The Eagles’ Volume 38 Mills E. Godwin High School Issue 7 2101 Pump Road April 27, 2018 Richmond, Virginia 23238 Eyrie Priceless Fighting the epidemic Godwin organization works to combat drug abuse within schools

photo Eagles’ Eyrie 2016 photo Kathryn Chamberlin l to r: Harrison Derr, Jenny Derr, Chris Herren, and Jordan Derr at the Chris Herren drug A Project Purple meeting on April 23. School leaders met awareness assembly in 2016. Jenny Derr spoke about her late son Billy. to speak about substance abuse at Godwin. are facing substance abuse ings, as well as having speakers Ben Grott tinued to struggle with addiction, ented man who loved sports and issues. Also around that time, talk at lunches. News Editor seeing counselors, and eventu- popular rap culture. Derr and other parents contin- Project Purple also participat- Today, addiction touches the ally entered a full time treatment Derr decided the only way to ued to meet as they prepared ed in Red Ribbon Week, where lives of many, even the God- facility in 2014. make change was for their family for Chris Herren, a retired NBA Derr and Anne Moss Rogers, an win community. The desire for Billy then relapsed after a to start raising awareness and player, addict and now motiva- addiction, suicide, and mental change led to the creation of year and a half of sobriety in sharing Billy’s story. tional speaker, to come and talk illness speaker, talked about project purple 2016, but seemed to be back “I remember calling Billy and to the Godwin community. Derr their sons’ issues with substance Project Purple is a substance on the right track. Derr, howev- clearing it with him. He was su- believes these events started abuse during lunch. abuse and mental health aware- er, died of a heroin overdose in per supportive. I think he would the group’s momentum. In the future, Project Pur- ness organization created at April 2016, succumbing to his be really proud of me and proud On April 25, 2016, Herren ple plans to have more guest Godwin in 2016. It was partially addiction. of how we have advocated for so travelled to Godwin to give his speakers share their messages inspired by former NBA bas- Derr still struggles to cope many,” said Derr. story and describe his experi- with students. On May 2, Tom ketball player Chris Herren’s with the pain of losing her son. In regards to Project Purple, ences with substance abuse. Bannard will speak to seniors Project Purple. “To lose a child...I still can’t Derr is pleased with its progress Herren’s life was taken over by about substance abuse preven- The project materialized say that and not cry. The pain is so far. drugs as he drank and smoked tion at the collegiate level. He when a group of parents and indescribable. It is always with “I’d say I am most proud of marijuana at the beginning of is part of Rams in Recovery, an administrators concerned about you,” said Derr. the willingness of the staff, led high school, leading to cocaine organization at VCU dedicated the community’s issues with Derr believes Billy’s sub- by Mrs. Dunavant. She truly has and other drugs. to promoting recovery from substance abuse attended an stance abuse resulted from a lead with compassion and an After the Herren event and addiction. assembly at Godwin about the combination of factors. The ad- open mind and heart,” said Derr. the leave of Principal Smith, Dedicated volunteers have topic. diction disorder could have been Throughout her physical and Godwin Principal Leigh Duna- been key components to Proj- After the assembly, most caused by a severe car accident emotional journey, Derr now vant continued the effort, leading ect Purple’s success. Derr’s of the parents including Jenny triggering his brain when he has goals for Project Purple and to the expansion of the group Derr, a current volunteer and was young, his experimentation substance abuse awareness in and the renaming to Project Pur- project as it builds momentum. committee member for Project with alcohol and marijuana, a general. ple after Chris Herren’s project. Derr’s son, Billy Derr, attend- narcotic prescription as a kid, Derr is pushing for increased “I believe it is important for ed Godwin from 2007 to 2010. the assembly’s content. or how he was given a Vicodin control of prescription medica- us to address the issues of sub- During his senior year, the family “The presenter, while well by someone after they had their tion in the home, challenging stance abuse and mental health discovered his drug problem. intended, missed the mark on wisdom teeth removed. unnecessary prescriptions from through prevention, interven- “We were so caught off so many levels. She spoke a lot “We had no clue what ad- doctors, and raising aware- tion, and recovery efforts,” said guard,” said Derr. “We knew he about heroin use, but spent no diction was or how taking these ness to the fact that addiction Dunavant. had been drinking and smoking time talking about what drugs pills just one time could have is a brain disease, not a moral This school year, Project weed, but we had no clue about lead to heroin, as it doesn’t start triggered the disease,” said Derr. choice. Purple has reached new levels Xanax or pain pills. That began there,” said Derr. Derr continues to emphasize “I hope people will also learn of impact, such as continual use our journey, along with his, in Derr then contacted and met the fact that her son was more that if they know or love some- of the WellNest, a trailer convert- battling his substance abuse with former Godwin Principal than just an addict. Despite the one who suffers from addiction, ed into a comfortable space for disorder.” Beth Smith to talk about resourc- negative label of “addict,” Derr they are not alone, there are yoga and open counselor meet- After high school, Billy con- es for parents whose children describes Billy as a family ori- resources,” said Derr.

Table of Contents News...... 2 Sports...... 3 Opinion...... 4 Center...... 6 Features...... 8 Sports commitments pg. 3 Earth Day pg. 4 Student-led protests pg. 6 Ashley Zhu pg. 9 Flair...... 10 2 FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 NEWS THE EAGLES’ EYRIE EAGLE NEWS LOCAL NEWS NATIONAL NEWS

- Throughout the country, teachers have been pro- room on Mondays dedicated to the national Drop students participated in a school walkout. This walkout testing their low wages. In West Virginia, Oklahoma, Everything and Read (D.E.A.R.) program. The goal for and Kentucky, teachers are participating in “walkouts” D.E.A.R. was to have students learn a little more each protest gun violence and honor the 1999 Columbine to push for increased salaries. Although the average week from reading while also providing a break from teacher salary appears to be increasing year by year, typical schoolwork. For the rest of the year, the period - Island at noon to meet before their planned march on ries are about 1.6 percent lower now than in 1999 as Eagle Left Behind organization. the capitol. While there, students could register to vote a result. through registration stations. Teachers are continuing to follow suit as the walkouts towards people with mental health and to improve Bearing signs and chanting “Enough is enough,” the become more popular throughout the country. While relations between students. On April 9, new substance students walked up 7th street to the Richmond capitol the teachers are technically participating in walkouts, abuse awareness activities took the place of D.E.A.R. building. While there, organizers of the rally spoke these actions are more like strikes. The teachers are - about honoring the Columbine victims and their hopes calling their protests walkouts because striking as a cide survivor who told the story of his suicide attempt, for improved gun control. teacher is illegal. explained his depression, and emphasized getting help. - For the rest of the year, No Eagle Left Behind plans tributor and organizer of the event. At the march, he In West Virginia, the governor passed a bill that gave to provide more depression awareness related activites for classes to inform students about those who struggle problem. states have not been so lucky. In Oklahoma, the largest with their mental health. “The overall goal is unifying people,” said Alburger. teacher union has stopped its walkout, as the members “I think the new No Eagle Left Behind programs “We want people to understand that it does not matter believe they have achieved all that they can. Now they during D.E.A.R. will help students have a moment to your political beliefs, race, or religion, because gun are forced to focus on electing candidates who will violence is a life or death issue.” better support their cause. health and the importance of it,” said sophomore Car- As the walkouts have gained popularity, they have occurred more frequently across the country.

