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Volume Two

Ruth Smadar Gabrieli

A Thesis Submitted in Fulfilment of the Requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy

School of Philosophical and Historical Inquiry University of Sydney 2006 appendix - timeline

Appendix I - Timeline

This appendix is a summary of the political, economic, and social affairs and of natural calamities during the period under discussion.

965 Nicephorus Phocas annexes Cyprus to the Byzantine Empire. 1110 Baldwin captured Beirut, the Muslim emir fled to Cyprus, and Muslims’ possessions were transferred to the island. (Efthimiou 1987: 28). 1126 John II Comnenus extends the trading privileges of the Venetians to Cyprus (Marangou 2002, 112). 1136 John II Comnenos transfers the Armenian population of Tell Hamdun in Little Armenia to Cyprus. (Efthimiou 1987: 29). 1143 The first documented evidence to a Venetian trade colony in Paphos (Glatariotou 1991: 57). 1184 Isaac Comnenos seizes control over Cyprus (Efthimiou 1987: 30) . May 1191 Richard Lionheart conquers Cyprus. Shortly after the conquest, a mutiny that concentrated around the mountainous districts of the south-west (Galatariotou 1991: 43). May 1191-May 1192 Richard Lionheart concedes the island to the Templars. Following a revolt and bloody massacre he reassumes control, and transfer possession to to Guy de Lusignan. 1192-1194 King Guy de Lusignan. [Sugar industry probably arrives to Cyprus with the Lusignans (von Wartburg 2001b: 305- 6)]. 1194-1205 King Aimary de Lusignan. 1196 The Latin archdiocese was created in , and three bishoprics were founded in Paphos, Limassol and Ammochostos (Galatariotou 1991, 44). 1202-1204 Four recorded earthquakes, and a number of seismic sea-waves, non of which caused great damage (Ambraseys 1963: 7). 1204 Constantinople falls to the 4th Crusade. 1205-1218 King Hugh I. 1218-1253 King Henry I. 1218 Queen Alice of Champagne, regent for the minor king. The queen grants the Genoese commercial privileges (Edbury 1986: 110, in Edbury 1999). 1222 Major earthquake, and an accompanying seismic sea wave flooded Paphos and Limassol appendix - timeline i-2

(Ambraseys 1963: 7). Saranda Kolones destroyed(?). The port of Paphos, according to Oliver Scholasticus, dried up, as did the springs and fountains (Hill 1952, Vol. 11:18, f.n. 1). 1225 Emperor Frederick II lays claim to the island (Grivaud 2002: 32). 1229-33 Civil war (Edbury 1998: 38). 1232 Henry I renews and extends the privileges to the Genoese, giving them property in Nicosia, Limassol, Famagusta and Paphos. The privileges include the right of the commune or individuals to build ovens to bake their bread (Edbury 1986: 110; Jacoby 1984: 159). 1236 Henry I grants more privileges to the French of Marseilles, Montpelier and other merchants of Provence (Coureas 1995: 261). 1244 The fall of Jerusalem (Edbury 1997: 20). 1247 Pope Innocent IV releases Henry I from his suzerainty to Frederic II (Richard 1985: 151). 1253-1267 King Hugh II. 1260-77 The Mameluk Sultan Baybar rules over Egypt. Takes over most of the Crusader cities, up to Antioch. 1261 Michael III Palaiologos recaptures Constantinople and a core area around the Aegean. 1265 Caesarea and Arsuf fall. 1267-1284 King Hugh III. 1268 Jaffa and Antioch fall. Plague in Cyprus (Hill, Vol. II: 179 f.n..). A number of minor earthquakes (Ambraseys 1963: 8). 1271 Baybars sends eleven ships to attack Cyprus. The fleet ran aground and was wrecked near Limassol (Edbury 1995a: 233/4, in Edbury 1999). 1284- 1285 King John I 1285- 1324 King Henry II (1306-1310 Amaury usurps). 1285 Margat (or Marqab) falls. 1287 Latakia falls. 1288 Henry II gives privileges to the Genoese (Marangou 2002: 96). 1289 Tripoli falls. 1290 Privileges to the Venetians and Genoese (Edbury 1991: 110). 1291 Tyre, Akko, Sidon, Beirut, Haifa, Tortosa, Atlit, and possibly Gibelet all fall within 3 months (Jacoby 1984: 154). Commercial privileges granted to the Catalans and Pisa (Richard 1985: 166; Marangou 2002 96). The fall of the Crusaders principalities signals the end of Cypriot glazed ceramics in the Holy Land (Stern 1995: 328). 1294 Venetian fleet destroys the Genoese tower and loggia in Limassol (Edbury 1986: 112). Plague (Hill, Vol. II: 205). 1303 Earthquake, only slight effect on Paphos (Ambraseys 1963: 8; von Wartburg 2001c: 132). 1306 Amaury lord of Tyre deposes his brother, Henry II, and gives the Venetians extensive trading privileges (Edbury 1986: 113). 1308 John of Ampierre, supporter of King Henry II died in exile in Paphos (Enlart, 355). 1310 Amaury is assassinated, Henry II returns to the thrown. June, the establishment of the Hospitalers from the Holy Land in Cyprus. 1316 The Genoese sack Paphos (Enlart 1899: 354). appendix - timeline i-3

1320 Easing of the Papal ban (Edbury 1991: 150). 1324-59 King Hugh IV. 1328 The Venetians obtained permission to open a new trading loggia in Paphos (Enlart 1899: 503). 1334 Cyprus joins the alliance of the Papacy with the Venetians and the Knights of St John in Rhodes against the Turkish expansion in the Aegean (Edbury 1986: 113). 1344 Combined Cypriot, Papal, Venetians and Hospitaler fleet captures Smyrna (Izmir) from the Turks (Edbury 1986: 114). 1347-48 Plague. Population declines by as much as a third around the Mediterranean (Edbury 1998: 41). Claims that the plague halved the Island’s population (Arbel 1984: 184; Hill 1952 Vol. II: 307). 1347-1451 A total of eight epidemics of the plague throughout the island (Grivaud 2002: 38). 1359-1369 King Peter I. 1362-3 Plague (Hill vol. II: 323). 1365 Peter I leads a crusade, attacking Alexandria and later Syria. Peace was signed in 1370 (Edbury 1995a: 233). 1369 Peter I assassinated. 1369-1382 King Peter II. 1372 Famagusta castle strengthened in preparation for the Genoese war (Edbury 1995a: 223; Marangou 2002: 84). 1372-1464 Famagusta in the hands of the Genoese. 1373 The Genoese sack Paphos and exert heavy ransom (Enlart 1899: 354, 503; Boas, 1999: 6; Gertwagen 1995: 518). 1382-1398 King James I. ca. 1391 James I order the construction of a castle in Paphos (Enlart 1899: 503). 1392 Plague (Hill Vol. II: 441, 446). 1398-1432 King Janus. 1403 War with the Genoese, siege of Famagusta (Storrs 1930: 16). 1409 Plague (Hill Vol. II: 464). 1411 Plague (Storrs 1930: 17). 1419-20 Plague (Hill Vol. II: 465). 1424-1426 A series of Mameluk raids, largely attributed to the Cypriot backing of pirates who supplied the royal sugar plantations with slaves. The sugar factory in Kouklia was sacked in subsequent raid but rebuilt (Arbel 1995: 159; Edbury 1995a: 225; Enlart, 503; Marangou 2002: 108). 1426 Mameluk invasion into Paphos from Egypt. King Janus fell captive in Khirokitia, and Cyprus become vassal state of the Sultanate (Boas, 1999: 6; Edbury 1995a: 223; Housley 1995: 189). 1432-1458 King John II. 1438-1439 Plague, continued for 17 months (Arbel 1984: 184). 1450, 1451 Ottoman raids on the northern coasts (Edbury 1995a: 231). 1453 Constantinople falls to the Ottoman army. 1458-1460 Queen Charlotte. 1460 James II, illegitimate son of John II received investiture of the kingdom from the sultan Inal, in preference to his half-sister Charlotte (Richard 1985: 152). Famagusta returns to the Crown (Marangou 2002: 85). appendix - timeline i-4

1460-1473 King James 11.

1 460-69 Civil war between Queen Charlotte and James II (Edbury 1998: 38; Grivaud, 2002: 42).

1461 Paphos castle surrenders to the king, then to the queen, and to the king again (Enlart 1899: 3 54).

1464 James II repossessed Famagusta (Richard 1985: 167).

1466 James II sends help to the emir of Alaya against the Ottomans (Housley 1995: 194).

1470-1472 Plague (Arbel 1984: 184; Hill vol. Ill: 645).

1 4 7 3-1474 King James III.

147 4 -1 4 8 9 Caterina Cornaro, widow of James II succeeds to the thrown, under control of the Venetian R ep u b lic.

1479 Venetian-Ottoman peace treaty, concluding 16 years of military conflict (Arbel 1995: 163).

1481 Four earthquakes between March and December, no major damage (Ambraseys 1963: 8).

1489 Formal annexation to Venice, end of Monarchy.

1490 The people of Famagusta petition Venice to repopulate the town (Arbel 1984: 184).

1491 Earthquake. Paphos severely hit (Ambraseys 1963: 8; Jennings 1993: 173; von Wartburg 2001a: 132).

1494 Plague (Hill vol. Ill: 820).

1501 Ottoman raid on Lapithos; captives sold at Antalia (Arbel 1995: 164).

1505 A plague killed a quarter of Kyrenia (Arbel 1984: 185; Hill vol. Ill: 821). ca. 1506 Venice offers incentives for migrants.

1509-10 Severe locusts plague; grain brought from syria. (Arbel 1995: 172).

1514 Severe plague in Syria. Venetian merchants move to Cyprus. (Arbel 1995: 173).

1517 Selim I conquers Cairo (M arangou 2002: 114).

1523 Plague in Cyprus and in Syria, Kyrenia hit hard (Arbel 1984: 201; 1995: 173).

1528 Locust attack (Jennings 1993: 175).

1528, 1531 Crops imported from the Levant (Arbel 1995: 172).

1533 Plague, the worst during the Venetian period. 2,000-3,000 dead in 4-5 months, but largely limited to Famagusta (Arbel 1984: 186; Hill Vol. Ill: 821).

1537-40 W ar between Venice and the Ottoman Empire, the Ottoman fleet sacked Saline (Larnaca) and Limassol (Arbel 1995: 164).

1542 Earthquake and a plague of locust (Ambraseys 1963: 8; Jennings 1993: 176).

1546 Minor earthquake (Ambraseys 1963: 8-9; Jennings 1993: 173-174).

1545/6 Crop failure, special permission to import grain from Egypt and Syria. (Arbel 1995: 172).

1555 Crop shortage, not enough grain to export to Venice (Arbel 1995: 172).

156 0 ’s Waves of immigration of Ottoman subjects to Cyprus (Arbel 1995: 173).

1560 Food riots in Nicosia.

1562 Revolt against Venice (Marangou & Psillides 1992: 207).

1565 Revolt against Venice (Marangou & Psillides 1992: 207).

1567-1568 A series of earthquakes. Paphos suffered some damage towards the end of 1567 (Ambraseys 1963: 9).

1570 Ottoman invasion, Sultan Selim landed in Paphos on July 1st (Enlart 1899: 355).

1571 The Ottoman invasion completed.

1573 Severe plague (Jennings 1993: 186).

1573 Peace treaty between Venice and the Ottoman empire (Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 62). appendix - timeline i-5

1576/7 Strong earthquakes from December to January (Ambraseys 1963: 9).

1578 Failed revolt instigated by the Venetians, some of the Muslim population joined in (Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 39).

1581 The Turkey Company established in London, to trade with the Levant (Gazioglu 1990: 150).

1583 The Venice Company founded in London (Gazioglu 1990: 150).

1589 Plague (Jennings 1993:186).

1592 The Turkey Company and the Venice company unite and become the Levant Company (Gazioglu 1990: 150).

1607 Ferdinand I, Grand Duke of Tuscany mounts an attack on Famagusta. Paphos joins the revolt, and 400 Greeks were killed (Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 48-50).

1610-1628 Regular plagues of locusts, particularly severe in 1628 (Jennings 1993: 179; Hill 1952, vol. IV: 67).

1633 Severe drought (Hill 1952, vol. IV: 68).

1640 Great famine (Hill 1952, vol. IV: 68).

1641 Plague, with subsequent emigration to Crete (Jennings 1993:187).

Tax reforms(Hill 1952, vol., IV: 69).

The Pashas of Famagusta and Paphos abolished, at the request of the population. Expenditure of the Pasha of Nicosia reduced (Kyrris 1985: 270).

1668 Severe locust plague (Jennings 1993:181).

1669-70 Increase in taxes brings about a wave of conversions to Islam (Kyrris 1985: 271).

1 6 8 3-1690 An extended revolt, led by a Turkish governor (Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 71, f.n. 1; 72-73).

1692 Plague. One of the worst outbursts, two thirds of the population are said to have died (Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 67, f.n. 1).

1703-1745 Cyprus revenues given to the Grand Vizier, taxes increase (Hill 1952, vol. IV: 73-75).

1718 Earthquake (Ambraseys 1963: 10; Jennings 1993: 173-174).

1735 Earthquake, possibly the most serious since the conquest (Hill 1952, vol. IV: 67, f.n. 1; Ambraseys 1963: 10).

1741 Earthquake, damage in Famagusta only (Ambraseys 1963: 10).

1746-8 Abu Bekir Pasha constructs water systems for Larnaca and Nicosia (Gazioglu 1990: 138).

1 7 5 9-1760 Epidemics. Between a third and a half of the population died (Grivaud 2002: 55; Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 67 f.n. 1).

1764 October/November, uprising against the new governor who refused instructions from Constantinople to refund excess tax (Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 82-83; Kyrris 1985: 277).

1 7 6 5-1766 A Turkish revolt in protest of the blood money for the 1764 trouble. Khalil Agha, commandant of Kyrenia pronounces himself governor (Hill 1952, vol. IV: 84-92; Kyrris 1985: 277).

1 7 6 8-1769 Famine, followed by demands for supplies for the Turkish-Russian war (Hill 1952, vol. IV : 93 ).

1799 Mutiny of the Turkish troops (Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 104).

1804 Revolt of the Turkish troops with civilian population, eventually turning against the Greek population (Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 104, 106).

1810 Kyprianou becomes Archbishop (Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou 1996: 195).

Minor earthquake (Ambraseys 1963: 10).

1821 The war of independence in Greece leads to a series of massacres culminating in the execution of the notables, confiscation of goods and property, and looting of monastic appendix timeline i-6

treasures on 9-21 July (Hill 1952, Vol. 4: 126-7; Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou 1996: 195). 1822 Earthquake, no damage (Ambraseys 1963: 10). 1830 Sultan Mahmud II offers economic autonomy, with a semi-parliamentary system (Kyrris 1985: 284). 1830, 1833 Turks and Greeks protest against taxes (Hill 1952, Vol. 4: 157-163). Tax reforms failed (Hill 1952, Vol. IV: 153-5). March 1833 Giaur Imam lead a revolt in the Polis-Paphos region; subsequent massacres include Ktima and Yeroskipou (Hill 1952, Vol. 4: 162-3). 1835 Plague and two years of famine (Kyrris 1985: 285). 1839 Temporary abolition of tax-farming (short lived) (Kyrris 1985: 287). 1845 Earthquake (Ambraseys 1963: 10-11). 1849 The First Governor General of the Pashalik of Rhodes, Musa Safreti Pasha, orders equal rights to Christians, and no more increase in taxation (Kyrris 1985: 288). 1855 Greeks are allowed to join the army and the public service (Kyrris 1985: 289). 1870 Severe famine (Gazioglu 1990: 99). 1871 The Nicosia-Larnaca road completed (Kyrris 1985: 291). 1873 Severe crop failure (Rizopoulou-Egoumenidou 1996:204). 1878 British rule. appendix - catalogue ii-1

Appendix II - The Catalogue

The structure of the catalogue: The catalogue is organised according to the order of the types as they are defined in chapter 6, the typology. The definition of the types and the discussion of their development and their dating are presented in chapter 6, the typology, and chapter 7, the chronological sequence, and are not repeated here, with the exception of remarks which are pertinent to the individual vessel specifically. The same is true for parallels, which are given in chapter 6 and not repeated here. The suggested dates are based on the discussion in chapter 7, but particular features which contributed to the attribution of the date are specified in the individual entries. The organisation of the entries 1. Each entry starts with an ID number for the artefacts, which comprises a catalogue number in running order, and the registration number of the excavation (inv.), or the Odos Ikarou registration number (OI). A few sherds which have not been registered yet were given temporary coarse ware number (CW). If the item is illustrated, the plate number(s) are given in brackets. The catalogue plates are at the end of this volume. 2. Following this ID number, the first line comprises the following measurements: height (ht); diameter of lip or base (d); preserved percentage of the lip or base (e.v.e.) Diameter readings are external unless otherwise specified. Internal measurements were taken where external measurements were not possible either because the edge was extensively damaged, or because a handle prevented accurate measurements. Where possible, maximum body diameter or diameter at breaking point is also given. Where diameter measurement was not possible, width (wd) is given, and where height was not applicable (e.g. isolated handles) length (lg). Another occasional measurement, used for body sherds or handles, was thickness (tk) All measurements are in cm. 3. Brief description of the part of the vessel preserved, (abbreviations used: fr (fragment), frr (fragments) 4. State of preservation. 5. Full description, including notes on technology and use marks. All vessels are hand- formed, unless wheel manufacture is specified. 6. Fabric description, as seen in-hand through x4 magnifying glass. Munsel reading is preceded by a visual description to give a more visual, if subjective, idea of the colour. The shape of the inclusions is rounded - sub-rounded (see fig. 5.1), unless otherwise specified. The term “mica-like” is used to describe golden or silver flakes, with a appendix - catalogue ii-2

schist-like sheering surface. Very small inclusions are up to 0.1mm across, small ones up to 0.5, medium 0.5-1mm, and large one are larger than 1mm across. 7. Trench and deposit number 8. General comments, including published parallels, if they were found for the individual item (parallels for the type as a whole are included in the discussion of the types in chapter 6). 9. Suggested date, with related comments


6.1.1 Long distance transport Transport amphorae 1. Inv. 4259 (pi. 1, 17) lg: 9.8 tk: 4.3 Fr of amphora handle. Sides squeezed in the lower part. Slightly worn and chipped, numerous voids on the surface - possibly burnt-out organic inclusions. Fingerprints of the potter visible on the surface of a lump of clay attached. Fabric: Reddish-brown to red core, light greenish grey on the outside surface; a few small to large white inclusions; round and elongated voids of different sizes. 1MM 1163 suggested date: 12th-13th c. Molasses jar 2. Inv. 4042 (pi. 17) ht: 31 d: (base) 4.9; (lip) 13; (max. body) 17 e.v.e.: 25% Near complete molasses jar restored from many frr. Somewhat worn, with very scratched exterior surface. Steep-sided body rising from a ring base to a shoulder with out-curved neck and slightly overhanging lip. Fabric: Orange/buff; relatively fine and hard; with ill-sorted fine to very large white inclusions causing pitting on the surface, up to 10mm long. 1GG 1105 suggested date: 13th-16th c.

3. Inv. 4356 (pi. 1, 17) ht: 10.7 d: (base) 6.5 (at break) 13.5 e.v.e.: 50% Two joining frr of lower part of molasses jar. Good condition; some chipping on the ring itself. Curved wall rising steeply from a ring base. Wheel made. Fabric: Orange, 5yr6/8 fRY]; fine matrix, sandy fracture, with very small white and grey inclusions. 1MM 1191 suggested date: 13th-16th c.

6.1.2 Large-volume, long-term storage Pithoi 4. Inv. 3375 (pi. 1) ht: 8.7 d: (int.) ca. 28; (ext) ca. 38 e.v.e.: ca. 12% Fr of wall and lip of massive pithos. Surface considerably battered, lip chipped appendix - catalogue ii-3

Sloping upper wall, with lip continuing the line of the wall on the inner face, considerably thickened to create an everted profile on the outer face. Fabric: Dark brown; very coarse; 20% inclusions from very small to very large, brown, black and white. IK 073 suggested date: unknown

5. Inv. 3386 (pi. 1, 18) ht: 5.5 d: 8.3 e.v.e: 100% Stump base of a small pithoid vessel, broken at the junction with the body. Very worn, with extensive loss of surface. Roughly finished on the underside. Traces of black deposit on the upper face. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R[; very coarse; 10-20% light and dark brown (grog?) inclusions, and some opaque pink/white. IK 138 suggested date: unknown 6. Inv. 1798 a+b (pi. 1) lg: (a) 6.7; (b) 6.8 wd: a) 9.8; b) 8.9 Two body sherds of a large storage vessel, decorated with a plastic ridge. Good condition, some incrustations. Soot or burning marks on (b) inside, close to the break. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/8 [R]; rough; small and medium white inclusions, reddish-brown and dark brown ones. 1AA 414 suggested date: unknown (15th-16th c. occupation level) 7. Inv. 3406 ht: 18.5 wd: 14.6 Fr of body of a large storage vessel, probably pithos. Good condition. Decoration of two bands of incised parallel lines - one comprises three lines, the other four. Between the two bands, and above them, there is a wavy incised line. Fabric: Very light reddish-brown; very coarse; 20-30% very large (up to 5 mm), angular inclusions, brown, dark grey and white. 1BB/CC 1036 suggested date: unknown (13th c. well deposit, contains also Roman material) 8. Inv. 3125 (pi. 1) ht: 6.4 d: 8 e.v.e: 100% Stump base of a pithos, and the turn to the wall. Worn and chipped. Fabric: Reddish-brown; very coarse; 10-20% inclusions, light and dark brown, some possibly grog, and some opaque pink/white ones. ICC 468 suggested date: unknown 9. Inv. 3169 ht: 4.4 d: 33 e.v.e.: 16% Two joining frr of lip and the very top of the wall of a pithos. Fair condition; incrustations and some minor chips Massive lip, thickened on the outside, moulded in two steps on the underside. Fabric: Dark orange margins, 2.5yr4/8 [R], with a thick core of dark reddish-brown, 5yr3/4 [dark RBrJ; coarse with small and medium light and dark brown inclusions, some may be grog. 1DD 448 suggested date: unknown

10. Inv. 3519 (pi. 1) ht: 5.8 d: 22.5 e.v.e: 100% Two joining frr of neck and lip of a pithos, with the very top of a sharply sloping wall. Fair condition; numerous chips of varying size along the edges. The upright neck is very short, the lip thick and pulled out and downwards; the lower edge of the lip is rounded. The surface is slipped. appendix - catalogue ii-4

Fabric: Light reddish brown; finely coarse matrix; ca. 5% medium inclusions, white, brown and grey. 1HH 1014 suggested date: unknown Jars 11. Inv. 831 (pi. 2) lg: 4.5 wd: 9.6 Fragment of neck/shoulder of a large storage jar. Fairly good condition; light incrustation A small fragment, of a ja r similar to cat. no. 12. Hand made, with decoration of impressed dot- rosettes. Fabric: Red-brown 2.5yr5/8 [R|; Very coarse, hard, with small and medium light- reddish-and dark- brown inclusions. 10 123 suggested date: 15th c. onwards

12. Inv. 4402 (pi. 17) ht: 8 d: 22 e.v.e.: 28% Fr of neck and lip of storage jar. Good condition, no chipping, but possibly extensive surface loss. The surface is rough, like pumice stone. Remains of well-smoothed surface on the lip suggest that the very top layer is lost. Concave neck, lip thickened and rounded on the outside. The neck is broken just on the turn to the body. Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/6(YR] with reddish margins, 2.5yr5/8[R]; rough, with small and medium white and dark brown inclusions. 1MM 1126 suggested date: 15th c. onwards 13. Inv. 4352 (pi. 1, 17) ht: 4.4 d: 16 e.v.e.: 30% Fr of neck and lip of storage jar. Good condition. Slightly concave neck, with lip continuing the neck line inside, thickened and rounded on the outer face, and flattened on upper face. The wall is rather thin for a pithos (4 mm), so it’s most likely storage jar Working marks retained both inside and out. Surface wet smoothed. Fabric: Orange brown, 5yr5/8 |YR], with brown, 7.5yr4/4[Br/Dark Br] core; rough with small and medium light-, reddish- and dark-brown inclusions, which may be iron minerals. 1MM 1162 suggested date: unknown 14. Inv. 2810 (pi. 19) ht: (top) 19.2; (bottom) 23.6; (estimated complete) 44cm d: (lip) 21; (max. body) 37.5; (base) ca. 25 e.v.e.: 100% Near complete, large pithoid jar with incised decoration, in two non-joining parts. Generally good condition; worn and battered on the lip and about the base. Some body sherds are chipped. Sagging base with marked carination, globular body and sloping shoulder with very short concave neck; heavy upright thick lip with oblique outer face and flattened on top. The two halves do not join, but to judge by the diameters, we have the full profile. This is one of the few vessels for which a capacity can be estimated, ca. 28 litres. The decoration begins directly under the lip and extends over the shoulder and halfway to the point of maximum diameter. It is arranged in six bands. The top band is a multiple interconnected arches with impressed rosettes whose centre is a large dot (Kornos style); below it a row of dots, then two sets of alternating straight and wavy bands, each a triple line. The decoration marks this vessel as probably a Kornos product. The measurements, identical to those given by Hampe and Winter for the medium size Kornos pithoi, support this assumption (Hampe & Winter 1960: 56). Hand made. Clear forming marks inside. The upper part is well finished and smoothed, and self slipped. The lower part (below maximum diameter) is only roughly finished. The inner surface is appendix - catalogue ii-5

partially sealed with a black deposit. If this is pitch, it was only half heartedly done, and probably not thorough enough for a wine jar. It is not so much patchy as incomplete - continuous on the upper part of one side, and partially continues towards the bottom. The other side is completely untreated. As if the jar was put on its side and the coating allowed to wash around a bit. Fabric: Light red with brown patches 2.5yr4/8 [R] - 5/4 [RBr]; very coarse, hard, with white, brown, light brown, and iron red sub-rounded inclusions. 3E suggested date: Ottoman, probably 18th c. onwards

The following two bases are large enough to be considered long term storage jars. 15. Inv. 2426 ht: 6.8 wd: 18.7 Two joining frr of lower wall and a sagging base of large vessel. Slightly worn, with some incrustation. Inner face somewhat rough, outer smoothed. Fabric: Orange-brown; porous, with occasional small green and orange inclusions, fine, mica-like specks. 1AA 410 suggested date: Unknown 16. Inv. 2428 Six joining frr of a sagging base of large coarse vessel. Slightly worn, with some incrustation. Inner surface slightly rough, outer smoothed. Fabric: Dark orange-brown; porous, with sparse small irregular yellow inclusions, occasional small voids. 1AA 410 suggested date: Unknown

6.1.3 Long- or short-term storage Jars with pinched spout 17. 01146 (pi. 18) ht: 14 d: (lip) 11.2/(at break) 29 e.v.e.: 100% Two joining frr of body, lip and handle, with incised decoration. Very good condition. Sloping wall carinating to a sloping shoulder, upright neck and everted simple lip, diagonally flattened on its upper face. The body is still widening at breaking point. The slightly elongated pinched spout is very precisely made, with two clear dimples at its base. Two flat, thin handles with sharply squared edges extend from the lip to just above the body/shoulder carination. The mouth is wider than it is long (unlike in later periods); the spout is somewhat elongated, but at the level of the lip, and is very well made, the dimples deep and clear and slightly lopsided as for thumb and forefinger. The rear edge of the lip, between the handles, is decorated with a fine line of indentations. The incised decoration consists of three interrupted bands made with 4-teeth comb along the handles, and on the body another such band just below the handle, surmounted by a band of oblique strokes made with the same comb. Inside there are strong finger marks. Fabric: Rough, reddish brown, 5yr5/8 [YR], the surface is mottled black and reddish-brown; very small and small white inclusions, small and medium very dark brown and brown ones. This jar is an indication that not all the pinched spouts of the early phase are rounded, and other considerations should be taken into account, such as the size of the spout, the quality of manufacture, and the dimples at its base. Parallel: Vallauri 2004: 225, pi. 5 . Odos Ikarou tomb suggested date: 13th/early 14th c. appendix - catalogue ii-6

18. Inv. 2304 (pi. 2) ht: 2.9 d: (int.) ca. 8 (measurements uncertain because of the distortion caused by the handle) e.v.e.: ca. 22% handle section: 4.8x1.2 Fr of handle and lip, with incised decoration. Very good condition. Broad strap handle with rounded edges attached to a simple, thickened lip. The angle between each edge of the handle and the lip is very different, the asymmetry indicating ajar rather than a jug. The line of the mouth continues the rear edge in a near straight line, while sharply turning forward. Three bands of decoration run along the handle: a central wavy band of six lines; a three lines wavy band along the front edge, continuing to the lip, and a band of running six-dash strokes along the rear edge. The upper face of the handle is quite well finished and smoothed; the underside and the inner face of the lip retain finger marks. Hand made. Fabric: Orange-brown 2.5yr6/6 [light R| with patchy grey core; coarse, hard, with small irregular grey and white inclusions IK 067 suggested date: 15th c. onward

19. Inv. 2481 (pi. 2, 17) ht: 6.7 wd7.9 Fr of neck and mouth of a large jar with incised decoration. Some surface loss; incrusted. The spout is well pulled forward, with no finger dimples at its base, but reasonably well shaped. The beginning of a handle root on the break line at 90° to the spout identifies this as ajar. Along the middle of the neck, an undulating line, broad and deeply incised, a double wavy line below it. Very unevenly finished, with finger marks showing inside. Irregular grey patches on the outside, probably from firing. Fabric: Deep orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R] uneven grey core; coarse, fairly porous, hard, with small, medium and large irregular white inclusions, medium irregular grey ones, and medium rounded brown ones; small and medium voids; small mica-like specks of silver. 1AA 400 suggested date: 15th c. onward

20. Inv. 2370 (pi. 17) ht: 3.1 d: (int.) 10 e.v.e.: 12% handle section: 4.9x1.1 Fr of handle and lip, with incised decoration. Good condition. A pair of incised wavy lines with angular curves run along the centre of the handle, and a 3 line wavy band along the rear edge. The asymmetry of the handle, and the different angle of each edge to the lip, indicate that this is ajar with pinched spout. Fabric: Orange-brown 2.5yr6/6-5/6 [light R - R[; small and medium irregular grey inclusions, occasional small white and red ones, and large irregular metallic black/grey; small and medium voids 1AA 414 suggested date: 15th c. onwards

21. Inv. 3407 (pi. 2, 17) ht: 2.2 d: (int.) 11 e.v.e.: 14% handle section: 5.3x0.9 Fr of lip and handle, with incised decoration. Good condition. Slightly chipped, with light incrustations The very top of a simple lip, rounded and slightly thickened on the outside, with a thin, flat handle with squared edges. Notches along one edge only, indicate a two-handled jar with pinched spout. The upper face of the handle is decorated with three wavy bands. Fabric: Brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R] with dark brown core, with small and medium brown, black and white inclusions, difficult to see because of the sandy texture of the break. 1BB/CC 1049 suggested date: 13th-14th c.

22. Inv. 2411 (pi. 17) ht: 9.5 d: (neck) 12 (at break) 23 e.v.e: 18% handle section: 4.7x1.2 Six frr (four joining) of upper body, shoulder and handle, with incised decoration. appendix - catalogue ii-7

Slightly worn; some incrustation. The body carinates to the shoulder, the neck leaning out, with the lip slightly thickened and rounded. The handle is wide and flat with rounded edges. There are separate decorative systems on either side of the handle. To the left, a band of five horizontal lines, below it a wavy line with pending groups of four-lines obliques; to the right, a single, widely incised, uneven wavy line above the obliques. The decoration takes note of the handle, and terminates with enough space for the handle attachment. These two different systems suggest a two handled jar with pinched spout, with different decoration on the front and the back. The inner surface is fairly rough, the outside smoothed showing wiping marks; both surfaces of the handle are smoothed. Handmade. Fabric: Orange, 5yr5/8 |YR]; with large quantity of inclusions: medium irregular angular white; medium to large elongated dark grey; occasional medium angular green; and occasional medium orange. ICC 468 suggested date: 16th c. onwards (the fabric places it later than the 15th)

23. Inv. 3918 (pi. 2) ht: 14 (top) 1.8 (base) d: (lip) 9 (at break) 26 e.v.e.: no lip Eight frr (four joining) of body and handle of large storage jar. Fair condition, heavily incrusted. The main fr is of upper body rounding to a shoulder, and up to the base of a neck; the base of a vertical handle of oval section is attached to the point of meeting between shoulder and body. Only the base of the neck is preserved, showing a fairly narrow neck. Four joining sherds form part of the lower body which thins towards the base. The top of the shoulder is defined by an incised band made with a 7-teeth comb and a wavy incised line above it; the decoration is interrupted ca. 4 cm from the handle. The jar is wheel made or finished on a turntable, but finger marks are obvious on the inside. It is not possible to tell if this is a one or two handler, but it is hefty enough to be long term storage. The shape is a common one starting from the Medieval period onwards. The wheel marks and the flattened oval section of the handle indicate a date no earlier than the 15th century. Fabric: Reddish-brown, (5yr4/6[YR]) with dull brown core; Coarse, with very small white inclusions, small and medium reddish-brown and dark brown ones, and some glistening ones. 3E 371 suggested date: 15th c. onwards (the deposit in which it was found suggests the earlier part of the range)

24. Inv. 2070 (pi. 2) ht: 3.8 d: (int.) 11 e.v.e.: 23% handle section: 5x0.9 Fr of lip and handle, with incised decoration. Worn and somewhat incrusted. A flat, thin handle with fairly sharp edges. The angle of the front and rear edge of the handle with the lip is different, indicating a two-handled jar with pinched spout. The lip is only preserved on one side, where an indentation ridge shows it to be the edge opposite the spout. Three bands of wavy lines along the handle. The width of the groups and the accentuation of the angles increases from left to right. Handmade. Possibly burnt. Fabric: Orange brown, 5yr4/6 |YR] with dark brown core; small and medium white inclusions, small and medium reddish-brown and dark brown ones. 4A 185 suggested date: 13th-late 14th/ 15th c.

