
Perspective Digest Volume 10 Article 5 Issue 3 Summer

2005 Is Still Valid in the New Millennium? George T. Javor Loma Linda University

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Recommended Citation Javor, George T. (2005) "Is Creationism Still Valid in the New Millennium?," Perspective Digest: Vol. 10 : Iss. 3 , Article 5. Available at: http://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/pd/vol10/iss3/5

This Article is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Commons @ Andrews University. It has been accepted for inclusion in Perspective Digest by an authorized editor of Digital Commons @ Andrews University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Javor: Is Creationism Still Valid in the New Millennium? BY GEORGE T. JAVOR* when they show that their explana- The supposed conflict between tions work better than those of evo- religion and is a recent lutionists. Their goal should be to invention and a distortion of histor- develop their paradigm so well that ical realities by a class of historians people will have to admit, “Nothing whose agenda was to destroy the in makes sense except in the influence of religion. The currently light of creationism.” popular secularism in science may IS CREATIONISM STILL With that as a background, con- only be a detour in the history of sci- sider a few aspects of Creationism ence. still valid for 21st century thinking . What are the Perceived Liabilities VALID IN THE of Creationism? Is Creationism a Religiously Creationism originated in a pre- Motivated Paradigm? scientific world, where myths Yes. Efforts to present creation- abounded. The biblical story of Cre- ism in a secular wrapping distort its ation is often compared with the NEW MILLENNIUM? central thrust. At the very core of Babylonian and other creation sto- creationism is the Creator. The ries. teaches that the Creator is intimately Creationism rests on the notion Efforts to present creationism in a secular involved with , yet not part of that there is a Being, wrapping distort its central thrust. nature. It follows that religion can- which cannot be verified scientifi- not be divorced from science. While cally. Moreover, if this is true, then reationism is not for the faint- arising from our understanding of science may be practiced without ours is a capricious world, subject to hearted. It is based on a 3,500- have enriched and changed any reference to religion, the inter- the whims of supernatural powers. year-old assertion found in the many other fields of study.”2 In the pretation of such efforts may be Science is not equipped to study Bible: “In the beginning same issue, wrote: flawed. such a world. created the and the “Organic evolution [is] one of the Of the great civilizations, the one Creationism restricts the range of Cearth” (Gen. 1:1, NIV). Most con- firmest facts ever validated by sci- in Western Europe gave rise to mod- inquiries, because by definition, temporary scientists, however, be- ence.”3 ern science, with emphasis on exper- there is no point studying the ori- lieve that we are here as a result of a The standard creationist response imentation and mathematical for- gins of or the relationships huge explosion of primeval matter to such declarations is to point out mulations.4 Several cultures of between organisms. billions of years ago. To believe in flaws in the evolutionary arguments. antiquity, the Chinese and Arab Creationism implies accountabil- creation is to run against the tide. But creationists are at their best among them, produced higher levels ity. Then humankind is not the “Nothing in biology,” wrote of learning and technology than supreme authority in the world. Dobzhansky, “makes sense except in *George T. Javor teaches and conducts medieval Europe. Yet it was in The fact that a creation story the light of evolution.”1 The editors of research in the department of bio- Europe that modern science was exists in different ancient cultures Science magazine, introducing a spe- chemistry, Loma Linda University born. Heavily contributing to this suggests a common source for these cial issue on evolution, stated not School of Medicine, Loma Linda, Cal- was the Judeo-Christian , with stories. long ago: “The intellectual concepts ifornia. its confidence in the laws of nature. The supreme Being of the Bible

