(Turku), 37, 40, 46, 49, 53 Adornes, Anselm, 114 Afghanistan, 19
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84549-6 - Cultural Exchange in Early Modern Europe, Volume IV: Forging European Identities, 1400-1700 Edited by Herman Roodenburg Index More information Index Aachen, Hans von, 223–6 Aquitaine, 248 Åbo (Turku), 37, 40, 46, 49, 53 Arbeau, Thoinot, 234, 314, 350–2, 354 Adornes, Anselm, 114 Arcimboldi, Giuseppe, 223 Afghanistan, 19 Arena, Antoine, 326 Africa, 9, 20, 29, 375–6 Aristotele da Bologna. See Fioravanti, Albergarti, Cardinal Niccolo,` 110 Aristotele Alberti, Leon Baptista, 107, 180, 185, 206, armoury, 146–7 353 Arnolfini, Giovanni, 110 Albrecht V of Bavaria, Duke, 205–10 artistic exchanges Alciati, 203 Italian Renaissance art Aldrovandi, Ulisse, 208 crucifixion scenes, 119–25 Alessandri, Filippo, 308 Dutch influences, 110–25 Alexander the Great, 283 historiography, 100–10 ‘Alexandre Monsieur’, 347 Italian Renaissance to Germany, 178–226 Alsace, Oberrheingebiet, 8 mediators, 203 Altdorfer, Albrecht, 182 self-fashioning courts, 191–203 Altenstetter, David, 14–16 transconfessional trading, 215–26 alterities, 5–7 Asia, 375, 379 Altichiero, 122 Aubigne,´ Agrippa d’, 252, 254 Alvise Nuovi, 92 Augsburg Ambrose, Saint, 294, 296 armoury, 10 Ambrosio, Giovanni, 320 Damenhof, 179 Americas, 9, 365–75, 379 dress, 264–76 Ames-Lewis, Francis, 106 Fugger bankers, 22–3, 179 Amiens, 236 St Anna’s church, 22–3, 178 Amman, Jost, 22, 216, 282 Augsburg, Peace of (1555), 191, 197, 199 Amsterdam, 355 August, Elector of Saxony, 201, 205, 206–7, Andreasi, Ippolito, 205–6 216–7, 220, 223 Angelico, Fra, 134, 136 Averlino,
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