25. Inv. 1486 (pi. 17) ht: 3.4 d: 10 e.v.e.: 15% handle section: 4.9x8.5 Fr of upper body, lip and handle. The lip is decorated with small sharp indentations, which reach the handle. The broad, thin handle is slightly concave on its upper face, the edges rounded. Traces of soot along the lip and the upper face of the handle, however the diameter and the fact that the appendix - catalogue ii-8

indentation decoration reaches the handle, is a clear indication that this is ajar, and the soot is probably secondary. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2/5yr6/4 [LRBrJ; coarse, hard, with small brown, white, and pink inclusions. 4A 211 suggested date: 13th-15th c.

26. Inv. 1454 ( pi. 4, 18) ht: 16.5 d: (lip) 15 (at break) ca. 18 e.v.e.: 100% Upper body, with incised decoration. Fragmented but in good condition. Rounded shoulder with a short upright neck; the spout is pulled forward, with shallow dimples at its base; two handles, wide and flat with rounded edges, extend from the lip to the shoulder. The lip is thickened on its rear part, between the handles, and decorated with sets of 7-9 impressed dots, a design that extends to the upper part of the handles. Similar design is impressed along the front edges of the handles. Alternating bands of incised wavy and horizontal lines decorate the upper part of the shoulder to the base of the neck. The decoration is deeply incised. Fabric: Reddish-brown with thick dark core; very coarse, with medium to large lime and opaque white-pink inclusion, with occasional very large inclusions; some voids. 4A NE 320 suggested date: 15th c. onwards. Vessels which could be either jars or jugs With pinched spout 27. Inv. 547 (pi. 2) wd: 6.8 Fr of neck and spout. Good condition, lightly incrusted The spout is sharply drawn forward and slightly downwards. Smoothly Finished outside and on the inside of the mouth; rougher on the inside of the neck. Fabric: Red-brown, 2.5yr4/8 |R) with small and medium brown and reddish brown inclusions, and occasional very dark brown/black one. 1J 093 suggested date: 15th c. onwards With evidence for spout missing 28. Inv. 1490 (pi. 17) ht: 3.5 d: (int.) 9 e.v.e.: 22% handle section: 4.6x1 Lip and handle. Fair condition; somewhat chipped and worn. Broad handle with rounded edges attached to a simple, somewhat everted lip, and rising slightly above it. Towards the lower break, a neatly drilled hole. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/8 (RB|; fairly coarse, with white, pink and brown opaque inclusions. IK 060 Suggested date: 15th c. onwards

The following three jars are very similar. 29. Inv. 834 (pi. 2) ht: 5.8 d: 12 e.v.e.: 12% Fr of lip and neck, with incised decoration. Fairly good condition; light incrustation. Upright neck, with lip thickened and flattened on its upper face. On the neck decoration of interconnected multiple arches with dot rosettes at their centre (Komos style). Unclear if hand- or wheel-made. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/8 [YR] with light brown core; coarse, medium-hard, with white and brown inclusions and voids IO 123 suggested date: 18th c. onward appendix - catalogue ii-9

30. Inv. 2420 (pi. 2) ht: 6.4 d: 16 Fr of lip and neck, with incised decoration. Quite worn, with some incrustation. Upright neck, lip thickened and flattened on its upper face. The decoration comprises a single incised groove and a single incised wavy line. The surface is well smoothed, almost brick-like. Handmade Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R]; with small white inclusions, medium and large grey ones, and small glistening specks. IBB 464 suggested date: unknown 31. Inv. 2421 (pi. 2) ht: 5.4 d: 16 17% Fr of lip and neck, with incised decoration. Well preserved with little incrustation. Upright neck, lip thickened and flattened on its upper face. The upper face of the lip is decorated with a band of six wavy lines. On the edge of the lip there is an indentation ridge, with each indentation decorated with a group of incised dashes. Fabric: Reddish brown 2.5yr5/4 [RBr], with dark grey-black core; fine matrix, with small to medium white inclusions, and small glistening specks. IBB 464 suggested date: unknown 32. Inv. 3947 (pi. 2) ht: 4.8 d: 12.5 Fr of neck and lip, with combed decoration. Somewhat worn Upright neck, lip thickened and rounded on the outside. The neck is decorated with a Fine combed horizontal band. Fabric: Orange, with cream/orange slip on the exterior; rough fracture, hard, with frequent small angular red inclusions, and sparse silver, mica-like. 1HH 1029 suggested date: Unknown 33. Inv. 3394 ht: 5 d: 14 13% Fr of upper body and lip, with incised decoration. Very good condition; some incrustations Sloping shoulder with short neck and upright lip, slightly thickened and rounded on its outer face. A running line of oval indentations along the outside face of the lip. On the shoulder there is a double wavy incised liner. The surface is completely smooth in and out. Fabric: Light dull brown, 10yr5/4 |YBr], with reddish-brown surface, 5yr5/b[YR]; rough, with very small white, small, well rounded, brown (grog?) and dark grey inclusions; occasional large dark grey inclusion with a schist-like fracture. Compare to cat 34.4451 below. The proportions of both are more likely to belong to jars than jugs, but there is a residual doubt. 1HH 1029 suggested date: unknown 34. Inv. 4451 (pi. 1) ht: 11 d: 15 e.v.e.: 28% Fr of sloping shoulder and upright simple lip/neck, with incised decoration. Partial surface loss. On the upper part of the shoulder, there is a double wavy line with short bands of oblique strokes pending from it. Forming marks and strong sporadic deep pock marks on the inside surface. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr5/6 [Strong BrJ; very rough, with small and medium light and dark brown inclusions. Compare to cat. 33.3394 above. The proportions of both are more likely to belong to jars than jugs, but there is a residual doubt. 1MM 1089 suggested date: unknown appendix - catalogue ii-10 With no lip preserved 35. Inv. 3637 (pi. 17) ht: ca 14.5 vvd: 9 Fr of shoulder and neck, with incised decoration. Somewhat worn, but fairly good condition. Gently sloping shoulder and lower part of a neck. The decoration starts at the base of the neck with a band of horizontal lines; below it a band of wavy lines, and then a band of oblique, multiple strokes. The outside surface is fairly well smoothed, the inside has clear evidence of modelling and smoothing. Very close parallel to 60.3152. Fabric: Pale reddish-brown, 7.5yr4/4[DBr/Br] -5yr4/6 [YR1, grey on the inner face and the inner half of the section; with dull white inclusions; some voids. 1J 093 suggested date: unknown, but the light coloured fabric is common from the 16th c. onward 36. Inv. 2476 (pi. 17) lg: 7.9 wd:9.1 Fr of shoulder and handle root, with plastic and impressed decoration. Somewhat worn; incrusted. On the shoulder, marking the base of the neck, a pronounced ridge with impressed decoration along it; below the ridge there is a wide zigzag design made of impressed, small squares, with a single dot in the centre of each triangle; below that, a trace of a wavy band. The outside surface is fairly rough; the inside shows forming marks. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R]; coarse, hard, with sub angular inclusion, small white, small and medium reddish-brown, and dark brown ones. IK 060 suggested date: 15th c. onward 37. Inv. 2302 (pi. 18) ht: 7.4 vvd: 6.8 Fr of a sloping shoulder and the base of a straight neck, with incised decoration. Somewhat worn; lightly incrusted. Around the base of the neck runs a line of multiple interconnected arches, below it a set of three tight wavy lines, then a series of oblique multiple-lines strokes, unevenly executed. A vertical wavy double-line at the right of the fr indicates that the decoration is divided into panels. Well finished, though the inside surface retains modelling marks. Soot patch on the outside, and burnt deposit(?) on the inside. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [RJ; very coarse, hard, with very small white inclusions, small and medium reddish-brown, dark brown and opaque. IK 067 suggested date: 18th c. onward (Kornos-style) 38. Inv. 2305 lg: 4.1 d: (int.) 10; (ext.) 13 e.v.e.: not possible Two joining frr of neck and lip, with incised decoration. Some incrustation. Slightly concave neck, the lip thickened on the outside to a near triangular section. Lip widening on the break, possible for a handle. A band of four incised wavy lines runs along the upper face of the lip. Well Finished. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr4/8 [R]; coarse, hard, with small and medium light- and dark-brown inclusions. IK 067 suggested date: unknown

39. Inv. 2303 (pi. 4, 17) ht: 6.5 d: (neck) 10 e.v.e.: 12% Fr of shoulder and base of neck, with plastic and incised decoration. Somewhat worn. Pronounced applied ridge at the junction of the shoulder and the neck, and a fairly marked carination on the transition to the body. appendix - catalogue ii-11

Along the ridge, a running design comprised of pairs of dashes, create an indentation line. Below the ridge, oblique strokes of 4 lines, and below them a band of stacked dashes, below again, impressed dot- rosettes bound by vertical lines, and just above the carination, a horizontal 4-line band. The outside surface is fairly well smoothed, the inside retains forming marks. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr5/8 |YR|; coarse, hard, with small-large white inclusions, medium grey, some large black, and sporadic green ones; small mica-like specks of silver. IK 067 suggested date: 15th c. onwards. 40. Inv. 841 (pi. 4) lg: 7 wd: 5.5 Fragment of shoulder and handle root, with incised decoration. Somewhat worn; incrusted. On the shoulder there is a design of interconnected arches with rosettes; above it, vertical rows of dots. Fabric: Red-brown, 2.5yr4/6 [R], with the inner half reduced to grey; very coarse, hard, with small and medium white, reddish-brown and very dark brown/black inclusions. lO 107 suggested date: 18th c. onward (Kornos-style) 41. Inv. 832 (pi. 4) lg: 8.5 wd: 12 Fr of shoulder and base of neck, with plastic and incised decoration. Fairly good condition; lightly incrusted. At the base of the neck there is a single incised line, below it a wavy line, and below this a band of diagonal lines of dots. A band of four lines below the dotted diagonals, and below that the top of a band of oblique strokes is preserved. A ridge on the upper part of the shoulder separates two bands of Finely combed oblique strokes; in the top set they alternate with vertical rows of four dashes; the ridge itself is decorated with a double line of indentations. The lower set of oblique strokes, sits just above the transition from shoulder to body. This would be a fairly large vessel, more likely a medium size storage jar than a jug. Well smoothed, especially on the outer face. Fabric: Red-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R|; coarse, hard-fired, with small and medium reddish-brown and dark- brown inclusions. 10 123 suggested date: 15th c. onward 42. Inv. 1457 (pi. 18) lg: 11.5 wd: 6.7 Two joining frr of shoulder of a large jar, with incised decoration. Good condition. The decoration terminates just above a slight carination, and comprises a horizontal band of five lines, with short obliques pending from it. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/6 [YR]; Coarse, rough, with small white, reddish brown and dark brown inclusions 10 ext 147 suggested date: Unknown 43. Inv. 1253 (pi. 4) ht: 5..2 wd: 7.3 Fr of shoulder and the base of a neck, with incised decoration. Good condition. Two bands of double wavy line at the base of the neck; below a band of diagonal dotted lines, over a horizontal band, from which a continuous band of oblique lines is pending. Only the top of this band is preserved. Fabric: Dark brown, 10yr4/6 [DGrBr] with a reduced, grey surface; very coarse, with small and medium white inclusions, medium and large dark brown ones. 10 ext 191 suggested date: 15th c. onward

44. Inv. 2408 lg: 4.3 wd: 4.9 Fr of shoulder, glazed, and with impressed decoration. Good condition; slightly worn. appendix - catalogue ii-12

The outside surface is smooth, the inside sealed with dark brown glaze. Just above the carination, between the shoulder and the body, there is a band of oblique multiple-line strokes, pending from a band of three interrupted lines. This is an instance of glaze in conjunction with Middle Phase carinated jugs. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R]; rough, with small and medium reddish-brown, and light and dark brown inclusions. 1R 088 suggested date: 15th c. onward. The glaze suggests 15th-16h c.

45. Inv. 1059 (pi. 4) lg: 7.5 wd: 5 Fr of shoulder, with incised decoration. Good condition. Widely opening shoulder, nearly horizontal, carinating sharply to the body. At the top there is a root of a handle, or of a decorative knob. Impressed rosettes just above the carination, and above them diagonal lines of multiple small dashes. Parallel to the handle, the edge of a set of oblique strokes. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/4 |RBr], with very thick light grey core; coarse, with small white, small and medium brown, and dark brown inclusions. This may be a larger version of a jug of the type as 93.3636 etc. IX 272 suggested date: 15th c. onward. If indeed a parallel to inv. 3636, then it is most likely to be 15th-16th c. 46. Inv. 2486 (pi. 5) lg: 9.4; wd: 6.2 Fr of neck and shoulder, with incised decoration. Somewhat worn and incrusted; some loss of surface. A band of short, stacked, horizontal dashes at the base of the neck, surmounting a four-line horizontal band; below this bands are sets of three-line oblique strokes. Rough on inner face, smooth on outer. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R); porous, with small white and grey inclusions, and occasional angular large grey ones. The very coarse style, similar to cat. 76 inv. 4109 1AA 399 suggested date: 15th c. onwards 47. Inv. 2485 (pi. 18) ht: 7.7 wd: 9.5 Fr of shoulder and neck, with incised decoration. Fairly good condition. Base of a neck and a rounded shoulder. On the neck, groups of stacked short horizontal dashes; below a band of five incised lines, from which depend groups of oblique incised lines. The incisions are deep and sharp, often leaving clay depositions on the surface. Fairly well finished on the outer face, the inner is irregular but with smoothing marks. Fabric: Dark-orange brown, 2.5yr5/4 [RBr], with very thick grey core; coarse, hard, with sub- angular, medium white and grey inclusions; small and medium voids. 1AA 400 suggested date: 15th c. onward

48. Inv. 2053 (pi. 18) ht: 8.8 d: (neck)13 Fr of neck and shoulder, with incised decoration. Good condition; light incrustations. A pronounced, sharp ridge marks the shoulder/neck transition. Directly below the ridge is a band of short wavy dashes, some forming continuous wavy sections, below, near-horizontal dashes, and then groups of two or three short vertical lines bounded by an incised line above and below; from the lower line extends a complex pattern of lines reminiscent of script. The outside surface is smoothed, and possibly sealed with a wash; the inside surface is rough, retaining some forming marks. appendix - catalogue ii-1 3

Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr5/8 |YR|; hard fired, rough; with small, and medium dark brown and white inclusions. 1AA 407 suggested date: Ottoman (the style of decoration and colour of fabric suggest that it does not predate the 16th c.) 49. Inv. 2367 (pi. 20) lg: 10.2 wd: 10 Four joining frr of shoulder, with incised decoration. Good condition; some incrustation, especially on the inner face. Sloping shoulder, with a slight carination at the transition to the body. Above the carination, sets of 6-lines oblique strokes depend from a triple wavy line. Above this two horizontal bands of 5 lines each. The outer surface is smoothed, showing faint wiping marks, the inner surface was left fairly rough. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr4/8[R] with thick dark core; small to medium light brown and reddish- brown inclusions, small rounded white ones, and medium irregular grey; small, medium and large voids. lAAext 410 suggested date: unknown

50. Inv. 2422 (pi. 5) lg: 10.2 wd: 8.7 Fr of upper body and shoulder, with incised decoration. Good condition; slightly worn, with fair amount of incrustation. The carination between the shoulder and body is accentuated by a ridge. Above the ridge is a triple wavy line, and above it set of 12 oblique combed incisions. The inside surface is rough, the outside smoothed; wiping marks are visible inside and out. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr4/6 [YR]; sub angular small white inclusions, small and medium grey, and occasional medium, light green-brown ones. lAAext 410 suggested date: 15th c. onward

51. Inv. 2371 (pi. 21) length: 4.2 width: 3.5 Fr of shoulder, with incised decoration. Fairly worn, with some incrustation. A design arranged in panels, comprises short dashes forming horizontal lines, between vertical 6-lines strokes; below is a horizontal band of 7 lines. Very rough on the inner face, smoothed on the outer Fabric: Medium-brown, 5yr5/4 |RBr]; medium yellow inclusions, small and medium white ones. 1AA 414 suggested date: 15th c. onward

52. Inv. 2423 ht: 10.2 wd: 17.2 Six joining frr of neck and shoulder, with incised decoration. Partly worn; incrusted. Fairly straight neck curving out to a wide, rounded shoulder; a handle-root on the shoulder. Just above the base of the neck is a band of closely-set lines, with vertical lines below. On the shoulder there are five evenly-spaced horizontal grooves, interrupted by the handle root. The surface is smooth and almost soapy on the outer face; the inner face has a red-coloured slip. Fabric: Medium brown; well levigated, with occasional small white inclusions; occasional medium voids; occasional mica-like silver inclusions. 1AA 414+418 suggested date: unknown.

53. Inv. 2419 (pi. 4) lg: 6.6 wd: 7.5 Fr of shoulder and upper body, with incised decoration. Slightly worn; some incrustation. Slight carination at the junction of the shoulder and wall. appendix - catalogue ii-14

An incised band of four lines at the base of the shoulder is surmounted by continuous band of diagonal lines; a line of diagonal dot-triplets separate this band from a wavy one at the top of the shoulder, of which only a very small part remains. The decoration terminates independently of the break line, indicating a handle nearby. The outside surface is smoothed, the inside slightly rough. Fabric: dark- to medium-brown, 2.5yr4/6 |R] near the outside surface, grey inside; small white and grey inclusions; sparse, mica-like silver ones. ICC 459 suggested date: 15th c. onward

54. Inv. 2418 (pi. 21) lg: 5.4 wd: 4.8 Fr of shoulder, with incised decoration. Good, but for heavy incrustation on the inner face. Three decorative bands are separated by single incised lines; the top band comprises vertical sets of dots, oblique double-lines below, and at the bottom interconnected two-line arcs enclosing impressed dot-rosettes. The outside surface is smoothed, the inside rough, with wiping marks. Fabric: Grey to orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R]; medium yellow and white inclusions, and small white ones; occasional mica-like silver inclusions. ICC 459 suggested date: 18 c. onward (Kornos-style)

55. Inv. 2410 (pi. 5) lg: 7 Fr of shoulder and upper wall, with incised decoration. Good condition. Sloping shoulder with slight carination at the junction with the body. At the base of the shoulder, a horizontal band, above it an uneven wavy band, then sets of vertically stacked dashes, bound by another horizontal band. At the break line, the tip of one oblique stroke is preserved. The outside surface is smooth; the inside slightly rough. Signs of burning below the carination. Fabric: Dark orange-brown, 5yr4/6 |YR]; medium rounded white inclusions, and large rounded voids with white residue. ICC 468 suggested date: unknown

56. Inv. 2413 (pi. 5) lg: 6.8 wd: 4 Fr of shoulder and upper wall, with incised decoration. Good condition; light incrustations. The junction of the shoulder and wall is marked by a carination. A wavy band of 4 lines marks the base of the neck, from it depends a band of well-spaced oblique double-strokes Both the outside and the inside surfaces are smoothed, but nonetheless fairly rough. Fabric: Medium grey-brown, with orange-brown 5yr6/6 [RY] near the surfaces; small and medium white (lime) inclusions with occasional medium white; small mica-like silver specks. The decorative motifs are generic for the whole period, but the deep incision style places this in the 15th century or later, while the straight lines of the oblique strokes and the light orange fabric point at the Ottoman period as more likely. ICC 468 suggested date: Ottoman

57. Inv. 2424 lg: 3.1 wd: 3 Fr of neck, with incised decoration. Worn; some incrustations. One and a half ill-formed dot-rosettes are preserved. The outside surface is smoothed, the inside uneven, retaining forming marks. appendix - catalogue ii-15

Fabric: Dark brown, 2/5yr5/6 [R| with thick dark grey core; small and medium sub-rounded white inclusions, possibly lime; small mica-like silver specks. ICC 468 suggested date: 15th c. onward. The sloppy style of decoration suggests later than the 16th c. 58. Inv. 2412 (pi. 5 pi. 20) ht: 9.2 d: (max. body) 16 Four frr (two joining) of upper body, with incised decoration. Quite good condition; some incrustations. Sloping shoulder carinating to a rounded body, and the base of a seemingly wide neck. A handle with a round section is attached to the base of the shoulder. Just below the neck there is a band of three combed wavy lines, above a band of three-line oblique strokes. The decoration is interrupted close to the handle. The style of execution is sharp and coarse. On the body under the carination is a black patch - soot or burnt deposit. Fabric: Strong orange-brown, with light orange surface, 2.5yr5/6 [R]; Small, medium, and large light brown, dark brown and reddish-brown inclusions, at least some of them are grog; some small and medium white inclusions; occasional medium voids. ICC 468 suggested date: 15th c. onward. The light colour of the surface is common in the Ottoman period. 59. Inv. 2417 (pi. 18) ht: 7.3 wd: 10.7 Two joining frr of shoulder, with plastic and impressed decoration. Slightly worn, with some incrustation. Applied decorated ridge marks the junction of neck and shoulder; the ridge has a running design of finger indentations, each decorated with three stacked dashes. Above and below the ridge are bands of diagonal lines of impressed dots. The outside surface is smoothed, with visible wiping marks; the inside surface is slightly rough, and retains deep finger marks. This design echoes that of the light fabric plain ware (as 99.CW0002), but is considerably coarser. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr6/6-5/6 [LR-R]; medium grey inclusions; occasional small mica-like silver specks. ICC 469 suggested date: 15th c. onward 60. Inv. 3152 (pi. 5; pi. 21) ht: 10 Fr of shoulder and base of neck, with incised decoration. Good condition Sloping shoulder carinating to the body, and broken just on the turn to a wide neck. A horizontal band defines the base of the neck, below it a 3-lines wavy band, and below this, a line of 8-teeth oblique strokes. Well finished on the outside, retaining a rough texture on the inside, with strong finger marks showing downwards pulling motion. The design is used throughout the period, but the light orange fabric is common in the ottoman period. Very close parallel to 35.3637. Fabric: Orange brown, 5yr5/8 |YR|; coarse, with small and medium light and dark brown inclusions. 1HH 1015 suggested date: unknown, possibly Ottoman (colour of fabric) 61. Inv. 4452 a-b (pi. 21) lg: (a) 8.9; (b) 5.1 wd: (a) 8; (b) 8 (a) Fr of base of a neck, and a shoulder carinating to the body, with plastic and incised decoration. Good condition. Plastic ridge with running pattern of indentations defines the base of the neck . Above the ridge, the edge of vertical dotted-lines band is preserved, and another such band, 5 dots in each line, just below it; below this band there is a horizontal band which comprises two double-lines, with a row of multiple stacked dashes between them; at the base of the shoulder, the decorative scheme ends with appendix - catalogue ii-16

interconnected arches with dotted rosettes inside them. Fabric: Orange, 7.5yr6/4-6/6 [LBr-RY]; rough, with small and medium clear white and brown (iron oxide) inclusions, medium and large dark brown ones. (b) Fr of a shoulder, with incised decoration. Good condition. The lower part of the decoration is an uneven wavy line with continuous line of short oblique lines pending from it; above is a double chevron, enclosing a dot in each triangle; this is surmounted by another straight line, above which there are alternating single oblique strokes and dotted lines; another single incised line is just visible on the top break line. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/4 [DBr/Br] on the inside, and reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/8 [R] on the outside; fairly fine, with small white and pink inclusions, and medium white ones. 1MM 1089 suggested date: Ottoman, with (a) probably not earlier than the 18th c. (Kornos style)

62. Inv. 4947 ht: 7 wd: 6.5 Fr of body and lower part of a handle, of a glazed jar or pot. Good condition. The body is rounded, the handle of oval section. Very thin glaze seals the inside surface; the glaze on the outside is thicker, but still shows the texture of the surface which is very rough. It covers the surface above the handle and on the inside of the handle itself. Fabric: Dark grey, 2.5yr4/0 [DGr]; very rough, with all inclusions apart from a few grog ones grey as a result of the firing. This vessel is included in the catalogue as an indication that storage vessels as well as cooking ones may be glazed. 1MM 1089 suggested date: unknown

6.1.4 Short-term storage; short-distance transfer Jugs with pinched spout 63. 01145 (pi. 3) ht: 9.7 d: (lip) 9; (at break) 15 e.v.e.: 33% handle section: 3.2x0.8 Two joining frr of body, lip, and square-edged handle. Good condition. Fabric: Red 2.5yr4/8 |R ]; rough, with small white inclusions, small and medium reddish-brown ones and fuzzy dark brown. Odos Ikarou tomb estimated date: 13th/early 14th c 64. 01147 (pi. 3, 20) ht: 10 d: 9.5 e.v.e.: 100% handle section 3.8x1.0 Five joining frr of body, lip, and handle. Good condition. Well finished, self slipped in and out. The handle is flat and thin, with squared edges. Soot on the under side of the handle, around the spout on the outside, and a patch under the shoulder. The soot marks on many of these jugs in the Odos Ikarou assemblage is an indication of their use as cooking vessels. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/4[RBr]; Rough, with small white, brown and dark brown inclusions. Odos Ikarou tomb estimated date: 13th/early 14th c. 65. 01149 ht: 12.4 d: (lip) 8; (body max) 14.5 e.v.e.: 52% Handle section: 3.3x0.6 Four joining frr of body, lip and handle. Good condition. The handle is thin and wide, with squared edges. Only a small part of the spout is preserved, but it preserves part of a finger-dimple. The surface is smoothed and slipped all the way down, inside and out. A hole on the side of the body seems to be use- or wear-related rather than drilled. appendix - catalogue ii-17

Fabric: Dull brown, 5yr5/3|RBrJ; rough, with small and medium white and very dark brown inclusions; very micaceous. Odos Ikarou tomb estimated date: 13th-early 14th c. 66. Inv. 3390a & b (pi. 20) (a) ht: 13 d: (lip) 9.5 (body est.) 17 e.v.e..: 100% handle section: 4x0.9 (b) ht: 6.8 d: (base) ca. 14 (body est.) 20 Many joining frr of upper body (a), and probably related parts of lower body (b). Good condition, though fragmented. (a) The handle is thin and flat, with squared edges. The lip is evenly Finished and the small spout carefully made and well rounded. Very thin-walled at the belly. The surface is smooth, dark red-brown, with areas of blackening on the outside surface on the body, handle and neck, and on the inside from mid-wall downward. Distinct pressure finger-marks are preserved at the lower handle attachment inside. (b) Frr of lower wall and sagging base, thought to be from same vessel, judging by the fabric, execution, and general size, though the discrepancy in the estimated maximum diameter casts doubt on the association. A similar complete jug from the Paphos Museum, however, (Inv. MP 2577/23), shows that these jugs indeed have very low centre of gravity, and relatively wide base. Much evidence of finger-marks inside, smoothed on the outside, but scrapie marks on the base, which is evenly thin. Some discrete patches of blackening inside, extensive blackening outside. Fabric: Reddish-brown, with dark brown core; 10-15% inclusions, small and medium white, medium brown, and a few medium and large dark grey. Thin section - Group e (see appendix V) 1BB/CC 1049 suggested date: 13th-early 14th c. (well deposit) 67. Inv. 3352 (pi. 20) ht: 10.8 d: (lip int.) 8; (max. body) 14 e.v.e.: 30% handle section: 3.9xlcm. Fr of body, lip and handle. Good condition; heavily incrusted. The handle is flat with rounded edge. Wavy incised band executed with a 4-teeth comb, decorates the top part of the handle. Fairly rough working marks inside, showing addition of clay, smoothing marks and scratches. The profile is one that may be either pot or pinched spout jug, but the decoration on the handle, as well as the diameter, indicates a jug. Soot marks on the outer surface. Fabric: Pale pinkish-brown, 5yr5/4-4/4 [RBr]; fairly fine, with 10% small white and brown inclusions. IK 062 suggested date: 15th c. onward 68. Inv. 2300 (pi. 5) ht: 9.8 wd: 6.9 Fr of neck and lip, with incised decoration. Good condition; some incrustations The neck is quite long. Only small part of the spout is preserved, but it shows it to be pulled forward (not visible in the drawing). Alternating horizontal bands of straight and wavy lines on the neck. The incisions are broad and deep. Fabric: Dull brown 5yr5/3[RBr] with orange 5yr5/8[YR] margins; rough, with 20%+ small and medium sub-round white, brown and very dark brown inclusions. This vessel is of the same style of decoration as jug 76. 4109 and jar 19. 2481. 1AA 399 suggested date: : 15th c. onwards, but tentatively no later than the 16th c. 69. Inv. 3266 ht: 8.9 wd: 7.9 Fr of neck and mouth, with impressed decoration. Fairly good condition; some incrustation; the end of the spout is missing. Upright neck with simple, slightly flaring lip. The lip is pulled forward near the break, towards a appendix - catalogue ii-18

spout. On the neck, alternating bands of wavy and straight incised lines; at the bottom of the fragment, at the shoulder, parts of three sets of stacked horizontal dashes. The inner surface is fairly roughly finished, the outer is better, but rough to the touch. Fabric: Orange-brown; coarse, hard, with small, angular black and white inclusions, large angular glassy grey, and medium limestone ones; small specks of silver mica(?) This vessel is of the same style of decoration as jug 76.4109 and jar 19.2481. 1AA 399 suggested date: 15th c. onwards, but tentatively no later than the 16th c.

70. Inv. 3062 (pi. 3) ht: 6.2 d: not possible Fr of wall, lip and spout. Good condition, the spout is a bit chipped; incrustations Finger forming marks on the inside. Fabric: Strong brown, 7.5yr5/6 [SBr]; rough, with small and medium light and dark brown inclusions hardly visible against the background. 1AA 410 suggested date: 15th c. onward

71. Inv. 3066 ht: 4.7 wd: 5.7 Fr of neck, lip and spout. Good condition. The spout is considerably pulled forward. There are soot marks round the lip both inside and out. Fabric: Light brown, 7.5yr5/4 [Br]; small and medium white and brown inclusions, and maybe some grog. 1AA 410 suggested date: 15th c. onward 72. Inv. 3410 (pi. 20) ht: 10.9 d: (lip int.) 8.5; (at break) 21 e.v.e.: 26% Handle section: 4.4x0.8 Seven joining frr of upper body with a handle. Fair condition. Edges chipped and somewhat worn. The handle is flat and wide, with slightly concave upper face. It is in the tradition of the early phase, but the edges are not as sharp as usual. The surface is mottled reddish brown and dark brown, with an occasional lime inclusion showing. Well finished on the outside, but retains some pock-marks and striations below the handle level. The inside surface shows some work marks. Half of a mending(?) hole on the break-in. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/6 [YRJ; coarse, with 10-20% small and medium brown inclusions, and some very small white ones. 1BB/CC 1059 suggested date: 13th - early 15th c. 73. Inv. 3128 (pi. 20) ht: 5.1 d: 9 e.v.e.: 45% handle section: 2.7x1.8 Two joining frr of neck, lip and handle. Good condition; some incrustations. The handle is quite narrow, its edges rounded. The light colour is more common in the Ottoman contexts (late 16th c. onward), but this is not enough to make a confident pronouncement. Fabric: Light reddish-brown, 5yr6/6 [RY]; rough with small and medium very dark brown and light brown inclusions; occasional small white one. ICC 468 suggested date: 15th c. onward

74. Inv. 3168 (pi. 3) ht: 4.5 d: 9 e.v.e..: 25% Fr of upper body, lip and spout. Good condition. The spout is narrow and elongated, a bare hint of a finger dimple on its side. This combination dates appendix - catalogue ii-19

it to no earlier than the late 14th century, and possibly to the late 14th/early 15th century. Dark patches around the spout, probably related to firing rather than soot. Fabric: Very dark, 7.5yr3/l [VDGr], with very thin lighter brown surface layer; coarse, with very small dark shiny inclusions, and medium dark brown ones. The colour of the inclusions may be affected by the firing or by use. 1DD 490 suggested date: late 14th/15th c. 75. Inv. 3398 (pi. 20) ht: 3.7 wd: 4.2 Fr of neck, lip and spout. Very good condition. The spout is well formed and pulled forward; it carries finger dimples on both sides. The surface is well finished and compacted, probably slipped. It may be relatively early in the Middle Phase, the spout is at the same plain as the lip, the dimples well pronounced. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/3 [RBr], the surface is reduced; fine matrix, with small and medium inclusions barely visible against the background, but some glistening. 1HH 1020 suggested date: 13th-early 15th c., possibly towards the end of this period 76. Inv. 4109 (pi. 20) ht: 10.7 d: 9 e.v.e.: 97% Four joining frr of upper body, lip and part of handle, with incised decoration. Good condition. The spout itself is missing. The handle is flat and thin, the edges not as crisp is those of the early phase, but their section is more similar in section to the early period than to the later flattened-oval section. The shoulder is decorated with 3-teeth incised band on the base of the neck, above a wavy line from which pends a band of continuous diagonal strokes. The pattern terminates close to the handle, and refers to it, with the top band turning downwards rather than just stopping. The incised lines are broad and deep, the effect very coarse. Fabric: Bluish-grey surface (reduced firing), with strong-brown core; rough, with numerous small grey, small to large brown and white inclusions; small voids. This jug is the best example of a distinct variant of jugs with pinched-spout, with a longer neck and a coarse style of decoration which refers to the handle, and to which probably belong 68.2300 and 91.2415. 1MM 1163 suggested date: 15th c. onwards, but tentatively no later than the 16th c. 77. Inv. 4694 (pi. 20) ht: 8 d: 10.7 e.v.e.: 55% Fr of upper wall, lip and spout. Good condition; light incrustation. The spout is pulled forward, but well made and with dimples at its base. Fabric: Orange-brown 5yr5/8 [YR]; with small pink and brown inclusions, medium and large dark brown ones. The context is one where Ottoman material sits directly on Early Phase. The quality of manufacture and the pronounced dimples suggest this jug should be dated to the Early Phase, in spite of the spout lacking the typical roundness. It should be taken as an indication that elongated spout does not, on its own, signify Middle or Late Phase, if its size is small, and its manufacture even. 1MM 1253 suggested date: 13th- 15th c. 78. Inv. 3917 (pi. 3) ht: 13.8 d: 9 e.v.e.: 39% Ten frr (7 joining) of shoulder, neck and lip, with incised decoration, and a fr of associated base. Some surface loss and chipping. The decoration at the base of the neck comprises a band of 6-teeth comb, between two wavy lines. appendix - catalogue i i-20

The decoration stops on one end, indicating a handle (not indicated in the pi.). Very thick, coarse walls; the incisions are broad and deep. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr5/4[Br]-5yr5/6|YR]; very rough, with small white, medium and large brown, grey and dark grey inclusions. The long neck and the style of decoration identifies this vessel as of the same shape as inv. 4109 (cat. 76) above. 3E 371 suggested date: 15th c. onwards, but tentatively no later than the 16th c.

