1972 AWMNI Officers
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Mr. M. L. Malone Dr. W.H. Stan Mr. Warner Peterson Chairman VIet- Chairman Secretary THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES HARRISON COUNTY JACKSON COUNTY Richard Creel Biloxi G. M. Hamilton Moss Polnt Russell A. Quave Biloxi R. A. Roberts Moss Polnt )ames E. Reese Gulfpon W.H. Starr Warner Peterson Pascagoula Gulfpon G. H. Puhle Ocean Springs Donald Demetz Pass Christian Earl Selller Norman V. Flurry Perkinston De Lisle T. W. Milner, Jr. R. H. Slaughter, Jr. Pascagoula Gulfpo n M. H. Mallette Pascagoula Harold Levron Saucier W. Luther Blackledge Esco Smith Saucier Gulfpon GEORGE COUNTY STONE COUNTY M.L. Malone Lucedale Luther jones Lucedale W.W . Taylor Wiggins M. L. Pope Lucedale Hiram ). Davis M.C. Murrah Lucedale WilliamS. Mauldin, Jr. Perkinston McHenry W.T. Moore Perkinston W. M. Callahan, Jr. Carroll Dungan Lucedale Gordon G. Bond Wiggins E.). Miller Perkinston Wiggins 1971-72 - A Year Of Growth -A Year Of Exploration And Innovation -A Year Of Association With The Finest Young People In The World - A Year Of Study - Seeking - Striving -A Year Of Congratulations For Jobs Well Done A Year Which Will Long Be Remembered As A Time When It Was Expecially Good To Be Part Of The Mississippi Gulf Coast Junior College J. J. Hayden, Jr. President S Mrs. Ethe I Bond ecretary to the President C'Ol LFCF ADMINISTRATlVP ASSISTANTS 101\B CARNAniAN-Dtta Pro<:~ulna 1 LA. KROHN-Butlnu•; W, HAROLD WESSON-Irutruc:tlon; BOYCE BRDAND Voutlooal·T~dullul; fDWARD £VANs-Manpower Coordinator. FLAIN£ STfVfJIIS, ANN RffVtS, Cf.RTU BRO\'o~ AND SIHU\ FARRIS. BJL BYRD AND MRS, LOUISE JONES Sl.i~Nbor Of H~allh Ottupart~. FRIEND TRIDENT PLANNING Mk\Vt"N. 'trlAh'Wr• MIU. Oo\YM.f..NO... Mk\ lniACH. f~Dlct 1\A tNWATlR, MISS NANCY Ul, Ml\S. KAY TAYLOR, MRS. HilDl FA UL TY ADVISORS BENNIE WARREN PERI AMARYLLIS STROUD J.C. JULIA WARD J.D. LILLIAN HAYDEN DISTRICT IDITOIU 1971 HALL OF FAME honoring WILLIAM M. "FISH BAIT" MILLER class of I 932 Doorkeeper of the U.S. House of Representatives Washington, D. C. Whose outstanding devotion to duty and service to his country redounds to the fame and honor of his Alma Mater. Vents Ramsay, jackson County Circuit Clerk was awarded the Sam <Men Dis tinguished Service trophy 1n ceremonies prior to the foot ball game. Ramsay, chainnan of the Jackson County Alumni Chap ter, was recognized for helping collect more than $4,000 for scholarships to the Jackson County Campus. The award, originated by the late Sam Owen, Gulfport realtor, was presented to Ramsay by Miss Carolyn Owen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Tofle Owen, Gulfport. 