APPENDIX V. DISTRIBUTION of Stores for the use of the Aborigines by the Central Board from the 1st August 1868 to 31st July 1869. Name of Station. Miscellaneous. Coranderrk 700 ft. lumber, 9 bushels lime, 2 quarts ipec. wine, 1/2-lb. tr. opium, 2 lbs. senna, 1 quart spirits turpentine, 1 lb. camphor, 2 lbs. soft soap, 8 lbs. rhubarb. 8 ozs. jalap, 1 oz. quinine, 1 pint ammonia, 12 doz. copy-books, 96 lesson books, 24 penholders, 3 boxes nibs, 1 quart ink, 12 dictionaries, 24 slates, 1 ream foolscap, 24 arithmetic books, 3 planes, 4 augers, 1 rule, 12 chisels, 3 gouges, 3 mortising chisels, 1 saw, 1 brace and bits, 2 pruning knives, 50 lbs. sago, 1000 lbs. salt, 10 lbs. hops, 36 boys' twill shirts, 150 yds. calico, 200 yds. prints, 60 yds. twill, 100 yds. osnaberg, 150 yds. holland, 100 yds, flannel, 150 yds. plaid, 100 yds. winsey, 36 doz. hooks and eyes, 2 doz. pieces tape, 2 pkgs. piping cord, 4 lbs. thread, 48 reels cotton, 200 needles, 4 lbs. candlewick, 24 tooth combs, 24 combs, 6 looking-glasses, 6 candlesticks, 6 buckets, 36 pannikins, 6 chambers, 2 pairs scissors, 24 spoons, 1 soup ladle, 36 knives and forks, 2 teapots, 2 slop pails, 6 scrubbing brushes, 2 whitewash brushes, 12 bath bricks, 2 enamelled dishes, 12 milk pans, 12 wash-hand basins, 6 washing tubs, 12 crosscut-saw files, 12 hand-saw files, 2 crosscut saws, 12 spades, 12 hoes, 12 rakes, 12 bullock bows and keys, 100 lbs. nails, 1 plough, 1 set harrows, 1 saddle and bridle, 2 sets plough harness, 6 rings for bullock yokes, 1 harness cask. Lake Condah 3 tons 7 cwt. potatoes, 14 lbs. arrowroot, 14 lbs. tapioca, 2 1/4 bags salt, 56 lbs. soda, 6 pots Holloway's ointment, 6 boxes Holloway's pills, 48 windows, 400 ft. lumber, 24 boys' twill shirts, 200 yds. calico, 100 3 ds. linen, 300 yds. print, 20 yds. moleskin, 50 yds. flannel, 12 doz. buttons, 100 needles, 12 thimbles, 1 lb. tape, 36 tooth combs, 12 combs, 1 boiler, 1 saucepan, 12 reaping hooks, 4 hay-forks, 3 mortising axes, 1 steelyard, 30 lbs. nails, 50 lbs. gunpowder, 50 lbs. shot, 5 boxes caps, 25 lbs. candles, 5 lbs. hops. Framlingham and Wangoon 5 lbs. salt, 56 lbs. nails, 1 axe, 8 spades, 1 shovel, 1 shingle hammer, 1 crosscut saw, 66 lbs. nails, 6 files, 1 cask, 4 buckets, 12 pannikins, 1 grindstone, 1 saw-set, 4 pickaxes, 500 palings, 3 doors, 2 sashes, 200 ft. battens, 3 locks, 3 pairs hinges, 1 oven, 8 bushels wheat, 1 plough, 1 set harrows, 6 hoes, 1 chest carpenters' tools, 2 account books, 28 lbs. shot, 6 lbs. powder, 6 boxes caps, 3 washing tubs, 2 boilers. Lake Tyers (Mission Station) 30 serge shirts for boys, 100 yds. print, 80 yds. calico, 40 yds. winsey, 6 lbs. thread, 40 yds. towelling, 72 fishing lines, 72 pocket knives, 72 combs, 72 pannikins, 36 camp kettles, 24 lbs. netting twine, 1 quart ipec. wine, 6 bottles chlorodyne. Lake Wellington (Mission Station).. 36 dressing combs, 24 tomahawks, 24 kettles, 48 pannikins, 6 spades, 36 towels, 100 yds. calico, 100 yds. woollen plaid, 30 yds. moleskin, 200 needles, 3 lbs. thread. Lake Hindmarsh .. 