AINGTHIRTY-FIVETHIRTY -FIVE CENTS Ri-Mol Cclaa+Bm the BUSINESSWE Puf, ;Sa;,; Ualty RADIO I£ V £074 9,Sa1c1i?H Ay.Ia;.G a I:1-7A0-20(1
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SEPTEMBER 5, 1960 BROA.Vá;AINGTHIRTY-FIVETHIRTY -FIVE CENTS ri-mol cclaa+Bm THE BUSINESSWE puF, ;sa;,; ualTy RADIO i£ V £074 9,sa1c1I?H aY.ia;.g A I:1-7A0-20(1 Looking far ahead: tv network program plans for fall of '61 Page 27 The Saudek formula: blending of culture & entertainment Page 54 Tv's healthy condition: how revenues & profits kept climbing Page 60 The 86th Congress: a do- something session for broadcasters Page 76 BORED.. with your Advertising Results? with 35.7% of the Audience in GREATER PORTLAND-ORTLAND More 1/4 hour firsts than DYNAMIC all other RADIO IN Ki1N.portland Portland Stations DYNAMIC AVERYKNODlI combined! MARKETS ROIL' Omaha 290 out of 300 - AVERY- KNODIL April, 1960, PULSE ' Cs - Denver `JUNE-JULY, 1960, HOOPER ADAM YOUNG oi the 5tár stations DON W. BURDEN - President For arailabilities, coil Bob 316,000 wafls network Ferguson, VP and Gen. Mgr., colo, or Needham Smith, Sates Manager, al CEdar 2-7777. National Rep., George P. WHEELING 7, WEST VIRGINIA Hollingbery Company rnt tht's reL..:6 importance! All day - Every day YOU'VE GOT HER EARS through "Balanced Programming "! WCBM Radio is the housewives' favorite listening habit in Baltimore. With WCBM's "Balanced Program- ming" they enjoy good music... comedy and drama... keep current with world events...learn what's new and where to buy it! The ratings prove our point... you reach adult buyers-all day, every day - on -. WCBM in Baltimore! A CBS RADIO AFFILIATE 10,000 Watts on 680 KC Baltimore 13, Maryland PETERS, GRIFFIN, WOODWARD, inc., Exclusive National Representatives Reach MORE with Channel FOUR KRLD -TV covers 58 Texas and Oklahoma counties with a spending potential of $4.8 billion and $3.6 billion in retail sales.' Channel 4 places your message in more TV Homes in the vast Dallas -Ft. Worth Market area than any other station. ' SRDS Consumer Market Data, July, 1960 ¡Nielsen Television Audiences, July 24, 1960 represented nationally by the Branham Company THE DALLAS TIMES HERALD STATIONS ditafrute,( 4, D/4,4---Ft- Gr/. Clyde W. Rembert, Presided MAXIMUM POWER TV -Twin to KRLD rodio 1080, CBS outlet with 50,000 watts. 4 BROADCASTING, September 5, 1960 CLOSED CIRCUIT® Fifth network Los Angeles group will do national ratings about seven times tion Office is preparing full -page ads, soon announce formation of new radio per year. its first, to run next month in four network, Republic Broadcasting Sys- magazines (Atlantic, Harper's Saturday The Pulse Inc.'s tem, to provide 24 -hour news, music Aiming for depth Review, Reporter) that appeal to opin- monthly rating reports on and sports service nationwide at no tv network ion leaders. Ads will call attention to Top 20 shows are headed for oblivion, cost to stations. Affiliates will be asked Nixon -Kennedy tv debates and to but "biographical" audience surveys - to guarantee clearance of at least four television industry's initiative in making are planned as replacement. hours of network service per day. Change them possible. will take place around end of year. New They'll get 90 seconds in each quarter - studies will measure viewing and buying Pay tv problems With FCC formally hour for local sale. Network will get habits of viewers, will examine make- reconvened, one of first orders of busi- its revenue from national spots in pro- up of audience in terms of job, income, ness will be what to do about applica- gram segments. rent expenditure, etc. tion of General Teleradio for pay tv ex- New network will be headed by Dave periment in Hartford via its recently Chagrined Demo- Cornelius, who's been program direc- Debate flareback acquired WHCT -TV (ch. 18). Teleradio crats, who wanted Nixon- Kennedy tv tor and newsman on Southern Califor- wants en banc hearing to expedite ac- debates to run right up to election. lost nia stations. One backer is Joe Kirk- tion while opposition, including Theatre out in negotiations with GOP but wood, Jr., Hollywood actor who plays Owners of America, has pitched for they're promising high -level repercus- Joe Palooka role. RBS will be budgeted routine hearing before examiner, to be sions. They say many legislators voted at $5 million -$2.5 million for lines. followed by proposed findings and oral for Sec. 315 suspension in anticipation $1 million for staff, $1.5 million for ad- arguments -process that could take two of debate schedule that would include ministration and promotion. Los An- or three years. final campaign days. GOP, they argue, geles will be origination point. refused to allow any debate after Oct. Skiatron pay tv is being talked up Post-'48 prices Distributors of major 21. As result several legislators plan to again by Matty Fox, New York pro- studio post -'48 movies are trying