SQU Journal for Science, 2016, 21(2), 150-161 © 2016 Sultan Qaboos University 4D Pyritohedral Symmetry

Nazife O. Koca*, Amal J.H. Al Qanobi and Mehmet Koca

Department of Physics, College of Science, Sultan Qaboos University, P.O. Box 36, Al-Khoud 123, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman,* Email: [email protected].

ABSTRACT: We describe an extension of the pyritohedral symmetry in 3D to 4-dimensional Euclidean space and construct the group elements of the 4D pyritohedral group of 576 in terms of quaternions. It turns out that it is a maximal subgroup of both the rank-4 Coxeter groups W (F4) and W (H4), implying that it is a group relevant to the crystallographic as well as quasicrystallographic structures in 4-dimensions. We derive the vertices of the 24 pseudoicosahedra, 24 tetrahedra and the 96 triangular pyramids forming the facets of the pseudo snub 24- cell. It turns out that the relevant lattice is the root lattice of W (D4). The vertices of the dual polytope of the pseudo snub 24-cell consists of the union of three sets: 24-cell, another 24-cell and a new pseudo snub 24-cell. We also derive a new representation for the symmetry group of the pseudo snub 24-cell and the corresponding vertices of the polytopes.

Keywords: Pseudoicosahedron; Pyritohedron; Lattice; Coxeter groups and Quaternions.

تماثل متعدد األوجه ذو التركيب المشابه لمعدن البايريت في الفضاء االقليدي ذو األبعاد األربعة

نظيفة كوجا، أمل القنوبي و محمد كوجا

مستخلص: وصفنا امتدادا لتماثل تركيب متعددات األوجه من النوع المشابه لبلورة معدن البايرايت )pyritohedral( - و الذي يمكن صياغته في االبعاد الثالثة - إلى الفضاء االقليدي ذو األبعاد األربعة ثم بنينا عناصر المجموعة المتصلة ببلورة معدن البايرايت رباعية االبعاد باستخدام العدد المركب التخيلي

الرباعي )الكواتيرنيونات(، و اتضح أن هذه المجموعة من أكبر المجموعات الفرعية لكل من مجموعات الكوكستر (W (F4 و (W (H4 ذات الرتبة الرابعة مما يعني أنها مجموعة ذات صلة بالتركيبات البلورية فضال عن اشباه البلورية في األبعاد األربعة، كما تم اشتقاق احداثيات رؤوس 24 ذوات العشرون وجها غير المنتظم و 24 رباعي األسطح و 96 أهراما مثلثية و التي تمثل أسطح لمجسم رباعي األبعاد يسمى pseudo snub 24-cell ، و اتضح أن

الشبيكة الفراغية ذات الصلة هي جذر الشبيكة الفراغية لـ (W (D4 و أن رؤوس المزدوج لـ pseudo snub 24-cell هي اتحاد ثالث مجموعات: اربعة و عشرون خلية )24cell( و اربعة و عشرون خلية )cell-24( أخرى و pseudo snub 24-cell جديد، كذلك اشتققنا تمثيال جديدا لمجموعة تماثل pseudo snub 24-cell و رؤوس األجسام رباعية األبعاد المقابلة.

كلمات مفتاحية: شبيه ذي العشرين وجها المنتظم، متعدد األوجه ذو التركيب المشابه لمعدن البايرايت، الشبيكة الفراغية، مجموعات كوكستر، الرباعيات.

1. Introduction

attices in higher dimensions described by the affine Coxeter groups, when projected into lower dimensions, may

L represent the quasicrystal structures [1-5]. It is known that the A4 lattice projects into the aperiodic lattice with 5- fold symmetry [1]. There is no doubt that the projections of the higher dimensional lattices may have some implications in physics. The exceptional Coxeter-Weyl group W(F4 ) describes the symmetry of the unique self-dual polytope, the 24-cell, which is the Voronoi cell (Wigner-Seitz cell) of the F4 lattice. The noncrystallographic Coxeter group W(H 4 ) is the symmetry of the famous 600-cell and its dual 120-cell [6-7]. WD() In this work we construct the 4D pyritohedral group from D diagram. In technical terms the group 4 :S of 4  C  3 2 order 576 [8] can be expressed in terms of quaternions and we will determine its orbits as the pseudo snub 24-cell and



its dual polytope, which are related to the lattice W(D4 ). All rank 4 Coxeter-Weyl groups can be represented, in compact forms, by quaternion pairs [9].

This paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce the 4D - pyritohedral symmetry derived from D4 WD() diagram. In Section 3 we construct the group 4 :S and apply it to a vector to generate the vertices of a  C  3 2 polytope which we call “pseudo snub 24-cell”. We find the facets of the pseudo snub 24-cell which consist of the pseudoicosahedra, tetrahedra and triangular pyramids. The vertices of the dual polytope of the pseudo snub 24-cell are constructed. Finally, in Section 4 we present a brief discussion on the physical implications of our technique.

2. 4D crystals with the pyritohedral symmetry derived from D4 diagram

In the paper [10] we discussed the pyritohedral group [T,T ][T,T ]* of order 24 which is derived from the Coxeter-

Dynkin diagram D3 by the rotation generators and the Dynkin diagram symmetry. The straightforward generalization of this group to 4D is to start with the rotation generators of D4 and impose the Dynkin diagram symmetry. We will see that the generated group from the diagram is nothing other than the group [T,T][T,T]* of order 576. It represents the symmetry of the snub 24-cell [6], [8]. The snub 24-cell is a convex uniform polytope in four dimensions consisting of 120 regular tetrahedral and 24 icosahedral cells. It has 96 vertices at each of which five tetrahedra and three icosahedra meet. Snub 24-cell can be constructed from the 24-cell by dividing the edges in the golden ratio and truncating it in a certain way. This truncation transforms the 24 octahedral cells of the 24-cell to the 24 icosahedral cells of the snub 24-cell; the truncated vertices become 24 tetrahedral cells and the gaps in between are filled in by another 96 tetrahedra.

W(D4 )  3. Construction of the symmetry group of snub 24-cell   : S3  C2 

The Coxeter-Dynkin diagram is shown in Figure 1 with the quaternionic simple roots.

α =e -e 3 2 3

α =1-e 1 1 α =e -e 2 1 2

α =e +e 4 2 3

Figure 1. The Coxeter-Dynkin diagram D4 with the simple roots.

The corresponding weights are determined as 11 1,   1e ,   (1 e e e ),   (1 e e e ). (1) 1 2 1322 1234 123  Note that i T , iTT 1,2,3,4; ; ,2 j=1,3,4. 22j

The set T is given by the group elements 1 푇 = {±1, ±푒 , ±푒 , ±푒 , (±1 ± 푒 ± 푒 ± 푒 )}, (2) 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 and is called the binary tetrahedral group of order 24 . Another set of 24 quaternions is defined by



1 1 1 (±1 ± 푒 ), (±1 ± 푒 ), (±1 ± 푒 ), √2 1 √2 2 √2 3 ′ 1 1 1 푇 = { (±푒 ± 푒 ), (±푒 ± 푒 ), (±푒 ± 푒 )}. (3) √2 1 2 √2 2 3 √2 3 1

In terms of quaternionic simple roots, the group generators of W(D4 ) can be written as 11 r [ (1- e ), - (1- e )] , 122 1 1

11 r2[ ( e 1  e 2 ), - ( e 1  e 2 )] , 22 (4) 11 r[ ( e  e ), - ( e  e )] , 322 2 3 2 3 11 r[ ( e  e ), - ( e  e )] . 422 2 3 2 3

They generate the Coxeter-Weyl group W(D4 ) of order 192 [12]. The subsets of the quaternions T  V0  V  V and T   V1  V2  V3 are defined as follows:

1 V  {1,  e ,  e ,  e } ,V  (1 e  e  e ) , even number of (-) sign, 0 1 2 3  2 1 2 3

1 V  (1 e  e  e ) , odd number of (-) sign,  2 1 2 3

1 1 V1  { (1 e1 ), (e2  e3 )} , 2 2 (5)

