brood stock [2]. This Sarotherodon melanotheron (Ruppell, 1852) is typical may be due to the effects of the environment or due to the hybrids estuarine specie which can be found in abundance in most of evolved through extensive intra breeding [3]. In this context, the lagoons, creeks and estuaries of West Africa and supports a natural morphometric/meristic data are of great importance for improvement of aquaculture. Morphometric and the meristic range of salinities. They have adapted to diverse habitats such as methods remains the simplest and most direct methods of permanentmajor lagoon and temporary [12]. They rivers, can large live equatorialand reproduce lakes, in tropical a wide and subtropical rivers, open and closed estuaries, lagoons, morphometric characters or meristic counts remains the most swampy lakes, deep lakes and coastal brackish lakes [13]. These species identification [4]. Analysis of phenotypic variation in advent of techniques which directly examines biochemical major species caught within the brackish water areas and there orcommonly molecular used genetic method variation, to delineate these stocks conventional of fish despite methods the fishes have a great economic importance, ranking among the particularly in areas of high or variable salinities, characteristic is an increasing interest in this fish for aquaculture purposes, continues to have an important role in stock identification even Symbiosis Group * Corresponding author email: [email protected] Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Copyright: melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria © 2018 Akinrotimi OA, et al. of the estuaries and extensive lagoon systems which constitute Sample Collection S. melanotheron were notits natural been exploited. range [14]. Therefore, In most parts the present of Niger investigation Delta, an assessment is aimed of morphometric differentiation of indigenous fish species has Collected A total samples of fifty were (50) placed specimens individually of into plastic bags at examining the morphormetrics and meritic variability in S. collected monthly from fishermen catch in the three creeks. melanotheron from three creeks (Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi) and kept in ice box, until transportation to the laboratory. The in Rivers State, Niger Delta, Nigeria. This study will provide specimens were transported in ice chest to the laboratory, where information on the contribution and effect of environmental measurements started immediately to avoid shrinkage. factors to the morphomeristic characteristics of these species. Morphometrics and Meristic Measurement Materials and Methods was made to the nearest centimetre, using divider, transparent Research Place and Duration ruler Forand each a measuring fish, nine board. morphometric The meristic measurements counts (Table (Table 2), was 1), The research was conducted in the laboratory of the Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Environment, Rivers State University, Port Harcourt, from April to June, 2017. carried out by counting the number of soft rays on five fins on the bodyTable of 1 the: Morphometric fish Characters Descriptions of S.melanotheron Sampling Location Characters Descriptions The samples was collected monthly from Buguma, Ogbakiri Distance from the tip of the snout to the 1. Total length (TL) and Elechi Creeks, in Rivers State, Nigeria they were located on the lower reaches of New Calabar River (Figure 1). Distance from the tip of the snout to the 2. Standard length (SL) longest caudal fin ray Elechi Creek, South-West of Port Harcourt metropolis, lies end of the vertebral column Distance from the tip of the snout to the 3. Head length (HL) posterior margin of the opercula between longitude 6°45”E and 7°20”N and latitude 4°38”N Estuary and includes its adjoining mangrove Creeks situated near Eye Diameter (ED) Diameter of the eye theand Eagle5°5”E. Island The creek by the is aRivers tributary State of Universitythe upper limitsof Science of Bonny and 5. Caudal Peduncle Technology, Nkpolu, Port Harcourt (Figure 1). The vegetation is 4. Length of the peduncle predominantly mangrove. While Buguma creek is located in Asari Length(CPL) Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State. It is located between Pre Dorsal Length Distance from the tip of the Mouth to (PrDL) 6. The Buguma creeks systems consist of the main creek channel 7. Pre Orbital Length From tip of snout to anterior margin longitude 60° 47’E and 60° 59’E and 40° 36’N and 40° 59’N. the base and associated inter connecting creeks, which interconnect (PrOL) of eye and surround Buguma and other communities. Ogbakiri creek 8. Post Orbital Length From posterior margin of the eye to is located in the lower reaches of New Calabar River. This area (POL) posterior margin of opercula consist of some settlements/communities whose main activities 9. Maximum Body Depth The vertical distance between the livelihood (MBD dorsal and ventral margins of the is and cultivation of crops which are their source of Table 2: Meristics Measurements and the Abbreviations Characters Abbreviations DFR

