Merced Community College District Special Board of Trustees meeting held June 8, 2015

1. Public Session Call to Order The Board President (Dennis Jordan) called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m. The meeting was held in the Margaret M. Randolph Board Room on the Campus in Merced.

Members Present: Dennis Jordan, Joe Gutierrez, Gary Arzamendi, Cindy Lashbrook, Wayne Hicks, Jean Upton

2. Hearing of the Public An opportunity was provided for members of the public to address the Board on matters of general district business.

No one addressed the board.

4. Tour of ITS and Related Department Work Areas The Board traveled to the ITS Department for a tour of the facility and also toured an instructional computer lab in the Vocational Building.

5. Closed Session The Board President referenced the item to be presented during closed session then closed the meeting to the public. The closed session item is listed below. a. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE EVALUATION Title: Superintendent/President

7. Resume Public Session There was no action to report from closed session.

8. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.

Approved Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Page 1 Merced Community College District Board of Trustees meeting held June 9, 2015

1. Public Session Call to Order The Board President (Dennis Jordan) called the meeting to order at 5:04 p.m. The meeting was held in the Margaret M. Randolph Board Room on the Merced College Campus in Merced. Agenda items 2, 3 and 4 were pulled to take place following closed session. Following closed session it was agreed that item 3 and 4 would be moved to after item 13.

2. Hearing of the Public An opportunity was provided for members of the public to address the Board on matters of general district business.

No one addressed the board.

3. Resume Public Session The public session reconvened at 6:20 p.m. in the Margaret M. Randolph Board Room on the Merced College Campus in Merced.

Members Present: Dennis Jordan, Joe Gutierrez, Gary Arzamendi, Cindy Lashbrook, Wayne Hicks, Jean Upton, Leonel Villarreal, Katie Morrill Others Present: Ronald C. Taylor, Mary Gilliland, Chris Vitelli, Joanne Schultz, Patrick Mitchell (MCFA), Chuck Hergenraeder (Management Association), Charlene Reed (Classified Senate), Cody Camacho (ASMC), Paul Baxter, Rich Randall, Arlis Bortner, Jim Andersen, Tracie Green, Cherie Davis, Will Resendes, Todd Blake, Sheila Flores, Denise Butler (Recording Secretary)

4. Closed Session Items The Board President referenced the items to be presented during closed session then closed the meeting to the public. The closed session items are listed below.

a. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE DISCIPLINE/DISMISSAL/RELEASE (Government Code Section 54957) b. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency designated representative: Ronald C. Taylor Employee organization: Management (see attached list) c. CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATORS Agency designated representative: Ronald C. Taylor Employee organization: CSEA Chapter 274 d. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL – ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to paragraph (2) or(3) of subdivision (d) of section 54956.9. 2 potential cases e. FACULTY GRIEVANCE HEARING: Government Code Section 3549.1 f. FACULTY GRIEVANCE HEARING: Government Code Section 3549.1

Page 2 President Jordan reported the following action from closed session: The Board voted unanimously to deny the grievance brought forward by MCFA.

5. Pledge of Allegiance Dr. Taylor led the Pledge of Allegiance.

6. Hearing of the Public An opportunity was provided for members of the public to address the Board on matters of general district business.

Patrick Mitchell thanked the board for their time and was disappointed the board did not approve the grievance that was presented in closed session and MCFA will pursue the next steps. He also shared his disappointment of the early tenure request that was denied last month for Martina Marquez. He read a statement and referenced Ed Code 87608.25.

7. Additions and/or Changes to the Agenda MSC (Hicks/Lashbrook) to remove items 13e Krafft Ranch, 13h Destruction Class II Records and 13i Destruction of Class II Records. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

10. Presentations a. Web Design Update Jeribai Tascoe and Alice Nguyen presented an overview of what the new website will look like for the District’s public webpage, which is expected to launch November 1, 2015. The upgrade was supported by the Student Equity Plan and will give students much improved web access and serve as a tool for outreach to targeted populations in the 3-year equity plan.

b. Board Education – Informational Technology Services Plan Update Dr. Schultz presented an overview of the ITS department to include accomplishments, changes, short-term solutions, processes, staff locations, staffing challenges along with the current and proposed structure.

11. Constituent Reports a. From Academic Senate None.

b. From Faculty Association Patrick Mitchell shared with the board a video clip featuring Bryan Tassey’s water conservation plan developed for Merced College, which was aired on Channel 30 Action News. He also shared an issue with Administration that has recently arisen with a part-time instructor that was assigned 16 units for part-time pay. He shared success stories from faculty.

c. From Classified Senate Charlene Reed shared that four Classified Senate employees were able to attend a “How to Communicate with Tact and Professionalism” Workshop. She recently attended the Classified Leadership Institute and Merced College Classified Senate

Page 3 was awarded the Model Senate Award.

d. From CSEA None.

e. From Police Officers Association Officer Tim Martin thanked the college community for their participation in the Police Officers Memorial Day. A new police officer position is moving forward and it will bring the District force to four sworn officers. He is very impressed with the quality of staff holding the part-time CSO positions.

f. From Management Association Chuck Hergenraeder shared that elections will be held at the next Management Team Meeting to replace outgoing officers Stacey Hicks and Autumn Gardia. Workshops have been scheduled in unison with HR to assist managers. The association guidelines will be reviewed in July. June 25th is the next ELI training on Emotional Intelligence. The Management Team will be implementing a “Manager of the year” program and the first one will be awarded at convocation.

g. From ASMC Katie Morrill shared that ASMC is actively working on the sustainability challenge.

12. Consideration of Consent Agenda Addendum regarding personnel was added.

MSC (Hicks/Lashbrook) to approve the consent agenda items as summarized below with the addition of the Personnel Addendum. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

a. Minutes for meeting held May 12, 2015 b. Contract as Summarized on Schedule 15-64 c. Warrants, Payroll Registers and Trip Requests as Summarized on Schedule 15-65 d. Resolutions 15-94 through 15-99, Intrabudget Transfers e. Resolutions 15-100 through 15-101, Use of Unbudgeted Funds f. Personnel Schedule 15-66 h. Blanket Purchase Orders as Summarized on Schedule 15-66 i. Purchase Orders as Summarized on Schedule 15-68 j. Authorization to Declare Unusable Furniture and Equipment Surplus Property as Summarized on Schedule 15-69 k. Curriculum Revisions as listed on Schedule 15-70 l. Donation

13. To the Board for Discussions and/or Action

a. Request to Award Janitorial Supplies Bid #2015-07 Dr. Schultz shared that this request is a result of attempting to reduce costs for janitorial supplies and is done on an annual basis.

Page 4 MSC (Hicks/Arzamendi) to award the bid for janitorial supplies to the lowest bidder per item as provided. The companies being awarded bids are: Randik for 26 items totaling $30,058.86; Central Sanitary Supply for 24 items totaling $13,908.64; Hillyard for 13 items totaling $6,222.32; P&R Paper for 11 items totaling $31,510.23, Central Poly Corp for 1 item totaling $12,561.48 and, Unipak for 1 items totaling $466.56. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

b. Request to Award Telephone System Bid #2015-06 and Vendor Presentation Arlis Bortner and Chuck Hergenraeder gave an overview of the process for the preparation of the formal bid that included working with the campus community to ensure that the new system would meet their needs. The current system is not functioning properly and it is very important to get it replaced. Andrew Devlin and Aaron Lee from Mitel and Maverik Networks were introduced to the Board and spoke briefly about the system.

MSC (Villarreal/Hicks) to award the bid for the telephone system to the lowest bidder Maverick Networks. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

c. Contract with Strata Information Group Dr. Schultz explained the Strata Information Group contract to use as an outside organization to assist with the ITS assessment and plan for the future.

Diana Butts and Cherie Davis shared their concern that the District evaluate all other departments in the future and not just focus on ITS.

MSC (Upton/Lashbrook) to accept the Strata Information Group contract. Trustees Jordan and Gutierrez voted no. The student advisory vote was aye.

d. Amendment to Contract MC2262 with Ken Sadler Dr. Schultz reviewed the amended contract for the lease of the Los Banos Farm property for 2015.

MSC (Hicks/Upton) to accept the amendment to the contract with Ken Sadler. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

e. New Lease for Krafft Ranch Item pulled from the agenda.

f. Proposed 2015-16 Tentative Budget Dr. Schultz and Joe Allison provided information on the proposed 2015-16 tentative budget for the unrestricted general fund. There will be quite a few changes to the final budget and this is very tentative. This information included the process timeline, the current status of the state budget, revenue assumptions and projections, expense assumptions and projections, and the reserve/fund balance assumptions and projections.

Page 5 MSC (Villarreal/Arzamendi) to approve the proposed 2015-16 tentative budget as presented. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

g. District Five-Year Construction Plan 2017-2021 Sheila Flores shared that this item comes before the Board each year and is submitted to the Chancellor’s Office on an annual basis per Ed Code. Process and timelines are laid out in the backup material.

MSC (Villeareal/Arzamendi) to approve the District five-year construction plan for the 2017-21 first funding year. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

h. Destruction of Class 3 Records – Disposable Records from Fiscal Services Item pulled from agenda.

i. Destruction of Class 3 Records – Disposable Records from CalWORKS Item pulled from agenda.

j. Resolution in Support of Differential Funding for CTE Programs Dr. Taylor recommended the District adopt a resolution to support the changes to community college funding to include differential funding for high cost career technical education programs.

MSC (Arzamendi/Hicks) to accept the resolution in support of Differential Funding for CTE Programs. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

k. Institutional Effectiveness Goals and Framework Dr. Taylor shared that as part of the trailer bill for student success we are required to adopt goals. Dr. Taylor recommended the board adopt the framework of indicators and the board adopt the institutional effectiveness goals.

MSC (Villarreal/Hicks) to accept the Institutional Effectiveness Goals and Framework. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

l. Consultant Contract for Recruitment of Vice President of Instruction Dr. Taylor gave an overview of the need to hire an outside consultant for the recruitment for the Vice President of Instruction position.

MSC (Hicks/Villarreal) to accept the contract for the consultant for the recruitment of the Vice President of Instruction. Jordan, Upton, and Lashbrook voted no. The student advisory vote was aye.

14. Comments from Outgoing Student Trustee Katie Morrill noted that the student trustee position was a wonderful opportunity and a meaningful experience in her life. She said that she is glad the sustainability plan was Page 6 approved and she would like to see the college create a better campus life with more activities. She urged everyone to continue to bring people together for education and work towards the vision we have for the college. She thanked her fellow trustees.

15. Administer Oath of Office to Incoming Student Trustee Gary Arzamendi administered the oath to the incoming student trustee, Andres Garza III.

14. To the Board for Information a. Quarterly Financial Status Report, 2014-15 Fiscal Year; Quarter Ended March 31, 2015 Joe Allison reviewed the information on the Quarterly Financial Status Report for the 2014-15 Fiscal Year; Quarter ending March 31, 2015.

b. Update from Vice President of Instruction Dr. Gilliland shared that leaving was a very difficult decision and she is thankful for the opportunity she has had as the VPI at Merced College. Faculty Obligation Numbers (FON) are close to where we want them to be. She complimented the entire staff from the Office of Instruction for their achievements and dedication. Obligations for curriculum have been met and Program Review and Assessment numbers have improved. Summer enrollments are solid with 767 FTES. The prison grant that was applied for with the State was not approved. There is an opportunity to still hold classes to generate FTES as pilot courses at the prison. She complemented the ITS staff for their assistance and noted that the department is very understaffed to complete projects.

c. Update from Vice President of Student Services Chris Vitelli shared that there is an opportunity for additional funding for SSSP and Student Equity and the Chancellor is working on legislation on the match requirement. These funds will assist in providing the proper amount of staff to serve our students, which are essential. Mike McCandless has been appointed as the new Dean of Student Equity and Success and has a strong background to support this program. For the Dean of Student Services the search process has started. The Veterans department is in need of more space and we are looking to expand their area which will affect many other departments. A plan most likely will be shared at the next board meeting. There is possible legislation in process for undocumented students that will require community colleges to create a “dream center” if we have more than 500 undocumented students. Later this summer Student Services will hold a strategic planning retreat to connect with the college goals and strategic plan.

13. Reports a. From Board Members Wayne Hicks shared that he hates to see Mary leave but appreciates her family values. He thanked ITS for the great tour and staying for the entire meeting.

Gary Arzamendi thanked Mary and Katie for their time and ITS for the tour. He appreciated everyone that attended the meeting and their patience.

Leonel Villarreal thanked the ITS staff for the tour and their hard work. He thanked Mary and Katie for their term and welcomed Andres.

Page 7 Dennis Jordan thanked Sheila and Denise for covering for Stacey and wished her a quick recovery from surgery. He complimented the ITS staff for being here and thanked them for the tour and he added that they are the cutting edge to move the college forward. He shared that he has concerns about enrollment and would like any ideas to address the issue. Another area of concern is we need to keep focused on moving all employees ahead in training and remuneration and he hopes that one day this will come. He thanked Mary for the great job and she will be missed. He thanked Katie for her devoted time on the board. Every department should work on how we can move our students along faster and we need to be aware of what we can do for them to get to the success they are aiming for. He wished everyone a great summer. And, he added that he was impressed with Bryan Tassey’s water conservation efforts.

Joe Gutierrez thanked Katie for her service and he will miss Mary and wished her the best. He mentioned that he met with the Los Banos City Manager about a bike path and he was receptive to the idea. There is the possibility that there might be a grant for the City to install bike paths. He will keep everyone updated on the progress.

Jean Upton complimented the proposed changes to the website and enjoyed the presentation that Brian Tassey did on water conservation. She said that she is very proud of the District’s security department and was impressed with the ITS department. She welcomed the new student and she will miss both Mary and Katie.

Cindy Lashbrook said goodbye to both Mary and Katie and thanked them for the soft touch with a strong spine. She welcomed Andres. She attended various District functions and enjoyed them all. She feels like things are moving in a good direction with the college and we are taking the ball forward.

b. Superintendent’s Report

Dr. Taylor shared that we have started summer session and a lot of work has been transpiring with staff around campus. He attended various functions to include the Peace Officers Memorial and a memorial for Laura Ingram. The University of has increased the transfer rate, which is positive news. Chancellor Harris has urged us to stay in touch with High Speed Rail, which we are doing. There is an opportunity for a student trustee to serve on the League’s board. A draft report was received for the accreditation visit for the Sonography program and a few adjustments will be made to offset the deficiencies. The Adult Education Consortium held their last meeting, going over the budget trailer bill that is pending and the board will be asked to approve an official representative to the permanent consortium. In the future, discussion will be held with the board for a local bond for 2016 or 2018. A Board workshop will be held in either August or September. Many at the college were very sad about the recent loss of Barbara Williamson.

14. Future Discussion Items from Board Members

Wayne Hicks: Invite Chief of Police to talk about parking and having better traffic flow. Cindy Lashbrook: Would like to continue with the high school visits and expand to community visits for outreach.

15. Second Closed Session A second closed session was not needed. Page 8

15. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:32 p.m.

Approved Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Page 9 Merced Community College District Special Board of Trustees meeting held June 23, 2015

1. Public Session Call to Order The Board President (Dennis Jordan) called the meeting to order at 5:05 p.m. The meeting was held in the Margaret M. Randolph Board Room on the Merced College Campus in Merced.

Members Present: Dennis Jordan, Joe Gutierrez, Gary Arzamendi, Cindy Lashbrook, Wayne Hicks, Jean Upton, Leonel Villarreal Members Absent: Andres Garza III Others Present: Mary Gilliland, Chris Vitelli (Acting President), Tracie Green, Sheila Flores, Toni McCall (Recording Secretary)

2. Hearing of the Public An opportunity was provided for members of the public to address the Board on matters of general district business.

No one addressed the board.

3. Consideration of Consent Agenda

MSC (Hicks/Upton) to approve the consent agenda items as summarized. The Board vote was unanimous.

a. Contract as Summarized on Schedule 15-71 c. Personnel Schedule 15-72

4. To the Board for Discussions and/or Action

a. Request for Program Discontinuance – Cardiac Sonography Dr. Gilliland shared that the Program Investigation Committee in 2011 gave a recommendation to the Academic Senate to keep General Sonography and to discontinue the Cardiac Sonography program. Academic Senate did not approve the recommendation so nothing was done at the time. It was decided at the time to continue only the General Sonography program.

During a recent site visit from the external accreditation agency for sonography one of their findings notes we have the Cardiac Sonography program listed in the Merced College catalog and on the website but we are not doing it in practice. They requested the program be removed from our catalog and website.

MSC (Arzamendi/Villarreal) to approve the program discontinuance of the Cardiac Sonography program. The Board vote was unanimous.

