
Repurposing of for triple negative breast cancer: an overview

Andrea Spini1,2, Sandra Donnini3, Pan Pantziarka4, Sergio Crispino4,5 and Marina Ziche1

1Department of Medicine, Surgery and Neuroscience, University of Siena, Siena 53100, Italy 2Service de Pharmacologie Médicale, INSERM U1219, University of Bordeaux, Bordeaux 33000, France 3Department of Life Sciences, University of Siena, Siena 53100, Italy 4Anticancer Fund, Strombeek Bever 1853, Belgium 5ASSO, Siena, Italy


Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent cancer among women in the world and it remains a leading cause of cancer death in women globally. Among BCs, triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) is the most aggressive, and for its histochemical and molecular charac- teristics is also the one whose therapeutic opportunities are most limited. The REpur- posing Drugs in Oncology (ReDO) project investigates the potential use of off patent non-cancer drugs as sources of new cancer therapies. Repurposing of old non-cancer drugs, clinically approved, off patent and with known targets into oncological indications, Review offers potentially cheaper effective and safe drugs. In line with this project, this article describes a comprehensive overview of preclinical or clinical evidence of drugs included in the ReDO database and/or PubMed for repurposing as anticancer drugs into TNBC therapeutic treatments.

Keywords: triple negative breast cancer, repositioning, non-cancer , preclinical studies, clinical studies


Correspondence to: Marina Ziche Breast cancer (BC) is the most frequent cancer among women in the world. Triple nega- Email: [email protected] tive breast cancer (TNBC) is a type of BC that does not express oestrogen receptors, pro- 2020, :1071 gesterone receptors and epidermal growth factor receptors-2/Neu (HER2) and accounts ecancer 14 https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 for the 16% of BCs approximatively [1, 2]. Due to its lack of response to hormone and tar- geted therapies, the number of therapeutic opportunities is limited [3, 4]. TNBC patients Published: 13/07/2020 Received: 12/02/2020 are difficult to treat, with unfavourable prognosis and are generally administered with the standard . At the moment, novel treatment approaches, such as immu- Publication costs for this article were supported by ecancer (UK Charity number 1176307). notherapy, as well the repurposing of old drugs currently used for indications other than TNBC, is under investigation. In this context, we have previously reviewed the preclinical Copyright: © the authors; licensee and clinical anticancer efficacy and safety of beta blockers in TNBC [5]. ecancermedicalscience. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Drug repurposing is the application of an old drug to a new disease indication: this holds Creative Commons Attribution License (http:// creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0), which the promise of rapid clinical impact at a lower cost than de novo drug development [6]. In permits unrestricted use, distribution, and oncology, where new treatments in the last years are becoming more expensive due to reproduction in any medium, provided the original the introduction of innovative therapies such as targeted therapies and , work is properly cited.

ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI: https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 1 treatments there is an increased interest at the use of already clinically approved non-cancer drugs, off patent and with known targets, as possible cancer ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 cacy andsafety on TNBC Table 1showsreferences all17clinical collected (theofarticle Spera et alanalyses two different retrospective studiesonbeta blockers effi- Clinical studies , insomniaandother. for drugs with preclinical evidence of efficacy on model TNBC were various and heterogeneous including epilepsy, analgesia, hypertension, acid acetylsalicylic and eightto studies theanti-angiogenic, anti-proliferative andanti-apoptotic effects of zoledronic acid.Main indications roquine, eleven to theanti-proliferative andanti-invasive effectsof simvastatin, eight to theanti-inflammatory andanti-angiogenic effects of anti-proliferative, pro-apoptoticand immune-stimulating effectsof , thirteen to thecytotoxic andanti-metastatic effects of chlo- drugs (31.3%)present intheReDO_DB.For 42of the84drugs,only onereference was retrieved (Table S2). Thirteen referred studies to the Using thePubMed database, we found preclinicalevidence on models(cellTNBC linesandxenograft modelsof forTNBC) of 84out 268old Preclinical studies gov ondrugrepurposing for TNBC We found 188preclinical referencesstudies (see Supplementary Material), 18clinicalreferences [10–26]and16references onclinicaltrials. trials, present inliterature ontherepurposing of old-licensed drugsfor TNBC. Theof aim paper this isto give toand scientists clinicians a comprehensive overview preclinical about includingclinical andclinicalstudies, and outcomes; 3)clinicaltrials.gov: number of studiesper drug. cological studystudies: 2) clinical activity; country, type, study period,population studies,exclusion criteria, age, followarms, treatments up, performed onMarch 2019,andtheinformation extracted were thefollowing: 1)preclinical number studies: of per studies drugandpharma- Moreover, clinicaltrials.gov [9] was searched for ongoing or completed clinicalstudiesondrugrepurposing and TNBC. All searches were defined were included. The articlesthat were not written inEnglish were excluded. respectively. Both stringsare provided inthesupplementary file(Table S1).Observational or clinicaltrialsfor which a cohortTNBC was retrieved inthefirst search. The string was composedby three blocksconcerning keywords related to repurposingTNBC, andstudy type, An additionalsearch string was usedto investigate potential clinicalevidence drugsnot about includedinReDO_DB or references not cal evidence of anticancer activity for TNBC. The strings were composed by thename of thedrugsandspecifickeywords related to TNBC. ReDO_DBfor Specifically,TNBC. from starting eachdrugpresent inReDO_DB, we searched inPubMed for preclinical published - andclini In line project,this with we searchedin PubMed forpreclinical published or clinicalevidence of anticancer activity for alldrugsincludedinthe published evidence of anticancer activity. At present, data of 268drugshave database beenincludedintheREDO (ReDO_DB) [8]. cationsas sources of new cancer strategies. ReDOproject has usedaliterature-based approach to identify licensed non-cancer drugs with in thetreatment of cancer. The REpurposingDrugs in Oncology (ReDO) project investigates thepotential useof licensed non-cancer medi- 26]. Outcomes retrieved from clinicalstudies were grouped, whenever possible,inpharmacological categories in andsummarised formin of beta blockers (BB) ease registries patients [24] (see Figure 1for more details). Retrospectiveranged studies from 1995toof 2016,andsixout eleven studiesanalysed aUSA cohort of of 18 were retrospective [10–13,17,19,20,22,25,26],six studies were phaseIIand[14–16,18,21,23]one was aphaseIclinicaltrial evidence ontwelve licensed drugs was found, andofdrugs, eleven these of out 268(4.1%) were includedinReDO_DB. Eleven studiesout [10], oneof tetramolybdate [14],oneof itraconazole [22],oneof esomeprazole [23],oneof mifepristone [24]andtwo of [25, [10, 12,19,20,25,26].Eightstudies were performedusing medicalrecords [10,12,17,19,20,22,25,26] , one was basedondis- [7]. One study bypublished Pantziarka et al [11] andtwo reportedresults the of previous trials[13].Ofclinical the18clinicalstudiescollected, four analysed theefficacy [11–13], five of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs) [17–21],two of zoledronic acid , and the articles ofarticles [13], andthe Hagasewa etal [9]. [8], point the spotlight on this matter building upa project aboutdrugrepurposing [15] andIshikawa etal [16] analysed thesamecohortof patients). Clinical [15, 16],oneof met - Table 2. 2

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 Table 1. Characteristics of clinical studies about repurposing of old drugs for TNBC treatment.

Reference Study type Database used (if observational) and Country Study period Population Main exclusion criteria Drugs of data source type interest

Bayraktar et al Retrospective Breast Cancer Management System USA 1995–2007 Women with –Metastatic or bilateral disease Metformin 2012 [10] study (Medical records and pharmacy data) TNBC who re- –Prior history of cancer ceived adjuvant –Resolved gestational diabetes chemotherapy –Diabetes diagnosed after adj chemotherapy

Botteri et al 2013 Retrospective Breast Cancer and Cardiology Division Italy 1997–2008 Postmeno- History of invasive cancer or Beta [11] cohort study Databases of the European Institute of pausal women metastatic disease blockers Oncology of Milan (Disease registries) operated for early primary TNBC

Melhem-Bertrand Retrospective Breast Cancer Management System USA 1995–2007 Women with –BB after neoadjuvant chemo- Beta et al 2011 [12] cohort study Database (Medical chart and pharmacy invasive TNBC therapy blockers data) treated with –Unknown receptors expression neoadjuvant status anthracylines –Incomplete records longer than and 9 months between neoadjuvant chemotherapy initiation and surgery –Bilateral BC

Spera et al 2017 Retrospective Data from a randomised, double blind Multicentric – Women with – Beta (1) [13] cohort study clinical trial (ROSE/TRIO-012) advanced blockers TNBC

Spera et al 2017 Retrospective Data from a randomised, double blind Multicentric – Women with – Beta (2) [13] cohort study clinical trial (BCIRG-005) node positive blockers TNBC

Chan et al 2017 Phase II, open – – – Women with –Patients who have had chemo- Tetrathio- [14] label, single arm stage II/III therapy or radiotherapy within 6 molybdate study TNBC weeks prior to entering the study –Pregnant women

Hasegawa et al Phase II, open – Multicentric 2010–2012 Women with –Bilateral breast cancer or inflam- Zoledronic acid 2015 [15] label, randomised (Japan) stage IIA/IIIB matory breast cancer study TNBC –Distant metastasis –History of chemotherapy, endo- crine therapy, or radiotherapy

Ishikawa et al Phase II, open – Multicentric 2010–2012 Women with –Bilateral breast cancer or inflam- Zoledronic acid 2017 [16] label, randomised (Japan) stage IIA/IIIB matory breast cancer study TNBC –Distant metastasis –History of chemotherapy, endo- crine therapy, or radiotherapy

Retsky et al 2012 Retrospective Data from medical records Belgium 2003–2008 Women who –Previous ipsilateral surgery for Ketorolac [17] study underwent breast cancer were excluded mastectomy with axillary dissection 3