Fragments with simple upright lip and no preserved spout, judged to be jugs on the basis of their diameter 79. Inv. 1804 ht: 3.4 d: 14.5 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of neck and lip. Chipped round the edges; minor lime pitting. Wet-smoothed on the outside surface. Fabric: Reddish-brown margins, 2.5yr5/6 [R] with very thick dark brown core; semi-fine, with 10- 20% small white, brown and reddish-brown inclusions. IK 067 suggested date: unknown, though the light coloured fabric is commonly associated with the Ottoman period.

80. Inv. 3068 ht: 4.3 d: 7 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of neck and lip. Good condition; light encrustations Forming marks inside. Outside surface well Finished and wet-smoothed. Fabric: Yellowish-brown; finely coarse, with very small and small white and brown inclusions. 1AA 410 suggested date: unknown

Sagging base with knob feet 81. Inv. 2178 (pi. 21) ht: 2.3 d: 14 e.v.e.: 28% Fr of sagging base with a small knob-foot on one edge. Good condition. Well smoothed outside; inside fairly well finished but still showing modelling and finger marks. Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/4 [RBr]; coarse, hard, with small and medium white and brown inclusions IV 268 suggested date: unknown Other jugs with short neck 82. Inv. 1817 (pi. 3, 21) ht: 13.1 d: 8 e.v.e.: 25% Fr of body and lip. Fairly good condition. Ovoid body, with lightly curving wall slightly narrowing to a simple upright neck with flat lip. Hand built, coarsely made and poorly finished. Well smoothed on the outside, with longitudinal scraping marks on the shoulder, and wet-smoothing marks on the lip. Forming marks left inside, especially at the junction of rim and shoulder. Two patches of rusty-coloured deposit on the shoulder and on the lip outside. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/6 [YR]; coarse, hard, with small and medium white inclusions, small, medium and large very dark brown-grey, and brown ones; some elongated voids. IV 251 suggested date: 15th c. onward

83. Inv. 4027 ht: 18 d: (int.) ca. 5 e.v.e.: ca. 17 handle section: 2.8x1.4 Fr of neck, lip and handle of a glazed jug. Worn and chipped; the glaze is crissled, scratched and abraded. appendix - catalogue ii-2 1

Slightly concave, neck/lip. A handle of oval section is attached to the lip, and widely arches. The diameter seems surprisingly small for the thickness of the wall (0.5cm) and the size of the handle. Fabric: Red to brown core, with small inclusions the colour of the matrix; the glaze is dark brown. 1BB/CC 1010 suggested date: unknown. The deposit is from the upper level of the well which was sealed in the early 14th c.. The upper level do, however, contain some intrusive material. The fabric is similar to the Levantine one, which would place the vessel at the late 13th c. at the latest, but this identification is by no means secure. The glaze and handle section could also be related to the 15th c. glazed coarse ware as handle 129.3157. Jugs with long neck Jugs with long wide neck 84. CW0003 (pi. 3) ht: 17 d: (neck) 8; (max. body) 15 e.v.e.: 2% handle section: 3.8x1.9 Many frr restored to a near complete profile. Good condition. Globular body, with slightly concave neck continuing to a simple lip. The root of a handle with an oval section is preserved on the point of maximum body diameter. The area opposite is missing, so it may be a one- or a two-handler. There is a hole close to the base of the neck, to the side of the handle and just above it. It was either made before firing, or was very well drilled. The edge of another hole is just visible on the break line, a quarter of the way round. Not enough of the neck is preserved to know if there were any others. Very strong finger marks inside, well finished outside. There is a soot deposit outside, mainly, but not only, below the point of maximum body diameter. The inner surface is sealed with a pitch or bitumen layer. Close to the break line there is a thick deposit which may be use related. It seems to be the the same as the very rough deposit with stones embedded in it that was found on 292.3904 from 1PP 1099. as well as on some body-sherds from 1PP 1133 and IBB 471. This may be a jug with pinched-spout, but there is no evidence of a spout, and there are enough peculiarities about it to set it aside. Fabric: Very dark grey, |10yr3/l] (possibly use related); very coarse, very dark brown-grey, with medium and large sub-rounded dark brown/grey inclusions; some medium reddish-brown grog. lO 180 suggested date: unknown 85. Inv. 3853 (pi. 21) ht: 16.2 d: (neck) 7.5 (neck); (max. body) 15 Many frr restored to a near complete vessel. Good condition, with a few minor chips. Upright neck, sloping shoulder curving to a straight lower body, narrowing towards the base which is missing. A single handle with segmented section is attached to the middle of the neck and to the point of maximum diameter. The neck is decorated with a set of wide wheel ridges, and wheel marks are clearly visible on the inside. The shoulder has a combed band made with 9-teeth comb which obliterates the attachment of the base of the handle. There is some dark staining on the lower wall inside. Fabric: Light red, 5yr6/6 [RY], with light yellow/white slip on the outside; sandy/rough, with small white and brown inclusions. Parallel: Flourentzos 1994: 7; PI. VI, 16. BB/1CC 1077 suggested date: 13th-14th c. (well deposit) appendix - catalogue i i-22 Jugs with long narrow neck Hatidmade 86. Inv. 2365 (pi. 5, 21) ht: 12.6 d: (neck) 4.7 (max. body) 20 Two joining frr of upper body and base of neck, with incised decoration. Worn and heavily incrusted. Sloping shoulder carinating to the body. A handle root on the carination has a flat section with rounded edges. On the shoulder there is a band of four lines, above a double wavy line from which pend sets of oblique strokes of three lines each. The surface is rough on the inner face, smoothed on the outside, with wiping marks visible. Directly above the handle is a deliberate hole, approx. 8mm in diameter. Fabric: Brown; with large, round, grey, white and black inclusions; small and medium grey and white ones; small to large voids; small mica-like silver specks. Compare also to 88. 2368, 22. 2411 1AA ext 410 suggested date: 15th c. onward. The style of decoration and the handle section place this jug in the same style as 76.4109, and therefore tentatively a 15th-16th c. date is preferred

87. Inv. 2301 (pi. 6) ht: 7.7 d: 9 e.v.e: 25% Fr of neck and lip, with incised decoration. Fairly good condition; some incrustations. Top of a neck with flaring simple lip. Below the lip are two sets of interconnecting, multiple arches, with dot-rosettes in their centre; below is a double groove, then a band of five wavy lines, and below it a triple groove. A further wavy line is partially preserved near the break line. The surface is rough, with some smoothing of the outer face. Half of the outside surface is blackened, possibly a result of Firing conditions. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/8 |R] inside, dark grey outside; brick-like texture, with large black and white inclusions, small and large voids, and grog. 1AA 399 suggested date: 18th c. onward (Kornos style)

88. Inv. 2368 Ig: 14.8 wd: 22 Three joining frr of shoulder and wall, with incised decoration. Worn and heavily incrusted. Very similar to 86. 2365 above, with the same scheme of decoration, but with five- instead of three- line horizontal bands, and four wavy lines between them. Fabric: Orange-brown, black in patches; sub angular inclusions, small white, medium grey and brown, and large grey ones; small mica-like silver specks; small and medium voids Compare also to 22. 2411 lAAext 410 suggested date: 15th c. onward.

89. Inv. 2366 (pi. 6) ht: 30 d: (neck) 6; (max. body) 23.5 Eleven joining frr of narrow neck and a sagging base, with incised decoration. Heavily incrusted. The lower part of a near upright neck, shoulder sloping to a gentle carination with the wall. The base is nearly flat, only slightly sagging. At the base of the neck there is a band of incised lines above a wavy band; below, sets of oblique strokes made with a 4-teeth tool. The surface is rough inside, smoothed out. appendix - catalogue ii-23

Fabric: Orange-brown; with large white, yellow and black-grey inclusions, medium brown and white ones, small white ones, and mica-like specks of silver. 1AA ext 410 suggested date: unknown 90. Inv. 3180 ht: 3.8 d: 6 e.v.e.: 14% Fr of neck and simple, flaring lip. Good condition. Fabric: 7.5yr4/6 [strong Brown]; sandy/rough with small brown inclusions. IBB 471 suggested date: unknown

91. Inv. 2415 (pi. 5) lg: 4.7 wd: 3.9 Fr of shoulder, with incised decoration. Fairly good condition. The decoration consists of a horizontal line between two wavy bands. The style is coarse, the lines deeply incised. The decoration ends away from the edge of the fragment indicating reference to a handle. The outer surface is smoothed, inner uneven, showing forming marks. Fabric: Light to medium brown, 2.5yr6/6 [LR] with orange-brown surfaces; medium and large white and grey inclusions; medium voids. ICC 468 suggested date: 15th c. onward.

stnall carinated jugs These jugs are known from the site of the Cistercian convent in Nicosia. The suggested date for these jugs is the 15th-16th century, and see discussion in chapter 7, p. 18-20. 92. Inv. 2364 (pi. 22) (a) lg: 5.5 wd:4.1 (b) lg: 3.5 wd: 6.2 Two non-joining frr of the shoulder and lower body. Good; light incrustation A wide shoulder, with the transition to the rounded lower body accentuated by a prominent step on the exterior. The step is decorated with a continuous triple line of dots. The shoulder is decorated with a radiating pattern of alternating single- or double-dotted lines, and double- or triple-line strokes. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr4/6 [R|, grey, 5yr4/2[DRG] on inner face, and a dark brown core; small sub angular white and black inclusions, occasional medium yellow and reddish-brown ones. 1R 088 suggested date: 15th-16th c. 93. Inv. 3636 (pi. 22) lg: 5.7 wd: 7.2 Fr of body and shoulder, with plastic and incised decoration. Very good condition. A wide shoulder, with the transition to the rounded lower body accentuated by a prominent step on the exterior. The decoration comprises two wavy lines at the base of the shoulder, uneven and not parallel, with a band of vertical strokes above; the band of verticals is interrupted by a small hollow knob. The surface is smooth, but retains finger marks on the inside. Fabric: Reddish-brown clay, defying Munsel reading; very small and small white and light reddish- brown inclusions. 1R 177 suggested date: 15th-16th c. 94. Inv. 2480 (pi. 6, 22) ht: 4.2 d: (max. body) 15 Three frr (two joining) of shoulder and body, with incised decoration. Good condition; incrusted A wide shoulder, with the transition to the rounded lower body accentuated by a prominent step on the exterior. Zigzag pattern on the shoulder, made of a double-dotted line; in each of the triangles formed, there is a appendix - catalogue i i-24

4-dot lozenge; below is a line of the same 4-dot lozenges. The outside surface is very well finished, the inside retains finger marks. Fabric: Dark reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/6 [R|; coarse, hard, with occasional small and medium grey inclusions; small voids. 1AA 407 suggested date: 15th-16th c. 95. Inv. 2414 (pi. 6, 22) ht: (a) (neck and lip) 9.8; (b) (shoulder) 5.7 d: (lip) 6.3; (neck) 4.3; (at break) 15.5 e.v.e.: 37% Three non-joining frr of lip, neck and shoulder, with plastic and incised decoration. Good condition; some incrustations. (a) Straight narrow neck, broken on the turn to the shoulder; simple, flaring lip very slightly thickened on the outside. Just under the lip there is the root of a handle with an oval section. On the neck there are two mirror-image zones separated by a double incised line. Each zone has a single wavy line flanking the central double line, and then a deeply undulating line, winding between punched dot-rosettes. The decoration terminates on both sides of the handle, obviously taking account of it, but a slight obliteration of the very edge by smoothing of the attachment, indicates that the handle was attached later. (b) Rounded wide shoulder, rising to the base of the neck. The shoulder/neck line is defined by a prominent ridge decorated with groups of three stacked dashes. Below the ridge are closely-spaced sets of four-lines vertical strokes, above a horizontal double-line; at the bottom, reaching the break line, pairs of vertically stacked punched dot-rosettes, alternating with double vertical lines of dots. A single, roughly-incised wavy line, marks the bottom of this zone. Smoothing marks on both outside and inside surfaces, and pronounced finger marks on the inside. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr6/6 [light R] with intermittent grey core; very coarse, with 20% or more sub-round, small medium and large inclusions, white, yellowish, light and dark brown; sparse small specks of silver mica. ICC 468 suggested date: 15th-16th c. 96. Inv. 4650 (pi. 22) ht: 9.5 d: (lip) 5.5; (neck) 3 e.v.e.: 52% Fr of neck and lip, with plastic and impressed decoration. Good condition. Tall narrow neck, with simple, flaring lip. Three triangular projections half way down the neck form a schematic face; on either side of the central projection there is a vertical, impressed, dotted zigzag line. A wavy line of dots is impressed on the upper face of the lip. Similar semi-figurative decoration was found in the 14th-15th century pit in the Town Hall site in Nicosia, and on the site of the Cistercian Convent, which was destroyed during the fortification construction before the Ottoman conquest. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr4/6 [R]; rough, with small and medium white, medium light brown and grey, and some medium black inclusions. 1PP 1170 suggested date: late 14th c. onwards, probably no later than the 16th c. 97. Inv. 2071 (pi. 6, 22) ht: 4.6 wd: 5.5 (diameter of neck ca. 6 cm, but exact measurement not possible) Fr of neck leading to shoulder, with plastic and incised decoration. Fairly good condition. Pronounced ridge, decorated with impressed dots, marks the junction of the neck and shoulder. Above the ridge a horizontal dotted line, and above it a band of punched rosettes, of which two are preserved, separated by a single vertical incised line. Below the ridge, a band of vertically incised lines. The outer surface is fairly well smoothed; the inner face very crudely finished. appendix - catalogue i i-25

Fabric: Dark-orange brown 5yr5/8 |YR], with grey core and grey inner face; coarse, hard, with large angular black inclusions, occasional fine rounded limestone, and small red ones. 4A 185 suggested date: late 14th c. onward, probably no later than the 16th c.

6.1,4.3.2b Cypriot, wheel made 98. Inv. 570 (pi. 6) ht: 12 d: (lip) 7; (neck) 4.6 e.v.e.: (25%) Four joining frr of lip and long neck, with incised decoration. Worn and somewhat incrusted. Upright neck, with everted, simple lip. On the lower part of the neck, an incised band comprising pairs of oblique dotted lines. The pattern is asymmetrical, with the lines diminishing in size on one side of the neck. Remains of a wavy band is just visible above the break. Self-slipped. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr5/8 [YR]; very coarse, with sub-round, medium and large opaque-white, brown and dark brown inclusions. IK 067 suggested date: 15th c. onward 99. CW0002 (pi. 22) ht: 6.3 wd: 4.9 Fr of shoulder of light coloured jug with finely incised decoration. Good condition. The decoration is very fine, and though incised, is clearly distinct in style and manufacture from the reddish-brown fabric incised decoration. It comprises oblique dotted lines pending from a fine ridge. The clay between the dotted lines was carved back, to produce relief-triangles at the base of each line. This type of vessels is known in the area of Nicosia from the 14th century and continues to the Ottoman period (Vallauri, pers. comm.). These vessels are common in Potamia and the Town Hall site of Nicosia, but very rare in Paphos. Fabric: Near white with a slight greenish tinge, 10yr7/2 [LGr]; very powdery, sandy fracture, with small white and dark brown inclusions, rounded and well-rounded. IK 072 suggested date: 14th c. onward 100. Inv. 4076 (pi. 5) ht: 23 d: (neck) 5; (max. body) 16; (base) 11 Many joining frr restored to a near complete profile of jug with narrow-neck and incised decoration. Very good condition. The lip is missing; the handle break is worn, as is the neck break; the resting surface of the base is chipped and worn. Rounded lower body carinating to a wide, sloping shoulder; the neck is nearly upright, with a very slight tapering. A handle of oval section rises from the base of the shoulder. The ring base is well defined and relatively tall (1.3 cm), with a flat resting surface. Five zones of decoration are preserved, bound by horizontal bands of straight lines. The bottom zone, starting below the level of the handle, is of dotted rosettes, the next one above comprises parallel strokes of obliques, than, at the base of the neck, an uneven, wavy line, with another band of rosettes above it, and finally, disrupted by the break of the neck, another uneven wavy line. The jug is at least partially thrown on the wheel. The lower body retains wheel marks, but finger marks show that the neck was attached to the body by hand, and further finger marks on the inside of the neck suggest that rather than having been thrown separately, it may have been coiled. The surface of the neck is very well finished, and may have been smoothed on a turntable or the wheel. Soot patches are visible on the inside of the walls, and there is a round patch of a burnt deposit on the centre of the base. On the outside there are burnt patches and trails, some of them following the break lines, maybe indicating cracking prior to final break. Fabric: Brown, 5yr6/8-5/8 [RY-YR]; rough, with very small and small white, reddish-brown and dark brown inclusions. 1MM 1120 suggested date: 16th c. onward, probably Ottoman appendix - catalogue i i-26 With spout on the shoulder (Ibriq) 101. Inv. 881 (pi. 6) ht: 8.7 d: (neck) 5.2 Fr of neck and shoulder of a strainer-neck jug. Fair condition, though the strainer itself is missing. Funnel shaped neck, with a pronounced ridged close to its base. Strong wheel-ridges on the inside. Only the top of the shoulder is preserved, and on it there are irregular, curving, vertical incisions. The strainer itself is broken off. The shape is known in Israel from the Mameluk period onwards. Fabric: Light reddish pink, 2.5yr5/6[R]; matt pale-yellow slip on the surface, which could be salt- slip; hard-fired, with many small white inclusions; traces of mica. The fabric may be non-Cypriot. It is reminiscent of the North-African amphorae fabric, and the slip could well be salt slip. lO 123 suggested date: 14th c. onward. More likely to be 16th c. or later 102. Inv. 3432 (pi. 22) ht: 6.8 d: (neck) 5.5 neck Fr of neck, shoulder and the base of a spout, of a glazed jug. Fairly good, with some incrustations. No part of the lip or spout is preserved. Slightly tapering neck, with a horizontal groove at its base; widely spreading shoulder The vessel is partially glazed with a dark green glaze, but it is impossible to follow the pattern of glazing, though it is probably restricted to parts of the upper body. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr4/4 [RBr] with dark grey core; fairly coarse, hard, with small brown, small and medium grey, and small white sand-like inclusion, round voids; traces of mica. Very similar to cat. 103 below, including the glaze pattern. 1DD 536 suggested date: 16th c. onward, and more likely 18th c or later. The shape is an Ottoman one, though it may have arrived somewhat before the conquest. Hayes (1992: 233) says that part glazing on the spouted jugs at Sara^hane started in the 18th c.. 103. Inv. 4134 (pi. 7, 22) ht: 15.5 (17 with spout) d: (neck) ca. 5; (max. body) 15 spout: lg: 6.3; d: (at base) 3.4 Fr of body of plainware, partially glazed jug {ibriq). Very good condition. Globular body, rising to a seemingly straight, narrow neck, of which only the base is preserved. A tapering long spout rises from the shoulder, leaning slightly forwards. Double groove runs along the shoulder, interrupted by the spout. The upper part of the body and the spout are covered with a clear brown glaze, terminating in an uneven arch under the spout. The spout was attached after the hole was made in the wall; the torn fragment of clay is still present. Fabric: Clear orange, 5yr6/8[RY]; finely rough, with sub-rounded inclusions: very small mica(?), small and medium white (possibly lime) and light grey. IKK 1202 suggested date: 16th c. onward, and more likely 18th c. or later. The shape is an Ottoman one, though it may have arrived somewhat before the conquest. Hayes (1992: 233) says that part glazing on the spouted jugs at Sara^hane started in the 18th c..

104. Inv. 4443 ht: 5.2 d: (neck) 4 e.v.e.: 100% Fr of strainer neck. The slip is largely lost, the edges worn. Funnel-shape neck with a strainer at its base. The strainer itself is broken, but a four-holes arrangement is visible. The outside surface is slipped. appendix - catalogue i i-27

The shape is typical of Mameluk and Ottoman contexts in the Levant. Fabric: Reddish brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R]; rough/sandy fracture, with very small inclusions, and some small, well rounded, dark brown ones. 1MM 1272 suggested date: 15th c. onward, but most likely not predating the 16th c. Ibriq style spouts, unattached 105. Inv. 3360 lg: 8 Base of a “teapot” spout, with attached fr of shoulder. Good condition; fairly heavily incrusted. Partially glazed or slipped. Maybe a misfire. Fabric: Strong orange-brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R]; the clay is fine, but the section is rough, with 10% medium and large white, grey and brown inclusions. IK 062 suggested date: 16th c. onward 106. Inv. 3365 (pi. 22) d: (base) 3.3 (base); (tip) 1.7 e.v.e.: 100% Long, glazed, ibriq spout, tapering towards the end. Good. Minor chips, some incrustations Brown glaze covers fully the outside surface. Fabric: Yellowish-red, 2.5yr5/8 [RJ; sandy-rough with small grey, white and brown inclusions. Thin section - Group b (see appendix V) IK 062 suggested date: 16th c. onward 107. Inv. 3130 (pi. 7) lg: 8 d: (base) 3.8; (tip) 1.3 e.v.e.: 100% Long spout, slightly curving upward. Good condition, but the top edge nearly completely chipped off. The hole is very small (0.6 cm, to the 3.8 - 1.3 cm diameter of the spout), and not placed in the centre. Fabric: Orange, 2.5yr6/6 |LR], with thick dark brown/grey core; very rough, with dense surface; medium and large white, brown and grey inclusions. ICC 468 suggested date: 16th c. onward 108. Inv. 3359 lg: 3.9 d: (base) 2.8; (tip) 1.9 e.v.e.: 100% Long straight spout. Considerably chipped, and the tip is broken; incrustations. The hole is off centre, its diameter 0.6 cm. The surface is dense and well finished. Fabric: Light reddish-brown, 2.5yr6/8 [LR], with a thick, dark-brown core; finely coarse, with small pink, white and grey inclusions. 1DD 514 suggested date: 16th c. onward jugs Levantine, 13th century 109. 01163 ht: 4.2 d: 6 e.v.e.: 25 Fr of neck. Good condition. This is a very fine jug, fully glazed on the outer surface, the glaze terminating unevenly inside. A partially glazed, small (1 cm diameter), round, possibly vertical handle, may be part of it. Fabric: Orange 2.5yr5/8 [R]; rough/sandy, with less than 10% small inclusions, black, brown and white, with some lime Odos Ikarou tomb estimated date: 13th c. 110. 01168 ht: 5.2 d: (base) 3.3; (max. body) ca. 9 e.v.e.: 100% Fr of lower body. Good condition. appendix - catalogue i i-28

Globular, wide body, with small flat base. Pronounced fine wheel marks on the inside surface, outside roughly finished. Sporadic small drops of glaze. The appearance of the wheel marks in this base is very similar to that of neck 01163 above, as is the glaze and fabric. They may be the same vessel. Fabric: Orange 2.5yr5/8 |R|; rough/sandy, with less than 10% small inclusions, black, brown and white, with some lime Odos Ikarou tomb estimated date: 13th c. jugs with rouletted zig-zag decoration 111. Inv. 546 (pi. 7) ht: 12.5 d: 5.4 e.v.e.: 100% Fr of shoulder, neck and lip. Somewhat worn and with some incrustation. Wide shoulder, with the base of an upright spout; short narrow neck with a cup-shape lip decorated with fine rouletted wavy lines. The lip and spout are covered with dull, over-fired greenish glaze. Fabric: Light orange, 2.5yr6/5 [LR| with very thick reduced zone on the inner wall; fine matrix, with medium white inclusions. 1J 093 suggested date: 16th c. 112. Inv. 2477 ht: 9.5 width: 7.4 Fr of a wide shoulder, just turning to the neck. Good condition; incrustation on inner surface. The decoration comprises three widely-spaced wavy lines, at the top of the shoulder, and six close-set ones just above the break. Fabric: Grey, 2.5yr5/0 [Gr] with greyish-red outer surface, 2.5yr5/4 [RBr]; coarse, hard, with sparse amount of small white and grey inclusions, occasional large angular white one. IK 060 suggested date: 16th c. 113. Inv. 558 (pi. 7) ht: 5 wd: 8.9 lg: (spout) 10.7 Fr of long spout and adjoining shoulder. Good condition. The spout itself is glazed with light green glaze, which does not continue to the shoulder, but dribbles slightly around its base. Fabric: Light orange, 2.5yr6/5 [LRJ, partly reduced to bluish grey; near conchoidal fracture, with very small white, reddish brown and dark brown inclusions. IK 062 suggested date: 16th c. 114. Inv. 565 (pi. 7) ht: 7.8 d: 14 e.v.e: 10% Shoulder, neck and lip, with part of a handle. Fair condition; surface fairly worn, with some incrustation The very top of a sloping shoulder, short concave neck, and deep offset lip. The top part of a handle, with an oval section, is attached to the lip. The jug is partially glazed. Seven lines of tight zigzag are preserved between the lip and the break line; the top one is partly obliterated by the handle- attachment. Fabric: Bluish-grey 2.5yr5/0 [Gr] with very thin light reddish brown, 2.5yr6/4 [LRBr] margins; near conchoidal fracture, with small white (lime?) inclusions, very small reddish brown ones, and some small grey, possibly firing altered in colour. IK 067 suggested date: 16th c. 115. Inv. 1469 (pi. 22) ht: 4.3 d: 13 e.v.e.: 50% Three non-joining frr of shoulder, neck and lip. Good condition; some incrustations. Deep lip slightly offset from the neck, concave on the inner face; handles of oval section extending appendix - catalogue i i-29

from the lip. The neck/shoulder is ridged and decorated with fine roulettes bands. Fabric: Yellowish-brown, 7.5yr5/6|SBr]; sandy, well-levigated, with small dark brown inclusions, and occasional small white one. Though in the style of the Sara9hane jugs, this one is sufficiently different in fabric and in style of decoration, to be considered an imitation. The body is hard, but does not have the typical near-conchoidal fracture, and it lacks the reduced or partially reduced body. The decoration is not a continuous zigzag line, but a close line of fine notches. Possible parallel: Amouric et. al. 1999: 175, pi. 341. 18th century. 10 ext 205/206 suggested date: 16th-18th c. 116. Inv. 4028 (pi. 7) ht: 16 d: (max. body) 15 Many frr of tall ovoid body, and a single sherd of a near-vertical neck. Good condition; minor lime pitting on the surface. Tall slender body and rounded shoulder, with relatively thin walls. Four horizontal lines of zigzag decoration preserved on the shoulder, and three lines on the neck. Fabric: Orange-brown on the exterior, reduced grey on interior; fine, hard, with small white inclusions, and fine mica-like ones. The decoration style is as of cat. 115 above, but the fabric is closer to the other jugs with rouletted decoration, though the non-reduced surface is outstanding. Possible parallel: Amouric et. al. 1999: 175, pi. 341. 18th century. 1BB/CC1011 suggested date: 16th-18th c. 117. Inv. 3216 (pi. 7, 22) ht: 13 d: 12 e.v.e.: 23% Three joining frr of lip, neck and upper body, partially glazed. Good condition; minor lime pitting on the surface. Sloping shoulder, short concave neck, and offset lip concave on the inside; a handle of segmented section extends from the lip to the middle of the shoulder. The general shape and proportions are as of a pitcher. 11 irregularly spaced horizontal lines of tight zigzag on the lip, neck, and shoulder. The decoration was added prior to the addition of the handle. The surface is well smoothed, with some finger marks on the neck and lip inside. Fabric: Grey, 2.5yr5/0 |Gr], reduced through; fine matrix, hard, with conchoidal fracture; small and medium lime inclusions, and small reddish-brown, probably iron oxide or grog. ICC 468 suggested date: 16th c. 118. Inv. 3155 (pi. 7) ht: 7.1 d: 10 e.v.e.: 43% Fr of flat base and lower wall. Very good condition. Five parallel lines of tight zigzags start immediately above the base. One drop of green glaze. Fabric: Light brown surface, otherwise reduced through; highly vitrified, dense body, with 5-10% inclusions of the same colour as the fabric. 1HH 1014 suggested date: 16th c. North-African Jugs 119. Inv. 1132 (pi. 22) Various body frr, with finely incised decoration of short strokes. 1U 229 suggested date: 17th-19th c. 120. Inv. 2636 Body sherd, 3.5 x 2.6 cm, Fr of wall decorated with two rows of incisions, one of oblique strokes and the other of vertical ones. Good condition. Fabric: Bluish-grey, 2.5 y6/2 [LBrGr]; well levigated, sandy fracture with mica. IX ext 409 suggested date: 17th-19th c. appendix - catalogue i i-30

121. Inv. 2637 Body sherd, 2.6 x 3.0 Fr of wall, decorated with two sets of oblique strokes. Good condition. Fabric: Bluish-grey, 7.5yr7/2 [PGr]; well levigated, sandy fracture, with mica-like inclusions. IX ext 433 suggested date: 17th-19th c. 122. Inv. 2635 2.8x2.5; 3x3.1; 3.4x2.7; 2x3.1; 2.4xl.7; 2x1.9; 1.5x1.7; 1.9x2; 1.2x1.6; 1.2x2.6; 1.lx l.l; 1.4x2.4 11 frr (two joining) of a finely made close vessel. Fairly good. The wall is remarkably thin in places; the surface smooth and well-finished. Hastily incised decoration, mostly rows of vertical or oblique strokes, but one part of a triangular motif. One fr. (3x3. lcm) preserves the edge of a strainer. Fabric: Bluish-grey, 2.5 y6/2[LBrGr]; well levigated, sandy fracture, with mica-like inclusions. 1AA 414 suggested date: 17th-19th c. 123. Inv. 4900 (pi. 22) ht: 6.5 d: 9 e.v.e.: 14% Fr of a upright neck, with a strainer at its base. Good condition. Only the edge of the strainer is preserved, with part of two holes. Finely incised decoration of irregular oblique strokes, some multiple; two zones of decoration are preserved. Fabric: Light yellowish-brown, 7.5yr6/4 [P]; sandy, with very small light brown inclusions. This vessel is not, strictly speaking, of the type, in that the walls are thick, and it cannot be said for certain to be of the same manufacture. The style and decoration are, however, similar, as is the relatively wide strainer’sneck, and it is therefore included here. IBB 465 suggested date: 17th-19th c. 124. Inv. 4029 (pi. 7, 22) ht: 4.4 d: 8 e.v.e.: 27 Fr of neck and shoulder. Good condition. Base of neck and rounded shoulder. The base of the neck is accentuated by a ridge, and the break seems to on the edge of a strainer. The fine incisions on the shoulder are longitudinal, curved, and roughly parallel. Fabric: White with a green tinge, 10yr6/4[LYBr]; sandy/rough fracture, hard, with inclusions the colour of the matrix. 1BB/CC 1011 suggested date: 17th-19th c. 125. Inv. 4954 ht: 3 wd: 3.2 Fr of shoulder. Two parallel bands of incised lines, above and below a zone of seemingly random incised strokes. Fabric: Pale grey/green; fine, hard, with very fine grey inclusions less than 0.1mm 1RR 1235 suggested date: 17th-19th c.

The following sherd is not of the type, the fabric is brown, seemingly local, and the decoration is coarser. It is included here as a possible evidence for imitation of the style. 126. Inv. 3950 (pi. 7) lg: 6.3 wd: 4.3 Fr of wall. Good; some incrustations. Roughly triangular, near flat sherd, with a design of uneven, incised, elongated strokes and dots. Soot stain on the outside, and a burnt deposit inside Fabric: Dark brown, 5yr3/2 [DRBr]; very rough, with small white, small and medium dark brown inclusions. 1HH 1029 suggested date: unknown appendix - catalogue ii-31

6.1,4.3.3d Incised flowing decoration 127. CW0001 (pi. 22) ht: .2 vvd: 83 Fr of shoulder. Good condition. Rounded shoulder of a jug with flowing incised decoration, abstract but with a floral feeling about it. The body is grey, with white slip. The incised decoration was executed after the slip was applied, and creates a grey-on-white design. These jugs are known in late Ottoman levels in Akko. Fabric: Reduced grey, surprisingly rough for the thickness, with medium grey inclusions. 1MM 1121 suggested date: 17/18th c. onward handles 128. Inv. 2483 (pi. 6) lg: 7.1 handle section: 4.7x1.5 Fr of a handle of a vessel with incised decoration. Broad strap handle, fairly well finished, attached to a simple lip. A band of ten interrupted lines runs down the centre. Fairly good condition. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 |R]; coarse, hard and relatively porous, with round, large black, and medium white inclusions. 1AA 400 suggested date: 15th c. onward. The light fabric is common in the Ottoman period. 129. Inv. 3157 (pi. 6, 22) lg: 8 handle section: 2.7x3 Fr of glazed handle, with plastic and incised decoration. Good condition. Tubular arched handle, with a serrated crest along its centre; along both sides of the handle there is an extremely fine zigzag dotted line. At the base of the crest there is a dribble of glaze. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/6-5/8 (YRj; sandy, with small reddish-brown and dark brown inclusions, and the occasional large opaque white. Thin section - Group d (see appendix V) These very distinct handles are found on glazed bowls with in-turned lip and on glazed jugs with long neck in 15th-16th century contexts in Nicosia. The span of the arch of this handle identifies it as a jug- rather than a bowl-handle. 1HH 1014 suggested date: 15th-16th c.