photo Sarah York photo Megan Crews Snapshots of activity On April 21, the Godwin Athletic Association held a On April 14, Godwin held a community clean up day around Godwin over test drive to raise funds for Godwin sports teams. where students helped improve the looks of the campus. the past few weeks.

“I got to see all of my “It is nicer because you get friends, but it took me forever normally see.”

“I think it would be bad be- “I think it is a bad idea be- cause some people will have to cause the hallways are chaos.” photos Kathryn Chamberlin THE EAGLES’ EYRIE SPORTS FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 3 One step ahead of the curveball A week Juniors commit early to colleges for prospective sports ahead While still focused on this Jacob Oberle and Aidan I would have preferred to go to, Noah Cornwell year’s Godwin baseball season, so that won’t be a problem,” said Monday, April 30 Gustin Deegan also has his eyes set on J-1 Correspondents Murphy. Boys Tennis: Douglas his future. According to Murphy, she Usually student athletes who Freeman, 4:30 at Godwin “I hope to have a lot of fun worked from a young age to are recruited to play a sport in playing baseball at UVa, but the develop her skills and become Girls Tennis: Douglas college wait until their senior ultimate team goal would be to the athlete she is today. year to commit. However, for Freeman, 4:30 at Freeman make it to the College World Se- “I have worked hard everyday these Godwin juniors, waiting Boys Soccer: J.R. Tucker, ries and win a National Champi- on softball while still working for offers is no longer an issue. onship,” said Deegan. hard in the classroom. Princeton 7:30 at Tucker Liam Deegan Deegan currently doesn’t Girls Soccer: J.R. Tucker, requires you to not only be ath- photo courtesy Noah Cornwell have any set goals for his sport letically talented, but work ex- Junior Noah Cornwell also 7:30 at Godwin after college, but is excited for tremely hard in the classroom,” has his eyes set on college what the future may bring. said Murphy. baseball. According to Cornwell, Tuesday, May 1 “I just like to focus on work- Murphy said that she wants he knew from the beginning of Girls Tennis: Hermitage, ing hard and playing the game. to exemplify the hard work and his high school baseball career 4:30 at Hermitage Wherever life takes me after that JMU was his top choice. Baseball: J.R. Tucker, 6:00 college, I just hope to end up also the work needed to put in “I’ve known that it’s where doing something that I love,” at Tucker said Deegan. Sam Landess time I saw the school. I could So!ball: J.R. Tucker, 6:00 photo courtesy Liam Deegan Lauren Murphy see myself going there to play at Tucker Junior Liam Deegan has baseball and also for school. known for a while that he would When they gave me an offer, I Thursday, May 3 be attending University of Vir- knew it was the right place,” said Boys Tennis: Glen Allen, ginia (UVa) in the fall of 2019 to Cornwell. 4:30 at Godwin play baseball. Cornwell said that he im- “I actually committed Sep- proved his game by looking Girls Tennis: Glen Allen, tember of 2016, which was my up to professional and college 4:30 at Glen Allen sophomore year,” Deegan said. athletes. Boys Soccer: Deep Run, “UVa was and is my number photo courtesy Sam Landess “I like to look at the swings of 7:30 at Godwin one school and the recruitment Another junior commit is Sam process starts pretty early.” photo courtesy Lauren Murphy Girls Soccer: Deep Run, Junior Lauren Murphy has re- Landess. He has committed to According to Deegan, UVa is of the best hitters in baseball, 7:30 at Deep Run cently committed to play softball play baseball at James Madison both prestigious in academics and try to match some of their at Princeton University, joining University (JMU). He will be Friday, May 4 and athletics, making the school techniques. I also have always the class of 2023. attending James Madison with an easy choice for him. Outdoor Boys Track: TBD Murphy is a three-year varsity fellow teammate Noah Cornwell Deegan was not concerned Adrian Beltre because he shows athlete for the Godwin softball in the fall of 2019. at University of Virginia about looking at any other col- how baseball can still be fun team and will continue playing According to Landess, he Outdoor Girls Track: leges because to him, he had even though it’s his job,” said her senior year. has never questionedi attending always wanted to play at UVa. Cornwell. TBD at University of Vir- “I committed so early be- another college or university to “I accepted as early as I did Looking to the future, Corn- ginia cause Princeton felt right for play his sport. because with UVa’s high level of well hopes he will make an me. I stepped on campus, and I “Every time I stepped on Baseball: Deep Run, 7:00 athletics and academics, as well impact in his college baseball could automatically picture my- campus I felt at home, and at Godwin as it being in Virginia, I jumped career. self being a student athlete [at where I wanted to go,” Landess at the opportunity”, said Deegan. “JMU baseball should be So!ball: Deep Run, 7:00 at said. Deegan commits to playing gradually getting better over the Godwin Princeton is one of the high- Landess works on baseball year round in order to be pre- next few seasons, so in a few est rated academic and athletic during the season, but also in Boys Lacrosse: Deep Run, pared to play in college. years I think we should be very schools in America. the off-season as well. He lifts 7:30 at Godwin “Year-round, I’m either in the “I could not pass up this three times a week, has pitch- high school season or playing making a positive contribution to Girls Lacrosse: Deep Run, opportunity to play Division I ing practice twice a week, and tournaments with my summer their team in a few years,” said 7:30 at Deep Run softball, while getting one of the attends RVA Athletes Monday or fall team. Then in the winter, Cornwell. best educations in the world,” through Friday. I just work out and hit most Cornwell hopes to continue Saturday, May 5 said Murphy. “I was excited when Noah days and let my arm rest”, said playing professionally in the Outdoor Boys Track: TBD Murphy is confident that committed, we have been play- Deegan. future. Princeton is the school for her ing together since T-Ball, and at University of Virginia - “My ultimate goal is to play for and that she will have no re- now we have another three to Outdoor Girls Track: er, but has played other posi- as long as I can. I would abso- grets. four years guaranteed together TBD at University of Vir- tions for the team as well. after high school,” said Landess. lutely love to play after college,” “There’s no other school that said Cornwell. ginia 4 FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 THE EAGLES’ EYRIE OPINION Take action now, the earth depends on it are supported by science and fact, irreparably true, not opin- ion, not partisan, not political. The existence of climate change should not be up for debate. How, we as humans, should combat and stop this process is up for debate. A national and even global effort to combat climate change requires a culture open to an honest conversation on who we are as a civilization and the McKenna Gillard impact we want to leave for the Opinion Editor generations to come. The executive administration We have always had the today is sending a message Earth. We have always had land to the American people that to build our homes and plant encourages denying the uncom- our crops and set our roots. We fortable truth and focusing only have always had water, oxy- on America, today, rather than gen, sunlight and rain. We have the fate of the entire world, for always had a climate – not too generations to come. hot, not too cold – at a perfect President Trump encourag- 93 million miles from the sun that es denying science as liberal sustains our precarious exis- fake news and skewing and tence. On Earth, people survive cherry-picking fact to further a long-term within a 55 degree illustration Alysse Stephens Climate change and global Over the next century, the partisan ideal, giving an ‘okay’ Fahrenheit range, a miniscule peratures means more severe, warming, while often used IPPC has predicted a 2.5 to to the American people to disre- fraction of the trillions of degrees but fewer, snowfalls. interchangeably, are distinct 10 degree Fahrenheit rise in gard science and fact for whim the universe naturally spans. The primary cause of both phenomena. Warmer condi- average global temperatures. and opinion. We, on this Earth, have al- climate change and global tions lead to more evaporation The sea level is expected to rise America is sending a mes- ways had what we needed. We warming is human activity am- and precipitation, leaving some one to four feet by 2100, putting sage to the world, and to the have evolved for survival on this plifying the greenhouse effect. regions dryer and some wetter, many coastal cities below