1 1 V2  { (1 e2 ), (e3  e1 )} , 2 2

1 1 V3  { (1 e3 ), (e1  e2 )} . 2 2

These subsets are useful to denote the Coxeter-Weyl group W(D4 ) in a compact form:

* * * W(D4 )  {[V0 ,V0 ][V ,V ][V ,V ][V1 ,V1 ] [V2 ,V2 ] [V3 ,V3 ] } . (6)

Note that the subset of the Coxeter-Weyl group

WD()4 (7) {[,VVVVVV00 ][,  ][,   ]} C 2 represents the proper subgroup and can be directly generated by the rotation generators 푟2푟1, 푟2푟3, 푟2푟4. Let us impose the Dynkin diagram symmetry which is the permutation group 푆3 of the simple roots 훼1, 훼3 and 훼4 as shown in Figure 2.



α α 3

α α 1 α 1 α

α α 4 4

Generator 1: [p, q] * Generator 2: [e3 ,e3 ]

Figure 2 . The action of permutation group 푺ퟑ.

* The permutation group of order 6 can be generated, for example, by two generators [ ,pq ] and [ ,ee ]33 where 1 1 peee(1) and qeee(1) . They are the elements of [,][,]pqVVpq with [,][1,1] 3 and 2 123 2 123 

 W(D4 )  [,][,]e3 e 3 V 0 V 0 . The group   is invariant under conjugation by the group 푆3. We first note that  C2  the extension of the group of eq. (7) by the of order 3 generated by the generator [푝, 푞] is a group of order 288 which can be denoted by WD() 4 :[,]CTT . (8)  C  3 2

The extension of the group by full permutation group S 3 is given as the semi-direct product of two groups as:

WD() * 4 :{[,][,]ST TT } T . (9)  C  3 2

As we will see in the next section this is the symmetry group of the snub 24-cell as well as that of any pseudo snub 24- cell.

3.1 Construction of the vertices of the pseudo snub 24-cell

The affine Coxeter group 푊푎(퐷4) =< 푟0, 푟1, 푟2, 푟3, 푟4 > can be generated by five generators by introducing 푟0 as shown in Figure 3. 푟0 represents the reflection with respect to the hyperplane bisecting the line from the origin to the highest root12341021  e . 2[(,)1] The action of 푟0 on a general vector  is given as r      [13]. 0 (,)

α 3

α α 2 α 1 0

α 4

Figure 3. Affine Coxeter-Dynkin diagram 푾풂(푫ퟒ) with simple roots.



Applying the group Wa (D4) on a simple root we can generate the root lattice. We now derive the vertices of pseudo snub 24- cell in terms of the root lattice vectors of D4. The lattice of D4 is self-dual so that we can express the dual lattice vectors in terms of the weight vectors [14]. Table 1 shows the lattice vectors in terms of the root & weight vectors and quaternions.

Table 1. The construction of the lattice from Wa (D4).

Wa(D4) generates

Lattice dual Root lattice Weight lattice (Real lattice) (Reciprocal lattice)

  b11  b22  b33  b44   a11  a22  a33  a44 Vectors bi  Z ai  Z

Vectors in terms of quaternions mememem1122334 nenenen1122334

3 3 n  even integer Determine the lattice mi  2b4  even integer  i  i0 i0 dual

We impose the Dynkin-diagram symmetry 푆3 on the vector  , that is, S 3 as shown in Figure 2. The group 푆3 permutes the weight vectors 휔1 , 휔3 푎푛푑 휔4 but leaves 휔2 invariant. Similarly, the generators 푟1 , 푟3 푎푛푑 푟4 are permuted and the generator 푟2 is left invariant under the group conjugation of 푆3.This implies that the vector  takes the form

 aaai221134(), , 1,2. i Z (10)

푎1 Factorizing by 푎2 and defining the rational number 푥 = the vector  reads in terms of quaternions 푎2

  a2 [(1 2x)  (1 x)e1  xe2 ] . (11)