130. Inv. 2363 (pi. 6) lg: 3.8 handle section: 1.9x1.6 Fr of handle with plastic decoration. Good condition; light incrustation. A round handle, with a ridge along its centre. The ridge is decorated with deep, close-together indentations. In style this handle is close to 129.3157 above, but there is no sign of glaze. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6[R); hard, with sporadic fine white inclusions IK 067 suggested date: 15th-16th c.

131. Inv. 2488 lg: 5.2 handle section: 4.8x0.8 Fr of handle with incised decoration. Slightly worn. Flat, thin handle, with rounded lower edge and sharp top one. Two sets of eight combed wavy lines completely fill the upper face of the handle. The section indicates the transition stage from the early to the middle phase. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R], with thick grey core; rough, with small white, small medium and large dark brown and yellow-brown inclusions, sub rounded with glistening facets. 4A 211 suggested date: late 14th-15th c. appendix - catalogue ii-32

The last item in this section of storage vessels is of an unknown shape, but is more likely to be container than a cooking vessel. It was inventoried because of the unusual deposit on the inside surface, which is probably related to its function. Three of the fragments come from context 482, an industrial one of the early phase, and one from context 472 above it, which is part of a processing area, whose exact function is not yet known. 132. Inv. 3147 lgxwd: 6.5x5.5; 3.1x4.9; 3.5x3.9; 4.3x3.6. Four body frr, two joining, of a globular vessel. Good condition. The outside surface is rough with pock marks and striations, the inside surface is covered with thick, uneven black residue, probably pitch, which soaked deep into the fabric. Stones are embedded in the residue and covered by it. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/4 [RBr]; fine matrix with rough section; brown inclusions barely visible; possible grog. IBB 482 + 472 suggested date: Unknown


6.2.1 pots Levantine pots

Shape 1 133. 01167 (pi. 8.1 - type drawing) ht: 2.5 d: (lip) 19; (max. body) 21.5 e.v.e.: 16% Fr of shoulder and lip. A wide shoulder, with an upright lip thickened and rounded on the outside. This is a petite fragment, in spite of the wide diameter. Soot on the outside surface starts just below the shoulder. Fabric: Orange, 2.5yr-5yr4/8 [R]; rough, with 10/20% with predominantly small brown inclusions, and a few medium black ones. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c.

Shape 2 Globular body, with flange lip deeply concave on the upper face. Only variations from this form will be described in the individual entries. 134. 01107 (pi. 8) ht: 8.8 d: 23; (max. body) 24 e.v.e.: 26% Two non-joining frr (fresh breaks), of body and lip, forming near complete profile. The glaze is thick and without faults. The outside surface is dense, hard and compact, and well smoothed with few small flecks of glaze. No soot marks. Fabric: Orange, 2.5yr-5yr4/8 [R1; rough, with 10/20% with predominantly small brown inclusions, and a few medium black ones. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th c.

135. 01108 ht: 3.3 d: (lip) 15 (at break) 14.5 e.v.e.: 11 Fr of upper body and lip. Good condition. This is a smaller vessel than the others of the shape. The glaze covers only the upper face of the lip, and is not as lustrous as most Levantine vessels, but similar to that of pan 256.01103. appendix - catalogue ii-33

Fabric: Dark orange, 2.5yr4/6|R]-3.4|DRBr]; rough, with dark and very dark brown inclusions, and reddish brown ones, possibly grog. Thin section - Group a (see appendix V) Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th c.

136. Inv. 3395 (pi. 8) ht: 2.9 d: 26 e.v.e.: 10% Fr of upper wall and lip. The glaze is worn and considerably lost, particularly on the lip. This is a variant on the shape. The lip has a near level upper face, with a small groove running close to the inside edge. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 10R4/6 [R1; rough, very laminated with small and medium, brown and opaque inclusions. Thin section - Group a (see appendix V) 1HH 1029 suggested date: 13th c.

137. Inv. 2535 (pi. 8) ht: 4.1 d: 24 e.v.e.: 22% Fr of upper body and lip. The glaze is yellow-brown and smooth on the upper face of the lip, and very thin, retaining surface texture, on the preserved area of the inside surface . Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R]; coarse, hard, with 10% small white inclusions, medium dark grey, and large brown ones; some mica-like flakes. Thin section - Group a (see appendix V) 4A 220 suggested date: 13th c. Globular necked pots

Globular body with round base, short neck, and vertical handles attached to the lip and extend to just above the point of maximum body diameter. The lip has three variations (shapes 1-3). Because of the high uniformity of these pots, only variations on the shape will be described for individual vessels. The handles, which are the chronologically sensitive feature of these pots will be described as ‘square-edge’, if they are of the Early-Phase type (e.g. pi. 8.141, 144), or ‘flattened oval’ if of the later type (pi. 9.176). Handles which do not fall accurately in either category, will be described accordingly. Shape 1 (unglazed)

The lip continues the wall on the inside, and is thickened and rounded on the outside. 138. OI117 (pi. 8) ht: 7.6 d: (lip) 15; (max. body) 18 e.v.e.: 85% handle section: 2.8x0.7 Four joining frr of body rim and square-edge handle. Very good condition. The break is on the turn to the base, defining its round shape. Scrape marks and a fine pattern of pock-marks and striations on the outside surface. Heavy soot deposit on the outside surface; ingrained soot and burnt deposit on the inside. This deposit is thick, dark, and glossy on the upper wall and up to the top of the rim, and can be peeled-off as distinct layer. Fabric: Dark brown, 5yr2.5/l-2 [B-DRBr] - probably use related; sandy/rough fracture, with very small, and some small, brown and dark grey glistening inclusions. High quantity of surface mica. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c.

139. OI119 ht: 11.7 d: (lip) 22; (max. body) 30 e.v.e.: 100% handle section: 4.1x0.8 Five joining frr of body, rim and square-edge handle. Very good condition. Indentation decoration along the rim, extending over about a third of the space in the centre between the handles. appendix - catalogue ii-34

Soot deposit outside, dense under the shoulder, patchy on the shoulder and above it. One handle completely covered, the other partly. Dense burnt deposit on the inside, thinning and partially disappearing on the shoulder and rim. Fabric: Brown, ca. 7.5yr4/4 [DBr]; rough, with medium reddish-brown, dark brown, and grey glistening inclusions; possibly some grog. Some of the brown inclusions have a schist-like structure. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 140. 01120 (pi. 23) ht: 11.8 d: (lip) 19; (max. body) 22.5 e.v.e: 100% handle section: 3.6x0.7 Five joining frr of body, rim and square-edge handles. Near complete vessel Very good condition. Five holes drilled at the level of maximum body diameter are preserved (more may have been lost). These holes were drilled post firing, but they are not mending holes, as they are not related to the break line. Soot pattern as on 139.01119 above, but with a well-defined soot ring around the rim, with the exception of a small area near one handle. The handles are covered with soot up to the top. The soot still blackens on touch. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/6[YR]; rough, with small and medium white, brown and grey inclusions; the surface is mica rich. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 141. 01121 (pi. 8) ht: 8.6 d: (lip) 17; (max. body) 21.5 e.v.e.: 100% handle section: 3x0.7 Four joining frr of body, rim and square-edge handle. Very good condition Fine pattern of pot-marks and striations on the outside surface. Soot deposit outside, dense under the shoulder, patchy on the shoulder and above it. Ring of soot around the lip. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/6 [SBr]; rough, with small and medium white and brown inclusions, and some surface mica-like inclusions. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 142. 01122 ht: 7.5 d: (lip) 19 (at break) 24.5 e.v.e.: 73% handle section: 3.6x0.6 Four joining frr of body, rim and square-edge handle. Very good condition. This seems to be a one-handler, though there is still a faint possibility that there is room for a second handle in the missing part. The absence of soot deposit may support a different use for this vessel than for the others. Vertical finger marks, smoothing the coils, are well-preserved. Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/8[YR]; rough, with small and medium white, brown and grey (amphiboles?) inclusions. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c.

143. 01143 (pi. 23) ht: 13.5 d: (lip) 23; (max. body) 33.5 e.v.e.: 32% Seven frr (four and two joining), of lip and upper body. Very good condition. A section of the lip is decorated with finger indentations as in cat. 139.01119 above, and this decoration is echoed on the shoulder, on the line of carination with the body, where there is an applied ridge slightly arching downwards and decorated with finger-indentations. There is a minor pattern of pock-marks and striations on the outside surface under the shoulder. Very dense soot extends up to shoulder level, and continues unevenly and lightly above it. It is only partial on the lip, and stops near the (absent) handle. Inside is a burnt deposit, thinning towards the lip. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/6 [YR], with dark brown core; rough, with small and medium reddish- appendix - catalogue ii-35

brown and very dark brown inclusions, some with a schist-like fracture. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c.

144. Inv. 3014 (pi. 8) ht: 5.8 d: 12 e.v.e.: 13% handle section: 4.2x0.5 Fr of upper body, lip and square-edge handle. Good condition; heavy incrustations. Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/8 [YR], with dark brown-grey core; rough, with black inclusions, very noticeable on the surface; small and medium white and brown inclusions 1J 093 suggested date: 13th- 14th c.

145. Inv. 1801 (pi. 8) ht: 3.4 d: 16 e.v.e.: 10% Fr of wall and lip. Fair condition; chipped around the edges. Finely made indentation line on the lip. Well finished. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 7.5yr5/6 [strong Br] with dark brown core; rough, with small white inclusions, and medium metallic grey. IK 067 suggested date: 13th-15th c. 146. Inv. 3190 ht: 3.5 d: 21 e.v.e.: 20% Four frr (two joining) of shoulder and lip. Very good condition; minor chips on the break line. Soot marks on the outside surface of the lip, and down to the break line. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/4 [DBr/Br]; fine matrix, though rough fracture, with brown inclusions barely visible, some possible grog, and some white inclusions. IK 081 suggested date: 13th-15th c. 147. Inv. 3409 ht: 4.9 d: (lip) 21; (at break) 24 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of shoulder and lip Very good condition; light incrustations. Very dark, smooth soot layer around the lip, most dense on the upper face of the lip. Fabric: Dull brown, 7.5yr5/6 [SBr]; fine matrix, though rough fracture, with small brown and white inclusions, barely visible against the background. 1BB/CC 1049 suggested date: 13th-15th c., though in the context (early phase well-destruction deposit), probably 13th- early 14th c. 148. Inv. 1488 (pi. 21). ht: 3 d; 13 e.v.e.: 7% Fr of neck and lip. The lip section is near triangular, and decorated with notches along the point of maximum diameter. Soot deposit around the lip, and partially on the neck. Fabric: Brown, [5yr5/6] with heavy dark core; coarse, with small white and dark brown inclusions, medium and large sub angular ones; a few small voids. 4A 211 suggested date: 13th-15th c.

149. Inv. 3030 (pi. 8) ht: 3.2 d: 19 e.v.e.: 9% Fr of upper wall and lip. Good condition. A double wavy incised line decorates the upper face of the lip. Fabric: Dark brown, 10yr5/2, with thick grey core; large sub-angular grey inclusions, and few very small white ones. 4A 211 suggested date: 13th-15th c. 150. Inv. 1162 (pi. 8) ht: 6.6 d: 13 e.v.e.: 15% Three joining frr of body, lip and square-edge handle. appendix - catalogue ii-36

Good condition. Fairly smoothly finished. Traces of soot about the lip. Fabric: Mid-brown, 5yr4/6 [YR|; coarse, with large black and small red and white inclusions. 4A 220 suggested date: 13th-14th c.

shape 1 (glazed)

The number of shape 1 glazed pots in the catalogue is well above their proportion in the assemblage. An extensive sample was taken in an attempt to define their date, the relation between the glazed and non- glazed pots, and the extent of variation in the glaze and decoration. 151. Inv. 585 (pi. 8) ht: 3.5 d: (int.) 15 Fr of lip and handle, with rounded lower edge and sharp top one. Good condition, some incrustations. Green glaze covers the inner surface, and extends out to the upper face of the handle. There are two distinct turning ridges on the inside surface. The surface finish is rough. Fabric: Orange brown, 5yr6/6 [RY]; rough, with small and medium white, grey, brown and dark brown inclusions. IK 080 suggested date: 14th-15th c. 152. Inv. 1805 ht: 2.1 d: 15 e.v.e.:ll% handle section: 4.3x0.55 Fr of shoulder, lip and square-edge handle. Greenish-brown glaze, thin and lumpy, covers the inner wall, and extend out to the upper face of the handle. The section of the handle would suggest 13th-14th century. Fabric: Pale brown, 10yr6/4 |LYBr|; rough/sandy fracture, with 20-30% small and medium brown inclusions, small white, some of them lime; some mica-like inclusions. Thin section - Group e (see appendix V) 1AA 400 suggested date: 13th-15th c. 153. Inv. 3106 ht: 3 d: (int.) 18 e.v.e.: 8% Fr of lip and neck. The neck is distinct and upright, the lip has a roughly triangular section, with a rounded ridge at its base. The ridge is decorated with regular indentations. The inside surface is glazed, and the glaze extend out over the lip. Thin section - Group d (see appendix V) 1AA 414 suggested date: 14th-15th c.

154. Inv. 3946 (pi. 8) ht: 2.4 d: ca. 17 e.v.e.: ca. 10% Fr of neck and lip. Possibly a misfire, otherwise good condition; some incrustations The neck is distinct, the lip has a roughly triangular section, with a rounded ridge at its base. The ridge is decorated with regular indentations. The inside surface has two distinct turning ridges. No sign of wheel-throwing on the outside. The glaze is dark brown, and lacklustre. Fabric: Brown [7.5yr4/2], with grey surface [ 10yr6/l ]; rough, with small light-brown inclusions, small and medium white and medium grey ones. 1HH 1029 suggested date: 14th-15th c.

155. Inv. 4470 ht: 7.6 d: (int.) 14 e.v.e.: 10% handle section: 4.8x0.9 Fr of body lip and thin, round-edge handle. Heavily incrusted, otherwise good. The glaze covers the inside, and extends over the lip to the top of the handle. appendix - catalogue i i-37

The diameter is surprisingly small for the weight of the sherd and the size of the handle. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr5/6[YR]; rough/sandy texture, with small and very small brown and opaque inclusions. 1PP 1099 suggested date: late 14th- 15th c. 156. Inv. 4966 ht: 6 d: 20 e.v.e.: 22% Fr of upper wall and lip. Very good condition; incrustations. A line of notches along the edge of the lip, clearly and evenly executed with a sharp tool. The glaze is on the upper face of the lip, and dribbles out, but not inside. There are peculiarities to this vessel that suggest that it may not be a cooking pot. The lip is more massive than is usual, though the diameter is within the range of cooking pots, as is the location of the glaze. Fabric: Orange-Brown, 5yr5/8{YR]; with very small and small pink inclusions, and medium brown ones. 1PP 1101 suggested date: 14th-15th c.

157. Inv. 4644 (pi. 23) ht: 4.5 d: impossible to measure Fr of upper wall and lip. Good condition; some incrustations. The neck is distinct, and retains turning ridges. Forming marks are preserved on the outer surface. Greenish-brown glaze covers the inside and extends over the lip until just below the indentation line that decorates the lip. The indentations are very precise and uniform. Fabric: Light yellowish-red, 2.5yr5/6[RJ; ca. 20% small and medium dark brown, medium grey, and small opaque inclusions. 1PP 1133 suggested date: 14th-15th c. 158. Inv. 4646 (pi. 21) ht: 4 d: 13 e.v.e.: 14% Fr of upper body and lip. Good condition; some incrustations. Smooth yellowish brown glaze inside, and extending over the rim, with some dribbles down the wall. Soot deposit outside. Fabric: Yellowish-brown, 5yr6/6 1RY]; coarse, with medium dark brown, small and medium very pale brown/white inclusions. 1PP 1133 suggested date: 14th-15th c. 159. Inv. 2806 ht: 3.4 d: (int.) 22 e.v.e.: 10% Fr of shoulder, lip and handle root. Fair condition; heavily incrusted. Not enough is preserved of the handle to be certain about its edges, but the handle root indicates a very narrow section. Smooth and thin glaze, yellowish-brown with yellowish-green patches, covers the inside and partially extends over the lip and the top of the handle. Fabric: Light orange-brown, 5yr6/8 [RY]; with very small white inclusions, and small brown ones; large quantity of mica-like inclusions. 4A 204 suggested date: 14th-15th c. 160. Inv. 2803 ht: 3.5 wd: 4.1 Fr of shoulder and lip. Fairly good condition; the glaze slightly chipped, especially on the edge of the lip. The lip section is nearly triangular, and decorated with a line of finger indentations. Lustrous yellowish-brown glaze on the inside, extending over the lip. The inside surface has two turning ridges. The outside surface is very well finished. appendix - catalogue ii-38

Fabric: Red, 2.5yr5/6|R]; rough with close to 30% medium white, very dark brown and grey inclusions, 4A 211 suggested date: 14th-15th c.

161. Inv. 2549 ht: 3.8 d: 15 e.v.e.: 10% Fr of neck and lip. Possibly a misfire, otherwise in good condition. The glaze is hardly more than a vitrified wash. It extends from the inside surface over the lip. Fabric: Dark brown, 7.5yr4/2 (Br/DBrJ; fine, with small white, red-brown and brown inclusions. 4A ext 401 suggested date: 14th-15th c.

Shape 2

The lip is everted, usually thickened, and with the lower edge overhanging. Unlike shape 1, for which there is no evidence after the early phase, shape 2 is known from later periods (e.g. on display in the Leventis museum in Nicosia). The handles of the late vessels extend, however, from the neck to the shoulder, and not from the lip. There is no evidence for the late form in Fabrika, nevertheless, where there was no handled preserved, period is considered unknown. The absence of soot on some of these pots suggest their use as storage vessels. 162. 01124 ht: 5.3 d: (lip) 20 (at break) 24 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of rim, shoulder and upper body. Good condition. Some striations on the outer surface, just above the break point. Finger marks inside. No soot. Fabric: Brown, R/Br 5yr5/8 |YR|; rough, with small white, small and medium brown, and dark brown inclusions; occasional black ones; surface mica. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c.

163. 01125 ht: 4.8 d: (lip) 18; (at break) 20 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of shoulder and lip. Good condition. Dense soot deposit on the outside up to the lip. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/6 [YR]; rough, with white and brown inclusions, and well rounded very dark brown ones; mica-like flakes on the surface. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c.

164. 01128 ht: 3.0 d: (lip) 20; (at break) 22 e.v.e.: 7% Fr of shoulder, neck and lip. Good condition. A dense, smooth and shiny soot deposit forms a ring around the lip, and patchy just under it. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/3[RBrj; rough, with very small white and brown inclusions, and medium dark brown ones with schist-like structure; mica-like flakes on the surface. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c.

165. 01129 ht: 3.5 d: 27 e.v.e.: 12% Fr of shoulder and lip. Good condition. This is a variant on the shape, with the mouth wider in proportion to the body. The lip is thick and everted, and concave on its upper face. There is a line of regular indentations around the lip. The surface is dense and well finished, maybe self slipped inside. No soot. appendix - catalogue i i-39

Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/6[YR]; rough, with small-medium opaque-white and brown inclusions, and small well rounded dark brown ones; dark grey (possibly mica) inclusions, but no surface mica visible. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c.

166. 01130 ht: 7.0 d: (lip) ca. 22; (max. body) 24 e.v.e.: 10% handle section: 3.5x1.0 Fr of body, lip and square-edge handle. Good condition. Good execution, well finished surface, carefully wet smoothed or self slipped. Fabric: Brown 5yr4/8[YRj; rough, with small white, brown and dark brown inclusions. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 167. 01140 ht: 5.7 d: (lip) 17; (max. body) 19.5 e.v.e.: 15% handle section: 2.9x0.35 Fr of body, lip and square-edge handle. Good condition. Heavy soot outside, dense around the lip and under the shoulder, ingrained on the handle and the shoulder. Patchy soot just above the break on the inside. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/4 [DBrl, with an even darker core; rough, with small and medium white, brown and dark brown inclusions. No mica visible Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 168. Inv. 3350 ht: 2.9 d: (int.) ca. 27 e.v.e.: ca. 9% Fr of shoulder and lip. Chipped and worn. The surface is wet smoothed. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/6[YRJ, with thick dull grey-brown core; coarse, with small and medium white, brown, and dark grey inclusions. IK 081 suggested date: unknown 169. Inv. 3094 (pi. 9) ht: 4.8 d: ca. 28 e.v.e.: 8% Fr of upper body and lip. Fair condition; edges worn, and some incrustations. The lip is decorated with shallow and uneven finger-indentations along the edge. The surface is well finished. Dense soot deposit on the outside, up to the lip. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr5/8[ YR); fine matrix, but with a rough fracture; the inclusions are mainly very small, the colour of the matrix, with some medium dark ones; possibly some grog. 1AA 437 suggested date: unknown 170. Inv. 2519 (pi. 9) ht: 5.2 d: (int.) ca. 21 e.v.e.: ca. 10% Fr of upper body, lip and square-edge handle Very good condition. Heavy soot on the outside surface, on the shoulder, lower handle and the underside of the rim. Well finished and smoothed. Fabric: Brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R], with thin dark brown core; coarse, hard, with small and medium white, dark grey and brown inclusions. 1AA 437 suggested date: 13th-14th c.

171. Inv. 3095 (pi. 9) ht: 3.8 d: 23 e.v.e.: 9% Fr of upper wall and lip. Fairly good condition; light incrustations. Well finished. appendix - catalogue ii-40

Soot outside and up to the top surface of the lip. Fabric: Brown, [5yr4/6 |YR| with thick grey core; Fine matrix, but with rough fracture; the inclusions are mainly very small, the colour of the matrix, with some medium dark ones; possibly some grog. 1AA 441 suggested date: 13th-14th c.

172. Inv. 3408 ht: 6.9 d: (lip) 17; (at break) 23 e.v.e.: 24% Fr of body and lip. Good condition; some incrustations. Well finished; the inside surface is well smoothed, maybe slipped. Patches of soot on the outside surface. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/6 [YBr], with very thick black core; small and medium white, brown and grey inclusions. 1BB/CC 1049 suggested date: 13th-14th c. (Early-Phase destruction well deposit) 173. Inv. 1487 (pi. 9) ht: 5.3 d: 22 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of upper body and lip. Finger marks are visible, mainly on the inside. Soot on the shoulder below the carination and on the outside face of the lip. Fabric: Brown, [5yr4/6]; coarse, very hard, with white, pink and brown opaque inclusions; perhaps a little mica This vessel is a good example to the close relation between shape 1 and shape 2, and in spite of the absence of a handle, an early phase date is suggested. 4A 211 suggested date: 13th-15th c.

Shape 3 The lip is simple and upright, or slightly everted. The oval section of some handles demonstrate the persistence of this shape after the Early Phase. 174. OI118 (pi. 9) ht: 8.5 d: (lip) 14 (max. body) 18 e.v.e.: 85% handle section: 3.4x0.7 Four joining frr of body, neck, lip and square-edge handles. Very good condition. Dense soot and burnt deposit on the outside, extending all the way up to the lip, with the exception of part of the shoulder. Dense burnt deposit on the inside, thinning towards the top, and only partial on the shoulder and lip. Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/8 [YR], with grey core; rough, with small white and brown (mainly dark) inclusions. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 175. 01133 ht: 6.8 d: (lip) 20; (max. body) 22 e.v.e.: 23% handle section 4 .lx 0.7 Many joining frr of body, lip and square-edge handle. the outside surface is dark, but obvious use-related soot only on the shoulder. Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/8 [YR); rough, with very small and small white and brown inclusions, and well rounded dark brown ones; occasional black inclusions, and some grey ones. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 176. Inv. 744 (pi. 9, 21) ht: 10.4 d: 10 e.v.e: ca. 12% Fr of upper body, lip, and a flattened-oval handle. Good condition; lightly incrusted. Fabric: Reddish-brown, with a light grey core; coarse, with many large white, red and black inclusions. ID 091 suggested date: 15th c. onward appendix - catalogue ii-41

177. Inv. 1941 (pi. 9) ht: 5.3 d: 13.5 e.v.e.: 25% Fr of shoulder and lip. Good condition; some incrustations. Fairly well finished, with wet-smoothing marks both inside and out, but still retaining some striations. Soot patches outside and on the top of of the lip. Fabric: Light brown, 5yr5/8 [YR1, with dark core; semi-fine, hard, with small white and brown inclusions. IV 251 suggested date: unknown 178. Inv. 1445 (pi. 9) ht: 6.4 d: (lip) 15; (max. body) 23 e.v.e.: 10% Fr of upper body and lip. Fairly good condition. Modelling marks visible on the inner face, showing attachment of the neck to the shoulder. Well finished and smooth outside. Probably self-slipped. Fabric: Reddish-brown 5yr4/6 [YR]; coarse, hard, with small white inclusions, and medium brown ones. 1AA 418 suggested date: unknown 179. Inv. 3127 (pi. 21) ht: 9.6 d: impossible to measure; handle section: 3.1x0.9 Fr of upper body, lip and flattened-oval handle. Very good condition. Fabric: Reduced through to grey; fine matrix, though rough fracture, with brown inclusions barely visible against the matrix, possible grog. ICC 468 suggested date: 15th c. onward 180. Inv. 3355 (pi. 21) ht: 11.2 d: (int.) 10.5 e.v.e.: ca. 17% Fr of body, lip and flattened-oval handle. Good condition; some incrustations. Soot in patches on the outside of the lip and handle. Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/4 [RBr]; fine matrix but rough fracture, with very small and small white, reddish-brown and dark brown inclusions, barely seen against the matrix. 1DD 536 suggested date: 15th c. onward 181. Inv. 3356 (pi. 23) ht: 9 13 (at break) 21 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of body and lip. Very good condition; some incrustations. Soot in patches on the outside surface of the lip and on the shoulder/body transit zone. Fabric: Strong reddish-brown, 5yr4/6[YR), with dark brown thin core; rough, with small and medium white (maybe lime) and reddish-brown sub-round inclusions 1DD 546 suggested date: unknown 182. Inv. 3156 ht: 3 d: ca. 10, accurate measurement not possible because of the distortion caused by the handle Fr of lip and flattened-oval handle. Very good condition; some incrustations Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/8 [YR]; very coarse, with small and medium white and brown inclusions, and maybe grog. 1HH 1014 suggested date: 15th c. onward

Shape 3 (glazed) 183. Inv. 4645 (pi. 21) ht: 7.8 d: (lip) 17; (max. body) ca. 21 e.v.e.: 13 handle section: 4.2x0.9 Fr of body, lip and handle with rounded lower edge and sharp top one. appendix - catalogue i i-42

Good condition; quite heavily incrusted. Dark yellow glaze covers the inside surface and extend over the lip and on to the upper face of the handle, to the point where it turns down. There are turning-ridges on the inside, but there are also hand-forming marks. The rim is somewhat thickened, but not enough to be considered shape 1. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/8[YR]; rough with ca. 20% sub-round large grey, clear white, and brown inclusions, and small and medium dark brown and white ones. 1PP 1133 suggested date: 14th-15th c.

Shape 4 184. Inv. 1944 (pi. 9) ht: 4.3 d: 17 e.v.e.: 11% Fr of shoulder and lip. Good condition; fairly heavily incrusted. Smoothing and forming marks on the inside; better smoothed on the lip, both out and in. The surface is fairly rough but compacted. Some patches of soot on the outside surface of the lip. Fabric: Brown, [5yr5/6 - 7.5yr4/2|; rough, with 5-10% large brown and black inclusions, and small white ones. 10 ext 235 suggested date: 16th c. onward 185. Inv. 1062 (pi. 9) ht: 4.2 d: 15 e.v.e.: 25% Fr of neck and lip. Good condition; some incrustations. Short concave neck; upright lip, thickened to a triangular section on the outside, and decorated with sharp, pronounced indentations-ridge. The indentations are small, sharp, and well spaced. At the base of the neck inside there is a pronounced lid-support ledge. Smoothly Finished. Some traces of blackening. This could be a medium size storage jar, but the wall is as thin as a cooking pot (3mm). Hayes (pers. comm.) suggested a parallel of the 12th c. from Saranda Kolones. Fabric: Brown 5yr4/6 |YBr]; hard, coarse, with small white and light brown inclusions, medium and large grey (amphiboles?) and dark brown. IX 275 suggested date: 12th-14th c.

186. Inv. 2512 (pi. 9) ht: 6 d: 17 e.v.e.: 10% Fr of shoulder and lip, with part of a handle root. Fairly good condition. The surface is well finished and smooth, both in and out; perhaps self-slipped. The outer surface has light pock-marks, with longitudinal striations and horizontal wet-smoothing marks. The inner surface has a few horizontal striations and wet-smoothing marks. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R], with very thick dark brown core; coarse, hard, with medium dark brown, and small white inclusions, some of them probably lime. IX ext 426 suggested date: 16th century onward Hole-mouth pots with in-turned lip 187. OI141 (pi. 10) ht: 6.8 d: 30; (max. body) 31 e.v.e.: 11% Fr of upper body and lip. Good condition. The body is globular, the lip tilted up and thickened at its base to a ridge which is decorated with a fine running line of finger indentations; a double wavy line is incised on the upper face of the lip. Self slipped. Well made and well finished. A patch of soot deposit on the outside wall, and a corresponding but more limited one inside. This is appendix - catalogue ii-43

very different from the typical soot pattern for the later hole-mouth pots. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/4 [DBr], with thick core 10yr3/2 [VDGrBr]; rough, with small white and brown inclusions, medium red and dark brown ones, and some elongated inclusions with schist-like fracture. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 188. Inv. 1802 ht: 5.3 d: (int.) 23/24 e.v.e.: 8% Fr of body and lip. Good condition; some incrustations. Near upright, slightly rounded wall; a ridge at the base of the lip marks the point of turning in. Heavy soot deposit terminates at the base of the lip. Pock-marks and striations on the outside surface; deep smoothing marks under the ridge; the surface inside and over the lip is dense and compact, showing sponging marks. This vessel is a good example of the unclear lines between bowls and pots with in-turned lip. The wall leans out slightly, but the orientation of fragments of these vessels are never completely secure, and as the soot pattern conforms with that of the hole-mouth pots, it is included here, and not the bowls. Fabric: Reddish-brown, |5yr4/6], with dark brown core [10yr3/2]; small white and iron-red inclusions, with very little mica. IK 067 suggested date: 15th c. onward 189. Inv. 571 (pi. 10) ht: ca 3.6 (orientation not secure) d: 27 e.v.e.: 12.5% Fr of upper body and lip. Good condition. A ridge at the base of the lip is decorated with an indentation line. Heavy soot deposit on the outside. Fabric: Strong brown, 5yr4/3 [RBrJ; coarse, with small, medium and large reddish-brown inclusions, medium and large dark brown, and occasional medium white ones; a few mica-like inclusions. IK 072 suggested date: 15th c. onward 190. Inv. 3191 (pi. 23) ht: 3.2 d: 22 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of upper wall and lip. Fair condition; some chips. The lip has a sharp ridge at the point of turning, with a running design of small notches along it; two parallel incised wavy lines on its upper face. The inside surface is possibly sealed with bitumen or pitch. This vessel is on the borderline between bowl and hole-mouth pot. Fabric: Dark reddish-brown, 5yr4/3 (RBrJ; rough, with very small white, small and medium grey, and occasional medium reddish-brown inclusions; also small yellowish-brown, and small and medium mica-like. IK 080 suggested date: 15th c. onward 191. Inv. 3401 (pi. 10, 23) ht: 4.8 d: 21 e.v.e.: 9% Fr of upper body and lip. Very good condition; incrustations. slightly curved upper wall, the lip is rounded, with multiple wavy line incised on its upper face. Pock-marks and striations on the outer face, the inner retains smoothing marks. Very finely made with thin walls. Surface black all over, probably result of firing. Fabric: Dark brown, 7.5yr3/2 [DBr], with completely reduced surface; fine matrix with rough fracture, with small, brown and dark brown inclusions, barely visible against the background. IK 082 suggested date: 15th c. onward appendix - catalogue i i-44

192. Inv. 1808 (pi. 10) ht: 4.3 d: (int.) ca. 15 e.v.e.: ca. 13% Fr of upper body, lip and handle. Good condition; considerable incrustations. Nearly vertical wall; the lip is long and uneven, with a slight ridge on the turning point. The inside surface of the lip is roughly smoothed. Pock-marks and striations on the outside surface. Heavy soot deposit outside, terminating directly under the ridge of the lip and the underside of the handle. The diameter reading is unreliable because of the uneven manufacture and the distortion caused by the handle. Fabric: Brown, 10yr4/3 (dark Br/Br]; coarse, with small white and brown inclusions; some mica­ like inclusions. 1AA 407 suggested date: 15th c. onward

193. Inv. 1809 (pi. 10) ht: 7 d: 20 e.v.e.: 27% Three frr (two joining) of wall and lip. Near-vertical, slightly curved wall; the lip has a pronounced rounded ridge at the turning point, with a shallow groove above. Pock-marks and striations on the outside surface. The upper face of the lip and the inside surface are well smoothed, but still retain striations. Heavy soot deposit on the wall outside, terminating in a sharp line at the turn of the lip. Fabric: Brown, |5yr4/6|, with dark core in the lip section; coarse, with small and medium brown and white inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. 1AA 407 suggested date: 15th c. onward

194. inv. 1810 (pi. 10) ht: 5 d: 20 e.v.e.: 9% Fr of wall and lip. Good condition. Nearly vertical wall, very slightly leaning out. The lip is short, with a ridge at its base. Irregular notches along the ridge, uneven in length and spacing, but all struck in the same direction, with a sharp and clear centre. The outside surface has pock-marks and striations; there are smoothing marks on the upper face of the lip, and the inner face is well finished, with possible traces of red wash. A shiny, hard, black deposit on the inside surface, begins about 2 cm below the lip. Fabric: Brown, 10yr4/l [Br]; coarse, with small to medium brown inclusions, and very small white ones; some mica-like inclusions. 1AA 407 suggested date: 15th c. onward

195. Inv. 1795 (pi. 10) ht: 4.3 d: 30 e.v.e.: 12% Fr of upper wall and lip, glazed. Fairly good condition; some incrustation. An upright wall. A ridge at the base of the lip is decorated with uneven indentation line. At one edge of the fragment, the surface of the lip rises, probably for a handle-root. The outside surface has a pattern of pock-marks and striations. The inside is glazed, with some splashes on the under side of the lip; a patch of glaze on the lip near the break, dribbles sideways and down. The glaze is dark brown and fairly lumpy, laid thin, but becoming thicker and smoother towards the handle. Rough wet-smoothing marks on the upper face of lip. Soot on the outside wall below the lip. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 |R], with dark brown core; coarse, with small white and brown inclusions. Thin section - Group d (see appendix V) 1AA 414 suggested date: 15th- 16th c.

