SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY INITIAL STUDY ENVIRONMENTAL CHECKLIST FORM This form and the descriptive information in the application package constitute the contents of Initial Study pursuant to County Guidelines under Ordinance 3040 and Section 15063 of the State CEQA Guidelines. PROJECT LABEL: APN: 0260-131-14, 0260-0131-15 APPLICANT: Howard Industrial Partners, LLC USGS Quad: San Bernardino South COMMUNITY: Agua Mansa/Rialto/5th Supervisorial District T, R, Section: T2S R4W 2 LOCATION: 12685 Holly Street STAFF: Aron Liang SB Countywide Plan: Heavy Industrial (H-IND) and Open Space Agricultural (OS-AG) REP('S): Mike Tunney, Howard Industrial Partners, Planning Area: Agua Mansa Industrial Corridor Specific Plan LLC PROPOSAL: Conditional Use Permit for the construction of a parking lot to accommodate 1,561 parking spaces for automobiles, long haul tractors, and trailers, on approximately 64.8 acres. PROJECT CONTACT INFORMATION: Lead Agency: San Bernardino County Land Use Services Department 385 North Arrowhead Avenue, First Floor San Bernardino, CA 92415 Contact Person: Aron Liang, Senior Planner Phone No: (909) 387-0235 Fax No: (909) 387-7911 E-mail:
[email protected] Project Sponsor: Howard Industrial Partners, LLC 1944 N. Tustin Street, Suite 122 Orange, CA 92865 Consultant: Environment | Planning | Development Solutions, Inc. 2030 Main Street, Suite 1200 Irvine, CA 92614 APN: 026-013-114, 026-013-115 INITIAL STUDY Page 2 of 78 Holly Street Parking Lot Project P201700305 February 20, 2019 PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed project is the redevelopment of the approximately 65 acre project site, which is currently a motorcycle track (Milestone MX motorcycle park) and other ancillary improvements into a parking lot to be used for truck tractor, tractor trailer storage and overflow employee parking associated with the existing FedEx facilities located at 330 Resource Drive, Rialto or 11600 Cactus Ave., Bloomington, both approximately 2.1 miles north of the project site.