Note that the sum of the coefficients of the quaternionic units is an even integer as we mentioned earlier. For 1 x  1,  and 0 the vector  belongs to the set of quaternions,  T  which is known to be the 24-cell. For these 2

WD() * particular values of x, the group 4 :{[ST , TT ] T [ , ] } generates 24 vertices of 푇′. The 24-cell has 24  C  3 2 vertices and 24 octahedral cells where 6 octahedra meet at one vertex. The polytope 24-cell constitutes the unit cell of 푇′ the 퐷 lattice. In terms of the quaternionic sets when T represents the unit cell of the root lattice, then the set 4 √2 represents its Voronoi cell. Applying the group elements represented by eq. (9) on the vector in (11) we obtain 96 WD() 576 vertices of pseudo snub 24-cell as the orbit of the group 4 :S as expected for  96 . We list 96 C 3  2  6 vertices of the pseudo snub 24-cell omitting the overall factor 푎2 as follows:

S(x)  { (1 2x)  (1 x)e1  xe2 ,  x  (1 2x)e1  (1 x)e2 ,  (1 x)  xe1  (1 2x)e2 ,  (1 2x)  (1 x)e  xe ,  x  (1 2x)e  (1 x)e ,  (1 x)  xe  (1 2x)e , 2 3 2 3 2 3 (12)  (1 2x)  xe1  (1 x)e3 ,  x  (1 x)e1  (1 2x)e3 ,  (1 x)  (1 2x)e1  xe3 ,

 (1 2x)e1  xe2  (1 x)e3 ,  xe1  (1 x)e2  (1 2x)e3 ,  (1 x)e1  (1 2x)e2  xe3 }.



The mirror of the pseudo snub 24-cell can be obtained by applying any reflection generator of 퐷4. For example, applying 푟2 on 푆(푥) in (12) interchanges ee12 and leaves the other quaternionic units unchanged. Then under the action of the mirror operator 푟2 one can obtain the mirror image of the pseudo snub 24-cell in (12). Both the pseudo 1 snub 24-cell and its mirror image lie in the 퐷4 lattice. It is clear that for x  1,  and 0 the vertices of (12) reduces 2 to the set 푇′. Excluding these values of x, the set of vertices represent a pseudo snub 24-cell. Only in the limit 1 5 x  ( x , ) the vertices given in (13) represent the snub 24-cell [8]. Since in this case x is not a rational 2 number, the vertices do not belong to the lattice 퐷4.

1 1 1 (±휏 ± 푒 ± 휎푒 ), (±휏 ± 푒 ± 휎푒 ), (±휏 ± 푒 ± 휎푒 ), 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 1 1 (±휎 ± 푒 ± 휏푒 ), (±휎 ± 푒 ± 휏푒 ), (±휎 ± 푒 ± 휏푒 ), 2 1 3 2 2 1 2 3 2 푆 = 1 1 1 . (13) (±1 ± 휏푒 ± 휎푒 ), (±1 ± 휏푒 ± 휎푒 ), (±1 ± 휏푒 ± 휎푒 ), 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 3 1 1 1 1 (±휎푒 ± 휏푒 ± 푒 ), (±휎푒 ± 휏푒 ± 푒 ), (±휎푒 ± 휏푒 ± 푒 ). {2 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 }

W(D4 )  Table 2 summarizes the action of the group   : S3 on  given in (11) for certain x values.  C2 

WD() Table 2. Action of the group 4 :S on  .  C  3 2

x Vertices Polytope #vertices #cells Type of cell generated 푇′ 24-cell 24 24 24 octahedra in (3)

푥 = 휎 S Snub 24-cell 96 144 24 icosahedra, in (13) 24 tetrahedra, 96 tetrahedra 푥 = 휏 Mirror Snub 24-cell 96 144 24 icosahedra, image of S 24 tetrahedra, 96 tetrahedra Any other 푥 S (x) Pseudo snub 96 144 24 pseudoicosahedra, in (12) 24-cell 24 tetrahedra, 96 triangular pyramid