1. Number of the Dorsal fin soft rays AFS 2.3. Number of AnalCaudal fin Fin soft Soft rays Rays CFR PFR

4.5. Number of thePelvic Pectoral Soft Fin fin Rays soft rays PVR Evaluation of Water Quality Parameters During the study, the following water quality parameters temperature, hydrogen ion concentration (pH), dissolved oxygen (DO), and salinity were monitored monthly in the different creeks. Water temperature measurement was taken in situ by using

Figure 1: Map of Niger Delta Showing the Sampling Sites. (pH) was determined in situ by the use of a pH meter (Model HImercury 9812, inHannah glass thermometer Products, and (°C). Portugal). Hydrogen These ion concentrationwere done by

dipping one end of the instrument in the water. Sufficient time Citation: Akinrotimi OA, Ukwe OI, et al. (2018) Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Page 2 of 8 melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria. Int J Poul Fish Sci 2(1): 1-8

. DOI: 10.15226/2578- 1898/2/1/00106 Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Copyright: melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria © 2018 Akinrotimi OA, et al.

(2 minutes) was allowed for it to reach a constant reading, before Table 5: Physico-chemical Parameters in Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi the readings were recorded. Salinity values were determined in Creeks in the Month of June (Mean ± SD) Buguma Ogbakiri Products, and Portugal). The values of the dissolved oxygen were Parameters Elechi Creek determinedsitu by using with a hand the methodheld Refract described meter by (Model APHA RE[15]. 6783, Atago Creek Creek Temperature (OC) a 27.99 ± 3.77a 28.02 ± 2.07a Statistical Analysis b a a DO(mg/L) 29.78 ± 2.41 Data generated was collated and statistical analysis of the pH b a a morphometric and meristics features was based on a one way 5.24 ± 1.04 4.47 ± 1.73 4.43 ± 0.87 b a a analysis of variance (ANOVA). Salinity (‰) 7.47 ± 1.93 6.627.02 ± 1.231.03 6.747.98 ± 1.431.02 Results 14.18 ± 2.03 different (p<0.05) Means in the same roll with different superscripts are significantly Physico Chemical Parameters of Water in the Sampling Creeks Table 6: Summary of Physico-chemical Parameters in Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks during the Sampling Period (Mean ± SD) The result of the physicochemical analysis of water from Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi creeks in the month of April is Parameters Buguma Creek Ogbakiri Creek Elechi Creek Temperature presented in table 3. The results revealed that the values of 29.79 ± 1.09a 28.97 ± 1.10a 28.92 ± 1.2 a (OC) higher in Buguma Creek than Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks. While DO(mg/L) 5.97 ± 0.17b a a waterdissolved temperature oxygen, pH recorded and salinity in this were study significantly were within (p<0.05) the same range of 29.00 – 30.10C. The same trend was recorded in Morphometric Values of S. melanotheron4.48 ± 0.19 from4.42 Buguma, ± 0.32 Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks 5). The summary of the water quality parameters in the three The results of the morphometric features of S. melanotheron the months of May and June in the sampling Creeks. (Tables 4, from Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks in the month of April are parameters were recorded in Buguma Creek, while Elechi Creek hadsampling the lowest months values. is shown in table 6. The highest values in all the shown in table 7. The result indicated that there were significant : Physico-chemical Parameters in Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi (SL), Head Length (HL), Caudal Peduncle Length (CPL) and Table 3 differences (p < 0.05) in the Total Length (TL), Standard Length Creeks in the Month of April (Mean ± SD) Buguma Creek and the other two creeks. In the month of May Buguma Ogbakiri Maximum Body Depth (MBD), between the fish sampled from Parameters Elechi Creek p < 0.05) in the Total Length Creek Creek (TL), Standard Length (SL), Head Length (HL), Caudal Peduncle (Table 8), significant differences ( Temperature (OC) a a a Length (CPL), Pre Orbital Length (PrOL), Post Orbital Length (PrDL) and Maximum Body Depth (MBD), were observed in b b b DO(mg/L) 30.125.89 ± ± 0.99 2.56 30.125.89 ± ± 0.99 2.56 30.125.89 ± ± 0.99 2.56 Buguma Creek compared to other creeks. b b b pH Moreover, in the month of June, the result obtained indicated Salinity (‰) 7.4215.88 ± ±1.23 2.98c 7.4215.88 ± ±1.23 2.98c 7.4215.88 ± ±1.23 2.98c p < 0.05) in the Head Length (HL), Caudal Peduncle Length (CPL) and Maximum Body Depth (MBD), significant differences ( different (p<0.05) Means in the same roll with different superscripts are significantly creeks (Table 9). The summary of morphometric measurement in allbetween the creeks the fish in the sampled three fromsampling Buguma months Creek is presentedand the other in table two Table 4: Physico-chemical Parameters in Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks in the Month of May (Mean ± SD) Length (TL), Standard Length (SL), Head Length (HL), Caudal 10. Significant differences (p < 0.05) were observed in the Total Buguma Ogbakiri Peduncle Length (CPL), Pre Orbital Length (PrOL) and Maximum Parameters Elechi Creek Creek Creek Body Depth (MBD) in S.melanotheron sampled from Buguma, when compared to Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks. Temperature (OC) a a a Meristic Counts in S. melanotheron from Buguma, DO(mg/L) 29.05 ± 3.66b 28.66 ± 3.08a 28.75 ± 2.45a Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks pH 5.147.51 ± 1.011.02b 4.44 ± 1.23a 4.52 ± 0.95a The mean values of meristic characters from Buguma