sea future, that we do not care about perfect planet we have always The greenhouse effect is a but all exposed to the effects of level at risk. According to the any other life on the planet, in known. However, to think that natural function of the Earth’s the elements harsher than ever. Federal Emergency Manage- any other country, or the future simply because we have always atmosphere in which select gas- Since 1880, the average ment Agency, New York City, the Earth could have. had this Earth we always will es in the atmosphere trap light global temperature has risen 1.8 Miami, Boston, and even Norfolk We, becoming one of only is shortsighted. To think that, and heat to warm the Earth’s degrees Fahrenheit. In 2016, are at risk of coastal flooding by two countries to not be part of man, a species that has proven surface. the warmest year on record, the year 2050, putting millions of the Paris Accords, care more to mold mountains and control In natural compositions, the every U.S. state was warmer Americans at risk. about theoretical American jobs nature, cannot affect the climate carbon dioxide, methane, and than average. The sea level The Earth is 4.5 billion years and American energy than the is shortsighted. other greenhouse gases keep has risen eight inches in the last old, humans have only existed reality of global warming and its According to the United Na- the Earth at a livable tempera- century and continues to rise for 200,000 years, modern civ- effects. tions’ Intergovernmental Panel ture. However, as human activ- with a rate of increase double ilization for 6,000; yet, we have The presidential nominees to on Climate Change (IPPC), ities increase the concentration that of the last century. of carbon dioxide (CO ) in the drastically changed the climate head the National Aeronautics there is a 95 percent certain- 2 Extreme weather events have and composition of the Earth’s Space Agency, Jim Bridenstine, ty that human activities have atmosphere, the atmosphere wrought a 2015 heat wave in surface in the past 200 years. and the United States Depart- warmed the planet in the last traps more light and heat there- India, killing 2,300 with tempera- While we may not feel the effect ment of Agriculture Chief Scien- 50 years. This global warming, fore warming the Earth. tures averaging 110 degrees of a single degree or live for the tist, Sam Clover, are both career a distinct rising trend in global Human activities have in- Fahrenheit in some cities and centuries over which climate politicians and climate change temperatures since the Industrial creased the atmospheric con- leaves Cape Town, South Africa centration of CO by more than change takes its effect that does skeptics. This administration bla- Revolution, is included in climate 2 as the first city to run out of water not mean we should not care tantly ignores science and fact, change, which encompasses the one third since the Industrial from a severe drought. Hurri- about the fate of our Earth. and so, with no one in govern- changes and effects of long-term Revolution. cane Harvey in Texas caused Climate change and global ment to protect the environment, weather patterns, also including Activities ranging from burn- $125 billion in damage and warming are not wild conspira- we, the American people, must rising sea levels and extreme ing coal and gasoline, creating affected millions of Americans. cies to be taken by faith or de- be the ones to care about the weather. landfills, and deforestation all Increasing precipitation and tem- release key greenhouse gases. nied for the same reason. They future of our planet. THE EAGLES’ EYRIE THE EAGLES’ EYRIE OPINION FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 5 We showed up, now it’s time to act Eagles’ The only way to make real change is to vote Eyrie The Student Voice Staff Editors-in-Chief Emma Ford, Sarah York, and Charlotte Zerbst Associate Editor-in-Chief Yara Ibrahim Online Editors-in-Chief Sarah Burroughs and Kaitlin Dunn Chief Photographer Julia Grossman Charlotte Zerbst Editor-in-Chief Front It was a moment of empow- Ceara Nolan erment – I walked through D.C., poster in hand, anti-gun pins News buttoned on my jacket, sur- Tyler Anderson and Ben Grott rounded by young people who Sports felt as strongly as I did. I felt Cannon Binns and Ari empowered, I felt important, and Lehman I felt proud. Features It was March 24 and I had Dalia Jimenez and Julianna driven up to D.C. for the March Jett for Our Lives along with an es- Flair timated 200,000 other students, Kristina Smith teachers, and parents. It should illustration Alysse Stephens by the glitz and production of the not their attention. to an analysis of exit polls by Center have been a moment of seclu- “march”. Post your photo of your Tisch College of Civic Life at Mason Densley sion, reflection, and unity. It should not be an environ- march sign, rally people through Tufts University, 34 percent of Opinion And then I head the open- ment that makes one comfort- and , and registered young voters (ages McKenna Gillard and Asha ing bars of Kesha’s “Don’t able or happy or secure. hold value in the strength of 18-29) came out to vote, with Hayes Stop” All of these feelings should be teenagers banding together. Do a majority supporting Demo- Rearview Immediately the focus felt off. evoked in the policy one is trying not, however, get the message crat Ralph Northam. This can Sofia Ramos What did Ariana Grande, Miley to change; however, this change misconstrued. be compared to 17 percent of Cyrus, and Kesha really have to (and ultimately, happiness) can- We are not doing this for our youths in the 2009 Gubernatorial say about gun control? Staff Writers not be expected while policy is Instagram, we are not doing this Election. A protest is supposed to con- Carter Straub, Dimitrius being protested. to listen to artists perform, and The voices of young people vey feelings of justice and, in this Gomes, Evi Spears, and There were moments while we are not doing this for fun. The heard in the 2017 governor’s case, mourning for MSD as well Maeve Summers the students spoke and power- March for Our Lives was about race now have the opportunity as low-income communities with Photographer ful messages could be clearly our lives (or, if policy continues to be heard, louder than ever, lesser amounts of gun control. Kathryn Chamberlin heard while the crowd chanted unchanged, the lack thereof). at the mid-term elections. If, in The concept of this protest Business Manager or cheered in agreement with Going to the march was a first large numbers, young people had turned into an opportunity Libbie Smith the speaker. step, and we must take pride support the areas in which we for adults and media to prey on Assistant Business There were distinct surges of and power in our baby steps. feel most passionate about, young adults through entertain- Manager power brought about by 11-year- Baby steps, however, will not we will be able to become truly ment and production. Isaac Hull old Naomi Wadler speaking change policy. Action, voting, represented within our society. By adding pop performers on the violence against black and clear-minded steps will We can march, we can and “fun” graphics throughout women, Parkland survivor David change policy. scream, we can even watch the the protest, it felt less biting and Hogg addressing issues in the The impact of change, no performances of our favorite pop honest. Contact government, and Martin Luther matter the change you are fight- stars who quietly support the The way we, as teenagers King Jr.’s granddaughter Yolan- ing for, begins on a local level. same policy as us. Our beliefs Instagram protesting, were being marketed da Renee King dreaming of a Voting in local elections and and policy requirements will not @eagleseyrie was through the eyes of adults gun-free world. changing those who make an be influential without our votes Email looking down on us. However, this power cannot impact within your community is and without our support. [email protected] It was difficult for me to tru- be slighted by the adults who the most impactful way to create Letting the media and older Website ly hear and comprehend the attempt to make light of the stu- an environment and a country generations squash our power powerful messages from the dent-led protests or the massive in which you feel safe and rep- by making it something trivial will Advisor Chip Carter students at Marjory Stoneman amounts of people who attended resented. only be slighted by the power for Room 209 Douglas High School and the march simply for the enter- This was most recently exem- young adults to vote. other lower-income areas [email protected] tainment. plified in the 2017 Gubernatorial We have shown our faces. preached, these messages We are fighting for our rights, Election for Virginia. According Now let them hear our voices. Visit our Twitter, were ultimately misconstrued Instagram, or our website for more content.