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 Table 1. Characteristics of clinical studies about repurposing of old drugs for TNBC treatment. (continued)

Chow et al 2013 Phase II, multicen- – – 2006–2010 Women with –Distant metastasis [18] tre, open-label, primary breast –Multiple, bilateral breast cancer single-arm study cancer –Postmenopausal patients with (OOTR-N001 both positive estrogen and study) progesterone status and negative lymph node involvement –Pregnant women or women with suspected pregnancy –Prior history of invasive breast cancer

Shiao et al 2017 Retrospective Data from University of texas USA 1998–2016 Women with –Stage I patients Aspirin/Clopi- [19] study Southwestern (UTSW) TNBC registry stageII/III dogrel (Medical records) TNBC

Williams 2018 Retrospective Electronical medical records USA 2005–2013 Women with –Not clear use of aspirin Aspirin [20] study primary oper- –Not surgery able stages I-III –Not primary breast cancer –Lack of follow up

Pierga et al 2010 Phase II, ran- – – 2004–2000 Women with – Celecoxib [21] domised study stageII/III (Remagus 02) breast cancer

Tsubamoto et al Retrospective Kohnan hospitals (Medical records) Japan 2008–2012 Women with –Visceral (lungs, brain, and liver) Itraconazole 2014 [22] study TNBC metastasis

Wang et al 2015 Phase II, open – – – Women with –Brain metastases Esomeprazol [23] label, randomised metastatic –Prior chemotherapy in the meta- study or recurrent static setting breast cancer

Nanda et al 2016 Phase I, ran- – USA – Metastatic –Allergy or hypersensitivuty to Mifepristone [24] domised or locally ad- mifepristone, vanced breast –Received more than 4 prior cancer cytotoxic therapies for metastatic disease or prior nab-paclitaxel or mifepistone. –Pregnant or breast feeding

Lacerda et al Retrospective IBC database - Breast Cancer Manage- USA 1995–2011 Patients with –Stage IV patients Statins 2014 [25] study ment System at MD Anderson Cancer Inflammatory –Patients who did not receive adj Center (Medical records) breast cancer postmastectomy radiotherapy –Patients with locoregional recur- rence prior to radiation

Shaitelman et al Retrospective Data from MD Anderson Cancer Cen- USA 1997–2012 Women with – Statins 2017 [26] study ter (Medical records) invasive, non-metastatic TNBC 4

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 survival (Hazard ratio =0.69;95%CI,0.35–1.34; (BCIRG-005)trial blind clinical about women node positivewith didnotTNBC show any significantbenefit of relapse free survival andoverall ratio = 0.87; 95%CI0.58–1.31; p=0.504). The second study presented by Spera et al compared to not users about progression free survival (Hazard ratio = 0.52; 95% CI, 0.34–0.80; p= 0.002) notbut in overall survival (Hazard of a randomised, doubleblind clinical trial(ROSE/TRIO-012),showed significant benefit in women advancedwith using TNBC BBs when significant (0.32: 95%CI0.12–0.90;p=0.031;0.42:0.18–0.97;0.042,respectively). The study of Spera et al users. Breast cancer related events where lowerusers inBB (13.6% versus 27.9%;p=0.02)andhazard ratio of metastasis andBCdeath were diagnosed andoperated for early primary betweenTNBC 1997and2008,BBusers showed significant benefit when compared to not BB tive study of Botteri 0.30 (95%CI,0.10–0.87;p=0.027)andhazard ratioof overall survival was 0.35(95%CI,0.12–1.00;p=0.05)[12]. Also, intheretrospec chemotherapy between 1995 and 2007.Hazard ratio of recurrence free survival for women administered chemotherapywith plusBBs was USA, women with invasive receivingTNBC neoadjuvantchemotherapy plusBBs were compared to patients receiving only neoadjuvant study of Melhem-Bertrandt chemotherapy), andon women advancedwith or nodalpositive StudyTNBC. populations ranged from 35patients to 1,417patients. In the BBs were evaluated onpostmenopausal women operatedwith early primary on TNBC, women with invasive (receivingTNBC neoadjuvant Beta blockers (BBs) per drug/pharmacological classes. Figure 1. Type of studiesper drug. This shows thenumber of clinicaltrials(only phase1and2studies were found) andobservational studies conducted etal [11] using Breast Cancer and Cardiology Division Databases in Italy and analysing 800 postmenopausal women et al , using medical chart and pharmacychart medical [12], using data from theBreastCancer ManagementSystem Database inthe = 0.269; 0.73; 95% CI,0.35–1.48;p=0.38,respectively).p =0.269;0.73; [13] using alsodata from another randomised, double [13], usingdata 5 -

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 Table 2. Outcomes for each clinical study.