Salinity (‰) c 6.497.89 ± 1.081.11a 6.618.23 ± 1.011.21b

14.02 ± 2.05 Ogbakiri and Elechi creeks were shown in tables 11 to 14. The different (p<0.05) constantfin rays including in all the dorsalcreeks fin throughout soft rays, theanal three fin soft sampling rays, caudal months. fin Means in the same roll with different superscripts are significantly soft rays, pectoral fin soft rays and pelvic soft fin rays were fairly

Citation: Akinrotimi OA, Ukwe OI, et al. (2018) Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Page 3 of 8 melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria. Int J Poul Fish Sci 2(1): 1-8

. DOI: 10.15226/2578- 1898/2/1/00106 Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Copyright: melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria © 2018 Akinrotimi OA, et al.

Table 7: Morphometric Values of S. melanotheron from Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks in the Month of April (Mean± SD )

Parameters (cm) Buguma Creek Ogbakiri Creek Elechi Creek

Total length (TL) b a a

Standard length (SL) 15.5412.31 ± 2.712.07b 14.84 ± 2.05a 11.1914.23 ± 2.092.23a

Head Length (HL) b 11.623.73 ± ± 0.11 2.21a a Eye Diameter (ED) 4.31 ± 0.12a 0.73 ± 0.07a 3.54 ± 0.12a

Caudal Peduncle Length(CPL) 2.820.61 ± 0.010.02b a 0.54 ± 0.02a

Pre Dorsal Length (PrDL) 1.82 ± 0.01a 1.74 ± 0.04a 1.67 ± 0.02a

Pre Orbital Length (PrOL) a 3.871.74 ± 0.080.04a 1.67 ± 0.02a

Post Orbital Length (POL) 2.014.02 ± 0.050.09a a 3.76 ± 0.01a

Maximum Body Depth (MBD) b 1.87 ± 0.04a 1.86 ± 0.05a

5.64 ± 0.12 P<0.05) 4.47 ± 0.41 4.76 ± 0.15 Means within the same roll with different superscripts are significantly different ( Table 8: Morphometric Values of S. melanotheron from Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks in the Month of May (Mean ± SD )

