winter 2012 DESTINATIONS 30/INDIAN ROCK ° 40/MALIBU CREEK California Climber N 03 48/COLUMBIA 2 |CALIFORNIA CLIMBER | |WINTER 2012 | 3 California Climber NO. 03 WINTER 2012 DEPARTMENTS 08/EDItOR’s NOtE 10/CALIfORNIA CLIMBER ON ThE cOvEr: 12/REvIEw Nicole Zuelke on Aries 16/CreatURE COMfORts Curse (V7 variation), in the 18/stAND By Your Van Labyrinth Area, Columbia. 20/GOLDEN stAtE IMAGE + DEAN FLEMING ThIS pAgE: FEATURES Justin Ancira pulls down on The Ramp (V4) in the 30/INDIAN & MORtAR ROCK urban jungle of Mortar 40/MALIBU CREEK Rock, Berkeley. 48/COLUMBIA IMAGE + ALTON RICHARDSON 4 |CALIFORNIA CLIMBER | |WINTER 2012 | 5 Natalie Duran poised on Urban Struggle (5.12b), California Climber Malibu Creek State Park. IMAGE + ANTHONY LAPOMARDO publIShEr/EDITOr IN chIEF Dean Fleming ArT DIrEctor Alton Richardson DEpArTments Editor Nicholas Miley SENIOr cONTrIbuTINg phOTOgrAphErS Jerry Dodrill, Jim Thornburg SENIOr ContrIbuTINg EditorS Fitz Cahall, James Lucas cONTrIbuTOrS Jim Thornburg, Greg Epperson, Nicholas Miley, James Lucas, Anthony Lapomardo, Alton Richardson CaliforNIA clImbEr 22502 Colorado River Dr. Sonora, Ca 93570 Phone: (209) 768-0110 Email:
[email protected] Most, IF not All OF ThE cATIvities DEpIcTED hErEIN cArry AND present SIgNIFIcANT rISkS OF pErSNAl INjury Or death. Rock climbing, bouldering, ice climbing, moutaineering, alpine nina williams climbing and any other outdoor activity are inherently danger- ous. The owners, staff and managment of California Climber do not recomend that anyone partcipate in these activities unless they are an expert or accompanied by an expert. Please seek qualified professional instruction and/or guidance. Understand- ing the risks involved are necesassary and be prepared to assume all responisbilty associated with those risks.