1972 AWMNI OffiCERS LEFT TO RIGHT: Flnt vice-president, Donnie T:aylor, Biloxi, counselor at Jefferson Davis Campus; Executive Secretary, Mrs. Wyvon;~ Scarbrough; Second vice-president, George Byars, Pascagoula, Ingalls Nuclear official· Mrs . Shirley Sanders, 1971 secretarY; and President, Ed Robbins Taylor Wiggins banker. The new secreta~ treasurer, Cooper Roberts, Pascagoula, official with Ingalls is not pictured. HOMECOMING COURT 1971 SEATED: J.C. Queen Mary Ann Hlnmani J, 0, Queen Melonle Wllllanu; Perk Queen Melinda Joyce Scort STANO.. INC: Maids Cathy Wood, Vicki Davis, Stella Clegg, Unda leltnlde, Jeanette Blair Alford, Bonnie Halls Morgan. Queen Melonie Claire Williams and Mr. Elmer Williams, Maid Unda louise l.estrade and Gordon llllng, Maid Stella Rose C legg and Mr. George Clegg. Queen Melinda Joyce Scott and Mr. W.G. Scott, Maid Jeanette Alford and Mr. Warren Alford, Maid Bonnie Halls Morgan and Mr. J.B. Morgan. J c Queen Mary Ann Hinman and Mike Olck lnton, Maid Cathy Wood and Tommy ~nder, Maid VIcki Dav!J and Blll Purch!J. f 11111i 1·1in~••illl lllll~ llllll"1111111 ,~~-- l I !!.!W ~!!J!!lJW!-......1!!!~.~ II 1!1: =~ I I MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST JUNIOR COLLEGE BASEBALL TEAM- 1971 STATE CHAMPS lrt ROW, LEFT-RIGHT: Alan Saucier, Fred Dubuisson, Dan Nelwn, Glen Lamas, Mike Sta£ford, Mike Hobby, Charles Driskell, Dean Cunningham; 2nd ROW, lEFT-RIGHT: jim NorTis, Gene jay, Spud Wieniewitz, Jimmy KENNE'IltFARRIS,budbaseb&UooacllltMisslssippiGuiiCout Junior College, holds one of Wa¥good, Rodney Walker, Derel Broussard, Curt Davis; 3rd ROW, U:FT- RIGHT: Cliff Kirkland, Elmer Williams, Z2 bat.s presented to W1l. National Junior ~e All-American team members a~ CO!ches by Don Pun, Jimmy Taranto, Coach Ken Farris. llilleridl aod Bradsby Company, maker '!flhe Louisville Slugger. Amol1i names mscrlbed on the bat is that of Rodney Walker, a !971 Petinston graduate who du.ring his two-year career as pitcbl!r woo23gamesand lostooly ooefor tbf: Gulf Coast Bulldogs. Walker, a native of Wade, Miss., was dnfted by the St. 1Aufs Cardinal! aod Ba!tim<n Orloie., declfning both offers to attend the University of Missl.ssippl on a baseball sdlolarsbi.p. TUrning out wiMing baseball teams and talented players is nothing oew to Coadl: Farris. During his 10 years at Gulf Coast, ='=bavtbetnin the state playoff ~fr/ year, winning the title six times, including the TRACK 1971 STAt..'DING: Coach George Sekul, Tommy Peny, Wayne May, Steve Carter, Mike Smith, Gilbert Pyro11, Leroy Faucett, Harold Holton, Trainer "Tank" Hinton. KNEE U NC : Denny Faggot, any Btaefield. Dinkey McKay, laYOrDt Hathorne, Henry Holloway, Ronnie Ostalet. Mlssiuippl Junior College and Cull Coast. Junior College TRACK RECORDS *9. ~-Glerm l.aridu, 1969 *4:29. 5--Bob Woodworth 1966 IOOYardD:uh 9, 8--Cbarlie McDonald Mile Run 4: 26. 7--Bubba Kynard , Meridian, 1939; P~tey Hinds 1968 Sttcet, Hinds 1950; High jump *6'3 1/ 2"··Leroy Fraucett 1971 ~:~~ne , * 21' 11 "--Barry LeTort 1969 Broad Jump 23'6"·-Nick Revon, Hinds *21.9--Glctm Laridn 1968 220Yard. RU!l • 1949 21. 8--Carville Fit:ahugb *121'8"-·Nick Simmons 1969 Holmu 1956 ' Dbcw 1<l7'S"-·Ronald Hemandet, *49. 8--Steve Cuter 1970 440 Yard RWI 49.4--Brc& &own Southwell 1960 *11'9"·-Ray Oller 1970 Nortlnrut t964 Pole Vault 880Yard Rw 1:55. 5--Bob Woodworth 13'3 3/ 4"-·Pete Fleming, Jonu 1956 *2A.~ - ~!!t~~~~~ *45'9"-·Richard Dick 1969 l.owHanUa 24.2--Troy Jcakbu Shot Put James Cheatham, HI.Dds 1965 I 47' 10"-·Hinds 1965 880 Yard Relay 1:29 . 