RGAN $$$$$$ Are Posted in Hamilton Center
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------p~l ~----------------------------------------------------~----------------------------------------------s 0:~~~~ ~~~~~ .c: e. F.\ft:I.T\' FOtt,t ,s,.. : THE NEW t·ttUttt '?I. E v.v By Dan Chamb hss Last Wednesday saw a flurry of activity on the New College campw. To the intrepid newsmen of the Organ staff, though, COLLEGE even the trauma of the draft lottery and the excitetuent and fes tivity of Groundhog Day were overshadowed by the drama of the monthly faculty meeting, Dr. Elmendorf opened the meeting at 3:35. Announcements were made as follows: ---By Dr. Riley, about the fhilosophy Conference February 14- 15 at USF, which will feature Marxist Herbert Marcuse. Signs RGAN $$$$$$ are posted in Hamilton Center. ----By Mark Calkins, resident counselor, about the Renaissance Fair to be held Feb. 26-27. Student assistance is welcome; those interested should contact Mark. ----Dr. Deme introduced Dr. fhilip Bandt, the new Assistant . Adjtmct Professor of Psychology. ~---By Mr. Lyons, Acting Provost, to the effect that there will _,-::, .;.u-'1'\..t,t , .1..::12 • {).~ r.u-'TI. ~ e~~,. I 2 be a summer school. ----By Dr. Elmendorf, that the Ford Grant challel}.ge would probably be met (it was; see article). At the conclusion of the annotmcements, Dr. Deme asked about the prospect of retroactive pay increases for the faculty, saying, "It is authorised. " No discussion ensued. Sheila Roher, representing the SEC, pro~sed that the facul ty send representatives to the student governmg ~ody; ~s. Roher ~~, wasn't sure if the faculty member would have v~m& lr1vlleges. t' s the Actuarial Value'' When Dr. Elmendorf queried, "Does anybody think 1t sa good idea?" everyone smiled. SEC Dr. Gorfein made a comment. Dr Elmendorf announced that the proposal was tmanimowly During a press conference held yes receiv~d. Mr. Murray moved that the proposal be ref~red to the terday at 12:45 in South Hall, trustees The s~ met again Wednesday night Faculty Status Committee, and this motion passed Wlth over- Ted Sperling and A. Werk Cook joined with t whelming support. (surprise! ) ' and all members were pre sen Dr Peter Burri in giving the EPC report, annowced the trustee chairman Dallas Dort in announcing except Jim Cohn. Vince Cox presided. formation of three 'subcommittees of that s::oup, namely,. that Development had done its job. That Joan Verizzo was absant at the beginning 1) Educational Priorities, headed by Dr. Smder; 2) Ed11;Ca:nal job being, of course, scraping up a cool but "'as present bv the time the voting Implementation, headed by Ms. Roher; an~ 3) Ed~ca~on ch million in order to earn an extra quarter .. ~ Environment, headed by Dr. Miller. Public hearmS~:s or ea took place. of the committees should begin in the near future. S~udents million from the Ford Foundation. Steve Coats announced that it has interested in workinll: on them shoUld contact the cha~en. Important points covered by the b t d in the EPC that the General Dr. Knox, representing the ad hoc Budget Comm1ttee! three trustees ranged from how hard the een sugges e . o ned the report with a few humorous remarks, after which Studies major be abolished and d1.visional h~presented four guidelines that the Committee tried to struggle was (Development came up with majors substituted. follow in setting up the budget: 1200,000 in the last month) to where the Next, petl tiona t containing about 1) to hold this year's budget; to establish a s.alary freeze for money came from: two students donated 215 signatures, were presented to the SID, all faculty, while giving hourly. ~orkers a 5~ mc~ase, their salaries as student residents; the with the request that $100 be granted to 2).t~ proJ?Ose cuts in staff posltions, especlally m the proceeds from Colloquim '72 were donated; admnistration, the UFVOC strike againat Taliaan Sugar. 3) to try not to increase the student body, perhaps by send- of those alumni contacted by Develop 87% Debate again was lengthy and emotional. ing more students on ~ff-camp~ study, ment contributed; along with the usual Forces against the grant were against 4) to limit academ1c expenditures such as travel expenses, types of contributions. Much vas made use of SID fund for political causes, etc.At this point in the presentation, Dr. Gorfein asked a Mr. of the alunmi contribution, Cook for causes outside the school, and question. stating that that was something of a without the consent of all the students. Dr. Knox then spoke metaphar~c:ally about squeezmg water record for American Universities. out of the budget. Dave Goldman felt that in order to rep- Responding to a question about the _proposed cut in the Flash bulbs lit the room as the resent a11 the students. each student counseling budget. Bryon Nortoo e~-.. d,·<hda" 1. Y"' ".ito t;hr.ee tr ees t.h n .eei.et rc.