**HOW TO REGISTER TO VOTE** Contact us with questions, concerns, or It’s easier than you think! information you wish to share. - If you will be 18 years old by the next general election Want to write an opinion (Nov. 6, 2018), you can register to vote NOW and cast a ballot in the piece for the Eagles’ primary election as well (June 12, 2018). Eyrie? Visit - Go to - Fill out the required questions throughout the web page. A con- firmation letter will be mailed to you that you have registered in the The ideas expressed in op-eds are that of the individual writer alone and following weeks. not of Godwin High School or the Eagles’ Eyrie. 6 FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 THE EAGLES’ EYRIE THE EAGLES’ EYRIE FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 7 CENTER CENTER 1930 Young People at the forefront of change

American Youth Congress - 1935 - Students formed a youth organiza- Students at the ballot tion to discuss problems the youth faced. They discussed problems Voter turnout is less than 50 percent for local communi- across the country such as the Godwin organizations in action ties. draft. 1960 In 2012, less than 50 percent of eligible voters between Junior Statesmen of America the ages of 18-29 cast a vote. sponsor Julie Richardson Vietnam War Protests/Students for “[JSA] meetings include discussions about current U.S. and Young people (18-29) make up 21 percent of eligible vot- Democratic Society (SDS) - 1960’s - Greensboro sit-ins - February 1 world events. The club consists of students with a wide range of ers. This was a student activism move- - July 25, 1960 - In order to gain political perspectives. The organization is completely student led ment that protested for civil rights equal rights, African American and run. I am just there to be a facilitator. They plan all meetings and against the Vietnam War. students sat in lunch counters at and the agenda for all meetings.” In the past gubernatorial election, only 34 percent of eli- Greensboro, NC and refused to leave after not being served. gible voters cast a ballot.

Model United Nations One third of high school seniors do not have an under- president senior standing on how the government operates.

Free Speech Movement - 1964 - Katie Zhang 31 percent of voters are ages 18-35. 1965 - This movement was formed “What you do learn in Model UN [foreign affairs, world dynam- East L. A. Student Walkout - 1968 ics, etc] gives you perspectives that help you understand larger in response for a struggle of civil - This was a protest against teacher rights. They tried to impose a ban forces that are at play in government. We definitely promote civil 1 out of 3 students do not know that there are more than prejudice against mostly Hispanic participation in whatever issues that you believe to be important.” on on-campus political activity. students. Students were arguing for two people who run for president. equal treatment from the teachers. 50 percent of teens have experience polling with their Kent State Protest- 1970- After the formal Student Government Day parents. 1970 announcement of the invasion of Cambodia, Kent state students took to the campus com- attendee senior Nick Aaron mons in protest. Trying to diffuse the situa- 53 percent of teens feel they have a voice in politics. tion, about 100 Ohio National Guardsmen “It was a great opportunity to be able to see the ins and outs of local government and how their actions have a daily impact on arrived on campus. The exchange of tear gas our lives.” Student Strike Against Invasion canisters and rocks eventually lead to shots 70 percent of students get exposure to politics from their of Cambodia - April 30, 1970 - being fired and killing four students. parents. *These are all national statistics Students from the University of Washington marched out of school, onto the freeway, yelling anti-Viet- nam-War slogans to the Federal Courthouse.