3.2 Determination of facets of pseudo 24-cell

It is known that every vertex of the snub 24-cell is surrounded by three icosahedra and five tetrahedra. We shall prove that the facets of the pseudo snub 24-cell consist of pseudo icosahedra, tetrahedra and triangular pyramids. In the pseudo snub 24-cell three pseudoicosahedra, one tetrahedron and four triangular pyramids meet at the same vertex. Now we discuss the details of this structure. It is evident from the 퐷4 diagram that each of the following sets of rotation generators (푟1푟2, 푟2푟3), (푟3푟2, 푟2푟4) and (푟4푟2, 푟2푟1) generate a proper subgroup of the tetrahedral group of order 12 as shown in Figure 4.






Figure 4. Three proper subgroups of the tetrahedral group from the 푫ퟒ diagram.

Let us discuss how one of these groups acts on the vertex  . Let us take the group  r1r2 , r2 r3   [T,4T4 ] (case

1 in Figure 4) which implies that the group consists of 12 elements leaving the weight vector 4 T invariant. The group generators transform quaternionic units as follows:

r reeee:11, 121233 (14) rreeee231231:11, .

The 12 vertices generated from  [(12)(1)]xxexe 12(here we dropped the overall scale factor) the group

 r1r2 , r2 r3  are determined as:

(1 2xx )  exe (1), (1  xx121212 2ex  )(1) exxex , (1)(1 e 2 ) ,

(1 2xx )  exe (1), (1  xx232323 2ex  )(1) exxex , (1)(1 e 2 ) , (15) (1 2xxex )(1)  e131313 , (1)(1  xx ex  2 exx ) exe , (1) (1 2 ), (1 2x )(1) exex  , e x ex ex(1)(1  ex ex 2  ) exe , (1)(1 2 ). 123 123123

Since the vector  4 is left invariant by the generators in (14) the of the polyhedron of (15) can be taken as  4 * up to a scale factor. One may check that the set in (15) is also left invariant under the group element[4 ,4 ] . * Therefore, the set (15) is invariant under the larger group Th [T,4T4 ][T,4T4 ] of order 24 isomorphic to the pyritohedral group. If we define a new set of unit quaternions p0  4 , p1  e1 p0 , p2  e2 p0 , p3  e3 p0 and express the vectors in (15) in terms of the new set of quaternions, then the set of vertices in (15) represent a pseudoicosahedron as shown in Figure 5(a). When the set of generators  r3r2 , r2 r4  (case 2 in Figure 4) and

 r4 r2 , r2 r1  (case 3 in Figure 4) respectively are applied to the vector  , one generates two more pseudo icosahedra with the centers represented by 1 and  3 respectively. The groups generating the vertices of the second and the third * pseudo icosahedra can be written respectively as [T,1T1 ][T,1T1 ] , 1 T and * [T,3T3 ][T,3T3 ] , 3 T .These groups are isomorphic to the pyritohedral group Th  {[T,T ][T,T ]} .

This is obtained if 1 1is substituted above in the basis vectors e1, e 2 and e 3 in 3D. Note that [1, −1] ∈ [푇, 푇] is also an element of the group [푇, 푇] which commutes with all elements and sends a quaternion to its negative 푞 → −푞. * With the generator [1, −1] one obtains a larger group Th C2 [T,tTt][T,tTt] , t T of order 48 leaving the

W(D4 )  vector ±푡 invariant so that the group can be embedded in the group   : S3 12 different ways. The group  C2  [푇, 푇] ∪ [푇, 푇]∗ also leaves the set of quaternions 푇′ invariant. The largest subgroup which leaves tT invariant * can be written as Td C2 [T,t Tt][T,tTt] , tT . Now we continue to discuss the polyhedral facets having  as a vertex. Let us consider the following five sets of rotational generators obtained from the generators of the Coxeter-Weyl group 푊(퐷4):



( ,r ,133441 r ) r r r r , ( ,r ,212324 r ) r r r r , ( ,r ,121314 r ) r r r r , ( ,r ,313234 r ) r r r r , ( ,r ,414243 r ) r r r r . (16)

The first two sets of generators are invariant under the conjugation of the permutation group 푆3 but the next three sets of generators are permuted among each other. Let us determine the vertices of the polyhedra under the action of five sets.