>!rl h /sh the school received a special grant earmar..-e _.or counse g. 9 ehoul.d decide tor h:Utse1f vhether e e That grant expires this coming year, as will the resident President Elmendorf, raised a banner would gi 'Ye money to the strike. Those in counselor position. .. symbolizing--according to them--success .fa"Yor of the grant contended that since Apparently, the cuts proposed m the admmiStration were in the future years. 1 5541 f th t d t bo"... i d somewhat smaller than expected. Attending the conference were re near y ,~ o e s u en <.4,J s gne Dr. Knox. saying that'the budget is not a peculiar animal the petit~ons, and since so many students ... ," asked for a faculty resolutiOn to support the budget; porters from local papers along with were directly in'Yol ved, the grant should the resolution passed tmanimously. hich th college administrators, functionaries, i f b th th · t At this point the meeting was adjourned, after w ere be made. Th e ssue 0. W e er e gran was a SCUIT}' as a student tried to speak to the faculty. and students• was symbolic or funct1onal was raised, •••••••••••••••••••• and resolved with the conclusion that Efforts on Environmental Studies Program it was both. Nan Freeman's death was also brought into the discussion, but While pictures wera being taken at most of those present seemed to feel that the conference, this reporter had the it wasn•t or at least shouldn't be in Borden- Talisman opportunity to talk with Bob Norwine, volved in any discussion. Vice-President of Development. When The motion for the grant vas finally Link Sought questioned as to whether or not money amended to state that the grant repre received for the nevly conceived sented the decision of the majority of Reliable sources within Project Heal environmental program was counted irt students but not necessarily the totality report that a possible affiliation may the Ford effort, Norvine said that the of the student body, and vas passed 7-1. have been found between the Talisman com 1!111all amount ( 11 couple of thousand") George Konstantinov cast the only dis pany and Borden Inc. Although details are vas included. senting vote. unconfirmed, it is reported that several Shortly after the conference, this Next, Earl Stinnett came into the subsidiarie.:; of Borden, an international reporter also had the opportunity to meeting to discuss the guest regulations. company dealing maiDly in food and food speak to Dr. Elmendorf on the same Earl was mainly concerned with what the by-products, either deal vith or through subject. He was optiaisti~ about the students wanted. His only goal is the Talisman Sugar Company. chances of success of the program; he protection and assistance of the students, Ona subsidiary aledgedly owned a sugar also mentioned the possibilities of but in order to best serve them (us) he mill, and since its closing, channels its gaining 1\ev faculty through the program. wanted to know what they (we) wanted. It sugar through TaiiSIIa.B. There is also ev vas suggested that in order to eliminate idence that the majority of Talismanls people signing in strangers the sign-in sugar is purchased by various subsidiaries forms might be altered to require that of Borden. the student know his guest for at least If these affiliations are confiraed, 24 hours prior to signing him/her in. there is a possibility of a United Far. This suggestion was finally dropped after vorkers Organizing Committee-Project Real much discussion and it vas dacided that organized National boycott against all N.A.M. the guest regulations should be left as Borden products, in support of the strik is but more widely publicized and better ing Talis.an workers. The New College chapter of NAM held enforced. By Douf! Sttnson :tts first ~~eeting Thursday night. It was The meeting was adjourned at this mainly a brainstoreing session aimed at point. coming up with proposals for action for Jake this group at New College. It seems to be a worker/people oriented movement, rhet~ric has been kept to a minimum. There will be another meeting next Wednesday at 1;00 PM to decide what specific programs New Col The Field Study Coordinator's Workshop opene~ here lege NAM will push for, and vhat direction yesterday and will continue through Saturday mommg. New it will take. All ideas and people are college is hosting this nationwide conference of off-campus needed and solicited, so ya'll come. The study administrators wder the aegis of Jim Feeney. Student New Left shall rise again! participants are wel~ome; the conference will be meeting Richard Douglas Ingraham continuously at the Caples Estate.