20 boys' serge shirts, 15 boys' twill shirts, 150 yds. plaid, 200 yds. print, 50 yds flannel, 50 yds. calico, 45 camp kettles, 36 quart pots, 50 pint pots, 48 tomahawks, 24 axes, 1 pit saw and handle, 12 flies, 1 cross­ cut saw. Tangambalanga .. 12 tomahawks, 3 pots Holloway's ointment, 3 boxes Holloway's pills, 60 yds. calico, 12 yds. winsey. Tarndwarncoort, Birregurra Longerenong 12 pannikins, 6 billies. Swan Hill Geelong Terrick-terrick East Charlton 1 lb. thread, 100 needles, 6 tomahawks, 12 billies. Mount Talbot Pretty Tower, Stockyard Hill,Carngham Walmer Nareeb-nareeb 24 tomahawks, 36 pannikins, 18 billies, 36 pocket knives. Hamilton 1 girl's dress. Kulkyne .. 6 girls' dresses, 6 tomahawks, 2 boxes Holloway's pills, 2 pots Holloway's ointment. Carr's Plains 9 children's dresses, 9 children's petticoats, 24 billies, 24 pannikins. Boort 100 pipes. Wyuna 6 boys' twill shirts, 12 tomahawks. Reidsdale .. 6 tomahawks. Ulupna .. 10 children's dresses. Killingworth Benyeo .. Towaninnie Mordialloc 28 lbs. salt. Mount Hope Wirmbirchip Mildura Gunbower Totals .. ..1 Digitised by AIATSIS Library - www.aiatsis.gov.au/library DISTRIBUTION of Stores for the use of the Aborigines by the Central Board from the 1st August 1869 to 31st December 1870. Name of Station, Miscellaneous. Coranderrk 6 hair brooms, 24 lbs. salt, 4 lbs. senna, 23 pints castor oil, 12 boxes Holloway's pills, 12 pots Holloway's ointment, 1 oz quinine, I lb. sulphuric acid, 8 ozs. oil crotonis, 4 ozs. pot. iodidi, 4 lbs. gentian root, 1000 lbs. salt, 50 lbs. sago, 7 lbs. mustard, 100 yds. calico, 200 yds. print, 10 yds. canvas, 100 yds. winsey, 50 yds. holland, 100 yds. flannel, 150 yds. plaid, 4 lbs. thread, 48 reels cotton, 200 needles, 40 doz. hooks and eyes, 24 tooth combs, 24 rack combs, 24 axes, 6 picks, 24 spades, 2 rakes, 24 bullock bows, 24 start keys, 200 lbs. nails, 36 knives and forks, 2 teapots, 6 scrubbing brushes, 6 bath bricks, 4 lbs. candlewick, 12 wedges, 2 hand saws, 12 crosscut-saw files, 4 bullock chains, 12 tin buckets, 36 pannikins, 3 augers, 12 reaping hooks, 48 tin plates, 12 sickles, 12 iron stretchers, 12 pairs hinges, 1 6-gallon boiler, 500 ft. lumber, 6 lbs. glue, 15 bushels lime, 12 window sashes, 2 gross pens, 12 reading books on sheets, 6 English History, 1 portable globe, 6 books Natural Philosophy, 6 Mechanics, 1 box prepared chalk, 8 doz. slate pencils, 3 doz. blacklead pencils, 6 pieces Green's eraser, 1 gross drawing copies, 1 quart black ink, 1 pint red ink, 1 pint blue ink, 3/4 -gross Darnell's copies, school tune books, 24 New Zealand Hymnal, 1 ruler (24-in.), 1 school atlas, 2 maps of the world, 1 map each Europe, Asia, Africa, America, and Australia. Framlingham .. 1 plough, 1 harrow, 500 lbs. nails, 12 doors, 12 pairs windows, 9 tin basins, 6 tea-spoons, 6 table-spoons, 30 iron spoons, 12 billies, 48 tin plates, 6 milk dishes, 48 knives and forks. 