stren- attack GOP attitude on ground they moter, recently embroiled in SEC pro- uously to make network deals. They were deceived and would not have gone ceedings. He was in Texas last week trying to raise funds for proposed wire usually are asking networks to pick 26 along with Sec. 315 suspension. Los features before quoting prices. But one pay tv installations in Angeles and While agreement reached with Nixon San Francisco. Mentioned in Houston index to price structure is that one and Kennedy groups on Great Debates was figure of $10 million, of which $8.5 major distributor of post -'48 movies (story page 44) precludes sponsorship million purportedly had been raised. gave networks right to pick 26 features by any organization for this series, it There's talk of IBM and AT &T co- from its supply and quoted $200,000 was tacitly understood at last Wednes- operation in Before wire pay per picture, or total price of $5.2 mil- project. day's meeting that this would not be tv can be introduced, California public lion, for single network presentation. construed as policy which would pre- service commision must approve it. Nielsen deal That "irreconcilable clude sponsorshsip of public service or Past pleas to commission have failed. news interview programs, whatever conflict" between NBS -CBS and Nielsen Holes in dike Two soft spots in new over rates for renewal of Nielsen tv their nature. No-sponsorship proviso, it was agreed, applies only to face -to- NAB Radio Code structure -lack of rating service (CLOSED CIRCUIT, July face presidential and vice presidential restraint on participating commercial 18) has been resolved-and in usual debates for this election. Carrying ball spots and weak rules governing station way: by compromise. Both CBS and promotions and contests -are permit- NBC had wanted rates no higher than on clarification was NBC, through Vice President William R. McAndrew. It's ting flagrant violations of good broad- those charged ABC, but ABC's contract understood NBC already has aligned casting, according to one prestige sta- by its own terms assures ABC of price series seven programs tion. Code should be amended to halt advantages. In coming to terms, Niel- of one -hour Sat- urday evenings, beginning Sept. 17, for gross overcommercialism, station con- sen yielded some and so did CBS and use of themselves, he tends. First roll -call of code enrollees NBC, apparently with no party getting candidates to handled by Huntley- Brinkley team on under new pay -as- you -go plan shows all it had wanted. New agreements depth -interview basis. one -seventh of radio stations have have no terminal dates but are subject joined (story page 68). to cancellation by either side on ap- Still hung up Congressional approval proximately one year's notice. last week of omnibus bill (S 1898) Broadcasters only Print newsmen, doesn't necessarily mean automatic re- through press associations, are trying Biggest immediate effect of CBS and newal of some 600 temporary licenses to horn in on Great Debate series but NBC signing with Nielsen is decision issued by FCC since its rigid interpreta- so far have gotten nowhere. Network of American Research Bureau to shelve tion last March of sponsor identification position is that their own news staffs interviews with its plans for daily A rbitron national provision on payola. Most stations will are competent to handle vice ratings reports. This even though its get renewals where violations were un- presidential and presidential can- didates and do- overnight nationals during political con- intentional. But in more extreme cases that since networks are time, print news ventions generally impressed networks of under-table payments and of sta- nating their organiza- as tions have no basis on which to with their apparent accuracy as well tion payola, as opposed to failure to inter- cede. Moreover, they point out that obvious speed. But without network sup- identify recordings, FCC may take its precedent is being created by hooking port, ARB says it will forget daily na- time and even conduct further in- tionals at least for year, will con- quiries. up of networks for head -to -head debate tinue its seven -city daily reports (to series, which heretofore has been done which networks do subscribe) and will T10 campaign Television Informa- only for President's appearances. Published every Monday. 53rd issue (Yearbook Number) published in September by BRowacwsrnvo PUBLICATIONS Inc., 1735 DeSales St., N. W., Washington 6, D. C. Second -class postage paid at Washington, D. C. 0 E WORKABLE WAY TO EAR N A RAISE The only economically sound way that wages can be increased is through increased productivity. There are several ways to increase pro- ductivity. One is by the installation of new, Republic Steel uses more efficient machines, which manage- improved equipment ment is free to do whenever it is economi- cally possible.