y) d tu ) s (1 7) s ( i s ) ) n th tu (3 (5 i ( a s ) ii 6) sa s in u (4 g ( o ) u r ) n i r i (8) (9 ic a 2 a x e e m s v c ( c u b m a a is e ri ii ri a n a m n s rg rk e re se a e n o a m r o a e n l a e r in . . quad c . v . vann par . m s N C P. H S. M L. S. C E. ACP Allatostatin‐A 3 4 Allatostatin‐B Allatostatin‐B1 2 Allatostatin‐B2 2 Allatostatin‐C 2 2 2 2 3 2 Allatostatin‐cc Allatotropin Bursicon‐A C Bursicon‐B C 2 Calcitonin 2 2 Legends CCAP C Available CCHamide‐1 Partial sequences CCHamide‐2 C Undetected/not available CCRFamide n number of isoforms detected CNMamide C Corazonin C CFSH 4 4 CFSH‐like 4 2 CHH 3 2 4 4 3 8 3 3 CHH‐like 2 MIH 3 4 2 MIH‐like 2 2 ITP DH31 DH44 Eclosion hormone 1 Eclosion hormone 2 GSEFLamide Elevenin FMRFamide GPA2 GPB5 2 HIGSLYRamide Kinin/Leucokinin 2 Myosuppressin 6 Neuroparsin 2 3 3 2 2 4 5 3 Neuropeptide F 2 2 3 3 2 3 Orcokinin 2 Periviscerokinin 3 PDH 3 3 1 2 5 5 3 Prohormone‐1 Prohormone‐3 Prohormone‐4 Proctolin Pyrokinin 2 Relaxin RPCH Ryamide sNPF 2 SIFamide Sulfakinin Tachykinin Trissin Vasopressin‐neurophysin WXXXRamide

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