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Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered orfiled and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations Recueil des Traitis Traitds et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au ripertoire au Secretariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies Copyright © United Nations 1999 All rights reserved Manufactured in the United States of America Copyright © Nations Unies 1999 Tous droits r6serv6s Imprimd aux Etats-Unis d'Amdrique Treaty Series Treaties and internationalagreements registered orfiled and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1724 Recueil des Traitis Traites et accords internationaux enregistris ou classes et inscrits au rjpertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies United Nations e Nations Unies New York, 1999 Treaties and internationalagreements registeredor filed and recorded with the Secretariatof the United Nations VOLUME 1724 1993 I. Nos. 30069-30084 TABLE OF CONTENTS I Treatiesand internationalagreements registeredfrom 28 May 1993 to 16 June 1993 Page No. 30069. Syrian Arab Republic and Turkey: Protocol on matters pertaining to economic cooperation. Signed at Damascus on 17 July 1987 .............................................................................................................. .. 3 No. 30070. Syrian Arab Republic and Turkey: Joint Communiqu6 on cooperation. Signed at Damascus on 20 January 1993 ........ 15 No. 30071. United Nations (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) and Venezuela: Cooperation Agreement relating to the establishment in Caracas of the regional office for Northern South America and the Caribbean. Signed at Caracas on 5 D ecem ber 1990 ........................................................................................................ 21 No. 30072. Denmark and Sudan: Agreement for financing the implementation of a consolidation phase for rehabil- itation of water yards in Sudan (with annex). Signed at Copenhagen on 28 Au- gu st 1992 ...................................................................................................................... 57 No. 30073. United Nations and Czech Republic: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning arrangements regarding the study tour of the working party on steel, subsidiary body of the Economic Commission for Europe, to be held in the Czech Republic from 6 to 12 June 1993. Geneva, 18 M arch and 3 June 1993 ............................................................... 83 Vol. 1724 Traitis et accords internationaux enregistrdsou classes et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariatde l'Organisationdes Nations Unies VOLUME 1724 1993 I. NOs 30069-30084 TABLE DES MATIERES I Traits et accords intemationaux enregistr~sdu 28 mai 1993 au 16juin 1993 Pages NO 30069. R6publique arabe syrienne et Turquie: Protocole en mati~re de coop6ration 6conomique. Sign6 h Damas le 17 juillet 19 87 ..............................................................................................................................3 N0 30070. Republique arabe syrienne et Turquie: Communiqu6 commun relatif Ala coop6ration. Sign6 ADamas le 20 janvier 1993.. 15 NO 30071. Organisation des Nations Unies (Haut Commissariat des Nations Unies pour les rkfugiks) et Venezuela : Accord de coop6ration relatif A l'tablissement A Caracas d'un bureau r6gional pour la r6gion nord de l'Amdrique du sud et les Caraibes. Sign6 ACaracas le 5 d~cem bre 1990 ........................................................................................................21 NO 30072. Danemark et Soudan : Accord en vue de financer l'ex6cution de la phase de consolidation pour la r6ha- bilitation des vergues d'eau au Soudan (avec annexe). Sign6 ACopenhague le 28 aoflt 1992 ...............................................................................................................57 NO 30073. Organisation des Nations Unies et Republique tcheque : tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux arrangements concemant le tour d'6tude de l'atelier sur l'acier, branche subsidiaire de la Commission 6conomique pour l'Europe, qui doit se tenir en R6publique tch~que du 6 au 12 juin 1993. Gen~ve, 18 mars et 3juin 1993 ..........................................................83 Vol. 1724 VI United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis 1993 Page No. 30074. Czechoslovakia and Hungary: Agreement concerning mutual assistance in the construction of the Gabikovo- Nagymaros system of locks (with schedule). Signed at Budapest on 16 Sep- tem ber 1977 ................................................................................................................120 Protocol amending the above-mentioned Agreement (with schedule). Signed at Prague on 10 O ctober 1983 ....................................................................................... 124 Protocol amending the above-mentioned Agreement, as amended (with schedule). Signed at Budapest on 6 February 1989 ................................................................. 128 Termination of the Protocol of 10 October 1983 amending the above-mentioned Agreement (N ote by the Secretariat)..................................................................... 132 No. 30075. United Nations (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean) and Mexico: Memorandum of Understanding on the project "Mexico: A competitiveness strat- egy compatible with its effective integration in the world market". Signed at M exico City on 7 and 8 June 1993 ........................................................................... 147 No. 30076. Mexico and Hungary: Agreement on technical, scientific and technological cooperation. Signed at Buda- pest on 27 July 1992 ................................................................................................... 163 No. 30077. United Nations and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning arrangements regarding the Ad Hoc meeting on methods of financing energy efficiency demonstration zones, of the Economic Commission for Europe, to be held in Newcastle, on 15 and 16 June 1993 (with annex). Geneva, I1 and 15 June 1993 ............. 183 No. 30078. United Nations and Russian Federation: Agreement relating to the establishment in the Russian Federation of a United Nations Integrated Office. Signed at Vienna on 15 June 1993 ............... 185 No. 30079. United Nations (United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion) and Japan: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the interregional project of UNIDO for the establishment in Japan of the UNIDO Service for the promotion of industrial investment in developing countries. Vienna, 25 March 1980 ..............................................................................................................................22 1 No. 30080. United Nations (United Nations Industrial Development Organiza- tion) and Japan: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement concerning the contribution of the Government of Japan for the UNIDO Service for the promotion of industrial investment in developing countries. Vienna, 19 June 1984 .................................. 229 Vol. 1724 United Nations - Treaty Series * Nations Unies - Recueil des Traitis Pages NO 30074. Tchkcoslovaquie et Hongrie: Accord d'assistance mutuelle relative A la construction du syst~me d'6cluses de Gabikovo-Nagymaros (avec annexe). Sign6 A Budapest le 16 septembre 1977 ..............................................................................................................................133 Protocole modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6 (avec annexe). Sign6 A Prague le 10 octobre 1983 .......................................................................................................... 137 Protocole modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6, tel que modifi6 (avec annexe). Sign6 AB udapest le 6 f6vrier 1989 ..................................................................................... 141 Abrogation du Protocole du 10 octobre 1983 modifiant l'Accord susmentionn6 (N ote du Secrdtariat)................................................................................................ 145 NO 30075. Organisation des Nations Unies (Commission economique pour I'Amirique latine et les Caraibes) et Mexique : Mdmorandum d'Accord relatif au projet < Mexique : Une strat~gie de concur- rence compatible avec une insertion efficace du pays dans le march6 mon- dial . Sign6 bLM exico les 7 et 8 juin 1993 .............................................................. 147 NO 30076. Mexique et Hongrie : Accord de coop6ration technique, scientifique et technologique. Sign6 ABudapest le 27 juillet 1992 .......................................................................................................... 163 NO 30077. Organisation des Nations Unies et Royaume-Uni de Grande-Breta- gne et d'Irlande du Nord : tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif aux arrangements concernant la r6union Ad Hoc sur les m6thodes de financement des zones de d6monstration du rendement 6nerg6tique, de la Commission 6conomique pour l'Europe, qui doit se tenir ANewcastle, du 15 au 16 juin 1993 (avec annexe). Gen~ve, 11 et 15 juin 1993 ................................................................................................................. 183 NO 30078. Organisation des Nations Unies et Fdration de Russie : Accord relatif Al'6tablissement d'un bureau intdgr6 des Nations Unies en F6dra- tion de Russie. Sign6 AVienne le 15 juin 1993 ......................................................