5. To the Board for Information a. 2013-14 and 2014-15 Scheduled Maintenance Programs Sheila Flores shared as informational purposes the progress of the Scheduled Page 10 Maintenance projects for fiscal years 2013-14 and 2014-15. Projects have all been submitted to the Chancellor’s office. We have had some emergencies come up and some bid overages, which have resulted in a need to adjust the scheduled maintenance projects, and they are listed within the board backup.

A final list will be brought to the August Board of Trustees meeting.

6. Closed Session Board President Jordan referenced the items below and the Board adjourned to closed session.

a. PUBBLIC EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE EVALUATION Superintendent/President b. PUBLIC EMPLOYEE APPOINTMENT Vice President of Instruction, Interim

7. Adjournment There was nothing to report out of closed session.

The meeting was adjourned at 5:17 p.m.

Approved Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Page 11 Merced Community College District Special Board of Trustees meeting held July 13, 2015

1. Public Session Call to Order The Board President (Dennis Jordan) called the meeting to order at 9:09 a.m. The meeting was held in the Margaret M. Randolph Board Room on the Merced College Campus in Merced.

Members Present: Dennis Jordan, Joe Gutierrez (Via Phone/Los Banos, CA), Gary Arzamendi, Cindy Lashbrook, Wayne Hicks, Jean Upton, Andres Garza III Others Present: Mary Gilliland, Chris Vitelli, Joanne Schultz, Rich Randall, Nancy Golz (Academic Senate) Janet Lyle, Paul Baxter, Susan Walsh, Shelly Conner, Robin Shepard, Sheila Flores, Mai Meidinger, Cherie David, Denise Butler (Recording Secretary)

2. Hearing of the Public An opportunity was provided for members of the public to address the Board on matters of general district business.

No one addressed the board.

4. Consideration of Consent Agenda

MSC (Hicks/Arzamendi) to approve the consent agenda items as summarized. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

a. Contract as Summarized on Schedule 16.01 b. Personnel Schedule 16.02 c. Donations

5. To the Board for Discussions and/or Action

a. Rejection of Assessment Management System Bid #2015-05 Dr. Schultz shared that an RFP was posted and four responsive bids were received for the Assessment Management System. The Assessment Review Committee reviewed the bids submitted and requested to have it rebid.

MSC (Hicks/Upton) to approve the rejection of the Assessment Management System Bid #2015-05. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

b. Appointment of Interim Vice President of Instruction Dr. Taylor shared that Dr. Gilliland will be leaving shortly and an interim will need to be appointed until a permanent appointment is made. Several options were considered and he is recommending Dr. Susan Walsh to serve effective August 3, 2015 through December 31, 2015, or until a new vice president is appointed.

Page 12

MSC (Lashbrook/Upton) to approve the appointment of Susan Walsh as the Interim Vice President of Instruction. The Board vote was unanimous. The student advisory vote was aye.

6. To the Board for Information a. Process for Recruitment of Vice President of Instruction Dr. Taylor gave an update of the recruitment of the Vice President of Instruction. The closing date is August 17, 2015 and Tracie Green will give the board an update in August. He provided the board with assurance that the lead consultant, Stan Aterberry will be very diligent on the recruitment. His acceptance of the temporary appointment of CEO for Solano Community College was on the condition that he is given the time needed to work on our recruitment.

7. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 a.m.

Approved Secretary to the Board of Trustees

Page 13 Merced College Office of Administrative Services Contract Summary Report August 11, 2015 Board Meeting Schedule #16-03

Contract Contract Description Number MC2631 Seed Agreement with Alforex Seed Co (7/1/15-7/1/16) and the Merced College M.Gilliland Agriculture Program to grow experimental alfalfa seed on the college farm lab Filed #8 (8 acres). Alforex Seeds agrees to pay on a per acre basis $80/ac in ground preparation, $24/ac pump standby, and $250.88/ac for water. Income to District $4,200.

MC2632 Professional Services Agreement with Jeribai Tascoe, Designer/Consultant, C.Vitelli Venture Above, Inc., (8/12/15-11/30/15). To provide as a primary purpose of (categorical) photo shoot is to capture images that reflect the targeted populations of MC Equity Plan. The photos will be used in marketing and promotional materials, the MCCD website and other items directly and indirectly related to increasing access and success for students highlighted in the MC Equity Plan. Cost to District $3,000 (50% deposit due at start).

MC2633 Agreement with Regroup (7/1/15-6/30/16) for improved communications, safety C.Vitelli and preparedness in emergency situations, organizational efficiency and (categorical) increased engagement of key stakeholders. The software will allow for effectively messaging multiple target audiences across various communication mediums and to improve day-to-day communications. Cost to District $9,800 less $980 discount for net cost $8,820.

MC2634 WpLRC/Contract Education Agreement with UC Merced Dining Services (8/2/15- M.Gilliland 9/30/15) to provide one 3-hour Customer Service Presentation (fee-based/not- (categorical) for-credit). Income to District $800.

MC2635 WpLRC/Contract Education Agreement with Atwater Elementary School District M.Gilliland (7/12/15-9/30/15) to provide two 4-hour Customer Service workshops (fee- (categorical) based/not-for-credit). Income to District $2,428.10.

MC2636 WpLRC/Contract Education Agreement with City of Merced (8/1/15-10/31/15) to M.Gilliland provide one Employee Engagement class and one Leading with Strengths class (categorical) for City of Merced employees (fee-based/for-credit). Income to District $4,838.

MC2637 Affiliation Agreement with Valley Children’s Hospital (7/17/15-7/16/18) for M.Gilliland Registered Nursing Program for student clinical experience. No cost to District.

MC2638 Service Contract with Merced County Department of Workforce Investment with J.Schultz MCCD Bookstore (7/1/15-6/30/16) to provide textbooks and supplies for Workforce Investment Act (WIA) participants. Income to Bookstore $6,000.

MC2639 Affiliation Agreement with Kenneth Garvey, D.C. (6/30/15-3/18/17) for the Career M.Gilliland Advancement Academy Medical Assistant Program for student laboratory experience. No cost to District.

MC2640 Agreement with Merced Skimmers Swim Club (7/1/15-6/30/16) for use of Merced J.Schultz College swimming pool for the fiscal year 2015-16. Income to District $15,600.

Page 14 MC2641 Agreement with Merced Youth Soccer Association (7/1/15-6/30/16) for use of J.Schultz Merced College soccer fields for the fiscal year 2015-16. Income to District $5,000.

MC2642 Agreement with UC Cooperative Extension (8/17/15-8/16/16) to use field #8 (1.5 M.Gilliland acres) to conduct a drip irrigated tomato research trail for $825.00. In addition, the UC Cooperative Extension agrees to pay on a per acre basis $90 in ground preparation, $12 herbicide application, $24 pump standby, and $55.75/acre foot for water used in the trail. Income to District $1,223.07.

MC2643 Memorandum of Understanding with Butte-Glenn Community College District J.Schultz (5/6/15-6/30/18) for CCCApply which is the online common admission application system administered by the California Community Colleges Technology Center at Butte-Glenn Community College. No cost to District.

MC2644 The Child Development Center has the opportunity to leverage funding from two M.Gilliland of its current grants to provide comprehensive staff development in supporting (categorical) parents (college students) in meeting their family’s social and emotional needs. First 5 Merced will fund $55,000 and the Program for Infant Caregivers will fund $40,000 of this $95,000 contract with the WestEd Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning (CSEFL). Merced College will contract direct with WestEd to provide this training. It will focus on the investment of the teaching staff in a year-long CSEFL training and coaching model that will give the staff the tools to build successful relationship with families and provide tools for direct case management. Income to District $95,000 to support this program.

MC2645 Memorandum of Understanding with Merced County Office of Education M.Gilliland (MCOE) (8/15/15-6/30/16) to provide funding for CTE outreach activities to take (categorical) place during the 2016 academic year. Income to District $17,534.

MC2646 Memorandum of Understanding with Merced County Office of Education M.Gilliland (MCOE) (8/15/15-6/30/16) to provide funding for the validation of existing, and (categorical) creation of new 2+2 Articulation Agreements and CTE Career Pathway outreach. Income to District $39,552 funded through CTE Transitions Grant.

MC2647 Training Provider Agreement with County of Merced, Department of Workforce M.Gilliland Investment (7/1/15-6/30/17) to accept Individual Training Agreements (ITAs) on behalf of WorkNet participants (fee-based/for-credit & not-for-credit). Potential income to District depends on participant participation.

MC2548 Affiliation Agreement with Central Valley Cardiovascular (7/1/15-7/1/17) for M.Gilliland student laboratory learning experience. No cost to District.

MC2649 Grant Agreement #14-5808 with State of California, Office of Statewide Health M.Gilliland Planning and Development (7/1/15-8/15/17) funding provided through the “Song- (categorical) Brown Health Care Workforce Training Act” to establish and implement a “Standardized Patient Education Program” for Merced College Registered Nursing Program students. It is proposed to advance the diversity, education, supply and placement of Merced College RN Program graduates in medically underserved areas. Income to District $91,692.

MC2650 Grant Agreement #14-5794 with State of California, Office of Statewide Health M.Gilliland and Planning and Development (7/1/15-8/15/17) funding provided through the (categorical) “Song-Brown Health Care Workforce Training Act” Capitation Program, to provide nursing education for two nursing students during academic (payment)

Page 15 years of 2016-17 in accordance with the terms and conditions and scope of work incorporated herein. The proposed program will advance the diversity, education, supply and placement of Merced College RN Program graduates in Medically underserved areas. Income to District $40,000.

MC2651 Member Institution Memorandum of Understanding with Educational Results M.Gilliland Partnership (ERP), Cal-PASS Plus (7/1/15-6/31/20) comprises a membership and a data sharing agreement between Merced Community College District and the California Partnership for Achieving Student Success (“Cal-PASS Plus). Cal- Pass Plus is a program conducted by Education Results Partnership, Inc., with the San Joaquin Delta College and the Chancellor’s office. Cal-PASS Plus collects, analyzes and shares student data amongst their members to track performance and improve student outcomes. FERPA and other applicable federal and California state laws and regulations; local regulations; and best practices and guidelines. No cost to District. District has been a member since 2004.

MC2162A Amendment to Agreement with Dignity Health dba Mercy Medical Center M.Gilliland (7/1/15-6/30/18) to provide a nursing instructor to MCCD and Dignity Health will make a contribution to the District each fiscal year. Contribution to District $121,550.53 and in the out-years, Dignity Health agrees that the funds provided by them will be increased by the greater of (5%) per annum or the actual increased cost.

MC2537A Professional Services Agreement Amendment with Jeribai Tascoe, C.Vitelli Designer/Consultant, Venture Above, Inc. (12/3/14-11/30/15) to extend the contract date to November 30, 2015. No additional cost to District.

MC2614A WpLRC/Amended Contract Education Agreement with University of California, M.Gilliland Merced (5/26/15-8/12/15) to increase fees for instructor coordination (fee- (categorical) based/for-credit). Additional income to District $2,521.25.



General 5/4/2015 5150377 5150437 93,924.8 4 General 5/11/2015 5153806 5153866 1,324,108.36 General 5/18/2015 5156306 5156338 65,099.41 General 5/26/2015 5158946 5159012 125,999.77

Categorical 1 5/4/2015 5150438 5150449 32,116.15 Categorical 1 5/11/2015 5153867 5153873 21,750.75 Categorical 1 5/18/2015 5156339 5156347 4,470.89 Categorical 1 5/26/2015 5159013 5159035 33,874.30

Categorical 2 5/4/2015 5150450 5150474 59,344.06 Categorical 2 5/11/2015 5153874 5153916 43,622.11 Categorical 2 5/18/2015 5156348 5156365 21,092.30 Categorical 2 5/26/2015 5159036 5159075 26,926.76

Child Development 5/4/2015 5150475 5150476 6,617.39 Child Development 5/11/2015 5153917 5153920 6,501.41 Child Development 5/18/2015 5156366 5156367 576.30 Child Development 5/26/2015 5159076 5159079 1,522.87

MC Farm 5/4/2015 5150477 5150480 237.31 MC Farm 5/11/2015 5153921 5153925 6,771.35 MC Farm 5/18/2015 5156368 5156370 5,209.36 MC Farm 5/26/2015 5159080 5159084 3,194.88

Capital Projects 5/4/2015 5150481 5150484 5,863.56 Capital Projects 5/11/2015 5153926 5153929 6,462.93 Capital Projects 5/18/2015 5156371 5156372 8,820.00 Capital Projects 5/26/2015 5159085 5159086 22,647.69

Bond Construction SFID1B 5/26/2015 5159087 5159087 47,831.00

ASMC 5/4/2015 5150485 5150486 1,544.29 ASMC 5/11/2015 5153930 5153932 1,187.25 ASMC 5/18/2015 5156373 5156375 1,400.00 ASMC 5/26/2015 5159088 5159089 1,020.12


Page 17 B. Payroll Registers: General 5/8/2015 585,716.93 Work Study 5/8/2015 101,214.90 General 5/29/2015 2,414,060.64

Total: 3,100,992.47

Annual totals Jul 2014 1,829,059.18 Aug 2014 2,796,188.39 Sep 2014 2,367,235.15 Oct 2014 3,036,329.86 Nov 2014 3,023,974.09 Dec 2014 3,076,531.06 Jan 2015 2,945,333.75 Feb 20151% Classified Retro 7/1/14 3,026,165.93 Mar 2015 3,055,679.21 Apr 2015 3,115,248.01 May 2015 3,100,992.47 Jun 2015

Total: 31,372,737.10



General 6/1/2015 5164085 5164137 646,138.30 General 6/8/2015 5168000 5168054 1,241,034.51 General 6/15/2015 5170831 5170874 145,388.24 General 6/16/2015 5171556 5171556 2,196.39 General 6/22/2015 5174016 5174053 109,566.72 General 6/25/2015 5179957 5179995 71,529.09

Categorical 1 6/1/2015 5164138 5164157 26,044.83 Categorical 1 6/8/2015 5168055 5168067 77,454.25 Categorical 1 6/15/2015 5170875 5170892 41,335.79 Categorical 1 6/22/2015 5174054 5174070 22,392.77 Categorical 1 6/25/2015 5179996 5180009 26,985.72

Categorical 2 6/1/2015 5164158 5164190 69,950.97 Categorical 2 6/8/2015 5168068 5168093 33,243.37 Categorical 2 6/15/2015 5170893 5170922 58,644.25 Categorical 2 6/22/2015 5174071 5174096 30,669.19 Categorical 2 6/25/2015 5180010 5180038 26,538.51

Child Development 6/1/2015 5164191 5164195 475.93 Child Development 6/8/2015 5168094 5168096 2,292.44 Child Development 6/15/2015 5170923 5170925 3,319.81 Child Development 6/22/2015 5174097 5174101 4,577.79 Child Development 6/25/2015 5180039 5180042 3,783.88

MC Farm 6/1/2015 5164196 5164201 432.28 MC Farm 6/8/2015 5168097 5168102 3,823.08 MC Farm 6/15/2015 5170926 5170930 2,508.98 MC Farm 6/22/2015 5174102 5174104 6,521.27

Capital Projects 6/1/2015 5164202 5164202 217.60 Capital Projects 6/8/2015 5168103 5168104 5,906.33 Capital Projects 6/16/2015 5171557 5171557 493.00 Capital Projects 6/22/2015 5174105 5174108 28,902.25 Capital Projects 6/25/2015 5180043 5180044 21,591.98

Bond Construction SFID1B 6/22/2015 5174109 5174109 47,831.00

ASMC 6/1/2015 5164203 5164204 761.92 ASMC 6/8/2015 5168105 5168106 3,060.39 ASMC 6/15/2015 5170931 5170931 177.50 ASMC 6/22/2015 5174110 5174110 232.16


Page 19 B. Payroll Registers: General 6/1/2015 912,373.28 General 6/2/2015 841,798.60 General 6/10/2015 586,422.03 Work Study 6/10/2015 137,972.25 General 6/30/2015 1,177,402.11

Total: 3,655,968.27

Annual totals Jul 2014 1,829,059.18 Aug 2014 2,796,188.39 Sep 2014 2,367,235.15 Oct 2014 3,036,329.86 Nov 2014 3,023,974.09 Dec 2014 3,076,531.06 Jan 2015 2,945,333.75 Feb 2015 1% Classified Retro 7/1/14 3,026,165.93 Mar 2015 3,055,679.21 Apr 2015 3,115,248.01 May 2015 3,100,992.47 Jun 2015 3,655,968.27

Total: 35,028,705.37

Page 20 MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3600 M Street Merced, CA 95348-2898

Resolution 16-01


July 29, 2015

In accordance with the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58308, the following resolution was adopted at a meeting held by the Merced College Board of Trustees.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following intrabudget transfers be made in the GENERAL FUND.

