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| calendar 2010 | archive

04.01.09 New York , The Stone - Trio with Gerald Cleaver and John Herbert 28.01.09 New York , The Stone - Trio with + January 29.01.09 Philadelphia, - Trio with Mori + Anker 30.01.09 New York, - Improv 31.01.09 Baltimore, An die music - Trio with Mori + Anker

February 14.02.2009 New York , The Stone - John Zorn improv

14.03.09 New York , Roulette - with Peter Evans European Tour Sylvie Courvoisier & Duo 25.03.09 Padova, Italy-teatro Torresino March 26.03.09 Madrid, Spain -Colegio Mayor San Juan Evangelista de Madrid 27.03.09 Cully, Switzerland -Festival de Cully -Temple de Cully 28.03.09 Neuchatel, Switzerland - Theatre du Pommier 31.03.09 Koeln, Germany -the Loft- 01.04.09 Berlin, Germany - Institut Francais de Berlin

15.04.2009 New York , The Stone -8pm Duo with Mark Feldman / 10 pm 4tet with Gerry Hemingway, Mark Feldman , Eivind Opsvik 18.04.09 Brescia, Italy- ReThinkjazzfestival- Duo with Mark Feldman 19.04.09 Zurich, Switzerland, Rotefabrick - Duo with Mark Feldman April 20.04.09>26.04.09 Austria, -Arbogast days of Utopia - Duo with Feldman

European Tour Trio Courtois, Courvoisier, Eskelin 27.03.09 >>12.05.09

27.04.09 KARLSRUHE,Gemany - Tollhaus -Trio Courtois,Courvoisier,Eskelin 02.05.09 NEUBURG, Donau, Germany -Birdland-Trio May 04>07.05.09 PARIS, France- Dynamo-Trio + cinema project - 11.05.09 LONDON, England, Vortex-Trio 12.05.09 DUBLIN, Ireland -John Field Room at the National Concert Hall-Trio

June 02.06.09 New York , The Stone - Ikue Mori + Sylvie Courvoisier with Ches Smith + Devin Hoff Japan Tour solo piano + Trio Ikue Mori, Makigami Koichi & SC 13.06.09 Tokyo,Sengawa, Japan- -Sengawa Jazz Festival 14 06.09 Tokyo, Japan-JAZZ ART Sengawa theater / Cobra 16.06.09 Kushiro, Hokkaido, "This is" - 17.06.09 Sapporo, Yamaha Fields" 18.06.09 Tokyo, Shibuya Classics 20. 06.09 Saitama , Fukaya - Space Who , Egg Farm 21.06.09 Kyoto, Kyoto Art center 23.06.09 Yugawara , Contemporary Music Festival , Ishikawa Ko(sho)at Hinoki hall


August 08.26.09 New York , Roulette : with Sparks Orchestra

September 09.27.09 New York , Roulette : Sylvie Courvoisier Trio with Thomas Morgan, bass and Ben Perowsky, drums

06.10.2009 New York, The stone : Duo with October 11.10.2009 New York, Stone - Benefit Concert

01.11.2009 Berne, Switzerland : Zoom In Festival : solo + duo with Christian Kobi 06 .11.2009 Wels, Austria : John Zorn 's Cobra 07 .11.2009 Wels, Austria : Agra Dharma ( trio with Ikue Mori + Makigami Koichi) 08 .11.2009 Wels, Austria : Trio Lotte Anker, , SC 11.11.2009 Oslo, Norway : Trio Lotte Anker, Ikue Mori , Sylvie Courvoisier November 12.11.2009 Arhaus, : Trio Lotte Anker, Ikue Mori , Sylvie Courvoisier 13.11.2009 Arhaus , Denmark - Workshop 13.11.2009 , Denmark - Trio 20.11.2009 New York , Roulette 8.30pm: with The Tori Ensemble 21 .11.2009 New York, Abrons Center, 7pm : John Zorn 's Cobra

13.12.2009 Lausanne , Switzerland - salle Paderewski /17h00 /: Duo Isabelle Meyer + Michael Zuber // Duo Sylvie Courvoisier + Mark Feldman + creation d'une December nouvelle piece, Lazuline, pour 3 violon et piano ( avec Meyer, Zuber, Feldman + SC) 14.12.2009 Lausanne , Switzerland - salle Paderewsk : matinee - for students 30.12.2009 New York, NYC- The Stone -8+10pm: John Zorn's Improv -benefit-