196. 3379 ht: 4.5 d: impossible Fr of upper wall and lip, glazed. appendix - catalogue i i-45

Good condition; some encrustations. Only the lower half of the lip is preserved, with a rounded ridge at the turning point. Thin, lumpy, brown glaze on the inside. Pock-marks and striations on the surface outside under the lip. It is a small sherd, but the nice roundness of the ridge indicates a well made pot. Soot outside, extending over the lip. Fabric: Brown; coarse with medium brown and pink inclusions. IBB 478 suggested date: 15th-16th c. 197. Inv. 3353 ht: 4.1 d: ca. 29 e.v.e.: ca. 7% Fr of wall and lip, glazed. Very good condition. Near upright wall. An indentations ridge marks the turning point of the lip. The indentations are well spaced, small-finger size. The outside surface has a pattern of small pock-marks and striations, wet smoothed on the lip and inside. The inside surface is glazed, with the glaze thinning considerably in an uneven line towards the top. Soot marks on the outside, terminating in a sharp line just under the lip. In this vessel, the deposit is not very heavy. Fabric: Red, 7.5yr4/6 [SBr] with dark brown core; fine matrix, with rough fracture, with brown inclusions barely visible against the matrix; possibly some grog. Thin section - Group d (see appendix V) 1BB/CC 1028 suggested date: 15th-16th c. 198. Inv. 3391 ht: 9.5 d: (int.) ca. 30 Ten joining frr of wall, shoulder and lip. Near globular profile. The lip forms a continuous line with the curve of the shoulder, but is demarcated by an applied fillet with finger-impressions. The surface is smooth on the outer face and somewhat polished, but still retains pock-marks and striations; the inside is rougher, with clear modelling marks. The lip is smooth and rounded, and somewhat uneven. The walls are fairly even and quite thin for vessels with in-turned lip (3-5 mm). Black area on the inner face towards the lip, and on the outer face in a patch at mid-wall, with minor blackening on the lip. Fabric: Reddish-brown, with dark brown core; rough, with 20% small and medium white inclusions, and medium light and dark brown ones. 1BB/CC 1049 suggested date: late 13th-14th c. (early phase destruction context) 199. Inv. 3403 (pi. 10, 23) ht: 12.5 d:ca31.5 e.v.e.: 47% handle section: 5.1x0.7 14 joining frr of body, lip and handle. Fairly good condition. The wall is nearly vertical, slightly rounded; the lip tilted up more than in, with a pronounced ridge at its base decorated with indentation. Vertical handle, flat and thin, with square-edges, extends from the ridge to 6.5 cm below it. Well smoothed inside, rougher outside, with surface striations. Areas of blackening on the exterior, rising to the lip; the inner face is also blackened, near the handle. This vessel is clearly distinguished as an Early Phase one by details of manufacture. The lip was formed by folding out, and as a result its upper face is slightly concave in places; the handle is of a type that is associated with early period jugs and pots, and the indentation decoration is of a precise and fine execution, that is rarely seen in the later phases. Fabric: Reddish-brown, with grey core; very rough, with ca. 15% small, medium and large white (lime?) inclusions, medium and large very dark grey, and medium brown inclusions. Thin section - Group d (see appendix V) 1BB/CC 1064 suggested date: 13th-14th c. 200. Inv. 3153 ht: 3.8 d: 26 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of upper wall and lip. Good condition. appendix - catalogue i i-46

Nearly upright, slightly curving wall. A rounded ridge defines the turning point of the lip. The outside surface has pock-marks and striations, the lip and inside surface are wet smoothed. The typical soot deposit for this type on the outside surface, ending in sharp line at the turning point of the lip. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/8 [RJ; finely rough, with very small white inclusions, and medium brown ones (maybe some grog?). Thin section - Group e (see appendix V) 1HH 1015 suggested date: 15th c. onward 6.2.1,3a Hole-mouth pots with in-turned lip and pinched spout 201. Inv. 2511 ht: 3.4 wd: 8.3 Fr of wall, lip and spout, glazed. Fair condition; some surface abrasions. Brown glaze inside, partly very thin and retaining the roughness of the surface, partly thick and smooth. The surface is smooth but still retains some areas with pock-marks; the area of the lip and spout is horizontally smoothed. The wall is thick (0.9 cm). This is a rare example of vessel with in-turned lip and pinched-spout which is well made and finished. It is comparable in style of execution to similar vessels excavated in St. George Hill, Nicosia, though still of lesser quality. Fabric: Orange-brown, ca. 5yr4/6 [YR], with brown patches; coarse, hard, with small and medium white and dark brown inclusions, and some mica-like ones; minor lime pitting on the surface. Thin section - Group c (see appendix V) IX ext 426 suggested date: 15th-16th c. Pot/jars with simple flattened lip 202. Inv. 1137 (pi. 11) ht: 8.6 d: 20 e.v.e.: 24% Three joining frr of lip, wall and handle. Somewhat worn. Globular body with flattened, uneven lip, and convex lug handle, decorated with impressions of a five­ toothed comb on its upper face. The outside surface shows pock-marks and striations. Soot deposit on the lower part of the handle and on the wall, terminating sharply on the edge of the lip outside. The soot pattern ties the vessel functionally with the hole-mouth pots with in-turned lip. Fabric: Mid brown, 5yr5/3|RBr] with reddish-brown inner face; very coarse, hard, with small and medium white inclusions, medium brown and dark grey ones. IV 268 + 292 suggested date: 16th century onward 203. Inv. 1959 (pi. 11) ht: 4.4 d: ca. 22 (the uneven rim makes the diameter reading doubtful) e.v.e.: 13% Fr of upper body and lip. Lip flattened inward, and slightly concave on its upper face, with a fine ridges along the outside edge. Very unevenly made; the outside surface is rough, with pock-marks and striations; the inside and the upper face of the lip smoothed, though still somewhat rough. Heavy soot deposit on the outside. Fabric: Very dark brown, 10yr4/2 [DGr Br], with orange-brown internal surface, 5yr 5/6 [YR]; coarse, hard, with small and medium white inclusions, medium and large brown angular ones. IV 268 suggested date: Ottoman 204. Inv. 2805 ht: 4.1 d: ca. 14 e.v.e.: ca. 11% Fr of upper body and lip. Good condition; some incrustations. Rounded wall and simple lip rounded on the outside, but otherwise not distinct from the wall. Rough surface of pock-marks and striations on the outside, wet smoothed inside and over the lip. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/6 [YR], with dark brown core; coarse, with small and medium white and brown inclusions, possibly some lime, and medium grey inclusions. IBB 478 suggested date: Ottoman appendix - catalogue i i-47 Globular pots with simple in-turned lip and horizontal handle 205. Inv. 1814 (pi. 11) ht: ca 5.7 d: (int.) ca. 14 e.v.e.: ca. 13% Fr of upper body, lip and handle root. Good condition. Globular body, with simple, roughly smoothed, lip; handle root of a horizontal handle with round section just under the lip. The vessel is roughly made and Finished; the wall-thickness very uneven, finger indentations clearly visible both in and out. Only the very top on the inside is more carefully smoothed. No signs of soot. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R] with partial dark core; fairly coarse, with small and medium brown and white inclusions. 10 ext 206 suggested date: Middle-Late Phase 206. Inv. 3119 (pi. 11) ht: 5.4 d: ca. 16 e.v.e.: ca. 10% Two joining frr of upper body and lip. Very good condition Globular pot, the simple lip hardly distinguished from the wall by a slight thickening of its base. A distortion of the lip on the break line, may indicate a handle. Well finished surface showing smoothing marks. Possible soot traces close to the break line Fabric: Reddish-Brown, 5yr5/6 [YR| with thick dark core; fairly fine, with small white and pinkish inclusions, medium brown and white ones. 1AA 414 suggested date: Middle-Late Phase

6.2.2 Jars/pots, with no evidence for use over fire 207. Inv. 1452 (pi. 11) ht: 9.6 d: (int.) 17 e.v.e.: 7 Fr of upper wall and lip of a glazed jar. Good condition, but badly incrusted. Curved wall of a deep vessel; the lip is offset and its lower edge is overhanging. Clear wheel ridges visible on the inside surface. Brown-green glaze covers the inside surface, and extends to the outer face of the lip. Very similar to cat. 209.1806 (pi. 11), but lacking the notch-decoration. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr6/8 [RY], with thick dark brown core; rough, with small and medium reddish-brown and dark brown inclusions, occasional medium white ones, and a large amount of golden, small and medium mica-like inclusions. The fabric may be similar to that of the casseroles cat. 213, 215, 216 and 218 below, but this is a doubtful comparison, based principally on the presence of mica. 10 ext 215 suggested date: Unknown, probably later than 16th c. (wheel made) 208. Inv. 833 (pi. 11) ht: 9.3 d: ca. 14 (at break) 22 e.v.e.: ca. 9% Fragment of upper body, with lug handle and incised decoration. Fairly good condition; lightly incrusted. Simple lip, nearly upright; horizontal lug with design of multiple short strokes on its upper face, and a double-dotted line around the edge. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/6 [YRJ, with thick dark brown core; very coarse, hard-fired, with 20+% small and medium, brown and dark brown inclusions. lO 123 suggested date: Ottoman

209. Inv. 1806 (pi. 11) ht: 3 d: 27 e.v.e.: 6% Fr of shoulder and lip of glazed jar. Good condition; some incrustations. appendix - catalogue i i-48

Sloping neck/shoulder; with lip sharply offset, and its lower edge overhanging. The upper edge of the lip is decorated with a continuous band of small triangular incisions. A spot of brown glaze and a brown slip patch preserved on the outer lip. Not possible to say if hand built or thrown on the wheel. Fabric: Yellowish-red (5yr5/6); semi-fine, hard, with 20% brown inclusions, mostly small, some medium; very micaceous surface. The fabric is similar to that of cat. 207.1452 above, which is a close parallel to the shape, and see remark there. 1AA 400 suggested date: unknown

210. Inv. 1797 (pi. 12) ht: 6.1 d: (int.) ca. 17 e.v.e.:ca6% Fr of upper body and lip of jar/pot. Rather worn. Sloping wall, with the lip thickened on the outside to create a triangular section. The surface is fairly well smoothed. Hand built and rather uneven. Heavily blackened on the inside as well as most of the outside surface. Fabric: Dark reddish-brown, 5yr2.5/2 [DRBr]; coarse, hard with small and medium brown and orange-brown inclusions, and small white ones. 1AA 414 suggested date: unknown

211. Inv. 3399 (pi. 12) ht: 6.2 d: (lip) 11.5; (at break) 15.5 e.v.e.: 29% Two non-joining frr of shoulder, neck and lip of jar / pot. Very good. Sloping shoulder with a shallow, triangular ridge on the outside producing a nearly carinated profile. A near upright neck, with simple lip flattened diagonally outwards. The outside surface is well finished, the inside has rough working marks. Heavy soot deposit on the neck, as well as over and under the ridge. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr4/4 [RBrj, with dull dark brown core; fine matrix with a rough fracture; small and medium brown inclusions barely visible against the background, and some white ones. 1HH 1041 suggested date: Unknown 212. Inv. 3120 ht: 8.6 d :(in t.)cal3 e.v.e.: ca. 15% handle section: 3.4x1.6 Five frr (four joining) of body, lip and handle of glazed jar / pot. Strongly sloping shoulder with pronounced curve into outward-leaning rounded lip. Heavy strap handle rises from the lip and descends, with a near-semicircular curve, to high on the shoulder. The wall thins considerably towards the body. Purple-brown glaze on the inside and onto the lip. The glaze is very thin, and doesn’t disguise the lumpiness of the surface. Pronounced finger marks on the inside. Handmade. Soot marks on the outside surface near the break line. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R1; rough, with 20-30% medium and large white, brown, grey and pinkish inclusions. ICC 480 suggested date: unknown

6.2.3 Casseroles 213. Inv. 3054 (pi. 24) ht: 11.7 d: (a) ca. 34; (b) ca. 24 e.v.e.: (a)ca. 7%; (b) ca. 6% Two non-joining frr forming complete profile. The difference between the diameter of the two fragments indicates an oval shape. Fair condition. The black layer on the outside is partially laminating, with some surface loss. Large chips along the edges. Straight wall, slightly leaning in. Lip flattened diagonally inward and slightly thickened on the outside. Small vertical handle (3.4 cm high), wide and thin, with a deep dimple on its upper face, is attached just under the lip. Very little is preserved of the flat base. appendix - catalogue i i-49

Substantial layer of glossy soot or burnt deposit on the outside. Fabric: Orange-brown, ca. 5yr4/6 [YRJ; with medium dark red and reddish-brown inclusions; large quantity of mica flakes, particularly noticeable on the surface. Thin section - Group b (see appendix V) An import from Siphnos 1J surface suggested date: 18th-early 20th c. 214. Inv. 3378 ht: 3.3 d: 16 e.v.e.: 9% Fr of wall, lip and handle. Good condition; heavily incrusted on the outside surface. The wall is rounded, turning-in slightly towards the lip which is thickened, everted to the horizontal, and with an overhanging lower edge; small horizontal handle of flattened round section, hugs the lower part of the lip. Orange/brown glaze covers the inside. Fabric: Strong Orange, 2.5yr5/8 [RJ; with small and medium white and opaque inclusions, and small dark brown ones. Thin section - Group b (see appendix V) IK 062 suggested date: Late Ottoman / Modern 215. Inv. 3053 (pi. 24) ht: 8.7 d: (lip & base) 19 e.v.e.: 15% Complete profile. Good condition. Straight wall, flat base and vertical, somewhat twisted strap handles, very thin, with a deep dimple on its upper face. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/8 [RJ; with small and medium white inclusions, medium yellow- opaque ones, and dark brown and reddish brown; large quantity of mica flakes, particularly noticeable on the surface. An import from Siphnos IS Surface suggested date: 18th-20th c. 216. Inv. 1947 ht: 1.9 d: 23 e.v.e.: 20% Two non joining frr of body and base. Good condition. Slightly sagging base, with the beginning of near-vertical, slightly curving wall. The wheel marks inside are very clear. Heavy soot deposit outside. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr4/6; semi-fine, hard, with small brown, white and bluish inclusions; large quantity of mica-like flakes, particularly noticeable on the surface. Thin section - Group b (see appendix V) An import from Siphnos 1AA 185 suggested date: 18th-20th c. 217. Inv. 1955 ht: 5.5 d: larger than 27 e.v.e.: smaller than 4% Near complete profile. The break is on the turn of the wall the the base. The wall is nearly upright, slightly leaning inwards; the lip rounded, thickened on the outside and offset from the wall by a concave moulding and a fine groove. Horizontal strap handle, vertically inclined, is partially preserved just under the lip. The yellowish-brown glaze is thin and semi-transparent, extending over the rim. Heavy soot deposit on the outside surface, including the underside of the handle. Fabric: Orange, 5yr5/8 [YR]; fairly coarse, with small and medium brown, and small white inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. Thin section - Group b (see appendix V) 1AA 185 suggested date: Late Ottoman / Modern appendix - catalogue i i-50

218. Inv. 2216 (pi. 12) ht: 10.9 d: 21 e.v.e.: 40% A near complete vessel. Upright, slightly curved wall and sagging base; the lip is defined from the wall by a groove outside, and is rebated inside, to provide a lid seating; only the lower part of thin, small handle is preserved. The brown, lumpy glazed extends over the lip down to the groove. High on the wall there is an oval stamp with a largely illegible inscription, which includes abbreviations with stops between them. There are soot patches on the base and parts of the outside wall, and on the under side of handle. Fabric: Orange brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R] with dark br core; with medium white, brown and grey inclusions; large quantity of mica flakes, particularly noticeable on the surface. Thin section - Group d (see appendix V) An import from Siphnos, with an in-hand appearance similar to the casseroles of group b, it is curious that this sample is in a different group according to petrographic analysis. Further investigation is necessary. 1AA 185 suggested date: 18th-20th c. 219. Inv. 4946 ht: 5; (with handle) 7 d: ca. 12 e.v.e.: ca. 35% Fr of body, lip and handle. Good condition. Globular vessel, preserved from the lip to below the point of maximum diameter. The simple lip continues the contour of the wall; horizontal handle, vertically inclined, is attached under the lip and rises above it. The handle renders the diameter reading insecure in spite of the substantial part preserved. Fabric: Brown/reddish-brown, 7.5yr4/3 [BR]-2.5yr4/8 [R]; rough, with small white inclusions, grey and dark brown medium ones. 1MM 1089 suggested date: Late Ottoman / Modern

6.2.4 Bowls Bowls with in-turned lip and no evidence for a spout 220. 0195 (pi. 12) ht: 7.3 d: 19 e.v.e.: 80 Ten frr of base, body and lip. Good condition. Curved wall, continuing directly to a rounded lip. This is quite a deep bowl, not the typical profile for the bowls with in-turned lip. The outside surface has some striations. Black dense soot concentrates on one area of the wall and up to the lip, surrounded by a grey zone. On the inside there is a black deposit (that does not correspond to the soot pattern out). Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr5/6 [SBr], with thick dark grey core; very small and small dark grey and brown inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. Odoslkarou suggested date: late 13th-14th c. 221. 01142 (pi. 12) ht: 4.0 d: 20 e.v.e.: 7% Fr of lip and wall. Good condition. Gently curved wall, the lip is thickened at its base, creating a ridged which is decorated with a continuous line of finger indentations. Very petite in form, yet quite wide. Heavy soot deposit out, creating a shiny black surface. The section is fully black in parts. Fabric: Fine matrix, but a rough fracture because of the inclusions. Very small, small and medium inclusions, all very dark, the colour probably use-related. Odoslkarou suggested date: late 13th-14th c. 222. Inv. 562 (pi. 12) ht: 6.5 d: not possible to measure Fr of upper body, simple lip and handle. Good condition; some incrustations. appendix - catalogue ii-51

Traces of blackening both inside and out. Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/8 [YR], with dark brown core; coarse, with medium and large dark brown inclusions with schist-like fracture, medium brown and reddish brown ones. IK 067 suggested date: 15th c. onward 223. Inv. 1800 (pi. 12) ht: 5 (7.2 with handle) d: (int.) ca. 20-22 e.v.e.: ca. 8% Fr of body, lip and handle. Uneven lip, slightly thickened on the outside at the turning point. The outside surface retains pock­ marks and striations. Soot on the outside surface, including the handle, black surface inside, probably related to firing rather than use. Fabric: Very dark brown, 10yr2/l [B]; hard fired, with very small white inclusions and round dark ones (the colour maybe firing related) with flat appearance and colour. IK 067 suggested date: 15th c. onward 224. Inv. 2177 (pi. 12) ht: 4.5 d: 25/26 e.v.e.: 8% Fr of body and lip. Good condition. Shallow bowl, with very thick body. The outside surface retains striations and pock-marks, as well as some scraping marks. Otherwise well finished and wet smoothed. Wheel made. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr5/6 [SBrJ; coarse, with small and medium white and dark brown inclusions. IV 268 suggested date: Ottoman-modern 225. Inv. 3099 ht: 3.7 d: (int.) 22/3 e.v.e.: 9% Fr of upper wall and lip. Good condition; some incrustations. The lip is thickened at its base and rounded. Pock-marks and striations on the outside surface. Soot on the outside, below the lip. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/6 [R]; rough, with light and dark brown inclusions, barely visible against the background. 1AA 398 suggested date: 15th c. onward 226. Inv. 3063 ht: 7.2 d: ca. 25 e.v.e.: ca. 15% Fr of upper wall, lip and handle. Good condition; with considerable incrustations. Fairly steep wall, the lip unevenly formed, the handle section round rather than oval. The inside surface is roughly smoothed, while the outside has pockmarks and striations. Soot marks on the outside under the lip, and on half of the underside of the handle. The diameter reading is unreliable, because of the handle and the unevenness of the vessel. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/4 [RBrJ; fine matrix though rough fracture; brown inclusions barely visible against the matrix, possible grog. 1AA 410 suggested date: 15th c. onward 227. Inv. 1794 (pi. 12) ht: 7 d: ca. 21 e.v.e.: 20% Wall, lip and handle. Good condition, some incrustations Nearly vertical, slightly curved wall; lip unevenly modelled (one section has a ridge on the turning point, the other strongly curving simple lip). Very rough pattern of pock-marks and striations on the outside surface; the inside is smoothed but still rough and with shallow striations. Modelling marks show on the outside and on the handle. Heavy soot outside, up to the lip, and on the underside of the handle, in a pattern similar to that of the pots with in-turned lip. The diameter reading is insecure because of the handle. appendix - catalogue i i-52

Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/6 [YR], with dark brown patches in the core; coarse, hard, with small and medium white and dark brown inclusions 1AA 415 suggested date: 15th c. onward 228. Inv. 3134 (pi. 13) ht: 3.8 d: ca. 21 e.v.e.: ca 10% Fr of wall and lip. Good condition; minor chipping along the lip; considerably incrusted. Shallow bowl, with angular wall. Very rough surface on the outside, wet smoothed in. Some modelling marks on the outside, showing smoothing of the lip outwards on to the wall. Fabric: Dull brown, 7.5yr5/4 |Br] and reddish-brown 7.5yr4/6 [Br]; fine matrix with small white inclusions and medium brown ones; some elongated voids. IBB 472 suggested date: 15th c. onward 229. Inv. 3136 (pi. 12) ht: 7.8 d: too small to measure Fr of wall, lip and handle. Good condition, apart from partial loss of the surface inside. Deep bowl with no distinct lip; the top is thickened and turned in, with a near square profile. Pock­ marks and striations on the outside surface, as well as scraping marks. Smoothed inside. Some soot on the lower wall outside. Fabric: Orange; with small and medium white and dark brown inclusions; some mica-like ones. IBB 479 suggested date: 15th c. onward 230. Inv. 3362 (pi. 13, 23) ht: 3.2 d: not possible Fr of upper wall and lip, with plastic and incised decoration. Badly chipped, somewhat worn. Globular body; the lip has a deep pie-crust lower edge which creates a flange. The incised decoration consists of diagonal groups of three stacked dashes along the upper face of the lip, and pairs of diagonal lines at intervals around the flange; one small hollow knob is preserved on the upper face of the lip. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/8 [R|, with very thick dark core; very coarse, with small and medium light and dark brown inclusions. Parallel: François & Vallauri 2001, fig. 4:4. 1DD 546 suggested date: 15th c. onward, more likely 15th-16th 231. Inv. 3154 ht: 4.5 d: not possible handle section: 1.3 cm Fr of upper wall, lip and handle. Good condition, fresh break. Fairly deep bowl, wet smoothed on the lip and the inside surface. Soot marks on the surface outside, and on the underside of the handle. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/6-5/8 |YR|, with dark brown core; coarse, with small light brown inclusions, small and medium reddish-brown and dark brown ones. 1HH 1015 suggested date: 15th c. onward 232. inv. 3404 ht: 7.2 d: impossible to measure because of the handle, but it is in the 20’s Fr of upper wall, lip and handle. Very good condition Deep bowl, fairly well made. The inside surface is wet smoothed, the outside is rough and grainy. Soot on the outside surface under the lip, and on the underside of the handle Fabric: Strong brown, 5yr5/6 [YR]; fine matrix, though the fracture is still rough; with small and medium white and brown inclusions, hardly visible against the matrix; possibly grog? 1HH 1015 suggested date: 15th c. onward 233. Inv. 3400 ht: 5.5 d: impossible to measure Fr of upper wall, lip and handle. appendix - catalogue ii-53

Good condition; with light incrustations. Deep bowl, with steep, nearly vertical wall. Fairly well made, the inside surface is wet smoothed, the outside rough and grainy. Fabric: Brown 5yr5/6 [YR]; rough/sandy, with 10+% small and medium brown inclusions. 1HH 1041 suggested date: 15th c. onward Glazed on the inside surface 234. Inv. 3124 (pi. 12) ht: 5.2 d: not possible handle section: 2.4x2.4 Fr of wall, lip and handle. Chipped around the edges. Widely opening bowl, the lip thickened at its base; traces of glaze close to the break line. Soot on the under side. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr4/6 [YR]; fine matrix, though rough fracture, with small and medium white and brown inclusions, hardly visible against the background. ICC 480 suggested date: 15th c. onward, probably 15th c. (glazed) 235. Inv. 3517 (pi. 13) ht: 6.7 d: 31 e.v.e.: 9% Fr of wall and lip, glazed. Very good condition. The lip has a pronounced ridge on the turning point, decorated with fine regular notches, and a wavy line is incised along its upper face. The outside surface has pock marks and striations, the inside and the lip is wet smoothed. Below the lip there is a very thin layer of glaze, or a vitrified brown slip. Very well made, unusually fine for this type. Heavy soot deposit on the outside, sharply terminating on the turning point of the lip, as of the pots, yet the inclination of the wall defines this vessel clearly as a bowl, demonstrating the ambivalence in the distinction between the pots and bowls with in-turned lip. Fabric: Orange brown, 5yr4/6 [YR|; fine matrix, though fracture a little rough, with very small and small, white, reddish-brown and dark brown inclusions. 1HH 1014 suggested date: 15th c. onward, more likely 15th c. (glaze) 236. Inv. 3158 ht: 4.3 d: ca. 27 e.v.e.: 11% Fr of wall and lip of glazed bowl. Good condition. Deep bowl, with a rounded ridge on the turning point of the lip. The outside surface has pock marks and striations, the inside surface is glazed. The glaze thins considerably towards the top and terminates on the lip inside. The absence of soot marks strengthens the identification of a bowl, even though the wall is nearly upright. As in inv. 3517 above, this underlines the uncertainties of the type distinction amongst the vessels with in-turned lip. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R[; fine matrix, though still rough fracture, with light and dark brown inclusions, and possibly grog. 1HH 1014 suggested date: 15th c. onward, more likely 15th c. (glazed) 237. Inv. 3159 (pi. 13) h: 5 d: 25 e.v.e.: 7% Fr of wall and lip, glazed. Very good condition. Fairly shallow bowl; the lip is not distinct from the wall. The outside surface has pock-marks and striations, the inside surface is wet-smoothed, with thin glaze. Soot on the outside surface, up to the lip, terminates in a fuzzy line. appendix - catalogue i i-54

Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr4/4 |RB]; with fine matrix though rough fracture, with small and medium white and brown inclusions, hardly visible against the matrix, and some opaque small ones; possibly grog?. Thin section - Group d (see appendix V) 1HH 1020 suggested date: 15th c. onward, more likely 15th c. (glaze) Bowls with in-turned lip and pinched-spout 238. Inv. 2523 (pi. 13, 23) ht: 12 d: impossible to measure Four joining frr, forming a near complete vessel, with sagging base, steep wall and simple in-turning lip. Good; light incrustations. The spout is pulled forward and slightly twisted sideways. The outside surface has pock-marks and striations and retains modelling marks; the smooth inside wall retains marks of wet-smoothing. Very heavy soot deposit in patches on the outer face, particularly near the spout, alternating with grey soot marks and clean red areas. Similar pattern on the inside, but with much less grey. This is on the very borderline of being a pot, the soot-pattern was a consideration in including it in the bowls and not the pots. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr4/4 [RBrj coarse, hard, with small white and dark brown inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. IX ext 451 suggested date: 15th c. onward. 239. Inv. 3058 ht: 5.1 Fr of upper wall and lip. Good condition; some surface loss. The spout is pulled forward and rather large, but does not extend much outside the line of the lip. Well made; the outside surface with pock marks and striations; scraping and wet smooth marks on the lip, the inside surface is wet smoothed. The small spout that is confined to the outline of the lip is typical of bowls with in-turned lip in 15th century deposits of St George Hill, Nicosia. It is not clear though how long it persists. Fabric: Dark brown, 5yr3/2 [DBr]; rough/sandy with very small and small brown inclusions, hardly visible against the matrix, and occasional opaque or white ones. 1AA 399 suggested date: 15th c. onward, probably 15th- 16th 240. Inv. 3121 ht: 4.2 wd: 5.3 Fr of wall and spout. Fair condition; worn edges and incrustations. Shallow bowl with spout pulled forward. Soot inside the spout and on its underside. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr5/6 [SBr]; fine matrix with rough fracture, with small white and brown inclusions, barely visible against the background. ICC 476 suggested date: 15th c. onward 241. Inv. 3141 (pi. 13) ht: 6.2 d: 15 e.v.e.: 27% Fr of wall and lip. Very good. Rounded wall of a fairly deep bowl; just on the break line the lip begin to distort towards a spout. Precisely made, wet smoothed inside, leaving traces of some striations. The quality of execution as well as its resemblance to cat. 220. 0195, suggests an early phase date for this vessel, which its strati graphical position supports. Fabric: Yellowish brown, 5yr5/8 |YR|; quite rough, with small and medium brown inclusions, hardly visible against the matrix, and some grog. ICC 509 suggested date: 13th- 14th c. appendix - catalogue ii-55

242. Inv. 4430 ht: 4 9 vvd: 9.3 Fr of upper body and lip, with plastic decoration. Good condition, with light incrustations. The lip is distorted towards a pinched-spout, which is itself missing. A small decorative knob on the upper face of the lip. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr5/6[SBr|; very rough, with small white inclusions, small and medium grey ones. 1GG 1069 suggested date: 15th c. onward Glazed on the inside surface 243. Inv. 3140 ht: ca. 0.045 d: impossible to measure Fr of wall and lip, glazed. Fair condition; chipped along the edges, and with incrustations. Fairly steep wall; the spout is slightly pulled forward, but mostly confined within the depth of the lip -quite similar to the 15th contexts of St George Hill, Nicosia. Glazed inside, with some dribbles on the outside surface. Very roughly finished out, the surface retaining folding and forming marks. Soot out, particularly around the spout. Fabric: Dark brown, 5yr4/6 |YR|; fine matrix with a rough fracture, with small and medium light and dark brown inclusions, nearly invisible against the matrix. Thin section - Group d (see appendix V) ICC 493 suggested date: 15th c. onward, more likely 15th-16th c. (glazed) Bowls with degenerate in-turned lip 244. Inv. 2362 (pi. 13) ht: 4.1 d: (int.) 17 Fr of upper body and degenerate in-turned lip, with incised decoration. Worn, with light incrustation. Only the inside of the lip turns in; the upper face is flattened, with two lines of sharp, small indentations along it; an indentation ridge runs along the outer edge. The outside surface is smoothed, the inside rough, showing wiping marks. Fabric: Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R| hard-fired; with small sub-rounded white inclusions and sporadic medium white and black ones; small and medium voids. IK 067 suggested date: 16th century onward 245. Inv. 4385 (pi. 23) ht: 6 d: 20 e.v.e.: 12% Fr of upper body and lip, with plastic decoration. Good condition. Slightly curved, near upright wall, with lip projecting both in and out, flattened on its upper face. Decorative knob on the upper face of the lip. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr5/8 [YR]; rough, with small and medium brown, dark brown and occasional grey inclusions. IQ 176 suggested date: 16th century onward

246. Inv. 1958 ht: 5.4 d: (int.) ca 24 e.v.e.: ca. 7% Fr of upper wall and lip. Fairly good; somewhat chipped around the edges. The lip turns in only slightly and is diagonally flattened on its upper face; a line of uneven crescents decorates its outer edge. The outside surface has fairly large pock-marks and pronounced short striations; the inside and the outer surface of lip is well smoothed. Unevenly made. Soot patch on the lower part of the wall outside. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/6 [SBr]; coarse, hard, with medium and large dark grey inclusions, small and medium white inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. 1AA 399 suggested date: Ottoman-modern appendix - catalogue ii-56