To: Appropriation Amount From: Appropriation Amount

1000 24,013 2000 43,787 6000 26,823 4000 2,315 7000 1,099 5000 5,833

TOTAL 51,935 TOTAL 51,935

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 21 MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3600 M Street Merced, CA 95348-2898

Resolution 16-02


July 29, 2015

In accordance with the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58308, the following resolution was adopted at a meeting held by the Merced College Board of Trustees.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following intrabudget transfers be made in the CATEGORICAL I FUND.

To: Appropriation Amount From: Appropriation Amount

4000 15,458 1000 2,393 6000 1,137 2000 1,431 7000 21,748 3000 5,727 5000 28,792

TOTAL 38,343 TOTAL 38,343

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 22 MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3600 M Street Merced, CA 95348-2898

Resolution 16-03


July 29, 2015

In accordance with the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58308, the following resolution was adopted at a meeting held by the Merced College Board of Trustees.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following intrabudget transfers be made in the CATEGORICAL II FUND.

To: Appropriation Amount From: Appropriation Amount

5000 23,414 1000 43,426 6000 50,936 2000 1,884 7000 300 3000 22,570 4000 6,770

TOTAL 74,650 TOTAL 74,650

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 23 MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3600 M Street Merced, CA 95348-2898

Resolution 16-04


July 29, 2015

In accordance with the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58308, the following resolution was adopted at a meeting held by the Merced College Board of Trustees.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that following intrabudget transfers be made in the CHILD DEVELOPMENT FUND.

To: Appropriation Amount From: Appropriation Amount

2000 49 5000 2,100 3000 8 4000 440 6000 1,603

TOTAL 2,100 TOTAL 2,100

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 24 MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT 3600 M Street Merced, CA 95348-2898

Resolution 16-05


July 29, 2015

In accordance with the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58308, the following resolution was adopted at a meeting held by the Merced College Board of Trustees.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the following intrabudget transfers be made in the ASMC FUND.

To: Appropriation Amount From: Appropriation Amount

4000 3,096 7000 3,500 5000 404

TOTAL 3,500 TOTAL 3,500

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 25



July 29, 2015

Whereas, the Governing Board of the Merced Community College District, pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58307, may by a majority vote of its membership, budget and use any unbudgeted income provided during the fiscal year (1) from a private tax-exempt foundation, or (2) from the federal, state or local government or any department or agency thereof for a particular purpose though distributed by the state:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the GENERAL FUND be increased by $3,172 listed below.

a) 8899 Other Local Revenue: Insurance Claim 3,000 + b) 8889 Other Student Fee: Photo 172 +

a) Provide for insurance deductible (Schultz) b) Provide for photo materials (Gilliland)

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 26



July 29, 2015

Whereas, the Governing Board of the Merced Community College District, pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58307, may by a majority vote of its membership, budget and use any unbudgeted income provided during the fiscal year (1) from a private tax-exempt foundation, or (2) from the federal, state or local government or any department or agency thereof for a particular purpose though distributed by the state:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the CATEGORICAL I FUND be increased by $ 25,446 as listed below.

a) 8199 Other Federal Revenue – Child Development Training 725 + Consortium b) 8890 Other Local Revenue – Trade Center 600 + c) 8899 Other Local Revenue – UC Merced 24,121 +

a) Reallocation due to revenue increase (Gilliland) b) Provide for water and membership dues (Gilliland) c) Allocate for UC Merced Contract Education (Gilliland)

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 27



July 29, 2015

Whereas, the Governing Board of the Merced Community College District, pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58307, may by a majority vote of its membership, budget and use any unbudgeted income provided during the fiscal year (1) from a private tax-exempt foundation, or (2) from the federal, state or local government or any department or agency thereof for a particular purpose though distributed by the state:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the CATEGORICAL II FUND be increased by $ 69,048 as listed below.

a) 8120 Higher Education – Trade Adjustment Assistance 49,048 + Community College and Career Training b) 8199 Other Federal Revenue –Merced County Public Health 20,000 +

a) Reallocation due to revenue increase (Gilliland) b) Allocate for Merced County Public Health Grant (Vitelli)

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 28



July 29, 2015

Whereas, the Governing Board of the Merced Community College District, pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58307, may by a majority vote of its membership, budget and use any unbudgeted income provided during the fiscal year (1) from a private tax-exempt foundation, or (2) from the federal, state or local government or any department or agency thereof for a particular purpose though distributed by the state:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the CHILD DEVELOPMENT FUND be increased by $ 3,466 as listed below.

a) 8199 Other Federal Revenue – Medi-Cal Administrative Activities 3,466 +

a) Reallocation due to revenue increase (Gilliland)

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 29



July 29, 2015

Whereas, the Governing Board of the Merced Community College District, pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58307, may by a majority vote of its membership, budget and use any unbudgeted income provided during the fiscal year (1) from a private tax-exempt foundation, or (2) from the federal, state or local government or any department or agency thereof for a particular purpose though distributed by the state:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND be increased by $743 as listed below.

a) 8980 Inter Fund – Work Order 743 +

a) Provide for panels in Theater (Schultz)

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 30



July 29, 2015

Whereas, the Governing Board of the Merced Community College District, pursuant to the provisions of the California Code of Regulations (Title V) Section 58307, may by a majority vote of its membership, budget and use any unbudgeted income provided during the fiscal year (1) from a private tax-exempt foundation, or (2) from the federal, state or local government or any department or agency thereof for a particular purpose though distributed by the state:

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the ASMC FUND be increased by $3,530 as listed below.

a) 8895 Club Revenue – Anthropology Club 3,530 +

a) Update ASMC Budget (Vitelli)

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August, 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary of the Board


Page 31 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE 16-06 August 11, 2015

Following are personnel actions which have occurred since the previous meeting of the Board of Trustees:

I. Faculty/Administrative Employment

A. Regular Employee Assignment Salary Hire Date Fong, Adam Professor of History $73,544 8/13/15 Harvey, Elizabeth 1 year temporary TBD 8/13/15 Professor, History

B. Adjunct/Overload Note: Hourly instructional assignments are contingent upon adequate enrollment per class Employee Assignment Salary Hire Date Acheson, Donna Sew 407 48.92 Summr 2015 Alcala, Raul Gen Counseling, Gui 102 54.34 Summr 2015 R Albert, Maria Edu 112b 50.70 Summr 2015 Anaya, Yanira Counseling-LB 52.52 Summr 2015 Barry, Ora Jean Gen Counseling 56.20 Summr 2015 Bell, Steve Supervise gen. farm Per Diem Summr 2015 operations Bruley, Marie UCM Summer-up Program- 2,288.10 stip Summr 2015 Contract MC2614A

Bruley, Marie Math C 56.20 Summr 2015 Cambridge, Isabel Gen Counseling 56.20 Summr 2015 R Camper, Mary Busn 749 51.67 Summr 2015 Canal, Daniel Engl 85 48.88 Summr 2015 Casey, Jessica Athl 3 48.92 Summr 2015 Casey, Robert CSA-Train the Trainer 1,000 stip Summr 2015 Casey, Robert Athl 2d, Athl 3, Hlth 10 51.67 Summr 2015 Caudle, Nancy Servsafe Workshop 450 stip Summr 2015 Clark, Steve Gen Counseling 55.27 Summr 2015 * Clifford, Jeanie CATS: Comp Review- 50 stip Spring 2015 Foreign Language * Clifford, Jeanie CATS: Annual Review- 100 stip Spring 2015 Anthro/Hist/HumSvcs/ Psyc * Coburn, Cary LB Food Forest Grant Dir. 833 stip Fall 2015

Page 32 Coletto, Regina SLO Prog. Review 4,000 stip Summr 2015 Coordination R Conte, Debra Biol 18 55.27 Spring 2015 Cook, James Hist 17a 55.27 Summr 2015 Cowell, Derek His 17a, Hist 23 49.81 Spring 2015 Craig, Elaine Sexual Harassment 600 stip Summr 2015 Workshop-Contract MC2624 (2) Cruz, Ofelia Bal & Cond thru Yoga 240 stip Spring 2015 Deangelo, Vincent CSA-Train the Trainer 1,032 stip Summr 2015 R Disch, Stephanie Art 2, Art 24a 51.59 Summr 2015 Donaher, Kimberly Gen Counseling 56.20 Summr 2015 Donaher, Kimberly Comp Prog Review-Ag 1,000 stip Spring 2015 Duran, Jaime Gen Counseling, Gui 102 54.34 Summr 2015 Escamilla, Rachelle Engl 1a, Engl 13 49.77 Summr 2015 Estrada, Martha Gen Counseling 49.77 Summr 2015 Falahi, Amir Gen Counseling 50.74 Summr 2015 Franks, Stephanie Engl 85 49.81 Summr 2015 R Frias, Sabrina Gui 102 49.77 Summr 2015 Frias, Sabrina Gen Counseling 51.63 Summr 2015 Fuentes, Christina Counseling-LB 53.41 Summr 2015 Garcia, Cristina Gen Counseling 55.27 Summr 2015 I Gomes, Kara Musg 14 53.41 Summr 2015 Gonzalez, Araceli Gen Counseling, 50.70 Summr 2015 Counseling-CTE Guerrini, Gabriela MCELI Instruction 48.88 Summr 2015 R Helfgott, Susan Gen Counseling 53.49 Summr 2015 Hollister, Margaret HIT Workforce Prog: 400 stip Spring 2015 Team Bldg-Contract MC2562 * Kanemoto, Kathleen Comp Prog Review-Comp 1,000 stip Spring 2015 Sci R Kekahuna, Paul Busn 749 48.92 Summr 2015 R Khoubiar, Tatiana Gen Counseling, Gui 102 49.77 Summr 2015 Kocolas, Tony Hist 17a 56.20 Summr 2015 * Kreide, Caroline CATS: Comp Review- 50 stip Spring 2015 Philosophy * Kreide, Caroline CATS: Annual Review- 75 stip Spring 2015 Honors/Social&Behavioral Sci/International Studies R Lang, Karen Radt 14a, 14b, 17a, 17b, 49.81 Summr 2015 Edu 112c Lewis, Anthony Gen Counseling 52.52 Summr 2015 Linebaugh, Brian Math 80 49.85 Summr 2015 Long, Bethany Gen Counseling 52.52 Summr 2015

Page 33 Maples, Inga Counseling-DSPS 55.27 Summr 2015 Mast, Michael Socl 760 46.13 Summr 2015 RMayhue, Jacquelin Busn 749 50.74 Summr 2015 * Merritt, Joselle Partial Backfill for Dir LRC 12,565 stip Fall 2015

Modafferi, Edward Prog Level Assessment 3,000 stip Summr 2015 Work Molina, Melody Counseling-DSPS 53.41 Summr 2015 Monroe, Robert Span 1 47.99 Summr 2015 Moore, Jessie Cpsc 30 53.41 Fall 2015 Murphy, Joel Co-op Ed 53.41 Summr 2015 * Murphy, Joel First Time Teaching 850 stip Spring 2015 Online Classes * Nelson, Curtis Comp Prog Review-Music 1,000 stip Spring 2015

Nocity, Cindy Counseling-LB 56.24 Summr 2015 R Ortega, Karina Gen Counseling, Guid 30 49.77 Summr 2015 * Ortiz, Keri First Time Teaching 850 stip Spring 2015 Online Classes RPaplos, Dimitra Edu 110 48.88 Summr 2015 R Pedretti, Christopher Phed 10f 56.20 Summr 2015 * Perlin, Alana CTE Digital Media 400 stip Spring 2015 Outreach to Local High Schools Piland, Kurt Gen Counseling 53.41 Summr 2015 Pimentel, Myshellee Co-op Ed 56.20 Summr 2015 Pistoresi, Patty Diversity Workshop: MID- 300 stip Fall 2015 Contract MC2621 Pistoresi, Patty Cultural Diversity 225 stip Summr 2015 Workshop: UCM-Contract MC2597 Pistoresi, Patty Leading w/ Strenght: MID- 450 stip Summr 2015 Contract MC2621 Pistoresi, Patty Emotional Intelligence: 225 stip Summr 2015 MID-Contract MC2621 Pistoresi, Patty Mgmt 50s 54.38 Summr 2015 Potts, Tracy Gen Counseling 50.70 Summr 2015 Quaglia-Oswald, Mia Soc 1 55.27 Summr 2015 Requejo, Thomas Gen Counseling 49.77 Summr 2015 Rodriguez, Leticia Counseling-LB, Gui 102 50.74 Summr 2015 Roduner, Stacey Cldv 9 54.38 Summr 2015 Russell, Chad Weld 7 46.13 Summr 2015 R Saephanh, Manhsio Guid 30 47.95 Summr 2015 Serena, Jose Gen Counseling (2), 47.95 Summr 2015 Counseling-Tutorial Cntr (2)

Page 34 Serpa, Benjamin MC Chorale Spring 140 stip Spring 2015 Concert Stanford, Michelle Counseling-LB 52.52 Summr 2015 R Stapleton, Ian Edu 112a 56.20 Summr 2015 Tassey, Bryan Water Conservation 47.99 Summr 2015 Project Tassey, Bryan Water Conservation Plan: 1,500 stip Summr 2015 Assessment/Development/ Prep * Thornburgh, James Comp Prog Review- 1,000 stip Spring 2015 Drafting Toth, Ryan Engl 13, Engl 84 47.95 Summr 2015 Touma, Christiane Biol 16, Biol 20 54.34 Spring 2015 Touma, Christiane Biol 20 54.34 Fall 2015 Vierra, Sandra Biol 2 51.67 Summr 2015 R Vitato, Jan Edu 112a 48.92 Summr 2015 Vitelli, Summer MCELI Instruction 54.34 Summr 2015 Verrinder, Jason Independent Study 250 stip Spring 2015 Student-Bus Law Withers, Margaret Prison Grant Proposal 500 stip Summr 2015 Yang, Yer Gui 102 53.41 Summr 2015 Young Pfeiffer, Sheila Aslg 1 50.78 Summr 2015 Zdanowski, Michael Mgmt 50b 50.74 Spring 2015 Zdanowski, Michael Mgmt 52d 50.74 Summr 2015 Zdanowski, Michael Managing Organizational 225 stip Summr 2015 Change: UCM-Contract MC2520 Zdanowski, Michael Leadership Essentials: 450 stip Summr 2015 Joseph Gallo Farms- Contract MC2555 Zelinsky, Cheryl Sonography Program 2,000 stip Summr 2015 Director

I Initial Hire R Revised * Full-time faculty e Equivalency

C. Separations Employee Assignment Action Date

D. Miscellaneous

Page 35 Employee Assignment Action Date

II. Classified/Management Employment

A. Regular Employee Assignment Salary Hire Date Adams, Matthew Security Guard $2,179/mo 8/12/15 Butler, Brittani Instr Aide $11.50/hr 8/12/15 Davenport, Raymond Stu Svcs Assist-CalWorks $1,142/mo 8/19/15

Howley, Kimberly Instr Aide $11.50/hr 8/12/15 Ingraham, Jason Instr Supp Tech I $1,142/mo 8/12/15 Lawrence, Dondi SSSP Tech $2,785/mo 8/12/15 Marques, Steven Police Officer $2,939/mo 8/12/15 Nandino, Veronica Instr Aide $11.50/hr 8/12/15 Nava, Liliana Instr Aide $11.50/hr 8/12/15 Rodriguez, Eva Instr Aide $11.50/hr 8/12/15 Turner, Collette Instr Aide $11.50/hr 8/12/15 Wise, Chrysta Instr Supp Tech I $13.89/hr 8/12/15

B. Hourly/Short-term Employee Assignment Salary Hire Date Alford, Jennifer CFK Marvelous Math $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Armendarez, Tracy Secretary-LRC $13.21/hr 7/1/15-8/14/15 Batson, LaRhonda CFK Sign Language- $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Sess1 Bigelow, Teresa CFK Fusing Glass-Sess 3 $300 stip 7/20/15-7/30/15 Bigelow, Teresa CFK Mosaic Glass-Sess 3 $300 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15

Blackwood, Andrew CFK Beg Waterpolo Asst- $100 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Sess 2 Blackwood, Andrew CFK Splashball Asst-Sess $100 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 1 Blackwood, Andrew CFK Splashball Asst-Sess $100 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 2 Brandon, Marie Instr Aide/Assoc-CDC $11.50/hr 7/29/15-8/11/15 Bromfield, Geoffrey CFK Archeology-Sess 1 $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Bromfield, Geoffrey CFK Archeology-Sess 2 $300 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Bromfield, Geoffrey CFK Microscopes Alive- $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Sess1 Bromfield, Geoffrey CFK Microscopes Alive- $300 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Sess 2

