

Environment : Natural Resources

Pal, D.K. A Treatise of Indian and Tropical

Applies the basic principles of to the soils of the tropical environments of the Indian subcontinent, with an emphasis on ways to enhance crop productivity Documents the significance of minerals in soils and their overall influence in terms of pedology, paleopedology, polygenesis, and Highlights methodologies for enhancing the productivity of tropical soils in the context of change in India This book discusses how to apply the basic principles of pedology to the tropical soils of the Indian subcontinent, with an emphasis on ways to enhance crop productivity. The book showcases the research contributions on pedology, , mineralogy, Springer micromorphology and climate change collected from the literature on three major types: 1st ed. 2017, XIV, 180 p. 44 1st shrink-swell soils, red ferruginous (RF) soils and the soils that occur in the tropical illus., 18 illus. in color. edition environments of the Indo-Gangetic Plains (IGP).It also provides insights into several aspects of five pedogenetically important soil orders like , , , and found in tropical Indian environments. Documenting the significance of minerals in soils and their overall influence in in terms of pedology, paleopedology, Printed book polygenesis and edaphology, it provides a knowledge base that is critical when attempting to Hardcover bridge the gap between food production and population growth. Printed book Hardcover Order online at springer.com/booksellers ISBN 978-3-319-49438-8 Springer Nature Customer Service Center GmbH £ 89,99 | CHF 118,00 | 99,99 € | Customer Service 109,99 € (A) | 106,99 € (D) Tiergartenstrasse 15-17 Available 69121 Heidelberg Germany Discount group T: +49 (0)6221 345-4301 Science (SC) [email protected] Product category Monograph Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-49440-1 Softcover ISBN 978-3-319-84162-5

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