1980 UC Berkeley- 2009- When the Cal- ifornia Board of Regents approved a 32% tuition increase, students took Campus Antiwar Network- 2003- This to the streets. With signs and chants, is a college/university based anti-war The University of Virginia - June, National Gun Walkout Day - they demanded reasonable prices for March 14, 2018 - This was a nation- Deaf President Now - 1988 - This organization. From 2003 to 2011, stu- education. The protest finally ended 2012 - Students organized a rally dents spoke out against the occupation after the school board announced al walkout in response to the shoot- was a student protest at Gallaudet with the arrest of 41 students. ing at Marjory Stoneman Douglas University, a university to serve the of Iraq. They held conferences, orga- the resignation of the university’s nized speaking events, and picketed president due to “philosophical High School to protest against gun deaf, after a decision to appoint a violence specifically in schools. hearing person over a deaf person military recruiters in school. differences.” as president. 2000 2010

Students of Democratic Society revival- 2006- A movement to revive the 1960s student activists DREAM Act - Dec. 8, 2010 - Im- group started with two high school students. Clemson Protests - 2016 - this was migrant students fought for the They sought to re-establish this organization to a sit-in protest conducted at Clem- passing of the DREAM Act. This build a radical multi-issue organization ground- son University where 100 students act allowed student immigrants to ed in participatory democracy. gathered for nine weeks to fight have legal residency in America against racism, ending with the and get an education. arrest of five people. THE EAGLES’ EYRIE 8 FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 FEATURES From Galilee to Richmond Israeli twins begin new chapter in the U.S. at Godwin the best school in Richmond,” Dimitrius Gomes Yarden said. “Everyone noticed Staff Writer that we are new and they try to Leaving your home for an help us all the time.” unknown future is always in- “It’s been a great experience,” timidating, and the journey isn’t said Snir. always clear. For some, it may Yarden is currently training be the biggest struggle of their and will be playing on Godwin’s life. Nonetheless, for others, it football team in the coming sea- becomes the best decision they son, hoping to be involved with have made. the school. Juniors Yarden and Snir “For now I am lifting weights Laron moved to Richmond in the training room to prepare from Israel this school year, for the upcoming season in Au- and although their life has been gust,” said Yarden. uprooted from what they knew As for high school in general, back in Israel, the twin brothers the two cited both similarities have a positive outlook on the and differences. photo courtesy Yarden Laron United States. “We had seven classes as Yarden (l) and Snir at Busch Gardens in Williamsburg riding the Griffon. This “Life here is quite weird for well back home, and we were re- was their first time visiting the amusement park since their move to the U.S. us. It’s really different from Isra- quired to take English,” Snir said. el,” said Yarden. “We also had to take some form a week and not for days,” said The two brothers moved to of math, Hebrew, government, Yarden. “There is also no school Richmond because their father and history,” said Yarden. “Then, lunch, so we normally left after was offered a job at Sabra, we were able to choose two one o’clock.” a popular maker of hummus. more electives of our choice.” Like many westernized coun- Before moving, they lived in One difference the twins tries, lunch is the largest meal Misgav, located in the Galilee noticed was that the variety of of the day, so students go home region of northern Israel. electives to choose from was rather than eat at school. “You would know where we more diverse in Israel. While Snir “We usually had a big lunch are from if you are religious, enjoyed theatre and psychology after school, mostly at home,” as Jesus walked on the Sea of as electives, Yarden preferred said Yarden. Galilee, not too far from where electronic music and physics. As the twins are adjusting we were,” said Yarden. “The curriculum was much to the way of life in the United According to the brothers, life harder and you were treated States, they also notice things in the United States has been like an adult, as you were more unique to the American culture. quite positive for them. responsible for yourself,” said “There are so many stores photo courtesy Yarden Laron “Everyone here is so polite, Yarden. in one area, I just don’t get how Snir (l) and Yarden at the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts. and everyone seems to be very Unlike Godwin, the broth- they all make so much money,” apologetic,” said Snir. “They are ers’ last school had numerous said Yarden. “There are also a apologetic even if I did wrong.” breaks throughout the school lot of food choices and many fast The twins also mentioned days. food places, which are not really how diverse the U.S. is com- “Every two periods, there good, but it is a lot cheaper.” pared to Israel. was a break period lasting for at Regardless of the differences “Israel is a very diverse coun- least 15 minutes,” said Yarden. between the two countries, both try with many people, but here, “Sometimes, there were even 30 agreed on how grateful they are you can see how diverse each minute breaks.” to have the opportunity to live in community is,” said Yarden. “We had fridays off at my the United States. The two siblings have had school,” said Snir. “It’s been great at Godwin, a welcoming experience at Depending on your schedule, and we are grateful for being Godwin and according to them, students would leave as early as right: Snir (l) and many students have offered help midday, but the more classes a Yarden snowboarding at and open arms. student took on, the later that Snowshoe Mountain in ”We came to Godwin be- student would stay. Snowshoe, W.Va. cause our parents thought it was “In Israel, your schedule is for photo courtesy Yarden Laron Godwin show choir drops a “Bombshell” Runs Out’. Maeve Summers “I tried to tie in songs that Staff Writer were appropriate to the theme, Debut competed against four that also had a variety of styles. schools in the Small Division, I tried to mix in both classic and which consists of choirs with newer songs,” said Clatterbuck. 20-30 members, and won the At the Festival of Choirs, title of Grand Champions, also juniors Adelaide O’Connor and earning additional trophies for Adam Gray won individual ‘Best Vocals’, ‘Best Show De- Showmanship Awards in addi- sign’, and ‘Best Choreography’ tion to winning the champion- in their division. ship. The Showmanship Award “[When we won], I jumped is given to members that use up and down screaming, and I strong expression and emotions got to share the news with all throughout the performance. my friends,” said sophomore “Being on stage in front of Thomas Hodges. an audience doing something Debut’s theme this year you love really motivates you was “Bombshell,” based off of photo courtesy Thomas Hodges to be super expressive and Marilyn Monroe’s acting career. Debut with their Grand Champion Trophy and medals at the Hanover Competition. the Hanover competition really Senior Hannah Welch is por- brought out that side of me,” said ‘Best Band’ trophies over all the the first week of school. Every wins. It was great to see all of the traying Monroe, and according O’Connor. other choirs competing that day. month, starting at the end Sep- hard work we’ve put in this year to Godwin choral director David A week later, on March 24, Despite their multiple wins, tember, the professional chore- come to fruition,” said Welch. Clatterbuck, “is doing a great the group attended another however, Clatterbuck says that ographer, Jason Peace, came in Clatterbuck adds that he is job.” competition at Powhatan High Debut’s victories did not come to teach dances for each song.” very proud of his students and “It was an unforgettable ex- School and competed in the easy. After their win, members all that they’ve accomplished perience performing as Marilyn, Choral Classic with two other “Debut requires numerous have high hopes for next year. this year. and the greatest honor to portray choirs in their division and nine Saturday rehearsals in which “Debut has been super success- “This has been an outstand- such a renowned, timeless fe- choirs in total. a professional choreographer ful in the past and I think that this ing year for our show choir. The