Published by Digital Commons @ Andrews University,44 2005 1 45 Perspective Digest, Vol. 10 [2005], Iss. 3, Art. 5 BY GEORGE T. JAVOR* when they show that their explana- The supposed conflict between tions work better than those of evo- religion and science is a recent lutionists. Their goal should be to invention and a distortion of histor- develop their paradigm so well that ical realities by a class of historians people will have to admit, “Nothing whose agenda was to destroy the in biology makes sense except in the influence of religion. The currently light of creationism.” popular secularism in science may IS CREATIONISM STILL With that as a background, con- only be a detour in the history of sci- sider a few aspects of Creationism ence. still valid for 21st century thinking Christians. What are the Perceived Liabilities VALID IN THE of Creationism? Is Creationism a Religiously Creationism originated in a pre- Motivated Paradigm? scientific world, where myths Yes. Efforts to present creation- abounded. The biblical story of Cre- ism in a secular wrapping distort its ation is often compared with the NEW MILLENNIUM? central thrust. At the very core of Babylonian and other creation sto- creationism is the Creator. The Bible ries. teaches that the Creator is intimately Creationism rests on the notion Efforts to present creationism in a secular involved with nature, yet not part of that there is a supernatural Being, wrapping distort its central thrust. nature. It follows that religion can- which cannot be verified scientifi- not be divorced from science. While cally. Moreover, if this is true, then reationism is not for the faint- arising from our understanding of science may be practiced without ours is a capricious world, subject to hearted. It is based on a 3,500- evolution have enriched and changed any reference to religion, the inter- the whims of supernatural powers. year-old assertion found in the many other fields of study.”2 In the pretation of such efforts may be Science is not equipped to study Bible: “In the beginning God same issue, Stephen Jay Gould wrote: flawed. such a world. created the heavens and the “Organic evolution [is] one of the Of the great civilizations, the one Creationism restricts the range of Cearth” (Gen. 1:1, NIV). Most con- firmest facts ever validated by sci- in Western Europe gave rise to mod- inquiries, because by definition, temporary scientists, however, be- ence.”3 ern science, with emphasis on exper- there is no point studying the ori- lieve that we are here as a result of a The standard creationist response imentation and mathematical for- gins of life or the relationships huge explosion of primeval matter to such declarations is to point out mulations.4 Several cultures of between organisms. billions of years ago. To believe in flaws in the evolutionary arguments. antiquity, the Chinese and Arab Creationism implies accountabil- creation is to run against the tide. But creationists are at their best among them, produced higher levels ity. Then humankind is not the “Nothing in biology,” wrote of learning and technology than supreme authority in the world. Dobzhansky, “makes sense except in *George T. Javor teaches and conducts medieval Europe. Yet it was in The fact that a creation story the light of evolution.”1 The editors of research in the department of bio- Europe that modern science was exists in different ancient cultures Science magazine, introducing a spe- chemistry, Loma Linda University born. Heavily contributing to this suggests a common source for these cial issue on evolution, stated not School of Medicine, Loma Linda, Cal- was the Judeo-Christian faith, with stories. long ago: “The intellectual concepts ifornia. its confidence in the laws of nature. The supreme Being of the Bible

44 http://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/pd/vol10/iss3/545 2 Javor: Is Creationism Still Valid in the New Millennium? created a world with laws that were as alive and being moved by mysteri- Not all manifestations of the biosphere have to do with either given or which can be discov- ous forces. Thus, the doctrine of cre- survival values. There is more to life than mere survival. If survival ered. are mandated to sub- ation was a positive and possibly due and care for creation, using these decisive contributing factor to the were the only criterion, we would see a much starker and sparser laws. There appears to be no caprice birth of modern science. world. Creationism frees us from having to explain why there are in the routine operation of nature. Nevertheless, the creationist para- Is there Explanatory Power in both uni- and multi-cellular organisms, and why there is an digm permits divine intervention in Creationism? absolute requirement for two different genetic types of organisms nature, when known natural laws are To a great extent, science is the superseded. Creationists believe that process of explaining. The acid test (male and female) to coexist. past divine interventions of great sig- for the value of a paradigm rests in nificance have been explained to its explanatory power. For example: humanity by special revelations. • Elements of design, seen in values. There is more to life than The puzzle of the chicken/egg is Modern science went astray when it nature at every level, follow naturally mere survival. If survival were the solved. The chicken came first. discarded supernaturally revealed from Creationism. only criterion, we would see a much The cause for existence, from information relevant to science. • The great diversity among starker and sparser world. Creation- atoms upward, is understood to be Whether the creationist para- organisms can be viewed as a reflec- ism frees us from having to explain the expressed will of the Creator. digm is restrictive has to do with tion of the Creator’s unbelievable why there are both uni- and multi- The Adventist understanding of one’s perspective. A person’s under- range of imagination. cellular organisms, and why there is Creation emphasizes that the Cre- standing of reality will dictate his or • Interaction and mutual support an absolute requirement for two dif- ator was not dependent upon pre- her range of inquiry. among organisms is a testimony to a ferent genetic types of organisms existing matter. We hold that matter benign design. (male and female) to coexist. is not infinitely old, that it was cre- Is Science Hindered or Helped The burden to explain how living Common features among organ- ated. by Creationism? matter came into existence is lifted. isms are understood to come from A characteristic of a designed The creationist was a So is the burden of having to con- the same Designer. For example, entity is that the whole is greater strong motivating factor for scien- nect every organism together similarities in metabolic pathways than the sum of its parts. Design and tists to study nature—actually to through phylogenic trees. generate common metabolic needs, organization enable components of experiment and see how God ran the Creationism is helpful in light of which can be satisfied by common complex systems to cooperate for world. These were the “voluntarist” the exceptional fidelity of genetic food sources. Diverse features sup- the expression of new functions. scientists who opposed Aristotelian- reproduction on the one hand and port the ability of organisms to fill Layers of reality may be arranged to ism (which held that the the very limited range of possible different niches and to preserve show the appearance of new func- and everything in it had to be made changes that can be accomplished their identities. Differences among tions at each successive level. by laws of logic that himself by . (It has now been organisms also reflect the Design- Predation, toxic , viruses, discovered). shown, for example, that the bac- er’s obvious penchant for varia- and the suffering and death of non- The biblical doctrine of creation terium E. coli remains E. coli even tions. Instead of asking how an organisms do not fit into a assures us that we live in an orderly after thousands of generations in organism is successful in carving a scheme conceived by an all-wise world ruled by the Supreme Law- the laboratory.) niche for itself, we ask, How does Creator. The creationist paradigm giver. This is in stark contrast to the Not all manifestations of the this species contribute to the good assigns these to the work of an evil pagan worldview, which saw nature biosphere have to do with survival of the biosphere? power in nature. This concept is

