CROSSING THE LINE CHINA’S RAILWAY TO LHASA, TIBET A report by the International Campaign For Tibet Washington, D.C. | Amsterdam | Berlin CROSSING THE LINE: CHINA’S RAILWAY TO LHASA, TIBET ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report was drafted by Richard Nishimura, Policy and Legislative Analyst at the International Campaign for Tibet (ICT) and edited by John Ackerly, President of ICT. For the study of satellite imagery, ICT commis- sioned Environmental Protection International, working in conjunction with Isciences and Earth Satellite Corporation for technical services and analysis. Special thanks to Evan Wolff for providing the concept draft, David Blades and Stacy Hoppen for performing the GIS analysis, and Nicholas Migliaccio for developing upon the initial write-up. A considerable debt is owed to many individuals and organizations that were consulted during the report’s preparation. Advice was provided by Dr. Robert Hoffmann of the Smithsonian Institute, Dr. Magdy El-Sibaie of the U.S. Department of Transporta- tion, Andrew M. Fisher, Sarah Hoffman, and Kate Saunders. Experts in the fi elds of transportation, development, environmental studies, anthropology, and history provided invaluable advice anonymously. Tsering Wangyal Shawa of Princeton University helped to produce several of the maps. The International Campaign for Tibet (ICT), founded in 1988, is a non-profi t membership organization that monitors and promotes internationally recognized human rights in Tibet. ICT 1825 K Street, N.W. Suite 520 Washington, DC 20006 USA 202-785-1515 fax 202-785-4343
[email protected] ICT-Europe Keizergracht 302 1016 EX Amsterdam, NETHERLANDS +31 (0) 20 330 8265
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