2--John Conde, Harry 120HipHw&u *! ~:~=~~~=~ 1970 Robuu, Danny Taylor MileRday • Holmes 19/Q' ' Glenn Larkin, Gull 3:26. 7--Mlke Smith, Datmy Coast 1969 Taylor, CrovtrHav *42. 8-·Johnny Corde, Harry Sten Cuter, Roberti, Danny Taylot :ro Glenn Larkin 1969 3:'24.&. - ~c B alley, Walter 440 Yard Relay <l2 . 8-·John Willard, Bobby H~=~ D alli s McCrory Jones, Jimmy McGreg 1969 1 na , Hobna or, Freddie Chl1dJ, Mlululppl Delta 1969 20 THE MISSISSIPPI GULF JUNIOR COLLEGE NATIONAL CHAMPIONS- 1971 Name Off. De f. W< No. Name Off. De f. Wt. No. 207 K K 206 53 Terry Helms c T 2 Jim Beck E 165 Glover Hayden K K 213 55 David Tara.nto c 3 Bobby Saucier G T 220 10 Ken Boynick QB CB 185 60 I 188 61 Jimmy Stark T T 197 QB 5 ~ II Gilbert Pyron G QUI 185 Gary jackson QB CB 168 63 Tom Garcia IS Gerald Picklch G MlB 205 18 james McKay QB 5 170 64 160 66 Butch Nobles c MlJI 184 20 Willie Lee Sims F C8 QUI 175 I SE C8 ISS 67 Larry Cambdl G 23 Charles Sims Harold Holton G MlB 235 Bennie Williams RB C8 180 68 I 25 Shed Foxworth T T 185 26 Don Fredericks RB 5 194 70 5 175 71 john jalaninlch T T 206 \11 27 Ronnie Ousta let F T E 210 i Skip Holland 30 Jerald Thom:u: RB RB CB 177 72 QUI 170 74 Ronnie Thomas T T 218 31 Wayne Patrick RB T T 224 Me lvin Morgan 5E CB 160 75 Jerry Brown 32 Ken-yNeal T T 205 Tommy RobUon F 5 187 76 33 Glen Ulnas T T 210 34 LatTy Benefield 5E CB 165 71 QUI 157 78 Vernon Mallett T E 210 35 Ronnie Miller RB 210 QUI 196 79 John McDougle T E 36 Johnny O'Brien RB TE QUI 195 F CB 188 82 Tom Ferrill 37 Lavorne Hawdmm Eugene Ganucheau TE QUI 217 RB CB 184 83 40 Rlkkle Autmon Percy Fournier TE Mill 182 41 MlkeNlolel F 5 171 85 178 87 Mike Borden SE s 147 43 Kenny l.a.rsen RB QUI 165 c QUI 193 88 William Holloway SE CB Sl Mike jenner 89 Rocky Johnson TE QUI 200 S2 Charles Orlskel c QUI 110 THE WORLD-FAMOUS MISSISSIPPI GULF COAST JUNIOR COLLEGE MARCHING BAND AND PERKETTES ROW 1: Claire Dick, P:unela Purchner, M:ulon Uon, Cyndle Scarbrough, Susie Spring, Sue Ellen Smith, CaDdy Broome. ROW 2: Sherry Hughes, £1Jen Moore, Mary Ellen Davis, P<at Clark, Sharon Weaver, Ka~n Futlon, Audn Wilkes, Cecilia Mitchell. ROW 3: Holly Martin, Ronda Almwonh, Dla.ce Meeka, Debbie Craig, Susan Doralin, Janet Parker Karen Cannady Linda Catchot Swan Wittman. ROW 4: JohruUe Overstreet, Wanda Smith, GIDKet Seymour, Sh irley House, Ca~en White, Katlu.yn Grahm, Debcxah Keodrick, Debbie Smith, Judy O'Neal, Rebecca Griffin, ROW 5: Karen d'Angelo, Sarah Roberu, Sondra Parker, Tony Smith, Janie McDo!lald, ABita Weuon, Michelle Crutch. UNDER THE DIRECTION OF PROF. SAM JONES AND MRS. FRANCES HEMETER. 29 PERKINSTON CAMPU S )EFFERSON DAVIS CAMPUS )A CKSON COUNTY CAMPUS Marcia Randall Margaret Wimberly Judy Lucas Janie McDonald Marsha Green Faith Forsman Marilyn Skellie Julie Rushing Cathy Clark Melinda Scott Sherry Boolh Dottie Re.nfroe MISS MGCJC- MELINDA SCOTT FlnalUts Dottle Renfroe, Marcia Randall r Green and Melinda Scott, First Place. ' lt$t Runner-Up; Marilyn Sk1llie, Second Runner- Up; Marsha WELCOME TO MY WORLD 30 A Trophy from Dr.