Average age Population size Effect size Reference ARM1 ARM2 ARM3 (years) of TNBC Follow up Outcome Outcome size (TNBC) measures patients

Bayraktar et Diabetic Diabetic Not 1,448 patients ARM1: Median 62 months 1) Distant metasta- 1) ARM1, ARM2, ARM3 0.73 –Five years es- al 2012 [10] patients patients diabeticpa- –ARM1: 63 53 sis free survival (0.58–0.83), 0.66 (0.52–0.77), timates rates Metformin + Adj chemo tients –ARM2: 67 ARM2: Median 2) Overall survival 0.60 (0.57–0.62); p = 0.23 between the Adj chemo + alone –ARM3: 1,318 51 3) Recurrence free 1) ARM2 versus ARM1: 1.63 three groups ARM3: Median survival (95% CI: 0.87–3.06) p = 0.13; –Hazard ratio Adj chemo: Adj chemo: 58 ARM3 versus ARM1: 1.62 –anthracy - –anthracy - (95%CI: 0.97–2.71) p = 0.06 cline +/- cline +/- 2) ARM1, ARM2, ARM3: 0.65 taxane taxane (0.51–0.76), 0.64 (0.5–0.75), –single- –single- 0.54 (0.51–0.56); p = 0.38 agent agent 2) ARM2 versus ARM1: 1.37 taxane taxane (95% CI: 0.78–2.40) p = 0.27; –other –other ARM3 versus ARM1: 1.36 (95% CI: 0.87–2.10) p = 0.17 3) ARM1, ARM2, ARM3: 0.67 (0.52–0.79) 0.69 (0.55–0.79), 0.66 (0.63–0.69); p = 0.58 3) ARM2 versus ARM1: 1.22 (95% CI: 0.66–2.28) p = 0.52; ARM3 versus ARM1: 1.28 (95% CI: 0.79–2.08) p = 0.31

Botteri et al Beta blockers Beta blockers – 800 patients ARM1: Mean ARM1: 1) Breast Cancer- 1) 13,6% versus 27.9%; p = –Five-year 2013 [11] users non users 62 median 72 related events 0.015 cumulative ARM2: Mean months 2) Distant metas- 2) 0.32 (95% CI: 0.12–0.90; p incidence 59 ARM2: tasis = 0.031) –Hazard ratio median 68 3) Breast Cancer 3) 0.42 (95% CI: 0.18–0.97; p months death = 0.042)

Melhem- Beta blockers Beta blockers – 1.417 patients ARM1: Mean ARM1: 1) Recurrence free 1) 0.30; 95% CI: 0.10–0.87; p Hazard ratio Bertrand et + neoadj non users –ARM1: 102 47.5 Median 55 survival = 0.027 al 2011 [12] therapy –ARM2: 1311 ARM2: Mean months 2) Overall survival 2) 0.35; 95% CI: 0.12–1.00; 55 ARM2: p = 0.05 Median 63 months

Spera et al Beta blockers Beta blockers – 1144 patients ARM1: Median Median: 25.1 1) Progression free 1) 0.52; 95%CI: 0.34–0.80; p Hazard ratio 2017 1 [13] users non users –ARM1: 152 60 months survival = 0.002 –ARM2: 991 ARM2: Median 2) Overall survival 2) 0.87; 95%CI: 0.58–1.31; p 53 = 0.504

Spera et al Beta blockers Beta blockers – 35 patients – – 1) Relapse free 1) 0.69; 95%CI: 0.35–1.34; p Hazard ratio 2017 - 2 users non users survival = 0.269 [13] 2) Overall survival 2) 0.73; 95%CI: 0.35–1.48; p = 0.384 6

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 Table 2. Outcomes for each clinical study. (continued)

Chan et al Tetramyolib- – – 36 patients – Median 6.3 Event free survival Stage II/III patients 90% (95% Two-year 2017 [14] date years CI: 78%–100%) event free rate Stage IV patients: 69% (95% CI: 49%–96%)

Hasegawa et Zoledronic Chemothera- – 34 patients – – Pathological ARM1: 6/17(35.3%) CI: 12.6– Pathological al 2015 [15] acid + Neo- py alone complete response 58.0; ARM2: 2/17(11.8%) CI: complete re- adj chemo- rates 0.0–27.1; p = 0.112 sponse rates therapy Chemo- Chemo- therapy: therapy: Four cycles Four cycles of of FEC100 FEC100 ev- every 3 weeks ery 3 weeks followed by followed by 12 cycles of 12 cycles of paclitaxel at paclitaxel at 80 mg/m2 80 mg/m2

Ishikawa et al Zoledronic Chemothera- – 34 patients – – Three years disease ARM1: 94.1%; ARM2: 70.6%; Percentage 2017 [16] acid + Neoadj py alone free survival p = 0.077 chemo- therapy Chemo- therapy: Chemo- Four cycles therapy: of FEC100 Four cycles followed by of FEC100 paclitaxel followed by paclitaxel

Retsky et al Ketorolac Chemothera- – Not specified – 27.3 months Disease free Far superior disease-free sur- – 2012 [17] + Chemo- py alone survival vival in the first few years after therapy surgery (no data shown)