Published by Digital Commons @ Andrews University,46 2005 3 47 Perspective Digest, Vol. 10 [2005], Iss. 3, Art. 5 created a world with laws that were as alive and being moved by mysteri- Not all manifestations of the biosphere have to do with either given or which can be discov- ous forces. Thus, the doctrine of cre- survival values. There is more to life than mere survival. If survival ered. Humans are mandated to sub- ation was a positive and possibly due and care for creation, using these decisive contributing factor to the were the only criterion, we would see a much starker and sparser laws. There appears to be no caprice birth of modern science. world. Creationism frees us from having to explain why there are in the routine operation of nature. Nevertheless, the creationist para- Is there Explanatory Power in both uni- and multi-cellular organisms, and why there is an digm permits divine intervention in Creationism? absolute requirement for two different genetic types of organisms nature, when known natural laws are To a great extent, science is the superseded. Creationists believe that process of explaining. The acid test (male and female) to coexist. past divine interventions of great sig- for the value of a paradigm rests in nificance have been explained to its explanatory power. For example: humanity by special revelations. • Elements of design, seen in values. There is more to life than The puzzle of the chicken/egg is Modern science went astray when it nature at every level, follow naturally mere survival. If survival were the solved. The chicken came first. discarded supernaturally revealed from Creationism. only criterion, we would see a much The cause for existence, from information relevant to science. • The great diversity among starker and sparser world. Creation- atoms upward, is understood to be Whether the creationist para- organisms can be viewed as a reflec- ism frees us from having to explain the expressed will of the Creator. digm is restrictive has to do with tion of the Creator’s unbelievable why there are both uni- and multi- The Adventist understanding of one’s perspective. A person’s under- range of imagination. cellular organisms, and why there is Creation emphasizes that the Cre- standing of reality will dictate his or • Interaction and mutual support an absolute requirement for two dif- ator was not dependent upon pre- her range of inquiry. among organisms is a testimony to a ferent genetic types of organisms existing matter. We hold that matter benign design. (male and female) to coexist. is not infinitely old, that it was cre- Is Science Hindered or Helped The burden to explain how living Common features among organ- ated. by Creationism? matter came into existence is lifted. isms are understood to come from A characteristic of a designed The creationist worldview was a So is the burden of having to con- the same Designer. For example, entity is that the whole is greater strong motivating factor for scien- nect every organism together similarities in metabolic pathways than the sum of its parts. Design and tists to study nature—actually to through phylogenic trees. generate common metabolic needs, organization enable components of experiment and see how God ran the Creationism is helpful in light of which can be satisfied by common complex systems to cooperate for world. These were the “voluntarist” the exceptional fidelity of genetic food sources. Diverse features sup- the expression of new functions. scientists who opposed Aristotelian- reproduction on the one hand and port the ability of organisms to fill Layers of reality may be arranged to ism (which held that the universe the very limited range of possible different niches and to preserve show the appearance of new func- and everything in it had to be made changes that can be accomplished their identities. Differences among tions at each successive level. by laws of logic that Aristotle himself by mutations. (It has now been organisms also reflect the Design- Predation, toxic plants, viruses, discovered). shown, for example, that the bac- er’s obvious penchant for varia- and the suffering and death of non- The biblical doctrine of creation terium E. coli remains E. coli even tions. Instead of asking how an plant organisms do not fit into a assures us that we live in an orderly after thousands of generations in organism is successful in carving a scheme conceived by an all-wise world ruled by the Supreme Law- the laboratory.) niche for itself, we ask, How does Creator. The creationist paradigm giver. This is in stark contrast to the Not all manifestations of the this species contribute to the good assigns these to the work of an evil pagan worldview, which saw nature biosphere have to do with survival of the biosphere? power in nature. This concept is

