Dorset Area Review College annex

August 2017 Contents1

Bournemouth and Poole College 3 Kingston Maurward College 4 Weymouth College 5

1 Please note that the information on the colleges included in this annex relates to the point at which the review was undertaken. No updates have been made to reflect subsequent developments or appointments since the completion of the review.

2 Bournemouth and Poole College

Type: General college

Location: The college is currently based on 3 sites; 2 sites are in Poole (North Road and The Fulcrum) and one in Bournemouth (Lansdowne)

Local Enterprise Partnership: LEP

Principal: Diane Grannell

Corporation Chair: James Hampton

Main offer includes:

Provision for 16 to 18 year olds and adults across a range of subject sector areas


Adult skills

Employer led learning

Higher education

Details about the college offer can be reviewed on the Bournemouth and Poole College website


The college has a new contemporary performing arts theatre and new laboratories for health and medical sciences

The college receives funding from:

Education Funding Agency

Skills Funding Agency

Higher Education Funding Council

For the 2014 to 2015 academic year, the college’s total income was: £36,281,000

Ofsted inspections:

The college was inspected in February 2016 and was assessed as good

3 Kingston Maurward College

Type: Specialist land based college

Location: The college is based in Dorchester, Dorset

Local Enterprise Partnership: Dorset LEP

Principal: Luke Rake

Corporation Chair: Jim Tirrell

Main offer includes:

Provision for 16 to 18 year olds and adults across a range of subject sector areas


Higher education

Adult skills

Employer led provision

Details about the college offer can be reviewed on the Kingston Maurward College website


The college is a specialist, land based college and has specialist facilities including a working farm, blacksmith’s forge, equestrian centre and animal science facility

The college receives funding from:

Education Funding Agency

Skills Funding Agency

Higher Education Funding Council

For the 2014 to 2015 academic year, the college’s total income was: £10,374,000

Ofsted inspections:

The college was inspected in September 2014 and was assessed as good

4 Weymouth College

Type: General further education college

Location: The college has 6 sites across Dorset, the main site is in Weymouth

Local Enterprise Partnership: Dorset LEP

Principal: Nigel Evans

Corporation Chair: David Fallows

Main offer includes:

Provision for 16 to 18 year olds and adults across a range of subject sector areas


Adult skills

Employer led learning

Higher education

Details about the college offer can be reviewed on the Weymouth College website


The college manages 2 sports centres and these offer both indoor and outdoor facilities for students. They also offer courses at the Dorset Centre for the Creative Arts, which include stonemasonry

The college receives funding from:

Education Funding Agency

Skills Funding Agency

Higher Education Funding Council

For the 2014 to 2015 academic year, the college’s total income was: £12,853,000

Ofsted inspections:

The college was inspected in November 2015 and was assessed as good

Notice of concern:

The college is subject to a notice of concern issued by the Skills Funding Agency.


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Reference: DFE-00193-2017

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