male icon,” said Welch. Debut came home that day comes to work with the students. year is more motivation for the students had a positive attitude Some of the songs in the set with another first place trophy, Being a part of Debut is a huge next, and is going to be one for and worked hard all year, and include ‘Shining Star’, ‘Material along with ‘Best Vocals’ and commitment,” said Clatterbuck. the books,” said O’Connor. the hard work was worth all the Girl’, ‘Take On Me’, and ‘Love “We started learning the music “I’m really proud of all our trophies,” he said. THE EAGLES’ EYRIE FEATURES FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 9 Godwin Senior hits 100k on YouTube rience,” Zhu said. YouTube career. Carter Straub Zhu plans to continue making Zhu’s favorite YouTubers in- Staff Writer videos throughout college. clude Krist Soup, , With the click of her camera’s “I think it will be great to show Cat Creature, Emma Cham- “on” button, senior Ashley Zhu my younger subscribers what berlin, JenerationDIY, Karina instantly connects to thousands college is like, especially since Garcia, and Jenn Im. across the globe. I will be attending an American Zhu has done collabs with After moving from New York university in China,” said Zhu. many YouTubers, including City to Virginia in 2014, Zhu de- Zhu accumulated her cam- other locals like Deep Run se- cided to make a YouTube chan- eras and equipment for her nior Emma Topp and University nel to document her journey to a channel by buying the materials of Richmond freshman Emily new state, while staying in touch herself or receiving them as Wass. Some of the other collabs with her friends back home. presents. With no prior experi- include JenerationDIY and Kari- Now, Zhu posts videos every ence in mass media, Zhu built up na Garcia with collabs occurring Sunday and Wednesday and her expertise through teaching both in person and online. photo courtesy Ashley Zhu has accumulated over 100,000 herself how to better use a cam- Not only has Zhu met oth- Zhu beginning one of her videos in her classic room set up. subscribers, 6,000 followers on era and edit videos. Currently, er media influencers through Instagram, and 3,000 Snapchat Zhu uses a Canon G7X to film collabs, but she has also met followers over her four years on and Final Cut Pro X to edit her people all over the world through YouTube. videos. her channel. Up until recently, Zhu wanted A few Godwin students have “I became friends with people to keep her YouTube channel a been featured in her videos, in- all across the globe which is secret from Godwin students, cluding seniors Naomi Ghahrai something I never thought was with only a few close friends and Talia Scharf and junior Ying possible. I have received so aware of her hobby. Since Zhu is Yuan. Zhu’s family fully supports much love and appreciation from attending college next year, she her channel and thinks of Zhu’s my viewers, who are always so feels more comfortable introduc- YouTube Channel as a creative kind and encouraging,” she said. ing Godwin to her creative outlet. outlet for her to express herself. Zhu’s favorite videos to film “I felt like it would be awkward “I think it’s great that Ashley are chit-cat videos, vlogs, or for people I don’t talk to at school is doing what she loves and “trying new things for the first to see me in my room and acting sharing it with the world,” Zhu’s time videos. weird on the internet. But now mom, Chenting said. ”I love brainstorming ideas I’m going to college and most Zhu receives most of her and saying whatever my heart of my friends know about my paycheck from advertisements desires,” said Zhu. YouTube, so I thought ‘YOLO’,” photo courtesy Ashley Zhu through Google Adsense and Zhu is waiting to receive a said Zhu. PayPal. Although she cannot plaque in the near future after A snapshot of Zhu’s typical homepage layout. Zhu will be attending NYU disclose the exact amount that hitting 10,000 subscribers, or Shanghai in the fall and is plan- nel is primarily used for fun, Zhu she said. she makes through her videos, “chips” as members of her ning on majoring in Business has learned many valuable skills On April 9 Zhu hit 100,000 Zhu said she makes around a fanbase are called. She is also and Marketing, but is hoping to from the experience. subscribers and is hoping to couple hundred dollars a month. hoping to attend VidCon, a multi- minor in Interactive Media Arts. “I grasped a sense of entre- continue growing her channel Recently, Zhu sponsored a genre online videoconference “I am super excited to attend preneurship through social me- in the future. game called “Best Fiends.” and held in California, this coming NYU Shanghai in the fall. It’s a dia brandings and have learned And as YouTubers often say, has been able to interact with summer. once in a lifetime opportunity to understand how Youtube, a “Don’t forget to like, comment, other businesses during her Although her YouTube chan- and a very unique college expe- multifaceted platform works,” and subscribe.” International leadership role takes senior to Poland children. serve in the Jewish community. Evi Spears “Our voice can make a She will be attending Virginia Staff Writer change, and it’s our job to teach Tech in the fall, and plans to B’nai B’rith Youth Organiza- the new kids the Jewish culture study human development and tion (BBYO), is a youth organi- and tradition,” said Schwam. be a sunday school teacher at zation for Jewish teens around After she gave the speech, the local Jewish Community the country. Schwam was given the opportu- Center in Blacksburg. Senior Briana Schwam holds nity to travel to across the world “Even though I won’t be in the position of Vice President of to learn more about her Israeli BBYO next year, I will carry the Recruitment this year, and her culture and the Holocaust. relationships with the people main focus is to talk to rising Schwam traveled to Poland I met because they are now freshmen from around the area and Israel April 9-23 for the some of my best friends,” said and encourage them to join March for the Living, an annual Schwam. BBYO. walk that brings students from “Although we all go for dif- Along with recruitment, around the world to study the ferent reasons like leadership, Schwam and other BBYO rep- history of the Holocaust. She for fun, or to learn about the resentatives work to coordinate spent her first week in Poland faith, we all still participate in photo courtesy Briana Schwam conventions where members walking through different con- the fellowship which is really meet for fellowship and other Schwam (r) at a BBYO conference with Freeman student centration camps. special.” BBYO activities. Eliana Nachman. “This is a big part of my life BBYO focuses on leadership because my great-grandparents and a sisterhood or brotherhood perished in the Holocaust,” said with the other teens who partic- Schwam. ipate. After a week in Poland, she At meetings, they discuss went to Israel with BBYO and tradition, culture, and throughout met up with other Jewish youth the year, members attend vari- groups from all around the world ous leadership conferences both for the March. locally and across the country. “The trip was fun but also Schwam originally got in- really serious and emotional,” volved with BBYO because her said Schwam. sister was a former member. Christians and other religions She and her family have always joined together to sing Hebrew been involved in the Jewish songs about peace and remem- community, and she was the brance, and marched to show Jewish Community Center’s support to the Jewish students. team leader of the year. “Getting to be a part of the Due to her involvement in the march and seeing students Jewish community and BBYO, from all different religions come Schwam was asked to speak at together was something really the Emek Sholom Holocaust Me- special and unique. Not a lot of morial Cemetery in November people have the opportunity to where she received the annual experience what I was able to,” Esther J. Windmueller “Never said Schwam. Again” scholarship. As Schwam graduates this Her speech was about her year from both high school and family’s past and the importance BBYO, she will still continue to of educating the future Jewish THE EAGLES’ EYRIE 10 FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 FLAIR The Roundup with Spring Kaitlin and Dalia Concerts A few suggestions to get you in a spring mood A list of popular artists Classic Films: TV Shows: Albums: coming to Virginia “10 Things I Hate “Nailed It” “Tango in May 3: Alvvays May 10: Gucci Mane About You” the Night” by Fleetwood Mac