Page 36 Bromfield, Geoffrey CFK Space/Rockets-Sess $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 1 Bromfield, Geoffrey CFK Space/Rockets-Sess $300 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 2 Brown, Dana CFK Aqua Asst I-Sess 1 $430 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Brown, Dana CFK Aqua Asst I-Sess 2 $430 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Buettgenback, Darlene Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 12/14/15-2/5/16 6/30/16 Butler, Brittani Instr Aide/Assoc-CDC $11.50/hr 7/29/15-8/12/15 Casas Gomez, CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 1 $381 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Alejandro Casas Gomez, CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 2 $396 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Alejandro Casas Gomez, CS Lap Swim $548 stip 5/1/15-6/30/15 Alejandro Casey, Robert CFK Football Camp $465 stip 7/6/15-7/9/15 Cassady, Stephen CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 1 $473 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Cassady, Stephen CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 2 $500 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Cassady, Stephen CS Lap Swim $101 stip 6/15/15-6/29/15 Chanterie, Lisa Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 1/4/16-2/5/16 Chester, Joann Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 1/4/16-2/5/16 Conger, Lisa Coordinator-Dos Palos (2) $400 stip 8/17/15-5/27/16 $400 stip Cruz-Aragon, Assessment Technician $14.59/hr extended to 1/31/16 Vanessa Devine, Nathan CFK Baseball Camp: 5-9 $1,617.50 stip 6/15/15-6/18/15 yrs Devine, Nathan CFK Baseball Camp:10-16 $935 stip 6/22/15-6/25/15 yrs Duran, Ronald CS Aikido $180 stip 5/5/15-6/30/15 Fazzari, Nick CFK Beg Waterpolo Asst- $100 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Sess 1 Fazzari, Nick CFK Beg Waterpolo Asst- $100 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Sess 2 Fazzari, Nick CFK Splashball Asst-Sess $100 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 1 Fazzari, Nick CFK Splashball Asst-Sess $100 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 2 Gallagher, Owen CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 1 $500 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Gallagher, Owen CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 2 $500 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Garris, Colleen CS Fitness Lab $128 stip 6/1/15-6/30/15

Page 37 Giacalone, Jilliann Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 1/4/16-2/5/16 Gilpatrick, Denise CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 1 $437 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Gilpatrick, Denise CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 2 $500 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Gomez, Annmarie Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 1/4/16-2/5/16 6/30/16 Greene, Connor CFK Aqua Ast Mgr-Ses 1 $578 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Greene, Connor CFK Aqua Ast Mgr-Ses 2 $592 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Greene, Connor CS Lap Swim $142 stip 6/15/15-6/29/15 Greene, Tanner CS Lap Swim $304 stip 4/27/15-6/30/15 Guillen, Ana Coordinator-Delhi (2) $400 stip 8/17/15-5/27/16 $400 stip Harden, Kaitlyn CFK Crazy for Cupcakes- $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Sess 1 (2) $300 stip Harden, Kaitlyn CFK Crazy for Cupcakes- $300 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Sess 2 (2) $300 stip Heng, Larry CFK Pre-Algebra-Sess 2 $300 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Heng, Larry CFK Pre-Algebra-Sess 2 $250 stip 7/20/15-7/30/15 Howley, Kim Instr Aide/Assoc-CDC $11.50/hr 7/29/15-8/12/15 Ildefonzo, Carmen CFK Soccer: 5yrs $90 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Ildefonzo, Carmen CFK Soccer: 6-7yrs $240 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Ildefonzo, Carmen CFK Soccer: 8-10yrs $255 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Imbrogno, Roger CS Fitness Lab $128 stip 6/1/15-6/30/15 Imbrogno, Roger CS Fitness Lab $72 stip 7/1/15-7/30/15 Jargick, Christine Instr Sppt Tech Asst-LB $11.42/hr 8/3/15-12/15/15 Jimenez, Edith CFK Polymer Clay-Sess 2 $300 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15

Johnson, Jonah CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 1 $500 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Johnson, Jonah CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 2 $437 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Langer, Cory CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 1 $500 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Langer, Cory CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 2 $500 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Lingenfelter, Krista CFK Aqua Asst I-Sess 1 $376 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Lingenfelter, Krista CFK Aqua Asst I-Sess 2 $376 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Lopez, Sandra CFK Around the World- $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Sess 1 Malone, Judith Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15, 1/4/16-2/5/16 Manadic, Rebecca CFK Hula Hale $475 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Mason, Candis Coordinator-Mariposa (2) $400 stip 8/17/15-5/27/16 $400 stip Mazuelos, Guillermo CFK Soccer: 5yrs $90 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Mazuelos, Guillermo CFK Soccer: 6-7yrs $240 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Mazuelos, Guillermo CFK Soccer: 8-10yrs $255 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 McCall, Scott CFK Splashball $730 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15

Page 38 McCall, Scott CFK Splashball $944 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 McCall, Scott CFK Beg Waterpolo $408 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 McCall, Scott CFK Beg Waterpolo $444 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Nandino, Veronica Instr Aide/Assoc-CDC $11.50/hr 7/29/15-8/12/15 Nava, Liliana Instr Aide/Assoc-CDC $11.50/hr 7/29/15-8/12/15 Navares, Desmond CFK Volleyball Camp $590 stip 6/22/15-6/25/15 Neff-Bracey, Rachel CFK Knitting 101 $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Neff-Bracey, Rachel CFK Sculpture 101 $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Neff-Bracey, Rachel CFK Sewing 101 $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Neff-Bracey, Rachel CFK Soap, Candle & $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Lotion Nicholas, Natalie Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 12/14/15-2/5/16 6/1/16-6/30/16 Nishihama, Britney Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 1/4/16-2/5/16 6/30/16 Olson, Gary CFK Golf $210 stip 6/15/15-6/18/15 Olson, Gary CFK Golf $540 stip 7/6/15-7/9/15 Paul, Samuel Instr Sppt Tech 1 $13.89/hr 7/30/15-10/1/15 Petiti, Lauren CFK Art in Motion I-Sess 1 $300 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15

Petiti, Lauren CFK Art in Motion I-Sess 2 $300 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15

Petiti, Lauren CFK Art in Motion II-Sess $300 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 2 Pugliese, Janet Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 1/4/16-2/5/16 6/30/16 Rodriguez, Eva Instr Aide/Assoc-CDC $11.50/hr 7/29/15-8/12/15 Rodriguez, Rosalina Office Technician-NC $13.89/hr 7/27/15-12/23/15 Russell, William CFK Co-ed Basketball $2,015 stip 7/6/15-7/9/15 Camp Saechao, Vern Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 1/4/16-2/5/16 6/30/16 Smith, Michael Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 1/4/16-2/5/16 6/30/16 Strength, Christine Bookstore Clerk $11.42/hr 8/3/15-9/4/15 1/4/16-2/5/16 Strickland, Robert CS Lap Swim $41 stip 5/1/15-6/30/15 Taijeron, Danielle CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 1 $452 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Taijeron, Danielle CFK Aqua Lead II-Sess 2 $313 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Terry, Ernest CS Badminton $564 stip 7/1/15-7/29/15

Page 39 Terry, Ernest CFK Fitness Bootcamp 8- $429 stip 7/20/15-7/30/15 11 yrs Tetangco, Keith CFK Tennis Camp $1,053 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Tome, Marcos CFK Kids MMA-Sess 1 $363 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Tome, Marcos CFK Kids MMA-Sess 2 $429 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Turner, Collette Instr Aide/Assoc-CDC $11.50/hr 7/29/15-8/12/15 Velasco, Maria Coordinator-Livingston (2) $400 stip 8/17/15-5/27/16 $400 stip Walton, Tracy CS Yoga $315 stip 5/12/15-6/30/15 Wattles, Chelsie CS Lap Swim $223 stip 5/1/15-6/30/15 Wattles, Chelsie CFK Aqua Asst I-Sess 1 $430 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Wattles, Chelsie CFK Aqua Asst I-Sess 2 $430 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Weaver, Alyssa CFK Aqua Mgr-Sess 1 $726 stip 6/15/15-6/25/15 Weaver, Alyssa CFK Aqua Mgr-Sess 1 $760 stip 7/6/15-7/16/15 Wise, Chrysta Instr Aide/Assoc-CDC $11.50/hr 7/29/15-8/12/15 Wolterbeek, Ryan CS Lap Swim $162 stip 5/1/15-6/30/15 Zweig, Erica CS World Dance $96 stip 5/20/15-6/24/15

C. Separations Employee Assignment Reason Date

D. Miscellaneous Employee Assignment Action Date Almand, John Physics Lab Assistant Volunteer 8/3/15-12/23/15 Asano, Harumi CFK Planet Explore Class Volunteer 7/6/15-7/16/15 Baptista, Jackie CFK Volleyball Camp Volunteer 6/22/15-6/25/15 Brandon, Marie Instr Aide Promotion 8/12/15 Flores, Katrina CFK Office Assistant Volunteer 6/15/15-7/30/15 Frazier, Pat CS Bus Trip Host Volunteer 7/1/15-6/30/16 Smith, Marvin Assist w/ Reconcilliation, Volunteer 6/17/15-12/30/15 M&O, Grounds Navares, Kaleigh CFK Volleyball Camp Volunteer 6/22/15-6/25/15 Perkins, Tamera CFK Mosaic Class Volunteer 7/9/15 Roberts, Samantha CFK Volleyball Camp Volunteer 6/22/15-6/25/15 Thao, Chong CFK Office Assistant Volunteer 6/24/15-7/30/15 Thornton, Rosalie CS Bus Trip Host Volunteer 7/1/15-6/30/16 Webber, Makenzie CFK Volleyball Camp Volunteer 6/22/15-6/25/15 Xu, Mina CS Badminton Volunteer 7/8/15-12/4/15

Page 40 MERCED COLLEGE Office of the President



Item: Blanket Purchase Order Review

Presented By: Joanne Schultz

For: Information Action X

Background Information

Purchase orders in accounts and funds indicated were issued during this reporting period.

Fund BPO’s Dollar Amount

General Fund (110) 219 703,405.16

Board Designated Fund (121)

Categorical Fund I (123) 9 157,405.00

Categorical Fund II (124) 61 94975.00

Child Development Fund (330)

Merced College Farm Fund (340)

Capital Projects Fund (410) 5 73860

Merced Bond Construction Fund (420)

Los Banos Bond Construction Fund (421)

Total 294 1,029,645.16

Note: All vouchers, including payments for the above Blanket Purchase Orders are reflected on the Accounts Payable Warrant Report. Blanket Purchase Orders dated May 27, 2015 through July 28, 2015 are reflected above. For this period a total 294 of Blanket Purchase Orders were processed.

Recommendation/Requested Action

It is recommended that the Board approve all active Blanket Purchase Orders listed above.

Page 41 Blanket PO Report BPO NO PREFERRED NAME BPO DATE BPO TOTAL B0014213 Merced Uniform 05/27/2015 975.00 B0014214 ABC-CLIO, LLC 05/27/2015 4220.00 B0014215 Merced College Bookstore 06/16/2015 2705.00 B0014216 Alhambra & Sierra Springs 07/02/2015 600.00 B0014217 Office Depot 07/02/2015 1000.00 B0014218 Shred-It Usa Inc. Attn: Heather Grove 07/01/2015 1500.00 B0014219 Comcast Cable 07/01/2015 3000.00 B0014220 Alhambra & Sierra Springs 07/01/2015 800.00 B0014221 Office Depot 07/01/2015 1750.00 B0014222 Merced Sun-Star 07/01/2015 2500.00 B0014223 All Smog Express 07/06/2015 250.00 B0014224 BlueLine Rental, LLC 07/06/2015 550.00 B0014225 Commercial Landscape Supply Inc 07/06/2015 1500.00 B0014226 Central Sanitary Supply Acct#:015540 07/06/2015 10000.00 B0014227 G & K Services, Inc. 07/06/2015 3000.00 B0014228 Schoettler Tire Inc 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014229 Cummins Pacific LLC 07/06/2015 2000.00 B0014230 E.S. West Coast, LLC 07/06/2015 2400.00 B0014231 Modern Air Mechanical 07/06/2015 4290.00 B0014232 Nordic Saw & Tool Manufacturers 07/06/2015 200.00 B0014233 Siemens Industry, Inc. 07/06/2015 21198.00 B0014234 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 07/06/2015 45.00 B0014235 Spriggs, Inc. 07/06/2015 3500.00 B0014236 Ewing Irrigation Products, Inc 07/06/2015 2000.00 B0014237 Ewing Irrigation Products, Inc 07/06/2015 1500.00 B0014238 Pazin & Myers Inc 07/06/2015 5000.00 B0014239 American Recycling LLC 07/06/2015 1000.00 B0014240 Central Sanitary Supply Acct#:015540 07/06/2015 43500.00 B0014241 Powerstride Battery 07/06/2015 150.00 B0014242 Randik Paper 07/06/2015 2000.00 B0014243 Airgas NCN 07/06/2015 200.00 B0014244 Consolidated Electrical Distributors, Inc. DBA: 07/06/2015 5000.00 All-Phase Electric Supply B0014245 Commercial Filter Service 07/06/2015 10000.00 B0014246 Doms Electric Motor Shop Merced Bearing 07/06/2015 1500.00 B0014247 Gateway Fire Equipment 07/06/2015 1500.00 B0014248 Nalco Co 07/06/2015 54060.00 B0014249 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 07/06/2015 39263.00 B0014250 Alhambra & Sierra Springs 07/06/2015 1000.00

7/29/2015 2:27:13 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 42 B0014251 Belkorp Ag, LLC 07/06/2015 1500.00 B0014252 Central Valley Trucking 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014253 Central Sanitary Supply Acct#:015540 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014254 Costco 07/06/2015 1000.00 B0014255 Leslie's Pool Supplies Inc 07/06/2015 7500.00 B0014256 Smith Auto 07/06/2015 150.00 B0014257 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. 07/06/2015 2000.00 B0014258 Gecko Pest & Landscape Mgmt Inc. 07/06/2015 7890.00 B0014259 Capitol Door Service 07/06/2015 8700.00 B0014260 San Joaquin Imperial 07/06/2015 7500.00 B0014261 San Joaquin Imperial 07/06/2015 3000.00 B0014262 Harbor Freight Tools 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014263 Horizon 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014264 Kellogg's Supply 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014265 N & S Tractor 07/06/2015 150.00 B0014266 Smith Auto 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014267 Turf Star, Inc 07/06/2015 2000.00 B0014268 Ace Pipe & Steel 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014269 Associates Lock & Safe Serv 07/06/2015 1500.00 B0014270 BlueLine Rental, LLC 07/06/2015 200.00 B0014271 Gateway Fire Equipment 07/06/2015 3000.00 B0014272 Kelly-Moore Paint Co 07/06/2015 4000.00 B0014273 San Joaquin Glass 07/06/2015 300.00 B0014274 Ewing Irrigation Products, Inc 07/06/2015 1500.00 B0014275 Mike's Radiator & Muffler 07/06/2015 100.00 B0014276 Powerstride Battery 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014277 Schoettler Tire Inc 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014278 Lowe's 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014279 Alhambra & Sierra Springs 07/06/2015 500.00 B0014280 Bestco Electric dba: Best Electric 07/06/2015 1000.00 B0014281 Emcor Service ATTN: RAY KUTKA 07/06/2015 1500.00 B0014282 Siemens Industry, Inc. 07/07/2015 36420.00 B0014283 Gateway Fire Equipment 07/07/2015 4600.00 B0014284 Spriggs, Inc. 07/07/2015 9000.00 B0014285 Merced College Bookstore 07/07/2015 425.00 B0014286 Johnstone Supply 07/07/2015 1000.00 B0014287 Credientials Inc. 07/07/2015 1000.00 B0014288 G & K Services, Inc. 07/07/2015 2400.00 B0014289 T B A Auto Parts 07/07/2015 200.00 B0014290 Taylor's Backhoe Service 07/07/2015 200.00 B0014291 O' Reilly Auto Parts 07/07/2015 500.00 B0014292 HOME DEPOT / GECF 07/07/2015 500.00