Chow et al Celecoxib – – 2 patients – – 1) Pathological 1) 0% Percentage 2013 [18] (200mg) complete response 2) 50% + Neoadj 2) Near Patho- chemo: logical complete response Chemo- therapy: Four cycles of FEC followed by four cycles of 7

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 Table 2. Outcomes for each clinical study. (continued)

Shiao et al Antiplatelet Not antiplate- – 222 patients ARM1: Median ARM1: Me- 1) Five years Dis- 1) ARM1: 80.4%; ARM2: –Percentage 2017 [19] users + let users + –ARM1 65 55 dian: 41.3 ease free survival 62.3%; 0.503 (0.261–0.970) –Hazard ratio Possible che- Possible che- –ARM2 157 ARM2: Median ARM2: Me- 2) Five years Over- p = 0.04 motherapy motherapy 50 dian 40.9 all survival 2) ARM1: 77.2%; ARM2: 3) Five years 69%;0.652 (0.343–1.239) p Distant metastasis = 0.192 rate 3) ARM1: 8.8%; ARM2: 31.9%; 0.310 (0.132–0.729) p = 0.007

Williams et al Aspirin users Not aspirin – 147 patients – – 1) Overall survival No specific outcome for TNBC Hazard ratio 2018 [20] + Possible users + –ARM1: 33 2) Disease free comparing ARM1 versus chemother- Possible che- –ARM2: 114 survival ARM2 apy motherapy

Pierga et al Celecoxib Chemo- – 78 patients – – Pathological com- 29.5% (95% CI: 19.7%–40.9%) Pathological 2010 [21] + Chemo- therapy –ARM1: 44 plete response complete re- therapy –ARM2: 34 sponse rates Chemo- Chemo- therapy: therapy: Eight cycles of Eight cycles EC-D of EC-D

Tsubamoto Itraconazole – – 13 patients Median: 45 – 1) Response rates 1) 62% (95% CI: 35%–88%) Pathological et al 2014 + Chemo- 2) Progression free 2) 10.8 months (95% CI: complete re- [22] therapy survival 7.6–15.3 months) sponse rates 3) Overall survival 3) 20.4 months (95% CI: Chemother- 13.1–41.4 months) apy : docetaxel, carbo- platin, and , ,

Wang et al Esomepra- Esomeprazole Chemotherapy 15 patients – – Time to progres- 1) 10.7 (ARM1+ARM2) and Median time 2015 [23] zole low dose high dose –ARM1: 2 sion 5.8 months (ARM3); p = 0.011 (80mg) + che- (100mg) + Docetaxel –ARM2: 6 motherapy chemo- followed by –ARM3: 7 therapy Chemo- therapy: Chemo- Docetaxel therapy: followed by Docetaxel cisplatin followed by cisplatin 8

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 Table 2. Outcomes for each clinical study. (continued)

Nanda et al Mifepristone Mifepristone Placebo 4 patients – – Treatment re- Three patients have partial – 2016 [24] (300mg) + (300mg) + –No informa- sponse response, and one patient Paclitaxel Paclitaxel tion on treat- complete response ments

Lacerda et al Statins + Postmas- – –ARM1: 16 – Median: 2.5 3 years Risk of No specific outcome for TNBC – 2014 [25] Postmas- tectomy –ARM2: 86 years locoregional recur- tectomy radiation rence radiation

Shaitelman users Statin users Not statin users -ARM1: 293 – Median: 75.1 ARM1 versus 1) 0.82 (95% CI: 0.57–1.16) Relative risk et al 2017 (patients with -ARM2: 576 months ARM3 2) 0.70 (95% CI: 0.47–1.03) [26] lipid/choles- 1)Recurrence 3) 0.60 (95% CI: 0.36–1.03) terol values) 2)BCa Death 4) 0.51 (95% CI: 0.28–0.93)