1. The set of vertices

(12)(1),xxexe 12

r1313 rxxexe(1)(12), (17)

r3412 rxxexe(12)(1),


represents a tetrahedron of edge length 2x as shown in Figure 5(b). Its center can be represented by 푝(1) = 휔2 = 1 + 푒1up to some scale factor. Since the Dynkin diagram symmetry 푆3 also leaves 휔2 = 1 + 푒1 invariant, the group 퐶2×퐶2 generated by the generators (푟1푟3, 푟3푟4, 푟4푟1) can be extended by the 푆3 symmetry to a group * [T,2T2 ][T,2T2 ] of order 24 isomorphic to the tetrahedral group [10]. Since S3    , the group * Td [T,2T2 ][T,2T2 ] ,2 T leaves the vertices of the tetrahedron in (17) invariant (Figure 5b). Note that this not a pyritohedral symmetry. This tells us that the number of tetrahedra generated by the conjugate tetrahedral groups is also 24. Extension of the group by the generator [1, −1] leads to the group * [T,2T2 ][T,2T2 ] ,2 T that is isomorphic to the octahedral group [10].

2. The set of vertices

  (1 2x)  (1 x) e1  xe2 , r r   (1 x)  xe  (1 2x) e , 2 1 1 2 (18) r2 r3   (1 2x)  (1 x) e2  x e3 ,

r2 r4   (1 2x)  (1 x) e2  x e3 . determines a triangular pyramid with a base of equilateral triangle with sides 2x and the other edges of length √2(푥2 + 푥 + 1). The triangular pyramid is depicted in Figure 5 (c). The hyperplane determined by these four vertices in (18) is orthogonal to the vector p(2)  (2  x)  e1  (1 x) e2 .

W(D4 )  The group generated by these generators extended by the group 푆3 is the full group of symmetry   : S3 .  C2  3. The set of vertices

  (1 2x)  (1 x) e1  xe2 , r r   x  (1 2x) e  (1 x) e , 1 2 1 2 (19) r1r3   (1 x)  (1 2x) e1  x e3 ,

r1r4   (1 x)  (1 2x) e1  x e3 . defines another triangular pyramid with the same edge lengths as above. The vector orthogonal to the hyperplane determined by the vertices in (19) is p(3)  (1 x)  (2  x) e1  e2 .

4. The set of vertices

  (1 2x)  (1 x) e1  xe2 , r r   (1 x)  (1 2x) e  xe , 3 1 1 3 (20) r3 r2   (1 2x)  xe1  (1 x) e3 ,

r3 r4   (1 2x)  (1 x) e1  x e2 . also determines a triangular pyramid as above. The vector which is orthogonal to the hyperplane determined by the vectors of (20) can be computed as p(4)  (2  x)  (1 x) e1  e3 .

5. The set of vertices



  (1 2x)  (1 x) e1  xe2 , r r   (1 x)  (1 2x) e  xe , 4 1 1 3 (21) r4 r2   (1 2x)  xe1  (1 x) e3 ,

r4 r3   (1 2x)  (1 x) e1  x e2 . defines another triangular pyramid with the same edge lengths as above. The vector orthogonal to the hyperplane of the vectors in (21) is p(5)  (2  x) (1 x) e1 e3 .

(a) (b) (c )

Figure 5. Facets of pseudo snub 24-cell: (a) Pseudoicosahedron for 풙 = 흉, (b) Tetrahedron with edges for x 1, (c) Triangular pyramid.

Since the group is the full symmetry group, all vectors 푝(푖), 푖 = 2, 3, 4, 5 lie in the same orbit of the group

W(D4 )    : S3 .  C2  Below we list these five vectors up to a some scale factors representing the centers of the above polyhedra expressed in terms of the weight vectors i , i 1, 2, 3, 4:

p(1)  2 ,

p(2)  (1 x)(1 3 4 )  x2 ,

p(3)  1 3 4  (1 x)2 , (22)

p(4)  1 3 4  (1 x)2

p(5)  1 3 4  (1 x)2 .