60 pannikins. Lake Tyers (Mission Station) 100 yds. print, 80 yds. calico, 40 yds. winsey, 6 lbs. thread, 40 yds towelling, 72 fishing lines, 72 pocket knives, 72 combs, 72 pannikins, 1 quart ipec. wine, 6 buttles chlorodyne, 36 camp kettles, 24 lbs. netting twine. Lake Hindmarsh (.Mission Station) 150 yds. plaid, 200 yds. print, 50 yds. flannel, 50 yds. calico, 48 tomahawks, 45 camp kettles, 36 quart pots, 50 pint pots, 12 axes, 1 crosscut saw. Lake Wellington (Mission Station) 36 dressing combs, 24 tomahawks, 24 kettles, 48 pannikins, 100 yds. calico, 30 yds. moleskin, 200 needles, 3 lbs. thread, 80 yds. print, 80 yds. flannel, 30 yds. twill, 4 axes, 2 hand saws, 6 tin buckets, 80 yds. winsey, 30 yds. holland, 1 30-gallon boiler, 36 pocket knives. Tangambalanga .. .. • 12 tomahawks, 3 pots Holloway's ointment, 3 boxes Holloway's pills, 6 yds. calico 12 yds. winsey. Tarndwarncoert Longerenong .. 12 pannikins, 6 billies. Swan Hill Geelong Terrick-terrick East Charlton, Yowen Hill 6 tomahawks, 12 billies, 1 lb. thread, 100 needles. Mount Talbot .. 1 gross pipes. Pretty Tower, Stockyard Hill Nareeb-nareeb 24 tomahawks, 24 pannikins, 12 billies, 36 pocket knives, 18 frying-pans, 24 mufflers. Vectis .. Hamilton Kulkyne 6 tomahawks, 2 boxes Holloway's pills, 2 pots Holloway's ointment. Carr's Plains 24 billies, 24 pannikins. Boort .. 8 tomahawks, 6 axes. Wyuna.. 12 tomahawks. Reidsdale 6 tomahawks. Ulupna Benyeo Towaninnie Lake Condah 300 lbs. salt, 200 yds. calico, 100 yds. linen, 300 yds. print, 20 yds. moleskin, 50 yds. flannel, 12 doz. buttons, 100 needles, 12 thimbles, 1 lb. tape, 36 tooth combs. 12 rack combs, 14 lbs. washing soda. Killingworth Wirmbirchip .. Mildura Mount Hope Mordialloc 28 lbs. salt. Gunbower Echuca Totals Digitised by AIATSIS Library - www.aiatsis.gov.au/library 25 APPENDIX VI. ACCOUNT showing the Amounts voted for the Aborigines and the Amounts expended from the 1st August 1868 to the 31st July 1869. Unexpended balance on 31st July 1868 ... Incidental expenses, and burial expenses, and thrashing grain Amounts voted for 1869— Food, clothing, stores, and other ex­ Medical attendance* penses ... Meat for various stations Medical allowance and medical com­ Amount expended for stores, &c. * forts ... Carriage of stores ... Fruit trees for Coranderrk ... Cattle for Lake Wellington ... Sheep for Lake Condah Gratuity paid to the executors of the late Guardian of Aborigines—Three months' salary Salary of Inspector of Stations (one year and eight months) Salary of Master at Coranderrk, from 1st August 1868 to 31st July 1869 ... Salary of Master at Framlingham, 1st June 1869 to 31st July 1869 Salary of Laborer at Coranderrk, 1st August 1868 to 31st July 1869 Travelling expenses, &c. Clerical assistance, from 1st August 1868 to 31st July 1869 Unexpended balance * Medicines and medical comforts have been supplied the cost of which is not included in this sum. * For particulars of expenditure see statement below. STATEMENT of the Total Cost of all Clothing, Provisions, &c. (including a portion of the transport thereof), supplied for the use of the Aborigines from the 1st August 1868 to the 31st July 1869. Name of Station. Amount. Name of Station. Amount. £ s, d. £ s. d. Coranderrk ... 472 5 7 Carr's Plains 137 7 10 Framlingham '35 9 7 Boort 83 1 11 Lake Tyers..
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