ARM2 versus ARM3 3)Recurrence 4)BCa Death multicentresingle armstudy open-label of Chow etal were shownfor inthe article patients.TNBC The second study, aphaseII completecal responserates, comparisonno specific but on thisoutcome plus celecoxib. The authors stated that celecoxib did not improve pathologi- stagewith II/III comparingTNBC chemotherapy alone chemotherapywith of Pierga et al Celecoxib was analysed intwofirst,II randomisedthe studies:aphase study NSAIDs 70.6%). zoledronicwith acid was higher compared toother the (94.1% arm versus alone (p = 0.077) despite the fact that the percentage of patients in treatment acid showed nosignificant benefitcompared to theneoadjuvant treatment the 3 years diseasefree survival, neoadjuvant chemotherapy zoledronic plus 12.6–58.0) chemotherapywith alone(2/17(11.8%)CI:0.0–27.1). Also for comparing neoadjuvant chemotherapy plus zoledronic acid(6/17 (35.3%) CI: setting. Pathological complete response was not significant (p = 0.112) when zoledronicwith chemotherapy acidplus versus chemotherapy inneoadjuvant same cohortthe of patients(34 women stagewith IIA/IIIB treatedTNBC) phase II,openlabel,randomised studyanalysed but different outcomes in Theof articles Hasegawa et al[15]andIshikawa [16]referred to thesame Zoledronic acid free survival was 90%. stagewith II/III adjuvantduring TNBC setting, showed thattwo year event women treated tetrathiomolybdate.with The study, performed on36 women [14] was tochange assessthe in VEGFR2+endothelial progenitor cells in The primary endpointof studylabel singlearm II open phase of Chanet al Tetramolybdate comes wereobtained. non-diabeticgroup (0.38). Also, after adjustments, nosignificant survival out in themetformin group,64% inthenon-metformin groupand 54%inthe non-diabeticin the 66% group (p =0.58).Recurrence free survival was 65% vival was 67%inthemetformin group, 69%inthenon-metformin group and metformingroup in thenon-diabetic and60% group (p =0.23).Overall sur metastasisfree survival weremetforminin the 73% group, in thenon- 66% and 1318notdiabetic patients). The 5 years survival estimates for distant patients receiving metformin, 67diabeticpatients not receiving metformin in the USA between 1995 and 2007. In total, 1,448 patients (63 diabetic women receivedwho adjuvantchemotherapy orwith metforminwithout macy data from theBreast Cancer Management System Database compared The retrospective study of Bayraktar etand phar chart medical al[10]using Metformin [21] performed between 2004and2007, analysed 23 women , analysed women [18], 9 - - -

Review showed that statin use was predictive for OS(HR:0.10, when amultivariate analysis was performed (taking inconsideration andtriglyceride values, stage andchemotherapy, theauthors compared to thenon-statinusers group(0.82 (0.57–1.16);0.70(0.47–1.03) relative riskof recurrence andbreastcancer death, respectively); stage I–III receivingTNBC statins at anyfrom time diagnosis. The authors showed that patients receiving statins didnot get any advantage The retrospective study of Shaitelman etal Statins nor any outcome information could beretrieved from thisarticle analysed (those patients were allocated to mifepristonepaclitaxel plus or placebo). Unfortunately, noinformation patients about allocation, In thePhase I, randomised study of Nanda andcolleagues performed inUSA, four women with metastatic or locally advanced TNBC were Mifepristone of patients receiving esomeprazole when compared to chemotherapy was significantly higher (10.7 versus 5.8months; p=0.011). receiving only chemotherapy, two esomeprazole low doseandsixesomeprazole highdose). The authors showed that tothe time progression The phaseII,openlabel,randomised study of Wang et al Esomeprazole overall survival was 20.4 months (95%CI:13.1–41.4months). made. The authors showed that response rate was 62%([CI], progression 35%–88%), free survival was 10.8months (95%CI, 7.6–15.3)and patients who progressed after prior chemotherapy were treated chemotherapywith incombination itraconazole.with No comparison was between 2008and2012to analye response rate, medianprogression-free survival andmedianoverall survival of thirteen patients. TNBC The of article Tsubamoto et al [22] reportedresults the of aretrospective study that usedmedicalrecords of theKohan in hospital Japan Itraconazole surgery’ butnodata were shown inparticular about TNBC. the authors saidthatgroup the receiving chemotherapyketorolac plus showed a‘far superior diseasefree survival inthefirst few years after axillaryNo dissection. informationthe cohort about (as for the number of patients with age,TNBC, etc…) was reported. Also, for theresults and 2008[27],in ketorolacwhich chemotherapy plus was compared to chemotherapy alonein women who underwent mastectomy with Finally, Retsky et al nosis (results were presented only for thetotal cohort of breast cancer patients andnot for subtype).TNBC thataspirin may havepathogenesison the animpact of donotbut TNBC seemto affect breastcancer survival when usedafter cancer diag- diagnosis, and14after diagnosis) to analyse overall survival anddisease-free survival between 2005and2013.Results of thisstudy indicated performed in USA used electronic medicalrecords of 147 women with primary operable stages I-III (114 TNBC never used aspirin, 19 before ratio was notsignificant between two the 0.652 (0.343–1.239);p=0.192). (HR: arms The second retrospective study of Williams et[20] al p = 0.04; anti- 8.8%,no anti-platelet 31.9%,HR:0.310 (0.132–0.729); p = 0.007, respectively). Five years overall survival hazard hazardtasis ratios was significantly improved infavour offirst the arm(anti-platelet 80.4%,noanti-platelet 0.503(0.261–0.970); 62.3%, HR: patients in both arms(6.3%and7.1%,respectively) did not receive chemotherapy. Five years disease free survival and 5 years distant metas- Sixty-five women were treated anti-plateletwith therapy (as aspirinor clopidogrel) and157 with noanti-platelet therapy. A percentage of versity of Texas Southwestern registry, TNBC analysed acohortof 222 women with stage II/III intheUSATNBC between 2005abd2013. Aspirin was analysed in two retrospective studies. The first retrospective study of Shiao this cohort. primarywith breastcancer. Unfortunately, only two patients primarywith TNBC were includedandauthors could not show any result about ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 [17] showed theupdated resultsof aretrospective study performed inBelgium usingmedicalrecords between 2003 used medical records[26] usedmedical from theMD Anderson Cancer Centre to investigate if women with p =0.026,95%CI:0.01–0.76). [23] analysed acohort of 15 women with metastatic or recurrent TNBC (seven [24]. et al[19] that collected medical records from Uni- 10

