Stevens County Rare Plants County List
Stevens County Rare Plants County List Scientific Name Common Name Habitat Family Name State Federal Status Status Antennaria parvifolia Nuttall's pussy-toes sandy, gravelly, ponderosa pine Asteraceae S Anthoxanthum hirtum common northern sweet grass moist meadows, riparian areas Poaceae R1 W side (high elevation), E side Astragalus microcystis least bladdery milk-vetch gravelly to sandy areas Fabaceae S forests, wet and dry meadows, rocky soils, nest to perennial streams, Botrychium ascendens triangle-lobed moonwort 2100-6400 ft elev Ophioglossaceae S SC Botrychium crenulatum crenulate moonwort moist areas forests Ophioglossaceae S SC shrub-steppe, moist, dry meadows, Botrychium hesperium western moonwort forests Ophioglossaceae T Forests, moist meadows, riparian Botrychium paradoxum two-spiked moonwort areas, compacted old roadbeds Ophioglossaceae T SC moist or dry meadows, riparian, Botrychium pedunculosum stalked moonwort forests Ophioglossaceae S SC Carex comosa bristly sedge Marshes, lake shores, wet meadows Cyperaceae S Wet meadows forested wetlands, Carex flava yellow sedge riparian areas, wetlands Cyperaceae S Carex magellanica ssp. irrigua boreal bog sedge wetlands, wet meadows, marshes Cyperaceae S Carex pallescens pale sedge wet meadows, meadows Cyperaceae R1 Carex proposita Smoky Mountain sedge High elevation Cyperaceae T Cicuta bulbifera bulb-bearing water-hemlock wetlands, bogs, streams Apiaceae S Cryptogramma stelleri Steller's rockbrake moist shaded cliffs in forests Pteridaceae S bogs, wet forests, pond edges, Cypripedium
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