Parameters (cm) Buguma Creek Ogbakiri Creek Elechi Creek

Total length (TL) b b a

Standard length (SL) 15.43 ± 1.88b 15.2412.53 ± 2.452.53b 14.78 ± 2.14a

Head Length (HL) 12.84 ± 2.03b 3.93 ± 0.13a 11.84 ± 2.11a

Eye Diameter (ED) 4.110.72 ± 0.220.03a a 3.84 ± 0.19a

Caudal Peduncle Length(CPL) 1.77 ± 0.21a 0.69 ± 0.08a 1.770.64 ± 0.120.08a

Pre Dorsal Length (PrDL) a 1.76 ± 0.33a a

Pre Orbital Length (PrOL) 1.92 ± 0.06b 1.84 ± 0.14a 1.81 ± 0.54a Post Orbital Length (POL) 4.86 ± 0.23b 3.75 ± 0.65a 3.77 ± 0.41a

Maximum Body Depth (MBD) 2.92 ± 0.06b 1.89 ± 0.24a 1.86 ± 0.02a

5.21 ± 0.44 P<0.05) 4.28 ± 0.62 4.26 ± 0.65 Means within the same roll with different superscripts are significantly different ( Table 9: Morphometric Values of S. melanotheron from Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks in the Month of June (Mean± SD )

Parameters (cm) Buguma Creek Ogbakiri Creek Elechi Creek Total length (TL) 15.05 ± 1.98a a a

a a a Standard length (SL) 14.8911.53 ± 2.552.21 14.85 ± 2.94 Head Length (HL) 12.06 ± 2.11b a 11.94 ± 2.34a

Eye Diameter (ED) 4.610.59 ± 0.130.12a 4.53 ± 0.47a 4.73 ± 0.41 a

Caudal Peduncle Length(CPL) 2.57 ± 0.11b 0.69 ± 0.18a 0.61 ± 0.118a

Pre Dorsal Length (PrDL) 1.82 ± 0.01a 1.68 ± 0.13a 1.66 ± 0.22a

Pre Orbital Length (PrOL) a 1.743.97 ± 0.040.18a 1.67 ± 0.02a

Post Orbital Length (POL) 4.041.82 ± 0.030.12a a 3.841.73 ± 0.310.11a

Maximum Body Depth (MBD) b 1.88 ± 0.14a a

5.41 ± 0.25 P<0.05) 4.68 ± 0.71 4.39 ± 0.34

Means within the same roll with different superscripts are significantly different (

Citation: Akinrotimi OA, Ukwe OI, et al. (2018) Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Page of 8 melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria. Int J Poul Fish Sci 2(1): 1-8 4 . DOI: 10.15226/2578- 1898/2/1/00106 Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Copyright: melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria © 2018 Akinrotimi OA, et al.

Table 10: Summary Of Morphometric Values of S. melanotheron From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks in Three Sampling Months

Parameters (cm) Buguma Creek Ogbakiri Creek Elechi Creek Total length (TL) 15.27 ± 1.88b c b

Standard length (SL) b 13.94 ± 2.32a 14.62 ± 2.05a

Head Length (HL) 12.30 ± 3.65b 11.89 ± 2.04a 11.65 ± 2.04a

Eye Diameter (ED) 5.34 ± 0.12a 0.704.06 ± 0.100.31a 0.594.03 ± 0.220.11a

Caudal Peduncle Length(CPL) 2.820.64 ± 0.210.22b a 1.70 ± 0.02a

Pre Dorsal Length (PrDL) 1.85 ± 0.03a 1.741.77 ± 0.140.08a 1.71 ± 0.01a Pre Orbital Length (PrOL) b a 3.75 ± 0.01a

Post Orbital Length (POL) 4.041.91 ± 0.010.05a 3.831.8 7± ± 0.040.01a a

Maximum Body Depth (MBD) b a 1.78 ± 0.04a

5.84 ± 0.05 P<0.05) 4.74 ± 0.01 4.47 ± 0.04 Means within the same roll with different superscripts are significantly different ( Table 11: Meristic Counts in S. melanotheron from Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks in the Month of April (Mean± SD)

Meristic Counts (No.) Buguma Creek Ogbakiri Creek Elechi Creek

Number of the Dorsal Fin Soft Rays 11.01 ± 1.03a 11.02 ± 0.05a a

Number of Anal Fin Soft Rays a 12.03 ± 0.11a 11.02 ± 0.04a

Number of Caudal Fin Soft Rays 12.1615.21 ± 0.210.11a 15.13 ± 0.17a 12.0415.23 ± 0.140.21a

