South Asia Newsletter Centre of South Asian Studies No 64 September 2006 On behalf of the Centre for South Asian Studies, I would like to welcome new colleagues and students to SOAS. It will come as no surprise to you all that South Asia has prominence in the life of the School, not only in terms of course offering, but also in terms of events such as seminars, lecturers, workshops and conferences, as well as music and film. I invite you to make the best use of the large and varied table that we have set for you. We are always open to feedback to and suggestions for future programs, which you can convey to me via the email address given below. If you would like to be on the Centre mailing list stay abreast of the schedule of events, or to receive our general postings, please email the Centre Administrator, Jane Savory, at
[email protected] Noteworthy events for this term include lectures by the prominent Indian political theorist Achin Vanaik, some events with Indian non-English novelists and writers, and two academic workshops. The first is a workshop on South Asian constitutional traditions, put together by the Law department with collaboration with the Centre, and with international partners such as the Johns Hopkins University and the World Bank. We have included a more detailed overview of the workshop in this newsletter. Second, towards the end of the term, there is a workshop on the return on Empire, which, while not entirely South Asia focused, has a fair representation of issues pertaining to the region, and involves collaboration with academics at other universities such as Warwick and the LSE.