St Francis of Assisi Catholic Technology College Headteacher: Mrs P. Mullins, B.A. (Hons), M.A. SCHOOL TRANSPORT INFORMATION School Year 2010 - 2011 Erdington Road, Aldridge, Walsall, WS9 0RN tel: 01922 740300 fax: 01922 740330
[email protected] Welcome to the School Transport Information. Parents who use or intend to use school transport should take the time to read this document thoroughly paying particular attention to the information on bus passes. More than 900 of our students travel to school by either school or public transport each day. Every morning before 9 a.m. and every afternoon at 3.15 p.m, 12 buses, double- deckers and coaches and 3 taxis solely devoted to school transport arrive on the school drive. In addition a number of students use regular service buses outside the school on the Erdington Road and in Aldridge. The school experiences relatively few problems with transport. Students should aim to arrive in the morning at their designated stop at least 10 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival of the bus. If a school coach or bus does not turn up on time in the morning students should wait for at least 30 minutes. Sometimes delays occur due to traffic or weather, but the coach / bus will almost always turn up eventually. If a student misses the bus it is the parents' responsibility to make alternative ar- rangements. All services will pick up and set down at any recognised bus stop on the route. Stu- dents should put their hands out to signal the bus to stop.