46 http://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/pd/vol10/iss3/547 4 Javor: Is Creationism Still Valid in the New Millennium? When the Viking Missions to Mars found no evidence entirely to the scientist. They may Even though we do not have a not be able to contribute to the complete understanding of how our for life on the Martian surface soil, even though microbial life was understanding of how physical real- world fits into the rest of the uni- predicted by the chemical evolutionary paradigm, the ities operate in nature, but they have verse, and what kinds of contribu- adjustment was made to postulate the existence of living organisms a grave responsibility to advise sci- tion we can make to it, there can be entists on the clearest meaning of no doubt that the existence of our deep within the Martian soil. supernatural information that has world has a purpose. bearing on science. The Adventist worldview is based To illustrate this, we may imag- on the profound theme of the great ine a scientist from elsewhere in the controversy between Christ and most helpful when we consider the postulate the existence of living org- universe visiting a week after Satan. The Bible tells that in the last immense sophistication seen in the anisms deep within the Martian soil. its creation. Not being told of the days, Satan will work mightily to operation of living matter, all of The creationist paradigm sug- recent creation event, and observ- deceive the world. A facet of this which appears to go for naught— gests that rather than creating a few ing mature organisms and well deception may be the theory of evo- that is, to the eventual demise of the species, the Creator generated a rich developed trees in the Garden of lution. organism. variety of living organisms. There- Eden, this well-meaning scientist Creationism is a robust para- fore, it would be surprising to find would conclude that Earth had digm, fully capable of undergirding Can We Make Scientifically planets populated with microorgan- been around for some time. The the scientific enterprise in the new Testable Predictions Using the isms alone. conflict regarding the age of the millennium. Wider acceptance of Creationist Paradigm? Other predictions that follow Earth is caused by the fact that dat- creationism by the scientific com- Creationism has been criticized from the creationist’s position are: ing techniques all but ignore the munity in the future will depend, in for not leading to testable predic- • The biosphere is complete. No possibility of a mature Earth part, on how well theologians can tions. Wrong paradigms may lead to new orders of organisms are ex- appearing suddenly. convince scientists of the priceless testable suggestions, but that does pected to arise. (The creationist par- Humanity is accountable to the value of revealed information. In not necessarily make for a good adigm nevertheless is comfortable Creator for the way we utilize addition, this approach will gain hypothesis. It makes it a testable hy- with new species arising within the nature’s resources. The Creator’s greater credibility as more scientists pothesis. same order.) All current organisms wisdom and sophistication are doc- conduct research on the basis of the When a paradigm’s prediction is have recognizable ancestors. umented by countless examples in creationist perspective. tested and the results are different • No living organisms will arise nature. It needs to be emphasized than predicted, sometimes the para- abiotically. that He is not only the Designer of digm is altered, but often the test • The record will suggest a the world, where objects and organ- REFERENCES 1 T. Dobzhansky, The American Biology results are reinterpreted so as to allow rich variety of organisms coexisting isms are integrated into a coherent Teacher (1973): vol. 35, p. 125. for the continuation of the para- from the beginning. setting, but He also brought all of it 2 B. Hanson, G. Chin, A. Sugden, and E. digm’s validity. When the Viking Mis- into existence and has sustained it Culotta, Science (1999), vol. 284, p. 2105. sions to Mars found no evidence for Theological Insights From for thousands of years. Contrast 3 S. J. Gould, Science (1999), vol. 284, p. life on the Martian surface soil, even Creationism this with the famous “Biosphere” 2087. 4 N. R. Pearcey and C. B. Thaxton, The though microbial life was predicted Science cannot be divorced from experiments, which showed how of Science: Christian Faith and Natural by the chemical evolutionary para- religion. Theologians must not give difficult it is to balance ecological Philosophy (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, digm, the adjustment was made to up the realm of physical reality systems. 1994).