247. Inv. 1812 (pi. 13) ht: 4.8 d: ca. 23 e.v.e.: ca. 8% Body and lip, with indentation decoration. Good condition. The lip is unevenly made, concave on its upper face, and only turning in on the inside line. The edge is decorated with well spaced, deep and small finger indentations. Pock-marks and striations on the outside surface; the inside is smoothed up to the upper face of the lip, with minor striations. Heavy soot deposit up to the indentations line. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr5/6-4/6 [Br-OBr] with thick dark core; coarse, with medium brown inclusions, and small brown and white ones. 1AA 407 suggested date: Ottoman Other bowls 248. Inv. 4691 (pi. 13) ht: 5.2 d: 14 e.v.e.: 14% Fr of body and lip, with incised decoration. Good condition; light incrustations Hemispherical bowl with simple rounded lip. A band of multiple dashes incised along the lip. The outside surface has pock-marks and striations, the inside is wet-smoothed. Fabric: Deep dark brown, 10yr3/2 (VDGrBrJ; with very small to medium brown inclusions, the same colour of the fabric, and both may be firing related. Though this bowl is not considered to be with in-turned lip, it bears similarity to 220.0195 and 241.3141. The decoration is, however, more typical of the very end of the early phase and later, while the coarseness of the surface suggests a date not before the 15th century. The deposit supports a 15th century date (appendix iii- 27). 1MM 1218 suggested date: 15th-16th c. 249. Inv. 73 (pi. 13, 23) ht: 5.7 d: 17 e.v.e.: 13% Fr of upper body and handle of a hemispherical bowl. Somewhat worn, with light incrustation. Rounded wall with simple lip; horizontal handle of round section, attached to the wall, level to the lip and folded to rise above it. There is a hint of four shallow grooves under the lip, as in cat. 250. 2224, but they are largely obliterated by the handle attachment. Well finished, with some lime pitting; self slipped on the inside. Soot on the wall outside and on the underside of the handle. Fabric: Reddish brown 2.5yr5/6[R], with thick dark core; coarse, with small-large white inclusions (some lime), medium and large dark brown and grey inclusions. ID 28 suggested date: Unknown 250. In. 2224 (pi. 13) ht: 8.2 d: 20 e.v.e.: 13% Handle section: 2.3x2.3 Four frr (two joining in pairs) of a hemispherical bowl. Good condition. Curved wall slightly turning in towards the top; the lip continues the line of wall but with a final upward turn. On the wall below the lip there are four shallow grooves. Sloppily executed, the surface roughly finished. . Good parallel to 249. 73 Fabric: Brown, with very thick dark core; coarse, hard, with many small and medium lime inclusions and some medium brown ones; minor lime pitting. IX ext 435 suggested date: Unknown appendix - catalogue i i-57

6 .2 .5 Pans Glazed pans with no spout

Levantine 251. 0197 (pi. 14, 25) ht: 4.5 d: (lip) 16; (base) 13 e.v.e.: 100% Three frr, near complete Levantine glazed pan with single, straight handle and rounded lip. Good condition. This is the only small pan with a handle preserved. The handle is short, of round section, attached to the lip and rising above it, and is stepped to a thin end. There are rough marks of addition of clay on the base. The thick glaze terminates in an uneven line on the lip, and covers most of the upper face of the handle. Dense soot deposit, uneven on the base, in alternating thick patches and ingrained ones. The soot rises all the way to the lip, apart from an area near the handle, where the side of the handle is also unmarked. Fabric: Orange, 2.5yr5/8 [R]; rough/sandy, with under 10% small black, brown and white inclusions. Thin section - Group a (see appendix V) Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th c. 252. 0198 ht: 4.5 d: (lip) 17; (base) 12.5 e.v.e.: 24% Four joining frr, forming complete profile of a Levantine glazed pan with a rounded lip. Good condition. Thick glaze, terminating in uneven line on the lip. The soot pattern is the same as that of 0197 above, but more of the wall is reserved. Rough marks of addition of clay on the base. Fabric: Orange, 2.5yr5/8 [R|; rough/sandy, with under 10% small black, brown and white inclusions. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th c. 253. 0199 ht: 4.0 d: (lip) 17.5 (base) 13.5 e.v.e.: 36% Fr of a Levantine glazed pan with rounded lip, complete profile. Good condition. The glaze has a gap, and does not reach the lip. Rough marks showing addition of clay on the base, Soot pattern as 251. 0197 above, but no reserved area. Fabric: Orange, 2.5yr5/8 |R], with dark chocolate brown in places, that could be use-related; rough/sandy, with under 10% small black, brown and white inclusions. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th c. 254. OI101 ht: 5.1 d:16.5 e.v.e.: 53% Ten frr (eight joining + a pair) of a glazed pan. Good condition. The wall is upright, the lip rounded and thickened on the outside; there is a root of at least one, and maybe two handles, which would be horizontal and hugging the wall. The outside and the base are well smoothed. Yellowish-brown glaze, up to the lip and in places extending out. The glaze is lumpy with some bubbles. This pan is outstanding in the glazed pans assemblage, with a brittle fabric, yellow glaze, and even shape. It is also more carefully made and finished. Heavy soot deposit forms a more consistent layer than on the other pans, with charred lumps in places. The soot covers the full surface outside, up to the lip. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/3[RBr]; rough, brittle, with very small and small white inclusions, and occasional small-medium brown one. Thin section - Group b (see appendix V) Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. appendix - catalogue i i-58

255. 01102 (pi. 25) ht: 6.6 d: (lip) 30; (base) 22 e.v.e.: 96% 17 frr (16 joining), of nearly complete Levantine glazed pan. Good condition. The wall leans out, rounding at a fairly wide angle to a flattened base; the lip is thickened both in and out, and is very uneven. Small triangular flat handles, which are barely more than a clay pellet. The glaze rises to the lip, which is partly reserved. Flecks and dribble of glaze outside. No soot marks. Fabric: Orange-reddish-brown, ca. 7.5yr4/4[SBr] but redder; rough/sandy with under 10% dark brown, reddish brown, and a few white inclusions; maybe grog. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th c. 256. 01103 (pi. 14 , 25) ht: 4.9-5.4d: 25 e.v.e.: 44% Six frr (five joining) of a Levantine glazed pan, complete profile. Good condition. The wall is leaning out and somewhat concave; the base is completely flat, and shows cheese-wire marks, with an excess ridge along the edge where it was pushed when flattened; the lip is thickened out just enough in to create an overhang. Small handles folded to triangles are attached fully to the wall. Dribbles and flecks of glaze on the outside. No soot, but maybe some traces of burnt deposit on the base itself. This pan is much more carefully made than the normal Levantine pans, but the glaze is not as thick and lustrous. The lip undulates, and it may deep towards one end, as hand made pan cat. 272.0193. Fabric: Variegated orange and chocolate-brown, 5yr3/3 [DRBr|; nearly 20% inclusions, extremely limey, the lime inclusions are small and medium with an occasional very large one; small dark and reddish-brown inclusions, which may be grog. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th c. 257. 01106 d: 28 e.v.e.: 30% Four frr (two joining) of a Levantine pan, complete profile. Good condition. As 260.01102, including the glaze pattern. Only very limited soot deposit, on one fr. Fabric: Orange-brown; with small and (mostly) medium light-opaque brown and dark brown inclusions, and some white ones. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th c. 258. Inv. 3374 (pi. 14) ht: 4 d: ca. 29 e.v.e.: ca 7% Fr of Levantine pan, complete profile. Fair; chipped around the edges and along the lip. The lip is flattened and projects in and out. The glaze is clear and lustrous. As with the large pans of Odos Ikarou, there is little soot, outside on the base (of which very little is preserved) and just under the lip. Fabric: Orange-red, 2.5yr5/8 [R|, dark grey towards the outer face, turning to brown on the surface itself; rough, with very small white inclusions. Thin section - Group a (see appendix V) IS 266 suggested date: 13th c. 259. Inv. 2809 ht: 2.6 d: ca 30 e.v.e.: ca 4% Fr of a lip of Levantine pan. Fair condition; the lip is worn and the breakline is chipped. The lip is flattened, and projects both in and out. The glaze has rough finish, and is worn on the lip. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/8-4/8 [R]; rough, with small white inclusions, and medium white, brown and dark ones. 4A 211 suggested date: 13th c. appendix - catalogue i i-59

Others 260. Inv. 578 (pi. 14) lg: 8.2 wd: 7.1 handle diameter: 2.5 Fr of body and handle of glazed pan. Fair condition; incrusted and somewhat scratched on the surface. Shallow pan with simple lip and a long, hollow handle; the handle continues the angle of the wall. Brown glaze inside with a dribble on the underside. The handle itself is reserved. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/6-8 [R]; medium coarse, with small white inclusions; large quantity of mica or mica-like inclusions. Possible parallel: Amouric et. al. 1999: 102, fig. 220; 143, fig. 270. 17th-18th century. In both cases the fabric is light, the vessels quite likely table and not cooking. This may be true for pan 258. 578 as well, since there are no use marks. The fabric is, however, a coarse ware fabric, and the suggested date is therefore left as unknown. IK 073 suggested date: unknown 261. Inv. 4693 (pi. 14) ht: 3.6 d: ca. 29 e.v.e.: ca. 6% Fr of body and handle of glazed pan, complete profile. The wall leans out, the lip simple; the break is just under the turn to the base, which seems to have been slightly sagging; the base of a horizontal handle is preserved at the level of the lip. Brown, dead­ looking glaze inside. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/8-4/8 [R]; sandy-rough fracture, with very small and medium brown inclusions, nearly invisible against the matrix. In spite of a similarity, this cannot be considered to be the same as the Levantine pans. Though the fabric colour is similar, it seems to be different, and though the base of the handle, which is all that is left, is similar to that of the Levantine, it is way too close to the lip. If this is a Levantine pan, it is most likely from a different production centre. 1MM 1126 suggested date: unknown Glazed pans with pinched-spout 262. 0194 ht: 4.5 Fr of a glazed pan with pinched-spout, complete profile. Good condition. The wall leans out, turning to the flat base at a sharp angle; the lip turns in slightly, and is thickened and rounded on the outside. Little is preserved of the lip apart from the spout itself, which is small, well rounded, and with dimples at its base. The inside is glazed up to the lip and just over it. The glaze is mottled white, grey and brown. The pan is precisely made and well finished, but scraping and smoothing marks, as well as some striations, are visible on the outside. A narrow band of heavy soot deposit outside, just under the glaze. Some soot is trapped within cracks in the glaze inside, but the effectiveness of non-damaged glaze as a ‘non-stick’ surface is demonstrated by a pristine dribble of glazed within the sooted area. Diameter measure was not possible, but this pan seems to be larger than 272.0193 (d = 19cm). Fabric: Dark rich brown, 5yr4/3 [RBr]; with plenty of mica or mica-like inclusions which show grey facets when not in the light, and occasional small brown ones. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 263. Inv. 3377 ht: 5 d: impossible to measure Fr of body and spout, glazed. Fair condition; edges worn a bit, fairly heavily incrusted Shallow pan/bowl, with pinched spout pulled forward; on each side of the spout there are two finger dimples, one above the other. The inside surface is glazed. Soot on the outside surface. appendix - catalogue i i-60

Fabric: Dark brown, 5yr3/4 |DRBr] with partly reddish surface 2.5yr4/8 |R]; fine matrix, though the fracture is rough, with dark brown inclusions and possible grog. IK 073 suggested date: 15th c. onward, the glaze may imply pre-Ottoman non-glazed pans without a spout 264. 0190 (pi. 14) ht: 4.2 d: (lip) 28; (max.) 29.5 e.v.e.: 89% Eight frr (six joining) of shallow pan with in-turned lip. Good condition. The wall leans out, the lip is thickened at the turning point. The pan is well finished and evenly made; the surface is compact, the inside is wet smoothed. Patchy soot, dense but ingrained, mainly on the base, and a little on the lip. Inside there are remains of burnt deposit or soot. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/6 [YR]; fine matrix but rough section, with small and medium white and brown inclusions. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 265. 0191 ht: 2.7 d: ca. 28 e.v.e.: ca. 9% Fr of hand made, shallow pan with in-turned lip. Good condition. The wall leans out; on the lip there is a partial indentation pattern (two notches preserved). Self slipped inside, and wet smoothed on the lip out. Little soot outside, ingrained and of light colour; inside there is a dark and fairly dense burnt area. The partial indentation pattern may indicate that this is a pan with pinched-spout. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/6-8 |RJ; rough, with small dark grey and dark brown inclusions. Some elongated voids, some mica-like ones. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 266. Inv. 3372 (pi. 15, 23) ht: 3.3 d: ca. 35 e.v.e.: ca. 5% Fr of lip and upper wall of large, shallow dish with in-turned lip. Because the dish is shallow, the lip inclination is near-vertical rather than in-turned. Well finished and smooth on the inside and over the lip; the outer face is rough, with many pock-marks and some vertical striations. Some blackening towards the bottom of the inner face. Fabric: Reddish-orange, 5yr5/6-5/8 [YR]; 10% very small and small white and brown inclusions. The thickness of the wall (0.5 cm) places this dish after the early phase. Thin section - Group b (see appendix V) IK 067 suggested date: 15th c. onward 267. inv. 1796 ht: 6.1 wd: 7.2 Fr of body, lip and handle. Very shallow, with a horizontal handle attached to the lip and rising above it at an acute angle. The outside surface is rough, with pock-marks and striations; the inside is well finished, but still rough. Minor soot patches on the surface outside. Fabric: Brown with reddish-brown surface, 2.5yr5/6 |R] and dark core; very small and small white inclusions, and small brown ones. 1AA 415 suggested date: 15th c. onward 268. Inv. 3173 (pi. 14) ht: 3.2 d: (lip) ca. 29; (base) ca. 26 e.v.e.: ca. 8% Complete profile of a shallow dish. Fairly good condition; incrustations. Straight wall leaning out; flat base; horizontal handle with round section, attached to the lip and rises appendix - catalogue ii-61

above it; the outside surface has pock-marks and striations, the inside is wet smoothed. Soot out on the base and the wall, and burnt deposit on the base inside. Though not strictly speaking with in-turned lip, this pan is of the same manufacturing tradition Fabric: Yellowish-brown, 5yr6/6 [RY1; very coarse, with small and medium white, reddish-brown and dark brown inclusions. 1AA 418 suggested date: 15th c. onward 269. Inv. 3368 ht: 3.1 d: impossible to measure, but ca. 20 Fr of upper wall, lip and handle of a hand made dish with in-turned lip. Good condition; some incrustations. The very top of a straight wall leaning out; the lip is thickened and rounded on the outside; the base of a horizontal handle with round section is attached to the lip and rises above it. There is red slip on both the inside and outside surfaces, and the vessel may have been intended to be glazed. The outside surface has pock-marks and striations. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/8 [RJ; fine matrix, but with a rough fracture, with small and medium light and dark brown inclusions, hardly visible against the matrix. 1DD 546 suggested date: 15th c. onward non-glazed pans with spout 270. 0196 A fr of complete profile of pan with pinched-spout. Good condition. Similar to cat. 272 above, but cruder. The level of the lip is uneven; the lip thins considerably on the spout, which is small and well rounded, with a shallow shaping depression at its base. This pan may be slightly larger than the previous ones. The outside surface retains some pock-marks and striations, the inside is well smoothed. The outside surface is covered with soot. The inside is also completely blackened, either by a sealant- layer, or an extremely smooth burnt deposit. The colour of the fabric is altered, as that of cat. 272.0193, as if it soaked oil or resin from the outside surface to about two thirds of its depth. Fabric: Dark brown, 5yr3/2|DBr]; fine matrix, with very small white, and small white and brown inclusions; considerable amount of mica-like flakes on the surface. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 271. 0193, OI93a (pi. 25) ht: (0193) 4-4.9; (OI93a) 4 d: (lip) 19; (base) 14.5 e.v.e.: 44% Four frr (two joining) of a pan with pinched-spout. Good condition Slightly rounded wall leaning out, with an in-turned lip, flat base, and lug handles attached to the lip. The spout (0193a) does not join the main body of the pan (see pi. 25), but the manufacture style which is unusual in the assemblage, the fabric, and the measurements, identify is as part of the same vessel. The spout is small, well rounded, and with dimples at its base. The pan is considerably shallower at one end. It is well made and well finished, and the slope - towards the spout - is intentional. Scraping marks are visible outside on the base. Dense, black soot outside. It concentrate on the wall opposite the spout - where it reaches the lip - and around the spout, but not near the lug. The colour of the fabric is altered, as if it soaked oil or resin from the outside surface to about half its depth. Inside there is a burnt deposit. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/4(DBr] with dark brown core 10yr3/2[DBr); very brittle, fine matrix, with very small and small brown, white and glistening inclusions; large amount of mica-like flakes on the surface. Odos Ikarou suggested date: late 13th-early 14th c. 272. Inv. 2522 (pi. 14) ht: 5.4 width: 13.3 Fr of body and spout. Good condition. appendix - catalogue i i-62

Shallow vessel; the spout is pulled forward and slightly twisted sideways. The outside surface is very rough, with pock-marks and striations; modelling marks are visible, and in particular undisguised addition of clay, to form the spout. The inside surface is well finished, with wet-smoothing marks and shallow striations. Soot patches outside, but not on the spout. Most of the inside surface, including the spout, has grey soot deposit. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr5/8 [YR] with brown patches on the core; coarse, hard, with small white and dark brown inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. IX ext 426 suggested date: 15th c. onward Pans with rounded profile and in-turned lip 273. Inv. 3939 (pi. 14) ht: 1.9 d: ca. 24 e.v.e.: ca. 8% Fr of wall, lip and handle. Fair condition; minor chipping along the inside edge of the rim, and some incrustations. The lip is thickened and rounded, and smoothed inward, creating a flat internal edge; a handle root is superimposed on it. Though a derivative of the vessels with in-turned lip, the distinct lip is by now lost. The handle root distorts the diameter measurement. Fabric: Muddy-brown, 7.5yr4/4 [DBrJ; with white, brown, reddish-brown and grey inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. 3D 370 suggested date: 15th c. onward. 274. inv. 1175 (pi. 15, 24) ht: 5.5 d: 22 e.v.e.: 95% Numerous frr restored to a near complete shallow rounded dish. Good condition; some incrustations. Vestigial in-turned lip, flattened on top; two small horizontal handles of rounded section are attached to the lip and rise above it. A heavy soot deposit on the outside surface, not reaching the lip. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr5/6[strong Br]; finely rough, with very small white, and small dark brown inclusions, hardly visible against the matrix. 4A 220+ 257 suggested date: Unknown. This pan presents a problem in that its context and quality of manufacture would strongly suggest an early phase date, but the section of the handles is that of the 15th century or late. I would tentatively suggest the later part of the early phase, until there is further evidence for the shape. Flat pans with up-turned lip 275. Inv. 829 (pi. 14, 23) ht: 3 d: (int.) 30 e.v.e.: 11% Three joining fragments of body and lip. Chipped, worn and incrusted. Some scrape marks on the outside surface. Soot on the upper face of the lip. Fabric: Orange-brown, 5yr5/8 [YR]; rough, with small white inclusions, and medium dark brown ones. lO 123 suggested date: Ottoman 276. Inv. 1946 (pi. 24) ht: 3 d: 26 e.v.e.: 18% Three joining frr of a very shallow, nearly flat dish. The base is nearly as thick as the lip; the outside surface is rough, with pronounced pattern of pock­ marks and striation; the inside and the lip are compact, showing marks of wet-smoothing. appendix - catalogue i i-63

There are black and grey patches on the outside surface, probably from firing. This vessel may have been used as an eating- rather than cooking-bowl. Fabric: Dull brown, 7.5yr4/4[DBr/Br], with thick dark core; coarse, with small and medium brown and small white inclusions. 1AA 185 suggested date: 15th c. onward

277. Inv. 2425 ht: 3.8 wd: 6.5 Very shallow dish with in-turned lip. Fairly good condition. Slightly curving wall/base with lip turned up nearly to the vertical. Incised band of seven wavy lines on the upper face of the lip. Light pattern of pock-marks and striations outside, the inside surface is smoothed. This dish is an example of the finer range of kitchen ware, which is more of a non-decorated table ware. Fabric: Brown, 5yr4/6 |YR], with dark grey core; fairly coarse, hard, with small white inclusions, and small and medium brown ones. 1AA 414 suggested date: 15th c. onward

6.2.6 Plates 278. Inv. 2416 (pi. 14) ht: 3 d: ca. 24 e.v.e.: ca. 6% Fr of wall and lip. Good condition. Shallow plate, with a gently curving wall, and simple lip very slightly thickened at the rim. The outside surface has a pattern of pock-marks and striations; the inside is wet-smoothed and decorated with oblique incised sets of 15 short lines arranged irregularly. Soot marks outside. Fabric: Reduced through to grey; coarse, hard, with medium grey inclusions and occasional small irregular white ones. The fact that only grey inclusions are visible may be a result of firing. ICC 459 suggested date: 15th c. onward.

6.2.7 mini-casseroles 279. OHIO; 110a (pi. 15) ht: 5.7 d: (lip) 9.5; (max. body) 11 e.v.e.: 53% handle wd: 1.8 Four joining frr, with a possibly related base (110a), forming complete profile. Good condition. Globular, squat body, lip thickened and rounded on the outside, flattened diagonally in on the upper face. Two flat, wide, thin handles, slightly twisted, extend from the lip to the point of maximum diameter. The inside surface is smooth and dense. The lip uneven, roughly finished. The lower body shows a fine pattern of pock-marks and striations. The base, 110a, is roughly worked on the inside, which is sealed, possibly with pitch. Soot deposit on the inside, thinning towards the top, and does not reach the lip. Soot outside, corresponding in pattern. Fabric: Dark brown, 5yr3/4 [DRBr]; fairly fine matrix, with somewhat less inclusions than is usual (under 10%). The inclusions are brown and occasionally white (lime?), very small and small; mica­ like flakes on the surface. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th- 14th c. 280. OI111 (pi. 15) ht: 7.3 d: (lip) 11; (max. body) 13 e.v.e.: 72% Four joining frr, forming complete profile. Good condition. Globular, fairly deep body, with a near carination at the point of maximum diameter. Upright lip, appendix - catalogue i i-64

rounded on its outer face. A root of a handle, or possibly a very small lug, on the lip. The outside surface is smooth and self slipped, with smoothing striations under the point of maximum diameter. The inside is well finished, maybe self slipped. Burnt deposit, or possibly a pitch-seal, all over the inside, smooth and dense, and showing some cracks; soot outside in patches down to the carination Fabric: Dark brown, 5yr4/4 |RBr]; fairly fine matrix, with very small and small brown and occasional white (lime?) inclusions; mica-like flakes on the surface. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th- 14th c.

281. OI112 ht: 5.4 d: (lip)l 1; (max. body) 11.5 e.v.e.: 15 handlewd:2.1 Fr of body, lip and handle. Good condition. Globular body, with upright neck/lip, flattened at the top; flat, thin handle, extends from the lip to the point of maximum body diameter. The surface is smooth and self slipped. Soot outside, on the lower part of the handle and next to it. Fabric: Brown, ca. 7.5yr4/4[DBrj; fairly fine, with very small dark brown and white inclusions, barely visible against the matrix. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th-14th c.

282. 01113 (pi. 15) ht: 5.6 d: (lip) 11; (max. body) 11.5 e.v.e.: 58% handle wd: 1.7 Two joining frr, near full profile. Good condition. Rounded body, the lip considerably thickened and rounded on its outer face; one flat, thin strap handle preserved, extending from the lip to the point of maximum body diameter. The lip is unevenly finished. Burnt deposit inside, getting thicker towards the bottom. No soot outside, but not much of the lower body is preserved. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/6 [SBr] with a darker core; fairly fine, with very small dark brown and white inclusions. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th- 14th c. 283. 01114 (pi. 15) ht: 5.5 d: (lip) 11 (max. body) 13 e.v.e.: 50% Three non-joining frr of body, lip and handle. Good condition. Rounded body and short neck; the lip is thickened considerably on the outside, and pulled nearly to a triangular section, with slightly concave upper face. Flat, thin strap handle extends from the lip to the point of maximum diameter. The outside surface is roughly finished on the lower body, preserving a pattern of striations, the upper body well finished; self slipped inside. Unevenly-dark deposit on the outside, either soot or a result of firing atmosphere. Burnt surface on one fr inside. Fabric: Reddish-brown, ca. 5yr5/8 [YR]; fairly fine, with very small white inclusions, small reddish-brown and dark brown ones. Odos Ikarou suggested date: 13th-14th c.

284. Inv. 4300 (pi. 15) ht: 3.7 d: 10 e.v.e.: 24% One fr, complete profile. Good condition. Upright thick wall continuing directly to a lip which has a slight rebate inside, and is flattened on its upper face; the body carinates to the base, the carination retaining scraping marks. An edge of a handle root is just visible on the break. Very rough manufacture, retaining forming marks inside; strong pock-marks and striations pattern out. This is the extreme debasement of the type. appendix - catalogue i i-65

Fabric: Deep dark brown, 10yr3/2 [DBr], with dark orange surface, 10yr4/4 [DYBr]; very rough, with very small and small brown inclusions, and occasional large one. 1MM 1163 suggested date: Ottoman

6.2.8 beaker(?)

The following vessel is without a parallel on site, it is probably a beaker or a small jar, and most probably a Levantine import. 285. Inv. 3411 (pi. 15) ht: 3.6 d: (lip) ca. 14; (max. body) 18 e.v.e.: ca. 14% Fr of lip and wall of glazed bowl/pot. Good condition; some incrustations Rounded, wide shoulder; everted lip rounded on the outside and slightly concave in. The surface is glazed inside, and partially out. The glaze is light brown with yellow tinge. Soot outside. Though not obviously a Levantine product, the fabric and glaze are closer to the Levantine manufacturing tradition than to the local Cypriot one. In size it is the same as the smallest of the three sizes of the levantine pot-sets. Fabric: Rich brown, 5yr3/4[Dark RBr]; rough, with small light brown and dark brown inclusions. 1BB/CC 1064 suggested date: 13th c.

6 .3 Bases

6.3.1 Sagging bases 286. Inv. 1803 ht: 3.4 d: not possible Fr of a sagging base. Fair condition; chipped along the edges. Nearly flat, heavy base of a large vessel with a widely spreading wall. The pattern of pock-marks and striations on the outside surface seems nearly like surface loss. The inside surface is wet smoothed in various directions. Soot on the outside surface. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/4 (DBr], with dark brown core; rough, with small and medium brown and white inclusions. IK 067 suggested date: Unknown

287. Inv. 1818 ht: 2.4 d: 9.5 e.v.e.: 30% Fr of a sagging base. Good condition. Rough finishing marks on the inside. Black smooth surface deposit inside, maybe combined with soot. The section is dark nearly all the way through from the inside out. Seemingly this is a use-related colour change. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [R] (surface colour); with 5-10% large brown inclusions and small blue ones. lO ext 235 suggested date: Unknown

288. Inv. 2518 ht: 5.9 d: ca. 12 e.v.e.: 45% Fr of lower wall and sagging base. Good condition. The surface is well smoothed both inside and out, but retains pronounced modelling marks inside, in the form of depressions with sharp edges. Similar to those of cat. 296. 3176. These marks could well be a result of the use of tool in the manufacturing process, and indicate closed vessels, as there is no attempt at disguising them. Mottled surface outside. appendix - catalogue ii-66

Fabric: Pinkish-brown, 2.5yr5/6 (R|, with thick, very dark brown core; rough, with small and medium brown inclusions; some voids. IX ext 419 suggested date: Unknown 289. Inv. 2521 ht: 5.8 wd: 12.5 Fr of sagging base. Good condition. Well finished surface on the inside, maybe self slipped, but modelling marks still visible. Pock-marks and striations on the outside surface. Soot deposit covers the outside surface, and there is a small area of burnt deposit on the inside, close to the break line Fabric: Reddish-brown, 5yr5/4[RBr|; very rough with small reddish-brown inclusions, and medium white and grey ones. IX ext 426 suggested date: Unknown 290. Inv. 2427 ht: 3 wd: 17.7 Four joining frr of a large sagging base. Fairly good condition; some incrustation. Somewhat rough on the inside, smoothed on the outside. Fabric: Orange-brown; with occasional small white and grey inclusions, and medium grey ones. 1AA 410 suggested date: Unknown 291. Inv. 3177 ht: 7.2 d: 14 e.v.e.: 25% Fr of sagging base. Good condition. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 2.5yr5/6 (R], with very thick dark core; very coarse, with small, medium and large white (lime?) inclusions, small and medium grey and opaque ones. IBB 471 suggested date: Unknown 292. Inv. 3904 ht: 2.8 d: ca. 16 Five joining frr of sagging base. Good condition. A thick dense deposit on the inside surface, of what may be bituminous material, with small angular stones embedded in it. Identical deposit was found in other vessels around the site, notably in the “processing comer” in trench IBB context 471, and this base was inventoried as an one of the better examples of this deposit. Fabric: Very dark brown, use-related; very rough, with small and medium grey (some of them glistening) inclusions and dark brown ones. 1PP 1099 suggested date: Unknown

6.3.2 Flat bases 293. Inv. 3122 (pi. 16) ht: 5.2 d: 11 e.v.e.: 11% Three frr, two joining, of wheel-made flat base. Good condition. Only the bottom of a straight wall, leaning out, is preserved. There are corresponding wide grooves along the inner and outer edges. Fabric: Reddish-brown, 10r5/6 [R|; fairly fine, dense, with small white and brown inclusions. IBB 471 +479 suggested date: 16th c. onward

6.3.3 Ring bases 294. Inv. 1951 (pi. 16) ht: 2.7 d: 7.5 e.v.e.: 49% Fr of hand-made ring-foot and the very bottom of a curved wall. Worn and chipped. appendix - catalogue i i-67

The near-upright foot has a slightly concave outer face, curved resting surface, and a sloping inner face, sharply offset from the underside of the floor. Unevenly formed, the outside surface of the body has pock-marks and striations, and the inside is very roughly finished with forming marks visible. There are indentations that are similar to thos on cat. 296. 3176. Black deposit covers both the inside and outside surfaces; inside it is probably pitch, outside maybe soot. Fabric: Brown, 7.5yr4/2 [BrJ; very' coarse, hard, with small, medium and large dark-grey, brown, and white inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. 1AA 185 suggested date: 16th c. onward 295. Inv. 2827 ht: 2.1 d: 9 e.v.e.: 28% Fr of hand-made ring-foot. Slightly worn. Splayed ring curving to an uneven resting surface. Very irregularly finished, with distinct finger marks. Fabric: Orange brown, 5yr5/6 [YR], with a partial dark core; coarse, with medium-large sub angular brown inclusions, medium lime inclusions, and white and light brown ones; some elongated voids. 1AA 407 suggested date: 16th c. onward 296. Inv. 3176 (pi. 19) ht: 2.9 d: 10 e.v.e.: 100% Fr of hand-made ring-foot and very beginning of a rounded wall. Inside surface well preserved, resting surface heavily chipped; incrustations on the underside. The fragment is round, the ring itself heavily chipped. There are sharp round depressions on the inside surface, with imprint of fabric which continue unbroken over the edges of the depressions. Fabric imprints are known on the inside of Mamluk closed vessels, which were shaped over bags filled with sand. Once forming was finished, the bag was emptied and pulled out (Tholbecq 1997-98: 157). This technique would explain the imprint, and if emptying the bag happened at the leather-hard stage, with subsequent final thinning of the base, it will explain the sharp depressions. The context is a processing area in a courtyard(?), which included, amongst other things, pebble that were used as hammers or pounders (cat. 310. 3643, 311. 3178). Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/6 |YR]; fine matrix, with small white inclusions, medium and large opaque ones, medium grey and reddish brown. IBB 471 suggested date: 16th c. onward 297. Inv. 3129 (pi. 16) ht: 2.9 d: 8.5 e.v.e.: 25% Fr of hand-made ring-foot and the lower part of a body of an open vessel. Good condition, some incrustations. Self-slipped and cracked on the inside. Some soot on the underside. Fabric: 5yr5/6 [YR]; rough, with small and medium white inclusions, and medium dark brown ones. ICC 468 suggested date: 16th c. onward 298. Inv. 2837 ht: 25 d: 9 e.v.e.: 22 Fr of ring-base. Self-slipped both inside and out, but completely worn on the resting surface. Rough and uneven finishing marks visible on the inner face. Fabric: Very coarse, with laminated section; large grey and black inclusions, and medium white ones; thick dark core 4A 320 suggested date: 16th c. onward appendix - catalogue i i-68

6.3.4 Ridge base 299. Inv. 3181 (pi. 19) ht: 3.8 d: (ridge) 5.5 Fr of lower body. Good condition, but some surface loss inside. The outside surface is rough, with pock-marks and striations; the inside is wet smoothed. Fabric: Yellowish-Brown, 5yr5/8 [YR|; very coarse, with small white inclusions, small and medium dark-brown and some small and medium reddish-brown. IBB 471 suggested date: 16th c. onward 300. Inv. 4985 (pi. 19) ht: 5.6 d: (at break) 14.8 e.v.e.: 100% Base and lower body. Good condition. Lower part of a very coarse vessel (wall thickness 9 mm). The surface is quite well finished, with only a few striations outside. Probably hand made. Fabric: Reddish brown, (2.5yr5/6 - R), with dark brown core; rough, with small and medium white, pink, reddish-brown and dark brown inclusions. ICC 459 suggested date: 16th c. onward

6 .4 Vessels for the water wheel 301. Inv. 1821 (pi. 16) ht: 4.6 d: (toe) 3.5 e.v.e.: 100% Toe with a small part of the lower body. Fair condition; incrusted, and the edge of the knob is chipped. Very rough surface with working marks clearly visible. The attachment of the toe to the body is visible. This is a smaller toe than usual. Fabric: Orange-red, 5yr5/6 [YR], with very thick dark brown core; coarse, with large, dark metallic- grey inclusions, medium and small brown and white ones; mica-like specks on the surface. Published: RDAC 2001, 343 fig. 3, 8, 348 no. 43 (Gabrieli, McCall and Green) lO ext 205 suggested date: Unknown

302. Inv. 1816 (pi. 16) ht: 7.2 d: (toe) 4.1 Toe with a small fr of lower body. Somewhat worn, the toe is heavily chipped, and part is missing. The toe is sloppily made, the shaft is longer than usual, the knob itself smaller. On the base inside there is a mark which suggests that the toe was stuck into the base. Fabric: Reddish-brown, ca. 5yr5/8 |YR] with thick dark core on the toe; coarse, with small white inclusions, medium and large brown, reddish brown and dark brown ones. IV 251 suggested date: unknown

303. Inv. 3060 ht: 3.3 d: 5.2 Fr of toe. Chipped on the edge, particularly on one side; incrustations. The shaft is asymmetric, the knob unevenly made. Fabric: Brown, 5yr5/8 [YR], with dark brown core; white, brown and very dark inclusions 1AA 402 suggested date: unknown

304. Inv. 3897 (pi. 16, 19) ht: 6.5 d: (toe) 4.7; (body at break) 9 Fr of toe and lower body. Very good condition. The only damage is a shallow chip on the edge of the toe-button, which is common on these toes, possibly result of banging on the water wheel. A handle with a straight, short shaft and well-formed round head with a central button. The fabric, appendix - catalogue i i-69

with its orange surface, is possibly Ottoman. Fabric: Orange-brown, (5yr5/4 - RBr), with the internal half of the section grey; rough, with small white inclusions, and small and medium brown ones. IBB 482 suggested date: unknown 305. Inv. 4358 (pi. 16, 19) ht: 23.5 d: (max. body) 15.5 Nine joining frr of body and handles. Good condition. Elongated body with round base; two small vertical handles with oval section positioned one above the other. The neck and lip are missing. The outside surface is rough, with the typical pattern of pock-marks and striations, yet not sloppily finished. The inside surface is slipped, retaining finger marks. This is the only example of this shape of vessel for the water-wheel that was identified. There are, however, other round bases similar to this one, at least some of which probably represent more such vessels. Fabric: Reddish-brown; very rough, with small-large white inclusions; small reddish brown ones, small-large dark brown/grey. Parallel: François & Vallauri 2001: 533, fig. 3:7 (described as lid). 1GG 1092 suggested date: unknown 306. CW0003 (pi. 19) ht: 23.5 d: (max. body) 15.5 Nine joining frr of body and handles. Good condition. Lower part of an elongated body with round base, and a coarse toe, flattened at its base. The outside surface is rough, with the typical pattern of pock-marks and striations, yet not sloppily finished. The inside surface is slipped, retaining finger marks. There is a striking resemblance in fabric and manufacture to cat. 305. 4358, and to the ridge bases cat. 299 and 300. This vessel brought about the recognition that fragments which had previously been identified as over­ sized handles or lid-knobs are in fact toes of vessels for the water wheel. Fabric: Reddish-brown; very rough, with small-large white inclusions; small reddish brown ones, small-large dark brown/grey. 1QQ 1274 suggested date: unknown

6.5 Burnishers (?) 307. Inv. 3367 lgxwd: 6.8x4 Roughly trapezoid, sherd of amphora body, probably used as burnishing tool. Well worn and smooth. IK 062 308. inv. 3371 lg: 5.6 Triangular sherd of amphora, probably used as burnishing tool. Very worn and smooth. IK 067

309. inv. 3077, 3078, 3079 lgxwd: 4.8x3.7; 3.7x3.3; 5.2x3.7 Three sherds of amphora body, probably used as burnishing tools. Very worn, surface and edges completely smoothed. All three sherds are roughly oval, 3077 has a finger-size depression on one side. 1AA 414 appendix - catalogue ii-70

6.6 Pebbles 310. Inv. 3643 (pi. 16) Part of a large stone pounder. Worn and battered. White, fairly hard, fairly flat pebble, approximately semicircular. It has percussion marks in the centre of the upper face, and seemingly split at that point during use. Percussion marks all around the edge suggest that it could well have continued in use after it was split. 10 ext. 182 311. Inv. 3178 lg: 9.5 wd: 7.7 tk: 1.5 Pebble used as pounder. Good condition. Smooth oval pebble, with two flat surfaces . The centre area is abraded on both faces. IBB 471 312. Inv. 3179 (pi. 16) lg: 11 wd: 10 Pebble used as pounder. Good condition. A diabase oval pebble, maybe from the Azuza river, with clear use marks in the centre of both flat surfaces, in the form of shallow depressions. IBB 471

313. Inv. 3557 (pi. 16) lg: 14.1 Pebble used as pounder. Sub-ovoid diabase pebble, with one long surface fairly flat, much abraded on the broader end. 1BB/CC 1049 314. inv. 3547 max. 0.047 max. 0.107 Stone stopper. Fairly good condition. Hard grey limestone, with relatively flat lower face showing the original split chisel-mark. The other faces very roughly trimmed so that the plan is basically circular and the upper face domed. 1BB/1CC 1049 315. Inv. 3518 d: ca 9.6 tk: ca 4.4 Stone pounder or stopper. Heavy, hard stone, crudely trimmed to circular form, with roughly flat face and curved back. Limited signs of percussion around the centre of the flat face. Fits comfortably in the hand. Similar to a series of six found in the well. 1HH 1014

316. Inv. 3952 (pi. 16) d: 7 Fr of round stone stopper. Good condition. Roughly round flat sandstone with shell particles, with roughly smoothed edges. 1HH 1015 317. Inv. 4697 lg: 12.5 wd: 4.5 Beach pebble used as hammer. Fairly good. Hard limestone, cream-grey. Smooth, long and slightly waisted beach pebble with many impact marks on the thicker end, and others near it. Sits well in the hand. 1MM 1219 appendix - deposits iii-1

Appendix III - Contextual Information

This appendix provides the full context for the catalogue items. Each table presents one deposit. The order of the tables follows trenches in the order of their excavation (starting with single letters, i.e. IK, lO etc., continuing to 1AA, IBB etc.), and within each trench, the deposit in numerical order.

