20/12/2012 03:20 PM The Secretary, Please find my submission below, with attachments. I would be happy to appear if the aspects I have covered so briefly elicit further interest. Gavin Cerini Environment and Natural Resources Committee
[email protected] Submission to Enquiry into Rural Drainage in Victoria Gavin Cerini, Ballarat 3350 Tel/fax CONTENTS: Bio. Recommendations: Opening remarks: The Terms of Reference addressed Case Studies Bio: Diploma of Agriculture, Dookie, 1957. 1959 – 1993 Employed by Fisheries and Wildlife Department, State of Victoria, and its successor Departments. Participated in, or managed: Establishment of wildlife reserves on public land across Victoria. Management of up to 27 mainly wetland reserves in south‐western Victoria. Threatened species work, including: Protection of Shearwater and Penguin breeding colonies. Brolga (Grus rubicundus) nest site survey and new wetland creation. Koala relocation to new sites, and protection from road traffic. Eastern Barred Bandicoot recovery. 1986 – 2003 Fish and Wildlife Planner, Ballarat Region, CFL/NRE/DSE 1993 ‐ 1998 Environmental project consulting; wetlands and habitat restoration. Member of the LINCS Project committee, managing restoration of indigenous vegetation to urban creek reserves in Ballarat. 1995 –1998 Honorary Conservation Officer, Victorian Field and Game Association - Member of Executive. - Trained branch conservation officers. - Contributed to policy development, and campaign submissions. - Newsletter and quarterly journal contributions. 1999 – 2001 Conservation Officer, Ballarat Branch, Field and Game Australia. - Restoration of local wetlands. - Development of a wetland management database. - Contributed to municipal conservation strategy and implementation. 2000 – Member of Ballarat Environment Network, contributing to management of 50 reserves, and attempting to have the growth and development of Ballarat take the natural environment into account.