Now their symmetries are more transparent under the permutation group: 푆3 permutes 휔1, 휔3 푎푛푑 휔4 but leaves 휔2invariant; p(1) and p(2) are invariant under the group 푆3 but the others are permuted to each other. Pseudo snub

24-cell consists of 푁0 = 96 vertices, 푁3 = 24 + 24 + 96 = 144 cells consisting of pseudo icosahedra, tetrahedra and triangular pyramids respectively. It has 푁1 = 432 edges and 푁2 = 480 faces. These numbers satisfy the Euler characteristic formula 푁0 − 푁1+푁2 − 푁3 = 0. Table 3 summarizes the facets of pseudo snub 24-cell.

Table 3. Facets of pseudo snub 24-cell.

Group generators Group which generates the Vertices Center of Polyhedron (facet) vertices polyhedron generated * < 푟1푟2, 푟2푟3 > [T, T ][T, T ] 휔4 pseudoicosahedron 4 4 4 4 * < 푟3푟2, 푟2푟4 > 휔1 pseudoicosahedron [T,1T1 ][T,1T1 ]

in (15) < 푟 푟 , 푟 푟 > * 휔 pseudoicosahedron 4 2 2 1 [T,3T3 ][T,3T3 ] 3

* in (17) 푃(1) = 휔2 tetrahedron (,,)r1 r 3 r 3 r 4 r 4 r 1 [T,2T2 ][T,2T2 ]



in (18) 푃(2) ( ,r ,212324 r ) r r r r = (1 + 푥)(휔1 + 휔3 + 휔4) − 푥휔2

( ,r , r ) r r r r W(D4 )  in (19) 푃(3) 121314   : S3 triangular pyramid  C2  = −휔1 + 휔3 + 휔4 + (1 + 푥)휔2 in (20) 푃(4) (,,)r3 r 1 r 3 r 2 r 3 r 4 , = 휔1 − 휔3 + 휔4 + (1 + 푥)휔2 in (21) 푃(5) (,,)r4 r 1 r 4 r 2 r 4 r 3 = 휔1 + 휔3 − 휔4 + (1 + 푥)휔2

Table 3. Contd.

3.3 Construction of the vertices of the dual polytope of the pseudo snub-24 cell To construct the dual of the pseudo snub 24-cell we need to determine the centers (orthogonal vectors to the hyperplane) of the pseudoicosahedra, the tetrahedron and the four pyramids up to some scale factors. The centers of the first three pseudo icosahedra can be taken as the weight vectors 휔1, 휔3 푎푛푑 휔4 as shown in Table 3. The other vectors in (22) can be taken as the center (orthogonal vector to the hyperplane) of the tetrahedron and the centers of the four pyramids up to some scale vectors. Let us denote by 푐(푖), 푖 = 1,2, … ,5, the centers of the respective tetrahedron and the pyramids and define

cpc(1)(1), ip ii ( )( ), 2, 3, 4, 5 (23)

So we have eight vertices including 휔1, 휔3 푎푛푑 휔4 . To determine the actual centers of these polyhedra the hyperplane defined by the eight vectors must be orthogonal to the vector  .This will determine the scale factors and the centers of the cells which can be written as: 11 1, (1), (1), eeeeee 131234123 22 12 x (24) ce(1)(1), 23 x 1 12 x c( ip )( ii ), 2,3,4,5. 373xx2

These eight vectors now determine the vertices of one facet of the dual polytope of the pseudo snub 24-cell. The center of this facet is the vector  . This is a convex solid with 8 vertices 15 edges and 9 faces possessing 푆3 symmetry.