7/29/2015 2:27:13 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 43 B0014293 Powerstride Battery 07/07/2015 800.00 B0014294 Johnson Industrial, Inc 07/07/2015 1000.00 B0014295 Fowl Play Bird Abatement 07/07/2015 3000.00 B0014296 Emcor Service ATTN: RAY KUTKA 07/07/2015 58450.00 B0014297 Ron Smith GMC 07/07/2015 100.00 B0014298 Applied Industrial Technologies 07/07/2015 2000.00 B0014299 Randik Paper 07/07/2015 10500.00 B0014300 Lincoln Equipment Inc 07/07/2015 15000.00 B0014301 Johnson Plumbing, Inc. 07/07/2015 2000.00 B0014302 Osborne's Expert Appliance Repair 07/07/2015 500.00 B0014303 Preferred Alliance,Inc. 07/07/2015 400.00 B0014304 Valley Air Conditioning & Repair, Inc 07/07/2015 40000.00 B0014305 Merced College Bookstore 07/07/2015 250.00 B0014306 Parker's Hardware 07/07/2015 500.00 B0014307 Winton Hardware 07/07/2015 500.00 B0014308 O' Reilly Auto Parts 07/07/2015 50.00 B0014309 Kelly Paper 07/07/2015 40000.00 B0014310 HOME DEPOT / GECF 07/07/2015 1000.00 B0014311 Office Depot 07/07/2015 500.00 B0014312 Office Depot 07/07/2015 1025.00 B0014313 Office Depot 07/07/2015 1000.00 B0014314 USbancorp 07/07/2015 21000.00 B0014315 Raleys 07/07/2015 1200.00 B0014316 Lowe's 07/07/2015 500.00 B0014317 ARMSTRONG PETWORLD 07/07/2015 650.00 B0014318 O' Reilly Auto Parts 07/07/2015 200.00 B0014319 Westside Water Conditioning 07/07/2015 500.00 B0014320 PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc. Acct#: 07/07/2015 650.00 338899290 B0014321 Office Depot 07/07/2015 2500.00 B0014322 HOME DEPOT / GECF 07/08/2015 1500.00 B0014323 Schoettler Tire Inc 07/08/2015 300.00 B0014324 Doms Electric Motor ShopyMerced Bearing 07/08/2015 1000.00 B0014325 Tesei Petroleum 07/08/2015 1000.00 B0014326 Central Valley Golf and Utility Vehicles 07/08/2015 300.00 B0014327 Merle Cannon 07/08/2015 7000.00 B0014328 Powerstride Battery 07/08/2015 300.00 B0014330 Pete's Auto Body 07/08/2015 500.00 B0014331 Sherwin Williams Co 07/08/2015 400.00 B0014332 Kellogg's Supply 07/08/2015 300.00 B0014333 Anthony Gomes Electric Service 07/08/2015 600.00 B0014334 Don's Mobile Glass 07/08/2015 600.00

7/29/2015 2:27:13 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 44 B0014335 Gecko Pest & Landscape Mgmt Inc. 07/08/2015 1500.00 B0014336 Fastenal Company 07/08/2015 600.00 B0014337 Fastenal Company 07/08/2015 400.00 B0014338 Electrical Distributors Co. 07/08/2015 1000.00 B0014339 Autozone Inc. 07/08/2015 600.00 B0014340 Merced College Bookstore 07/08/2015 40.00 B0014341 Hotsy Pacific 07/08/2015 1500.00 B0014342 Staples Advantage ACCT#:1045509LA 07/08/2015 30.00 B0014343 Razzari Dodge Inc 07/08/2015 200.00 B0014344 All Smog Express 07/08/2015 400.00 B0014345 Melo's Gas & Gear, Inc. 07/08/2015 300.00 B0014347 Harbor Freight Tools 07/08/2015 500.00 B0014348 O' Reilly Auto Parts 07/08/2015 1000.00 B0014349 Walmart/Merced Campus 07/08/2015 40.00 B0014350 Tire Distribution Systems, Inc. 07/08/2015 200.00 B0014351 Razzari Ford/Mazda 07/08/2015 200.00 B0014352 Doms Electric Motor Shop Merced Bearing 07/08/2015 500.00 B0014353 Gateway Fire Equipment 07/08/2015 500.00 B0014354 Ewing Irrigation Products, Inc 07/08/2015 1388.00 B0014355 American Valley Waste Oil Inc 07/08/2015 1500.00 B0014356 Merced County Regional Waste Mngmt 07/08/2015 200.00 Authority B0014357 Ingraham Trophies 07/08/2015 75.00 B0014358 Smith Auto 07/08/2015 1000.00 B0014359 Ron Smith GMC 07/08/2015 200.00 B0014360 Razzari Ford/Mazda 07/08/2015 200.00 B0014361 Parker's Hardware 07/08/2015 200.00 B0014362 T B A Auto Parts 07/08/2015 500.00 B0014363 Office Supply Express 07/08/2015 300.00 B0014364 Gateway Fire Equipment 07/08/2015 200.00 B0014365 G & K Services, Inc. 07/08/2015 500.00 B0014366 Ace Pipe & Steel 07/08/2015 150.00 B0014367 Office Depot 07/08/2015 75.00 B0014368 Office Depot 07/08/2015 1200.00 B0014369 Office Depot 07/08/2015 600.00 B0014370 Office Depot 07/08/2015 2000.00 B0014371 Office Depot 07/08/2015 450.00 B0014372 Office Depot 07/08/2015 900.00 B0014373 Merced College Bookstore 07/08/2015 200.00 B0014374 Tractor Supply Co 07/08/2015 1500.00 B0014375 Merced College Bookstore 07/08/2015 450.00 B0014376 Save Mart Supermarkets 07/08/2015 125.00

7/29/2015 2:27:13 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 45 B0014377 Sorensens True Value Farm and Home Supply 07/08/2015 1500.00

B0014378 Office Supply Express 07/08/2015 100.00 B0014379 Walmart/Los Banos Campus 07/08/2015 100.00 B0014380 Merced College Bookstore 07/08/2015 200.00 B0014381 Belkorp Ag, LLC 07/08/2015 1500.00 B0014382 Sorensens True Value Farm and Home Supply 07/08/2015 1500.00

B0014383 Windecker Inc 07/08/2015 1000.00 B0014384 G & K Services, Inc. 07/09/2015 511.00 B0014385 Fastenal Company 07/09/2015 30.00 B0014386 Ferguson Enterprises, Inc. 07/09/2015 500.00 B0014387 Alhambra & Sierra Springs 07/09/2015 200.00 B0014388 Office Depot 07/09/2015 150.00 B0014389 Office Depot 07/09/2015 1000.00 B0014390 Ewing Irrigation Products, Inc 07/09/2015 900.00 B0014391 Associates Lock & Safe Serv 07/09/2015 200.00 B0014392 Save Mart Supermarkets 07/09/2015 50.00 B0014393 Westside Water Conditioning 07/09/2015 1000.00 B0014394 Capitol Door Service 07/09/2015 500.00 B0014395 Save Mart Supermarkets 07/09/2015 250.00 B0014396 Office Depot 07/09/2015 1000.00 B0014397 Gecko Pest & Landscape Mgmt Inc. 07/09/2015 300.00 B0014398 PETCO Animal Supplies, Inc. Acct#: 07/09/2015 50.00 338899290 B0014399 HOME DEPOT / GECF 07/09/2015 50.00 B0014400 Office Depot 07/13/2015 1000.00 B0014401 Office Depot 07/13/2015 2000.00 B0014402 Office Depot 07/13/2015 3000.00 B0014403 Walmart/Los Banos Campus 07/13/2015 400.00 B0014404 Kellogg's Supply 07/13/2015 300.00 B0014405 Ewing Irrigation Products, Inc 07/13/2015 1500.00 B0014406 Modern Air Mechanical 07/13/2015 2250.00 B0014407 VIA Trailways 07/13/2015 12000.00 B0014408 A Direct, Inc.yABS Direct, Inc. 07/13/2015 5300.00 B0014409 Gatlin Education Services A Div of Thomson 07/13/2015 4000.00 Learning, Inc. B0014410 Mathew Bender & Co., Inc. LexisNexis 07/13/2015 1200.00 B0014411 Gatlin Education Services A Div of Thomson 07/13/2015 5500.00 Learning, Inc. B0014412 Merced College Bookstore 07/14/2015 200.00 B0014413 Office Depot 07/14/2015 2000.00 B0014414 Office Depot 07/14/2015 1000.00

7/29/2015 2:27:13 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 46 B0014415 Merced College Bookstore 07/14/2015 500.00 B0014416 Midwest Library Service 07/14/2015 25000.00 B0014417 Alhambra & Sierra Springs 07/14/2015 300.00 B0014418 Barnes & Noble Booksellers 07/14/2015 10000.00 B0014419 Gale Group, Inc. 07/14/2015 8500.00 B0014420 West Group Payment Center 07/14/2015 3500.00 B0014421 Alibris, Inc. 07/14/2015 3000.00 B0014422 Jamie Brannen 07/14/2015 6000.00 B0014423 ISInc 07/14/2015 14000.00 B0014424 Westside Water Conditioning 07/14/2015 500.00 B0014425 Sang's Auto Upholstery 07/14/2015 300.00 B0014427 Seton 07/14/2015 200.00 B0014428 Office Depot 07/15/2015 1200.00 B0014429 HOME DEPOT / GECF 07/15/2015 500.00 B0014430 Office Depot 07/15/2015 3000.00 B0014431 Office Depot 07/15/2015 3000.00 B0014432 All Smog Express 07/15/2015 60.00 B0014433 Weststar Water Solution 07/15/2015 405.00 B0014434 Office Depot 07/16/2015 500.00 B0014435 Merced College Bookstore 07/16/2015 300.00 B0014436 Bestco Electric dba: Best Electric 07/16/2015 2000.00 B0014437 Ewing Irrigation Products, Inc 07/16/2015 2500.00 B0014438 Alhambra & Sierra Springs 07/16/2015 1550.00 B0014439 Office Depot 07/20/2015 500.00 B0014440 Merced College Bookstore 07/21/2015 465.00 B0014441 Harbor Freight Tools 07/21/2015 300.00 B0014442 Pitney Bowes Inc 07/21/2015 11625.16 B0014443 Belkorp Ag, LLC 07/21/2015 100.00 B0014444 Smith Auto 07/21/2015 100.00 B0014445 T B A Auto Parts 07/21/2015 100.00 B0014446 Harbor Freight Tools 07/21/2015 300.00 B0014447 Fastenal Company 07/21/2015 350.00 B0014448 Smith Auto 07/21/2015 200.00 B0014449 CARQUEST Auto Parts 07/21/2015 200.00 B0014450 Fastenal Company 07/21/2015 100.00 B0014451 Office Depot 07/21/2015 463.00 B0014452 Office Depot 07/21/2015 2500.00 B0014453 Powerstride Battery 07/21/2015 200.00 B0014454 O' Reilly Auto Parts 07/21/2015 300.00 B0014455 Razzari Ford/Mazda 07/21/2015 500.00 B0014456 Fastenal Company 07/21/2015 800.00 B0014457 Don's Mobile Glass 07/21/2015 200.00

7/29/2015 2:27:13 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 47 B0014458 Costco 07/21/2015 1000.00 B0014459 Merced Uniform 07/21/2015 600.00 B0014460 O' Reilly Auto Parts 07/21/2015 300.00 B0014461 Lowe's 07/21/2015 250.00 B0014462 Kellogg's Supply 07/21/2015 300.00 B0014463 Ace Pipe & Steel 07/21/2015 200.00 B0014464 Merced Uniform 07/21/2015 200.00 B0014465 Verizon Wireless 07/21/2015 720.00 B0014466 Schoettler Tire Inc 07/21/2015 800.00 B0014467 T B A Auto Parts 07/21/2015 500.00 B0014468 United Rentals Northwest, Inc. 07/21/2015 200.00 B0014469 T B A Auto Parts 07/21/2015 400.00 B0014470 G & K Services, Inc. 07/21/2015 7000.00 B0014471 Photo Waste Recycling Co Inc 07/21/2015 5000.00 B0014472 Pazin & Myers Inc 07/21/2015 20000.00 B0014473 United Rentals Northwest, Inc. 07/21/2015 50.00 B0014474 Melo's Gas & Gear, Inc. 07/21/2015 300.00 B0014475 Coca Cola Bottling of California 07/21/2015 1000.00 B0014476 Merced College Bookstore 07/21/2015 200.00 B0014477 Spriggs, Inc. 07/21/2015 65160.00 B0014478 Alhambra & Sierra Springs 07/21/2015 750.00 B0014479 Merced Uniform 07/21/2015 650.00 B0014480 Merced Truck & Trailer Inc 07/21/2015 200.00 B0014481 Office Depot 07/21/2015 1700.00 B0014482 Office Depot 07/21/2015 400.00 B0014483 Merced College Bookstore 07/22/2015 50.00 B0014484 Office Depot 07/22/2015 2000.00 B0014485 Office Depot 07/22/2015 800.00 B0014486 Don's Mobile Glass 07/22/2015 500.00 B0014487 Sang's Auto Upholstery 07/22/2015 500.00 B0014488 Central Sanitary Supply Acct#:015540 07/22/2015 8500.00 B0014489 Gecko Pest & Landscape Mgmt Inc. 07/22/2015 500.00 B0014490 Hoffman Electronic Systems ATTN: JUDY 07/22/2015 100.00 RIVERA B0014491 California Ag Solutions, Llc 07/22/2015 500.00 B0014492 Office Depot 07/22/2015 1620.00 B0014493 Office Depot 07/22/2015 587.00 B0014494 Office Depot 07/22/2015 130.00 B0014495 Office Depot 07/22/2015 800.00 B0014496 Office Depot 07/22/2015 4000.00 B0014497 Moore Medical, LLC 07/22/2015 2180.00 B0014498 Alhambra & Sierra Springs 07/22/2015 425.00

7/29/2015 2:27:13 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 48 B0014499 Office Depot 07/22/2015 4000.00 B0014500 Office Depot 07/23/2015 2500.00 B0014501 Office Depot 07/23/2015 2000.00 B0014502 Office Depot 07/23/2015 400.00 B0014503 Radiation Detection Co 07/23/2015 2225.00 B0014504 Scientific Instrument Repair 07/23/2015 1900.00 B0014505 Merced College Bookstore 07/23/2015 125000.00 B0014506 Kelly-Moore Paint Co 07/28/2015 3000.00 B0014507 Bobs Auto Paint & Equipment 07/28/2015 500.00 B0014508 Lowe's 07/28/2015 300.00 B0014509 Melo's Gas & Gear, Inc. 07/28/2015 1000.00

294 Total Rows 7/29/2015 14:08 Grand Total: $1,029,645.16

7/29/2015 2:27:13 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 49 MERCED COLLEGE Office of the President



Item: Purchase Order Review

Presented By: Joanne Schultz

For: Information Action X

Background Information

Purchase orders in accounts and funds indicated were issued during this reporting period.

Purchase Fund Orders Dollar Amount

General Fund (110) 56 839,639.77

Board Designated Fund (121) 1 9,784.00

Categorical Fund I (123) 22 95,964.86

Categorical Fund II (124) 39 91,721.53

Child Development Fund (330) 8 16,378.52

Merced College Farm Fund (340)

Capital Projects Fund (410) 4 352,416.00

Merced Bond Construction Fund (420)

Los Banos Bond Construction Fund (421) ASMC Fund (710)

Total 130 1,405,904.68

Note: All vouchers, including payments for the above Purchase Orders, are reflected on the Accounts Payable Warrant Report. Purchase Orders dated May 27, 2015, through July 28, 2015, are reflected above. For this period a total of 130 Purchase Orders were processed.

Recommendation/Requested Action

It is recommended that the Board approve all active Purchase Orders listed above.

