Published by: Ministry of Local Governance Administraon All the rights belong to MLGA Dizajn:
[email protected] Printed: Publishing House "Blendi", Prishnë Content Municipality of Deçan 5-10 Municipality of Gjakova 11-16 Municipality of Gllogoc 17-22 Municipality of Gjilan 23-28 Municipality of Dragash 29-34 Municipality of Istog 35-40 Municipality of Kaçanik 41-46 Municipality of Klina 47-52 Municipality of Fushë Kosova 53-58 Municipality of Kamenica 59-64 Municipality of Mitrovicë Jugore 65-70 Municipality of Leposaviq 71-74 Municipality of Lipjan 75-80 Municipality of Novobërdë 81-86 Municipality of Obiliq 87-92 Municipality of Rahovec 93-98 Municipality of Peja 99-104 Municipality of Podujeva 105-110 Municipality of Prishtina 111-116 Municipality of Prizren 117-122 Municipality of Skënderaj 123-128 Municipality of Shtime 129-134 Municipality of Shtërpcë 135-138 Municipality of Suhareka 139-144 Municipality of Ferizaj 145-150 Municipality of Viti 151-156 Municipality of Vushtrri 157-162 Municipality of Zubin Potok 163-166 Municipality of Zveçan 167-170 Municipality of Malisheva 171-176 Municipality of Junik 177-182 Municipality of Mamusha 183-188 Municipality of Hani i Elezit 189-194 Municipality of Graçanica 195-200 Municipality of Ranillug 201-206 Municipality of Partesh 207-210 Municipality of Kllokot 211-216 Municipality of Mitrovicë Veriore 217-220 MUNICIPALITY OF DEÇAN MLGA .VOJDJQBM1SPGJMFTPGUIF3FQVCMJDPG,PTPWP MUNICIPALITY OF DEÇAN Square “Mentor Tolaj” 038 200 44 304 Facebook – Komuna e Deçanit n.n. Deçan Mission of municipality: All municipal bodies shall ensure that citizens of the municipality enjoy all rights and freedoms regardless of race, ethnicity, color, sex, language, religion, political opinion or other, national or social origin, the property, birth or any other status that they shall enjoy equal rights and opportunities in the utilities of all levels.