Number of the Pectoral Fin Soft Rays 12.02 ± 0.02a 12.01 ± 0.10a 12.01 ± 0.12a

Number of Pelvic Soft Fin Rays 5.07± 0.01a 5.08 ± 0.11a 5.01 ± 0.31a


Means within the same roll with different superscripts are significantly different ( Table 12: Meristic Counts in S. melanotheron from Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks in the Month of May (Mean± SD)

Meristic Counts (No.) Buguma Creek Ogbakiri Creek Elechi Creek

Number of the Dorsal Fin Soft Rays a 11.12 ± 0.12a 11.22 ± 0.27a

Number of Anal Fin Soft Rays 11.22 ± 1.04a 12.12 ± 0.57a 12.31 ± 0.12a

Number of Caudal Fin Soft Rays 12.24 ± 0.42a a a

a a a Number of the Pectoral Fin Soft Rays 15.6212.01 ± 0.420.01 15.5412.21 ± 0.280.10 15.62 ± 0.42 a a a Number of Pelvic Soft Fin Rays 5.02 ± 0.01 5.02 ± 0.31 12.21 ± 0.16 P<0.05) 5.04 ± 0.21

TableMeans 13: within Meristic the same Counts roll in with S. melanotheron different superscripts from Buguma, are significantly Ogbakiri and different Elechi (Creeks in the Month of June (Mean± SD)

Meristic Counts (No.) Buguma Creek Ogbakiri Creek Elechi Creek

Number of the Dorsal Fin Soft Rays 11.05 ± 1.12a 11.02 ± 1.00a 11.02 ± 0.85a

Number of Anal Fin Soft Rays a a a

Number of Caudal Fin Soft Rays 12.54 ± 0.33a 12.64 ± 0.65a 15.0212.34 ± 0.550.11a

Number of the Pectoral Fin Soft Rays 15.4312.12 ± 0.250.31a 15.62 ± 0.29a a

Number of Pelvic Soft Fin Rays 5.08 ± 0.12a 12.41 ± 0.37a 12.44 ± 0.38a

5.10P<0.05 ± 0.44) 5.14 ± 0.68

Means within the same roll with different superscripts are significantly different (

Citation: Akinrotimi OA, Ukwe OI, et al. (2018) Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Page 5 of 8 melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria. Int J Poul Fish Sci 2(1): 1-8

. DOI: 10.15226/2578- 1898/2/1/00106 Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Copyright: melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria © 2018 Akinrotimi OA, et al.

Table 14: Summary of Meristic Counts in S. melanotheron from Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks in the Three Sampling Months (Mean± SD ) Meristic Counts (No.) Buguma Creek Ogbakiri Creek Elechi Creek Number of the Dorsal Fin Soft Rays 11.09 ± 1.02a 11.05 ± 1.01a 11.08 ± 0.05a Number of Anal Fin Soft Rays 12.31 ± 0.03a a 12.23 ± 0.01a

a a a Number of Caudal Fin Soft Rays 12.26 ± 0.04 a a a Number of the Pectoral Fin Soft Rays 15.4212.05 ± 0.050.01 15.4312.21 ± 0.030.07 15.2912.22 ± 0.040.07 Number of Pelvic Soft Fin Rays 5.05 ± 0.02a a a

P<0.05) 5.06 ± 0.04 5.06 ± 0.08 DiscussionMeans within the same roll with different superscripts are significantly differentdifferently ( located bodies of water. This becomes more important