Page 50 PO Report PO NO PREFERRED NAME PO DATE PO GL AMT P0038445 Anthony Russo 05/27/2015 5,000.00 P0038446 Smilemakers 05/27/2015 322.40 P0038447 Lakeshore Learning Materials 05/27/2015 1,153.32 P0038448 Riverside Publishing Co 05/27/2015 2,620.30 P0038449 Image Masters 05/27/2015 1,456.30 P0038450 Sharon Jones 05/27/2015 648.00 P0038451 Valley Business Center 05/27/2015 9,996.48 P0038452 Office Depot 05/28/2015 2,888.60 P0038453 Sharon Jones 05/29/2015 600.00 P0038454 Image Masters 05/29/2015 1,686.80 P0038455 Amazon/GE Money Bank 05/29/2015 82.46 P0038456 Nasco West 05/29/2015 1,036.48 P0038457 Visalia Marriott 05/29/2015 2,719.20 P0038458 HOME DEPOT / GECF 06/01/2015 323.35 P0038459 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 06/01/2015 646.58 P0038460 Jet Mulch Inc 06/01/2015 2,201.00 P0038461 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 06/01/2015 1,815.62 P0038462 Image Masters 06/01/2015 743.69 P0038463 Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, Inc. 06/01/2015 22,180.00 P0038464 Office Depot 06/01/2015 1,359.79 P0038465 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 06/02/2015 11,657.70 P0038466 Andrew Petersen 06/03/2015 3,448.14 P0038467 Image Masters 06/03/2015 2,883.00 P0038468 Kaplan Companies Inc 06/03/2015 2,172.03 P0038469 David Grant, Inc. 06/03/2015 2,978.60 P0038470 Melo's Gas & Gear, Inc. 06/03/2015 1,645.43 P0038471 s-Comm, Inc. 06/03/2015 4,665.60 P0038472 Riverside Publishing Co 06/03/2015 1,283.04 P0038473 Amazon/GE Money Bank 06/03/2015 4,136.02 P0038474 Karen Ng 06/03/2015 200.00 P0038475 Bestco Electricydba: Best Electric 06/04/2015 4,600.00 P0038476 Lexmark Enterprise Software Usa, Inc. 06/04/2015 4,548.00 P0038478 Lift & Transfer Specialistas, Inc. 06/04/2015 49,406.52 P0038479 Taher, Campus Dining 06/04/2015 289.98 P0038480 Pearson Education MC Account # 005-38830-000 06/04/2015 1,425.60 P0038481 Dreammaker Publishing Inc. 06/04/2015 1,309.87 P0038482 The Phone Connection, Inc. 06/04/2015 2,580.00 P0038483 Valley Business Center 06/10/2015 343.49 P0038484 Environments Inc 06/10/2015 1,414.37

7/29/2015 2:54:47 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 51 P0038485 Teaching Strategies LLC 06/10/2015 2,688.66 P0038486 Atlex.Com Attn: Chris Wood 06/11/2015 124.79 P0038487 Lexmark Enterprise Software Usa, Inc. 06/11/2015 4,911.84 P0038488 Casey Printing 06/15/2015 6,886.00 P0038489 ETS/Institutional Toefl Educational Testing Service 06/16/2015 481.20

P0038490 ETS/Institutional Toefl Educational Testing Service 06/16/2015 481.20

P0038491 Arbor Scientific 06/16/2015 1,337.80 P0038492 Musson Theatrical 06/17/2015 2,583.98 P0038494 Office Depot 06/17/2015 918.24 P0038495 Harrington Ind Plastics Inc 06/22/2015 3,858.64 P0038496 THYSSENKRUPP ELEVATOR 06/22/2015 2,416.56 P0038497 Maverick Networks Inc. 06/24/2015 318,600.00 P0038498 Electrical Distributors Co. 06/25/2015 324.66 P0038499 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 06/25/2015 5,657.42 P0038500 Emcor Service ATTN: RAY KUTKA 06/29/2015 26,636.00 P0038501 Vernier Software & Technology 06/29/2015 12,630.95 P0038502 Medline Industries Inc 06/29/2015 428.20 P0038503 Emerson Network Power, Liebert Services, Inc. 07/01/2015 6,068.96 P0038504 Emerson Network Power, Liebert Services, Inc. 07/01/2015 6,494.80 P0038505 SMS Systems Maintenance Services, Inc. 07/06/2015 2,868.00 P0038506 GXS, INC. 07/06/2015 1,122.00 P0038507 Lincoln Equipment Inc 07/06/2015 5,760.60 P0038508 Entisys Solutions, Inc. 07/06/2015 2,305.86 P0038509 Respondus, Inc. 07/06/2015 5,440.00 P0038510 Sungard Advatgard 07/06/2015 2,413.03 P0038511 Sirsi Dynix 07/06/2015 24,352.94 P0038512 Netvad ATTN: Jeremy Caudill 07/06/2015 3,424.00 P0038513 Metalogix International Gmbh 07/06/2015 4,237.80 P0038514 idera A Division of BBS Technologies, Inc. 07/06/2015 3,942.40 P0038515 VMware, Inc Attn: Justin Martin 07/06/2015 5,989.03 P0038516 SMS Systems Maintenance Services, Inc. 07/06/2015 19,656.00 P0038517 TROY Group, Inc 07/06/2015 455.00 P0038518 Ipswitch, Inc. 07/06/2015 2,123.75 P0038519 Vega Business Technologies Attn: Frank Lowthers 07/06/2015 3,896.00

P0038520 Computerland of Silicon Valley 07/06/2015 22,935.00 P0038521 Zetta, Inc. ATTN: Joel Maki 07/07/2015 40,550.40 P0038522 Ellucian Inc. 07/07/2015 388,870.00 P0038523 Ellucian Inc. 07/07/2015 7,816.00 P0038526 Hardy Diagnostics Attn: Sheri Carroll 07/07/2015 108.20

7/29/2015 2:54:47 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 52 P0038527 Wards Natural Science 07/07/2015 64.44 P0038528 Life Science Research 07/07/2015 549.72 P0038530 American Health Service Sales Corp. 06/30/2015 2,029.65 P0038531 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 07/08/2015 707.52 P0038532 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 07/09/2015 1,898.91 P0038533 Denville Scientific 07/09/2015 583.20 P0038534 Dias Inc. 07/09/2015 8,820.00 P0038535 PistolStar, Inc.yAttn: Tim Baxter 07/09/2015 5,515.00 P0038536 Omni Update, Inc. 07/09/2015 7,500.00 P0038537 Sars Software Products, Inc. ATTN: JOANNE FIELDS 07/09/2015 13,280.00 DOTY P0038538 Citrix Systems, Inc. 07/13/2015 40,960.27 P0038539 Jim Costa Office Supply Account 07/13/2015 16.15 P0038540 American Trash Management 07/13/2015 1,080.00 P0038541 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 07/13/2015 1,454.72 P0038542 Quest Media & Supplies, Inc. 07/13/2015 8,980.00 P0038543 BSN Sports 07/14/2015 11,864.67 P0038544 The Paton Group 07/14/2015 1,523.00 P0038545 Pro Tech Security & Electronics 07/14/2015 8,208.00 P0038546 Epic Environmental Compliance Systems, Inc. 07/14/2015 908.64 Champion Precision Testing Inc. ATTN: Chuck Hill P0038547 Juan Villegas 07/14/2015 60.00 P0038548 Alert-O-Lite, Inc. 07/15/2015 803.70 P0038549 DTRS St. Francis LLC Dba: the Westin St. Francis 07/15/2015 975.87 Hotel P0038550 City of Los Banos 07/16/2015 100.00 P0038551 TouchNet Information Systems 07/16/2015 8,740.00 P0038552 Cyberguys 07/16/2015 247.32 P0038553 TigerDirect.Com 07/16/2015 1,309.60 P0038554 Amazon/GE Money Bank 07/16/2015 64.77 P0038555 Champion Flags, Inc. 07/20/2015 197.06 P0038556 Musson Theatrical 07/21/2015 1,141.32 P0038557 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 07/22/2015 1,484.18 P0038558 Lowe's 07/22/2015 37.71 P0038559 Image Sales, Inc. 07/22/2015 9,784.00 P0038560 HOME DEPOT / GECF 07/22/2015 281.88 P0038561 Lowe's 07/22/2015 33.52 P0038562 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 07/23/2015 578.23 P0038563 Office Depot 07/23/2015 118.79 P0038564 Fisher Science Education Fisher Scientific 07/23/2015 1,482.51 P0038565 Flinn Scientific Inc 07/23/2015 1,929.25 P0038566 Bestco Electric dba: Best Electric 07/27/2015 54,860.00

7/29/2015 2:54:47 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 53 P0038567 Thermo Fisher Scientific (Asheville) LLC ATTN: JOTI 07/27/2015 381.17 DHILLON P0038568 Carolina Biological Supply 07/27/2015 694.35 P0038569 Fisher Science Education Fisher Scientific 07/27/2015 83.62 P0038570 Life Science Research 07/27/2015 368.40 P0038571 VWR International Co. Dba Sargent-Welch 07/27/2015 395.60 P0038572 West Steel & Plastics 07/27/2015 388.80 P0038573 BIOPAC Sytems, Inc, 07/27/2015 177.16 P0038574 Life Science Research 07/27/2015 394.43 P0038575 VWR International Co. Dba Sargent-Welch 07/27/2015 359.59 P0038576 E.T. Abatement Inc 07/28/2015 2,100.00 P0038577 Blackboard, Inc. Attn: Carrie Singer 07/28/2015 85,375.00 P0038578 CDW GOVERNMENT INC Attn: Paul Cardamone 07/28/2015 2,518.82 P0038579 Cynmar Corp 07/28/2015 230.47

130 Total Ro 7/29/2015 14:37 Grand Total: 1,405,904.68

7/29/2015 2:54:47 PM Total Rows Grand Total:

Page 54

MERCED COLLEGE Office of the President



Item: Authorization To Declare Unusable Furniture and Equipment Surplus Property

Presented By: Joanne Schultz

For: Information Action X

Background Information

The District Warehouse is storing miscellaneous equipment, listed below, that has been deemed by varous departments as in unusable condition or no longer useful for District purposes. No usable items will be recommended to be declared as surplus property until other departments have had an opportunity to review and transfer any needed itsems to their departments. Each of these items listed below are no longer needed by the District and has a total estimated value of less than $2,500.

Quantity Unit Description Department 15 Ea HP 7700 Computers Los Banos 2 Ea HP Laser Jet 4250 ITS 1 Ea HP Office Jet 9130 ITS 1 Ea DC 7400 ITS 12 Ea DC 7800 ITS 4 Ea DC 7700 ITS 1 Ea HP Desktop 970 ITS 1 Ea Color Printer AH 1 Ea Food Mixer Bus. Div. 1 Ea Monitor Bus. Div. 3 Ea Dictaphone Bus. Div. 1 Ea HP Scan Jet Bus. Div. 1 Ea HP Desktop Los Banos 1 Ea HP Monitor Los Banos 2 Ea TV Stands Los Banos 1 Ea Sunnen Press Machine Tool Room 1 Ea Monitor for Alignment Tool Room 1 Ea Computer for Alignment Tool Room 1 Ea Printer for Alignment Tool Room 1 Ea Hunter for Alignment Tool Room

Page 55 1 Ea Alignment Machine Tool Room 1 Ea Vacuum Tool Room 1 Ea Vehicle Brake Mount Tool Room 2 Ea Sun Vat 40 Tool Room 2 Ea Time Clock Tool room 4 Ea Bear Alignment Heads Tool Room 1 Ea Digital Engine Tool Room 1 Ea Electical Utility Cart Tool Room 3 Ea HP LP 2465 ITS 5 Ea HP LP 1965 ITS 2 Ea HP LE 1911 ITS 1 Ea HP 1730 ITS 1 Ea Laser Jet ITS 1 Ea iMac ITS 1 Ea Pocket PC ITS 2 Ea External Floppy Drive ITS 4 Ea HP Jet Direct ITS 4 Ea DC 7900 ITS 2 Ea HP Omni Book ITS 1 Ea HP Laptop ITS 1 Ea Quantex ITS 3 Ea HP Compaq ITS 1 Ea HP Elite Book ITS 3 Ea Cisco ITS 1 Ea HP Pro Light DL ITS 1 Ea HP R300 ITS 1 Ea Procurve Radio Part ITS 4 Ea Changing Tables CDC 2 Ea Cubby CDC 1 Ea Electrocardiograph AH 13 Ea Chairs AV 6 Ea Computer Monitors AV 7 Ea Overhead Transparency Projectors AV 2 Ea Cassette Players AV 1 Ea Television AV 5 Ea Data Transfer Switches AV 4 Bx Various Cables AV 4 Ea Monitor Stands AV 2 Ea Portable Doc. Camera AV 1 Ea Wooden TV Cart AV 5 Ea 84x84 Projector Screens AV 1 Ea Portable Work Station AV 1 Ea Wooden Monitor Lift AV 2 Ea Speakers AV 39 Ea Keyboards AV 2 Ea Paper Trays AV Page 56 6 Ea Power Supplies AV 5 Ea Printers AV 6 Ea VHS/DVD Players AV 15 Ea Women’s Soccer Uniforms GYM 5 Ea Wood Shelf CDC

The Board of Trustees has the authority under section 81450-81452 of the Education Code to sell, auction, donate, or otherwise dispose of District equipment or materials that are unusable, obsolete, or no longer needed for District use.

Recommendation/Requested Action

Board approval is requested to declare these items surplus property and authorize disposal of the property in accordance with the Education Code directive.

Page 57 Page 58 Page 59

Merced College Office of the President



Ratification of Emergency Contract for Repair of Underground Item: Utilities in Area of Gym and Music Building

Presented By: Dr. Ronald C. Taylor

For: Information ☐ Action ☒

Background Information

The purpose of this contract is to seek Board ratification of an emergency contract for repair of underground electrical utilities in response to electrical outages.

By way of background, the District experienced two power outages of substantial impact within the last two to three weeks and began efforts to ascertain the cause of the power outages immediately. One of the power outages was campus‐wide. The power outages impacted classrooms housing summer session classes. The power outages also impacted District property including building life safety components such as the sprinkler systems and computer servers which require temperature control and a stable power source to maintain functionality.

District staff performed a temporary patch to the electrical system in an effort to avoid further disruption of summer session classes. Immediate repair of the District’s electrical system was necessary to permit the continuance of existing school classes, and to avoid danger to life and property that may result from further electrical outages.

District staff obtained an informal bid to perform an emergency repair of the electrical system, and checked the price by seeking oral quotes to ensure that the informal bid price is fair and reasonable. The informal bid price for repair of the underground electrical utilities is $54,860.00.

Public Contract Code section 20654 defines an “emergency” as “when any repairs, alterations, work, or improvement is necessary to any facility of the college, or to permit the continuance of existing college classes, or to avoid danger to life or property”. The criteria for an emergency repair exists in this instance in that the District’s eight week summer session does not conclude

005111.00000 13268956.1 Page 60

until July 30, 2015, and the District’s Fall instruction begins August 17, 2015. Immediate stabilization of electrical power to District facilities was necessary to permit the continuance of summer session courses and avoid imminent disruption of Fall courses. The repair work was also necessary to avoid danger to life and property that may result from the disabling of District life and safety systems and computer servers due to a power outage.

Pursuant to Board Policy 6330, the governing Board has delegated to the President/Superintendent the authority to award a contract pursuant to the emergency procedures set forth in California Public Contract Code sections 22050 and in keeping with the guidelines set forth in Public Contract Code section 22035. Public Contract Code section 22050 requires that the emergency contract be approved by the county superintendent and presented to the Board for ratification at its next meeting. Additionally, the reasons justifying why the emergency will not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation of bids, and why the action was necessary to respond to an emergency must be presented at the next meeting of the Board following the emergency action as well. The County Superintendent of Schools has approved the emergency action and a resolution for ratification of the emergency contract is included in the Board agenda packet for the August 11, 2015 meeting of the Board as required by law and Board Policy.

Project Cost Emergency Underground Electrical Utilities Repair between $54,860.00, plus, costs, if any, the Gym and Music Building including taxes, bond fees and, insurance.

Recommended/Requested Action

1) That the Governing Board, pursuant to California Public Contract Code section 22050, finds that:

a) immediate repair of the underground electrical utilities between the gym and music building was necessary,

b) the emergency would not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids,

c) the action taken by the Superintendent/President to award a contract for repair of the electrical utilities in accordance with Board Policy 6330 and pertinent Public Contract Code sections was necessary to respond to the emergency.

2) That the Governing Board ratifiy the emergency contract between the District and Bestco Electric dba Best Electric in the amount of $54,860.00, plus costs, if any, including taxes, bond fees and, insurance for repair of the underground electrical utilities between the gym and music building.

005111.00000 13268956.1 Page 61


Purchase Order No. P0038566

005111.00000 13268956.1 Page 62 Page 63 Page 64 Page 65



August 11, 2015

WHEREAS, the Merced Community College District (“District”) experienced two power outages of substantial impact within the last two to three weeks one of which was campus‐ wide;

WHEREAS, the power outages impacted classrooms housing summer session classes and also impacted District property, including building life safety components such as the sprinkler systems and computer servers which require temperature control and a stable power source to maintain functionality;

WHEREAS, immediate repair of the District’s electrical system was necessary to permit the continuance of existing school classes, and to avoid danger to life and property that may result from further electrical outages;

WHEREAS, Public Contract Code section 20654 allows community college districts to award contracts for public works construction projects without advertising for or inviting bids, in cases of emergency, and to permit the continuance of existing college classes or to avoid danger to life or property;

WHEREAS, Public Contract Code section 22035 provides that in cases of emergency when repair or replacements are necessary, the governing body may proceed at once to replace or repair any public facility without adopting plans, specifications, strain sheets or working details, or giving notice for bids to let contracts, and the public agency shall perform such action in compliance with Public Contract Code section 22050;

WHEREAS, Public Contract Code section 22050 requires that the emergency contract be approved by the county superintendent and presented to the Governing Board for ratification at its next meeting, along with a recitation of the reasons justifying why the emergency would not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation of bids, and why the action was necessary to respond to the emergency;

WHEREAS, pursuant to Board Policy 6330, the Governing Board has delegated to the President/Superintendent the authority to award a contract pursuant to the emergency procedures set forth in California Public Contract Code sections 22050 and in compliance with the guidelines set forth in Public Contract Code section 22035;

005111.00000 13265207.1 Page 66

WHEREAS, in response to the emergency, the President/Superintendent awarded a contract in the amount of $54,860.00 to Bestco Electric dba Best Electric for repair of the underground electrical utilities between the gym and music building;

WHEREAS, award of the contract through the competitive solicitation of bids of Public Contract Code section 22032 would cause substantial delay to completion of the project and result in the disruption of existing college classes and a threat to the health and safety of students in that a temporary patch of the electrical utilities had been implemented in response to the power outages experienced by the District, and the emergency repair of the underground utilities was necessary to avoid continued loss of electrical power;

WHEREAS, the County Superintendent of Schools has approved the making of a contract without competitive solicitation of bids for the purpose of repairing the District’s underground utilities between the gym and music building.