One of Netflix’s new shows, “Nailed It” takes your typical TV cooking competition and turns it Release Date: April 13, 1987 completely backwards. Finding Genre: Pop/Soft Rock Location: The Broadberry in the worst bakers in America, Location: Constant Convoca- Popular Songs: “Every- Richmond With Heath Ledger and Julia they make them compete to win tion Center in Norfolk where”, “Little Lies” Genre: Stiles, 10 Things I Hate About $10,000. The gag is, they have Genre: Hip Hop/Trap Popular Songs: “Archie, You is a classic 90s coming of to recreate desserts created by “Something to Tell Popular Songs: “I Get the Marry Me”, “Adult Diversion”, age film. You are sure to fall in professionals. If you love baking Bag”, “Met Gala” love with all the spunky char- You” by Haim “Dreams Tonite” shows, this is the show for you. May 12: Chase Rice acters, and different plots and May 10: Kenny subplots that coexist throughout “One Day at a the film. If you’re looking for Chesney a comedic romcom to watch Time” during prom season, this is the perfect film. “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” Release Date: July 7, 2017 Genre: Pop-Rock Popular Songs: “Want You Back”, “Nothing’s Wrong” Location: Innsbrook After “Apricot Princess” Hours in Glen Allen by Rex Orange Location: Veterans United Genre: Country Home Loans Ampitheater in Popular Songs: “Gonna Wan- County Virginia Beach na Tonight”, “Ready Set Roll” Genre: Country Netflix’s remake of the 1975’s Popular Songs: “American June 4: classic, “One Day at a Time” fol- Kids”, “There Goes My Life” lows the lives of a Cuban-Amer- Brockhampton Starring Matthew Broder- ican family in Los Angeles. It May 23: St. Vincent ick, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off” tackles topics such as racism, consists of Ferris skipping his immigration, sexism, and sexu- classes. Throughout the movie, ality. Despite addressing serious topics, the show manages to Bueller “borrows” a Ferrari and Release Date: April 26, 2017 leave the viewer intrigued. embarks on a journey through- Genre: Pop with a jazz flair out Chicago. Combined with a Popular Songs: “Televison/ So fantastic soundtrack, this film is Music Artists: Far so Good”, “Rain Man” a classic that is guaranteed to get you in the spring mood - Yellow Days - Cosmo Pyke “Care” by Temporex Documentary: - Location: National Theater in - King Princess Richmond - Wallows Genre: Alternative Rap “Girl Rising” Location: National Theater in - Hippo Campus Popular Songs: “Boogie”, Richmond -bLAck pARty “Sweet”, “Gold”, “Bleach” -Girl in Red Genre: Indie-Rock -The Wallows Popular Songs: “Digital Wit- -Temporex ness”, “Los Ageless”, “Birth in June 8: X -The Aces Reverse” Release Date: Jan. 11, 2017 Ambassadors and -Family Reunion Genre: Indie Pop -FLETCHER Fitz and the Tantrums Popular Songs: “Nice Boys”, June 19: The - Healy Songs: “The Right Place” Neighbourhood “How Big, How Blue, - “Glitter” by Tyler the Creator - “ILYSB” by Lany How Beautiful” by - “Her” by Eery - “T-Shirt Weather” by Cica Florence and the Waves Machine This documentary, narrated - “You Say I’m in Love” by by the stunning Alicia Keys, Banes World tells the stories of nine girls from - “Old School” by Urban Cone developing countries and their - “Pretty Colors” by Glibs journeys towards obtaining an - “The Girl” by City and Color Location: Innsbrook After education in countries where - “You” by dodie Hours in Glen Allen educating girls is not a priority. - “Lemon Boy” by Cavetown Location: National Theater in Genre: Indie-Rock The inspiring tone of the film and - “Falling for U” by Peachy! Richmond Popular Songs: X Ambassa- the rich cinematic colors in the - “Paris” by The 1975 Genre: Indie-Rock dors: “Unsteady”, ”Renegade”, documentary will leave viewers - “18” by Landon Cube Release Date: May 29, 2015 “Home”; Fitz and the Tantrums: Genre: Indie/Folk Rock Popular Songs: “Sweater uplifted and yearning to travel - “Prune, You Talk Funny” by Weather”, “Daddy Issues”, “A “HandClap”, “Out of My League”, the world. Gus Dapperton Popular Songs: “Ship to “The Walker” Wreck”, “Delilah” Little Death” - “The Rain” by Will Smith photos Google THE EAGLES’ EYRIE FLAIR FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 11 The Fashion Statement: Spring Edition Trends emerging from the spring runway seasons