Published by Digital Commons @ Andrews University,48 2005 5 49 Perspective Digest, Vol. 10 [2005], Iss. 3, Art. 5 When the Viking Missions to Mars found no evidence entirely to the scientist. They may Even though we do not have a not be able to contribute to the complete understanding of how our for life on the Martian surface soil, even though microbial life was understanding of how physical real- world fits into the rest of the uni- predicted by the chemical evolutionary paradigm, the ities operate in nature, but they have verse, and what kinds of contribu- adjustment was made to postulate the existence of living organisms a grave responsibility to advise sci- tion we can make to it, there can be entists on the clearest meaning of no doubt that the existence of our deep within the Martian soil. supernatural information that has world has a purpose. bearing on science. The Adventist worldview is based To illustrate this, we may imag- on the profound theme of the great ine a scientist from elsewhere in the controversy between Christ and most helpful when we consider the postulate the existence of living org- universe visiting Earth a week after Satan. The Bible tells that in the last immense sophistication seen in the anisms deep within the Martian soil. its creation. Not being told of the days, Satan will work mightily to operation of living matter, all of The creationist paradigm sug- recent creation event, and observ- deceive the world. A facet of this which appears to go for naught— gests that rather than creating a few ing mature organisms and well deception may be the theory of evo- that is, to the eventual demise of the species, the Creator generated a rich developed trees in the Garden of lution. organism. variety of living organisms. There- Eden, this well-meaning scientist Creationism is a robust para- fore, it would be surprising to find would conclude that Earth had digm, fully capable of undergirding Can We Make Scientifically planets populated with microorgan- been around for some time. The the scientific enterprise in the new Testable Predictions Using the isms alone. conflict regarding the age of the millennium. Wider acceptance of Creationist Paradigm? Other predictions that follow Earth is caused by the fact that dat- creationism by the scientific com- Creationism has been criticized from the creationist’s position are: ing techniques all but ignore the munity in the future will depend, in for not leading to testable predic- • The biosphere is complete. No possibility of a mature Earth part, on how well theologians can tions. Wrong paradigms may lead to new orders of organisms are ex- appearing suddenly. convince scientists of the priceless testable suggestions, but that does pected to arise. (The creationist par- Humanity is accountable to the value of revealed information. In not necessarily make for a good adigm nevertheless is comfortable Creator for the way we utilize addition, this approach will gain hypothesis. It makes it a testable hy- with new species arising within the nature’s resources. The Creator’s greater credibility as more scientists pothesis. same order.) All current organisms wisdom and sophistication are doc- conduct research on the basis of the When a paradigm’s prediction is have recognizable ancestors. umented by countless examples in creationist perspective. tested and the results are different • No living organisms will arise nature. It needs to be emphasized than predicted, sometimes the para- abiotically. that He is not only the Designer of digm is altered, but often the test • The fossil record will suggest a the world, where objects and organ- REFERENCES 1 T. Dobzhansky, The American Biology results are reinterpreted so as to allow rich variety of organisms coexisting isms are integrated into a coherent Teacher (1973): vol. 35, p. 125. for the continuation of the para- from the beginning. setting, but He also brought all of it 2 B. Hanson, G. Chin, A. Sugden, and E. digm’s validity. When the Viking Mis- into existence and has sustained it Culotta, Science (1999), vol. 284, p. 2105. sions to Mars found no evidence for Theological Insights From for thousands of years. Contrast 3 S. J. Gould, Science (1999), vol. 284, p. life on the Martian surface soil, even Creationism this with the famous “Biosphere” 2087. 4 N. R. Pearcey and C. B. Thaxton, The though microbial life was predicted Science cannot be divorced from experiments, which showed how Soul of Science: Christian Faith and Natural by the chemical evolutionary para- religion. Theologians must not give difficult it is to balance ecological Philosophy (Wheaton, Ill.: Crossway Books, digm, the adjustment was made to up the realm of physical reality systems. 1994).

48 http://digitalcommons.andrews.edu/pd/vol10/iss3/549 6