1. That the above recitals are true and correct. 2. That the Governing Board, pursuant to California Public Contract Code section 22050, finds that: a) immediate repair of the underground electrical utilities between the gym and music building was necessary, b) the emergency would not permit a delay resulting from a competitive solicitation for bids, c) the action taken by the Superintendent/President to award a contract for repair of the electrical utilities in accordance with Board Policy 6330 and pertinent Public Contract Code sections was necessary to respond to the emergency. 3. That the Governing Board hereby ratifies the emergency contract between the District and Bestco Electric dba Best Electric in the amount of $54,860.00, plus costs, if any, including taxes, bond fees and, insurance for repair of the underground electrical utilities between the gym and music building.

PASSED AND ADOPTED, this 11th day of August 2015, by the Governing Board of MERCED COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT by the following vote:


Signed______Secretary to the Board

Dated: ______, 2015

005111.00000 13265207.1 Page 67 Merced College Office of the President



Item: Request to Award Irrigation Bid #2015-08

Presented By: Joanne Schultz

For: Information Action X

Background Information

On May 12, 2015, the Board of Trustees approved a District wide water conservation plan. The plan was created as part of the Governor’s legislation mandating a 35% reduction in water usage. As part of the District plan, a new Irrigation system would be required to fully reach the goals.

The Purchasing department worked with Bryan Tassey, Professor of Plant Science, to create bid specifications and a scope of work that would create a new irrigation system that would allow the District to meet its water reductions goals and provide measurable controls regarding the campus grounds.

As required by the California Contract Code 20651, Administration conducted competitive bidding and formal request for bids (Bid #2015-08) was issued for this project advertising in the Merced Sun-Star on July 13, 2015 and July 20, 2015.The bid was also posted on the Purchasing department’s web-site; in addition the bid was sent to various irrigation system vendors and suppliers.

A public bid opening took place on Monday, July 27, 2015 at 2:00 p.m. and one bid was received from Imperial Sprinkler Supply in the amount of $262,366. The bid was reviewed both by Purchasing staff and Professor Tassey to ensure that all of the requirements and specifications were met.

Funding Source Scheduled Maintenance

Recommended/Requested Action It is recommended the Board of Trustees award the contract/bid to Imperial Sprinkler Supply.

Page 68 MERCED COLLEGE Office of the President



Item: Use of Facilities Fee Schedule Revision Presented By: Joanne Schultz For: Information Action X

Background Information

In 2014, a reorganization of the facilities department was approved by the Board of Trustees to streamline operations, provide a higher level of expertise, and to increase revenue for the District. The Facilities Planning and Development Specialist was promoted to Capital Planning and Events Manager, and the Facilities Scheduling Technician was promoted from a 30-hour employee to a 40-hour employee. As a result of these changes, the facilities use activities and revenue increased 30% between 2012- 13 and 2013-14, and 81% between 2013-14 and 2014-15.

Pursuant to Education Code Section 82537-82542, District facilities identified as Civic Centers or as designated public forums are available for community use when such use does not conflict with District programs and operations. The current fee schedule has not been updated for over ten years and as a result, even though revenues are increasing, the current fees do not cover increases in utilities, maintenance, or staffing.

Staff participated in a comprehensive audit of community college user fees and compared them to existing District’s fees. The results of the survey, in addition to the ongoing increases in maintenance and staff expenses, have demonstrated a need to update the Facility Use fee schedule.

The new fee schedule reflects the following:

• Up-to-date costs for utilities, maintenance and staff resources. • Consistency and strengthened regulations and procedures for facilities use. • Compliance with applicable Education Code mandates and the Civic Center Act. • Strengthened insurance requirements to minimize risk to the District.

Recommendation/Requested Action

It is recommended the Board of Trustees approve the new fee schedule for Use of Facilities.


Use of Facilities brochure

Page 69 Civic Center and Other Facilities Use (Per Ed Code 82537-82542) Merced Community College District

District facilities identified as Civic Centers or as designat- Merced College ed public forums are available for community use when 3600 M Street Use of Facilities such use does not conflict with District programs and op- Merced, CA 95348 erations. Facility Use shall be limited to places and time For information, contact Raul Alvarez Policy, Regulations identified by the Vice President of Administrative Services or designee, but shall be sufficiently frequent, and availa- (209) 381-6593 and Fees ble on specific dates and times, so as to allow meaningful use by outside groups. Except as provided in these proce- Business Resource Center dures, no organizations shall be denied use of District 630 W. 19th Street facilities because of the content of the speech to be under- Merced, CA 95348 taken during such use. For information, contact Jennifer Bartlett (209) 386-6732 The Vice President of Administration or designee is re- sponsible for the coordination and implementation of these procedures. The Vice President of Administration or Los Banos Campus designee shall determine all applicable fees to be charged. 22240 Highway 152 Los Banos, CA 93635 Outside the designated public forum areas, the following For information, contact Jackie Solis shall apply: All user groups shall be required to provide (209) 381-6414 the District with a hold harmless and indemnification agreement acknowledging that they will be financially responsible for any losses, damages, or injuries incurred by Except as provided herein, other groups shall be charged an any person as a result of their use of the facilities. All user amount not to exceed the direct costs of District facilities. group shall also be required to provide a certificate of Direct costs shall include costs of supplies, utilities, custodial insurance with limits acceptable to the District and/or services, services of any other District employees, and salaries other proof of financial responsibility acceptable to the paid District employees necessitated by the organization’s use District. of District facilities.

Civic Centers The following shall be charged fair rental value for the use of Eligible persons or groups may use District buildings or District facilities: grounds designated as the Civic Center for public, literary, scientific, recreational, or educational meetings, or for  Any church or religious organization for the conduct of discussion of matters of general or public Interest, subject religious services for temporary periods where the church to this procedure. or organization has no suitable meeting place for the conduct of such services. The groups identified in Education Code Section 82542(a)  Entertainment or meetings where admission fees are will be permitted, “when an alternative location is not charged or contributions are solicited and the net receipts available,” as described in the statute, to use District facili- of the admission fees or contributions are not expended ties upon payment only of the following: for the welfare of the students of the District or for chari-  the cost of opening and closing the facilities, if no table purposes. District employees would otherwise be available to  The American Red Cross or other public agencies may use perform that function as part of their normal duties; District facilities, grounds, and equipment for mass care Merced Community College District  the cost of a District employee’s presence during the and welfare shelters during disasters or other emergencies 3600 M Street organization’s use of the facilities, if it is determined affecting the public health and welfare, and the District Merced, CA 95348 that the supervision is needed, and if that employee will cooperate with these agencies in furnishing and main- taining services deemed by the Board of Trustees to be Page would not otherwise be present as part of his/her normal duties; necessary to meet the needs of the community.

 the cost of custodial services, if the services are nec- Priority for the Use of District Facilities

70 essary and would not have otherwise been performed 1. Student clubs and organizations. as part of the custodian’s normal duties; and 2. Fundraising entertainment or meetings where admission  the cost of utilities directly attributable to the organi- fees charged or contributions solicited are expended for MCCD Events Department zation’s use of the facilities. the welfare of the students of the District. 3. Parent-teachers’ associations. Tel: (209) 381-6593 4. School-community advisory councils. Rules for Facilities Use Fee Schedule Use of Facilities Requests for use of the District’s Civic Center must be made at least 30 days in advance of the first date of use (Fees are for facilities only and are subject to change being requested. Requests shall be on forms provided by without notice.) the District. Permission to use facilities shall be granted In accordance with the provisions of the Education Code by the Vice President of Administrative Services or de- 82537-82548 the Board of Trustees of the Merced Com- signee. This request requirement does not apply to groups Facility Charge Per Hour (minimum two hours): intending to use available designated public forums for munity College District will grant the use of school build- Fees below do not include staffing. ings and grounds for public, literary, scientific, recreation- expressive activities. In those circumstances, only five (5) business days’ notice is required. al, educational or public agency meetings for the discus- FACILITY Group I Group 2 sion of matters of general or public interest. The terms Permission to use District facilities shall not be granted and conditions of such use will be determined by the for a period to exceed one semester. No person or or- Theater $75 $135 board-approved administrative procedures and other ganization may be granted a monopoly on any facility. applicable limitations, requirements and restrictions con- LES-111 $40 $80 tained in the Education Code. Overnight camping on District facilities, including in the designated public forum areas, is prohibited. No person Classroom $25 $50 or organization may use any District facility for living Types of Use accommodation purposes such as sleeping activities, or Group 1 users may include nonprofit organizations and Specially $40 $80 storing personal belongings, or making any fire, or using groups and associations organized for general educa- Equipped any tents or other structure for sleeping, or doing any tional or welfare purposes such as: Classroom digging or earth breaking, or carrying on cooking activi- ties. 1. Clubs and organizations. Amphitheater $20 $35 2. Fundraising entertainments or meetings where ad- Any persons applying for District property on behalf of any groups shall be a member of the groups and, unless mission fees charged or contributions solicited are Cafeteria $40 $80 he/she is an officer of the group, must present written expended for the welfare of the students of the authorization to represent the group. Each person sign- District. Staff Dining Rm. $35 $75 ing an application shall, as a condition of use, agree to be 3. Parent-Teachers’ associations. held financially responsi8ble in the case of loss or dam- 4. School-community advisory councils. Quad-table $20 $40 age District property. 5. Campfire girls, Girl Scout and Boy Scout troops. (daily rate) 6. Senior citizens’ organizations. The District may require security personnel as a condition 7. Other public agencies with reciprocal use agree- Gymnasium $80 $150 for use whenever it is deemed to be in the District’s best ments. interest. Gym-4 (mirrors) $25 $50 8. Organizations, clubs, or associations organized for No person applying for use of District property shall be cultural activities and general character building or Locker Room $20 $25 issued a key to District facilities. welfare purposes.

9. Registered political organizations are permitted to Football $35 $50 Future facility requests may be denied on grounds in- use facilities at no charge providing their presence is Practice Field cluding, but not limited to, abuse or misuse of District educational in nature and or does not interfere with Soccer Field $35 $50 property and failure to pay promptly for any damage to the normal operations of the college. District property. Track $40 $70 Group 2 users may include the following: No alcoholic beverages, intoxicants, controlled substanc- es, or tobacco in any form shall be brought onto the Stadium $150 $325 1. Churches or religious organizations using college property of the District. Persons under the influence of alcohol, intoxicants, or controlled substances shall be facilities or grounds for the conduct of religious Baseball Field $35 $60 denied participation in any activity. services. Page 2. Commercial organizations. Softball Field $35 $60 No structures, electrical modifications, or mechanical 3. Any group holding a meeting/entertainment where apparatus may be erected or installed on District proper- admission fees are charged or contributions solicit- 71 Tennis Courts (per $12.50 $20 ty without specific written approval by the Vice President ed, which are not expended for the welfare of MCCD court) of Administrative Services or designee. students or for charitable purposes. Pool $75 $135 All decorative materials, including but not limited to draperies, hangings, curtains, and drops shall be made or treated with flame-retardant processes approved by the Event Support (Custodial, Grounds, Police) will be charged State Fire Marshall. at the Current Rates. MERCED COLLEGE Office of the President



Item: First Reading - Board Policy 2725 – Board Member Compensation

Presented by: Ron Taylor

X For Information For Action

Background Information This policy is coming to the Board for a first reading and review of the proposed changes. This policy and procedure will come before the Board for a second reading at the September 8, 2015, meeting.

Recommendation/Requested Action There is no action recommended at this time.

Attachment BP 2725 – Board Member Compensation


Reference: Education Code Section 1090, 35120, 72024

In recognition of, and as compensation for service as a trustee on the Merced Community College District Board of Trustees, members of the Board, including the student trustee, who attend regular and special meetings of the Board shall receive a stipend from the District. Although Education Code allows board members to receive a sum not to exceed two hundred forty dollars ($240) in any month, the Merced Community College District Governing Board elects to receive the sum of twenty two hundred dollars ($200) per meeting.

Adopted 12/7/04 Revised 1/8/08

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MERCED COLLEGE Office of the President



Item: Board Workshops and Conferences

Presented by: Ron Taylor

For Information X For Action

Background Information

It is always a good idea for Board members to attend informational workshops and conferences that provide them with background and context for fulfilling their role as trustees. In addition, Board Policy 2740, Board Education, specifies that for ongoing development, Board members are expected to attend one state or national conference at least every two years. New trustees are to attend the CCLC trustee workshop in January, and student trustees are to attend the student trustee workshop in August.

To help facilitate discussion and decision-making, here is a selective listing of relevant, upcoming workshops and conferences:

 ACCT Governance Institute for Student Success—El Cajon (), September 24-25, 2015

 MCSBA Fall Conference—Monterey, October 2-4, 2015

 ACCT Leadership Congress—San Diego, October 14-17, 2015

 CCLC Effective Trusteeship Workshop—Sacramento, January 29-31, 2016

 CCLC Annual Trustees Conference--Desert Springs, April 28 – May 1, 2016

Recommended Action

It is recommended that the Board discuss and agree on who will attend the most valuable of these opportunities, so that (particularly for the earlier opportunities) an attendance count can be established for the organizers.

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MERCED COLLEGE Office of the President



Item: Technical Support for Board Meetings

Presented by: Ron Taylor

X For Information For Action

Background Information The equipment and software that currently supports Board meetings—showing items on individual computer screens as well as overhead, allowing individual trustees to cast votes via touchscreen, etc.—has been becoming obsolete for at least a year, and recently the individual station power bricks have been failing. Meanwhile, it has become more and more common for community college boards in California to use BoardDocs® software, housed on regular computers, to support these meeting functions.

Adopting the BoardDocs® system will require training for the Board, and there is an associated cost. The result, however, will be a more flexible, responsive system. This item was discussed with the Board last year, and at that time, the Board supported moving to this new system. In the attached information/proposal, you will see there is a one-time fee of $1,000 and then a recurring cost of $9,000 per year which includes maintenance/support, installation, training, updates, upgrades, implementation, and customization.

Recommended Action This is an information item; no Board action is required.

Attachment Information on BoardDocs® and a formal proposal.

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Executive Overview

Introduction CCLC BoardDocs® Pro is a state-of-the-art, cloud-based Governance Document Management Service from Emerald Data SolutionsTM and the CCLC. Developed specifically for governing bodies, BoardDocs provides a means of immediately publishing and revising agenda items, supporting documents, policies and procedures via the Internet. Staff Members can quickly and easily create, approve and track agenda items and other correspondence. CCLC BoardDocs services offer governing bodies a simple way to eliminate paper-based and less advanced electronic processes while maintaining a searchable, legal repository for all documents.

BoardDocs improves governance by making documents readily available to governing bodies, designated staff and the public in a professional, easy-to- access format. Staff maintains total control over who sees what information - and when. Governance stakeholders have immediate and ubiquitous access to their data via most Internet-connected devices. No third-party apps are required because BoardDocs is platform independent and looks, feels and functions the same across both mobile and stationary devices.

CCLC BoardDocs goes far beyond email, PDF quick-fixes and general-purpose cloud services like Google Drive. It is a turn-key, state-of-the-art solution that includes all supervision, labor, materials, hosting, hardware, licensing, training, technical support, upgrades and documentation necessary to install and implement an effective electronic board document management system. With BoardDocs, there’s no need to incur the cost of purchasing and supporting a thick client infrastructure; the organization need only provide Internet-connected devices to access the service.

Benefits Summary In addition to dramatic improvements in governance processes and board effectiveness, our subscribers consistently report substantial annual cost savings, time-of-staff savings of up to 75%, increased transparency with stakeholders and multiple environmental benefits.

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Document Submission, Creation and Publishing

With CCLC BoardDocs, the people that create the data are the ones who manage it. And, since BoardDocs services provide centralized data storage, stakeholders can always be confident that there is only one valid copy of agenda information to be viewed or managed. There is no confusion regarding whether or not the information being viewed is current, because everyone is looking at the same documents.

Document Submission Options BoardDocs Pro is easily customized to meet your organization’s document workflow requirements. Data can be collected and entered into the system in three ways:

Smaller organizations may prefer to designate a single person or a small group of people to gather electronic versions of their documents and enter them into the system. Using this simple method, these “document publishers” receive agenda item information and supporting documents via email or network share and create the agenda items using BoardDocs Pro document publisher software. This method often gives the document publisher(s) the ultimate control over all facets of the agenda item creation process.

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The second option provides an easy way for designated staff members to create and submit their own agenda items using the BoardDocs Pro advanced user interface. As the items are submitted, the document publisher acts as the gatekeeper by ordering, checking and finalizing the agenda items.

Mid-sized and larger organizations will often choose to use online submission of agenda items due to a geographically dispersed staff or to accommodate the large volume of information that needs to be included in packets. This option also benefits submitters of regular or reoccurring reports as it provides a way for submitters to easily create, duplicate and manage regular reports in a private work area.