The water quality parameters obtained in this study is typical the existing strain is very crucial for any successful breeding of a brackish water environment. Hydrogen ion concentration programme.in the utilization In this of itsstudy, fishery meristic resources and morphometric because the quality features of (pH) is an important parameter which determines the suitability were used as they still remain dependable tools to characterize in all the creeks could be considered as being within acceptable rangeof water for for a variousbrackish purposes. water system. The pH rangeThe pH of 6.3of brackishto 7.7 observed water raysfish speciesobserved especially S.melanotheron on the fieldin the and three they creeks are sensitive agree with to anythe environmental changeset al [24]. The fairly constant valuesTilapiini of findo fall within the range reported in this investigation. Also, Agbozu bodies stated by Imevbore [16] ranged from 6.5 to 7.4, which standardfindings of length Reed (SL), . head[25] thatlength fin (HL), rays ofcaudal the tribe peduncle length creek in Rivers State, Nigeria. The pH values obtained (CPL)not vary and much. maximum The significantbody depth variations (MBD) recorded in total in length this study, (TL), forand this Emperor study [17]are within also reported the limits a pH to rangesupports of 7.48aquatic to 8.89life as in especially water temperature and salinity [27]. The pH was found to have slight variations between the creeks. might have occurred as a result of environmental fluctuations, Elevatedsuggested pH by was Boyd found [18] in for Buguma optimum creek fish when and shrimp compared production. to other The differences in the morphological characters of specimens creeks. The lower mean pH values obtained in the other two are supposed to be in association with aquatic ecosystems creeks may be associated with the high fresh water emptying into from which they originated [28]. Beacham [29] stated that the the creek from the adjoining swamp forest streams and municipal drains [19]. by ecological factors interacted with fundamental genetic roles. variation among populations of fish characters could be induced The water temperatures recorded in this study were within the same range in the sampling months in all creeks. This agrees In this study, the values of head length variedet al significantly. [30] who reportedbetween thethat fish the sampled differences from between Buguma populations creek and other of Tilapiine creeks. of some creeks in Niger Delta. The temperature of these water This observation reflects the findings of Turan with the findings of Chindah [20] in assessment of water quality sunlight. Variation of temperature in water bodies attributable species were reflected mostly in head measurements. In this bodies are believed to have been influenced by the intensity of may have occurred as a result of isolation caused by variation to sunlight was reported to occur particularly in estuaries due to instudy, these the ecological significant factors differences in the observedtwo habitats. in the With morphometrics comparable studies from other West African waters [25, 31, 32]. to sunlight [21]. The DO values measured along the creeks were their general shallowness, which exposed the water and mudflats Fish has been said to demonstrate greater variances in Depletion of DO in water can encourage the microbial reduction morphological traits both within and between populations of ofwithin nitrate permissible to nitrite limit and of sulphate4.0-10.0 mg/l to sulphide as described an indication by Boyd [18]. of utilization by organic and inorganic compounds from domestic shown that morphometric parameters can be highly variable species than any other vertebrates [33]. Dunham et al. [34] has with geographical and habitat variation or having a genetic and industrial wastes. The DO values of 4-5mg/1 are essential component,among and withinbased on nonspecific differences populations, among groups either in correlatinga common lifefor fish[18] and The aquatic salinity life.values This recorded implies atthat the the various creeks sampling in this study sites environment. Eyo [35] had highlighted environmental conditions duringhaving theDO studyvalues showed above 4mg/1that the are values expected ranged to fromsustain 7.00 aquatic ‰ to the main channel of the Bonny estuary, in the rainy season, when suggestedsuch as food genetic abundance variation and caused temperature by inbreeding, as causes crossbreeding of fish high fresh14.20 water ‰. Similar discharge values was have heaviest. been Similarly,reported Ngahby Chindah et al. [23] [22] also in andmorphological other practices plasticity. that can Also, dilute Solomon gene pool et as al. the [36] major had cause also fresh water discharge. marked differences of morphology in the present study may be reported that low salinity in bonny tidal basin is influenced by linkedof differences to genetic in differencescultured and of wildthe species. African catfish. However, the The objective of a racial study is to establish, with some degree of confidence, the taxonomic identity of a species in Citation: Akinrotimi OA, Ukwe OI, et al. (2018) Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Page of 8 melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria. Int J Poul Fish Sci 2(1): 1-8 6 . DOI: 10.15226/2578- 1898/2/1/00106 Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Copyright: melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria © 2018 Akinrotimi OA, et al.

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Citation: Akinrotimi OA, Ukwe OI, et al. (2018) Morphometric Characters and Meristic Counts of Black Chin Tilapia (Sarotherodon Page 8 of 8 melanotheron) From Buguma, Ogbakiri and Elechi Creeks, Rivers State, Nigeria. Int J Poul Fish Sci 2(1): 1-8

. DOI: 10.15226/2578- 1898/2/1/00106