WD() One can generate the vertices of the dual polytope by applying the group 4 :S on the vertices (24)  C  3 2 representing one of the facets of the dual polytope. One can display them as the union of three sets

1 2xx 1 2 T( ) 2 T ( ) R ( x ) (25) 2 3x 3  7 x  3 x2 where T and T  are given in (2-3) and 푅(푥) can be written as follows


{(2xe )1 (1 xe ),(1 2  x )(2 xee ) 1  2 ,1(1 xe ) 1  (2 xe ), 2 (26) (2xe )2 (1 xe ),(1 3  x )(2 xee ) 2  3 ,1(1 xe ) 2  (2 xe ), 3

(2xe )3 (1 xe ),(1 1  x )(2 xee ) 3  1 ,1(1 xe ) 3  (2 xe ), 1

(2 x ) e1  e 2  (1  x ) e 3 ,  e 1  (1  x )e2(2  x ) e 3 ,  (1  x ) e 1  (2  x ) e 2  e 3 }.



1 As we substitute 푥 = − in (25) what we obtain is set T, as expected because it is the dual of the set T  . If 푥 = 2 2 − , the dual polytope does not exist. The roots of the quadratic equation 3 7xx 3 2 =0 are irrational numbers which 3 are already excluded since the vertices of the pseudo snub 24-cell and its dual must remain in the 퐷4 lattice for x to be rational number. One wonders whether the vertices in (26) represent any familiar polytope. If we replace x by 푥 = 1 1 − , the set 푅(푥 → − ), in (26) takes exactly the same form of 푆(푦) in (13) apart from a scale factor. This implies 푦+1 푦+1 that 푅(푥) represents another pseudo snub 24-cell. This proves that every dual of a pseudo snub 24-cell includes another pseudo snub 24-cell in addition to the two sets of 24-cells T and T . The pseudo snub 24-cell 푆(푥) turns out to be snub 24-cell whose cells are regular icosahedra and tetrahedra when xx o r . However, RR( ) a nd ( ) represent two pseudo snub 24-cells, the mirror images of each other. In brief, when Sx() represents a snub 24-cell in its dual, there exists an orbit with 96 vertices representing another pseudo snub 24-cell, albeit the coefficients of the unit quaternions are irrational numbers [8]. Table 4 summarizes the way to obtain the dual of the snub 24-cell in terms of its vertices.

Table 4. Dual polytope of the pseudo snub 24-cell.

One facet (polyhedron) vertices of one WD() The dual of the pseudo Apply 4 :S of pseudo snub 24-cell facet of the dual  C  3 snub 24-cell 2 of the pseudo on the vertices snub 24-cell = Centers of polyhedron Pseudoicosahedron (1) 흎ퟒ Pseudoicosahedron (2) 흎ퟏ Elements belong to T 24-cells (24 vertices) Pseudoicosahedron (3) 흎ퟑ Elements belong to Tetrahedron cp(1) (1)  ퟏ + ퟐ풙 24-cells (24 vertices) ( ) √ퟐ푻′ ퟐ + ퟑ풙 Triangular pyramid (1) cp(2) (2)  Pseudo snub 24-cell Triangular pyramid (2) cp(3) (3)  Elements belong to (96 vertices) Triangular pyramid (3) cp(4) (4)   Rx ( ) Triangular pyramid (4) cp(5) (5) 

4. Conclusion

WD() WD() We have studied the extension of the pyritohedral group 3 :C in 3D to the group 4 :S  C  2  C  3 2 2 acting in 4D Euclidean space. We have constructed the 4D polytope with 96 vertices (pseudo snub 24-cell) with the facets as 24 pseudo icosahedron, 24 tetrahedron and 96 triangular pyramids. We also derived its dual polytope with 144 vertices forming three orbits under the group. The explicit construction of the group in terms of quaternions has been worked out. The relevance of the group and the polytopes to the root lattice of the affine Coxeter group 푊푎(퐷4) has been pointed out. We have pointed out that the dual of the pseudo snub 24-cell is the union of the sets 푇 푎푛푑 푇′ representing two 24-cells dual to each other and the set 푆(푥) with 96 vertices. For rational values of x the vertices belong to the lattice 퐷4. The snub 24-cell is no more in the lattice 퐷4but belongs to the quasi-lattice of the Coxeter group 푊(퐻4) which can be obtained by projection of the lattice 퐸8 into 4D.


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Received 6 June 2016 Accepted 22 September 2016