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The third option is similar to option two, but adds the ability for document submitters to select from one of several customizable approval trees that the item must proceed through prior to reaching the document publisher. Any number of approval trees can be set up where serial lists of approvers can be maintained. Once an agenda item is submitted and an approval tree is designated, an email message is sent to the first approver in the tree and the document publisher is notified. The approver then has several options:

• They can review the item and approve it • They can edit the item and approve it with changes • They can reject the item and send it to the original submitter • They can send it back to any previous approver

Once approved, the correct staff member is notified via email and the item can no longer be edited by previous staff members. The next approver will have the same options and the agenda item will continue to move through the approval tree until everyone has approved the item. The document publisher can monitor this process and review the approval queue for each user. At any point, the document publisher can force approval of an item, as well as re-start the approval process.

Each document is securely stamped with the workflow history of the creator and each approver so that members of the governing body will know who signed off on each item prior to it being placed in the packet.

Final Publishing While any designated staff member can submit agenda items to draft meetings using a browser, only document publishers can activate meetings. Access is ultimately managed by the document publisher at the meeting, agenda item and sub-agenda item level. Additional workflow rules are used to release meeting information and documents based on role and by date.

The formatting of the submitted items is up to the submitter and the document publisher. Rich text formatting is available to all users, and when cutting and pasting from standard applications, formatting is preserved. By using attachments, any type of file format is supported to provide backup information. By allowing users to control the formatting and presentation of each agenda item, the organization can define exactly how the information will be presented to the board, staff, and/or the public.

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Meeting Management Meeting Control Panel CCLC BoardDocs Pro provides comprehensive tools for meeting management. The core of our meeting management is the Meeting Control Panel (MCP). The organization can designate any staff member or even a member of the governing body to be the meeting moderator. Because the MCP is a Web App, there is no software to install. Using the MCP, designated meeting moderators have the ability to move agenda items in and out of consent, re-order the agenda, record motions, record voting, enable online voting and take notes for inclusion in the minutes.

“Follow Me” Technology With BoardDocs Pro “Follow Me” technology, it’s easy to be sure that everyone is on the same page. As the meeting moderator moves through the meeting, the governing body members can follow along. They simply click on the blinking agenda item at any time and are immediately taken to the current agenda item.

Voting BoardDocs Pro is easily customizable and can collect actions in two ways. Organizations can designate a moderator to record the action details during or after the meeting, or the built-in online voting system can be used. Through the Meeting Control Panel, the action information and any additional notes are stored in each agenda item and made available to the public and authenticated users.

BoardDocs Pro supports multiple motions per agenda item, multiple votes per item, real time modification of motions, automatic vote tally and provides the ability to override the results to meet virtually any voting scenario.

BoardDocs Pro also supports consent agenda items. Using the consent feature, the board can vote on several agenda items at once and BoardDocs Pro populates the resulting vote in each agenda item. Items can be removed from or added to the consent agenda in real time, during the meeting, with a simple click by the meeting moderator.

ScoreBoard No matter how action information is recorded, BoardDocs Pro will share the results with the public. ScoreBoard is an automated screen that follows the progress of the meeting and keeps the public up-to-date with the actions of the board. It is typically displayed on large screens in the board room during the meeting.

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Minutes CCLC BoardDocs Pro uses the action information stored in each agenda item to generate draft minutes of the meetings. Once the minutes are generated, the document publisher can format and edit using the BoardDocs Pro integrated editor. When complete, the minutes are placed in the system as an agenda item and attached to a future meeting. Once approved by the board, they are automatically released to the public and associated with the correct meeting.

BoardDocs Pro Features and Benefits Ease of Use BoardDocs Pro is currently being used by tens of thousands of users nationwide. This industry-standard solution provides an advanced user interface where stakeholders can access information in an intuitive manner. All information associated with agenda items, policies and library items can be consolidated in a customizable and easy-to-use electronic packet. Using the packet, stakeholders get an instant snapshot of all policies under consideration, current meetings, upcoming events, important documents and can even track progress of selected board goals.

Emerald Data Solutions has conducted a tremendous amount of research and taken recommendations from thousands of board members to assure that every governing body can easily navigate the service. We provide on-site training, user-friendly documentation, video tutorials and soon, electronic manuals and online help. Plus, if any BoardDocs user ever needs additional assistance, Emerald Data Solutions provides 24-hour, live, toll-free technical support at no additional charge.

Annotations BoardDocs Pro provides support for governing body members to enter private notes on any native BoardDocs Pro document. The notes are stored separately from the organization’s data in a private notebook on BoardDocs’ servers. While most solutions store annotations together with the organization’s data, BoardDocs Pro’s private annotation solution is unique. By maintaining the information in a separate database, the organization is not required to provide the annotations in response to a FOIA request.

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Meeting Video Meeting video allows stakeholders to go well beyond documents and actually see what happened for each agenda item in a meeting. This feature simplifies the task of associating and managing meeting video by providing easy-to-use tools that automate the process involved with delivering video over the Web. Users can easily associate their video with each meeting and tag individual agenda items to any part of the video, all while displaying them through the organization’s existing BoardDocs interface.

Stakeholders can then use BoardDocs’ powerful search tools to search for any agenda item within a meeting. Once the item is found, the stakeholder is presented with the highest fidelity experience of what actually happened during the meeting, including the agenda item, background information and video - all from one simple interface.

Advanced Web Application Technology CCLC BoardDocs’ advanced Web technology provides an extremely rich user experience by delivering custom interfaces across multiple platforms without the need to install custom software or special end-user configurations. Recognizing the power of the individual to design their own Web experience, BoardDocs technology moves document management away from the IT department and to the individuals that actually create and manage the packet.

In the end, this technology helps governing bodies operate more effectively by eliminating paper and streamlining board packet processes. Organizations save money, time and increase transparency for their stakeholders. With BoardDocs, organizations of all sizes can significantly improve the way they create and manage board packets, access information and conduct meetings.

Client Requirements CCLC BoardDocs Pro readers and publishers can access the BoardDocs advanced user interface via most contemporary Web browsers, from virtually anywhere, on just about any Internet-connected device. There are no thick client applications to install, update or maintain. The organization is only responsible for supplying any client hardware and network infrastructure necessary to connect to BoardDocs services via the Internet.

Dedicated Database BoardDocs uses a dedicated database and code base for each client. By using separate databases, access control lists and code for each client, Emerald Data Solutions can assure that no other BoardDocs subscriber will have unauthorized access to any organization’s private data. This also prevents data corruption from spreading throughout the system.

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Integrated Solution CCLC BoardDocs Pro is the only solution to provide paperless meeting, library, goal tracking, events, video and policy solutions in one product. Other solutions require separate products for policies and agenda items. BoardDocs provides for all governance document needs in one simple system. This allows our clients to use one service for the features that boards need the most to support and streamline their governance activities.

Hosting and Technology Partners Our hosting environment is supported by technology partners who are regarded as the best-in-class providers of their services. Application services are provided by clusters of Oracle/Sun servers, behind four F5 enterprise load-balancers that are connected to redundant, high-speed network connections. These clusters are hosted at three SSAE 16/SOC1 audited (formally SAS 70) dedicated hosting centers located in Denver, Co Sterling, VA and Toronto, Canada. All feature emergency backup environmental systems for continuous, 7 x 24 operation. At each site, data is kept on dual, fully- redundant fiber arrays with redundant connections to all servers and independent copies of the data are kept and stored on dual Raid 5+1 configured arrays at each site, so hardware failure is extremely unlikely. Additionally, each week night, between 11:30 PM and 3:00 AM, production data is copied to a NAS-attached array. This backup is kept for 1 week, except for Friday's backup, which is stored for 3 additional weeks.

Storage BoardDocs provides document archives and instant access for at least 20 years of information. If, after 20 years the amount of information does not exceed 20 GB, additional data will be stored until the limit is reached. Data exceeding the 20-year limit will be archived on optical media and provided to the organization.

Customization BoardDocs service includes customization at no additional charge. Through customization, BoardDocs is ideal for both large and small organizations. While each organization has different agenda, formatting and workflow needs, our customization functionality assures that your processes will not be driven by the software. Rather, our technology will work to support your existing meeting format, agenda and workflow.

Search and MetaSearch BoardDocs provides the ability to perform searches against the full text of any document in the system – including attachments. The document publisher determines what documents or parts of documents users can access. Through MetaSearch, BoardDocs also provides the capability to perform searches of public agenda items and policies from similar organizations using BoardDocs services. By using this exclusive feature, staff and governing bodies can research policies and procurement on a national basis, incorporate findings into their own efforts and ultimately save a great deal of time and money.

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Custom Interface BoardDocs supports the branding of public and private Web apps with the subscriber’s information. Organizational logo support is provided for the apps and all printed documents. At any time, the subscriber can further modify the public and private Web sites with custom verbiage and designated documents. The public areas of BoardDocs are designed to tie into the organization’s Web site, and include a link back to it.

BoardDocs features several ways for subscribers to access data in the BoardDocs Pro database outside of our standard interface, including RSS and XML access to all public data. Using XML and RSS, dynamic information can be integrated into existing Web sites or custom queries can be made from most popular third-party reporting tools. Custom interfaces to the BoardDocs Pro data can also be created.

Ownership of Data, Backups, Object and Source Code While BoardDocs maintains the data on behalf of each subscriber, we believe that the organization should have an up-to-date, local copy of all data. Our customers retain all ownership of content posted to their database and have exclusive control of who can access the data and when. Designated staff control access while the system and centralized storage ensure that there is only one valid and current copy of the information.

Technical Support BoardDocs provides live, 7 x 24, US-based, no-charge technical support for all document publishers and authenticated users for the life of the agreement. The technical support is available via toll-free phone number with a guaranteed response time of two hours, with a 24-hour resolution.

User Reports BoardDocs is able to provide reporting on when users log in and access documents. If this information is provided to the organization, it will then be available to anyone via FOIA and Sunshine regulations. Most public governing bodies do not want this information collected or released to anyone.

User Accounts Each user will have an individual user ID and password. Initially, passwords and user names will only be shared with designated document publishers. After implementation, changes to user names and passwords can be managed by designated staff using BoardDocs’ People Manager.

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Maintenance and Updates Emerald Data Solutions provides ongoing maintenance, including minor fixes and updates to the software for the term of the agreement. Updates and fixes are automatically applied daily, as necessary, without user intervention. Emerald Data Solutions is continually responding to the needs of our subscribers and partners by improving our service and adding new features. This process is continuous and has taken BoardDocs from a simple paperless meeting solution to a comprehensive, fifth- generation eGovernance solution.

Emerald Data Solutions will inform the customer and provide version upgrades as they become available at no additional charge. All version upgrades will be scheduled in advance and performed only after approval by the organization. Since BoardDocs is 100% Web based, there is no need to manage client software or install updates on workstations.

Training and Implementation We have found that video or Web training is not sufficient to ensure complete success. As a result, every implementation of BoardDocs is performed on-site.

Emerald Data Solutions will assign a dedicated Implementation Specialist and Technical Analyst to assist in the implementation of the solution. The Implementation Specialist will conduct three on-site training sessions based on our proven curriculum. Each attendee will receive documentation, customized for the subject matter of their training session. Additionally, the organization’s IT staff will receive a comprehensive IT Implementation Guide.

The training sessions will be scheduled on two consecutive days and will consist of the following:

Document Publishers – This session is to be attended by the designated document publisher(s). The instructor will lead a six- to eight-hour session where the attendee(s) will publish an entire meeting and learn how to load and manage the data and how the data is presented by BoardDocs Pro.

Senior Staff – This consultative session will explore the processes and workflow in preparing information to be managed using BoardDocs Pro. This two-hour session should be attended by the senior cabinet and their administrative assistants.

Governing Bodies – Each member will attend a two-hour, instructor-led session where they will learn how to access the information from any Internet-enabled location and how to participate in a meeting using BoardDocs Pro.

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Other than a $1,000, one-time start-up fee to cover travel expenses, there is no charge for initial training and implementation. Emerald Data Solutions will provide subsequent visits for training, on-site support or attendance of meetings at the organization’s request for no additional charge. For subsequent visits, Emerald Data Solutions will submit travel expenses, including airfare, ground transportation and hotel for reimbursement. The BoardDocs Web site also features documentation and video tutorials if any user would like a quick refresher on how to use the system. Emerald Data Solutions maintains support and training staff in six states, so help is never far away.

Still Need “Some” Paper? If some of your organization’s stakeholders still want to use paper, BoardDocs Pro provides an easy way to print individual agenda items, a customized agenda or even the entire packet.

Organizations can easily customize any report by adding logos, headers, footers and formatted text to their printed documents.

BoardDocs Plus Need a Solution for Multiple Governing Bodies? BoardDocs Plus is a new service enhancement that enables organizations with multiple public governing bodies to provide a separate, distinct and comprehensive suite of BoardDocs services to each group via one subscription.

BoardDocs Pro can support unlimited types of meetings for different committees; however, by adding Plus, each governing body can have separate confidential meetings, separate document managers and separate administrative access. With BoardDocs Plus, BoardDocs services can provide agenda item-level security so only authenticated users in each group can access meetings, agenda items or even parts of an agenda item.

About Emerald Data Solutions Emerald Data Solutions is 100% employee owned and has been providing technology solutions to public and private organizations since 1989. Our past clients have included the State of Georgia, BellSouth, Turner Broadcasting and hundreds of local governments. Currently, Emerald Data Solutions is exclusively dedicated to the development and delivery of BoardDocs eGovernance services. BoardDocs was initially developed in 2000 for Marietta City Schools, and since the national introduction of BoardDocs Pro in June of 2002, over 850 organizations have chosen BoardDocs as their paperless governance solution.

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Features and Costs Summary (ISP/Hosted) BoardDocs Pro service includes the following features:

• BoardDocs eAgenda Solution • BoardDocs ePolicy Development and Publication Solution • BoardDocs Library with Support for Events, News, Board Goals and Board Member Pages • Integrated Board Goals Management and Tracking • Separate, Customizable Packets for the Board, Staff and Public • Private Document Annotations for Governing Body Members • Advanced Document Workflow with Support for Unlimited Number of Document Submitters • Customizable Approval Trees and Collaborative Annotations • On-line or Manual Voting with Support for Virtually Any Type of Vote • Automated Minutes Generation and Release • "Follow Me" so Governing Body Members Will Never Get Lost • Automated Public ScoreBoard, with Voting Results and Speaker Timers • 100% Web-based for access from Windows, Macintosh, Linux, iPad and other mobile devices • Integrated Audio Player - Listen to Meetings Indexed by Agenda Item • Meeting Video simplifies the task of managing and associating videos for private or public meetings • Access to BoardDocs MetaSearch • Search Functionality for Consolidated Searches on Any Content • 7 x 24, Secure, Power-redundant Hosting with Daily Backups • Up to 20 Years of History with DVD Archiving of Data beyond 20 Years • User and Security Administration via People Manager • XML Capabilities to Dynamically Drive BoardDocs Data Into Your Organization's Web site • Social Sharing via Twitter, Facebook and eMail • Development, Publication and Tracking of Strategic Plan • No Extra Charge On-site Training • 7 x 24, Toll-free, US-based End-user Technical Support • No Extra Charge for Customization • Access to All Software Enhancements, Including Version Updates and Fixes for the Term of the Agreement

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COST SUMMARY CCLC BoardDocs Pro Document Management System – $1,000 One-time start-up fee: CCLC BoardDocs Pro Document Management System – $9,000 1 /year agreement Recurring Cost: (Includes maintenance/support, installation, training, updates, upgrades, implementation and customization)

In some states, BoardDocs Pro service fees are invoiced by a designated billing agent. Services are invoiced at the beginning of each annual term. The delivery of BoardDocs services is exclusively defined by the BoardDocs End user Agreement (EUA).

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Company Contact Information

Corporate Office, Payments and Legal Notices:

Emerald Data Solutions, Inc. 519 Johnson Ferry Rd. NE Suite A100 Marietta, GA 30068

Other Information:

Federal Tax ID: 80-0003127 DUNS: 131937562 (800) 407-0141 x 3514 email: [email protected]

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Reference Sheet BoardDocs Pro Reference #1:

Ventura County Community College District 255 West Stanley Ave. Suite 105 Ventura, CA 93001 Patti Blair: 805-652-5578 [email protected]

BoardDocs Pro Reference #2:

San Jose/Evergreen Community College District 600 S. Bascom Avenue San Jose, CA 95128 Joy Pace: 408-288-3136 [email protected]

BoardDocs Pro Reference #3:

Southwestern Community College District (enr. 18,000) 900 Otay Lakes Rd Chula Vista, CA 91910-7299 Main Phone: 619-421-6700 Mary Ganio: 619 482-6315, [email protected]

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