Spitzer Approved Warm Mission Abstracts
Printed by SSC Jan 29, 20 19:21 Spitzer Approved Warm Mission Abstracts Page 1/750 Jan 29, 20 19:21 Spitzer Approved Warm Mission Abstracts Page 2/750 Spitzer Space Telescope − Directors Discretionary Time Proposal #13159 Spitzer Space Telescope − General Observer Proposal #60167 Variability at the edge: highly accreting objects in Taurus Disk tomography and dynamics: a time−dependent study of known mid−infrared Principal Investigator: Peter Abraham variable young stellar objects Institution: Konkoly Observatory Principal Investigator: Peter Abraham Technical Contact: Peter Abraham, Konkoly Observatory Institution: Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Academy of Science Co−Investigators: Technical Contact: Peter Abraham, Konkoly Observatory of the Hungarian Agnes Kospal, Konkoly Observatory Academy of Science Robert Szabo, Konkoly Observatory Co−Investigators: Science Category: YSOs Jose Acosta−Pulido, Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias Observing Modes: IRAC Post−Cryo Mapping Cornelis P. Dullemond, Max−Planck−Institut fur Astronomie Hours Approved: 9.3 Carol A. Grady, Eureka Sci/NASA Goddard Thomas Henning, Max−Planck−Institut fur Astronomie Abstract: Attila Juhasz, Max−Planck−Institut fur Astronomie In Kepler K2, Campaign 13, we will obtain 80−days−long optical light curves of Csaba Kiss, Konkoly Observatory seven highly accreting T Tauri stars in the benchmark Taurus star forming Agnes Kospal, Leiden Observatory region. Here we propose to monitor our sample simultaneously with Kepler and Maria Kun, Konkoly Observatory Spitzer, to
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