(l to r) Alexis Mabille, Armani Prive, Azzaro (Couture S/S 2018) (l to r) Loewe, Louis Vuitton, Celine (RTW S/S 2018) TREND 1: The Evolved Suit TREND 2: All-White Ensembles Not only is the business suit back in version, through a crocodile skin jacket An all-white outfit is a classic, striking, yet chicness of all white encapsulates fashion, but there are plenty of ways to with a centered interest piece. Finally, and important option to have throughout the relaxation and beauty of summer create your own personality through this Azzaro’s show displayed the versatility spring and summer. As temperatures when paired with a neutral colored shoe classic business attire. The most elegant of a longer coat, with accessories such begin to rise, the airy feel of an all-white and bag. This is best to wear on a hot way a runway mixed it up this spring as scarves and buttons to compliment ensemble makes the wearer appear and sticky day in the spring or summer season was seen in Alexis Mabille’s show the overall personality of the outfit. This put-together and in accordance with the in order to evoke a bright and stylish (l). This riff off of summer wear creates is the perfect way to mix up business season. As exemplified in all three pho- vibe, even if the heat has you feeling a relaxed version of business wear. Ar- attire if you have a job that requires pro- tos from the shows, the overall comfort differently. mani Prive created a more strictly formal fessional wear.

(l to r) Louis Vuitton, Balenciaga, Loewe (RTW S/S 2018) (l to r) Versace, Balenciaga, Marni (RTW S/S 2018) TREND 3: Relaxed Dresses TREND 4: Patterned Pants The very image of a long and loose choice (pictured above, even Crocs are There is nothing that makes a bigger find the color scheme most heavily rep- dress with a simple pattern or color included), and a large tote to carry all statement than a funky patterned pant. resented and pair a solid or mostly-solid scheme relays what wearing the outfit is of the spring essentials. As seen in the This season, a digital and striking pattern shirt that correlates with the colors. A mix all about --- easy-living. There is nothing runway photos, a cami-dress with a long seems to be on-trend, as pictured above of tighter and looser clothing achieves more simple, especially on a warm spring sleeve t-shirt may be worn for cooler in all three runway photos. An outfit con- a cool effect. From there, accessories Sunday, than hopping out of bed and days, or a halter dress for the sweltering taining a patterned pant may look daunt- are key! Mostly solid colors so as not to putting on a long, yet beautiful dress. All spring days. Overall, the relaxed maxi- ing, but it is very easy to achieve, it will distract from the pants, follow the same three of these looks are easily attainable, dress can be worn for both comfort and make a statement, and it can be dressed color scheme and add any accessory. up or down! Beginning with the pants, it is just one simple piece of clothing, style. photos Vogue Runway often paired with a favorite shoe of your compiled by Charlotte Zerbst A day in the life of Mr. and Mrs. Lauder compress and complaining that the dog is 7:00- Bath time for the kids, 9:00- Eat ice cream after licking her. lasts 35 mins and 35 figurines done with all of work 7:50- Drops kids off at day- are normally in the tub, wife 10:30-11:00- Read more care and goes to school gives them swim lessons, he and go to bed/ hope Jacquelyn 8:15- Gets to school and has dumps his head in the water so sleeps through the night 15 minutes of peace to grade his daughters learn to swim stuff—slowly freshman babies 7:45- Kids try to stall going to Mr. Lauder start to stream in asking for bed so they read a story, keep 5:40- Wakes up and feeds help or to hang up Justin Bieber going up and down stairs, gets the pets, makes coffee, makes posters. water, potties, bears are making baby bottles, if has time eats School day- Enlightens stu- too much noise, switch books photo courtesy Dana Lauder breakfast and waits for the chil- dents on cultural understanding that she reads to bears, asks if (l to r) Dana, Abigail, Jacquelin, and Jon. dren to wake up (they’re ticking 4:45- Grades papers and it’s wake up time time bombs) then might go on a run (or wad- 8:00-9:00- Schoolwork books and writing all day Mrs. Lauder 6:45- Eats breakfast with dle) around the roads 9:00-9:30- Does nothing, 4:45- Picks up kids and then 5:40- Wakes up and if the oldest daughter - she alternates 5:00- Kids come home, eats watches the Wizards lose, reads Abby watches something (Dis- girls are still asleep gets work between cereal and oatmeal, a snack, and watch 30 mins of political articles on phone, pets ney video, Pinkalicious, her time done for school, maybe go on but wants her to eat oatmeal be- something. He plays Disney dog, dessert time for him and to unwind), tries to ask about her a run cause it is healthier. Her cereal princesses until dinner, singing, Mrs. Lauder, mainly cookies day and she doesn’t really care 6:30-7:00, snap into breakfast consists of a combination of rice making castles out of cushions, —”Don’t tell my daughter I ate 6:00- Eat dinner mode, all sit together at table, krispies, frosted flakes, cheeri- and trying to keep the two kids her Easter candy.” After dinner- Follows Jacque- look over school work os, and granola (clusters). She from getting mad at each other. 10:00- Asleep, might read a lin around, playtime 7:50- Chugs coffee, leaves takes forever to eat, alternating 6:15- Eats dinner. “My wife is book 8:00-8:30- Work on school- home around 8:00 between taking a bite, listening a wonderful cook and it is like a work, catching up on stuff School day - Talks about to him read 101 Dalmatians, five-star gourmet meal.” 8:30-9:00- Half-hour to de- THE EAGLES’ EYRIE Rearview FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 2018 12 How well do you actually know Godwin? Let’s get down to the nitty gritty with this HQ-style quiz!

Q1: Which letter comes between Q7: How many TOTAL clubs/ Mills and Godwin? societies are listed on the Godwin website? A 59 H 40 E 37

Q2: How many hours are in a full 7 Q8: What was practiced during period school day? Mindful Monday on April 9? 7 Aromatherapy

6 Mindful Eating

12 Yoga

Q9: Which colors are on Coach Q3: What year did Godwin open? Seidenberg’s snow sweater?

1980 Red & white

1979 Green & white

1985 Blue & white

What year did the Eagles’ Which dish is served Q10: Q4: Eyrie report on the opening of Short every Thursday in the lunch line? Pump Town Center? Taco salad 1998 Chicken nuggets 2000 Domino’s Pizza 2002

Q5: How many Varsity sports are at Q11: Which of the following high Godwin?

18 Tucker

15 Godwin

17 Freeman Which of the following major How many delays and closings Q12: Q6: sports leagues have Godwin have we had this school year? graduates played in? 10 MLB & NFL 7 MLB & MLS 9 NFL & MLS

Check your answers by going to:

illustrations Alysse Stephens page compiled by So!a Ramos