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 [25] didnot show any results for TNBC patients. improvementof for OS patientsstatinin the group (with exceptionthe of themultivariate analysis), while thesecond study of Lacerda et al retrieved only two retrospectiveon their studies useinthe cohort.TNBC The articleof Shaitelman etal Despite manytotrying studies evaluate theuseof statins inbreast cancer treatment [33–36],intheliterature search onPubMed, we (women with operable stage I-III TNBC). benefitin women stagewith II/IIIby theuseof aspirin, Williams et al The of articles Shiao etal ongoing. oftion TNBC women comparedwhen to notusers. Of note, two studiesontheuseof metformin inclinicaltrials.gov on patientsTNBC are efficacy inthetreatment of women with BayraktarTNBC. et al While BBs demonstrated to bebeneficialtreatmentin the of metformin,TNBC, apromising moleculeinpreclinical didnot studies, show any static potential. Unfortunately, authors didnot present results stratified for breast cancer sub-type. reduced intra-tumoral mesenchymaltransition andpromoted immunecell infiltration reducing biomarkers associated with meta- compared to placebo in60 women earlywith stage surgically-resectable breast cancer. [32]. The authors showed that thetreatment with patients.TNBC Oneblinded phaseIIrandomised triple trialevaluated the useof pre-operative propranolol (seven days before surgery) BBsplus [11–13].Unfortunately, inclinicaltrials.gov we found nostudiesthat specifically attempt to evaluate BBs within clinicaltrialsfor benefitsof thesedrugsin women advancedwith and inearlyTNBC primary patientsTNBC treated with thecombination of chemotherapy BetaBlockers (BBs)to seem bethemore promisingrepurposingin the drugs for thetreatment of TNBC. Three articlesshowed significant of thestudiesdidnot report any result for TNBC cohort isapartofwhen this abigger BCcohort. onlytrials clinical few ofa large used studies the of sample and gave cases explicit results ontherepurposing of olddrugsfor SomeTNBC. was produced fordatabasein the included drugs for treatment the of onlyTNBC, few of them were tested inclinicaltrials.Moreover, in gate already approved noncancer-drugsin theoncology setting.Using thisReDO_DB, we foundthat out despite alot of preclinical evidence hypothetical repurposed drugsand far from theaimof the ReDO project. The project, in particular, aims to drive scientist attention to investi- pharmacological approaches that, despite theinterest for theresearch [28–31],unless validated by preclinical studies,represent only future cancer. Thus, thedatabase doesnotpotential include repurposingcandidates identified through insilico modellingor other computational and tumour subtypes. The ReDO approachliteratureis basedonpublished anddoesnot aimto identify new active compounds against to the database new drugs for which there are preclinical evidence, and by giving visitors a specific PubMed search string for each tumour of non-cancer-drugsin oncology, andReDO_DBis apowerful tool that needto bedynamically implemented with recent findings,by adding fromstarting preclinicalevidence andgoing through current trials.ReDO clinical isanambitiousproject aimingto investigate therepurposing This review presentsan overview ofevidences allthe repurposingthe about of old,licensed, non-cancer-drugs inthetreatmentof TNBC, Future directions two for metformin, two for mifepristone, andthree for zoledronic acid. presentdrugs the only oneor fewon this published studies website. In total, three studiesare recruiting for theassessmentof atorvastatin, completedfortrials clinical TNBC. Searching the web site of clinicaltrials.gov (clinicaltrials.gov), we found only of 17drugsout 286presented intheReDo_DB with ongoing or Clinicaltrials.gov mastectomy radiation plusstatins (16patients). Unfortunately noinformation theoutcome about in patientsTNBC was shown. cancer who received adjuvant post-mastectomy radiotherapy. 102patients underwent post-mastectomy radiation (86patients) or post- 1995 and 2011, analysed the risk of loco-regional recurrence at 3 years associated to the use of statins, in patients with inflammatory breast The retrospective study of Lacerda et al and Williams [19] Table 3showsoflist the and therecruitment trials status for eachdrug. As shown in using Breast[25] using Cancer Management database at MD Anderson Cancer Centre inUSA between etal [20] showed conflicting results onaspirin. While thefirststudy showed asignificant survival [10] showed that metformin doesnot improve survival outcomes inapopula- [20] didnot show thisbenefit inthebreast cancer population examined [26] reported anon-significant Table 3,mostpartof 11