The first row of each table presents the deposit and its stratigraphic location - the deposits above and below); coins, tobacco pipes, and datable fine wares; the space the deposit is in, as marked in the plan of the complex (figure 2.3 and figure 8.7).

The catalogue items are in the central part of the table, with illustrations, which are a reduced version of the illustrations in the catalogue plates. Additional coarse ware that was not included in the catalogue but was used for quantification is also presented here.

In the final section of each table there are comments on the deposit in general, and specific comments, where possible, about its significance for determining the chronological sequence.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1J 093 (topsoil) Venetian denier pipes: N/A tournois (1490-1570) below is 146 coarse ware:

s , d " Vr\ * 27.547 35.3637 11 1.546 144.3014 213.3054 comments: Topsoil, this deposit is mixed, but there is a good component of Middle/early Late Phase, including a 16th-17th j century sgraffito.______

Deposit : coins: tobacco finewares: space: IK 060 (topsoil) pipes: 18th c. (Ottoman, unspecified) V below is 062 1 15th c. (Lapithos, Maiolica) 13th-14th (sgraffito, residual) coarse ware:

28.1490 36.2476 1 112.2477 - jug with rouletted decoration comments: Topsoil, this deposit has the full range of occupation material. Only representative pieces are presented. appendix - deposits iii-2

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: IK 062 pipes: 18th c. (Ottoman, unspecified) V above is 060; below, 1 15th c. (Lapithos, Maiolica) 067 13th-14th (sgraffito, residual) coarse ware:

67.3352 106.3365 113.558 (for 214.3378)

comments: Just below the topsoil, this is a mixed deposit of the Middle and Late Phases. The Early Phase is residual, and there is no coarse ware from this phase.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: IK 067 pipes: 16th-18th (Maiolica, speckled ware, V above is 062; frit ware, Kutahya) below, 072 13-14th (residual) coarse ware:

222.562 114.565 98.570 223.1800

fi 7 r 145.1801 37.2302 39.2303 244.2362 l £ 3 oV 18.2304 130.2363 266.3372 38.2305 - jug/jar with pinched spout 79.1804 - jug with pinched spout 188.1802 - bowl with in-turned lip 286.1803 - sagging, near flat, base 308.3371 - burnishing tools. • 2x bowl with in-turned lip • lx dish with in-turned lip • 5x jugs, probably with pinched spout • lx storage jar comments: This deposit is directly under the top soil, the fine wares are predominantly 16th-17th century Ottoman and could start at the later part of the Middle Phase. Most of the coarse ware seems in line with the fine wares, as Middle b or Late. Handle 130.2363 is of Middle Phase style, but the fact that it is not glazed, may place it in the 16th century. Pot 145. 1801 is part of the residual Early Phase material. chronology: Degenerate in-turned lip and rouletted zig-zag decoration in a late-Middle and Late Phase context. appendix - deposits iii-3 Deposit : coins: tobacco finewares: space: IK 072 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, plain glazed) V above is 067; below, 073 16th-18th (Italian imports, intrusive) coarse ware: f 1^3 189.571 99.CW0002 comments: This is a secure Early Phase deposit, with some late intrusions. The excavator interpreted it as an old topsoil.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IK 073 pipes: 13th-14th (sgraffito, slip painted) V above is 072; below, 16th-18th (Maiolica) 080, 081

coarse ware:

260.578 4.3375 (for 263.3377, glazed) comments: Containing a wall tumble, the fine wares are predominantly 13th century, with some early 14th century. Nevertheless there are later intrusions, and 258.578 and 263.3377 fit with these.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IK 080 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito) V above is 073; below, 081

151.585 190.3191

comments: This deposit does not cover the northern part of the trench. It continues the Early Phase sequence.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IK 081 pipes: 13th c. (sgraffito) V above is 080, 073; below, 130 coarse ware: 146.3190 - Early Phase pot 168.3350 - globular pot with everted square lip. • lx Levantine pan comments: Just above the Orchestra floor, this is on the interface of the Roman and Medieval. appendix - deposits iii-4 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 10 107 pipes: 1 3 th-14th VII, VIII, XVIII above is 106 1 15th-16th (plain glazed) (topsoil); below, 16th (Italian Sgraffito) 123 little 16th-17th & 18th-19th

coarse ware: 7

40.841 • body sherds of jars and jugs • 2xbovvls with in-turned lip • glazed body sherd

comments: Just under the top soil, Early and Middle Phase dominate this deposit, with some Late Phase.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 10 123 Byz/Medieval, worn, pipes: 13th VII, VIII, XVIII Above is: 107, unidentified 2 15th-16th (Maiolica; imported Below is: 081, 142, sgraffito) 147, 131. ext: (below 180)

coarse ware:

208.833 275.829

comments: Still above the level of the walls destruction, this deposit covers three spaces with different occupation spans. The fact that the finewares tend to the Middle phase, is surprising, and does not seem to be borne out by the coarse ware. At least 29.834 and 208.833 are more likely to be Late Phase. Unfortunately there is no spatial record of distribution, to see if the glazed ware is from the area above space VIII, which has no occupation after the Middle Phase. chronology: Jar with simple lip and lug, Kornos decoration, ibriq style neck, all in association with a middle phase appendix - deposits iii-5 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 10 147 pipes: 15th-16th c. XVIII above is 123; below, 143

coarse ware:


comments: This is a small deposit comprises material found in wall 147 at the NE corner of space XVIII.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 10 180 pipes: 13th-15th c. XVIII

coarse ware:

84.CW0003 • fr of jug with thin walls and finely incised decoration

comments: This is a small deposit comprises material found in wall 180 at the north of space XVIII.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 10 191 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito and plain glazed) XVIII, NW comer above is 123; below, 1 198

coarse ware:

43.1253 • shoulders of jugs/jars • 2x cooking pots comments: A small deposit, in the NW corner close to spaces XVII and XX. The coarse ware is in accord with the tobacco pipe rather than with the Early Phase sgraffito. As this is an outside area, it is quite possible that the near absence of fine ware is a comment on the function of the space rather than on its period of use, for which the coarse ware will provide complementary indication. Deposit 198 below, with no coarse wares, contains another tobacco pipe and 16th century glazed ware. appendix - deposits iii-6 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: lO 205 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito and plain glaze) XVIII above is 198; below, 1 15th-16th c. (sgraffito) 206 coarse ware:

1 15.1469 301.1821 • 2x jugs with pinched spout and knob feet • lx body fr of a large storage jar • lx toe of vessel for the water wheel • lx Ibriq spout comments: Stone surface, continuing the sequence of mixed Middle and Late Phase deposits in the NW corner of space XVIII, mixed here also with Early Phase. chronology Long spout and imitation of the rouletted zig-zag decoration style, associated with Middle and Late Phase.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 10 206 pipes: 17th-18th c.(porcelain) XVIII above is 205; 3 13th c. (residual) below, 215 coarse ware:

205.1814 • frr of jug with thin walls and finely incised decoration comments: A small deposit, this is nevertheless a fairly secure Late Phase deposit, chronology: Globular pot with simple in-turned lip in a Late context.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 10 215 pipes: 16th-17th (unspecified) XVIII above is 206; 17th-18th (blue glazed, little) below, 235 13th-14th (sgraffito, residual)

coarse ware: r^\ 207.1452 • Long, hand-made spout • 4x dish with in-turned lip • lx jug with pinched spout, we 1 pulled forward comments: The bulk of the material is coarse ware, both plain and incised. Very little glazed ware, chronology: Long spout in a Late Phase context. appendix - deposits iii-7 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 10 235 pipes: 13th-14th c. (Sgraffito & plain glazed) XVIII above is 215 1 16th-19th c. (Italian, Çanakkale) coarse ware: f= \ t 184.1944 287.1818 - sagging base • 2x bowls with in-turned lip • lx jug with pinched spout • lx pot with upright lip, handle with rounded edges • lx pot with lid-support shelf

comments: Floor surface. Ottoman context, continuing to the 19th c., with some Middle Phase (16th c. Italian), chronology: Pot with lid-support shelf in Late Phase context.

Deposit : coins: tobacco finewares: space : 1R 088 pipes: N/A coarse ware: I 92.2364 93.3636 44.2408 - shoulder of a glazed jar/jug with incised decoration comments: I Trench 1R is outside of the building complex area, but the context is presented here (there is no record of glazed ware for this deposit) because it includes the two carinated jugs, which have good dated context of 15th-16th century in the Cistercian Convent ini Nicosia. chronology: Coarse ware with glaze in association with Middle Phase carinated jugs.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space IV 251 pipes: 16th-18th (unspecified) N/A topsoil; below is 1 13th-14th (residual) 267 14th-15th (Lapithos, residual) coarse ware:

;"R 82.1817 177.1941 302.1816 • lx pot, Early Phase • 2x flat base, wheel made • lx ring base comments: In spite of being topsoil, this deposit may still be representative of its last occupation. The fragments are large and sharp, with quite a few bases. appendix - deposits iii-8 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space IV 268 pipes: 16th-19th (Ottoman and contemporary N/A 1 Italian imports) 14th-15th (Lapithos) 13th-14th (sgraffito, residual) coarse ware:

203.1959 224.2177 202.1 137 81.2178 - sagging base with knob feet comments: Predominantly Late deposit, with some Middle Phase, chronology: Flattened in-turned lip in a late deposit.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : 1X ext 409 pipes: 15th c. (Italian monochrome) I above is 403; 16th/17th c. (non-specified) below, 416 13th c. (sgraffito, residual) coarse ware: 120.2636 - north African jug with thin walls and incised decoration. • body frr of light storage (jugs or jars with incised decoration) and cooking wares. comments: Just under the topsoil, this is a mixed deposit, but below it is 416, which is associated with the second phase of wall 404, and the ceramics in it are 16th-17th century.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IX ext 419 pipes: One fr of a 15th c. plain glazed bowl. III above is 408; below, 435 coarse ware: 288.2518 - sagging base. comments: Non-indicative.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IX ext 426 pipes: 13th-17th c. (unspecified) II above is 424; below, 456 coarse ware:


186.2512 272.2522 201. 2511 - hole-mouth pot with in-turned lip and spout, glazed 289. 2521 - sagging base • lx jar with pinched spout comments: The context is just above the Roman-Medieval interface. It is mixed, but none of the coarse ware is Early Phase. i The soil contained many bones and pieces of charcoal. appendix - deposits iii-9 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IX ext 433 pipes: Mostly Ottoman (unspecified) I above is 423; below, 16th c. (imports) 456 14th-15th c. (sgraffito) coarse ware: 121.2637 - North African jug with thin walls and incised decoration • predominantly coarse ware. • lx jug with rouletted decoration.

comments: Compact soil full of small stones. The excavator noted disturbance due to plant-roots, but nevertheless most of the pottery is Ottoman. The deposit below, is the interface between the Late Roman and Medieval. chronology: Rouletted decoration in a Late Phase context, with some Middle Phase.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IX ext 435 pipes: few frr of Early Phase III Above is 419, 408; below, 446 coarse ware:


comments: Rocky tumble north of walls 422 and 271. On the interface of Roman and Medieval, this deposit is where walls 271 and 404 were removed. Very few glazed sherds. Inventory 2224 may be late Roman or Byzantine rather than medieval.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: IX ext 451 pipes: 16th-17th c. (blue-on-blue, few frr) II Above is 445, 443; 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, few frr) below, 456.

coarse ware:


comments: Small deposit. General clean up after removal of wall 271, down to a rocky layer. appendix - deposits iii-10

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 185 pipes: XVIII topsoil; below, 398 coarse ware:

r 3

218.22 16 276.1946 294.1951 216.1947 - casserol 217.1955 - casserol

comments: Topsoil, this is a mixed deposit. Only representative pieces were recorded

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 398 pipes: 13th-14th c. (slip painted) XVIII above is 185; below, 1 17th c. (marbled ware) 399 coarse ware: 225.3099 - bowl with in-turned lip comments: Just below the topsoil, this is still a mixed deposit, but with a tendency to Late.

Deposit: coins: tobacco fine ware: space: 1AA 399 pipes: Early Phase, (sgraffito) XVIII above is 398; below, 3 17th-18th c. (Maiolica) 400 19th-20th coarse ware:

46.2486 68.2300 (for 69.3266) 87.2301 239.3058 - bowl with in-turned lip and pinched spout 246.1958 - bowl with degenerate in-turned lip • lx shallow bowl with in-turned lip • lx pot • lx flat base

comments: Still close to topsoil, this deposit belongs to the last occupation stage, and possibly correlates with space 1 etc. The excavator identified tree root contamination. The pottery is mainly of the Late and Early Phases. The possible Middle Phase include some sgraffito, but more particularly some of the coarse wares whose incised decoration is broad and deep (e.g. inv. 2300). Remains of mud bricks were found, but with no foundation or foundation trench in any deposit, they are likely to be clearance or remains of light structure. chronology: Degenerate in-turned lip and broad incision style in a deposit that is mainly Late Phase. Kornos style decoration in association with 18th century fine ware and later. appendix - deposits iii-11 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 400 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito and slip painted) XVIII above is 399; 4 17th c. (Ottoman marbled ware) below, 402 19th-20th coarse ware: E ) % *? 19.2481 128.2483 47.2485 209.1806 152.1805 - Early pot with thickened lip, glazed • Quantity of coarse body sherds, some glazed on the inside • lx jar with pinched spout. • 2x jug/pot, with oval handle section. • 2x large pots, shape unknown. • lx Kornos-style decoration. comments: A 40cm spit, continuing deposit 399, the pottery is similar. Middle Phase pottery, if it is present, is limited to the coarse ware (e.g. 19.2481). Tree root contamination is still noted, and the fill contains pieces of compacted mud brick, charcoal, bone, shell and some metal. chronology: Early Phase pot with glaze, associated with pre-destruction sgraffito. Glazed jar with offset lip and Kornos decoration in Late Phase association, with 19th-20th century finds. Broad incision style decoration with no Middle Phase finewares.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 402 pipes: 17th-18th c. (unspecified, dominant) XVIII above is 400; below, 2 15th-16th c. (Italian manganese, Italian 407, 410, 411 marbled) 13th-14th c. (sgraffito) coarse ware:

(for 303.3060) • pithos stump base • limestone lip of a large basin. • threshing-sledge flints

comments: The pottery continues that of deposits 400 and 399 above, but here for the first time there is a definite Middle Phase pottery. appendix - deposits iii-12 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 407 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, slip-painted) XVIII above is 402; below, 2 16th (Maiolica) 412, 413, 414, 415, 418 19th-20th c. coarse ware: /« r \ 48.2053 94.2480 192.1808; 193.1809 94.1810 247.1812

809 - ring base (hand made) jug with pinched spout sagging base jug/pot, oval section handle casserole arched round jug handle (as of Cistercian Convent, Nicosia, Middle Phase) comments: A compact layer of white plaster and pottery, there is more coarse- than fine- ware in this deposit. Most of the finewares are of the Early Phase, with a little of the Middle/ Late and modern. The tobacco pipes strengthen evidnece of post 16th century , but Cistercian Convent style jug 94.2480 is an evidence for the Middle phase, . Viewed in conjunction with 410, this could be the debris of occupation which was cleared for the renovation of the period of construction of space I. chronology: Ring base and degenerate in-turned lip in a Late and Middle Phase context.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 410 inv. 2019 - pipes: 13th (sgraffito) XVIII above is 402; Geralano Priuli, 15th-16th (sgraffito, painted glaze) below, 418 1556-1559 coarse ware:

% f 49.2367 50.2422 70.3062 86.2365 (and 88.2368) 89.2366 15. 2426 - sagging base (large, storage) 16. 2428 - sagging base (large, storage) 80. 3068 - jug with pinched spout 71.3066 - jug with pinched spout 226.3063 - bowl with in-turned lip 290.2427- sagging base • 2x jars with pinched spout • lx jar/jug/pot, oval handle section comments: A pit within 407, this is a sound Middle Phase deposit, including a 16th century coin. This is also the first deposit in the sequence in which no tobacco pipes were found. Deposit 407 itself is a Middle and Late deposit, and 410 may be a clearance pit of material from the original use of the area around it, in preparation of the 17th century renovations. The dominant types are of light storage (jugs), chronology: Broad, wide incisions style (86.2365, 88.2368) and shallow dimples at the base of a pinched spout (86.3062), in a Middle Phase context. appendix - deposits iii-13 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 414 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, slip-painted and Aegean) XVIII above is 407; late 15th-16th c. (Cypriot and Italian sgraffito; below, 418 Italian imports) coarse ware:

f 195.1795 210.1797 6.1798 20.2370 51.2371 206.31 19 52.2423-shoulder of jug/jar 122.2635 - north-African jug with thin walls and incised decoration. 153.3106 - Early Phase cooking pot, glazed 277.2425 - flat pan with up-turned lip 309.3077, 3078, 3079 - burnishers(?) • lx sagging base with glaze inside • lx jug with narrow neck, large, made on wheel • 3x jars with pinched -spout • 2x jugs with pinched spout • 3x bowls with in-turned lip • lx hole-mouth pot with in-turned lip • lx rosette decoration, glazed comments: A pit measuring 130x130x60cm, partly cut through 418, 414 is located between the hard surface 412 and unidentified feature 413. The dates are up to the 16th century, which would put it within the same period as the plastered deposit 407 above it - maybe a resurfacing during the same phase. 414 may in fact be a sister pit to 410. The Early Phase may, at least partly, be a contamination from deposit 418 below, chronology: Globular pot with simple lip in a Middle Phase context.

Deposit: coins : tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 415 pipes: XVIII abvoe is 407; below, 418 coarse ware: c\ '1

227. 1794 267.1796 - pan with in-turend lip. comments: Packing around a Roman water pipe, the few Medieval cooking ware fragments are intrusive.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 418 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, slip painted) XVIII abvoe are 407, 410, 411 ; below, 425, 428 coarse ware: / 178.1445 268.3173

comments: Occupation fill of the Early Phase. appendix - deposits iii-14 Deposit : coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 437 pipes: 13th-15th, including sgraffito, plain XVIII below are 441, glazed, green glazed, painted, Italian 443 manganese and Italian marble. blue-on-white (17th to 18th, intrusive)

coarse ware:

7— rw,& 169.3094 170.2519 I______comments: This is already in the pre-medieval phase, with a couple of intrusions from the early phase occupation.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1AA 441 pipes: XVIII abvoe is 437; below, 443 coarse ware: ; ------171. 3095 comments: This is already in the pre-medieval phase, with a couple of intrusions from the early phase occupation.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: IBB 464 pipes: Ottoman (16th c. Mamluk; XV & XIX above is 412 (topsoil); Maiolica; 17th c. marbled below, 465 Italian; Iznic) 13th-14th (sgraffito, residual) coarse ware:

30.2420 31.2421 • lx pithos rim • 2x jugs with pinched spout • lx hand formed ring base comments: Just under the top soil, this is a Late Phase deposit with some early residual material, chronology: Ring base in a Late Phase context.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IBB 465 pipes: Ottoman and Italian up to the 17th c. XV & XIX Above is 464; 4 (albarello, Iznik ware) below, 471, 472 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, residual) coarse ware: 123.4900 - North-African jugs with thin walls and incised decoration • 2x pots with in-tumed lip • lx flat base • lx storage jar • lx ibriq comments: This is a secure Late Phase deposit, just under the topsoil, and above the remains of the walls. It covers both spaces XV and XIX. chronology: Flat base and long spout in a Late Phase context. appendix - deposits iii-15 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IBB 471 pipes: 16th-17th c. (late Venetian, early XV Above is 465; Ottoman) below is 482 13th c. (sgraffito, residual) coarse ware:

293. 3122 296.3176 299.3181 312.3179 90. 3180 jug with long narrow neck 291.3177 - sagging base 311.3178 - pebbles used as pounders • lx jar comments: A tumble and some pavers, the majority of pottery in this deposit is coarse ware. The excavator interpreted it as a “food processing area” chronology: Jug with long narrow neck, ridge base and ring base in late Middle Phase and Late Phase deposit.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: IBB 472 pipes: late 15th c. (Venetian) XIX Above is 465; below, 478, 483 coarse ware:

228.3134 132.3147 - globular vessel with thick pitch/bitumen lining. • lx large storage vessel • shoulders of jugs • smooth large pebble. • a stone that may be sharpening stone. comments: Paved area. Similar to 471 (late Middle / early Late), but the dating evidence is less secure. Possibly an outside area. The pottery is in small fragments, but not overly worn.

Deposit: tobacco finewares: space : IBB 478 pipes: unindicative XIX Above is 472; below, 483 coarse ware: 196. 3379 - hole-mouth pot, glazed 204. 2805 - hole-mouth pot with flattened lip. • lx body fr of storage vessel with lug. comments: A pit in 472 (which is dated to late in the Middle Phase continuing to the beginning of the Late Phase), reaching the Roman context 483, which has minimal medieval intrusions. chronology: Though the only date evidence for 478 is its association with 472, it provides a likely Middle and early Late phase for hole-mouth pot with flattened lip, and in-turned lip with glaze inside. appendix - deposits iii-16 context: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IBB 479 pipes: 15th-16th c. (Italian, manganese XV above is 465; below, 482 and marbled) coarse ware:

229.3136 • lx jug/jar • lx large storage vessel comments: Unpaved area, near 471 and lower down. Small deposit, Middle Phase.

context: coins: tobacco finewares: space : IBB 482 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito and slip painted, kiln XV Above is 471/479; spacers) below, bedrock coarse ware: yg 304.3897 • Body sherds with pitch or bitumen and large inclusions embedded in it • 2 pebbles, probably used as pestles. comments: Fill under cobbled surface (472), reaching down to bedrock. Secure Early Phase.

context : coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1BB/CC 1028 pipes: 14th-15th (Lapithos) XIX 16th (Italian) Ottoman (unspecified) coarse ware: 197.3353 - pot with in-turned lip, glazed. comments: A packing beneath a paved floor possibly associated with wall 481. chronology Though a mixed context, there is no material which predates the destruction. While this context cannot be used to support a Middle Phase date for glazed vessels with in-turned lip, it does not contradict it.

The following deposits from BBB/CC are the fill of the well which was intentionally filled after the destruction of the workshop. Deposit 1011 is the top spit, and contains contamination from later occupation. All the deposits below it are secure Early Phase.

context: coins: tobacco finewares: space : 1BB/CC 1011 pipes: Ottoman (unspecified) XIX coarse ware: PN r 6.4028 124.4029 comments: The top spit of the well fill, it contains late material from subsequent occupation. appendix - deposits iii-17 context: space: 1BB/CC 1049 XIX coarse ware:

4 r\ ... 7------r 21.3407 66.3390 (for 172.3408) (for 198.3391) 313.3557 147.3409 - pot with thickened lip 314.3547 - stone stopper • 4x pebbles used as pounders

context: space: 1BB/CC 1064 XIX coarse ware: V

285.341 199.3403

context: coins: space: 1BB/CC 1077 3680 Hugh III, 1269-1284 XIX coarse ware:


context: coins: tobacco finewares: Space: ICC 459 pipes: 14th-15th c. (Ming porcelain; Italian XVI above is topsoil; 4 monochrome) below, 469 15th-16th c. (marbled ware) 16th-17th c. (Kutahya ware) 18th-19th. 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, residual) coarse ware:

A T 53.2419 54.2418 278.2416 300.4985 Sagging base flat base, wheel made Possibly milking bowl spout comments: In an area interpreted by the excavator as an outside area, this deposit is mixed with Middle and Late Phase material. The continous dates for the finds suggest long-term accumulation. chronology Ridge base in Middle and Late Phase context. appendix - deposits iii-18 context: coins: tobacco finewares: space: ICC 468 pipes: 16th-18th/19th (Ottoman, unspecified) XIV above is topsoil; 1 15th c. (lustre ware, Italian imports) below, 476 coarse ware:

55.2410 58.2412 56.2413 TFI r/ 91.2415 8.3125 (for 179.3127) 73.3128

297.3129 107.3130 117.3216 • lx bowl with in-turned lip. • lx glazed body sherd • 2x jugs with pinched spout • 3x jug or pot with upright lip • lx jar with pinched spout • frr of North-African thin-walled jug with incised decoration

comments: South of wall 466, this deposit is above occupation floor, and contains wall collapse. Burnt area next to the doorway, around the pithos base, may be signs of post-abandonment activity. There is an abundant quantity of storage vessels, short and long term, and some cooking wares. It could be with storage/pantry or kitchen. The continous dates for the finds suggest long-term accumulation. Nevertheless, it cannot be used to confirm chronology for any particular type, but reinforces again the absence of squared edges to handles after the Early Phase.

context: coins: tobacco finewares: space: ICC 469 pipes: 16th-18th c. (imports) XVI above is 459; 13th-14th c. (sgraffito & slip-painted, residual) below, 481 coarse ware: m 59.2417 Dominated by coarse and cooking ware body fragments • dish with in-turned lip • 2x hole-mouth pots with in-turned lip • lx storage jar, with traces of glaze on the top of the handle • North-African jugs with thin walls and incised decoration comments: This deposit seems to continue 459 above it. The pottery is predominantly coarse, and that may explain why there is less evidence for middle phase, which is usually under-represented in the fine wares. Below is deposit 481, which is an Early Phase deposit with no coarse ware. The continous dates for the finds suggest long-term accumulation. appendix - deposits iii-19 context: coi ns : tobacco fine wares: space: ICC 476 pipes: 16th-17th c. XIV above is 468; below, 13th-14th (painted ware, residual) 480 coarse ware: 240.3121 bowl with in-turned lip and pinched spout • lx glazed ibriq-style spout • lx hole-mouth pot with in-turned lip • lx flat base, wheel made • lx jar, handle with flattened oval section comments: Continuing 468, this deposit is directly above the occupation floor, no longer with wall collapse, it is a consistently a Late Phase deposit. Chronology Flat base, wheel manufacture and ibriq-style spout in Late context.

context: coins: tobacco finewares: space: ICC 480 pipes: 15th-16th (lustre ware, Italian sgraffito) XIV above is 476; below, 1 16th-17th (small and fragmented) 493 13th-14th (sgraffito and Mamluk, residual) coarse ware:

234.3124 (glazed) 212. 3120 - glazed jar/pot with short everted lip • lx deep bowl with in-turned lip • lx hole-mouth pot with in-turned lip • 2x sagging base • 2x jar with pinched spout comments: Packed earth surface (floor) south of wall 466, this deposit has mainly Middle and some Late Phase material in it. chronology: In-turned lip with glaze, in association with Middle Phase, though Late Phase date is also possible.

context: coins: tobacco finewares: space : ICC 493 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito and plain glazed) XIV

coarse ware: 243.3140 bowl with in-turned lip and pinched spout, glazed on the inside. • lx jug, glazed • lx Early Phase pot • 3x jug/jar/pot, handles with oval section L______comments: This deposit is on the Roman-Medieval interface. The glazed ceramics is Early Phase, but the coarse ware is mostly later. appendix - deposits i i i-20 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1DD 490 pipes: 15th-16th c. (sgraffito) IV, VI below is: 404, 495, 16th-17th (Ottoman & Italian) 501, 537, 538, 499, 500, 498, 505. coarse ware:r T 74.3168 2x pot/jug lx bowl with in-turned lip lx hole-mouth pot with in-turned lip comments: Clearing of top level left after previous season, this is a Middle and Late Phase deposit just above the top of the walls which divide spaces IV and VI.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1DD 498 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito) IV above is 490; below, 16th- 17th c. (Ottoman & Italian 504, 516 imports)

coarse ware: 9.3169 - pithos comments:

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1DD 514 pipes: 13th -18th c. (unspecified) N/A above is 505; below, 133/461. coarse ware: 108. 3359 ibriq style spout comments: West of wall 501, this is a small deposit, and possibly contaminated by the digging of a pit (504) into it.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1DD 536 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito) IV above is: 499; 15th c. (plain glazed) below, 475. 16th c. (Italian imports) coarse ware: w f 102. 3432 180. 3355 comments: Very little glazed ware, the finewares are up to the early Late Phase. The glazed ibriq, however, should be considered later. According to Hayes (1992: 233), glaze on ibriqs at Sarachane started in the 18th century. Deposit 499, above 536, has finewares up to the 17th century, and is directly under 490, which is just above the ! level of the walls. appendix - deposits iii-21 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1DD 546 pipes: 15th c. (plain glaze) VI above is 490; below, 475 17th-18th c. coarse ware:

181.3356 230.3362 269.3368 - pan with in-turned lip and horizontal handle • lx bowl with in-turned lip • lx hole-mouth pot with in-turned lip comments: The deposit is very small, with about a dozen glazed sherds.

