ANRV273-EA34-09 ARI 26 April 2006 20:33 Seismic Triggering of Eruptions in the Far Field: Volcanoes and Geysers Michael Manga1 and Emily Brodsky2 1Department of Earth and Planetary Science, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720-4767; email:
[email protected] 2Department of Earth Sciences, University of California, Santa Cruz, California 95060 Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci Key Words 2006. 34:263–91 First published online as a rectified diffusion, advective overpressure, magma chamber Review in Advance on convection, liquefaction, mud volcanoes, triggered seismicity January 16, 2006 Abstract The Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Science Approximately 0.4% of explosive volcanic eruptions occur within a few days of large, is online at distant earthquakes. This many “triggered” eruptions is much greater than expected by chance. Several mechanisms have been proposed to explain triggering through doi: 10.1146/ changes in magma overpressure, including the growth of bubbles, the advection of large pressures by rising bubbles, and overturn of magma chambers. Alternatively, Copyright c 2006 by Annual Reviews. All rights triggered eruptions may occur through failure of rocks surrounding stored magma. by University of California - Berkeley on 05/02/06. For personal use only. reserved All these mechanisms require a process that enhances small static stress changes 0084-6597/06/0530- caused by earthquakes or that can convert (the larger) transient, dynamic strains into 0263$20.00 permanent changes in pressure. All proposed processes, in addition to viscoelastic Annu. Rev. Earth. Planet. Sci. 2006.34:263-291. Downloaded from relaxation of stresses, can result in delayed triggering of eruptions, although quanti- fying the connection between earthquakes and delayed, triggered eruptions is much more challenging.