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 Table 3.Ongoing trialsfound inClinicaltrials.gov. Zoledronic acid Ritonavir Omeprazole Mifepristone Metformin Mebendazole Leflunomide Lansoprazole Indomethacin Flucytosine Epalrestat Doxycycline Celecoxib Atorvastatin Acetylsalicylicacid Drugs (REDO_DB) metastases of malignancy, treat painfrom fractures andtreat hypercalcemia Osteoporosis, prophylaxis of skeletal Anti-retroviral Abortifacient Diabetes Parasitic Arthritis Antacid Analgesia Depression Candida and/or Cryptococcus Diabetes infection Respiratory/urinary tract/ophtalmic dysmenorrhea OA, RA, JRA, AS, acute pain,primary nary syndrome Coronary heartdisease,acute coro - attacks or venous embolismandfurther heart Analgesia, swelling, prophylaxis of Main indication Bone resorption inhibitor HIV protease inhibitor ATPase inhibitor receptor antagonist receptor ntagonist|progesterone sensitizer Tubulin polymerisation inhibitor kinasereceptor inhibitor Dihydroorotate dehydrogenase inhibitor|PDGFR ATPase inhibitor Cyclooxygenase inhibitor Norepinephrine reputake inhibitor|serotonin Other inhibitor Metalloproteinase inhibitor Cyclooxygenase inhibitor HMGCR inhibitor Cyclooxygenase inhibitor Mechanism of action Stopped dueto thelow accrual rate)) NCT02347163 (Recruitment Status : Active) NCT02595138 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting); NCT03358017 (Recruitment Status : Completed) NCT01009437 (Recruitment Status : Active) NCT02950259 (Recruitment Status : Completed) NCT02014337 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting) NCT02788981 (Recruitment Status : Status :Recruiting) Completed); NCT02201381(Recruitment NCT01650506 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting) NCT02201381 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting) NCT03709446 (Recruitment Status : yet recruiting) NCT03794596 (Recruitment Status :Not Active) NCT02950259 (Recruitment Status : yet recruiting) NCT03122444 (Recruitment Status :Not Active) NCT02576665 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting) NCT03244358 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting) NCT02201381 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting) NCT03599453 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting) NCT02201381 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting); NCT03872388 (Recruitment Status : Recruiting); NCT03358017 (Recruitment Status : (3)

Clinical trial.gov 12

Review ecancer 2020, 14:1071; www.ecancer.org; DOI:https://doi.org/10.3332/ecancer.2020.1071 This study was supported by Fondazione Decima Regio ‘Olga eRaimondo Curri’, Via Cimarra 44-B,Roma. Funding pretationof and discussion study results. draftedAS andSD themanuscripts. All authors revised andapproved thefinal version of thepaper. conceivedand SC MZ study. the extractedAS data. the thedatasupervised SD extraction. MZ,SD, SC, AS, andPP contributed to theinter Authors' contributions The authors declare that they have noconflict of interest Conflicts of interest still needto beassessedor proven for thetreatment of TNBC. From theliterature retrieved, BBs seemedto bethemore promising drugsfor therepurposing, while evidence other about drugsasNSAIDs for thisparticular typeof cancer. on TNBC. one data,on omics have repurposed included and havedrugs reported interesting casereports of responses from patients [38,39],however no the opportunity to investigate weather non-anticancer drugs might be effective in cancer treatment. Some precision medicine studies, based Drugrepurposing isahighly interestingnovel strategy foroncology the community andReDO_DB isapowerful tool that cangive authors Final remarks repurposing. tiveto studies beeffectivetreatment inthe of patients,TNBC randomised clinicaltrialsmight beimportantto confirm theevidence of the strong evidence, large retrospective cohortarestudies neededto evaluate effectiveness. Further, asfor BBs that have proven by retrospec Forcollected thosedrugs inReDO_DB favourablewith preclinicalevidence or whose retrospective clinicaltrials were not solarge to provide a promising pCR rate without adding toxicity. patients and 71.8 % (95%CI: 55.1–85.0) in all enrolled patients, demonstrating that the omeprazole in addition to neoadjuvant AC-T yields and thedrug was well tolerated with noknown grade 3or 4toxicities. Furthermore, thepCR rate was 71.4%(95% CI:51.3–86.8)inFASN+ was investigated. FASNpositivity significantly decreased omeprazolewith from 0.53(SD=0.25)at baselineto= 0.30;p0.02), 0.38(SD in combination -taxanewith (AC-T) was administered to 42patients until surgery, andpathologic complete response (pCR) meeting. of omeprazole onpatients operablewith independentTNBC of baselineFatty acidsynthase (FASN) expression was presented at the ASCO Other authors showed significant results on the survival of patientsTNBC treated esomeprazole.with Recently, one phaseII study on activity [37] In vitro, protoninhibitors pump FASN inhibit activity andinduce apoptosis inbreastcancer cell lines.In thisstudy, omeprazole

Due to thelow number of therapeutic approvedopportunities for repurposingTNBC, of olddrugsseemsa valuable approach 13 - -

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