Deposit : tobacco finewares: space : 1HH 1014 pipes: 16th c. (Ottoman and Italian) V above is topsoil; 15th c. (1 small fragment) below, 1020 13th c. (residual) coarse ware:

. , ' V A 129.3157 235.3517 10.3519 1 18.3155 182.3156 - pot with upright lip 236.3158 - bowl with in-turned lip, glazed. 315.3518 - stone pounder/stopper • Sherd of lip of jar/pot, as 212.3120 (ICC 480) comments: Compact fill, just below topsoil this deposit contains no pottery datable later than the 16th century, though some of it is Ottoman. The fragments are large and sharp. chronology: The handle with the crest-decoration, 3517, is known from Nicosia to date to the 15th century. It is here in association with vessel with in-turned lip and glaze, and with jug with rouletted zig-zag decoration.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space : 1HH 1015 pipes: 15th-16th (Lapithos, Italian) VIII above is topsoil; below, 1030 coarse ware: / A r ■ s 3 60.3152) (for 200.3153) (for 232.3404 & 231.3154) 316.3952 lx pot with in-turned lip 2x bowl with in-turned lip lx flat base, with central button, glazed inside 4x jugs with incised decoration lx large storage jar (base) lx thin flat base, wheel made, glazed inside comments: Parallel to 1014 on the other side of wall 131, this is also a Middle Phase deposit, and it, too, is dominated by coarse wares. If indeed the two spaces are related to each others, they may be a kitchen and a courtyard. Deposit 1030 below 1015 has 14th c. Lapithos, 15th c. sgraffito and green-painted. The only coarse ware is incised and glazed body sherds, chronology Wheel manufacture in Middle Phase context. appendix - deposits iii-22 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1HH 1020 pipes: late 14th-15th c. V above is 1014; 13th-14th c. (slip-painted, residual) below, 1029 coarse ware:

75.3398 237.3159 (glazed) • glazed body sherd, possibly Levantine • lx jar/jug with pinched-spout • lx jug/pot comments: Small deposit below 1014, this is probably an earlier stage of the same occupation phase, chronology Vessel with in-turned lip and glaze, and a pinched-spout with coarse dimples in a 15th century context.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1HH 1029 pipes: 13th-14th c., small quantity V above is 1020; below, 1037 coarse ware:

^ j*"' ' i $ 1 7 1 "T 32.3947 126.3950 154.3946 (glazed) 136.3395 33. 3394 - jug with upright lip _____• lx jug with narrow neck comments: This is an Early Phase deposit, above the packing of the Orchestra floor. The sherds are large and sharp. The coarse wares are mostly Early Phase, the handles with squared edges, the walls thin, and a good finish. 136.3395 is a Levantine bowl. The North African jug demonstrates some later intrusions. The jug with long neck is either associated with it, or else belongs to the beginning of the reoccupation, from deposit 1020 above. chronology Glazed cooking pot in association with a Levantine bowl and jug with long narrow neck.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1HH 1041 pipes: 13th-14th c., very small quantity above is topsoil; VIII below, 1044

coarse ware: /T a 211.3399 233. 3400 - bowl with in-turned lip • lx jug with plastic decoration i______comments: Just under the top soil, this is a small deposit with little pottery, and there is nothing in it to modify the terminal date of 16th century for this area. appendix - deposits iii-23 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1089 pipes: 13th-18th, 17th-18th dominant IV&VI topsoil. Below is 1120, 1121,1135, 1218 coarse ware:

34.4451 61.4452 62.4947 - jar/pot, glazed 219.4946 - casserole Large quantity of coarse ware, including some glazed, both hand- and wheel-made; body sherds of vessels with in- turned lip; shoulders of jugs with incised and plastic decoration, of which inv. 4452 is a sample. • Glazed casserole base, possibly modern • Body sherd of a large storage jar or a pithos • 4x jugs • 2x Ibriq style jugs • lx pot with in-turned lip • 2x bowls with in-turned lip • 2x bowls with in-turned lip and pinched spout • lx dish/bowl with degenerate in-turned lip • 4x pots with upright lip comments: A topsoil, this large deposit reflects the full range of the occupation, with emphasis on the latest occupation of the 17th-18th centuries.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1 MM 1120 pipes: 18th c. (predominant) IV&VI above is 1089; below, 1 16th-17th c. (minor) 1159, 1162, 1163 15th (residual) coarse ware:

100.4076 • shoulders with incised and plastic decoration, including the Kornos motif • lx bowl with in-turned lip and glaze. • 3x pot with in-turned lip • lx pot with in-turned lip and a pinched spout • lx bowl with in-turned lip and pinched spout • lx pot with in-turned lip and decorative knob on the upper face of the lip • lx pot with upright lip and handle of oval section • lx hand made ring base • lx pot with lid-support ledge • lx ibriq spout. • lx Early Phase pot In general, the handle-section of the cooking vessels are more rounded than is usual, and the surface of the coarse | wares is well finished comments: Rock tumble, covering both spaces IV and VI. The predominance of 18th century fine wares supports a correlation between the construction of spaces I, II, and III and spaces IV and VI going out of use. chronology: The deposit supports late date for pots with lid-support ledge, tea-pot spout and hand-made ring-base; does not support Middle Phase date for glazed vessels with in-turned lip. In both cases, the small amount of 15th and 16th century material should be taken into account. Kornos decoration in a predominantly 18th century context. appendix - deposits iii-24

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1121 pipes: VI below is 1163 coarse ware:

127.CW0001 • 3x jugs with incised decoration: one of them with a plastic ridge, and one with a coarse style. • 2x jugs with pinched spout • lx pot with in-turned lip; the ridge unusually exaggerated comments: Ashy pit in the southern room, 34 cm deep. Its construction removed part of wall 537. There are no dates for fine ware in this deposit, however, 127.CW0001 is known from 18th-19th century deposits in Akko (Stern pers. comm.).

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1126 4035 Loredan, pipes: 15th-16th c. (Italian Manganese; blue IV above are 1089, 1131, 1567-1570 on white) 1132; below, 1190 Ottoman, continues to the 18th-19th c. 13th-14th (sgraffito, residual) coarse ware:

12.4402 261.4693 4x bowls with in-turned lip lx pot with in-turned lip lx pot with in-turned lip, glazed 2x jars (handles with oval section) lx jug (handle nearly round section) 2 x jugs with pinched spout well pulled forward lx pot with upright lip lx pot/jar with lid-support ledge, wheel turned lx pinched spout, thick and pulled forward lOx jug shoulders with incised and plastic decoration (5 carinated) small frr of North-African jugs with thin walls and incised decoration lx teapot spout lx pot Early (residual) comments: Fill of space IV, within it are two pits: 1131 and 1132. This content is mixed of Middle and Late Phase material. The fine wares tend to the Late Phase, but the quantity of shoulders of the carinated jugs as catalogue nos. 92-97, demonstrate a strong Middle Phase presence in the coarse ware, which accords with the Loredan coin. The majority of sherds are large and sharp suggesting that little movement occurred post-breakage. Marble fragments that are mixed in the assemblage, suggest that at least some of the material is a result of clearing elsewhere, chronology The deposit is too mixed to use as support for the chronological sequence. appendix - deposits iii-25 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1135 pipes: Ottoman (unspecified) VI above is 1089; 15th c. (intrusive?) below, 1120 13th-14th c. (intrusive) coarse ware: • Predominantly coarse wares, but little which is diagnostic. • lx flat plain base • lx jug with pinched spout, light orange fabric • lx body sherd of large storage vessel, with cordon decoration • frr of North-African jugs with thin walls and incised decoration comments: Mostly coarse ware, large sharp pieces, whose size suggest fairly large storage vessels. Small amount of glazed wares, very fragmented. A large quantity of tiles support an interpretation of a destruction/ abandonment level, chronology Support for flat base, and non-reddish-brown fabric in the Late Phase.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1162 pipes: 13th-14th (sgraffito) VI above is 1159; below, 1189, 1193 coarse ware:

13.4352 • 2x pots, Early Phase • lx toe of a vessel for the waterwheel • 3x well rounded pebbles, one with use marks on its flat surface comments: Loose soil deposit within the semi-circular stone feature (deposit 1187) of space VI,1162 is above the hard compacted deposit, 1193, at the centre of the feature, and the loose fill 1189 around the perimeter. All three deposits are very small. 1193 has Early Phase and 16th-17th fine-wares, 1189 has no diagnostic sherds. Deposit 1159, above 1162, is a rock tumble, with very little pottery, and that is Early Phase, possibly wash from the hill side cleared into this space. The semi-circular stone feature is similar to supports for pithoi seen in deserted stores in . The hard compacted surface of 1193 and loose soil of 1162 would be in accord with depression caused by a heavy pithos which compacted the soil under it. The material in 1162 may have therefore filtered from 1159 above, chronology Jar 13.4352 is a a rare shape at Fabrika, and not so far known in the Early Phase. It is also found in deposit 1126, where there is a strong Middle Phase presence, but also Late Phase. appendix - deposits iii-26 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1163 pipes: 14th-16th c. (Ming; Italian sgraffito) VI above are 1120, 15th c. (Italian monochrome) 1121, 1159; below, 15th-16th c. (Lapithos) 1191, 1187, 1189, 16th-17th (imports) 1193 13th-14th c. (slip painted, intrusive) coarse ware: 0 a » “

T O 1.4259 76.4109 284.4300 • lx body fragment of large pithos, and lx pithos lip • medium size storage jars • body fragments with very coarse incised decoration • handle with serrated ridge along its centre • lx pot with upright lip • wheel-made coarse wares • lx hand made ring base • lx rounded (“pita bread”) pan • frr of North African jug with thin walls and finely incised decoration • lx fragment of stone basin with drainage hole comments: 1163 is a fill which contains rock tumble, and covers part of space VI. The fine wares are mainly of the middle phase, continuing into the Ottoman. Though 1163 continues the rock tumble of 1159, the excavator detected enough difference to change deposit. The ceramic bears this decision. In spite of being a smaller deposit, 1163 contains considerably more ceramics than 1159. The earlier pottery in 1159, is probably washed from the hillside, chronology: Inventory 4109 combines very coarse decoration style with a handle that is as thin and flat as Early Phase handle, though its edges lack the typical definition. Its presence in this deposit supports Middle Phase date for this shape and style of decoration. The debased form of the mini-casseroles, inventory 4300, may be dated to the later ceramics in this deposit, but it may also suggest an early date for the debasement of this type. This deposit also offers evidence that wheel- manufacture and ring-bases appear early in the Late Phase, if not already towards the end of the Middle Phase. The north-African thin-wall jug is likely to be an intrusion. The fragment are small and fine, as usually with this | form, and filter through earlier levels.______appendix - deposits iii-27 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1191 pipes: Early Phase (frit ware; Aegean ware; VI above is 1163; 13th c. sgraffito) below, 1199 early Ottoman, minor presence (orchestra floor) coarse ware:

3.4356 • 2x handles of 12th-13th c. amphorae • 2x Early Phase pots • 2x jugs • lx jug with glaze • lx jug with pinched spout • lx pot with in-turned lip • 2x shoulders with incised decoration (jugs or jars) comments: This deposit was interpreted by the excavator as the occupation level of space VI outside the semi-circular feature 1187. The fine wares are mostly from the Early Phase. The quantities of coarse wares are not substantial, and seem to include about equal quantities of Early Phase to later material (dating evidence to the later coarse ware is missing, though the glazed jug is likely to be Middle Phase). Moreover, the early phase coarse ware remains are quite substantial, and by no means seem intrusive. This deposit seems to be a rare example of reoccupation of an Early Phase area, rather than building on top of it. It is quite possible that the rock tumble of 1163 was deposited on top of the pottery that was left behind in the deserted storage area, and that deposit 1159 is the upper level of the same deposition, once the original material was covered, rather than a separate deposition episode.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1218 pipes: 15th c. (sgraffito) west of wall 538, above is 1089; outside the area under below, 1226 discussion coarse ware: V 248.4691 • lx handle with oval section • 2x bowls with in-turned lip • lx pot _____ * lx jar/jug with glaze______comments: Small deposit in the SW corner of the trench, west of wall 538. The bottom of deposit 1218 is at the base of wall 538. At the periphery of the current excavation, analysis of the spaces in this part of the complex are not yet possible, but this deposit confirms that wall 538 was in existence in the 15th century, chronology Glazed storage vessel in Middle Phase context. appendix - deposits iii-28 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1253 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito; kiln tripods) I above are 1089, Ottoman (unspecified) 1252; below, 1272 coarse ware: 0 77.4694 • 2x jugs with pinched spout • 2x Early Phase pots • lx arched handle, glazed, of small carinated jug • Spherical pebble, hand-hold size, with possible use-surface. comments: This context is at the SW corner of space I. It is a mixed deposit, which includes Early Phase material, including industrial remains, and Ottoman fine wares. The Middle Phase may be represented by the glazed jug-handle.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1MM 1272 pipes: I

coarse ware: 104.4443 - ibriq strainer neck.

comments: This deposit reaches the base of wall 495. There is not much material, and it is mixed, on the interface of the Roman and Medieval.

Deposit: coins : tobacco finewares: space: 1PP 1099 pipes: 13th c. (slip-painted, Aegean ware, N/A above is 1089 sgraffito) (topsoil); below, 14th-15th c. (sgraffito) 1123, 1133 16th-17th c. (Italian) coarse ware: 155.4470 - Early Phase pot, glazed on the inside 292.3904 - sagging base • 2x jar with pinched-spout • 2x Early Phase pot with glaze inside comments : Predominantly early phase, but cannot be used to support chronological sequence.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1PP 1101 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, kiln debris) N/A above is 1089 18th c. (blue-glazed ware, intrusive) (topsoil); below, 1167 19th-20th (transfer ware) coarse ware: 156.4966 - Early Phase pot, glazed on the inside • lx Levantine pot • lx storage jar comments: Predominantly early phase, chronology May support glazed pots starting early in the Early Phase. appendix - deposits iii-29 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1PP 1133 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, slip painted, N/A above is 1099; Zeuxipus, proto-maiolica) below, 1168 15th-16th (Lapithos, intrusive) 17th (Italian, intrusive) coarse ware: x. *9 157.4644 (glazed) 158.4646 (glazed) 183.4645 (glazed) comments: Predominantly 13th century, though continuing to the 14th. The later dates are for one fragment each, and clearly intrusive. chronology Glazed pots in strongly 13th century association.

Deposit : coins: tobacco finewares: space: 1PP 1170 pipes: N/A above is 1168 coarse ware: I 96.4650 comments: There is no analysis of this deposit, the jug is of a style known from the Cistercian Monastery at Nicosia, and can be dated to the Middle Phase.

Deposit: coins: tobacco fine wares: space: 3E 371 inv. 1191 ca. 13th c. pipes: 12th-13th c. (sgraffito, Aegean, N/A above is 370; inv. 1190 Venetian, Champleve) below, 377 late 14th-late 15th c. 14th (Mamluk) 15th/16th (Italian, (^hanakale) coarse ware:

78.3917 23.3918 Glazed body sherds 2x jug/jar with incised decoration. Large storage frr comments: Though mixed, this deposit contains no material later than the 16th century, chronology: Coarse incisions style of decoration in a context no later than the 16th century. appendix - deposits iii-30 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 4A 185 pipes: 13th-modern N/A topsoil; below, 202, 204, 320, 240 coarse ware: ■g« Xa 1"7 ______24.2070______97.2071______comments: This is a mixed topsoil deposit. These two items were included in the catalogue only as examples of types.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 4A 204 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, slip-painted, N/A above is 185; below, kiln debris) 217, 219 coarse ware: 159.2806 - glazed pot, with flat, narrow handle • flat dish with up-turned lip and thin base • Levantine body sherds comments: Directly under the topsoil, this deposit is already a good Early Phase one. chronology Early Phase glazed pot in a secure 13th-14th c. deposit.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 4A 211 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, kiln debris) N/A above is 202; below 220 coarse ware:

^ * m t- f 4 / 25.1486 148.1488 149.3030 173.1487 131.2488 - handle, flat, square top edge and rounded lower one. 160.2803 - pot, Early Phase. 259.2809 - Levantine pan. • 5x Early pots with thickened lip. • lx Pot/jug with upright lip comments: Securely Early Phase, chronology Squared edges handles and pots with thickened lip in 13th-14th c. deposit. appendix - deposits iii-3 1 Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 4A 220 pipes: N/A above is 211; below 230, 257, 325 coarse ware: 0 7 ( r 150.1162 137.2535 274.1175 3x Early pots with thickened lip 2x storage sagging base comments: Securely Early Phase, continuation of deposit 211 above. Pit 320 was cut into the east side of 220, cutting through to deposit 257. The contamination in this area is probably responsible for pan 1175 found in these two deposits, chronology Squared edges handle (1162) and pots with thickened lip in 13th-14th c. deposit.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 4A 320 pipes: 17th-18th c. above is topsoil; Modern (intrusive) N/A below, 319 coarse ware:

26.1454 comments: The deposit is a pit which contained material of the 17th-18th century, and some modern, chronology: Oval section handle in a Late Phase context.

Deposit: coins: tobacco finewares: space: 4A 401 pipes: 13th-14th c. (sgraffito, Italian) N/A above is topsoil; below, 417 coarse ware: 161.2549 - pot, Early Phase comments: On the interface of the Roman and Medieval, with only a minor Medieval presence, though directly beneath the topsoil. Deposit 417 below, is completely Roman chronology: Glazed cooking pot in an early context. appendix - deposits assessment iv- 1

Appendix IV - Deposits Assessment

The table below provides a summary assessment of the level of reliability of the deposits which form the basis for the discussion in chapters 7 and 8. The table is based on the information in appendix III, in conjunction with the dig books. Where possible that Phases were subdivided as follows: Middle b = late 15th/ 16th century Late a = 16th-17th century Late b = 17th-19th century The levels of reliability used are: Good - the deposit is coherently of one Phase, or late Middle and early Late, with minimum intrusions. If the context is small (e.g. 10 206), it is considered fair/good rather than good. Fair & fair/low - the majority of the pottery is of one phase, but there are more than a few intrusions; or the tobacco-pipes and coins conflict with the pottery finds; or, the coarse ware can be independently dated, and is not in accord with the fine ware, but the fine ware is of one Phase only. The decision between Fair and Far/low depended on the level of discrepancy. Mixed - the pottery is mixed. Small deposits are considered mixed in any case of discrepancy, such as tobacco pipe with early glazed wares (e.g. lO 191). Poor - where the deposit is very small, and its stratigraphy is not secure, but the pottery is coherent. Note: If the mixture is Early with either Middle or Late, I considered the deposit for my purpose fair/good (e.g. 3E 371, because it is possible to separate coarse ware of the Early Phase with a high degree of certainty. Long term accumulation - where I judge the co-existence of Middle and Late Phase ceramics is not a result of post-depositional disturbance, but a long term occupation d e p o s it p o tte r y , p o tte r y , c o in s to b a c c o reliability s p a c e d o m in a n t m in o r p ip e s

1J 093 Middle, Late Early 1490-1570 topsoil N/A IK 060 Middle, Late Early 1 topsoil V IK 062 Middle, Late Early 1 poor V IK 067 Middle b, Late Early fair V IK 072 Early Late fair/good V IK 073 Early Late fair/good V IK 080 Early good V IK 081 Early good V 10 107 Early, Middle Late 1 mixed XVIII 10 123 Middle, Late a Early byz/med 2 fair VII, Vili, XVIII 10 191 Early 1 mixed XVIII 10 205 Early, Middle 1 mixed XVIII 10 206 Late Early 3 fair/good XVIII 10215 Late Early fair XVIII 10 235 Early, (Middle b), Late 1 mixed XVIII IV 251 Late Early, Middle 1 fair/good N/A IV 268 Late Early, Middle 1 fair/good N/A IX ext 409 late by association with I wall 404 IX ext 426 Early, Middle, Late poor II IX ext 433 Late Middle good I IX ext451 Late, Early poor II 1AA 185 topsoil XVIII 1AA398 topsoil XVIII 1AA399 Late b Early 3 root contamination XVIII appendix - deposits assessment iv-2

1A A 400 Late b Early 4 root contamination XVIII 1AA 402 Late b, Middle 2 mixed XVIII 1AA 407 Early Middle/Late a 2 mixed XVIII 1 AA 410 Middle Early 1556-9 good XVIII 1 AA 414 Middle b, Early good XVIII 1AA415 Roman Middle, Late fair/good XVIII 1AA 437 Early Late good XVIII 1AA441 Early good XVIII IBB 464 Late Early good XV & XIV IBB 465 Late a Early 4 good XV & XIV IBB 471 Middle b, Late a good XV IBB 472 Middle b good XIX IBB 478 Middle b good by association with 472 IBB 479 Middle good XV IBB 482 Early good XV 1BB/CC 1011 Late good XIX 1BB/CC 1028 Middle, Late fair/good XIX 1BB/CC 1049 Early good XIX 1BB/CC 1059 Early good XIX 1BB/CC 1064 Early good XIX 1BB/CC 1077 Early good XIX ICC 459 Middle, Late 4 long term accumulation XVI ICC 468 Middle, Late long term accumulation XIV ICC 469 Middle b, Late Early long term accumulation XVI ICC 476 Late a Early good XIX ICC 480 Middle Late a fair XIV ICC 493 Early fair/low XVI 1DD 490 Middle, Late a fair/low VI 1DD514 Early, Middle, Late poor N/A 1DD536 Early, Middle, Late poor IV 1DD 546 Middle, Late poor VI 1HH 1014 Middle b/Late a Early good V 1HH 1015 Middle good VIII 1HH 1020 Middle Early good V 1HH 1029 Early Late fair/low V 1HH 1041 Early poor VIII 1MM 1089 Late Middle, Early topsoil IV & VI 1MM 1120 Late b Middle b, Late a 1 good VI 1MM 1121 Middle, Late poor VI 1MM 1126 Middle, Late Early 1567-1570 mixed IV 1MM 1135 Late Middle, Early fair/good VI 1MM 1162 Early good VI 1MM 1163 Middle, Late a Early fair/good VI 1MM 1191 Early Late a mixed VI 1MM 1218 Middle fair N/A 1MM 1253 Early, Late mixed I 1MM 1272 poor I 1PP 1099 Early Middle, Late a fair N/A 1PP 1101 Early Late b fair N/A 1PP 1133 Early Middle, Late fair/good N/A 3E371 Middle, Early fair/good N/A 4A 185 Early-Modern topsoil N/A 4A 204 Early good N/A 4A211 Early good N/A 4A 220 Early good N/A 4A320 Late b Modem good N/A 4A ext 401 Early good appendix - thin sections v -1

Appendix V - Thin Sections

The thin sections in this appendix are part of a programme of petrographic analysis that was carried out on the cooking wares from Fabrika in 2001. When originally conceived, the programme was aimed mainly at the Hellenistic and Roman assemblages, and the sample of Medieval and post-Medieval sherds was small. A subsequent grant from the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO) for analysis of glaze in their facility at Lucas Heights, N.S.W., resulted in an additional sample, this time dedicated to glazed vessels. Unfortunately analysis of the PIXE-PIGME results have not yet been completed. A by-product of the glaze analysis, is that the sample is biased towards glazed vessels.

The thin-sections were divided into five groups by Dr Gordon-Smith. A short description of the fabric is followed by a list of the artefacts which are part of the group. Each entry comprises the catalogue number (or sample number if the artefact is not in the catalogue) and the shape of the vessel, additional remarks specific for the artefact, where necessary, by Dr. Gordon-Smith, and ends with in-hand description of the fabric, to give an idea of the visual diversity of the group. appendix - thin sections v-2


These specimens show a brown to dark brown body. They are distinguished by abundant temper and many shrinkage cracks, more or less parallel with the walls of the vessel. The temper is made up almost entirely of angular, sharp, even-sized fragments of clear quartz. There are sometimes traces [tr.] or minute traces [ttr.j of other materials. Most particles of temper lie between 0.1 and 0.4 mm across. A few of the larger pieces of quartz are whole, rounded grains. The temper appears compatible with derivation from a clean, well-sorted, rounded quartz sand, perhaps a beach sand or possibly a desert sand. I know of no such material in Cyprus and therefore suggest an overseas origin for this pottery.

Note: Prof. Goren from Tel-Aviv University examined two of the thin sections, and suggested the area of the coastal plan of Israel, south of Mount Carmel, as a possible source.

All of the sherds in this group, apart from inv. 1178 (Roman cooking pot, not included here) are Levantine glazed pots or pans. cat/sample no. additional comments fabric description, in-hand 135. 01108 Light reddish-brown, 2.5yr6/8 [LR], with a thick, Levantine pot dark-brown core; finely coarse, with small pink, white and grey inclusions. 136. 3395 Reddish-brown, 10R4/6 [R]; rough, very Levantine pot laminated with small and medium, brown and opaque inclusions.

137. 2535 Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R]; coarse, hard, with Levantine pot 10% small white inclusions, medium dark grey, and large brown ones; some mica-like flakes.

251. 0197 tr. larger rounded grains. Orange, 2.5yr5/8 [R]; rough/sandy, with under Levantine pan 10% small black, brown and white inclusions. 258. 3374 ttr. silicified forams. Rough, orange-red with very small white inclusions Levantine pan and many small voids; dark grey towards outer face, brown on outer surface.

3 1 8 9 Orange/brown, finely coarse, with very very Levantine pan small inclusions.

4 002 No fabric description. Levantine pot

4 0 0 4 tr. grog, tr. chalcedony? No fabric description. Levantine pan

1AA 400 tr. opaques, tr. grog, tr. mosaic. No fabric description. Levantine pan

4A 230a some grains partly rounded, tr. grog. No fabric description. Levantine pan

4A 230b tr. larger rounded grains No fabric description. Levantine pot

1BB/CC 1077a tr. grog, tr. chalcedony? No fabric description. Levantine pan

1BB/XX 1077b tr. larger rounded grains, tr. grog. No fabric description. Levantine pan appendix - thin sections v-3

G R O U P (b)

These specimens show a generally brown to dark brown body. They have abundant temper and many shrinkage cracks. The temper is mostly angular but there is a wider size-range than in the previous group. Grain size of the temper is mostly between 0.5 and 0.04 mm across. Some grains are sub- angular. There are fragments of mosaic quartz as well as clear quartz. There are also generally mafic (fero-magnesian) minerals such as pyroxene and mica, and sometimes opaques and pieces of grog.

Whilst some of the temper could have been derived from a quartz sand, the mosaic quartz may have come from quartz vein-stuff, perhaps mixed with particles of igneous country-rock to provide the mafic constituents. Quartz veins are very rare in Cyprus so that this would suggest an overseas origin. On the other hand, it is possible that a mix of mosaic quartz and mafic minerals could have originated from a part of the Troodos igneous suite. cat/sample no. additional comments fabric description, in-hand 106. 3365 Yellowish-red, 2.5yr5/8 |R|; sandy-rough with long spout, glazed small grey, white and brown inclusions. 214. 3378 tr. mica Strong Orange, 2.5yr5/8 [RJ; with small and Casserole, glazed medium white and opaque inclusions, and small dark brown ones . 216. 1947 tr. glass 2.5yr4/6, [Orange-brown]; semi-fine, hard, with Casserole small brown, white and bluish inclusions; large quantity of mica flakes, particularly noticeable on the surface. 217. 1955 tr. mica Orange, 5yr5/8 |YR[; fairly coarse, with small and Casserole medium brown, and small white inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. 254. OI101 Brown, 5yr4/3[RBr]; rough, brittle, with very glazed pan, Odos Ikarou small and small white inclusions, and brittle Outstanding in the fabric,yellow glaze,and even shape. occasional small-medium brown one. 266. 3372 grog Reddish-orange, 5yr5/6-5/8 [YR[; 10% very small dish with in-turned lip and small white and brown inclusions. 3028 tr. grog Yellowish-red (5yr5/6); semi-fine, hard, with 20% pot/jar brown inclusions, mostly small, some medium; very micaceous surface. 19 5 6 opaques Light orange-brown, [5yr6/8]; semi-coarse, with globular pot, glazed small and medium white and brown inclusions. some mica-like ones 347 1 tr. feldspar No fabric description. slip-painted bowl, waster appendix - thin sections v-4


Sections in this otherwise diverse group contain foraminifera. Some of these are quite small and were probably introduced unintentionally as original constituents of the raw clay. Others were included in fine grained rock, crushed for temper. Yet others were added as whole loose grains. Unfortunately marine and fresh water foraminifera are widely distributed and do not offer much assistance in determining the provenance from which they were derived.

Only one Medieval sample belongs to this group. cat/saniple no. additional comments fabric description, in-hand 201. 2511 QFI, quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, Orange-brown with brown patches,coarse, bowl, in-turned lip, opaques, trace glass. hard, with small and medium white and dark glazed brown inclusions; some mica; minor lime pitting. appendix - thin sections v-5

G R O U P (d)

This group comprises those sections which include leucite and/or idocrase as significant constituents of their temper material. This may also contain small quantities of pyroxenes, grog and opaques, and fine chips of quartz.

These sections are characterised by quartz feldspar intergrowths (QFI), sometimes crushed and added as temper, sometimes as larger irregular aggregates, probably an original constituent of the raw clay. Other temper constituents may include quartz, feldspar, pyroxene, grog and opaques. The grain size of the temper generally lies between 0.4 and 0.02 mm. Bodies are brown unless noted otherwise. Quartz feldspar intergrowths are likely to be derived from the deep-seated basic and ultra-basic rocks exposed in the upper parts of the Troodos mountains. Their presence thus suggests a Cyprus origin.

cat/sample no. additional comments fabric description, in-hand 129. 3157 tr. glass Reddish-brown, 5yr5/6-5/8 [YRJ; sandy, with small handle with crest-decoration reddish-brown and dark brown inclusions, and the occasional large opaque white. 153. 3106 No fabric description. globular pot, glazed 195. 1795 Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 [RJ, with dark brown pot with in-turned lip, glazed core; coarse, with small white and brown inclusions. 197. 3353 Red, 7.5yr4/6 [SBr] with dark brown core; fine matrix, pot with in-turned lip, glazed with rough fracture, with brown inclusions barely visible against the matrix; possibly some grog. 199. 3403 Reddish-brown, with grey core; very rough, with ca. pot with in-tumed lip (Early) 15% small, medium and large white (lime?) inclusions, medium and large very dark grey, and medium brown inclusions. 218. 2216 Orange brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R|; with medium white, casserole brown and grey inclusions; large quantity of mica flakes, particularly noticeable on the surface. 237. 3159 Reddish-brown, 5yr4/4 [RB|; with fine matrix though bowl with pinched spout, glazed rough fracture, with small and medium white and brown inclusions, hardly visible against the matrix, and some opaque small ones; possibly grog? 243. 3140 Dark brown, 5yr4/6 |YR|; fine matrix with a rough bowl with pinched spout, glazed fracture, with small and medium light and dark brown inclusions, nearly invisible against the matrix. 1795 Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/6 |R|, with dark brown core; pot with in-turned lip coarse, with small white and brown inclusions 4A 257 tr. amphiboles Orange-brown, 2.5yr5/8 [R]; rough, with 20-30% glazed pot with everted lip medium and large white, brown, grey and pinkish inclusions. appendix - thin sections v-6


These sections contain pyroxene as a major constituent, and thus are of a different source from the rest. Such minerals are abundant in the Troodos Mountains but are by no means restricted to Cyprus. They do not necessarily imply local origin, nor do they contradict it. A few sections contain glass. Where this is seen, it suggests a Cyprus origin, since the pillow lavas of the Island provide a ready source. This volcanic glass is relatively soft and is unlikely to be found far from its place of origin. Grain size lies generally between 0.5 and 0.01mm. There usual colour is yellow brown. cat/sample no. additional comments fabric description, in-hand 66. 3390 Reddish-brown, with dark brown core; 10-15% jug with pinched spout inclusions, small and medium white, medium brown, and a few medium and large dark grey. 152. 1805 Pale brown, 10yr6/4 (LYBrJ; rough/sandy fracture,with globular pot, glazed 20-30% small and medium brown inclusions, small white,some of them lime; some mica-like inclusions. 200. 3153 Reddish-brown, 2.5yr4/8 IR|; finely rough, with very pot with in-turned lip small white inclusions, and medium brown ones (maybe some grog?). 1952 Sagging base. Brown, 7.5yr5/6 [SBr]; very rough, sagging base with a range of white, brown and dark grey inclusions; some mica-like inclusions. 3 135 tr. leucite Very coarse with ca. 20% medium/large, sub-angular/ globular vessel sub-round, white, brown and very dark inclusions. PL 1

6. 1798 5. 3386

Scale 1:3 PI. 2

30. 2420

Scale 1:3 PI. 3

Scale 1:3 PL 4

Scale 1:3 PI. 5

60. 3152

Scale 1:3 PI. 6

94. 2480 97. 2071 87. 2301

Scale 1:3 PI. 7

107. 3130

111. 546

V. 118. 3155 114. 565

Scale 1:3 Pl. 8

8.1: Avissar 2005, fig. 2:18-1

7 “

145. 1801 137. 2535

138. 01117

151. 585 149. 3030 scale 1:3 PI. 9


Scale 1:3 PI. 10

Scale 1:3 pi. 11


203. 1959

Scale 1:3 PI. 12

210. 1797

224. 2177

Scale 1:3 PL 13

Scale 1:3 PI. 14

258. 3374 251. 0197

273. 3939

260. 578 256. 01103

268. 3173

264. 0190

Scale 1:3 PI. 15

266. 3372

283. 01114

285. 3411 284. 4300

Scale 1:3 PI. 16


Scale 1:3 PL. 17

19. 2481 1. 4259

3. 4356 20. 2370

22. 2411

28. 1490 12.4402

35. 3637

inv. 58 25.1486

Scale 1:3 PI. 18

17. 01146

26. 1454

5. 3386

47. 2485 59.2417

42.1457 37.2302 48. 2053

Scale 1:3 PI. 19

14. 2810 Scale 1:3 PI. 20

Scale 1:3 PI. 21

179. 3127 176. 744 180. 3355

Scale 1:3 PI. 22

96. 4650

95. 2414

129. 3157 99. CW0002

Scale 1:3 pi. 23

230. 3362

245. 4385

143. 01143

199. 3403

266. 3372

249. 73 275. 829

157. 4644 181. 3356 238. 2523

Scale 1:3 pi. 24

Scale 1:3 PI. 25

scale 1:3 bibliography


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